- Announcing November, a wiki in Perl 6
- November meets the Web
- Rakudo: the good, the cool, the awesome, the bad, the ugly and the weird
- Lovely patchers
- Comments
- I'll call you back
- Nonlinear development history
- A full month of November
- November 1 2008 — the .end is here
- November 2, 2008 — one step forward, two steps back
- November 3, 2008 — today is Skin Monday!
- November 4, 2008 — "bug wrangler"
- November 5, 2008 — remember, remember
- November 6, 2008 — making waves
- November 7, 2008 — just walk into the building
- November 8, 2008 — the joys of discovery
- November 9, 2008 — developing code is like baking bread
- November 10, 2008 — sleep deprivation, I presume?
- November 11, 2008 — the calm after the storm
- November 12, 2008 — blowing stuff up
- November 13, 2008 — the storm after the storm
- November 14, 2008 — pioneers
- November 15, 2008 — a pact
- November 16, 2008 — the right man for the job
- November 17, 2008 — it's a small step for a robotic dog...
- November 18, 2008 — of mice and babies
- November 19, 2008 — things to keep in mind
- November 20, 2008 — fifty thousand orbits around the Earth
- November 21, 2008 — a torrent of things
- November 22, 2008 — there's more than one way to write it
- November 23, 2008 — the rite to write
- November 24, 2008 — evolving things
- November 25, 2008 — the lexbug of death is dead
- November 26, 2008 — we come in peace! bzzz...
- November 27, 2008 — it's just a fleshwound
- November 28, 2008 — "...take thee, Annam Whatley..."
- November 29, 2008 — "I will call it 'the graphophone'!"
- November 30, 2008 — improvements
- That was the month that was
- Fun with code blocks in Perl 6
- This is your chance to write Perl 6 code! Yes, you!
- The care and feeding of S29
- Scripters, now is the time!
- A Perl one-liner grows up
- A farewell to ideas
- Pretending that Envy is one of the Perl virtues
- Three bugs that bug me right now
- Attitude
- November won a prize
- Throwing confetti
- Week 1 of Web.pm — Specifying a framework basics
- Code reviews — a manifesto
- A code review of Pod::Parser, written by mberends
- Week 2 of Web.pm — Creating a minimal Web framework
- Week 3 of Web.pm — Creating a minimal Web framework, cont'd
- Week 4 of Web.pm — Web apps, the first hesitant steps
- NPW 2009 without the verbs
- Week 5 of Web.pm — more tinkering everywhere
- The totally undeserved fame and success of proto
- Week 6 of Web.pm — Hitomi draft, November work
- 'Et tu, bruteforce?'
- Comments broken on perlfoundation [UPDATED]
- Writing a Perl 6 blogging app in 90 minutes
- Week 7 of Web.pm — blogs, Hitomi and server agnosticism
- Barefoot
- How Perl 6 just sells itself
- Week 8 of Web.pm — some Druid and Hitomi fiddling
- How can we scale kindness?
- No update today
- Week 9 of Web.pm — encodings, and a deep dive into Genshi
- 3D, baby!
- Asking #perl about Modern Perl
- Reading up on MVC, part 1: Ruby on Rails
- Week 10 of Web.pm — Genshi, Grampa and some docs
- The Genetic Code one-liner in Perl 6
- Str and Buf — I think I get it now
- Reading up on MVC, part 2: Catalyst
- The reverse boiling frog effect
- Why I like having Tene on the team
- Three things in Perl 6 that aren't so great
- Week 11 of Web.pm — Hitomi does templating
- Some Perlmonks password statistics
- Week 12 of Web.pm — a spec and smartlinks
- Perl 6 is my MMORPG
- Week 13 of Web.pm — abstracting away the webserver, live!
