From a0b06f57f912c08993724d7b477b8b85af52055e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: roll20deploy Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 01:52:25 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] New translations translation.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) --- Ironsworn-Starforged/translations/pb.json | 3227 ++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 3116 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-) diff --git a/Ironsworn-Starforged/translations/pb.json b/Ironsworn-Starforged/translations/pb.json index d47f92e869a1..91baaeaf8fbf 100644 --- a/Ironsworn-Starforged/translations/pb.json +++ b/Ironsworn-Starforged/translations/pb.json @@ -25,30 +25,29 @@ "asset-starship-name": "Espaçonave", "asset-starship-asset-type": "Veículo de Comando", "asset-starship-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-starship-meter-integrity": "Integrity", "asset-starship-ability-1": "

Sua espaçonave multifuncional armada é adequada para vôo interestelar e atmosférico. Pode transportar confortavelmente várias pessoas, tem espaço para carga e pode transportar e lançar veículos de apoio. Quando você Avançar, você pode gastar experiência para equipar este veículo com ativos de módulo.

", "asset-starship-ability-2": "

Quando você Terminar uma Expedição (perigosa ou maior) em sua espaçonave e consegue um acerto, esta jornada fortalece seus laços com sua nave e quaisquer companheiros de viagem. Você e seus aliados podem marcar 1 tique em sua trilha de legados de vínculos.

", "asset-starship-ability-3": "

Quando você Resistir a Dano, você pode rolar +coração. Se o fizer, Resistir Estresse (-1) em um acerto ou erro fraco.

", "asset-engine-upgrade-name": "Atualização do Motor", "asset-engine-upgrade-asset-type": "Módulo", "asset-engine-upgrade-ability-1": "

Os ajustes finos dos motores de seu veículo aceleram as suas viagens. Quando você Empreender uma Expedição (+gume) e conseguir um acerto forte, receba +1 de momentum; em um acerto forte com um 6 em seu dado de ação, receba +2 de momentum em vez de +1.

", - "asset-engine-upgrade-ability-2": "

Quando você Entrar na Batalha, escolha um (antes de rolar).

", + "asset-engine-upgrade-ability-2": "

When you Enter the Fray, choose one (before rolling).\n\n * Maneuver: Add +1 and take +1 momentum on a strong hit.\n * Boost: Take +2 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-engine-upgrade-ability-3": "

Quando você faz um movimento desesperado para perseguir um inimigo, escapar de uma ameaça ou entrar no alcance, você pode levar seus motores ao limite. Se o fizer (decida depois de rolar), jogue novamente qualquer dado e conte um acerto fraco como um acerto forte. Então, Resistir a Dano (-2).

", "asset-expanded-hold-name": "Carga Expandida", "asset-expanded-hold-asset-type": "Módulo", + "asset-expanded-hold-meter-cargo": "Carga", "asset-expanded-hold-ability-1": "

Seu veículo transporta até 3 cargas. Quando você ganha +suprimento, você pode convertê-lo em +carga. Quando você faz um movimento +suprimento, você pode adicionar +carga. Quando você Sacrificar Recursos, você pode sofrer -carga por qualquer porção do custo.

", "asset-expanded-hold-ability-2": "

Quando você tira um erro um acerto fraco ao fazer um movimento para trocar ou negociar, e você tem pelo menos 1 carga, você pode melhorar o resultado. Se o fizer, jogue novamente todos os dados e adicione +carga. Então, sofra -1 de carga.

", "asset-expanded-hold-ability-3": "

Quando você faz um movimento para fugir de uma ameaça e tem pelo menos 1 carga, você pode primeiro aliviar seu peso soltando a carga. Se o fizer, sofra -carga pela quantidade perdida, adicione +essa quantidade e receba +2 de momentum em um acerto.

", - "asset-expanded-hold-meter-cargo": "Carga", - "roll-plus-cargo": "Role +carga", - "set-cargo-meter": "Definir medidor de carga para {{0}}", "asset-grappler-name": "Carretilha", "asset-grappler-asset-type": "Módulo", - "asset-grappler-ability-1": "

Sua carretilha pode interromper sistemas e prender máquinas e veículos com um cabo magnético. Quando você levar um minuto ou mais para preparar a carretilha, role +integridade ou +centelha. Em um acerto forte, a carretilha é carregada e pode ser disparada. Em um acerto fraco, o carregamento requer tempo extra ou foco e você precisa Perder Momentum (-1). Em uma falha, o carregamento falha e você deve Resistir a Dano (-2). Se você fizer um movimento para atacar um inimigo ou superar um obstáculo disparando a carretilha, receba um acerto forte automaticamente.

", + "asset-grappler-ability-1": "

Your grappler can disrupt systems and snare machines and vehicles with a magnetic tether. When you take a minute or so to ready the grappler, roll +integrity or +wits. On a strong hit, the grappler is charged and may be fired. On a weak hit, charging requires extra time or focus; Lose Momentum (-1). On a miss, charging fails and you must Withstand Damage (-2). If you make a move to attack a foe or overcome an obstacle by firing the grappler, take an automatic strong hit.

", "asset-grappler-ability-2": "

Se você rolar um acerto forte ao preparar a carretilha, você pode Sacrificar Recursos (-1) para sobrecarregar o módulo. Quando você disparar uma carretilha sobrecarregada, receba +2 de momentum; se estiver em uma luta, também marque o progresso.

", "asset-grappler-ability-3": "

Quando você Tomar Ação Decisiva disparando a carretilha, você pode rolar novamente um dado de desafio.

", "asset-heavy-cannons-name": "Canhões Pesados", "asset-heavy-cannons-asset-type": "Módulo", - "asset-heavy-cannons-ability-1": "

Quando você mirar seus canhões e usá-los para Atirar, escolha um.

", + "asset-heavy-cannons-ability-1": "

When you aim your cannons and use them to Strike, choose one.\n\n * Strafing run: Add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.\n * Focus fire: Mark progress on a hit, but Lose Momentum (-1).

", "asset-heavy-cannons-ability-2": "

Uma vez por combate, quando você Colidir ao se comprometer com uma troca de tiros tudo ou nada, adicione +1, conte um acerto fraco como um acerto forte e marque o progresso de um acerto. Em uma falha, você deve sofrer um resultado terrível.

", "asset-heavy-cannons-ability-3": "

Quando você Compelir, Entrar na Batalha, ou Ganhar Terreno trazendo seus canhões para carregar e enviando uma promessa de violência ao seu inimigo pelos canais de comunicação, adicione +1 e receba +1 momentum em um acerto. Em um acerto forte com uma partida, pegue outro momentum de +1.

", "asset-internal-refit-name": "Reparo Interno", @@ -63,12 +62,10 @@ "asset-medbay-ability-3": "

Quando você Enfrentar o Perigo executando um procedimento médico arriscado, ou se você Reunir Informações através de uma autópsia ou exame médico, jogue novamente qualquer dado e receba +1 momentum em um acerto.

", "asset-missile-array-name": "Rajada de Mísseis", "asset-missile-array-asset-type": "Módulo", + "asset-missile-array-meter-ammo": "Munição", "asset-missile-array-ability-1": "

Seu conjunto de mísseis está armado com 5 munições. Quando você Atacar ou Colidir com um ataque de míssil, sofre -1 de munição e marca o progresso em um acerto. Se você Reabastecer em um lugar onde seus mísseis podem ser reabastecidos, você pode trocar qualquer +suprimento ganho por +munição.

", "asset-missile-array-ability-2": "

Quando você tiver pelo menos 1 munição e Ganhar Terreno travando um míssil no alvo, adicione +1 e receba +1 momentum em um hit.

", - "asset-missile-array-ability-3": "

Quando você tiver pelo menos 3 munições e Tomar uma Ação Decisiva liberando todos os seus mísseis, jogue um dado de ação antes de fazer a rolagem de progresso. Se seu dado de ação for igual ou menor que munição, você pode rolar novamente cada dado de desafio. Em seguida, defina a munição para 0.

", - "asset-missile-array-meter-ammo": "Munição", - "roll-plus-ammo": "Role +munição", - "set-ammo-meter": "Definir medidor de munição para {{0}}", + "asset-missile-array-ability-3": "

When you have at least 3 ammo and Take Decisive Action by unleashing all of your missiles, roll an action die before making the progress roll. If your action die is equal to or less than ammo, you may reroll any challenge dice. Then, set ammo to 0.

", "asset-overseer-name": "Supervisor", "asset-overseer-asset-type": "Módulo", "asset-overseer-textinput-name": "Nome", @@ -78,8 +75,8 @@ "asset-reinforced-hull-name": "Casco Reforçado", "asset-reinforced-hull-asset-type": "Módulo", "asset-reinforced-hull-ability-1": "

O seu veículo está revestido a ferro. Quando você Resistir a Dano, adicione +1. Em um golpe forte, receba +1 de momentum.

", - "asset-reinforced-hull-ability-2": "

Seu casco reforçado recebe uma cor ou design feroz e distinto. Quando você chegar a um lugar onde sua reputação é um fator, receba +1 momentum. Quando você Entrar na Batalha contra um inimigo que conhece sua reputação, receba +momentum igual à integridade do seu veículo em um acerto forte.

", - "asset-reinforced-hull-ability-3": "

Quando você Reagir Sob Fogo deixando seu casco reforçado receber o golpe, adicione +1 e receba +1 momentum em um acerto. Em um acerto forte com um resultado identico, pegue outro momentum de +1 enquanto você atravessa o caos e se coloca na posição perfeita. Em uma falha, você tem que Pagar o Preço marcando este componente como quebrado.

", + "asset-reinforced-hull-ability-2": "

Your reinforced hull is given a fierce and distinctive color or design. When you arrive at a place where your reputation is a factor, take +1 momentum. When you Enter the Fray against a foe who knows your reputation, take +momentum equal to your vehicle’s integrity on a strong hit.

", + "asset-reinforced-hull-ability-3": "

When you React Under Fire by letting your reinforced hull take the hit, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, take another +1 momentum as you surge through the chaos and put yourself in perfect position. On a miss, Pay the Price by marking this module as broken.

", "asset-research-lab-name": "Laboratório de Pesquisa", "asset-research-lab-asset-type": "Módulo", "asset-research-lab-ability-1": "

Quando você usa seu laboratório para Garantir uma Vantagem ou Coletar Informações por meio de análise ou experimentação cuidadosa, adicione +1 e ganhe +1 momentum em um acerto.

", @@ -87,26 +84,24 @@ "asset-research-lab-ability-3": "

Quando você Jurar um Voto de Ferro para realizar um projeto de pesquisa de longo prazo (extremo ou maior), jogue novamente qualquer dado. Quando você obtiver amostras, equipamentos ou dados cruciais, marque o progresso na missão e ganhe +2 de momentum. Quando você dedicar mais tempo ao projeto em seu laboratório, você deve Enfrentar o Perigo e adicione +1. Em um acerto, marque o progresso. Em um acerto forte com um resultado idêntico, marque o progresso duas vezes. Quando você Cumprir seu Voto e marcar um acerto, marque também uma caixa em sua trilha de legado de descobertas.

", "asset-sensor-array-name": "Matriz de Sensores", "asset-sensor-array-asset-type": "Módulo", - "asset-sensor-array-ability-1": "

Seus sensores avançados examinam os caminhos à frente para ajudar a detectar perigos. Quando você Empreender uma Expedição (+centelha) e rola um 10 em apenas um dado de desafio, você pode rerrolar aquele dado.

", - "asset-sensor-array-ability-2": "

Quando você Garantir uma Vantagem ou Coletar Informações examinando os arredores do seu veículo ou analisando um objeto próximo, escolha um e receba +1 momentum em um acerto.

