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157 lines (113 loc) · 5.99 KB

File metadata and controls

157 lines (113 loc) · 5.99 KB

log history of geouy package development

geouy v0.2.8 (2023-08-22)

  • update geouy.R for changes in roxygen2
  • debug warning in add_geom.R

geouy v0.2.7 (2023-05-16)

  • Debug testing errors
  • update plot_geouy for deprecated ggplot2::aes_string
  • update which_uy for changes in tidyselect 0.1.1

geouy v0.2.6 (2022-10-04)

  • Add Municipios 2010 and 2015, and Territorial Offices of MIDES to metadata
  • Update geocode_ide_uy() because server of IDEuy change
  • Add a reverse_ide_uy() function for reverse geocoding
  • Change geoservice of "Departamentos"
  • Change code variable name of "Municipios"
  • Update URLs

geouy v0.2.5 (2021-08-12)

  • Add demographic links from IDEuy
  • Add an encoding variable to metadata.
  • Implementation of encoding definition to load_geouy()
  • Add a uy_deptos_grid and a mvd_barrios_grid as geofacet grid dataset
  • Improve citacion year and version

geouy v0.2.4 (2021-05-02)

  • plot_goeuy % bug fixed
  • tutorial
  • Add wfs for CONEAT of RENARE
  • Update links of INE wfs, connecting to "Geoportal del Instituto Nacional de Estadística" made by IDE-Uy
  • Update links of DINAMA wfs, because institutional changes make a change in server name
  • Add metadata_tables for tables with geocodings
  • Add to metadata cod variables for Padrones
  • Add verification of internet access

geouy v0.2.3 (2020-09-15)

  • Add C++11 system requirement for sf update.
  • Add CCZ datasets to metadata.
  • Add a where_uy() to get an sf object by a name or id consult.
  • Add a add_geom() to add a geom variable to a data.frame by a link variable.
  • Improve plot_geouy() fixing bugs, and made compatible with ech:: library.

geouy v0.2.2 (2020-07-31)

  • Add loc_agr_ine dataset of "Localidades agragadas" of INE.
  • Add a geouy.R to discribe the package and set globals variables
  • replace ggsn with ggspatial to improve north and scale aesthetics in plot_geouy
  • remove lat and long axis in plot_goeuy
  • Add a param labels in plot_geouy for labels posiblity, if "%" porcentage with 1 decimal labels, if "n" the value is the label, if "c" put other variable in other_lab

geouy v0.2.1 (2020-06-09)

  • Add educational layers to load_geouy(): "Colegios privados N0a3", "Educación en Primera Infancia e Inicial", "Jardines de infantes", "Escuelas", "Escuelas con N3", "Educacion especial", "Educacion secundaria" y "UTU".
  • Add tryCatch for download.file() in load_geouy() to diferents zip files.

geouy v0.2.0 (2020-05-07)

  • Verify compatibility with 1.0
  • Change the use of to RCurl::getURL at geocode_ide_uy()
  • Try change tiles_ide_uy() from raster to terra, but at the crop step the ptr slot is lost.
  • Improvement of plot_geouy
  • Remove tiles_ide_uy() function, because IDEuy change require methods

geouy v0.1.9 (2020-03-20)

geouy v0.1.8 (2020-03-17)

  • Add to 'tiles_ide_uy()' function options to download .jpg in addition to .tif
  • Add more testthat for 'tiles_ide_uy()' function
  • Add zip format to 'load_goeuy()'
  • Add MVOTMA datasets to metadata, i.e.: Ambientes acuaticos, Areas protegidas, Batimetria, Secciones catastrales, Padrones rurales y urbanos, Secciones policiales, Playas and Cuencas hidrograficas in its 5 nivels.
  • Add to tiles_ide_uy the posibility for Montevideo tiles with urban = TRUE give orthophotos with 10cm per pixel
  • Solved bug with raster::mosaic for combination of multiple tiles to cover a bbox.
  • Add a complementary function for 5382 crs evaluation

geouy v0.1.7 (2020-02-26)

  • Add layers for IDEuy orthophotos grids at 'load_geouy()'
  • Add a 'tiles_ide_uy()' function and it's testthat dile
  • Add a complementary function for 5381 crs evaluation
  • Change all 'paste()' with 'glue()'
  • Add to testthat files 'skip_on...()' functions for a faster evaluation.

geouy v0.1.6 (2020-02-09)

  • Add \value to .Rd files
  • Add all variables option to which_uy function
  • Complementary functions for the evaluation of typical Uruguayan CRS codes (4326 and 32721)

geouy v0.1.5 (2020-01-24)

  • omit the redundant part "Toolbox for" in your title.
  • web reference for the data source/used API in Description
  • write package names, software names and API names in single quotes.
  • replace \dontrun{} by \donttest{} in Rd-files
  • Added in metadata the links to "Secc MVD 2004", "Segm MVD 2004", "Segm URB INT 2004", "Zonas MVD 2004", "Zonas URB INT 2004", "Localidades pt", "Instituciones deportivas"

geouy v0.1.4 (2020-01-22)

  • New function which_uy() which allows to add to an "sf" object its spatial coincidence with one or more administrative units in Uruguay, generating the corresponding variables.
  • Added in metadata the links to "Departamentos" and "Barrios" of the INE, renaming "Departamentos" from IGM to "Limites departamentales"
  • testthat for the new function.

geouy v0.1.3 (2020-01-17)

  • Change readLines for xml2::read_html in geocode_ide_uy()
  • Incorporate Viridis colors to 'plot_geouy()'
  • Added testthat function to all functions

geouy v0.1.1 (2020-01-15)

  • After first release of it to CRAN R, details were corrected in the package documentation
  • Was added checks in Travis (linux and mac), Appveyor and Codecov
  • Generated a DOI in Zenodo

geouy v0.1.0 (2019-12-30)

Launch of geouy v0.1.0 on GitHUb with the following data sets:

  • Localidades_pg
  • Secciones
  • Asentamientos irregulares
  • Balnearios
  • Departamentos
  • Areas administrativas
  • Segmentos
  • Zonas
  • Centros poblados pg
  • Centros poblados pt
  • Cursos de agua
  • Lagunas
  • Rutas
  • Calles
  • Peajes
  • Postes kilometros

And the following functions:

  • load_geouy()
  • geocode_ide_uy()
  • plot_geouy()