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@cfc62, See also #1722 and related GitHub discussions:
My goal on this: is to move my ~100K pics Photos Library from an iMac Monterey Referenced Library into Sequoia (once I get a new Mac 😉 ) while preserving as much info as possible -- and yes, having it on an external SSD disk, tag it as a System Library and hopefully get all the Photos analysis done. Library on external disk + System Library + Copy Items to the Photos Library resulted in Persons and Memories being created -- promising! (further testing is underway)
I'm going with the following sequence. Please note I don't have RAW pics and I don't used iCloud storage. example export.zsh command I'm testing with. Check the variables setting at the start. Please note I've edited to be able to share it.. so I did not actually test it. Hope there are no major errors! Say no to step 2 as you don't have the!/bin/zsh
# Where to look for autoloaded function definitions
fpath=($fpath ~/.zsh/functions)
# Autoload all shell functions from all directories in $fpath (following
# symlinks) that have the executable bit on (the executable bit is not
# necessary, but gives you an easy way to stop the autoloading of a
# particular shell function). $fpath should not be empty for this to work.
for func in $^fpath/*(N-.x:t); autoload -Uz $func
# Force loading of all the functions in exif_function
# exif_functions
ORIG_LIBRARY="/Users/Shared/Pictures/iPhoto Shared Library.photoslibrary/database/Photos.sqlite"
LIBRARY="/Users/Shared/Pictures/iPhoto Shared Library.photoslibrary/"
function ShouldIContinue() {
local STEP_NAME=$1
echo "$STEP_NAME: Continue (y/[n])?"
read -r x
[[ $x == "y" ]]
# EXPORT -----------------------------------
ShouldIContinue "Step #1: EXPORT"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Ok... Performing Action!"
tail -F ${LOGFILE} & xPID=$(echo $!)
echo Start export $(date) > ${LOGFILE}
mkdir -p ${DEST} >> ${LOGFILE}
caffeinate osxphotos export ${DEST} --load-config recreate.toml --library "${ORIG_LIBRARY}" >> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
echo End export $(date) >> ${LOGFILE}
kill $xPID
echo "... Bypassing Action!"
# CONVERT_AAE -----------------------------------
STEP="Step #2: Convert_AAE"
ShouldIContinue "${STEP}"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Ok... Performing Action!"
tail -F ${CONVERT_LOGFILE} & xPID=$(echo $!)
echo Start "${STEP}" $(date) > ${CONVERT_LOGFILE}
( echo path ; find ${DEST} -type f -name \*.AAE ) | python --convert-all >> ${CONVERT_LOGFILE}
echo End "${STEP}" $(date) >> ${CONVERT_LOGFILE}
kill $xPID
echo "... Bypassing Action!"
# SYNC export -----------------------------------
ShouldIContinue "Step #3: SYNC EXPORT"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Ok... Performing Action!"
tail -F ${SYNC_EXPORT_LOGFILE} & xPID=$(echo $!)
echo Start sync export $(date) > ${SYNC_EXPORT_LOGFILE}
caffeinate -s osxphotos sync --verbose --timestamp --not-hidden --export ${METADATA} --library ${LIBRARY} --report recreate.sync.export.{}.csv >> ${SYNC_EXPORT_LOGFILE} 2>&1
echo End sync export $(date) >> ${SYNC_EXPORT_LOGFILE}
kill $xPIDX
echo "... Bypassing Action!"
# SYNC import -----------------------------------
ShouldIContinue "Step #4: SYNC IMPORT"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Ok... Performing Action!"
tail -F ${SYNC_IMPORT_LOGFILE} & xPID=$(echo $!)
echo Open the new library in Photos to run SYNC import
echo Make sure you have imported all pics.
echo Press RETURN to continue...
read ans
echo Start sync import $(date) > ${SYNC_IMPORT_LOGFILE}
caffeinate -s osxphotos sync --verbose --timestamp --import ${METADATA} --unmatched --merge albums,description,favorite,keywords,location,title --library ${DST_LIBRARY} --report 'recreate.sync.import.{}.csv' >> ${SYNC_IMPORT_LOGFILE}
echo End sync import $(date) >> ${SYNC_IMPORT_LOGFILE}
kill $xPID
echo "... Bypassing Action!"
Example: recreate.toml... please note I've edited to be able to share it.. so I did not actually test it. Hope there are no major errors![export]
#--- Update and Cleanup
cleanup = true
update = true
#db = "/Users/Shared/Pictures/iPhoto Shared Library.photoslibrary"
#--- Group by Year/Year-Month/Day(01-10,11-20,21-31).