", + "asset-sensor-array-ability-1": "

Your advanced sensors scan the paths ahead to help spot dangers. When you Undertake an Expedition (+wits), you may reroll one challenge die.

", + "asset-sensor-array-ability-2": "

When you Secure an Advantage or Gather Information by scanning your vehicle's surroundings or analyzing a nearby object, choose one and take +1 momentum on a hit.\n\n * Manual scan: Add +1\n * Automated scan: Instead of rolling the action die, make it the value of your vehicle's integrity

", "asset-sensor-array-ability-3": "

Quando você Entrar na Batalha contra uma emboscada, ou Enfrentar o Perigo para detectar uma ameaça oculta, você pode rolar +integridade. Se o fizer, jogue novamente qualquer dado e receba +1 de momentum em um acerto.

", "asset-shields-name": "Escudos", "asset-shields-asset-type": "Módulo", + "asset-shields-meter-shields": "Escudos", "asset-shields-ability-1": "

Quando você erguer seus escudos, role +integridade do seu veículo ou +centelha. Em um acerto forte, defina seus escudos para 4. Em um acerto fraco, faça-os 3. Em uma falha, faça-os 2 mais Perder Momentum (-1). Então, se você Resistir a Dano, ignore o dano até o valor de seus escudos e sofra -1 escudos. Os escudos levantados duram alguns minutos. Se reduzido a 0, eles não podem ser aumentados novamente por uma hora ou mais.

", "asset-shields-ability-2": "

Você pode Reagir Sob Fogo deixando seus escudos receberem o golpe. Se o fizer, role +escudos e receba +2 de momentum em um acerto.

", "asset-shields-ability-3": "

Quando você Entrar na Batalha e conseguir um acerto forte, você pode aumentar seus escudos para 3 sem rolar. Se o fizer, receba +1 momentum.

", - "asset-shields-meter-shields": "Escudos", - "roll-plus-shields": "Role +escudos", - "set-shields-meter": "Defina o medidor de escudos para {{0}}", "asset-stealth-tech-name": "Tecnologia Furtiva", "asset-stealth-tech-asset-type": "Módulo", - "asset-stealth-tech-ability-1": "

Quando você fizer um movimento contra um inimigo ou ameaça específica para evitar a detecção, adicione +1. Se você Entrar na Batalha emboscando um inimigo inconsciente, adicione +1 e marque o progresso em um acerto forte.

", - "asset-stealth-tech-ability-2": "

Quando você Empreender uma Expedição (+sombra) e rola um 1 em seu dado de ação, você pode rerrolá-lo.

", - "asset-stealth-tech-ability-3": "

Quando estiver pronto para Atirar do esconderijo, você pode rolar +sombra. Se o fizer, escolha um (antes de rolar).

Em um acerto forte com um resultado identico, você também permanece totalmente despercebido; pegue +2 de momentum e adicione +1 em seu próximo Atirar.

", + "asset-stealth-tech-ability-1": "

Your vehicle is rigged for silent running. When you make a move against a specific foe or threat to avoid detection, add +1. If you Enter the Fray by ambushing an unaware foe, add +1 and mark progress on a strong hit.

", + "asset-stealth-tech-ability-2": "

When you travel stealthily as you Undertake an Expedition (+shadow), you may reroll your action die.

", + "asset-stealth-tech-ability-3": "

When you are poised to Strike from hiding, you may roll +shadow. If you do, choose one (before rolling).\n\n * Strike true: Reroll any dice.\n * Strike hard: Mark progress on a hit.\n\nOn a strong hit with a match, you also remain totally undetected; take +2 momentum and add +1 on your next Strike.

", "asset-vehicle-bay-name": "Compartimento de Veículos", "asset-vehicle-bay-asset-type": "Módulo", "asset-vehicle-bay-ability-1": "

Você pode comprar ou atualizar um veículo de suporte por 1 experiência a menos. Quando você Consertar um veículo de suporte danificado, gaste 1 ponto de reparo (em vez de 2).

", - "asset-vehicle-bay-ability-2": "

Quando um veículo de apoio é destruído e você consegue recuperar seus destroços, você pode Perguntar ao Oráculo usando a tabela sim/não se algo pode ser recuperado da bagunça. Torná-lo '50/50'. Se sim, gaste 2 pontos de experiência para restaurar o veículo de apoio com todas as habilidades marcadas anteriormente. Até você Reparar e trazê-lo de volta ao funcionamento completo, o veículo está danificado com 0 integridade.

", + "asset-vehicle-bay-ability-2": "

When a support vehicle is destroyed, and you are able to retrieve its wreckage, you may Ask the Oracle using the yes/no table if something can be salvaged from the mess. Make it 50/50. On a yes, spend 1 experience to restore the support vehicle asset with all previously marked abilities. Until you Repair and bring it back to full working order, the vehicle is battered with 0 integrity.

", "asset-vehicle-bay-ability-3": "

Quando você fizer um movimento para lançar ou pousar em seu veículo de comando em uma situação ou ambiente perigoso, jogue novamente qualquer dado e receba +1 de momentum em um acerto.

", "asset-workshop-name": "Oficina", "asset-workshop-asset-type": "Módulo", @@ -116,65 +111,68 @@ "asset-exosuit-name": "Exotraje", "asset-exosuit-asset-type": "Veículo de Apoio", "asset-exosuit-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-exosuit-meter-integrity": "Integrity", "asset-exosuit-ability-1": "

Seu cockpit abriga um piloto, é vedada contra ambientes hostis e está armada com armas fixas ou retidas. Quando você faz um movimento forte, prejudicial ou resistente, você pode (após rolar) substituir o valor do seu dado de ação pela integridade da plataforma; se o fizer, deve Perder Momentum (-1).

", "asset-exosuit-ability-2": "

Seu exosuit está equipado com propulsores. Você pode manobrar em gravidade zero, fazer saltos assistidos por empuxo e cair em uma superfície a partir da altitude. Quando você queima combustível para superar um obstáculo crítico (decida depois de rolar), você pode rolar novamente qualquer dado. Se o fizer, deve Sacrificar Recursos (-1).

", "asset-exosuit-ability-3": "

Quando você Resistir a Dano, você pode rolar novamente um dado de desafio.

", "asset-hoverbike-name": "Hoverbike", "asset-hoverbike-asset-type": "Veículo de Apoio", "asset-hoverbike-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-hoverbike-meter-integrity": "Integrity", "asset-hoverbike-ability-1": "

Sua hoverbike desarmada fornece transporte terrestre rápido no planeta e está equipada para transportar até duas pessoas e seus equipamentos. Quando você Empreender uma Expedição (+gume), receba +1 momentum em um acerto. Em um acerto forte com um resultado idêntico, você também avança ou encontra um novo caminho; marcar o progresso.

", "asset-hoverbike-ability-2": "

Quando você dispara o pós-combustor da moto e faz um movimento para realizar uma manobra arriscada, você pode adicionar +integridade e receber +2 momentum em um acerto forte. Se o fizer, conte um acerto fraco como um erro.

", "asset-hoverbike-ability-3": "

Quando você faz um movimento enquanto manobra sua bicicleta e queima momentum para melhorar seu resultado, jogue seu dado de ação. Em um 5 ou 6, não redefina o momento.

", "asset-rover-name": "Rover", "asset-rover-asset-type": "Veículo de Apoio", "asset-rover-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-rover-meter-integrity": "Integrity", "asset-rover-ability-1": "

Seu rover desarmado fornece transporte protegido no planeta. Quando você Empreender uma Expedição ou Definir um Curso, adicione +1. Quando você Terminar uma Expedição em seu rover, você pode rolar novamente um dado de desafio.

", "asset-rover-ability-2": "

Você pode equipar seu rover com um ativo de módulo sem custo extra. Quando você Resistir a Dano, o módulo pode ser quebrado ou destruído como em um veículo de comando. Se você reconfigurar seu rover, gaste 1 de experiência, descarte o módulo e equipe outro com o mesmo número de habilidades marcadas.

", "asset-rover-ability-3": "

Quando você Enfrentar Perigo ou Reagir Sob Fogo levando um golpe ou colidindo com um obstáculo, você pode rolar +integridade. Se o fizer, receba +1 de momentum em um acerto.

", "asset-service-pod-name": "Cápsula de Serviço", "asset-service-pod-asset-type": "Veículo de Apoio", "asset-service-pod-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-service-pod-meter-integrity": "Integrity", "asset-service-pod-ability-1": "

Seu veículo utilitário desarmado abriga um piloto para operações de curto alcance e baixa gravidade. Quando você fizer um movimento usando os braços manipuladores do pod para realizar uma tarefa delicada ou forçada, adicione +1 e receba +1 de momentum em um acerto.

", - "asset-service-pod-ability-2": "

Quando você Enfrentar Perigo, Ganhar Terreno, ou Reagir Sob Fogo manobrando sua cápsula através de uma área perigosa ou obstruída, escolha uma abordagem e role +integridade.

", + "asset-service-pod-ability-2": "

When you Face Danger, Gain Ground, or React Under Fire by maneuvering your pod through a hazardous or obstructed area, choose an approach and roll +integrity.\n\n * Careful: Add +2 and Lose Momentum (-1)\n * Reckless: Take +1 momentum on a hit

", "asset-service-pod-ability-3": "

Quando você faz um movimento enquanto controla a cápsula e leva suas capacidades ao limite, você pode levar um acerto forte automático. Se o fizer, deve Resistir a Dano (-2).

", "asset-shuttle-name": "Transporte", "asset-shuttle-asset-type": "Veículo de Apoio", "asset-shuttle-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-shuttle-meter-integrity": "Integrity", "asset-shuttle-ability-1": "

Your unarmed shuttle provides short-range transport for several people and equipment through space or atmosphere. When you travel to a location (not your command vehicle), you and your allies may take +1 momentum when you arrive

", - "asset-shuttle-ability-2": "

When you Face Danger or React Under Fire to navigate through hazardous skies or around obstacles, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-shuttle-ability-2": "

When you Face Danger or React Under Fire to navigate through hazardous skies, avoid obstacles, or evade an attack, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-shuttle-ability-3": "

Your shuttle is sealed against high pressure environments, can travel underwater, and is more resistant to damage; when you Withstand Damage, add +1.

", "asset-skiff-name": "Skiff", "asset-skiff-asset-type": "Veículo de Apoio", "asset-skiff-textinput-name": "Nome", - "asset-skiff-ability-1": "

Your unarmed flatbed hover-vehicle carries several people, gear, and cargo over land or water. When you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course, you may rely on the skiff's simple reliability and roll +integrity. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-skiff-meter-integrity": "Integrity", + "asset-skiff-ability-1": "

Your unarmed flatbed hover-vehicle carries several people, gear, and cargo over land or water. When you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course, you may rely on the skiff's simple durability and roll +integrity. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-skiff-ability-2": "

Your skiff is armed with a turreted cannon. When you Strike or Clash by firing the cannon, roll +integrity and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, your shots cause extra destruction or create havoc; mark progress.

", "asset-skiff-ability-3": "

Your skiff is fully stocked. When you Check Your Gear, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-snub-fighter-name": "Snub Fighter", "asset-snub-fighter-asset-type": "Veículo de Apoio", "asset-snub-fighter-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-snub-fighter-meter-integrity": "Integrity", "asset-snub-fighter-ability-1": "

Your armed snub fighter carries a single pilot for space or atmospheric flight and combat. When you Enter the Fray, you may roll +integrity; if you do, take +2 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-snub-fighter-ability-2": "

When you Strike or Clash, add +1. On a strong hit with a match, mark progress.

