Our team of volunteers always welcomes all the help and support we can get as this project requires a wide array of expertise from software developers to UI/UX designers. If have the skillset or require more flight-hours and looking for project to sharpen your skills, we encourage you to contact us at ???
UI/UX Designers
- Create design guides for overall application theme
- Develop application workflows
- Design UI elements and pages.
Frontend JavaScript Developers
- Create Design Input Requirements (DIR) documentation
- Develop UI elements and components using VueJs or React
- Integrate with backend APIs using JavaScript
Backend NodeJs Developers
- Develop APIs using Nodejs and JavaScript
- Launch Nodejs Application on Cloud services
- Architect database schema
The MEMS project is based on the Reveal Foundation to provide the scaffold to build on top off. This section provides instructions on how to port new releases of Reveal Foundation for use with the MEMS project.
- Revise the name API and Client container image names (mems/api: and mems/client:) in docker-compose.yml located at /src/devop
- Launch container using the command
docker-compose --project-name mems up
MAIN -> RC04
- Change main application version number
- Version: 0.4.0 ..
RC04 -> Feature Branch (RC04_NewViewVendor)
- Single contributor
RC04 -> Bug Branch (RC04_BUG_BugName) -Single Contributor -Single Bug
Detached Branch (TST_RC04_FeatureName)
- Test branch
- Delete Branch when testing complete
Pull Request
Feature/Bug PR (Feature Branch -> RC##)
- UI PR - Reviewer AS + Peer
- Backend PR - Reviewer AP
- PR Name: RC## <Feature/Bug Name>
Release Candidate (RC) PR (RC## -> Main)
- Reviewed AS + AP
- User Requirements
- System Architecture and Specification
- Visual Designs
- Sprint Plan
- Test Cases
- Doc Repo
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.