# Filter Albums starting with 1|2... as all my albums have the year YYYY so to filter out other Albums and Slideshows that may exist and not export them
directory = "{album|filter(startswith 1|2)?,}{created.year}/{created.year}-{}/{created.dd| <= 10?01-10,{created.dd| <= 20?11-20,{created.dd| > 20?21-31,00}}}"
#--- Dry-Run
# dry_run = true
#--- No exiftool in favor of --export_as_hardlink and --sidecar XMP
# exiftool = true
export_as_hardlink = true
exiftool_merge_keywords = true
exiftool_merge_persons = true
sidecar = ["xmp" ] # , "json"]
#--- Extract only from iPhotoEvents
# folder = ["iPhoto Events"]
#--- Edited files. Export AAE options. Double check need to edited_suffix.
export_aae = true
keyword_template = [
no_progress = true
not_hidden = true
ramdb = true
retry = 2
skip_bursts = false
skip_live = false
#--- From exported Original/AAE: It imports the original and applies AAE. Keeping the original on file. Photos indicates edited file.
#--- see also
skip_edited = true
skip_original_if_edited = false
skip_raw = true
strip = true
timestamp = true
touch_file = true
verbose = true
#--- For Testing you can limit the export.
# from_date = 2010-01-01T00:00:00
# to_date = 2011-01-01T00:00:00
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Thanks @oPromessa for the detailed response! The ability to fully recreate a library from an export is a goal I have for OSXPhotos. I'm working on a separate project that should help with this as it can use the native Photos API to do the import instead of relying on AppleScript as In the mean time, osxphotos handles most of what you need by exporting Live+movie, RAW+JPEG, etc. automatically. The areas you need to pay attention to are: AAE filesThese hold adjustments for non-destructive edits. Use Edited imagesOSXPhotos normally exports edited images with
This sets the filename to Another way to do this that works for all photos is:
This renames all photos to MetadataTo preserve metadata on import, you can do the following: If using If using Photos to import, you can use If using Other notesNote that one downside of using This is a lot to wade through and eventually I do plan to make a simple
You can use Referenced filesDon't use them! It may be unavoidable given what you're trying to do (circumvent Apple's refusal to perform AI analysis on external drives) but they cause nothing but heartache and grief. This is due to the implementation of referenced files which use security scoped bookmarks to comply with Apple's app sandboxing rules. That is, instead of storing just the path to the referenced files, Photos stored a cryptographically signed bookmark to the file. This bookmark is tied to not just the path but the actual volume (disk). That means if you ever move the photos to a new disk (someday the disk will die) Photos cannot find any of your referenced files. OSXPhotos bypasses this and can find and export the referenced files. Apple may have fixed this in Seqoia (I've not checked) but it's been broken since Catalina when they switched to security scoped bookmarks. I think this is all part of a play by Apple to force uses to buy absurdly expensive SSD upgrades from them but regardless, using a referenced library can cause many problems. Also, |
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Unfortunately, something is amiss. When using Photos to import (referenced) originals from osxphotos, I am again running into a space issue, this one similar to but different to the one I mentioned earlier. Even though I've edited perhaps 5% of my library, when importing Photos wants 2-3x (or more) the storage space. That is to say, when just importing the originals as they are stored in the .photoslibrary bundle (~/*.photoslibrary/originals), the storage space requirements are workable. Here, the number of files is 160k @ 1.38 TB. This yields a library bundle size of 127GB. When importing from the osxphotos export, the number of files is 167K @ 1.44 Tb. Amazingly, trying to import only 1 year out of 12 sees Photos error out, wanting 175GB of free space, which I don't have on this machine. This 175GB is smaller than the size of the source directory, so it's not trying to copy the originals into the bundle; that's the original bug I ran into. Thinking of other ways to tackle this, such as not exporting movies, only exporting edits, etc. |
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Try running:
This will print out a count of all the photos of various types in the library which might help figure out why the OSXPhotos count is different than the Photos count. If your edited images exported by OSXPhotos were not in the format |
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Got it. Let me tell you where I am as my goal is the same... to migrate and move my Photos Library to a new Mac on an external disk.