", "asset-snub-fighter-ability-3": "

When you personally defeat a notable foe in your snub fighter, envision the victory mark you make on the fuselage. Tally your victories in this box. For every five, mark 2 ticks on your quests legacy track.

", - "asset-snub-fighter-counter-victory-marks": "Victory Marks", + "asset-snub-fighter-ability-3-victory-marks": "Victory Marks", "asset-ace-name": "Ace", "asset-ace-asset-type": "Path", "asset-ace-ability-1": "

When you Face Danger or React Under Fire by guiding your vehicle through a hazard or out of harm’s way, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-ace-ability-2": "

When you Gain Ground by maneuvering your vehicle against a foe, add +1. If you score a strong hit with a 4, 5, or 6 on the action die, you may put yourself in firing position. If you do, set aside the action die or note its value. If you or an ally Strike using the vehicle’s weapons, preset your action die with that value. This persists until you fail to score a strong hit on that move, or until you make another move which changes your vehicle’s position.

", "asset-ace-ability-3": "

When you must Endure Stress while piloting a vehicle, you may roll +integrity. If you do, take +1 momentum on a strong hit.

", - "asset-agent-name": "Agent", - "asset-agent-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-agent-ability-1": "

When you make a move to break into a secure site, infiltrate a protected area, or hack or manipulate a secure system, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, access is easier than expected; take another +1 momentum.

", - "asset-agent-ability-2": "

When you Face Danger or Secure an Advantage to establish a false identity, add +1. On a hit, you may add +1 when using that identity to deceive or influence others. If you score a miss with a match when using that identity, your deception is completely and dramatically undone.

", - "asset-agent-ability-3": "

When you Check Your Gear for a device with a specific function to aid in infiltration, espionage, or sabotage, add +1. On a hit, you may reroll any dice the first time you make a move aided by the device.

", "asset-archer-name": "Archer", "asset-archer-asset-type": "Path", + "asset-archer-requirement": "If you wield a power bow...", + "asset-archer-meter-ammo": "Munição", "asset-archer-ability-1": "

You carry 6 ammo. When you Strike or Clash, you may add +1 or +2 and suffer that amount as -ammo. To replenish your ammo by crafting projectiles, roll +wits. On a strong hit, take up to +6 ammo. On a weak hit, take up to +4 ammo and Sacrifice Resources (-1). On a miss, Sacrifice Resources (-1).

", "asset-archer-ability-2": "

You may Enter the Fray by unleashing a volley of bow shots. If you do, roll +ammo and suffer -1 ammo. On a hit, mark progress.

", "asset-archer-ability-3": "

When you load a specialized projectile such as a zip line, explosive, or electromagnetic disrupter, suffer -1 ammo. If you then take your shot by making a move, you may preset your action die to 5. On a hit, envision the effects and take +1 momentum.

", - "asset-archer-meter-ammo": "Munição", "asset-armored-name": "Armored", "asset-armored-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-armored-description": "

If you wear your finely crafted set of personal armor…

", + "asset-armored-requirement": "If you wear your finely crafted set of personal armor...", "asset-armored-ability-1": "

When you Face Danger, React Under Fire, or Clash against physical attacks or impact, you may put trust in your armor’s strength. If you do, preset your action die to 4. On a strong hit with a match, take +2 momentum as you build confidence, make an impression on your foes, or improve your position.

", "asset-armored-ability-2": "

You add an important new piece to your set of armor, or upgrade its materials. As above, but preset your action die to 5 instead of 4.

", "asset-armored-ability-3": "

When you must Endure Harm, you may instead let your armor take the hit. If you do, roll your action die. On a 4 or greater, ignore the harm. On a 1-3, ignore the harm but your armor is now broken; you must Repair and spend 5 repair points to bring it back to working condition.

", @@ -182,7 +180,7 @@ "asset-artist-asset-type": "Path", "asset-artist-ability-1": "

When you make a move to craft an artistic work, present an artistic gift or performance, or leave your artistic mark on an item or location, you may reroll your action die if its value is less than your spirit. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum or +1 spirit.

", "asset-artist-ability-2": "

When you Gather Information or Secure an Advantage by studying the aesthetics of a being or culture, add +2.

", - "asset-artist-ability-3": "

When you create or perform a signifigant artistic work as a public memorial or tribute, roll +the stat which best represents the work’s nature. On a strong hit, the work will stand the test of time; mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track. On a weak hit, its impact is short-lived; mark 1 tick instead of two. On a miss, the work is ignored, misunderstood, or co-opted, and you must Pay the Price.

", + "asset-artist-ability-3": "

When you create or perform a significant artistic work as a public memorial or tribute, roll +the stat which best represents the work’s nature. On a strong hit, the work will stand the test of time; mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track. On a weak hit, its impact is short-lived; mark 1 tick instead of 2. On a miss, the work is ignored, misunderstood, or co-opted, and you must Pay the Price.

", "asset-augmented-name": "Augmented", "asset-augmented-asset-type": "Path", "asset-augmented-textinput-one": "One", @@ -195,62 +193,57 @@ "asset-bannersworn-textinput-ideology": "Ideology", "asset-bannersworn-ability-1": "

You are bound to a clan, faction, or creed. When you Swear an Iron Vow in service to this ideology, reroll any dice. On a hit, mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-bannersworn-ability-2": "

When you or an ally Sojourn and score a strong hit with a match, you may envision meeting someone of the same ideology. If you Make a Connection with them and score a hit, mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track. When you Forge a Bond with anyone of your ideology, make the legacy reward one rank higher (1 extra box if already epic).

", - "asset-bannersworn-ability-3": "

When you make a progress move in direct service to your ideology, you may reroll one challenge die. If you then score a strong hit with a match, mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", + "asset-bannersworn-ability-3": "

When you make a progress move in direct service to your ideology, you may reroll one challenge die. If you score a strong hit with a match, your reputation grows among those who share your ideology; mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-blademaster-name": "Blademaster", "asset-blademaster-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-blademaster-description": "

If you wield a bladed weapon…

", - "asset-blademaster-ability-1": "

When you Clash or Strike in close quarters, add +1. On a strong hit with a match, mark progress. Also, once per fight, you may reroll any dice as you make a move to attack or defend using your blade.

", - "asset-blademaster-ability-2": "

If you Gain Ground by moving into close quarters against your foe, choose your approach.

", - "asset-blademaster-ability-3": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow and bind the oath to your blade, add +1. On a hit, take +2 momentum or +2 spirit.

", + "asset-blademaster-requirement": "If you wield a bladed weapon...", + "asset-blademaster-ability-1": "

When you Clash or Strike in close quarters, add +1. On a strong hit with a match, you are unstoppable; mark progress.

", + "asset-blademaster-ability-2": "

If you Gain Ground by moving into close quarters against your foe, choose your approach.\n\n * Charge: Roll +heart, and mark progress on a hit.\n * Evade: Roll +edge, and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-blademaster-ability-3": "

You wield an iconic blade. Give it a name. When you Swear an Iron Vow by binding your promise to the blade, add +1. On a hit, fill the box below. If you make a move (including a progress move) using this oathbound blade and score a miss, you may clear the box to reroll any dice.

", + "asset-blademaster-ability-3-name": "Name", "asset-bounty-hunter-name": "Bounty Hunter", "asset-bounty-hunter-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-bounty-hunter-ability-1": "

When you take a bounty contract and Swear an Iron Vow to see it done, add +1. On a strong hit, you've got a solid lead and may immediately mark progress. When you Fulfill Your Vow, make the legacy reward one rank higher (1 extra box if already epic).

", - "asset-bounty-hunter-ability-2": "

When you Gather Information related to a bounty, add +2. On a strong hit with a match, you reveal a surprising aspect of the contract; envision what you discover, and choose one.

", + "asset-bounty-hunter-ability-1": "

When you take a bounty contract and Swear an Iron Vow to see it done, add +1. On a strong hit, you’ve got a solid lead and may mark progress on the quest. When you Fulfill Your Vow on a hunt, make the legacy reward one rank higher (1 extra box if already epic).

", + "asset-bounty-hunter-ability-2": "

When you Gather Information related to a bounty, add +1. On a match, you reveal a surprising or sinister aspect of the contract; envision what you discover, and choose one.\n\n * Forge ahead: Mark progress on the quest. If you scored a strong hit with a match, also take +2 momentum.\n * Change loyalties: Forsake Your Vow and mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-bounty-hunter-ability-3": "

When you Take Decisive Action in a fight against a bounty target or their agents, you may reroll one challenge die.

", "asset-brawler-name": "Brawler", "asset-brawler-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-brawler-description": "

If you fight unarmed or with a close quarters weapon…

", + "asset-brawler-requirement": "If you fight unarmed or with a close quarters weapon...", "asset-brawler-ability-1": "

When you Gain Ground by attempting to disarm, trip, shove, grapple, or stun your foe, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", - "asset-brawler-ability-2": "

When you Clash in close quarters, you may draw on your momentum to gain advantage. If you do, Lose Momentum (-2) and choose one (before rolling).

", + "asset-brawler-ability-2": "

When you Clash in close quarters, you may draw on your momentum to gain advantage. If you do, Lose Momentum (-2) and choose one (before rolling).\n\n * Aggressive: Count a weak hit as a strong hit.\n * Defensive: Count a miss as a weak hit.

", "asset-brawler-ability-3": "

When you Enter the Fray already positioned in close quarters against your foe, mark progress on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, your initial assault leaves them stunned; also take +2 momentum.

", - "asset-commander-name": "Commander", - "asset-commander-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-commander-ability-1": "

When you Aid Your Ally through leadership, coordination, or planning, add +1. On a strong hit, any allies who are present take +1 momentum.

", - "asset-commander-ability-2": "

When you Enter the Fray (+heart) by coordinating with your team as they wade into the fight, make your move before your allies act. On a strong hit, all allies may take an automatic strong hit. On a strong hit with a match, also mark progress on any objectives in this fight.

", - "asset-commander-ability-3": "

When you make a move to influence someone (not an ally) through leadership, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, your command galvanizes them into unexpected action. Take another +1 momentum, and mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-courier-name": "Courier", "asset-courier-asset-type": "Path", + "asset-courier-meter-safety": "Safety", "asset-courier-ability-1": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow to transport and protect something precious, set its safety to 5. When you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course and score a weak hit or miss, you may suffer -1 safety as the cost. On a miss with a match, you must suffer -2 safety as the cost. When safety falls to 0, envision a major complication related to this mission. If you overcome the threat, mark progress twice on this quest. Then, set safety to 3.

", "asset-courier-ability-2": "

When you Fulfill Your Vow to an unbonded connection by completing a courier mission, mark progress twice on the relationship.

", "asset-courier-ability-3": "

When you Sojourn during a courier mission, you may roll +safety. On a strong hit, take +1 safety or +1 momentum.

", - "asset-courier-meter-safety": "Safety", - "roll-plus-safety": "Roll +safety", - "set-safety-meter": "Set safety meter to {{0}}", "asset-demolitionist-name": "Demolitionist", "asset-demolitionist-asset-type": "Path", "asset-demolitionist-ability-1": "

When you make a move to attack, destroy, or sabotage by deploying or triggering an explosive device, choose the value of your charge before rolling: normal=1, high=2, or overcharged=3. If either challenge die is equal to or less than the charge, count a weak hit as a strong hit. If not, and your action die is equal to or less than the charge, you are caught up in the destruction or set off an unintended effect; count a weak hit as a miss.

", "asset-demolitionist-ability-2": "

When you make a move to craft, modify, or disarm an explosive device, or if you threaten or provoke by arming an explosive device, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", - "asset-demolitionist-ability-3": "

When your momentum is at its max, you may reset your momentum (before rolling) to trigger an explosive device as you Take Decisive Action. If you do, reroll any dice.

