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File metadata and controls

135 lines (91 loc) · 2.88 KB

Microservices using asynchronous communication and api gateway

Architecture solution


Run docker compose either by visual studio or by command line

In order to run docker compose on visual studio, set docker-compose as start up project

To import collection to Postman, there is a file "challenge_MicroService_Async.postman_collection.json" with all gateway requests

To test with swagger: http://localhost:9002/swagger/index.html

To access RabbitMQ: http://localhost:15672/ username and password: guest / guest

Steps to complete test using swagger

1 - Create user

Endpoint ​/Auth​/SignIn

    "name": "Alberto Junior",
    "cpf": "",
    "Password" : "123456",
    "birthDate": "1993-12-25T17:44:35.665Z",
    "gender": 2,
    "address": null,
    "creditCard": null

To see user created in database, see topic Access Mongodb Container data.

2 - Test user created and add token to SwaggerUI

Endpoint /Auth/LogIn

  "name": "Alberto Junior",
  "password": "123456"

Copy Token from response and in Authorize button for SwaggerUI paste bearer + token From now on, all request that need authorization will have the bearer header authorization

3 - Create App

Endpoint /App/setapp

  "name": "Sales Manager",
  "price": 49

4 - Test app created and get id of app created

Endpoint /App/getapps

ex: appid = "id": "f19ddaba-e0a5-45fc-9b5b-a2dd99fa600b",

5 - Buy App

Endpoint /App/purchase

    "appId": "f19ddaba-e0a5-45fc-9b5b-a2dd99fa600b",
    "userId": "d426d088-af6d-4207-80ec-20275a3aa0d1",
    "saveCreditCard": true,
    "creditCard": {
        "name": "Alberto Junior",
    "number": "5496374407457455",
    "cvv": "123",
    "expirationDateMMYYYY": "122025"

6 - Test App bought

Endpoint /App/getappsbyuser/{userid}

7 - Redo test 2 (Test user created)

it must have the creditcard new information provided during app purchase

Access Mongodb Container data

1 - Using docker UI interface, access Mongodb Container

2 - In command prompt, use commands:


show dbs

use DB



It will return a result like below:

    "_id": "58f3d12e-6886-495e-81e6-232fa4648d30",
    "Name": "Alberto Junior",
    "Cpf": "",
    "Role": 1,
    "PasswordHash": BinData(0,
    "PasswordSalt": BinData(0,
    "BirthDate": ISODate("1993-12-25T17:44:35.665Z"),
    "Gender": 2,
    "CreditCard": null,
    "Address": null