- The Cult of Done
- Week 14 of Web.pm — a persistence module
- An introduction to maze-making (in Literate Perl 6)
- Cheese speleology
- The April List: things I think ought to work in Rakudo Star
- Helpfully addictive: TDD on crack
- Week 15 of Web.pm — another, better persistence module
- Week 16 of Web.pm — more Squerl work
- The dot is the cutest sigil
- Some thoughts on tote
- Laziness for the impatient
- Week 17 of Web.pm — putting Druid on the Web
- The joy of breaking stuff
- Week 18 of Web.pm — the rubber meets the road
- I'm in for an interesting month
- Here we go again; another full month of November
- November 1 2009 — a somewhat shaky start
- November 2 2009 — fighting servers and giant squids
- November 3 2009 — doing it with style and sophistication
- November 4 2009 — no log in for you!
- November 5 2009 — hanging in there
- November 6 2009 — wait, that's not gold...
- November 7 2009 — hasten the process of de-branchification
- The "Perl 6 is not Perl" meme
- Week 19 of Web.pm — building a tutorial
- November 8 2009 — people may call you a troll, but...
- November 9 2009 — stuff comes tumbling down, yay!
- November 10 2009 — think of the children!
- November 11 2009 — nobody said it was going to be easy
- November 12 2009 — some serious history awareness
- November 13 2009 — crying wolf and slinging mud
- November 14 2009 — it's a slightly smaller step for a man
- November 15 2009 — money gets inflated, time gets deflated
- November 16 2009 — digging into some real paperwork
- How Perl 6 could kill us all!
- November 17 2009 — the force is strong with this one
- November 18 2009 — the history mystery
- Rakudo Perl 6 development release #23 ("Lisbon")
- November 19 2009 — a feeling of power, a feeling of release
- November 20 2009 — big battles, small commits
- November 21 2009 — you mean the media distort the truth?
- What you can do with GGE::OPTable that you couldn't without
- November 22 2009 — think globally, act globally
- November 23 2009 — of China(s) and cheese
- November 24 2009 — a sort of leap of faith
- Upcoming: the 7 wonders of the ancient Perl 6 grammar engine
- November 25 2009 — you guys can be on our team
- November 26 2009 — all is fair if you're rewriting Time
- November 27 2009 — straight towards the surface
- November 28 2009 — do you want enfranchisement with that?
- November 29 2009 — drowning in workarounds
- November 30 2009 — gobsmacked but still in the loop
- November in the rearview mirror
- Some module names don't deserve to be short
- The wish, the tuning fork, and the one true heir
- Notation, and the 'business case' for Perl 6
- Highlights of Perl 6 spec changes of 2009
- Adding 'goto' to your Perl 6 program
- Ovid is right: roles are awesome
- The taming of the newbie - a comedy on IRC
- Code generation and stone soup
- Mildew, Sprixel, Vill: In praise of the alternatives
- Blast from the past: E02
- The typo trap: a farcical FAQ
- Ok, so the ante is upped: E03
- E03, the modern, pragmatic, honest version, with corners cut
- I'm a snowplow
- The ghost of Algol 68
- Plain old assignment, and freaky binding
- Pushups, repetition, and newbies
- Step 1 on the road to recovery: admitting you have a problem
- Yapsi 2010.04 Released!
- It's about time
- Levels
- I can haz constant?
- GSoC, contextuals, and intolerance (three posts in one)
- Yapsi 2010.05 Released!
- Perl 6: the Frankenstein's monster of operators
- The tests Rakudo doesn't run
- The trip to Moscow and the DevConf talk (iambic pentameter)
- Week 1 of GSoC work on Buf — not a chocolate cake recipe
- GGE now runs fine on Rakudo master
- Yapsi 2010.06 Released!
- Week 2 of GSoC work on Buf — the power of Swedish beer
- This Week's Contribution to Perl 6 Week 6
- Week 3 of GSoC work on Buf — talk like a Parrot day
- It isn't quite TDD, but I like it
- Announce: Rakudo Perl 6 development release #30 ("Kiev")
- Weeks 4 and 5 of GSoC work on Buf — chrono-flies
- Yapsi 2010.07 Released!