", + "asset-demolitionist-ability-3": "

When your momentum is at its max, you may reset momentum (before rolling) to trigger an explosive device as you Take Decisive Action. If you do, reroll any challenge dice.

", "asset-devotant-name": "Devotant", "asset-devotant-asset-type": "Path", "asset-devotant-textinput-name": "Nome", - "asset-devotant-ability-1": "

You worship a god, power, or entity. Give it a name and choose one of your stats to represent its nature. When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground by calling on it for guidance or blessings, roll +linked stat. On a hit, take +1 momentum or +1 spirit. On a strong hit with a match, a miracle or sign manifests; take another +1 momentum or +1 spirit.

", - "asset-devotant-ability-2": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow in service to your faith, roll +linked stat. On a strong hit, mark progress. When you Fulfill Your Vow on a divine quest (formidable or greater) and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", + "asset-devotant-textinput-linked-stat": "Linked Stat", + "asset-devotant-ability-1": "

You worship a god, power, or entity. Give it a name and choose one of your stats to represent its nature. When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground by calling on it for guidance or aid, roll +linked stat. On a hit, take +1 momentum or +1 spirit. On a strong hit with a match, a miracle or sign manifests; take another +1 momentum or +1 spirit.

", + "asset-devotant-ability-2": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow in service to your faith, roll +linked stat and take +2 momentum or +2 spirit on a hit. When you Fulfill Your Vow on a divine quest (formidable or greater) and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-devotant-ability-3": "

When you Hearten through contemplation or sharing of your faith, you may roll +linked stat. If you do, take +1 spirit or +1 momentum on a strong hit.

", "asset-diplomat-name": "Diplomat", "asset-diplomat-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-diplomat-ability-1": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow to resolve a dispute, negotiate an agreement, or gather allies, add +1. On a strong hit, mark progress. When you Fulfill Your Vow on a diplomatic mission (formidable or greater) and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", + "asset-diplomat-ability-1": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow to resolve a dispute, negotiate an agreement, or gather support, add +1. On a strong hit, mark progress on the quest. When you Fulfill Your Vow on a diplomatic mission (formidable or greater) and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-diplomat-ability-2": "

When you make a move to defuse, reason, or negotiate, add +1. On a miss, you may take a different tack. Envision this new approach, reroll all dice, and add +2. If you score a miss yet again, face a dire complication or blow to your reputation as you Pay the Price.

", - "asset-diplomat-ability-3": "

When you Make a Connection or Sojourn, add +1. If you Sojourn and score a strong hit with a match, you are shown great respect; take +momentum equal to your heart.

", + "asset-diplomat-ability-3": "

When you Make a Connection or Sojourn, add +1. If you Sojourn and score a strong hit with a match, you are shown great kindness or respect; take +2 momentum or make an extra recover move with an automatic strong hit.

", "asset-empath-name": "Empath", "asset-empath-asset-type": "Path", "asset-empath-ability-1": "

When you read the intent, emotions, or memories of a nearby being, roll +heart. On a strong hit, you glimpse a helpful aspect of their inner self. Envision what you learn, take +2 momentum, and add +1 when you make moves to interact with them in this scene. On a weak hit, the visions are murky; take +1 momentum. On a miss, you reveal a troubling motive or secret; Pay the Price.

", - "asset-empath-ability-2": "

As above, and if you score a hit as you read them, you may subtly influence their attitude or actions, such as making a hostile being hestitate. Take another +1 momentum. If in a fight, mark progress.

", + "asset-empath-ability-2": "

As above, and if you score a hit as you read them, you may subtly influence their attitude or actions, such as making a hostile being hesitate. Take another +1 momentum. If in a fight, mark progress.

", "asset-empath-ability-3": "

When you Face Danger to soothe a being’s distress by creating an empathic bond, roll +spirit and take +1 momentum on a hit. If they are an ally, also give them +2 spirit on a hit.

", "asset-explorer-name": "Explorer", "asset-explorer-asset-type": "Path", "asset-explorer-ability-1": "

When you Explore a Waypoint, take +1 momentum on a hit. When you Finish an Expedition and score a hit, mark 1 extra tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", - "asset-explorer-ability-2": "

When you come across a wondrous sight or phenomenon, such as an extraordinary planet, majestic creature, or dazzling stellar object, choose one:

", + "asset-explorer-ability-2": "

When you come across a wondrous sight or phenomenon, such as an extraordinary planet, majestic creature, or dazzling stellar object, choose one:\n\n * Find inspiration: Take +1 momentum\n * Soak it all in: Hearten; add +1, and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-explorer-ability-3": "

When you Secure an Advantage by studying a newfound place from a safe position, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, take another +1 momentum and envision an unusual aspect of the site.

", "asset-fated-name": "Fated", "asset-fated-asset-type": "Path", @@ -259,33 +252,31 @@ "asset-fated-ability-3": "

When you make any progress move directly related to your background vow, and roll a 10 on either challenge die, you may reroll that die. On a strong hit, take +2 momentum.

", "asset-firebrand-name": "Firebrand", "asset-firebrand-asset-type": "Path", + "asset-firebrand-meter-fire": "Fire", "asset-firebrand-ability-1": "

You wield fiery energy. When you rest and meditate to gather this energy, roll +spirit. On a strong hit, take up to +3 fire. On a weak hit, take +2. On a miss, take +2 fire but Endure Harm (-2). Your max fire is +5. When you make moves aided by this energy to attack or overcome obstacles, add +2 and suffer -1 fire.

", "asset-firebrand-ability-2": "

When you Endure Harm and score a strong hit with a match, you may instead ignore the harm and take +fire equal to the amount of harm faced (+1, +2, or +3).

", "asset-firebrand-ability-3": "

When you have at least +3 fire, you may Gain Ground or Strike by unleashing hell. If you do, take an automatic strong hit and mark progress. Then, set your fire to 0.

", - "asset-firebrand-meter-fire": "Fire", - "roll-plus-fire": "Roll +fire", - "set-fire-meter": "Set fire meter to {{0}}", "asset-fugitive-name": "Fugitive", "asset-fugitive-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-fugitive-ability-1": "

You are hunted by a power or authority. When you make a move, you may rely on your resourcefulness to improve the result to a strong hit. If you do, mark a box above to represent hunters closing in on you. On the third mark, a notable foe or force has tracked you down. If you overcome them or escape, clear the boxes and mark 1 tick on your quests legacy track.

", - "asset-fugitive-counter-hunted": "Hunted", + "asset-fugitive-ability-1": "

You are hunted by a power or authority. When you make a move, you may improve the result to a strong hit. If you do, fill one segment of a four-segment clock to represent hunters closing in. When the clock is filled, a notable foe or force has tracked you down. If you overcome them or escape, reset the clock and mark 1 tick on your quests legacy track.

", + "asset-fugitive-ability-1-notable-foe-or-force-tracks-you-down": "Notable foe or force tracks you down", "asset-fugitive-ability-2": "

When you make a move by hiding, concealing your identity, or fleeing from a pursuer, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-fugitive-ability-3": "

When you Fulfill Your Vow (extreme or greater) by clearing your name or defeating the power or authority who marked you as a fugitive, gain this ability at no cost. You may then exchange this asset for another with the same number of marked abilities.

", "asset-gearhead-name": "Gearhead", "asset-gearhead-asset-type": "Path", "asset-gearhead-ability-1": "

When you make a move to craft, repair, repurpose, or modify equipment or technology, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-gearhead-ability-2": "

When you Gather Information by studying or disassembling a machine or device, reroll any dice. On a match, you reveal an unexpected function, capability, or danger; mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", - "asset-gearhead-ability-3": "

With sufficient time (a couple of hours or more), you may Face Danger to assemble or enhance a device for a powerful but limited role. On a hit, the device is ready for use. One time only, when you or an ally make a move aided by the device, take an automatic strong hit. If you are in a fight, also mark progress.

", + "asset-gearhead-ability-3": "

With sufficient time (a couple of hours or more), you may Secure an Advantage to assemble or enhance a device for a powerful but limited role. On a hit, the device is ready for use. One time only, when you or an ally make a move aided by the device, take an automatic strong hit. If you are in a fight, also mark progress.

", "asset-gunner-name": "Gunner", "asset-gunner-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-gunner-description": "

If you wield a heavy ranged personal weapon…

", - "asset-gunner-ability-1": "

When you Strike, choose one (before rolling).

", + "asset-gunner-requirement": "If you wield a heavy ranged personal weapon...", + "asset-gunner-ability-1": "

When you Strike, choose one (before rolling).\n\n * Pin them down: Add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.\n * Make them hurt: Mark progress on a hit.

", "asset-gunner-ability-2": "

When you Take Decisive Action by emptying your gun (decide before rolling), you may Sacrifice Resources (-1) and reroll one challenge die. If the fight continues or you are caught up another fight, Check Your Gear to see if you have more ammo on-hand.

", "asset-gunner-ability-3": "

Give your favorite gun a name. When you Clash with it, add +1. When you Enter the Fray or Endure Stress while wielding it, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", - "asset-gunner-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-gunner-ability-3-name": "Name", "asset-gunslinger-name": "Gunslinger", "asset-gunslinger-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-gunslinger-description": "

If you wield a pistol…

", + "asset-gunslinger-requirement": "If you wield a pistol...", "asset-gunslinger-ability-1": "

When you Enter the Fray by facing off against your foe (+heart), or by preparing to act without tipping them off (+shadow), add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, you may immediately take a shot (without making a move) and mark progress twice.

", "asset-gunslinger-ability-2": "

When you Gain Ground or React Under Fire by moving into cover, add +1. On a strong hit, this cover gives you leverage; add +1 when you make a move to attack or defend at range. If you then score a miss, the cover is lost or compromised.

", "asset-gunslinger-ability-3": "

When you Compel or Gain Ground with the threat of violence by holding someone at gunpoint, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", @@ -293,26 +284,36 @@ "asset-haunted-asset-type": "Path", "asset-haunted-ability-1": "

You are haunted by the spirit of someone whose death you caused or mourn (or both). When you make a move to call upon their insight, add +1. On a weak hit, also Endure Stress (-1). On a strong hit with a match, mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-haunted-ability-2": "

When you Face Death guided by the spirit, add +1. On a strong hit, envision what you learn from them or about them, and mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", - "asset-haunted-ability-3": "

One time only, when you Fulfill Your Vow (extreme or greater) in service to the spirit, take this ability at no cost and choose one.

", + "asset-haunted-ability-3": "

One time only, when you Fulfill Your Vow (extreme or greater) in service to the spirit, take this ability at no cost and choose one.\n\n * Let them go: Mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track for each marked ability, and discard this asset.\n * Bolster your link: When you use a HAUNTED asset ability, take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-healer-name": "Healer", "asset-healer-asset-type": "Path", "asset-healer-ability-1": "

When you give medical care to Heal yourself or another character, add +1. If you are treating someone other than yourself, take +1 spirit or +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-healer-ability-2": "

When you Gather Information by studying medical evidence or biological remains, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, you also reveal an unexpected medical anomaly; mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", - "asset-healer-ability-3": "

Once every day or so, when you are in a safe place with plenty of time on your hands, you may Sacrifice Resources (-1) and provide basic medical care for yourself, companions, or allies without risk. If you do, automatically give +1 health to everyone whose health is greater than 0.

