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392 lines (261 loc) · 8.3 KB

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392 lines (261 loc) · 8.3 KB

On windows, please use Ubuntu 20.04 with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run. (Windows native is not tested yet)



We know Python version 3.10.X is still in development, isntalling with version management tool is recommended. Here, we use pyenv with anyenv since its simplicity.

Prepare GitHub

(optional) Generate ssh key

This step is for those who want to costomize SSH key.
(GitHub CLI can generate id_ed25519 automatically)

From the security perspective, we recommend to use SSH key. Please refer to GitHub documentation

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<Your GitHub Email>"

Setup GitHub Command Line Tool

  1. Create a GitHub account

Please register from this page: GitHub

  1. Install GitHub Command Line Tool

Please follow the official installation.
For ubuntu (Linux) users: Instructions for Linux

  1. Login with your GitHub account

Select the SSH option, and upload your SSH key

gh auth login

Test SSH connection

  1. Write configuration file

Please add following to your ~/.ssh/config file.

Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  # Only for MacOS (10.12.2 or later)
  UseKeychain yes
  # Recommended for the security reason
  PasswordAuthentication no  

# For GitHub
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<Your Secret Key File>
  1. Connect to GitHub
ssh -T

If you get an error about the connection to the ssh-agent, please retry after the following command

eval $(ssh-agent -s)


Clone to your local workspace.

gh repo clone Rione/ssl-RACOON-AI ~/ws/ssl-racoon-ai && cd $_

Setup Protoc

See also the Official Guide

  1. Install build requirements (if not installed)
  • autoconf
  • automake
  • libtool (GNU libtool)
  • make
  • g++
  • unzip

On MacOS native, install with Homebrew is recommended:

brew install autoconf automake libtool

If you use ubuntu (Debian):

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y build-essential automake autoconf libtool unzip
  1. Clone the protobuf repository
gh repo clone protocolbuffers/protobuf ${HOME}/.local/opt/protobuf -- -b v3.19.1 --depth=1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules
  1. Cd into the repo & run setup script
cd ${HOME}/.local/opt/protobuf && ./
  1. Configure to your environment
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/.local/opt/protobuf
  1. Build the code

You can speed up by using make with -j option.

  1. Test the compilation
make check
  1. Install
make install
  1. Link protoc to your bin directory
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.local/bin && ln -s ${HOME}/.local/opt/protobuf/bin/* ${HOME}/.local/bin/
  1. Test the installation
protoc --version

You would get libprotoc 3.19.1.

If you get an error about the command not found, please add following to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file, and retry after source it.

Example (bash):

echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
  1. Add to your $PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Please add the following to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc, and source it.

Example (bash):

echo 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${HOME}/.local/opt/protobuf/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc

Prepare Python environment

Setup anyenv

Since the ease of installation, we recommend using with anyenv. anyenv is a tool to manage multiple version management tools, include pyenv. The tool is provided in Homebrew (brew install anyenv). If you prefer to use Homebrew, please skip the following steps.

  1. Clone anyenv from GitHub
gh repo clone anyenv/anyenv ~/.local/opt/anyenv
  1. Set environment variable

Add following to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file.

export ANYENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.local/opt/anyenv"
if [ -d $ANYENV_ROOT ]; then
  export PATH="${ANYENV_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}"
  eval "$(anyenv init -)"
  test -e "${PYENV_ROOT}/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv" && eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
  1. Install manifests
anyenv install --init

Test the installation:

anyenv install -l

Setup Python 3.10.X with Pyenv

  1. Install Python build dependencies

See also Suggested build environment

On MacOS native (with Homebrew):

brew install openssl@1.1 readline

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libbz2-dev libssl-dev  libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev llvm tk-dev libxmlsec1-dev
  1. Install pyenv
anyenv install pyenv

Restart terminal is recommended after installing pyenv

  1. Search for the available versions
pyenv install -l | grep 3.10
  1. Install Python
pyenv install <Your Selected Version> && pyenv rehash

Setup Poetry

  1. Install build dependencies

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv
  1. Checkout to Python 3.10.x
pyenv shell <Your Selected Version>
  1. Install Poetry
curl -sSL | python3.10 -

Follow the installation guide, and add to your $PATH

  1. Check if Poetry is installed
poetry --version

You would get Poetry version X.X.X

  1. Enable Tab completion (optional)

Please follow the following guide.

NOTE: You can check your shell by echo $SHELL or echo $0 (current shell)


Install dependencies

  1. (Optional) Activate virtual environment

If you are not in the python3.10 environment, please follow the following

pyenv shell <Your Selected Version>
  1. Install dependencies
poetry install

NOTE: If you need extra dependencies, please specify with -E option.

Ex) poetry install -E pygame

Setup Git commit template

cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && git config commit.template .gitmessage.txt

Enable pre-commit hooks

After poetry install, you need to checkout to the .venv with pyenv shell --unset && poetry shell.

pre-commit install

Used hooks:

  • check-yaml
  • end-of-file-fixer - Corrected line breaks to be on one line at the end of the file
  • mixed-line-ending - Unify line feed code to LF
  • no-commit-to-branch - Prohibit committing to branches master, main and dev
  • isort - Ordering import
  • flake8 - Python code style checker
  • pylint - Python code linter
  • mypy - Python type checker
  • black - Python code formatter (See also: Supported hooks - pre-commit)


Compile proto files, build python package to dist directory and execute.
