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Rohan Singh edited this page Aug 24, 2014 · 30 revisions

The following operators are available, in order of precedence:

Category Operators
Postfix x.y, x[y], x(y), x++, x--
Prefix -x, !x, ++x, --x
Multiplication *, /, %
Addition +, -
Relational >, >=, <, <=
Equality ==, !=
Conditional And &&
Conditional Or ||
Ternary [[?:
Assign =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, [[|>


These are the rules the equality operators (==, !=) follow.

  1. Values of different types will never be equal.
  2. number and string types of the same value will always be equal.
  3. object, array, and function types will only be equal if they refer to the same instance, not value.
  4. true, false, null, and undefined are only equal with themselves.