", + "asset-healer-ability-3": "

Once every day or so, when you are in a safe place with plenty of time on your hands, you may Sacrifice Resources (-1) and provide basic medical care for yourself, companions, or allies without risk. If you do, roll only your action die. On a 1-4, automatically give +1 health to everyone whose health is greater than 0. On a 5-6, make it +2.

", + "asset-infiltrator-name": "Infiltrator", + "asset-infiltrator-asset-type": "Path", + "asset-infiltrator-ability-1": "

When you make a move to break into a secure site, infiltrate a protected area, or hack or manipulate a secure system, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, access is easier than expected; take another +1 momentum.

", + "asset-infiltrator-ability-2": "

When you Face Danger or Secure an Advantage to establish a false identity, add +1. On a hit, you may add +1 when using that identity to deceive or influence others. If you score a miss with a match when using that identity, your deception is completely and dramatically undone.

", + "asset-infiltrator-ability-3": "

When you Check Your Gear for a device with a specific function to aid in infiltration, espionage, or sabotage, add +1. On a hit, reroll any dice the first time you make a move aided by the device.

", "asset-kinetic-name": "Kinetic", "asset-kinetic-asset-type": "Path", "asset-kinetic-ability-1": "

You wield kinetic powers. By focusing, you may remotely push, pull, lift, or constrict objects and beings that are about your size or smaller. When you are in a risky situation and draw on your powers to make a move, add +2 and Lose Momentum (-2).

", "asset-kinetic-ability-2": "

As above, but you may instead draw on your powers in a desperate effort to change the outcome of an action. If you do, add +2 (after you roll) and Lose Momentum (-3).

", - "asset-kinetic-ability-3": "

When your momentum is at its max, you may attempt great kinetic feats, such as manipulating large objects and creating destructive bursts of concussive force. To do so, reset your momentum. Then, as you make a single move fueled by your powers, take an automatic strong hit. If you are in a fight, mark progress.

", + "asset-kinetic-ability-3": "

When your momentum is at its max, you may attempt great kinetic feats, such as manipulating large objects and creating destructive bursts of concussive force. To do so, reset momentum. Then, as you make a single move fueled by your powers, take an automatic strong hit. If you are in a fight, mark progress.

", + "asset-leader-name": "Leader", + "asset-leader-asset-type": "Path", + "asset-leader-ability-1": "

When you Aid Your Ally through leadership, coordination, or planning, add +1. On a strong hit, any allies who are present take +1 momentum.

", + "asset-leader-ability-2": "

When you Enter the Fray (+heart) by coordinating with your team as they wade into the fight, make your move before your allies act. On a strong hit, all allies may take an automatic strong hit. On a strong hit with a match, also mark progress on any objectives in this fight.

", + "asset-leader-ability-3": "

When you make a move to influence someone (not an ally) through leadership, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, your command galvanizes them into unexpected action. Take another +1 momentum, and mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-looper-name": "Looper", "asset-looper-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-looper-ability-1": "

When you score a miss on a suffer move, you may reflexively reverse time by a second or two. If you do, Lose Momentum (-2), reroll any dice, and take +1 momentum on a strong hit.

", + "asset-looper-ability-1": "

When you score a miss on a suffer move (not Endure Stress), you may loop back a second or two. If you do, Lose Momentum (-2), reroll any dice, and take +1 momentum on a strong hit.

", "asset-looper-ability-2": "

When you create a link to the current point in time, note the value of condition meters for you and your allies. You can retain only one active link. If you later loop back to this moment, roll +the gap in time: +4 if minutes, +3 if hours, or +2 if days. You may not burn momentum on this roll. On a strong hit, return to the linked point, retain any progress, and set condition meters (except for spirit) to their original values. On a weak hit, as above, but Endure Stress (-2). On a miss, as with a strong hit, but you find the timeline corrupted; Pay the Price.

", "asset-looper-ability-3": "

When you make a reroll granted by any asset ability on an action roll, also add +1.

", "asset-lore-hunter-name": "Lore Hunter", "asset-lore-hunter-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-lore-hunter-ability-1": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow (formidable or greater) to recover valuable knowledge or a powerful relic, reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your discoveries legacy track.

", - "asset-lore-hunter-ability-2": "

When you make a move to conduct extended research or study, you may reroll your action die if its value is less than your wits. On a hit, take +1 momentum. On a match, you piece together a surprising or harrowing new theory; also mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", + "asset-lore-hunter-ability-1": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow (formidable or greater) to recover valuable knowledge or an extraordinary relic, reroll any dice. When you Reach a Milestone in the pursuit of that quest, take +2 momentum. When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your discoveries legacy track.

", + "asset-lore-hunter-ability-2": "

When you make a move to conduct extended research or study, reroll any challenge dice. On a match, you piece together an extraordinary or harrowing new theory; envision the nature of this revelation and mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", "asset-lore-hunter-ability-3": "

When you recall esoteric knowledge to Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground, add +1. On a hit, envision the obscure but helpful fact, theory, or technique you put to use, and take +1 momentum.

", "asset-loyalist-name": "Loyalist", "asset-loyalist-asset-type": "Path", @@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ "asset-naturalist-ability-3": "

You are skilled at planetside survival. When you Resupply to scavenge resources in a life-bearing natural environment, take +1 supply on a hit. When you Face Danger against an environmental threat, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-navigator-name": "Navigator", "asset-navigator-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-navigator-ability-1": "

When you Set a Course, choose one.

On a strong hit with a match, you charted a new path during the journey; mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", + "asset-navigator-ability-1": "

When you Set a Course, choose one.\n\n * Follow the fastest path: Take +2 momentum on a strong hit.\n * Follow the safest path: Add +1\n\nOn a strong hit with a match, you charted a new path during the journey; mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", "asset-navigator-ability-2": "

When you Secure an Advantage by charting the way forward, Face Danger to find a path around a hazard, or Gather Information about a location by studying your charts, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-navigator-ability-3": "

Once per expedition, when you or an ally Undertake an Expedition and score a weak hit or miss, you may ignore that result, plot an alternate path, and make it an automatic strong hit.

", "asset-outcast-name": "Outcast", @@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ "asset-scavenger-name": "Scavenger", "asset-scavenger-asset-type": "Path", "asset-scavenger-ability-1": "

When you Gather Information or Resupply by scavenging a wreck, ruin, or abandoned site, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, you also find something of unique value, significance, or function; envision the nature of this discovery, take +2 momentum, and mark 2 ticks on your discoveries legacy track.

", - "asset-scavenger-ability-2": "

When you Face Danger to cobble together an ad hoc tool, device, or weapon, envision what you intend to create. On a hit, you may add +1 when making a move aided by the item. If you roll a 1 on your action die while using the item, it is permanently broken, lost, or depleted.

", + "asset-scavenger-ability-2": "

When you Secure an Advantage to cobble together an ad hoc tool, device, or weapon, envision what you intend to create. On a hit, you may add +1 when making a move aided by the item. If you roll a 1 on your action die while using the item, it is permanently broken, lost, or depleted.

", "asset-scavenger-ability-3": "

When you Check Your Gear, roll +wits or +supply (whichever is highest) and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-scoundrel-name": "Scoundrel", "asset-scoundrel-asset-type": "Path", @@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ "asset-seer-name": "Seer", "asset-seer-asset-type": "Path", "asset-seer-ability-1": "

When you envision experiencing a prophetic dream, you may Ask the Oracle for details using an interpretive oracle such as Action/Theme or Descriptor/Focus. If you record the answer, and later face a situation which gives truth to the vision, take an automatic strong hit (one time only) when making a move to act on your foresight. Then, clear the prophecy. Only one prophecy can be active at a time.

", - "asset-seer-ability-2": "

When you focus or medidate to Gather Information about a place, being, or situation (in person or remotely), roll +spirit and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-seer-ability-2": "

When you focus or meditate to Gather Information about a place, being, or situation (in person or remotely), roll +spirit and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-seer-ability-3": "

When you or an ally roll a match as you Sojourn in a community or Undertake an Expedition within a site, you may envision gaining sudden and unbidden insight about the location. If you do, take +2 momentum.

", "asset-shade-name": "Shade", "asset-shade-asset-type": "Path", @@ -361,9 +362,9 @@ "asset-shade-ability-3": "

When you intentionally drop your veil to reveal yourself for dramatic or surprising effect, foregoing its further use in this situation, take +2 momentum.

", "asset-slayer-name": "Slayer", "asset-slayer-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-slayer-ability-1": "

When you make a move to investigate, track, or stalk a hostile creature, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", - "asset-slayer-ability-2": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow (formidable or greater) to slay a hostile creature in service to a community, reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", - "asset-slayer-ability-3": "

When you Enter the Fray with an objective to slay a hostile creature, take +2 momentum. If you choose to face the creature on its own terms as you begin the fight, envision the crucial weapon, protection, or aid you set aside, and set the objective one rank higher. If you Take Decisive Action after making this sacrifice and score a strong hit, take a trophy of your victory and mark 2 ticks on your quests legacy track.

", + "asset-slayer-ability-1": "

When you make a move to investigate, track, or stalk an inhuman foe, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-slayer-ability-2": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow (formidable or greater) to slay an inhuman foe in service to a community, reroll any dice. When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", + "asset-slayer-ability-3": "

When you Enter the Fray with an objective to slay an inhuman foe, take +2 momentum. If you choose to face the creature on its own terms as you begin the fight, envision the crucial weapon, protection, or aid you set aside, and set the objective one rank higher. If you Take Decisive Action after making this sacrifice and score a strong hit, take a trophy of your victory and mark 2 ticks on your quests legacy track.

", "asset-sleuth-name": "Sleuth", "asset-sleuth-asset-type": "Path", "asset-sleuth-ability-1": "

When you Swear an Iron Vow to solve a murder, disappearance, theft, or other mystery, make the rank of the quest no greater than formidable. Then, when you Gather Information in the course of the investigation, roll three challenge dice and choose two. If any challenge dice match, you must use those values. On a miss with a match, envision what you learn of a deepening conspiracy or betrayal, make the rank of your quest one higher (no greater than epic), and use the new rank when marking future progress.

", @@ -371,10 +372,10 @@ "asset-sleuth-ability-3": "

When you Make a Connection with a potential informant, you may (instead of rolling) take an automatic weak hit.

", "asset-sniper-name": "Sniper", "asset-sniper-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-sniper-description": "

If you wield a rifle…

", - "asset-sniper-ability-1": "

When you Face Danger outside of a fight to preemptively take out a single minor foe from a distance, add +1. On a hit, they are out of action and no longer a threat. If other foes remain and you Enter the Fray against them, mark progress.

", - "asset-sniper-ability-2": "

When you Strike from a distance with time enough to line up your shot, you may roll +wits. If you do, mark progress on a hit.

", - "asset-sniper-ability-3": "

When you Secure an Advantage by studying a distant situation through the scope of your rifle, or Gain Ground by readying your shot and taking careful aim, you may sacrifice time in exchange for greater certainty. If you do (decide before rolling), Lose Momentum (-1, -2, or -3) and add that amount. Then, take +1 momentum on a strong hit.

", + "asset-sniper-requirement": "If you wield a rifle...", + "asset-sniper-ability-1": "

When you target a minor foe from a distance (outside of a fight), roll +wits. On a strong hit, they are out of action. If other foes remain and you Enter the Fray against them, mark progress. On a weak hit, as above, but you sacrifice time or position; Lose Momentum (-1). On a miss, you draw attention or face a reprisal; Pay the Price.

", + "asset-sniper-ability-2": "

When you Strike from a distance with time enough to line up your shot, you may roll +wits. If you do, mark progress on a strong hit.

