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Jeremy Anderson edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 54 revisions

Welcome to the Ravencoin 2.1.1 bug bounty!

In case you haven't heard, Ravencoin 2.1.1 is the big release.

The Asset Protocol is implemented and awaits activation. As a community let's hammer on this thing and make sure it's ready for the Big Day!

Medici Ventures is dedicated to the success of this release and is offering a Bug Bounty for the discovery of eligible defects.

A panel of five members will evaluate and approve bug reports submitted through GitHub issues. The submitted issues that are found to be a critical consensus or chain forking defect will be eligible to receive 100,000 RVN. If a complete fix for the bug is also submitted in a pull request then the reward would be bumped to 150,000 RVN. RVN funds awarded will be sent to the Ravencoin address provided to us through Github by the issue reporter.

The first to report a specific bug which is then approved by the panel receives the award. Awards for defects found will continue to be provided until the end of November or until the Bounty funds are exhausted. We're really focused on looking for those big, nasty, chain-splitting, database-corrupting type of bugs right now.

Please report minor issues too but they won't be eligible for the bounty.

For bugs that may impact mainnet after assets have activated, please either encrypt the issue with Tron's PGP Public Key, or direct message @Chatturga#4827 on Discord or Telegram.


Reporter Issue ID Address TXID Status
Hans-Schmidt 362 RMvTns1DuCTtEAhawNn8EYHBL9ANFPBxgr 8f59fa... paid
Hans-Schmidt 390 RMvTns1DuCTtEAhawNn8EYHBL9ANFPBxgr e1ab19... paid
Scotty0448 281 RPvLEAr9i1aoGy7VpmqLiBXD9f8Pb785Wr 28c733... paid
Scotty0448 400 RDqDE5FzfVMqVutkhXFkwBqjRi1KfBkezt 0435d7... paid
traysi 455 RTraysiSLhXq6QSWHwHMh4E4BEpqEJLbce 1e41ef... paid
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