Badge should help make sure that group members have a certain knowelge or set of skills . They do not indicate masterhood but a basic understanding of the topic and related sources for further learning.
Begin with the end in mind: Write some questions/aims for each badge.
- States [Active] / [Draft] / [Obsolete]
- Tags/Categories:
- Group organisation
- General Data Science
- High throughput sequencing
- Software Develeopment
- “TT” stand for training topic
- Also refer to ZB MED’s person for this
If you start a project thesis … start writing it already at the beginning..
- tmux
- ssh
- mosh
- remote file editing
- top / htop
- df
- store in data folder not home
- ansible
- Anacondo for software
- Docker / singularity
- What are version control systemy?
- What are distributed version control
- What is git?
- Which other?
- Generate dummy article Markdown file and put put under version control with git. Make changes.
- Share this it on Github
- Noble WS. A quick guide to organizing computational biology projects. PLoS Comput Biol. 2009 Jul;5(7):e1000424. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000424. Epub 2009 Jul 31. PubMed PMID: 19649301; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2709440.
- shell scripts
- for loops
- & and while
- unnamed pipes
-**** TT000X - Storing data in tables
- Tool for HTS (samtools, bedtools, cutadapt, FASTQC) - maybe merge with mappers
- [ ] scripts, REPL (python and ipython), Jupyter notebook
- [ ] variables
- [ ] literal
- [ ] data structures (list, tubles, dictionaries)
- [ ] conditionals
- [ ] for loops
- [ ] functions
- [ ] PEP008
- What are conditionals
- What is an iterator
- What does “pythonic mean?
- classes
- What is list comprehension?
- What are generators
pylint black
- pytest
- code coverage
- Which files belong into a Python project and what is their function?
- static vs. dynamic
- flask vs. Django
- Research Cycle
- Cathedral and Bazaar
- copyleft vs. permissive
- Research software
- What is a t-test?
- What is a p-value
- What is correction for multiple testing?
- Zenodo
- tar
- zip
- gzip, bzip2, xz
- pgzip, pbzip2, pzx
tar cf myfile.tar.bz2 –use-compress-prog=pbzip2 dir_to_compress/
- DESeq2
- EdgeR
- READemption
- Liu et al.
- with standard organisms (
) - with non-standard organims (