", + "asset-sniper-ability-3": "

When you Secure an Advantage by studying a distant situation through your rifle scope, or Gain Ground by taking careful aim, you may sacrifice time for greater certainty. If you do (decide before rolling), Lose Momentum (-1, -2, or -3) and add that amount. Then, take +1 momentum on a strong hit.

", "asset-tech-name": "Tech", "asset-tech-asset-type": "Path", "asset-tech-ability-1": "

When you make a move to configure, optimize, hack, or disrupt an electronic system, add +1. On a weak hit, you can choose to press your luck. If you do, reroll all dice and add +2 (instead of +1).

", @@ -384,17 +385,18 @@ "asset-trader-asset-type": "Path", "asset-trader-ability-1": "

When you Sojourn or Compel, you may roll +supply. If you do, Sacrifice Resources (-1).

", "asset-trader-ability-2": "

When you Make a Connection with a merchant or supplier, add +1. When you Resupply by bartering with them, reroll your action die if its value is less than your supply. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum or +1 supply.

", - "asset-trader-ability-3": "

When you or an ally Sojourn and score a strong hit with a match, you have a chance to secure a unique item or valuable payload. Envision the nature of the opportunity and the obstacle you must overcome to aquire it. If you are successful, mark 2 ticks on your quests legacy track. One time only, you may use this acquisition to gain an automatic strong hit on any move where your resources are a factor.

", + "asset-trader-ability-3": "

When you or an ally Sojourn and score a strong hit with a match, you have a chance to secure a unique item or valuable payload. Envision the nature of the opportunity and the obstacle you must overcome to acquire it. If you are successful, mark 2 ticks on your quests legacy track. One time only, you may use this acquisition to gain an automatic strong hit on any move where your resources are a factor.

", "asset-vestige-name": "Vestige", "asset-vestige-asset-type": "Path", "asset-vestige-textinput-last-of": "Last of", - "asset-vestige-ability-1": "

You are all that remains of a people, culture, or tradition. When you Face Death or Face Desolation, memories or visions of your heritage give you the strength to carry on. Envision how this manifests, and reroll any dice. On a strong hit with a match, a surprising new aspect of your heritage is revealed; take +2 momentum and mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", - "asset-vestige-ability-2": "

When you Secure an Advantage or Compel through a tale, performance, or ceremony, envision what you reveal of your legacy. Then, add +1 and take +2 momentum on a hit.

", - "asset-vestige-ability-3": "

When you Hearten by taking solace in the power of your legacy, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-vestige-ability-1": "

You are all that remains of a people, culture, or tradition. When you Face Death or Face Desolation, visions of your heritage give you the strength to carry on. Envision how this manifests, and reroll any dice. On a strong hit with a match, a surprising new aspect of your heritage is revealed; take +2 momentum and mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", + "asset-vestige-ability-2": "

When you Secure an Advantage or Compel through a tale, performance, or ceremony, envision what you reveal of your heritage. Then, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-vestige-ability-3": "

You carry a physical relic of your heritage. Envision its powers or nature. When you make a move directly aided by the relic and score a miss, you may reroll your action die.

", + "asset-vestige-ability-3-relic": "Relic", "asset-veteran-name": "Veterana", "asset-veteran-asset-type": "Path", "asset-veteran-ability-1": "

When you are in a fight, increase your momentum reset by 1. Then, if you burn momentum to improve your result, add +1 on your next move.

", - "asset-veteran-ability-2": "

When you Make a Connection, add +1. If you roll a match, you have a history.

", + "asset-veteran-ability-2": "

When you Make a Connection, add +1. If you roll a match, you have a history.\n\n * On a strong hit with a match, you once fought beside them, and they owe you a favor. Mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track, and Develop Your Relationship now.\n * On a miss with a match, you once fought against them, and they hold a grudge.

", "asset-veteran-ability-3": "

When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground by recounting or recalling a hard-won lesson from your battlefield experiences, envision the memory and add +1. On a hit, take +1 momentum.

", "asset-voidborn-name": "Voidborn", "asset-voidborn-asset-type": "Path", @@ -403,36 +405,47 @@ "asset-voidborn-ability-3": "

When you make a move to perform an agile physical maneuver (such as leaping or evading) in a low gravity environment, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, you build speed or put yourself in perfect position; take another +1 momentum.

", "asset-weapon-master-name": "Weapon Master", "asset-weapon-master-asset-type": "Path", - "asset-weapon-master-ability-1": "

You are a walking armory, with a weapon for every occassion. When you Enter the Fray in personal combat, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. Once per fight, when you Gain Ground by switching weapons or changing tactics, take an automatic strong hit.

", + "asset-weapon-master-ability-1": "

You are a walking armory, with a weapon for every occasion. When you Enter the Fray in personal combat, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. Once per fight, when you Gain Ground by switching weapons or changing tactics, take an automatic strong hit.

", "asset-weapon-master-ability-2": "

When you Strike using a personal weapon which has limited ammo or a single-use mode, add +1 and mark progress on a hit. Then, Sacrifice Resources (-1). If you score a strong hit on this attack and immediately Take Decisive Action, you may retain the value of one challenge die from your Strike action instead of rolling that die.

", "asset-weapon-master-ability-3": "

When you Secure an Advantage by suiting up and gathering your gear for a perilous encounter or mission, you may roll +supply. If you do, take +2 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-crew-commander-name": "Crew Commander", + "asset-crew-commander-asset-type": "Path", + "asset-crew-commander-meter-command": "Command", + "asset-crew-commander-ability-1": "

You have 2 command; your max is 4. When you or an ally make a move leading or aided by your crew, you may (after rolling) suffer -1 command and improve a miss to a weak hit, or a weak hit to a strong hit. When you Pay the Price, you may suffer the cost as -1 command. If you Face Danger as a test of your leadership, roll +command. To bolster your crew, provide a significant reward or respite; then, roll +heart. On a strong hit, take +4 command. On a weak hit, take +2. On a miss, take +2 but envision a threat to your crew or leadership.

", + "asset-crew-commander-ability-2": "

Take +2 command; your max is now 6.

", + "asset-crew-commander-ability-3": "

When your command is 0 and the situation desperate, you may Compel your crew to action; if you do, take +2 command on a hit.

", "asset-banshee-name": "Banshee", "asset-banshee-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-banshee-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-banshee-meter-health": "Health", "asset-banshee-ability-1": "

Your banshee companion accompanies you on planetside missions, using its echolocation to help guide the way. When you ride your banshee as you Undertake an Expedition or Set a Course, you may roll +its health.

", "asset-banshee-ability-2": "

When you make a move astride the banshee to detect a threat or avoid a fight, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, you're gone in a flash; take another +1 momentum.

", - "asset-banshee-ability-3": "

When you make a combat move and roll a 1 on your action die, the banshee senses the danger and emits a powerful scream to alert you or distract your foes. You may reroll that die, but must first Lose Momentum (-1).

", + "asset-banshee-ability-3": "

When you make a combat move and roll a 1 on your action die, the banshee senses the danger and emits a powerful scream to alert you or distract your foes. You may reroll that die.

", "asset-combat-bot-name": "Combat Bot", "asset-combat-bot-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-combat-bot-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-combat-bot-meter-health": "Health", "asset-combat-bot-ability-1": "

Your combat bot companion fights at your side. When you Strike aided by the bot, add +1; if you Clash, take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-combat-bot-ability-2": "

When you use the threat of violence to Compel or Gain Ground while the bot brings its weapons to bear, you may roll +its health. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, the bot's display is especially persuasive; take another +1 momentum.

", "asset-combat-bot-ability-3": "

Once per fight, when you React Under Fire by using the bot to draw fire or create a diversion, roll +its health. On a strong hit, mark progress. On a weak hit, face the cost as normal, but then you are in control.

", "asset-glowcat-name": "Glowcat", "asset-glowcat-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-glowcat-textinput-name": "Nome", - "asset-glowcat-ability-1": "

Your glowcat companion perceives the inner emotions and intentions of people and creatures in its vicinity, and embodies those impressions through the colors and intensity of its luminescent fur. When you Secure an Advantage by studying the glowcat's reactions in a charged interaction, you may add +your companion's health.

", - "asset-glowcat-ability-2": "

When you Compel, the glowcat's reactions will help guide your approach. If the value of your action die is less than the glowcat's health, you may reroll it.

", + "asset-glowcat-meter-health": "Health", + "asset-glowcat-ability-1": "

Your glowcat companion perceives the inner emotions and intentions of people and creatures in its vicinity, and embodies those impressions through the colors and intensity of its luminescent fur. When you Secure an Advantage by studying the glowcat’s reactions in a charged interaction, add +its health.

", + "asset-glowcat-ability-2": "

When you Compel, the glowcat’s reactions will help guide your approach; you may reroll your action die if its value is less than the glowcat’s health.

", "asset-glowcat-ability-3": "

When you Endure Stress in the company of the glowcat, add +1. On a strong hit with a match, take +momentum equal to their health.

", "asset-protocol-bot-name": "Protocol Bot", "asset-protocol-bot-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-protocol-bot-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-protocol-bot-meter-health": "Health", "asset-protocol-bot-ability-1": "

Your protocol bot companion is programmed with knowledge of cultures, languages, and customs. When you are aided by the bot as you make a move in a formal social interaction, add +1. On a strong hit with a match, you learn something which builds understanding or empathy; also mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-protocol-bot-ability-2": "

When you first visit or interact with a new community or culture, you may ask for the bot's insight. If you do, envision what you learn and take +1 momentum.

", "asset-protocol-bot-ability-3": "

If you make a move in a charged interaction and the value of your action die is less than the bot's health, you may reroll it as the bot interjects with their commentary or advice.

", "asset-rockhorn-name": "Rockhorn", "asset-rockhorn-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-rockhorn-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-rockhorn-meter-health": "Health", "asset-rockhorn-ability-1": "

Your rockhorn companion uses its resilient, stone-like hide and brute strength to overcome threats. When you make a move by sending the rockhorn to directly attack a foe or smash an obstacle, roll +its health.

", "asset-rockhorn-ability-2": "

When you make the Companion Takes a Hit move for the rockhorn, count a weak hit as a strong hit. On a strong hit with a match, its rapid healing makes it unstoppable; give it another +1 health or take +1 momentum.

", "asset-rockhorn-ability-3": "

The rockhorn will come to your aid in your most vulnerable moments. When you Endure Harm or Endure Stress and score a miss, you may reroll your action die if its value is less than the rockhorn’s health.

", @@ -440,85 +453,104 @@ "asset-sidekick-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-sidekick-textinput-name": "Nome", "asset-sidekick-textinput-expertise": "Especialização", + "asset-sidekick-meter-health": "Health", "asset-sidekick-ability-1": "

Your sidekick has a helpful expertise. When you make a move outside of a fight directly aided by their expertise, you may reroll your action die if its value is less than your sidekick's health. If you then score a strong hit with a match, mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-sidekick-ability-2": "

When you Enter the Fray with the support of your sidekick, take +2 momentum on a hit. When you Clash together, add +1.

", "asset-sidekick-ability-3": "

When your sidekick acts to get you out of a tough spot, you may Face Danger or React Under Fire and roll +their health (instead of your own stat). On a hit, take +1 momentum.

", "asset-sprite-name": "Sprite", "asset-sprite-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-sprite-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-sprite-meter-health": "Health", "asset-sprite-ability-1": "

Your sprite companion alters its delicate, crystalline form to fly, swim, or scurry, and can covertly navigate even the harshest of environments. When you make a move by sending it to perform trickery (such as creating a distraction, sneaking into a protected location, or stealing an object) add +its health.

", "asset-sprite-ability-2": "

You are attuned to the resonance of the sprite's crystalline structure, and can communicate with it at a distance and perceive through its senses. When you Secure an Advantage by observing a situation from its perspective, or remotely Gather Information, add +its health.

