- Reduced component depth in withRouter() HOC. (10d78bb)
- Changed misleading warning when withRouter is used outside a Router (10d78bb)
- Reduced install size and bundle size by switching to mini-create-react-context (992af48)
- Fixed display name for router context consumer and provider (6a99c93)
- Fixed infinite loop caused by Redirect in some scenarios (017f692 and 2ce1d32)
- Fixed license issue for react context polyfill (f9849c8, then 992af48)
- Fixed Redirect throwing an exception in StaticRouter without context (3ccbd19)
- Fixed regression in matchPath that caused an exception for empty paths (7bd1407)
- Fixed page reload when an exception was thrown in Link onClick (82ce94c)
- Fixed warning about createRef or useRef values in wrappedComponentRef when using withRouter() (56c829b)
- Fixed withRouter() wrapped component inside NavLink not working properly (a38ef04)
- Fixed CJS build - previously, incorrect exports were emitted (caa9950)
Thanks to @StringEpsilon for putting this list together. Enjoy!