Also known as "Really Bad Technical Documentation"
These are mostly notes I create as I go along, marking potential gotchas for people who might try to extend my code. Some day I'll try and add an overview of the code structure, what each class does, etc.
I personally launch ES in windowed mode with a smaller resolution than my monitor and with debug text enabled.
emulationstation --windowed --debug --resolution 1280 720
You probably want to override:
`bool input(InputConfig* config, Input input);`
Check if some input is mapped to some action with `config->isMappedTo("a", input);`.
Check if an input is "pressed" with `input.value != 0` (input.value *can* be negative in the case of axes).
`void update(int deltaTime);`
`deltaTime` is in milliseconds.
`void render(const Transform4x4f& parentTrans);`
You probably want to do `Transform4x4f trans = parentTrans * getTransform();` to get your final "modelview" matrix.
Apply the modelview matrix with `Renderer::setMatrix(const Transform4x4f&)`.
Render any children the component may have with `renderChildren(parentTrans);`.
- Don't allow the user to navigate to the root node's parent. If you use a stack of some sort to keep track of past cursor states this will be a natural side effect.
If your component is not made up of other components, and you draw something to the screen with OpenGL, make sure:
- Your vertex positions are rounded before you render (you can use round(float) in Util.h to do this).
- Your transform matrix's translation is rounded (you can use roundMatrix(affine3f) in Util.h to do this).