", "asset-sprite-ability-3": "

With a moment's rest, the sprite can mend its form and return automatically to max health.

", "asset-survey-bot-name": "Survey Bot", "asset-survey-bot-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-survey-bot-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-survey-bot-meter-health": "Health", "asset-survey-bot-ability-1": "

Your survey bot companion scans the path ahead. When you Undertake an Expedition (+wits) overland or within a site, add +1.

", - "asset-survey-bot-ability-2": "

Once per expedition, when you Secure an Advantage by sending the bot to scout ahead, roll +its health. On a hit, also mark progress on the expedition. On a strong hit with a match, the bot uncovers an unexpected feature or location; envision what it reveals and mark one tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", + "asset-survey-bot-ability-2": "

Once per expedition, when you Secure an Advantage by sending the bot to scout ahead, roll +its health. On a hit, also mark progress on the expedition. On a strong hit with a match, the bot uncovers an unexpected feature or location; envision what it reveals and mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.

", "asset-survey-bot-ability-3": "

When you Explore a Waypoint aided by the bot's sensors, or Face Danger to detect a threat, roll +its health and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-symbiote-name": "Symbiote", "asset-symbiote-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-symbiote-textinput-name": "Nome", - "asset-symbiote-ability-1": "

You are physically bound to a being with +2 health. When you make aggressive moves while giving yourself to the symbiote's power, add +its health. If you face physical harm, choose either the Endure Harm or Companion Takes a Hit move. To restore the symbiote's health, you must Endure Stress and give the symbiote +health equal to the -spirit you face. If you make a move aided by the symbiote and roll a 1 on your action die, your fragile bond is broken for several hours.

", + "asset-symbiote-meter-health": "Health", + "asset-symbiote-ability-1": "

You are physically bound to a being with 2 health. When you make aggressive moves while giving yourself to the symbiote's power, add +its health. If you face physical harm, choose either the Endure Harm or Companion Takes a Hit move. To restore the symbiote's health, you must Endure Stress and give the symbiote +health equal to the -spirit you face. If you make a move aided by the symbiote and roll a 1 on your action die, your fragile bond is broken for several hours.

", "asset-symbiote-ability-2": "

When you make a move and heed the symbiote's guidance (decide after rolling), you may reroll any dice. Then, Endure Stress (-2).

", - "asset-symbiote-ability-3": "

The symbiote gains power and has +3 health.

", + "asset-symbiote-ability-3": "

The symbiote gains power and has 3 health.

", "asset-utility-bot-name": "Utility Bot", "asset-utility-bot-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-utility-bot-textinput-name": "Nome", + "asset-utility-bot-meter-health": "Health", "asset-utility-bot-ability-1": "

Your utility bot companion has helpful tools at-hand. When you make a move by directing it to access a system, cut through an obstacle, analyze a mechanical issue, or assemble or disassemble a device, roll +its health and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, it reveals an unexpected advantage or insight; take another +1 momentum.

", "asset-utility-bot-ability-2": "

When you Repair aided by the bot, add +1. On a miss, it reveals an alternative approach which will take extra time; you may reroll any dice, but first Lose Momentum (-2).

", "asset-utility-bot-ability-3": "

When you Check Your Gear to see if the bot has a specific tool or technique available, roll +its health and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-voidglider-name": "Voidglider", "asset-voidglider-asset-type": "Companion", "asset-voidglider-textinput-name": "Nome", - "asset-voidglider-ability-1": "

Your voidglider companion cruises in your starship’s energy wake and helps guide the way on spacebound expeditions. When you Undertake an Expedition and score a strong hit, take +1 momentum.

", + "asset-voidglider-meter-health": "Health", + "asset-voidglider-ability-1": "

Your voidglider companion cruises in your starship’s energy wake and can help guide the way on spaceborne journeys. When you Undertake an Expedition, add +1.

", "asset-voidglider-ability-2": "

The voidglider is harnessed and trained as a mount, and can be ridden for short-range spacebound transport. When you are riding the voidglider and make a move to detect or evade a threat by relying on its instincts, roll +its health.

", - "asset-voidglider-ability-3": "

When you make a move by signaling the voidglider to distract or attack a spacebound foe, roll +its health and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-voidglider-ability-3": "

When you make a move by signaling the voidglider to distract or attack a spaceborne foe, roll +its health and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-bonded-name": "Bonded", "asset-bonded-asset-type": "Deed", "asset-bonded-textinput-bond-mate": "Bond-mate", - "asset-bonded-description": "

One time only, once you Forge a Bond with a special individual…

", + "asset-bonded-requirement": "One time only, once you Forge a Bond with a special individual...", "asset-bonded-ability-1": "

This person is your bond-mate. When you Sojourn at their home, Hearten in their presence, or Test Your Relationship or Develop Your Relationship with them, reroll any dice. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum.

", "asset-bonded-ability-2": "

When you Set a Course back to your bond-mate's location, add +heart. On a strong hit with a match, envision a special reunion and mark two ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", "asset-bonded-ability-3": "

When you make a move in a crucial moment and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts of your bond-mate for support. If you do, reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition to the outcome of the move, you must mark shaken or traumatized. If both debilities are already marked, Face Desolation.

", "asset-homesteader-name": "Homesteader", "asset-homesteader-asset-type": "Deed", "asset-homesteader-textinput-name": "Nome", - "asset-homesteader-description": "

Once you fill 4 boxes on your bonds legacy track…

", + "asset-homesteader-requirement": "Once you fill 4 boxes on your bonds legacy track...", "asset-homesteader-ability-1": "

You have chosen or established a community as your home. When you Swear an Iron Vow (formidable or greater) in service to your home, reroll any dice. On a hit, mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track. When you Fulfill Your Vow and score a hit, also mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", - "asset-homesteader-ability-2": "

When you Sojourn in your home, choose one.

", + "asset-homesteader-ability-2": "

When you Sojourn in your home, choose one.\n\n * Don't linger: Take an automatic weak hit\n * Stay a bit: Add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit

", "asset-homesteader-ability-3": "

When you Set a Course for home, you may reroll your action die if its value is less than your spirit.

", "asset-marked-name": "Marked", "asset-marked-asset-type": "Deed", "asset-marked-textinput-identifier": "Identifier", - "asset-marked-description": "

Once you fill 5 boxes on your quests legacy track…

", - "asset-marked-ability-1": "

Envision the title, sigil, uniform, or tattoo you bear in recognition of your achievements. When you Compel or Make a Connection among those who would know or recognize your reputation, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, your notoriety grows; mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", - "asset-marked-ability-2": "

When you risk your reputation to overcome failure, reroll any dice. If you score a miss, make a mark on this asset. When you have 5 such marks, discard this asset.

", - "asset-marked-counter-marks": "Marks", - "asset-marked-ability-3": "

Once per fight, when you Gain Ground through threat or leadership, you may reroll any dice and mark progress on a hit.

", + "asset-marked-requirement": "Once you fill 5 boxes on your quests legacy track...", + "asset-marked-ability-1": "

Envision the title, sigil, uniform, or tattoo you bear in recognition of your achievements. When you Compel or Make a Connection among those who would know your reputation, add +1. On a strong hit with a match, your notoriety grows; mark 2 ticks on your bonds legacy track.

", + "asset-marked-ability-2": "

When you risk your reputation to overcome a miss, reroll any dice. If you score a miss again, fill one segment of a six-segment clock to represent the stain on your reputation. When the clock is filled, discard this asset.

", + "asset-marked-ability-2-stained-reputation": "Stained reputation", + "asset-marked-ability-3": "

Once per fight, when you Gain Ground through intimidation or command, reroll any dice and mark progress on a hit.

", "asset-oathbreaker-name": "Oathbreaker", "asset-oathbreaker-asset-type": "Deed", - "asset-oathbreaker-description": "

Once you Forsake Your Vow

", + "asset-oathbreaker-requirement": "Once you Forsake Your Vow...", "asset-oathbreaker-ability-1": "

This asset counts as an impact. One time only, when you Swear an Iron Vow (extreme or greater) to redeem yourself, give that vow a special mark. When you Reach a Milestone on the marked vow, take +2 momentum. If you Forsake Your Vow on the quest, discard this asset and retain the impact.

", "asset-oathbreaker-ability-2": "

When you Secure an Advantage or Compel by reaffirming your commitment to your marked vow, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.

", "asset-oathbreaker-ability-3": "

When you Fulfill Your Vow on the marked quest and score a hit, you find redemption and automatically gain this ability at no cost. You may then improve one of your stats by +1 and discard this asset. Once the asset is discarded, you may not take it again.

", "asset-revenant-name": "Revenant", "asset-revenant-asset-type": "Deed", - "asset-revenant-description": "

Once you Face Death

", + "asset-revenant-requirement": "Once you Face Death...", "asset-revenant-ability-1": "

When you are at 0 health, and Endure Harm or Face Death, add +1. You may then reroll your action die if its value is less than your spirit.

", "asset-revenant-ability-2": "

When you Take Decisive Action by bringing death to a foe, you may burn momentum to zero out one (not both) of the challenge dice if your momentum is greater than the value of that die. If you do, Endure Stress (-2).

", "asset-revenant-ability-3": "

When you Gather Information by studying a place where death left its mark, you may roll +heart. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong hit with a match, you experience a detailed vision or insightful revelation of what occurred here; take +1 momentum more.

", "asset-survivor-name": "Survivor", "asset-survivor-asset-type": "Deed", - "asset-survivor-description": "

Once you mark traumatized or permanently harmed…

", + "asset-survivor-requirement": "Once you mark traumatized or permanently harmed...", "asset-survivor-ability-1": "

When you are haunted by past experiences and must Endure Stress, you may Lose Momentum (-1) before rolling as you attempt to find focus or calm. If you do, reroll any dice. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum.

", "asset-survivor-ability-2": "

When you make a move where a lasting effect (traumatized or permanently harmed) has a narrative impact on the scene or your approach, and burn momentum to improve your result, you may envision what sustains or motivates you in this moment. If you do, mark 1 tick on your quests or bonds legacy track. On a strong hit with a match, mark 2 ticks.

", "asset-survivor-ability-3": "

You are learning to live with this impact. The lasting effect (traumatized or permanently harmed, but not both) remains marked, but no longer reduces your max momentum or reset.

", "asset-vanguard-name": "Vanguard", "asset-vanguard-asset-type": "Deed", - "asset-vanguard-description": "

Once you fill 6 boxes on your discoveries legacy track…

", - "asset-vanguard-ability-1": "

When you seek safe haven in a remote environment, make a progress roll against your discoveries legacy track. On a strong hit, you find or establish a safe location and may add +2 whenever you make a recovery move there. If you score a miss when making a recovery move, the place is no longer safe. On a weak hit, as above, but add +1 when you make a recovery move. On a miss, you are drawn into a bad situation and must Pay the Price.

", + "asset-vanguard-requirement": "Once you fill 6 boxes on your discoveries legacy track...", + "asset-vanguard-ability-1": "

When you seek a safe location in a remote environment, make a progress roll against your discoveries legacy track. On a strong hit, you establish a haven; add +2 whenever you make a recovery move at that location. On a weak hit, as above, but add +1 when making a recovery move. On a miss, you are drawn into a bad situation and must Pay the Price. If you establish a haven but score a miss on a recovery move, that location is no longer safe.

", "asset-vanguard-ability-2": "

When you make a move +wits and score a strong hit with a match, your hard-won experience lends insight; take +1 momentum.

", "asset-vanguard-ability-3": "

When you Endure Stress, you may roll +wits. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.

