go-md5mac is an implementation of the MD5-MAC algorithm.
The code was reimplemented after the Crypto++ Project and Code-Reading-Book repositories.
No tests other than my use case for this module has been conducted. Correctness of code and function is currently not to be expected and is not express or implied.
Example usage
var (
key = bytes.Repeat([]uint8{0x41}, 16)
message = bytes.Repeat([]uint8{0x42}, 32)
digest = make([]uint8, 16)
outBuf = make([]uint8, 20)
bufferSize = len(outBuf)
// create md5mac instance
mac, err := md5mac.NewMD5MACWithKey(key)
if err != nil {
return err
// update the digest
// finalize into digest
// write digest in outbuf
for i := 0; i < bufferSize; i += md5mac.MACLENGTH {
copy(outBuf[i:], digest[:])