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+title: Using the Redoc CLI
+# Using the Redoc CLI
+With Redoc's command-line interface you can bundle your OpenAPI definition and API documentation
+(made with Redoc) into a zero-dependency HTML file and locally render your
+OpenAPI definition with Redoc.
+## Step 1 - Install Redoc CLI
+You can install the `redoc-cli` package globally using one of the following package managers:
+- [npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/about-npm)
+- [yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/getting-started)
+Or you can install `redoc-cli` using [npx](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/npm-vs-npx-whats-the-difference/).
+### Install Redoc CLI with yarn
+To install the `redoc-cli` package globally with yarn:
+yarn global add redoc-cli
+### Install Redoc with npm
+To install the `redoc-cli` package globally with npm:
+npm i -g redoc-cli
+### Install with `npx`
+To install the `redoc-cli` package locally with `npx`, navigate to your project
+directory in your terminal, then use the following command:
+npx redoc-cli
+## Step 2 - Use the CLI
+### Redoc CLI commands
+The CLI includes the following commands:
+- **`redoc-cli serve [spec]`:** Starts a local server with Redoc. You must include the required parameter, spec, which is
+ a reference to an OpenAPI definition. Options include:
+ - `--ssr`: Implements a server-side rendering model.
+ - `--watch`: Automatically reloads the server while you edit your OpenAPI definition.
+ - `--options`: Customizes your output using [Redoc options](https://redoc.ly/docs/api-reference-docs/configuration/).
+ To add nested options, use dot notation.
+- **`redoc-cli bundle [spec]`:** Bundles `spec` and Redoc into a zero-dependency HTML file. Options include:
+ - `-t` or `--template`: Uses custom [Handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) templates to render your OpenAPI definition.
+ - `--templateOptions`: Adds template options you want to pass to your
+ custom Handlebars template. To add options, use dot notation.
+- **`--help`:** Prints help text for the Redoc CLI commands and options.
+- **`--version`:** Prints the version of the `redoc-cli` package you have installed.
+### Redoc CLI examples
+#### Bundle
+Bundle with the main color changed to `orange`:
+redoc-cli bundle openapi.yaml --options.theme.colors.primary.main=orange
+Bundle using a custom Handlebars template and add custom `templateOptions`:
+redoc-cli bundle http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json -t custom.hbs --templateOptions.metaDescription "Page meta description"
+Sample Handlebars template:
+ {{title}}
+ {{{redocHead}}}
+ {{#unless disableGoogleFont}}{{/unless}}
+ {{{redocHTML}}}
+#### Serve
+Serve with the `nativeScrollbars` option set to `true`:
+redoc-cli serve openapi/dist.yaml --options.nativeScrollbars
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+title: Using the Redoc Docker image
+# Using the Redoc Docker image
+Redoc is available as a pre-built Docker image in [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/redocly/redoc/).
+If you have [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) installed, pull the image with the following command:
+docker pull redocly/redoc
+Then run the image with the following command:
+docker run -p 8080:80 redocly/redoc
+The preview starts on port 8080, based on the port used in the command,
+and can be accessed at `http://localhost:8080`.
+To exit the preview, use `control+C`.
+By default Redoc starts with a demo Swagger Petstore OpenAPI definition located at
+http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json. You can update this URL using
+the environment variable `SPEC_URL`.
+For example:
+docker run -p 8080:80 -e SPEC_URL=https://api.example.com/openapi.json redocly/redoc
+## Using a Dockerfile
+You can also create a Dockerfile with some predefined environment variables. Check out
+a sample [Dockerfile](https://github.com/Redocly/redoc/blob/master/config/docker/Dockerfile)
+in our code repo.
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+title: Using the Redoc HTML element
+# Using the Redoc HTML element
+## TL;DR final code example
+ Redoc
+:::attention Running Redoc locally requires an HTTP server
+Loading local OpenAPI definitions is impossible without running a web server because of issues with
+[same-origin policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Same-origin_policy) and
+other security reasons.
+### Running Redoc locally
+If you want to view your Redoc output locally, you can simulate an HTTP server.
+#### Using Redocly OpenAPI CLI
+Redocly OpenAPI CLI is an open source command-line tool that includes a command
+for simulating an HTTP server to provide a preview of your OpenAPI definition locally.
+If you have [OpenAPI CLI](https://redoc.ly/docs/cli/#installation-and-usage) installed, `cd` into your
+project directory and run the following command:
+openapi preview-docs openapi.yaml
+By default, without providing a port, the preview starts on port 8080, and can be accessed at `http://localhost:8080`.
+To exit the preview, use `control+C`.
+#### Using Python
+If you have [Python 3](https://www.python.org/downloads/) installed, `cd` into your
+project directory and run the following command:
+python3 -m http.server
+If you have [Python 2](https://www.python.org/downloads/) installed, `cd` into your
+project directory and run the following command:
+python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
+The output after entering the command provides the local URL where the preview can be accessed.
+To exit the preview, use `control-C`.
+#### Using Node.js
+If you have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) installed, install `http-server`
+using the following npm command:
+npm install -g http-server
+Then, `cd` into your project directory and run the following command:
+The output after entering the command provides the local URL where the preview can be accessed.
+To exit the preview, use `control-C`.
+## Step 1 - Install Redoc
+You can install Redoc using one of the following package managers:
+- [npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/about-npm)
+- [yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/getting-started)
+:::attention Initialize your package manager
+If you do not have a `package.json` file in your project directory,
+you need to add one by initializing npm or yarn in your project. Use the command `npm init` for npm,
+or `yarn init` for yarn. These initialization commands will lead you through the process
+of creating a `package.json` file in your project.
