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Ricks-Lab GPU Utilities - User Guide

A set of utilities for monitoring GPU performance and modifying control settings.

Current rickslab-gpu-utils Version: 3.7.x


There are 4 methods of installation available and summarized here:

  • Repository - This approach is recommended for those interested in contributing to the project or helping to troubleshoot an issue in realtime with the developer. This type of installation can exist along with any of the other installation type.
  • PyPI - Meant for users wanting to run the very latest version. All PATCH level versions are released here first. This install method is also meant for users not on a Debian distribution.
  • Debian - Lags the PyPI release in order to assure robustness. May not include every PATCH version.
  • Official Debian - Only MAJOR/MINOR releases. This works for releases of Ubuntu 22.04 or Bullseye 11.3 or later.

Repository Installation

For a developer/contributor to the project, it is expected that you duplicate the development environment using a virtual environment. So far, my development activities for this project have used python3.6. The following are details on setting up a virtual environment with python3.6:

sudo apt install -y python3.6-venv
sudo apt install -y python3.6-dev

Clone the repository from GitHub with the following command:

git clone
cd gpu-utils

Initialize your rickslab-gpu-utils-env if it is your first time to use it. From the project root directory, execute:

python3.6 -m venv rickslab-gpu-utils-env
source rickslab-gpu-utils-env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements-venv.txt

If you get errors installing vext, you may need to use the --use-pep517:

pip install --no-cache-dir --use-pep517 -r requirements-venv.txt

On newer systems, I have found that I get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy', even though numpy was successfully installed in the newly created virtual environment. To resolve this, I deactivated the venv and installed it for the system instance of python. When back in the venv, the issue is resolved. No idea why this is happening.

You then run the desired commands by specifying the full path: ./gpu-ls

PyPI Installation

First, remove any previous Debian package and any ricks-amdgpu-utils PyPI installations:

sudo apt purge rickslab-gpu-utils
sudo apt purge ricks-amdgpu-utils
sudo apt autoremove
pip3 uninstall ricks-amdgpu-utils

Install the latest package from PyPI with the following commands:

pip3 install rickslab-gpu-utils

Or, use the pip upgrade option if you have already installed a previous version:

pip3 install rickslab-gpu-utils -U

You may need to open a new terminal window in order for the path to the utilities to be set. Debian Installation

First, remove any previous PyPI installation and exit that terminal. If you also have a Debian installed version, the pip uninstall will likely fail, unless you remove the Debian package first. You can skip this step if you are certain no other install types are still installed:

sudo apt purge rickslab-gpu-utils
sudo apt purge ricks-amdgpu-utils
sudo apt autoremove
pip uninstall rickslab-gpu-utils

If you had previously (before 3.7.6) installed from, you should delete the key from the apt keyring:

sudo apt-key del C98B8839

Next, add the rickslab-gpu-utils repository:

wget -q -O - | sudo gpg --dearmour -o /usr/share/keyrings/rickslab-agent.gpg

echo 'deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/rickslab-agent.gpg] eddore main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rickslab-gpu-utils.list

sudo apt update

Then install the package with apt:

sudo apt install rickslab-gpu-utils

If you decide to no longer use this type of install, you can remove rickslab-gpu-utils from the system repository list by executing the following:

echo '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rickslab-gpu-utils.list

Official Debian Package Installation

First you should verify the availability of the package by distribution with the following command:

rmadison rickslab-gpu-utils

Current package availability is as follows:

 rickslab-gpu-utils | 3.6.0-2 | jammy/universe   | source, all
 rickslab-gpu-utils | 3.6.0-3 | kinetic/universe | source, all
 rickslab-gpu-utils | 3.8.0-1 | lunar/universe   | source, all
 rickslab-gpu-utils | 3.8.0-1 | mantic/universe  | source, all

Then remove any previous PyPI installation and exit that terminal. If you also have a Debian installed versions, the pip uninstall will likely fail, unless you remove the Debian package first. You can skip this step if you are certain no over install types have been installed:

sudo apt purge ricks-amdgpu-utils
sudo apt purge rickslab-gpu-utils
sudo apt autoremove
pip uninstall rickslab-gpu-utils

If you had previously added as a repository source, then you will need to remove this in order to download from the official debian repository. This can be accomplished with the following shell command:

echo '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rickslab-gpu-utils.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install rickslab-gpu-utils

Getting Started

First, this set of utilities is written and tested with Python3.6. If you are using an older version, you will likely see syntax errors. If you are encountering problems, then execute:


