Template class for stack data structure. Template class of Stack uses an object pointer of 'Array' class along with control functions to impliment stack data structure.
Types of Stack template classes:
- Stack (implimented using array)
- LinkedListStack (implimented using linked list)
Avalible data types for Stack:
- bool
- char
- int
- float
- long
- double
Function | Arguments | Return Value | Description |
Stack | int size, DataType value, bool ver | - | Constructor for Stack takes, size of stack, default value (to populate the stack with) and verbose (to turn on/off errors and messages) |
push | int value | void | pushes a value at the top of stack |
pop | - | DataType | pops and returns a element on the top of stack |
display | - | void | prints the Stack to the console |
message | bool ver | void | takes bool value as argument and sets verbose equal to it. |
getLength | - | int | returns the length of Stack |
isEmpty | - | bool | returns true if Stack is empty otherwise false |
isFull | - | bool | returns true if Stack if full otherwise false |
Features with * are yet to be implimented