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File metadata and controls

188 lines (136 loc) · 7.05 KB


The project aims at decoupling the definition of the mapping between RO-Crates and DataCite from code. This means, that users can quickly change/add/remove mapping rules without code changes.

Relative to the root folder of the package src/rocrate_inveniordm/, the mapping is implemented in mapping/ The mapping rules are defined in mapping/mapping.json. Processing functions and condition functions are defined in mapping/ and, respectively.

A human-friendly description of all mappings implemented, including shortcomings and assumptions, can be found in

Mapping format

The mapping is defined in /src/rocrate_inveniordm/mapping/mapping.json and consists of Mapping Collections and Mapping Rules.

Mapping Collections

A Mapping Collection bundles different mapping rules together, e.g. rules that define the mapping between author in RO-Crates and creators in DataCite. Each mapping collection contains the following keys:

Key Description Possible values Mandatory?
mappings contains the mapping rules mapping rules yes (unless _ignore is present)
_ignore ignores the mapping rule if present any no
ifNonePresent in case no mapping rule is applied, the value defined here is applied see below no


ifNonePresent can be used to specify what happens if no Mapping Rule of the defined Mapping Rules in the current Mapping Collection is applied. The value of the field is an array of the following form:

  "<to_query>": "<value>"

In case no Mapping Rule is applied, the value specified in <value> is applied to the field defined by <to_query> in the DataCite.

Mapping Rules

A Mapping Rule defines which fields from RO-Crates are mapped to which fields in DataCite.

Each rule may contain the following keys:

Key Description Possible values Mandatory?
from defines the source in the RO-Crates file query string (see below) yes
to defines the target in the DataCite file query string (see below) yes
value allows value transformations may be a string, array, or object no
processing uses a processing function string starting with $ and referencing an existing processing function no
onlyIf uses a condition function string starting with ? and referencing an existing condition function no
_ignore ignores the rule if present any no

from and to querying

To define the mapping between RO-Crates and DataCite, it is necessary to specify which field in RO-Crates is mapped to which field in DataCite. This is achieved by specifying the from and to fields in a Mapping Rule.


Given the following RO-Crates metadata file:

    "@context": "", 
    "@graph": [
            "@type": "CreativeWork",
            "@id": "ro-crate-metadata.json",
            "conformsTo": {"@id": ""},
            "about": {"@id": "./"}
            "@id": "./",
            "@type": "Dataset",
            "name": "Name",
            "author": {"@id": ""}
            "@id": "",
            "@type": "Person",
            "name": "J. Xuan"

Speficifying the title field is achieved with title. In case the value of a key refers to another object, such as in the case of authors, querying is done using the $ charater. Refering to the name field of an author is done using $ It is important to note, that the author field may be an array. Therefore, it is necessary to mark this as a possible array. Refering to this value can be done by using the [] characters, i.e., $author[].name.

Specifying the DataCite field is done in a similar fashion.

Processing functions

Processing functions are functions that are applied to the raw source value extracted from the RO-Crates metadata file. When a processing function wants to be applied to a mapping rule, the processing entry is assigned the value $<function_name>. The function then needs to be implemented in mapping/


Given is the following mapping of the author type:

"person_or_org_type_mapping": {
    "from": "$author.@type",
    "to": "metadata.creators[].person_or_org.type",
    "processing": "$authorProcessing"

The value Person in the RO-Crates metadata file should be mapped to the value personal. Also, the value Organization should be mapped to the value organizational. The function authorProcessing can now be implemented in mapping/ to achieve this logic. Note that the value of the processing key in the mapping rule and the function name need to coincide:

def authorProcessing(value):
    if value == "Person":
        return "personal"
    elif value == "Organization":
        return "organizational"
        return ""

Condition functions

Condition functions are similar to processing functions. Condition functions can be used to restrict when a mapping rule should be executed. The mapping is executed, if the function defined in the onlyIf key returns true.


The mapping of DOI identifiers looks as follows:

"alternate_mapping": {
  "from": "identifier",
  "to": "metadata.identifiers[]",
  "value": {
      "scheme": "doi",
      "identifier": "@@this"
  "processing": "$doi_processing",
  "onlyIf": "?doi"

The mapping should only be executed, if the value in the identifier field in the RO-Crates metadata file is indeed a DOI identifier. This check can be achieved by defining the doi function in mapping/ Note that the value of the onlyIf key in the mapping rule and the function name need to coincide:

def doi(value):
    return value.startswith("")

Value formatting

A value can also be formatted, e.g. as needed when a value in RO-Crate needs to be transformed to another value in DataCite. Although this can also be achived using a processing function, value transformations provide an easier alternative. Every occurence of @@this is replaced by the source value.


Given the following mapping rule:

"languages_mapping_direct": {
  "from": "inLanguage",
  "to": "metadata.languages[]",
  "value": {
    "id": "@@this"

The RO-Crate entry

"inLanguage": "en"

is transferred into

"metadata": {
  "languages": [
      "id": "en"


This figure illustrates how the functions that are applied in a mapping rule.