This should display a message indicating any Python or Kernel incompatibilities. In order to get maximum capability of these utilities, you should be running with a kernel that provides support of the GPUs you have installed. If using AMD GPUs, installing the latest amdgpu driver or ROCm release, may provide additional capabilities. If you have Nvidia GPUs installed, you should have nvidia.smi installed in order for the utility reading of the cards to be possible. Writing to GPUs is currently only possible for AMD GPUs, and only with compatible cards. Modifying AMD GPU properties requires that the AMD ppfeaturemask be set to 0xfffd7fff. This can be accomplished by adding amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xfffd7fff to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT value in /etc/default/grub and executing sudo update-grub:

I found a more specific way of determining the ppfeaturemask value that sets only the required bits. I have not yet tested on enough systems to know it is robust:

printf 'amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0x%x\n' "$(($(cat /sys/module/amdgpu/parameters/ppfeaturemask) | 0x4000))"
cd /etc/default
sudo vi grub

Modify to include the featuremask as follows:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash amdgpu.ppfeaturemask=0xfffd7fff"

After saving, update grub:

sudo update-grub

and then reboot.

If you have Nvidia GPUs installed, you will need to have nvidia-smi installed.

Using gpu-ls

After getting your system setup to support rickslab-gpu-utils, it is best to verify functionality by listing your GPU details with the gpu-ls command. The utility will use the system lspci command to identify all installed GPUs. The utility will also verify system setup/configuration for read, write, and compute capability. Additional performance/configuration details are read from the GPU for compatible GPUs. Example of the output is as follows:

OS command [nvidia-smi] executable found: [/usr/bin/nvidia-smi]
Detected GPUs: INTEL: 1, NVIDIA: 1, AMD: 1
AMD: amdgpu version: 20.10-1048554
AMD: Wattman features enabled: 0xfffd7fff
3 total GPUs, 1 rw, 1 r-only, 0 w-only

Card Number: 0
   Vendor: INTEL
   Readable: False
   Writable: False
   Compute: False
   Device ID: {'device': '0x3e91', 'subsystem_device': '0x8694', 'subsystem_vendor': '0x1043', 'vendor': '0x8086'}
   Decoded Device ID: 8th Gen Core Processor Gaussian Mixture Model
   Card Model: Intel Corporation 8th Gen Core Processor Gaussian Mixture Model
   PCIe ID: 00:02.0
   Driver: i915
   GPU Type: Unsupported
   HWmon: None
   Card Path: /sys/class/drm/card0/device
   System Card Path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0

Card Number: 1
   Vendor: NVIDIA
   Readable: True
   Writable: False
   Compute: True
   GPU UID: GPU-fcbaadc4-4040-c2e5-d5b6-52d1547bcc64
   GPU S/N: [Not Supported]
   Device ID: {'device': '0x1381', 'subsystem_device': '0x1073', 'subsystem_vendor': '0x10de', 'vendor': '0x10de'}
   Decoded Device ID: GM107 [GeForce GTX 750]
   Card Model: GeForce GTX 750
   Display Card Model: GeForce GTX 750
   Card Index: 0
   PCIe ID: 01:00.0
      Link Speed: GEN3
      Link Width: 8
   Driver: 390.138
   vBIOS Version:
   Compute Platform: OpenCL 1.2 CUDA
   Compute Mode: Default
   GPU Type: Supported
   HWmon: None
   Card Path: /sys/class/drm/card1/device
   System Card Path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0
   Current Power (W): 15.910
   Power Cap (W): 38.50
      Power Cap Range (W): [30.0, 38.5]
   Fan Target Speed (rpm): None
   Current Fan PWM (%): 40.000
   Current GPU Loading (%): 100
   Current Memory Loading (%): 36
   Current VRAM Usage (%): 91.437
      Current VRAM Used (GB): 0.876
      Total VRAM (GB): 0.958
   Current  Temps (C): {'temperature.gpu': 40.0, 'temperature.memory': None}
   Current Clk Frequencies (MHz): {'': 1163.0, 'clocks.mem': 2505.0, '': 1163.0, '': 1046.0}
   Maximum Clk Frequencies (MHz): {'': 1293.0, 'clocks.max.mem': 2505.0, '': 1293.0}
   Current SCLK P-State: [0, '']
   Power Profile Mode: [Not Supported]