- Speaking hypothetically in Perl 6
- Dreaming in mixins
- Weeks 6 and 7 of GSoC work on Buf — roundtrip
- Iterating your way to happiness with Perl 6
- Phasers are a blast: FIRST and LAST
- Happy 10th anniversary, Perl 6
- 6 built-ins in Perl 6 that you never knew you needed
- Yapsi 2010.08 Released!
- Perl 6 and Perl 5 are different languages
- There's just no way to keep up with all you people
- Weeks 8..12 of GSoC work on Buf — not packing it in yet
- Where in the world is the package lexpad?
- Idiomatic Perl 6
- Yapsi 2010.09 Released!
- The Pugs repository is dead; long live Mu!
- Dog food with a distinct Perl 6 flavor
- It's just a tree, silly!
- To take arms against a sea of bitrot
- Impressions from the trip to Paris
- A sudden insight
- Extending the syntax of Perl 6
- Second system syndrome done wrong
- Yet another month of November
- November 1 2010 — quick, decisive action
- Yapsi 2010.11 Released!
- November 2 2010 — some quick, decisive looting action
- November 3 2010 — reform and improvement
- November 4 2010 — untuit overflow
- November 5 2010 — aim for the eye!
- November 6 2010 — ideals, separation, and pragmatism
- November 7 2010 — man, do we suck at this
- November 8 2010 — Druid is back in town
- November 9 2010 — this is an ex-shogun
- November 10 2010 — why don't you bottom-up?
- November 11 2010 — avAST!
- November 12 2010 — plan of attack
- November 13 2010 — burning tuits
- Extending the multi dispatcher in Perl 6
- November 14 2010 — around and about
- November 15 2010 — taking charge and getting stuff done
- November 16 2010 — the polite revolt
- November 17 2010 — suppression and regressions
- November 18 2010 — insert obvious "In Soviet Russia" joke here
- November 19 2010 — I've got good news and bad news
- November 20 2010 — leftmost longest whale wins
- November 21 2010 — just a few wrinkles to iron out
- November 22 2010 — bring 'em on!
- November 23 2010 — all the world's a stage
- November 24 2010 — the guilty hiding among the innocent
- November 25 2010 — the truth emerges
- November 26 2010 — all in the name of saucepans
- November 27 2010 — urban planning
- November 28 2010 — returning to the oldies
- November 29 2010 — some kind of resolution
- November 30 2010 — going out with style
- Yapsi 2010.12 Released!
- Best. November. EVER.
- masak's Perl 6 Coding Contest
- I'm doing science and I'm still alive
- Yapsi 2011.01 Released!
- The Perl 6 Coding Contest is now closed
- p1: Best way to multiply a chain of matrices
- p2: Is the point in the polygon?
- p3: Is the integer in the rangeset?
- A quick p6cc status update
- The thing with Nim
- Yapsi 2011.02 Released!
- That is so octal
- p4: Pick the last pair of stones
- There's plurality in wrongness
- Yapsi 2011.03 Released!
- p5: Find the longest common substring
- Longest common substrings: a New Hope
- Announcing the winner of masak's Perl 6 Coding Contest 2010
- Yapsi 2011.05 Released!
- A month of blogging about programming fundamentals
- June 1 2011: Input and output
- June 2 2011: Variables
- June 3 2011: If statements
- June 4 2011: Loops
- June 5 2011: Guess a number
- June 6 2011: Building strings
- June 7 2011: Arithmetics
- June 8 2011: Parts of strings
- June 9 2011: given
- June 10 2011: a moon lander
- Fail firmly
- June 11 2011: arrays
- June 12 2011: for loops
- June 13 2011: regexes
- June 14 2011: Logic operators
- June 15 2011: chomp!
