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Getting Started

These instructions will result in an (almost) fully function development environment for config-manager using minikube to run kubernetes and bonfire to deploy the dependent platform applications into the cluster.


Follow the instructions for generating a quay pull secret, but addition to downloading a pull secret file, copy the "podman login" instructions and log in.

You must have access to the repository. In your app-interface user file, make sure quay_username is set to your username and that you are a member of the insights-engineers.yml role.


Follow the instructions on installing minikube.


Follow the instructions on installing oc.


Follow the instructions on installing bonfire.

Set up a kubernetes cluster using minikube

You only need to do this once.

Start minikube

minikube runs as a libvirt domain. Setting the default libvirt connection URI and adding your user account to the libvirt UNIX group makes interacting with libvirt easier.

echo "LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:////system" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $USER

Log out or reboot after adding yourself to the group to ensure the seat is completely logged out.

minikube start --cpus 8 --disk-size 36GB --memory 16GB --addons=registry --driver=kvm2

Install Clowder Custom Resource Definitions

curl$(curl | jq -r '.tag_name')/build/ | bash

Install Clowder

minikube kubectl -- apply --filename $(curl | jq -r '.assets[0].browser_download_url')
# Apply the example clowder-config ConfigMap that sets enableExternalStrimzi to true
minikube kubectl -- --namespace clowder-system apply --filename$(curl | jq -r '.tag_name')/clowder-config.yaml
# Delete the clowder-system-controller-manager pod to rebuild with the above applied ConfigMap
minikube kubectl -- --namespace clowder-system delete pods --selector control-plane=controller-manager

Create a namespace

Choose a namespace to deploy applications into. The name you choose doesn't matter, but you'll be typing it a lot. Pick something short. I like 'fog' (because fog is a cloud on the ground... get it?).

minikube kubectl -- create namespace fog

Create Pull Secrets

Some deployments are hard-coded to use a secret named quay-cloudservices-pull, so copy the pull secret you downloaded above and rename it:

cp $USER-secret.yml quay-cloudservices-pull.yml
sed -ie "s/$USER-pull-secret/quay-cloudservices-pull/" quay-cloudservices-pull.yml

Now create the secrets in your new namespace:

minikube kubectl -- --namespace fog create --filename $USER-secret.yml
minikube kubectl -- --namespace fog create --filename quay-cloudservices-pull.yml

Deploy ClowdEnvironment

bonfire deploy-env --namespace fog --quay-user $USER

Deploy Applications

bonfire deploy --namespace fog --local-config-path ./scripts/bonfire.yml \
    cloud-connector \
    host-inventory \

Run config-manager

There are two ways to run config-manager: directly on localhost or deployed into the minikube cluster. Both have advantages and drawbacks, so both are presented equally here.

Run directly on localhost

Running directly on localhost allows for a more rapid edit/execute/debug development cycle, but requires forwarding ports from localhost into the cluster services.

Forward ports

The included script will forward ports from localhost to all the necessary services in the cluster.

bash scripts/
service local port cluster port
mosquitto 1883 1883
playbook-dispatcher-api 8001 8000
host-inventory-service 8002 8000
cloud-connector 8003 8080
kafka-ext-bootstrap 9094 9094

Run database

podman run --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=insights --env POSTGRES_USER=insights --env POSTGRES_DB=insights --publish 5432:5432 --name config-manager-db --detach postgres

Run config-manager

CM_LOG_LEVEL=debug \
CM_KAFKA_BROKERS=localhost:9094 \
CM_DISPATCHER_HOST=http://localhost:8001/ \
CM_DISPATCHER_PSK=$(kubectl -n fog get secrets/psk-playbook-dispatcher -o json | jq '.data.key' -r | base64 -d) \
CM_INVENTORY_HOST=http://localhost:8002/ \
CM_CLOUD_CONNECTOR_HOST=http://localhost:8003/api/cloud-connector/v1/ \
CM_CLOUD_CONNECTOR_PSK=$(kubectl -n fog get secrets/psk-cloud-connector -o json | jq '.data["client-psk"]' -r | base64 -d) \
CM_WEB_PORT=8080 \
CM_DB_USER=insights \
CM_DB_PASS=insights \
CM_DB_NAME=insights \
go run .

Deployed into the cluster

Running config-manager in the cluster more accurately simulates the environment in which config-manager runs in the production and stage environments. It more seamlessly interacts with other applications (such as cloud-connector and playbook-dispatcher), but makes for a much slower development cycle. Every time a code change is made, a new image has to be built, pushed and deployed. Fortunately, there is a convenient script to do this for you. See scripts/ for details.

bash scripts/

Forward the port

The included script will forward ports from localhost to all the necessary services in the cluster, including the config-manager-service if detected.

bash scripts/

Send HTTP requests

It should now be possible to interact with config-manager's HTTP API using curl or ht.

ht GET http://localhost:8080/api/config-manager/v2/profiles/current x-rh-identity:$(xrhidgen user | base64 -w0)


Monitoring Kafka topics

# Identify the environment name and export it
export CONFIG_MANAGER_ENV=$(kubectl -n fog get svc -l env=env-fog, -o json | jq '.items[0].metadata.labels[""]' -r)
minikube kubectl -- -n fog run -it --rm --image=edenhill/kcat:1.7.1 kcat -- -b $CONFIG_MANAGER_ENV-kafka-bootstrap.fog.svc.cluster.local:9092 -t

Produce an Inventory Event Kafka message

# Identify the environment name and export it
export CONFIG_MANAGER_ENV=$(kubectl -n fog get svc -l env=env-fog, -o json | jq '.items[0].metadata.labels[""]' -r)
jq --compact-output --null-input --arg id $(uuidgen | tr -d "\n") '{"type":"created","host":{"id":$id,"account":"0000001","reporter":"cloud-connector","system_profile":{"rhc_client_id":$id}}}' | minikube kubectl -- -n fog run -i --rm --image=edenhill/kcat:1.7.1 $(mktemp XXXXXX) -- -b $CONFIG_MANAGER_ENV-kafka-bootstrap.fog.svc.cluster.local:9092 -t -P -H event_type=created