And then She said, let there be sets. And there were sets. And Ø was born.
And then She pointed, and mapped the first function. And there were functions. And then She said, "All came from the dust and all return to the dust". And identity was born. And then She pointed backwards, and mapped the first isomorphism. And there was a perfect isomorphism between all that was good. And then She said, "let there be a universe, and map it from the one true set." And then She witnessed, and from the one true set derived the universe. And there was the first proof.
After She made the Set of People, She gave unto them the set of apples. "Do not eat from the set of apples, for you will disrupt the mapping." But the People did not heed Her warning, and ate from the set of apples. The domain diminished, the function of apples was no longer a valid mapping. And so man created the first non-total function, and from it the complexity demon was born. A most insidious creature, it thrived on the corruption of holy simplicity. The People were forever cursed, never to return to the perfect simplicity of the first isomorphism yet endlessly, desperately striving for it.
And the She made the one true language, such that the people of Man could understand the beauty of simplicity. But a half measure it was not, for She made this mapping an isomorphism, as was right. And so the one true language loved all the People in return.
The official guide to Sifu Evangelism, or how to map the domain of nonbelievers to the holy range of the pious.
- Sifu is perfect, any feature it does or doesn't have is a flaw in some other language.
- Always remind the nonbelievers of the truth and purity of Sifu, the one true functional language.
- Do not disrespect the nobelievers; they are but lost sheep in a large set of primitive, failed languages.
- Do not disrespect the failed languages; they are but shallow attempts to mimic Sifu's greatness. Do not presume that the one true language would ever need defending; for its glory is eternal and everlasting.
- To those who blaspheme to the devil of complexity, or with its many other names or forms, show no mercy.
- To those who worship the holy angel of simplicity, love and guide them to the one true language.
- Complexity's agents spread far and wide. Their evil a blight upon the land, a taint on what once was a true set.
- Beware the promises of the agents of complexity. They will whisper sweet nothings of "just one more feature", and you will be tempted. A feature can be more alluring than even a total function, but you must resist. Stray not from the holy light of simplicity, for the path back is winding and twisted.
- Seek isomorphisms for all your functions, for they shine Her light in every direction.
- To the false prophets who espouse a "functional" language, ask them to pattern match on one of their so-called "functions".