Card Number: 2
   Vendor: AMD
   Readable: True
   Writable: True
   Compute: True
   GPU UID: None
   Device ID: {'device': '0x731f', 'subsystem_device': '0xe411', 'subsystem_vendor': '0x1da2', 'vendor': '0x1002'}
   Decoded Device ID: Radeon RX 5600 XT
   Card Model: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 XT / 5700/5700 XT] (rev ca)
   Display Card Model: Radeon RX 5600 XT
   PCIe ID: 04:00.0
      Link Speed: 16 GT/s
      Link Width: 16
   Driver: amdgpu
   vBIOS Version: 113-5E4111U-X4G
   Compute Platform: OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (3075.10)
   GPU Type: CurvePts
   HWmon: /sys/class/drm/card2/device/hwmon/hwmon3
   Card Path: /sys/class/drm/card2/device
   System Card Path: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.1/0000:02:00.0/0000:03:00.0/0000:04:00.0
   Current Power (W): 99.000
   Power Cap (W): 160.000
      Power Cap Range (W): [0, 192]
   Fan Enable: 0
   Fan PWM Mode: [2, 'Dynamic']
   Fan Target Speed (rpm): 1170
   Current Fan Speed (rpm): 1170
   Current Fan PWM (%): 35
      Fan Speed Range (rpm): [0, 3200]
      Fan PWM Range (%): [0, 100]
   Current GPU Loading (%): 50
   Current Memory Loading (%): 49
   Current GTT Memory Usage (%): 0.432
      Current GTT Memory Used (GB): 0.026
      Total GTT Memory (GB): 5.984
   Current VRAM Usage (%): 11.969
      Current VRAM Used (GB): 0.716
      Total VRAM (GB): 5.984
   Current  Temps (C): {'edge': 54.0, 'junction': 61.0, 'mem': 68.0}
   Critical Temps (C): {'edge': 118.0, 'junction': 99.0, 'mem': 99.0}
   Current Voltages (V): {'vddgfx': 937}
   Current Clk Frequencies (MHz): {'mclk': 875.0, 'sclk': 1780.0}
   Current SCLK P-State: [2, '1780Mhz']
      SCLK Range: ['800Mhz', '1820Mhz']
   Current MCLK P-State: [3, '875Mhz']
      MCLK Range: ['625Mhz', '930Mhz']
   Power Profile Mode: 5-COMPUTE
   Power DPM Force Performance Level: manual

If everything is working fine, you should see no warning or errors. The listing utility also has other command line options:

usage: gpu-ls [-h] [--about] [--long | --short | --table | --raw]
              [--pstates | --ppm | --features | --clinfo] [--verbose]
              [--force_all] [--no_markup] [--no_fan] [--debug]

optional arguments:
       -h, --help   show this help message and exit
       --about      README
       --long       Long listing of GPU details. Includes pstate, ppm, features,
                    and clinfo.
       --short      Short listing of basic GPU details
       --table      Current status of readable GPUs
       --raw        Show all raw GPU sensor data
       --pstates    Output pstate tables instead of GPU details
       --ppm        Output power/performance mode tables instead of GPU details
       --features   Output amdgpu Feature table instead of GPU details
       --clinfo     Include openCL with card details
       --verbose    Display informational message of GPU util progress
       --force_all  Force attempt to read all sensors
       --no_markup  Do not format ls output
       --no_fan     Do not include fan setting options
       -d, --debug  Debug logger output

The --clinfo option will make a call to clinfo, if it is installed, and list openCL parameters along with the basic parameters. The benefit of running this in gpu-ls is that the tool uses the PCIe slot id to associate clinfo results with the appropriate GPU in the listing.

If you have the clinfo package installed, then the command gpu-ls --clinfo should provide something like this at the end of each card's listing (example shown for an AMD GPU):

Card Number: 1
   Vendor:  AMD 
   PP Features: 0x0000000019f0e3cf
   Readable: True
   Writable: True
   Compute: True
   Device ID: {'device': '0x66af', 'subsystem_device': '0x1000', 'subsystem_vendor': '0x1458', 'vendor': '0x1002'}
   Decoded Device ID: Vega 20 [Radeon VII]
   PCIe ID: 43:00.0
   GPU Type: Modern
   HWmon: /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon1
   Card Path: /sys/class/drm/card1/device
   System Card Path: /sys/devices/pci0000:40/0000:40:01.1/0000:41:00.0/0000:42:00.0/0000:43:00.0
   ### CLINFO Table Data ############################
   Device OpenCL C Version: OpenCL C 2.0
   Device Name: gfx906
   Device Version: OpenCL 2.0 AMD-APP (3143.9)
   Driver Version: 3143.9 (PAL,HSAIL)
   Max Compute Units: 60
   SIMD per CU: 4
   SIMD Width: 16
   SIMD Instruction Width: 1
   CL Max Memory Allocation: 14588628172
   Max Work Item Dimensions: 3
   Max Work Item Sizes: 1024 1024 1024
   Max Work Group Size: 1024
   Preferred Work Group Size: 256
   Preferred Work Group Multiple: 64

If not, then to see the clinfo data you may need to add yourself to the 'video' and 'render' groups by using these commands:

sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME
sudo usermod -a -G render $LOGNAME

The --pstates option will display the GPU P-State definition table and all other available P-State details.