- June 16 2011: Subroutines
- June 17 2011: Hashes
- June 18 2011: Junctions
- June 19 2011: Reading files
- June 20 2011: Hangman
- More planning
- June 21 2011: Nested data structures
- June 22 2011: Format strings
- June 23 2011: map and grep
- June 24 2011: Types
- June 25 2011: Connect 4
- June 26 2011: Signatures
- June 27 2011: Classes
- June 28 2011: Roles
- June 29 2011: Text Adventure I
- June 30 2011: Text Adventure II
- What I learned from the June blogging
- YAPC::EU without the adjectives and adverbs
- Why tests will change the way you code (if they haven't already)
- -n and -p
- -n and -p, part two
- -n and -p, part three
- Macros — what are they, really?
- Macro grant accepted
- Macros progress report: a bit of D1
- The 2011 Perl 6 Coding Contest
- The -c flag
- The Perl 6 Coding Contest (2011 edition) is now closed
- Macros progress report: interesting things
- t1: Expressing integers using four nines
- A four-quarter plan for psyde
- t2: Sums of cubes
- Macros progress report: D1 merged
- t3: Addition chains
- Counting t4 configurations
- Revenge of the Oslo hackathon
- Speed up by a factor of 6 million
- t4: Hex puzzle
- Macros progress report: quantum yak shaving
- t5: Enumerating trees
- Another month of blogging: adventure game, here I come!
- July 1 2012 — Hanoi as a black box
- July 2 2012 — implementing Hanoi
- July 3 2012 — testing the adventure game, looking around
- July 4 2012 — moving around I (compass directions)
- July 5 2012 — moving around II (up/down, in/out)
- July 6 2012 — room descriptions (look)
- July 7 2012 — saving and restoring
- July 8 2012 — blocked exits
- July 9 2012 — things and descriptions
- July 10 2012 — things which can be opened
- July 11 2012 — things which contain other things
- July 12 2012 — platform things
- July 13 2012 — things which you can read
- July 14 2012 — hidden things which can be revealed
- July 15 2012 — things which can be carried around
- July 16 2012 — things which are part of the scenery
- July 17 2012 — getting things from the car
- Talking to my 14yo self
- July 18 2012 — finding the door in the grass
- July 19 2012 — filling your car with leaves
- July 20 2012 — putting the leaves in the basket
- Announcing the winner of the Perl 6 Coding Contest 2011
- July 21 2012 — it's too dark in here!
- July 22 2012 — playing the Hanoi game
- July 23 2012 — being blocked by the fire
- July 24 2012 — fetching water
- July 25 2012 — putting out the fire
- July 26 2012 — doom and cavern collapse
- July 27 2012 — triggering doom and dying
- July 28 2012 — moving around III (movement synonyms)
- July 29 2012 — verb synonyms
- July 30 2012 — tying up various loose ends
- July 31 2012 — the finished game
- Sweet ports
- Macros progress report: D2 merged
- The 2012 Perl 6 Coding Contest
- The Perl 6 Coding Contest (2012 edition) is now closed
- I am going to FOSDEM
- Perl 6 is now half as old as Perl
- t1: Tell knights from knaves
- The #masakism workshop
- t2: Rectangle haikus
- After the #masakism workshop
- A VM for 6model
- t3: Wire crossings
- Lexpads and why roles need fixups
- Parsing indented text
- t4: Rain in a world of cubes
- Boxes and pebbles
- Macros progress report: after a long break
- Macros: thunkish parameters
- Feedback on "Macros: thunkish parameters"
- Macros: nesting macros
- Macros: allowing two terms in a row
- Macros: "Define Your Own Literals" Day
- Macros: Placeholdeeers!
- Feedback on "Macros: Placeholdeeers!"
- You're in a space of twisty little mazes, all alike
- Here be heredocs
- Send more money (in Perl 6)
- When I don't even feel like using blame
- Macros: Your macro has been put on hold
- Macros: Time travel is hard
- Double-oh seven
- Strategic rebasing
- Macros: what the FAQ are they?
- Trinity
- Train tracks
- Where in the sky
- The curious case of the disappearing test
- Deep Git
- The root of all eval
- Has it been three years?
- Refactoring the universe