If you installed this package in an environment, activate it.
For example, if you created the Conda environment with the name myenv
activate it with the following.
conda activate myenv
To run all tests (~120 seconds with ~60 CPU cores), use the following.
pytest plda/ # README.md should be in this directory.
To run a particular test file, run one of the following.
pytest plda/tests/test_model/test_model_units.py # ~.66s for me.
pytest plda/tests/test_model/test_model_integration.py # ~1.0s for me.
pytest plda/tests/test_model/test_model_inference.py # ~80.6s for me.
pytest plda/tests/test_optimizer/test_optimizer_units.py # ~.59s for me.
pytest plda/tests/test_optimizer/test_optimizer_integration.py # ~.78s.
pytest plda/tests/test_optimizer/test_optimizer_inference.py # ~25.3s for me.
pytest plda/tests/test_classifier/test_classifier_integration.py # ~.69s.
Once you finish running the tests,
remove all the __pycache__/
folders generated by pytest with the following.
py3clean plda/* # This README.md should be in here.
Finally, if you are done working with the model and test code, deactivate the Conda environment.
conda deactivate # You can run this from any directory.