Card Number: 1
   Vendor:  AMD 
   PP Features: 0x0000000019f0e3cf
   Readable: True
   Writable: True
   Compute: True
   Device ID: {'device': '0x66af', 'subsystem_device': '0x1000', 'subsystem_vendor': '0x1458', 'vendor': '0x1002'}
   Decoded Device ID: Vega 20 [Radeon VII]
   PCIe ID: 43:00.0
   GPU Type: CurvePts
   HWmon: /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon1
   Card Path: /sys/class/drm/card1/device
   System Card Path: /sys/devices/pci0000:40/0000:40:01.1/0000:41:00.0/0000:42:00.0/0000:43:00.0
   ### P-State Table Data ###########################
   DPM States:
   SCLK:                   MCLK:
    0:  701Mhz              0:  351Mhz  
    1:  809Mhz              1:  801Mhz  
    2:  1135Mhz             2:  1001Mhz 
    3:  1373Mhz             
    4:  1547Mhz             
    5:  1684Mhz             
    6:  1750Mhz             
    7:  1774Mhz             
    8:  1802Mhz             
   PP OD States:
   SCLK:                   MCLK:
    0:  808Mhz    -         
    1:  1801Mhz   -         1:  1000Mhz   -       
    0: ['808Mhz', '722mV']
    1: ['1304Mhz', '820mV']
    2: ['1801Mhz', '1122mV']
   All Pstates:
      0: *351Mhz, 1: 801Mhz, 2: 1001Mhz
      0: *358Mhz, 1: 454Mhz, 2: 567Mhz, 3: 680Mhz, 4: 756Mhz, 5: 850Mhz, 6: 972Mhz, 7: 1134Mhz
      0: 310Mhz, 1: 524Mhz, 2: 567Mhz, 3: 619Mhz, 4: 680Mhz, 5: 756Mhz, 6: 850Mhz, 7: *972Mhz
      0: 551Mhz, 1: 611Mhz, 2: 691Mhz, 3: 761Mhz, 4: 871Mhz, 5: 961Mhz, 6: 1081Mhz, 7: *1226Mhz
      0: 701Mhz, 1: *809Mhz, 2: 1135Mhz, 3: 1373Mhz, 4: 1547Mhz, 5: 1684Mhz, 6: 1750Mhz, 7: 1774Mhz, 8: 1802Mhz

Different generations of cards will provide different information with the --ppm option. Here is an example for AMD Ellesmere and Polaris cards:

