diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 81ef13c73..e847f559b 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Check example: [React-tooltip Test](https://react-tooltip.netlify.com/)
Global|Specific |Type |Values | Description
place | data-place | String | top, right, bottom, left | placement
- type | data-type | String | success, warning, error, info, light | theme
+ type | data-type | String | dark, success, warning, error, info, light | theme
effect| data-effect | String | float, solid | behaviour of tooltip
event | data-event | String | e.g. click | custom event to trigger tooltip
eventOff | data-event-off | String | e.g. click | custom event to hide tooltip (only makes effect after setting event attribute)
diff --git a/contributing.md b/contributing.md
index e2db610ee..f1ff238c7 100755
--- a/contributing.md
+++ b/contributing.md
@@ -33,3 +33,8 @@ We are using semantic-release instead of this:
* `git tag -a 3.X.Y -m 3.X.Y` `git push --tags`
* `npm publish`
* add a version on the github release page, based on the tag
+## Typescript Type Definitions
+Ensure that any changes modifying the **props** or **staticmethods** are also reflected in the typescript type definitions file.
diff --git a/react-tooltip.d.ts b/react-tooltip.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02d82356e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/react-tooltip.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+interface Offset {
+ top?: number;
+ right?: number;
+ left?: number;
+ bottom?: number;
+type Place = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
+type Type = 'dark' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'info' | 'light';
+type Effect = 'float' | 'solid';
+type VoidFunc = (...args: any[]) => void;
+type GetContentFunc = (toolTipStr: string) => React.ReactNode;
+type GetContent = GetContentFunc | [GetContentFunc, number];
+interface TooltipProps {
+ children?: React.ReactNode;
+ uuid?: string;
+ // Placement of tooltip
+ place?: Place;
+ // Tooltip styling theme
+ type?: Type;
+ // Behavior of tooltip
+ effect?: Effect;
+ // Global tooltip offset, e.g., offset={{ top: 10, left: 5 }}
+ offset?: Offset;
+ // Support
to make explicitly multiline tooltip comments
+ multiline?: boolean;
+ // Add 1px white border
+ border?: boolean;
+ // Popup text color
+ textColor?: string;
+ // Popup background color
+ backgroundColor?: string;
+ // Popup border color
+ borderColor?: string;
+ // Popup arrow color
+ arrowColor?: string;
+ // Whether to inject the style header into the page
+ // dynamically (violates CSP style-src, but is a convenient default);
+ // default = true
+ insecure?: boolean;
+ // Extra style class
+ class?: string;
+ // Extra style class
+ className?: string;
+ // HTML id attribute
+ id?: string;
+ // Inject raw HTML? (This is a security risk)
+ html?: boolean;
+ // Time delay for hiding popup
+ delayHide?: number;
+ // Time delay for updating popup
+ delayUpdate?: number;
+ // Time delay for showing popup
+ delayShow?: number;
+ // Custom event to trigger tooltip
+ event?: string;
+ // Custom event to hide tooltip
+ // (this requires the event prop as well)
+ eventOff?: string;
+ // When set to true, custom event's propagation
+ // mode will be captue
+ isCapture?: boolean;
+ // Global event to hide tooltip
+ globalEventOff?: string;
+ // Function to dynamically generate the tooltip content
+ getContent?: GetContent;
+ // Callback after tooltip is shown
+ afterShow?: VoidFunc;
+ // Callback after tooltip is hidden
+ afterHide?: VoidFunc;
+ // Callback to override the tooltip position
+ overridePosition?: (
+ position: { left: number; top: number; },
+ currentEvent: Event,
+ currentTarget: EventTarget,
+ // node is the ref argument, and the wrapper
+ // is restricted to: div | span
+ refNode: null | HTMLDivElement | HTMLSpanElement,
+ place: Place,
+ desiredPlace: Place,
+ effect: Effect,
+ offset: Offset,
+ ) => ({ left: number; top: number; });
+ // Manually disable the tooltip behavior
+ disable?: boolean;
+ // Hide the tooltip when scrolling;
+ // default = true
+ scrollHide?: boolean;
+ // Hide the tooltip when risizing the window;
+ // default = true
+ resizeHide?: boolean;
+ // The tooltip parent component;
+ // default = 'div'
+ wrapper?: 'div' | 'span';
+ // Listen to body events vs. individual events
+ bodyMode?: boolean;
+ // List of potential custom events to trigger the popup (in body mode)
+ possibleCustomEvents?: string;
+ // List of potential custom events to hide the popup (in body mode)
+ possibleCustomEventsOff?: string;
+ // Should the tooltip by clickable?
+ clickable?: boolean;
+// ReactTooltip component is the default export
+export default class ReactTooltip extends React.Component {
+ // static methods
+ static show: (target: string) => {};
+ static hide: (target?: string) => {};
+ static rebuild: () => {};