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Retail Order Management Software Development Kit

unit test status Scrutinizer Code Quality

A PHP implementation of the Retail Order Management API(s) that hides unnecessary details such as request/response handling and XML parsing from the API user in order to provide a minimal interface for remote messages and procedure calls.

Requires PHP 5.4 and later.

Compatible with Retail Order Management schema version 1.8.20.


For best results, install via Composer.

In composer.json:

"require": {
    "ebayenterprise/retail-order-management": "~1.0"

Or with the Composer CLI:

php composer.phar require ebayenterprise/retail-order-management:~1.0


Payloads represent the data that is sent or received through the SDK.

// The payload factory can be used to create any of the
// supported payloads types.
$payloadFactory = new \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\PayloadFactory;
// Instantiate a payload object with the factory by passing
// the full class name of the payload to the factory.
$payload = $payloadFactory

// Payloads can be populated with data by:

// Calling setters for all of the required data.

// Deserializing a serialized set of data.

// Complete payload can now be validated.
try {
} catch (\eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\Exception\InvalidPayload $e) {
    // The payload is invalid. The exception message, $e->getMessage(),
    // will contain details of the validation error.

// Serializing a payload will produce an XML representation of the payload.

Request Payloads

Request payloads represent a set of data to be sent across the SDK.

/** @var \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Api\HttpApi $api */

// Request payloads will be created as necessary by the transport mechanism
// that will be sending the payload.
$payload = $api->getRequestBody();

// The payload should be populated with data necessary to make the call
// using the SDK.

// Payload interfaces expose methods to set data the data piecemeal.

// A serialized payload may also be deserialized to set all of the data
// in the serialization on the payload.

// Once the payload has been populated, it can be given back to the
// API and sent.

Reply Payload

Reply payloads represent sets of data retrieved from the SDK.

// Get the reply payload from the API object, in this case the
// response from an HTTP API call. Assume $httpApi to be an
// \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagment\Api\HttpApi object.
$payload = $httpApi->getResponseBody();

// If a payload was populated by the SDK, it will have been
// validated automatically. Validation can still be done on demand
// if desired.
try {
} catch (\eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\Exception\InvalidPayload $e) {
    // The payload is invalid. The exception message, $e->getMessage(),
    // will contain details of the validation errors.

// Get methods will be present for any data in the payload.


The majority of payloads in the SDK are flat, all necessary data is set within a single payload object. In some cases, however, a payload will contain additional nested payloads.

/** @var \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagment\Payload\OrderEvents\OrderShipped $payload */

// Some payloads will contain an iterable of sub-payloads. In this case,
// $loyaltyPrograms will be an interable payload containing a collection
// of loyalty program payloads.
$loyaltyPrograms = $payload->getLoyaltyPrograms();

// The iterable is a complete payload and can be serialized, deserialized and
// validated like any other payload.

foreach ($loyaltyPrograms as $program) {
    // The objects in the iterable area also complete payloads.

// Iterable payloads will always provide a way of getting empty payloads
// that can be added to the iterable.
$loyaltyProgram $loyaltyPrograms->getEmptyLoyaltyProgram();

// Payload can now be filled out and added to the iterable.

// Sub-payloads may also be used to create a separate container of data
// within a payload or when a set of data cannot be trivially flattened
// into a single payload.
$destination = $payload->getShippingDestination();

// The shipping destination may be a mailing address (shipped to a customer)
// or a store front location (shipped to a retail store).
if ($destination instanceof \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\OrderEvents\IMailingAddress) {
} elseif ($destination instanceof \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\OrderEvents\IStoreFrontDetails) {

// In both cases, the object returned will still be a complete payload and
// can be treated as such.


The HTTP API is a transport mechanism for communicating with the web service APIs. It facilitates creating, sending and recieving payloads of a message.

// Use an HttpConfig instance to configure an HttpApi object for a message.
$apiConfig = new \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Api\HttpConfig(
    $apiKey, // authentication token for connecting to the api
    $apiMajorVersion, // major version number of the service
    $apiMinorVersion, // minor version number of the service
    $storeId, // Retail Order Management store identifier
    $service, // type of service to communicate with (e.g. payments)
    $operation, // string representing the operation to be performed (e.g. creditcard/auth)
    $endPointParams = [] // optional, extra parameters for the request.
$httpApi = new \eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Api\HttpApi($apiConfig);

try {
    // get the request payload for the message.
    $request = $httpApi->getRequestBody();
    // set the payload as the message body and send the request.
    $reply = $httpApi->getResponseBody();
    // process response data

} catch (\eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\Exception\UnsupportedOperation $e) {
    // Exception may be thrown from: { send, getRequestBody, getResponseBody }
    // Handle the case where the service and operation specified in the configuration has no matching payload.
    print $e->getMessage();

} catch (\eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Api\Exception\UnsupportedHttpAction $e) {
    // Exception may be thrown from: { send }
    // handle the case where the http method is configured with an invalid value
    print $e->getMessage();

} catch (\eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Api\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
    // Exception may be thrown from: { send }
    // handle the case where the request takes longer than the timeout threshold or if the connection cannot be made or is lost
    print $e->getMessage();

} catch (\eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\Exception\InvalidPayload $e) {
    // Exception may be thrown from: { send, getRequestBody, getResponseBody }
    // handle the case where a payload fails validation
    print $e->getMessage();


Use the AMQP API to respond to batches of Retail Order Managment events.

// Similar to the HttpApi, start with by filling out a configuration object
$apiConfig = new Api\AmqpConfig(
    $connectionType, // string that configures the way the api connects to a queue.
                     // Use '\PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPSSLConnection' to connect using ssl.
                     // Use '\PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPConnection' to connect without ssl.
    $maxMessagesToProcess, // The number of message to process per batch
    array $connectionContext,
    // flags
$amqpApi = new Api\HttpApi($apiConfig);

// Get a PayloadIterator object in order to process messages.
$payloads = $amqpApi->fetch();

// Use `valid` to control the iteration over the messages. Each call attempts
// to retreive a message. If a message is received it is `ack`ed immediately.
while ($payloads->valid()) {
    try {
        // The AmqpApi does not deserialize payloads as it recieves them.
        // Deserialization happens during the call to PayloadIterator::current().
        $payload = $payloads->current();
    } catch (\eBayEnterprise\RetailOrderManagement\Payload\Exception\Payload $e) {
        // While iterating through the payloads, a Payload exception may be
        // thrown and cause the premature end of the loop unless caught.

        print $e->getMessage();
    // advance the internal pointer to the next payload


Using Docker

A fig file is included to automate creating and coordinating Docker containers to install and run tests.

To install and run tests using Fig:

# setup and install
fig run --rm setup
fig run --rm composer install
# run tests
fig run --rm phpunit

See fig.yml for additional commands for automated tests and static analysis.

See Docker and Fig for additional installation and usage information.

Local with Composer

After composer has installed all dependencies, tests can be run from the SDK's root directory.

vendor/bin/phpmd src text phpmd.xml
vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=psr2 src