Card Number: 1
   Vendor:  AMD 
   PP Features: 0x0000000019f0e3cf
   Readable: True
   Writable: True
   Compute: True
   Device ID: {'device': '0x66af', 'subsystem_device': '0x1000', 'subsystem_vendor': '0x1458', 'vendor': '0x1002'}
   Decoded Device ID: Vega 20 [Radeon VII]
   PCIe ID: 43:00.0
   GPU Type: Modern
   HWmon: /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon1
   Card Path: /sys/class/drm/card1/device
   System Card Path: /sys/devices/pci0000:40/0000:40:01.1/0000:41:00.0/0000:42:00.0/0000:43:00.0
   ### PPM Table Data ###############################
   PROFILE_INDEX(NAME) CLOCK_TYPE(NAME) FPS UseRlcBusy MinActiveFreqType MinActiveFreq BoosterFreqType BoosterFreq PD_Data_limit_c PD_Data_error_coeff PD_Data_error_rate_coeff
                       0(       GFXCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     800 4587520  -65536       0
                       1(       SOCCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     800  327680   -6553       0
                       2(         UCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     800  327680  -65536       0
                       3(         FCLK)       0       0       0       0       4     800  327680   -6553       0
    1 3D_FULL_SCREEN :
                       0(       GFXCLK)       0       1       1       0       4     800 4587520  -65536       0
                       1(       SOCCLK)       0       1       4     850       4     800  327680  -65536       0
                       2(         UCLK)       0       1       4     850       4     800  327680  -65536       0
                       3(         FCLK)       0       1       4     850       4     800  327680  -65536       0
    2   POWER_SAVING :
                       0(       GFXCLK)       0       0       1       0       3       0 5898240  -65536       0
                       1(       SOCCLK)       0       0       1       0       3       0 1310720   -6553       0
                       2(         UCLK)       0       0       1       0       3       0 1966080  -65536       0
                       3(         FCLK)       0       0       0       0       3     800 1966080   -6553       0
    3          VIDEO :
                       0(       GFXCLK)       0       1       1       0       4     500 4587520   -6553       0
                       1(       SOCCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     500 1310720   -6553       0
                       2(         UCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     500 1966080  -65536       0
                       3(         FCLK)       0       0       3       0       4     500 1966080   -6553       0
    4             VR :
                       0(       GFXCLK)       0       1       0    1540       4     800 5898240   -6553   65536
                       1(       SOCCLK)       0       1       2       0       4     800  327680  -32768  -65536
                       2(         UCLK)       0       1       2       0       4     800  327680  -32768  -65536
                       3(         FCLK)       0       1       2       0       4     800  327680  -32768  -65536
    5        COMPUTE :
                       0(       GFXCLK)       0       1       0    1600       3       0 3932160  -65536  -65536
                       1(       SOCCLK)       0       0       4     850       3       0  327680  -65536  -32768
                       2(         UCLK)       0       0       4     850       3       0  327680  -65536  -32768
                       3(         FCLK)       0       0       4     850       3       0  327680  -65536  -32768
    6         CUSTOM :
                       0(       GFXCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     800 4587520  -65536       0
                       1(       SOCCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     800  327680   -6553       0
                       2(         UCLK)       0       0       1       0       4     800  327680  -65536       0
                       3(         FCLK)       0       0       0       0       4     800  327680   -6553       0

GPU Type Dependent Behavior

GPU capability and compatibility varies over the various vendors and generations of hardware. In order to manage this variability, rickslab-gpu-utils must classify each installed GPU by its vendor and type. So far, valid types are as follows:

  • Undefined - This is the default assigned type, before a valid type can be determined.
  • Unsupported - This is the type assigned for cards which have no capability of reading beyond basic parameters typical of PCIe devices.
  • Supported - This is the type assigned for basic readability, including nvidia-smi readabile GPUs.
  • Legacy - Applies to legacy AMD GPUs with very basic parameters available to read. (pre-HD7)
  • LegacyAPU - Applies to older AMD integrated graphics with very few parameters available. (Ontario)
  • APU - Applies to AMD integrated graphics with limited parameters available. (Carizzo - Renoir)
  • PStatesNE - Applies to AMD GPUs with most parameters available, but Pstates not writeable. (HD7 series)
  • PStates - Applies to modern AMD GPUs with writeable Pstates. (R9 series thr RX-Vega)
  • CurvePts - Applies to latest generation AMD GPUs that use AVFS curves instead of Pstates. (Vega20 and newer)

With the gpu-ls tool, you can determine the type of your installed GPUs. Here are examples of relevant lines from the output for different types of GPUs:

Decoded Device ID: 8th Gen Core Processor Gaussian Mixture Model [Intel CPU with integrated graphics]
GPU Type: Unsupported

Decoded Device ID: GM107 [GeForce GTX 750]
GPU Type: Supported

Decoded Device ID: R9 290X DirectCU II
GPU Type: PStatesNE

Decoded Device ID: RX Vega64
GPU Type: PStates

Decoded Device ID: Radeon VII
GPU Type: CurvePts

Decoded Device ID: Radeon RX 5600 XT
GPU Type: CurvePts

Monitor and Control utilities will differ between these types:

  • For Undefined and Unsupported types, only generic PCIe parameters are available. These types are considered unreadable, unwritable, and as having no compute capability.
  • For Supported types have the most basic level of readability. This includes NV cards with nvidia-smi support.
  • For Legacy and APU, only basic and limited respectively are readable.
  • For Pstates and PstatesNE type GPUs, pstate details are readable, but for PstatesNE they are not writable. For type Pstates pstate Voltages/Frequencies as well as pstate masking can be specified.
  • The CurvePts type applies to modern (Vega20 and later) AMD GPUs that use AVFS instead of Pstates for performance control. These have the highest degree of read/write capability. The SCLK and MCLK curve end points can be controlled, which has the effect of over/under clocking/voltage. You are also able to modify the three points that define the Vddc-SCLK curve. I have not attempted to OC the card yet, but I assume redefining the 3rd point would be the best approach. For underclocking, lowering the SCLK end point is effective. I don't see a curve defined for memory clock on the Radeon VII, so setting memory clock vs. voltage doesn't seem possible at this time. There also appears to be an inconsistency in the defined voltage ranges for curve points and actual default settings.

