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Dynamic Copy Files and

File metadata and controls

48 lines (46 loc) · 6.18 KB

Dynamically copy files and rename

This document shows the ADF steps that can implement following requirements

  1. a source Azure blob storage account adfsource05 and container sourcecontainer
  2. a target Azure blob storage acount adfstarget06 and container targetcontainer
  3. a MySQL table filetable defines two string columns sourcefile targetname. image
  4. Column sourcefile indicates which files (with path) need to be copied from source blob storage container (adfsource05/sourcecontainer in above step 1) to target blob storage container (adfstarget06/targetcontainer in above step 2), column targetname indicates the renamed file name once copied to target container.

**Following shows how to implement it by Azure Data Factory.

  1. Go to ADF and create a pipleline with name DynamicCopyAndRename, and drag the Lookup activity onto the canvas, and give the name as LookupMySQLTable.
  2. click the settings tab of the Lookup acitivity and add a new Azure MySQL dataset with corresponding MySQL link service like following image image
  3. Set the User query as Query and give the query statement as select * from filetable, remember clear the check of First row only, and then click Preview data to check the if the query result is expected image
  4. Add a ForEach activity and connect behind the lookup activity, give the name as ForEachQueryRow. at the settings tab, check Sequential and click Add dynamic content at Items field, add dynamic content as following capture. image
  5. Click "+" Activities icon inside ForEach activity, and select Copy Data activity to add into ForEach.
  6. Click this copy data activity and go to Sources tab, add Azure Blob Storage dataset with Binary file format (NOTE: you can choose other file format which aligns with your scenario), and create associated blob linked service which pointing to the source blob storage account adfsource05 and save. image
  7. Click the Open button to reopen the dataset setting page image
  8. Click Parameters tab to add parameters image
  9. Add one string type parameter with name ParamSoureFileWithPath and click Connection tab. image
  10. At Connection tab, put your source container name sourcecontainer at container field, and click Add dynamic content at Directory field, give dynamic string as @substring(dataset().ParamSoureFileWithPath,0,lastindexof(dataset().ParamSoureFileWithPath,'/')) image
  11. Similarly give following dynamic content at File name field @substring(dataset().ParamSoureFileWithPath,add(lastindexof(dataset().ParamSoureFileWithPath,'/'),1),sub(length(dataset().ParamSoureFileWithPath),add(lastindexof(dataset().ParamSoureFileWithPath,'/'),1))) image
  12. Click pipeline tab to go back to the Copy Data activity setting page image
  13. Click Sink tab and create a new Azure Blob Storage dataset with Binary file format (NOTE: you can choose other file format which aligns with your scenario), and create associated blob linked service which pointing to the target blob storage account adftarget06 and save.
  14. Click the Open button to reopen the dataset setting page image
  15. Click Parameters tab to add two string type parameters ParamNewFileName ParamNewFolderName. image
  16. Click Connection tab, put your target container name targetcontainer at container field. set dynamic content as @dataset().ParamNewFolderName at Directory field, and set dynamic content as @dataset().ParamNewFileName at File name field. image
  17. Switch back to Pipeline tab and click Source tab of Copy Data activity. set dynamic value @item().sourefile at ParaSourceFileWithPath of Dataset properties (NOTE: the sourcefile in @item().sourefile maps to the sourcefile column name of Lookup activity output). image
  18. Similarly to click Sink tab of Copy Data activity. set dynamic value @item().targetname at ParamNewFileName of Dataset properties (NOTE: the targetname in @item().targetname maps to the targetname column name of Lookup activity output), as well as set dynamic value @substring(item().sourefile,0,lastindexof(item().sourefile,'/')) at ParamNewFolderName property. image
  19. Click Publish all to save the pipleline configuration, and click Debug to test if the copy can be performed successfully as expected. image image