[ VVVEELLL …VL… ........ ] board[y][x] => this will represent human understandable chords
When operation with player move should be considired that each player will have own start at bottom of the board and enemy for that player will start from top
so on backend frontend data should be transposed corespondently to player
let’s default aproach be `player1` will be at the top and `player2` - bottom (so transposition will be applied for player1)
after player done with layout frontend will send
8 cards in format { type: ‘set_layout’, data: [ {type: ‘card’, pos: [x, y]}, … {type: ‘card’, pos: [x, y]}, ] }
types: [‘virus’, ‘link’]
in respond there will be { type: ‘action’, action: { type: ‘start game’, }, }
For now special action cards will be skiped
frontend -> { type: ‘move’, data: { ‘from’: [x, y], ‘to’: [x, y], } }
backend -> { type: ‘move enemy’, data: { ‘from’: [x, y], ‘to’: [x, y], } }
backend -> { type: ‘reveal’, data: ‘<card type> }
all `game stack` assumptions must be considered separately at frontend and bockend at the moment