Below is a plot of what I extracted for the Frequency vs Voltage curves of the RX Vega64 and the Radeon VII.

Using gpu-mon

By default, gpu-mon will display a text based table in the current terminal window that updates every sleep duration, in seconds, as defined by --sleep N or 2 seconds by default. If you are using water cooling, you can use the --no_fans to remove fan monitoring functionality.

│Card #       │card1           │card2           │
│Model        │GeForce GTX 750 │Radeon RX 5600 X│
│GPU Load %   │100             │91              │
│Mem Load %   │36              │68              │
│VRAM Usage % │89.297          │11.969          │
│GTT Usage %  │None            │0.432           │
│Power (W)    │15.69           │92.0            │
│Power Cap (W)│38.50           │160.0           │
│Energy (kWh) │0.0             │0.002           │
│T (C)        │48.0            │61.0            │
│VddGFX (mV)  │nan             │925             │
│Fan Spd (%)  │40.0            │36              │
│Sclk (MHz)   │1163            │1780            │
│Sclk Pstate  │0               │2               │
│Mclk (MHz)   │2505            │875             │
│Mclk Pstate  │0               │3               │
│Perf Mode    │[Not Supported] │5-COMPUTE       │

The fields are the same as the GUI version of the display, available with the --gui option.

The first row gives the card number for each GPU. This number is the integer used by the driver for each GPU. Most fields are self describing. The Power Cap field is especially useful in managing compute power efficiency, and lowering the cap can result in more level loading and overall lower power usage for little compromise in performance. The Energy field is a derived metric that accumulates GPU energy usage, in kWh, consumed since the monitor started. Note that total card power usage may be more than reported GPU power usage. Energy is calculated as the product of the latest power reading and the elapsed time since the last power reading.

The P-states in the table for CurvePts type GPU are an indication of frequency vs. voltage curves. Setting P-states to control the GPU is no longer relevant for this type, but these concepts are used in reading current states.

The Perf Mode field gives the current power performance mode, which may be modified in with gpu-pac. These modes affect the how frequency and voltage are managed versus loading. This is a very important parameter when managing compute performance.

Executing gpu-mon with the --plot option will display a continuously updating plot of the critical GPU parameters.

Having an gpu-mon Gtx window open at startup may be useful if you run GPU compute projects that autostart and you need to quickly confirm that gpu-pac bash scripts ran as expected at startup (see Using gpu-pac). You can have gpu-mon --gui automatically launch at startup or upon reboot by using the startup utility for your distribution. In Ubuntu, for example, open Startup Applications Preferences app, then in the Preferences window select Add and use something like this in the command field:

/usr/bin/python3 /home/<user>/Desktop/rickslab-gpu-utils/gpu-mon --gui

where /rickslab-gpu-utils may be a soft link to your current distribution directory. This startup approach does not work for the default Terminal text execution of gpu-mon.

Using gpu-plot

In addition to being called from gpu-mon with the --plot option, gpu-plot may be ran as a standalone utility. Just execute gpu-plot --sleep N and the plot will update at the defined interval. It is not recommended to run both the monitor with an independently executed plot, as it will result in twice as many reads from the driver files. Once the plots are displayed, individual items on the plot can be toggled by selecting the named button on the plot display.

The --stdin option is used by gpu-mon --plot in its execution of gpu-plot. This option along with --simlog option can be used to simulate a plot output using a log file generated by gpu-mon --log. I use this feature when troubleshooting problems from other users, but it may also be useful in benchmarking performance. An example of the command line for this is as follows:

cat log_monitor_0421_081038.txt | gpu-plot --stdin --simlog

Using gpu-pac

By default, gpu-pac will open a Gtk based GUI to allow the user to modify GPU performance parameters. I strongly suggest that you completely understand the implications of changing any of the performance settings before you use this utility. As per the terms of the GNU General Public License that covers this project, there is no warranty on the usability of these tools. Any use of this tool is at your own risk.

