A garden of hallucinated delights.
- Clone
cd large-language-trees
- Install:
npm install
- Run:
npm run dev
... but you need environmental variables - see below!
The keys for the live database (on AWS) and OpenAI (ChatGPT/Dall-E) are deliberately not stored in this repository. That means you need to provide these on your system while testing in development.
- Create a
file (you must include the.
!) in the root of the project folder - Add the following lines:
... where ****
must be replaced with the correct keys or URL strings. Ask for these if you don't have them!
The npm run dev
script will assume you want to use a local database (instead of AWS-hosted DB) and run a local "Netlify CLI" server so that background functions will run on your machine.
To avoid messing with the live/production database (on AWS), you should run a local instance of PostgreSQL database, e.g. using Docker:
docker run --name some-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
The first time you run the local database:
npm run dev:drizzle-generate
npm run dev:drizzle-push
Create a .env.development
file with identical contents to .env
except for the following line:
For realtime messaging (using Tether) to run via a local MQTT broker (recommended!) - you can start up a preconfigured Eclipse Mosquitto broker as follows:
docker run --name tether-broker -d -p 15675:9001 -p 1883:1883 randomstudiotools/tether-broker
Assuming the site is up and running on your development environment (npm run dev
), you can open a new terminal console and run:
npm run dev:drizzle-studio
This will connect to the local database and the Studio interface will be available at https://local.drizzle.studio
The following diagrams are written in Mermaid syntax which will render correctly on GitHub or you might need to install a suitable extension for your IDE.
Frontend->>Server: POST GeneratePlantRequestBody (/api/plants/generate)
Server-->>DB: promptSettings, plant1, plant2
DB-->>Server: promptSettings, plant1, plant2
Server-->>BgFunction: POST BackgroundGenerateTextRequest
BgFunction-->>Server: 202 Accepted
Server->>Frontend: { newPlantId }
- ...This user gets redirected to "/app/gallery"
- The gallery should now include the "seed" plant with the two "author" user names and the chosen name. The plant is not clickable because it is not ready (sprouted) yet.
BackgroundGenerateTextRequest contains:
- ID strings:
- string
(typically, gpt-4-turbo) - array of
objects (role
) backgroundSecret
string used for basic authentication
BgFunction->>OpenAI: POST: model, messages
OpenAI-->>BgFunction: message parsed as Plant
BgFunction->>Server: POST /api/plants/[id]/candidateText
Server->>DB: update generatedPlants with text-contents
Server-->>BgFunction: 200 OK
BgFunction->>Server: POST GenImageToServer /api/images/generate
Server-->>DB: fetch prompt settings
DB-->>Server: prompt settings
Server-->>BgFunction: 200 OK GenImageToBackground (plantId, fullPrompt, model)
BgFunction->>OpenAI: POST: model, prompt
OpenAI-->>BgFunction: url*
BgFunction->>Server: GenerateImageResultBody apit/plants/[id]/candidateImage
Server->>OpenAI: GET image with URL
OpenAI-->>Server: image body
Server-->>S3: Upload image (original, not transparent)
Server-->>DB: Update generatedPlants: imageUrl, awaitingConfirmation=true
DB-->>Server: updated generatedPlants entry
Server->>Tether: EventGeneratedPlantReady
Server->>BgFunction: 201 Created
- ...The "top" user should now see the candidate plant (seed) updated in their gallery with a prompt to click and "sprout" now.
- Note that if the first attempt fails with rate limit detected, then another attempt will be made using Dall-E 2
Tether-->>FE-Gallery: EventGeneratedPlantReady message
FE-Gallery-->>FE-ConfirmBreedPopup: candidateChild
FE-ConfirmBreedPopup-->>FE-TransparencyMaker: candidateImageUrl
FE-TransparencyMaker-->>Server: formData api/images/upload
Server-->>S3: image as Blob
Server-->>FE-TransparencyMaker: 201 Created, { url }
FE-TransparencyMaker-->>FE-ConfirmBreedPopup: replaced url
FE-ConfirmBreedPopup-->PollinationFrontendFunctions: InsertPlant
PollinationFrontendFunctions->>Server: InsertPlant (/api/plants)
Server-->>DB: insert new Plant
Server-->>PollinationFrontendFunctions: 201 Created
PollinationFrontendFunctions->>Server: DELETE /api/plants/[id]/generatedPlant
Server-->>DB: delete from generatedPlants
Server-->>PollinationFrontendFunctions: 202 Accepted
PollinationFrontendFunctions-->>Server: THIS USER plantId, userId (api/plantsInGarden)
Server-->>DB: add entry gardensToPlants
Server-->>PollinationFrontendFunctions: 201 Created
PollinationFrontendFunctions-->>Server: OTHER USER plantId, userId (api/plantsInGarden)
Server-->>DB: add entry gardensToPlants
Server-->>PollinationFrontendFunctions: 201 Created
PollinationFrontendFunctions->>Tether: EventNewSprouting message
...Both this user ("top") and other user ("bottom") should receive the EventNewSprouting message and reload gallery as necessary.
From AWS to file:
pg_dump postgresql://postgres:YA3p5NXwPROiAF0FKrQh@thegarden.c9m0yiyim7u1.eu-north-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432 -f dump.dump --format=custom
From that file to local PostgreSQL:
pg_restore --clean -d postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432 dump.dum
(if clean fails, clear out the database using Admin first, then retry)
On the presentation screens, audio should be played on the "dynamic" displays at certain key events, namely:
- User got their first plant
- New pollination started
- New pollination completed (result)
The /presentation/fixed/overview
screen will also, by default, play a looping ambient soundtrack. You can disable this, if necessary, by passing the search param muted
, e.g. /presentation/fixed/overview?muted=true
You may need to click on a window to allow the browser to play audio. Alternatively, set Chrome to allow sounds on the correct host name.