+For more information, see
+[Creating a package.json file](https://docs.npmjs.com/creating-a-package-json-file)
+in the npm documentation or [Yarn init](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/init/)
+in the yarn documentation.
+### Install Redoc with yarn
+After navigating to your project directory in your terminal, use the following command:
+yarn add redoc
+### Install Redoc with npm
+After navigating to your project directory in your terminal, use the following command:
+npm i redoc
+## Step 2 - Reference the Redoc script
+You can reference the Redoc script using either a link to the files hosted on a CDN
+or the files located in your `node modules` folder.
+### CDN link
+To reference the Redoc script with a CDN link:
+### Node modules link
+To reference the Redoc script with a node modules link:
+## Step 3 - Add the element
+You can add the element to your HTML page and reference your OpenAPI
+definition using the `spec-url` attribute, or you can initialize Redoc using
+a globally exposed Redoc object.
+### Using the `spec-url` attribute
+To add the element with the `spec-url` attribute:
+#### Examples
+You can also use a local file (JSON or YAML) in your project, for instance:
+### Using a Redoc object
+To add the element with a globally exposed Redoc object:
+Redoc.init(specOrSpecUrl, options, element, callback)
+- `specOrSpecUrl`: Either a JSON object with the OpenAPI definition or a URL to the
+ definition in JSON or YAML format.
+- `options`: See [options object](https://redoc.ly/docs/api-reference-docs/configuration/) reference.
+- `element`: DOM element Redoc will be inserted into.
+- `callback`(optional): Callback to be called after Redoc has been fully rendered.
+ It is also called on errors with `error` as the first argument.
+#### Examples
+You can also use a local file (JSON or YAML) in your project, for instance:
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+title: Redoc quickstart guide
+# Redoc quickstart guide
+This guide includes step-by-step instructions for how to get started using
+Redoc to render your OpenAPI definition.
+Redoc offers multiple options for rendering your OpenAPI definition.
+You should select the option that best fits your needs.
+The following options are supported:
+- **[Live demo](/redoc/quickstart/live-demo.md):**
+ The live demo offers a fast way to see how your OpenAPI will render with Redoc.
+- **[HTML element](/redoc/quickstart/html.md):**
+ Using the HTML element works well for typical website deployments.
+- **[React component](/redoc/quickstart/react.md):**
+ Using the React component is an option for users with a React-based application.
+- **[Docker image](/redoc/quickstart/docker.md):**
+ Using the Docker image works in a container-based deployment.
+- **[CLI](/redoc/quickstart/cli.md):**
+ Using the CLI is an option for users who prefer to use a command-line interface.
+## Before you start
+You will need an OpenAPI definition. For testing purposes, you can use one of the following sample OpenAPI definitions:
+- OpenAPI 3.0
+ - [Rebilly Users OpenAPI Definition](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rebilly/api-definitions/main/openapi/users.yaml)
+ - [Swagger Petstore Sample OpenAPI Definition](https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json)
+- OpenAPI 2.0
+ - [Thingful OpenAPI Definition](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thingful/openapi-spec/master/spec/swagger.yaml)
+ - [Fitbit Plus OpenAPI Definition](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TwineHealth/TwineDeveloperDocs/master/spec/swagger.yaml)
+For more information on the OpenAPI specification, refer to the [Learning OpenAPI 3](https://redoc.ly/docs/resources/learning-openapi/)
+section in the documentation.
+## Live demo online
+If you want to see how ReDoc will render your OpenAPI definition, you can try it out online at https://redocly.github.io/redoc/.
+A version of the Swagger Petstore API is displayed by default. To test it with your own OpenAPI definition, enter the URL for your
+definition and select the **TRY IT** button.
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+title: Using the Redoc React component
+# Using the Redoc React component
+## Before you start
+Install the following dependencies required by Redoc if you do not already have them installed:
+- `react`
+- `react-dom`
+- `mobx`
+- `styled-components`
+- `core-js`
+If you have npm installed, you can install these dependencies using the following command:
+npm i react react-dom mobx styled-components core-js
+## Step 1 - Import the `RedocStandalone` component
+import { RedocStandalone } from 'redoc';
+## Step 2 - Use the component
+You can either link to your OpenAPI definition with a URL, using the following format:
+Or you can pass your OpenAPI definition as an object, using the following format:
+## Optional - Pass options
+Options can be passed into the RedocStandalone component to alter how it renders.
+For example:
+For more information on configuration options, refer to the
+[Configuration options for Reference docs](https://redoc.ly/docs/api-reference-docs/configuration/)
+section of the documentation. Options available for Redoc are noted,
+"Supported in Redoc CE".
+## Optional - Specify `onLoaded` callback
+You can also specify the `onLoaded` callback, which is called each time Redoc
+is fully rendered or when an error occurs (with an error as the first argument).
+ {
+ if (!error) {
+ console.log('Yay!');
+ }
+ }}
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+ - group: Quickstart
+ expanded: false
+ page: redoc/quickstart/intro.md
+ pages:
+ - label: HTML element
+ page: redoc/quickstart/html.md
+ - label: React component
+ page: redoc/quickstart/react.md
+ - label: Docker image
+ page: redoc/quickstart/docker.md
+ - label: Command-line interface
+ page: redoc/quickstart/cli.md
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