To help you manage the risk in using this tool, two modes are provided to modify GPU parameters. By default, a bash file is created that you can review and execute to implement the desired changes. Here is an example of that file:

## rickslab-gpu-pac generated script to modify GPU configuration/settings

## WARNING - Do not execute this script without completely
## understanding appropriate values to write to your specific GPUs
#    Copyright (C) 2019  RueiKe
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# Card1  Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Vega 20 (rev c1)
# /sys/class/drm/card1/device
set -x
# Power DPM Force Performance Level: [manual] change to [manual]
sudo sh -c "echo 'manual' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level"
# Powercap Old: 150 New: 150 Min: 0 Max: 300
sudo sh -c "echo '150000000' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon2/power1_cap"
# Fan PWM Old: 0 New: 0 Min: 0 Max: 100
sudo sh -c "echo '1' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1_enable"
sudo sh -c "echo '0' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1"
# sclk curve end point: 0 : 808 MHz
sudo sh -c "echo 's 0 808' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_od_clk_voltage"
# sclk curve end point: 1 : 1650 MHz
sudo sh -c "echo 's 1 1650' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_od_clk_voltage"
# mclk curve end point: 1 : 1050 MHz
sudo sh -c "echo 'm 1 1050' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_od_clk_voltage"
# vddc curve point: 0 : 808 MHz, 724 mV
sudo sh -c "echo 'vc 0 808 724' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_od_clk_voltage"
# vddc curve point: 1 : 1304 MHz, 822 mV
sudo sh -c "echo 'vc 1 1304 822' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_od_clk_voltage"
# vddc curve point: 2 : 1801 MHz, 1124 mV
sudo sh -c "echo 'vc 2 1801 1124' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_od_clk_voltage"
# Selected: ID=5, name=COMPUTE
sudo sh -c "echo '5' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_power_profile_mode"
sudo sh -c "echo 'c' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_od_clk_voltage"
# Sclk P-State Mask Default: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 New: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sudo sh -c "echo '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_dpm_sclk"
# Mclk P-State Mask Default: 0 1 2 New: 0 1 2
sudo sh -c "echo '0 1 2' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_dpm_mclk"

When you execute gpu-pac, you will notice a message bar at the bottom of the interface. By default, it informs you of the mode you are running in. By default, the operation mode is to create a bash file, but with the --execute_pac (or --execute) command line option, the bash file will be automatically executed and then deleted. The message bar will indicate this status. Because the driver files are writable only by root, the commands to write configuration settings are executed with sudo. The message bar will display in red when credentials are pending. Once executed, a yellow message will remind you to check the state of the gpu with gpu-mon. I suggest using the monitor routine when executing pac to see and confirm the changes in real-time.

The command line option --force_write will result in all configuration parameters to be written to the bash file. The default behavior since v2.4.0 is to write only changes. The --force_write is useful for creating a bash file that can be execute to set your cards to a known state. As an example, you could use such a file to configure your GPUs on boot up (see Running Startup PAC Bash Files).

The gpu-pac interface for Type PStates and Type CurvePts cards

In the interface, you will notice entry fields for indicating new values for specific parameters. In most cases, the values in these fields will be the current values, but in the case of P-state masks, it will show the default value instead of the current value. If you know how to obtain the current value, please let me know!

Note that when a PAC bash file is executed either manually or automatically, the resulting fan PWM (% speed) may be slightly different from what you see in the Fan PWM entry field. The direction and magnitude of differences between expected and realized fan speeds can depend on card model. You will need to experiment with different settings to determine how it works with your card. I recommend running these experimental settings when the GPU is not under load. If you know the cause of the differences between entered and final fan PWM values, let me know.

Changes made with gpu-pac do not persist through a system reboot. To reestablish desired GPU settings after a reboot, either re-enter them using gpu-pac or gpu-pac --execute, or execute a previously saved bash file. gpu-pac bash files must retain their originally assigned file name to run properly. See Running Startup PAC Bash Files for how to run PAC bash scripts automatically at system startup.

For Type Pstates cards, while changes to power caps and fan speeds can be made while the GPU is under load, for gpu-pac to work properly, other changes may require that the GPU not be under load, i.e., that sclk P-state and mclk P-state are 0. Possible consequences with making changes under load is that the GPU become stuck in a 0 P-state or that the entire system becomes slow to respond, where a reboot will be needed to restore full GPU functions. Note that when you change a P-state mask, default mask values will reappear in the field after Save, but your specified changes will have been implemented on the card and show up in gpu-mon. Some changes may not persist when a card has a connected display. When changing P-state MHz or mV, the desired P-state mask, if different from default (no masking), will have to be re-entered for clock or voltage changes to be applied. Again, save PAC changes to clocks, voltages, or masks only when the GPU is at resting state (state 0).

For Type CurvePts cards, although changes to P-state masks cannot be made through gpu-pac, changes to all other fields can be made on-the-fly while the card is under load.