BTW checking the count of files in osxphotos exported folder and the resulting originals folder the newly created Library I have about 180 diff which I believe to be the edits. $ find photos.hard -iname \*.jpg -o -iname \*.mp4 -o -iname \*.jpeg -o -iname \*.mov -o -iname \*.heic > photos.hard.lst
$ find Recreate.NonReferenced.photoslibrary/originals -iname \*.jpg -o -iname \*.mp4 -o -iname \*.jpeg -o -iname \*.mov -o -iname \*.heic > originals.lst
$ wc -l photos.hard.lst originals.lst
26184 photos.hard.lst
26009 originals.lst
52193 total |
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I worked on this some more, but eventually gave up. I don't think it's a bug any more, it has to be tied to their "AI must be on internal disk" requirement/mandate. Also stopped working on this when I saw good progress on internal NAND cards for the new M4 mini. I've seen prices for 2TB around the $200 mark and I suspect with all the entrants that it will come down quickly and there will be some good choices within a month or so. I don't mind keeping my library under 2TB; it has been but it's also getting bigger and I will need to cull in the next few months. |
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Some updates... I decided to try the new .3 beta and the usual method of copying my master .photolibrary bundle to an external SSD then making that the system library on the backup/target Mac. Something is definitely happening now that did not occur previously. There was no visible schema change or library update process, but Photos went from version 721.0.150 to 740.0.200. If one does not rebuild the library, the behavior seems the same - everything is frozen and does not change, meaning there's no new analysis done on the library, no new photos are featured and so on. While this is fine for a backup library, not so great if you were moving your library to a new Mac and leaving the old one. Before, if rebuilding the library many value-added features of Photos were removed. That is, the Featured photos all disappeared, as did Trips, People, Memories, and Days, and this was the state the library remained in. Ugh. Again, maybe OK as a backup, but less so if moving. Sure, there are people listed in the People section, but click on one and you would see just the one photo and nothing else. Clicking on Review more photos would result in a message stating no more pictures of this person exist. Now, rebuilding the library still removes all of the value-added features mentioned above, but now I'm seeing that after it does that, it starts adding items back. People are back. Memories are back. Days are back. At this point (it's been processing for almost 2 days straight now), Featured photos are still blank, as are Trips. Unknown if these are just last to be processed or if they'll remain blank. So, seems like progress, but we'll see how long it takes to complete the process and what the final results are. It did take nearly 24 hours of processing just to remove all of the value added items, so who knows how long it will take to finish up and what we'll be left with when it does. Side note, Apple clearly does not want people to realize how much analysis is going on. Using Overall, I'd much prefer just copying over the library bundle as opposed to exporting and then reimporting, as seen in the other thread that requires a lot of effort and time. Here, not so much. But the jury is still out. One other note on Sequoia Photos, the Featured Photos grew to about 300 on my master library and has remained there for quite a while. Every night about 4-6 new photos are featured and 4-6 photos are removed, so it's not a completely static set of 300 photos. |
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Because I am stubborn and curious, I did pick up the export to reimport task again. This is a bit frustrating as I think I'm running into a combination of my own ignorance, Apple limitations, and Apple bugs. Add in a dash of not really knowing what I want and here we are. In this last pass, I:
Feeling proud of myself, I let the machine do its thing with photoanalysisd and mediaanalysisd and that lot. I see quick results, faces, places, trips, featured photos. Over about 2 days it continues to chew on the assets. Happy! Well, it took me a while to realize that those assets where it complained about "unknown error" and didn't import them, well my followup imports to catch those also didn't work, but no error message. So I'd say maybe 600 assets of all sorts (.mov, jpeg, *edited.jpeg, raw) did not get imported. I'm also seeing odd behavior in Photos where iPhoto raws (DNGs) have edited companions (which I wanted) but the RAW/DNG does not render correctly in Photos. Oh, they render just fine on my master library but Photos on my mini does not like something here. The DNGs are just fine, they open in my master library and look fine, and I can open them on my mini in Preview and they're fine. Now, the DNG RAWs are HDR in nature, and the *edited.jpegs are not, so this is a bit of a problem. Interestingly enough, these DNGs that don't render correctly in Photos don't render correctly on AppleTV either when I serve them from the M1 mini. I haven't noticed that being an issue with my M1 MBP with the master library. Still plugging away... |
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Approaches to moving your photos to another Mac, for either migration or backup, target app being Photos (e.g., not LrC or something else):
Going through this process (repeatedly, sigh) has given me clarity on just what I want:
Buying a new Mac with a large enough SSD gives me the first three, but not the last one. Plus it's expensive Copying the bundle to an external SSD doesn't help with all features and not having a clean start. Easy though, and edits maintained Exporting and reimporting right now is problematic but I can see it working well enough for all 4 items to keep trying. I'd still like the ability to edit single photos from Photos in LrC but that's another discussion. |
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Apple currently either has a bug and/or is no longer allowing AI to work on libraries stored on external disks. Hopefully this will be addressed in an upcoming release, but perhaps it won't be.
As documented elsewhere, I've verified that re-importing photos kept (referenced) on an external disk still works, as long as the .photolibrary bundle is on an internal disk.
For insurance purposes, looking to try exporting my master library from one Mac to an external drive, then hanging that external drive on a different (AS) Max and reimporting all assets as referenced files.
Here's where I sheepishly admit I've never used osxphotos for its main purpose of exporting libraries! The doc looks good so I don't think I'll have much issue in constructing the command line options.
What I'm looking for are "gotchas" that might arise. Preference is to preserve edits and the pairing of RAW/jpeg photos, while still exporting the untouched originals. I'm hoping an export in month-year format won't result in too many subdirectories with huge amounts of assets in them which could choke the import process. I also hope to be able to import recursively with Photos, but I've run into issues with that in the past - thinking if subdirectory size is held to a reasonable minimum this won't happen again.
Also, in my non-structured poking around the .photolibrary bundle I do see some interesting information that possibly could be leveraged in the process - mainly, in one of the cache subdirectories there are files which contain Apple's description of the photo contents.
Thanks in advance!
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