Some basic error checking is done before writing, but I suggest you be very certain of all entries before you save changes to the GPU. You should always confirm your changes with gpu-mon.

Updating the PCI ID decode file

In determining the GPU display name, rickslab-gpu-utils will examine two sources. The output of lspci -k -s nn:nn.n is used to generate a complete name, and an algorithm is used to generate a shortened version. From the driver files, a set of files (vendor, device, subsystem_vendor, subsystem_device) contain 4 parts of the Device ID are read and used to extract a GPU model name from system pci.ids file which is sourced from where a comprehensive list is maintained. The system file can be updated from the original source with the command:

sudo update-pciids

If your GPU is not listed in the extract, the website has an interface to allow the user to request an addition to the master list.

Optimizing Compute Performance-Power

The rickslab-gpu-utils tools can be used to optimize performance vs. power for compute workloads by leveraging its ability to measure power and control relevant GPU settings. This flexibility allows one to execute a DOE to measure the effect of GPU settings on the performance in executing specific workloads. In SETI@Home performance, the Energy feature has also been built into benchMT to benchmark power and execution times for various work units. This, combined with the log file produced with gpu-mon --gui --log, may be useful in optimizing performance.

Running Startup PAC Bash Files

If you set your system to run gpu-pac bash scripts automatically, as described in this section, note that changes in your hardware or graphic drivers may cause potentially serious problems with GPU settings unless new PAC bash files are generated following the changes. Review the Using gpu-pac section before proceeding.

One approach is to execute PAC bash scripts as a systemd startup service. From gpu-pac --force_write, set your optimal configurations for each GPU, then Save All. You may need to change ownership to root of each card's bash file: sudo chown root pac_writer*.sh

For each bash file, you could create a symlink (soft link) that corresponds to the card number referenced in each linked bash file, using simple descriptive names, e.g., pac_writer_card1, pac_writer_card2, etc.. These links are optional, but can make management of new or edited startup bash files easier. Links are used in the startup service example, below. Don't forget to reform the link(s) each time a new PAC bash file is written for a card.

Next, create a .service file named something like, gpu-pac-startup.service and give it the following content:

Description=run at boot rickslab-gpu-utils PAC bash scripts




The Type=oneshot service allows use of more than one ExecStart. In this example, three bash files are used for two cards, where two alternative files are used for one card that the system may recognize as either card0 or card1; see further below for an explanation.

Once your .service file is set up, execute the following commands:

sudo chown root:root gpu-pac-startup.service 
sudo mv gpu-pac-startup.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/gpu-pac-startup.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable gpu-pac-startup.service

The last command should produce a terminal stdout like this: Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/gpu-pac-startup.service.

On the next reboot or restart, the GPU(s) will be set with the PAC run parameters. If you want to test the bash script(s) before rebooting, run: ~$ sudo systemctl start gpu-pac-startup.service.

If you have a Type PStates card where some PAC parameters can't be changed when it is under load, you will want to make sure that the PAC bash script executes before the card begins computing. If you have a boinc-client that automatically runs on startup, for example, then consider delaying it for 20 seconds using the cc_config.xml option <start_delay>30</start_delay>.

One or more card numbers that are assigned by amdgpu drivers may change following a system or driver update and restart. With subsequent updates or restarts, a card can switch back to its original number. When a switch occurs, the bash file written for a previous card number will still be read at startup, but will have no effect, causing the renumbered card to run at its default settings. To deal with this possibility, you can create an alternative PAC bash file after a renumbering event and add these alternative files in your systemd service. You will probably just need two alternative bash files for a card that is subject to reindexing. A card's number is shown by gpu-ls and also appears in gpu-mon and gpu-plot. A card's PCI IDs is listed by gpu-ls. If you know what causes GPU card index switching, let me know.

You may find a card running at startup with default power limits and Fan PWM settings instead of what is prescribed in its startup PAC bash file. If so, it may be that the card's hwmon# is different from what is hard coded in the bash file, because the hwmon index for devices can also change upon reboot. To work around this, you can edit a card's bash file to define hwmon# as a variable and modify the hwmon lines to use it. Here is an example for card1:

set -x
HWMON=$(ls /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/)
# Powercap Old: 120 New: 110 Min: 0 Max: 180
sudo sh -c "echo '1100000000' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/$HWMON/power1_cap"
# Fan PWM Old:  44 New:  47 Min:  0 Max:  100
sudo sh -c "echo '1' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/$HWMON/pwm1_enable"
sudo sh -c "echo '119' >  /sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/$HWMON/pwm1"