", + "asset-cohort-name": "Cohort", + "asset-cohort-asset-type": "Deed", + "asset-cohort-requirement": "Once you Make a Connection and take them on as a crewmate...", + "asset-cohort-ability-1": "

You gain a specialist. The specialist is part of your crew, but is managed as a connection and provides benefits to you and your allies per their role. When you Withstand Damage and score a miss, or if you Pay_the_Price, you may suffer the cost by noting the specialist as out of action. An out of action specialist provides no benefit. To restore a specialist to duty, resolve the situation as appropriate to the nature of the injury, trauma, or dispute.

", + "asset-cohort-ability-2": "

You may gain additional specialists by spending 1 experience to add a connection to your crew as a specialist. Specialist bonuses may not be stacked for a single action.

", + "asset-cohort-ability-3": "

When you Secure an Advantage by gathering your specialists to strategize or problem-solve, you may reroll one die for each participating specialist.

", + "asset-fleet-commander-name": "Fleet Commander", + "asset-fleet-commander-asset-type": "Deed", + "asset-fleet-commander-requirement": "Once you fill 12 legacy track boxes and take command of a mighty fleet...", + "asset-fleet-commander-meter-power": "Power", + "asset-fleet-commander-ability-1": "

Your fleet has a starting and max power of 4. When you make a move as a fleetwide action to get in position, avoid a hazard, or fight, roll +power. If you Pay the Price and your fleet bears the cost, suffer -1 power. At 0 power, mark the fleet as wrecked. To refit the fleet, Sojourn and forego an automatic strong hit on a recover move to take +2 power; if the fleet is wrecked, first spend 2 experience to clear that status.

", + "asset-fleet-commander-ability-2": "

Take +2 power and set your max power to 5.

", + "asset-fleet-commander-ability-3": "

When you Undertake an Expedition, you may reroll your action die if its value is less than your fleet’s power.

", "passengers": "Passageiros", "cargo": "Carga", "answer-yes": "Sim", @@ -646,6 +678,2965 @@ "move-title-take-a-break": "Take a Break", "move-title-end-a-session": "End a Session", "move-title-earn-experience": "Earn Experience", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation-name": "Character Creation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets-name": "Background Assets", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets-description": "If you want some direction for your starting paths, roll or pick from the table below and take the two paths associated with your selected background.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/1-5": "Battlefield Medic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/6-10": "Delegate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/11-15": "Exobiologist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/16-20": "Far Trader", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/21-25": "Fugitive Hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/26-30": "Hacker", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/31-35": "Hotshot Pilot", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/36-40": "Interstellar Scout", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/41-45": "Monster Hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/46-50": "Occultist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/51-55": "Operative", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/56-60": "Outlaw", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/61-65": "Private Investigator", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/66-70": "Prophet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/71-75": "Psionicist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/76-80": "Smuggler", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/81-85": "Spiritualist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/86-90": "Starship Engineer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/91-95": "Supersoldier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Background_Assets/96-100": "Tomb Raider", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts-name": "Backstory Prompts", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts-description": "For some backstory inspiration, roll or pick from the table below. Then, take a moment to elaborate on the suggestion. Or just leave it a bit vague and mysterious for now; you can flesh it out in play.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/1-7": "You abandoned your kin after learning a troubling truth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/8-13": "You are guided by a vision or prophecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/14-20": "You are haunted by past actions or failures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/21-27": "You are running from a criminal past", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/28-34": "You are the sole survivor of an attack or calamity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/35-40": "You escaped an abusive or unjust situation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/41-46": "You have no memory of your former life", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/47-53": "You rejected a duty or destiny", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/54-60": "You were banished from your former home", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/61-67": "You were denied a birthright", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/68-74": "You were on your own for as long as you can remember", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/75-81": "You were sent away on a prolonged mission", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/82-87": "You were taken or lured away by someone", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/88-94": "Your ambitions outgrew your humble origins", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Backstory_Prompts/95-100": "Your wanderlust carried you far away", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History-name": "Starship History", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History-description": "Envision how you obtained or earned this ship. You can come up with your own origin, or roll or pick from the table below. If you use a result from the table, take a moment to consider and elaborate on the suggestion.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/1-8": "Acquired in trade for a precious family heirloom", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/9-17": "Built out of repurposed scrap", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/18-25": "Claimed as spoils of war", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/26-34": "Discovered as a derelict, and patched back together", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/35-42": "Earned in exchange for a promise or vow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/43-50": "Found abandoned in perfect condition", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/51-58": "Granted by an organization or community", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/59-67": "Inherited from a relative or mentor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/68-75": "Purchased at a suspiciously cheap price", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/76-84": "Stolen from a notorious crime boss or criminal organization", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/85-92": "Taken while fleeing an attack or disaster", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_History/93-100": "Won in a bet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks-name": "Starship Quirks", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks-description": "Your ship is an important aspect of your character—and a character in its own right. What does it look like? What makes it interesting or uniquely yours? Does it have any particular quirks? If nothing occurs to you now, you can flesh it out in play, or roll once or twice on the table below.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/1-5": "Engine room is scorched with old burn marks", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/6-10": "Exterior is marred by rust and grime", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/11-15": "Faint, phantom music sometimes echoes through the corridors", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/16-20": "Gravity generator is notoriously fickle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/21-25": "Hull is fused with organic growths", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/26-30": "Hull rattles and groans in atmospheric flight", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/31-35": "Interior spaces are crowded with exposed cables and conduits", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/36-40": "Looks defenseless, but exterior panels open to reveal weapons", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/41-45": "Navigation logs contain coordinates to locations that do not—or should not—exist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/46-50": "Old bloodstain in the airlock reappears even when painted over", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/51-55": "Once a beautiful ship, now scarred by a devastating battle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/56-60": "Patched hull covers a recent catastrophic breach", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/61-65": "Placards and control labels are in an uncommon language", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/66-70": "Removable plate decks provide access to hidden storage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/71-75": "Segmented landing gear unfold like gangly spider legs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/76-80": "Ship is powered by an ancient precursor device", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/81-85": "Someone marked the hull with graffiti during a recent layover", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/86-90": "Strange symbols are scrawled on the deck and bulkheads in the main corridor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/91-95": "Things tend to go missing for no logical reason", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Starship_Quirks/96-100": "Timers and clocks are always just a bit off", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble-name": "Sector Trouble", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/1-5": "Blockade prevents trade with other sectors", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/6-10": "Bounty hunters search for an infamous fugitive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/11-15": "Chaotic breaches in spacetime spread like wildfire", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/16-20": "Criminal faction corrupts local authorities", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/21-25": "Devastating superweapon has fallen into the wrong hands", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/26-30": "Energy storms are rampant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/31-35": "Magnetic disturbances disrupt communication", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/36-40": "Newly found resource lures greedy fortune hunters to the sector", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/41-45": "Notorious pirate clan preys on starships", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/46-50": "Parasitic lifeforms spread like a plague", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/51-55": "Precursor sites throughout the sector emit strange signals", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/56-60": "Prophecies foretell an imminent awakening of a dreadful power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/61-65": "Raider clan emerges as a dominant threat under a new leader", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/66-70": "Religious zealots overrun the sector", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/71-75": "Rogue AI infiltrates systems throughout the sector", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/76-80": "Settlements or factions are on the brink of war", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/81-85": "Ships regularly go missing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/86-90": "Sickness spreads among ships and settlements", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/91-95": "Supernova is imminent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Sector_Trouble/96-100": "Titanic spaceborne lifeform stalks the spaceways", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident-name": "Inciting Incident", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/1-5": "Aid a starship caught in a spacetime fracture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/6-10": "Broker peace between two feuding settlements", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/11-15": "Chart a new passage between isolated settlements", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/16-20": "Defend the people of a beleaguered settlement against raiders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/21-25": "Discover who sabotaged a settlement's air processors", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/26-30": "Escort a tradeship carrying a prized cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/31-35": "Ferry a rescue team to a perilous disaster site", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/36-40": "Infiltrate a fortified base to steal crucial data", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/41-45": "Investigate terrifying manifestations at a remote settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/46-50": "Liberate prisoners at a cruel labor camp", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/51-55": "Locate a downed spacer on an uninhabited planet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/56-60": "Protect a fugitive from a relentless bounty hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/61-65": "Recover a cherished pre-exodus artifact from an enemy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/66-70": "Rescue a starship crew held captive by mutineers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/71-75": "Retrieve a cache of stolen weapons from a pirate ship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/76-80": "Sabotage an enemy installation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/81-85": "Search for a missing expedition in the depths of a precursor vault", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/86-90": "Shield a wondrous lifeform from those who seek to destroy it", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/91-95": "Track and slay a marauding beast", + "Starforged/Oracles/Character_Creation/Inciting_Incident/96-100": "Transport a displaced people to their new home", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters-name": "Characters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters-description": "Don’t try to build a fully formed understanding character when you first encounter them; instead, focus on what your character learns or perceives as a first impression using oracles such as First Look and Initial Disposition. Then envision or generate additional details over time.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look-name": "First Look", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/1-3": "Accented", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/4-6": "Accompanied", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/7-8": "Adorned", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/9-11": "Aged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/12-13": "Alluring", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/14-15": "Armed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/16-17": "Armored", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/18-20": "Athletic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/21-23": "Attractive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/24-25": "Augmented", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/26-27": "Concealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/28-30": "Distracted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/31-33": "Eccentric", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/34-35": "Energetic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/36-37": "Flashy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/38-40": "Graceful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/41-43": "Grim", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/44-46": "Haggard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/47-49": "Ill-equipped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/50-52": "Imposing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/53-55": "Large", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/56-57": "Mutated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/58-60": "Plain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/61-62": "Poised", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/63-65": "Scarred", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/66-68": "Scruffy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/69-71": "Shifty", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/72-73": "Sickly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/74-76": "Slight", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/77-78": "Swaggering", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/79-81": "Tattooed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/82-83": "Threatened", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/84-85": "Uncanny", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/86-87": "Visibly disabled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/88-90": "Weathered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/91-92": "Well-equipped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/93-95": "Wiry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/96-97": "Wounded", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/First_Look/98-100": "Youthful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition-name": "Disposition", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/1-6": "Helpful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/7-14": "Friendly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/15-22": "Cooperative", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/23-30": "Curious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/31-40": "Indifferent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/41-50": "Suspicious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/51-60": "Wanting", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/61-70": "Desperate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/71-78": "Demanding", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/79-86": "Unfriendly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/87-94": "Threatening", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Disposition/95-100": "Hostile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role-name": "Role", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/1-2": "Agent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/3-4": "AI", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/5-6": "Artisan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/7-8": "Assassin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/9-10": "Bounty Hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/11-12": "Courier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/13-14": "Crew", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/15-16": "Criminal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/17-18": "Cultist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/19-20": "Diplomat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/21-22": "Engineer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/23-24": "Entertainer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/25-26": "Explorer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/27-28": "Farmer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/29-30": "Fugitive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/31-32": "Guard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/33-34": "Guide", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/35-36": "Healer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/37-38": "Historian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/39-40": "Hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/41-42": "Investigator", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/43-44": "Laborer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/45-46": "Lawkeeper", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/47-48": "Leader", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/49-50": "Mercenary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/51-52": "Merchant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/53-54": "Miner", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/55-56": "Mystic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/57-58": "Navigator", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/59-60": "Outcast", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/61-62": "Pilgrim", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/63-64": "Pilot", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/65-66": "Pirate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/67-68": "Preacher", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/69-70": "Prophet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/71-72": "Raider", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/73-74": "Researcher", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/75-76": "Scavenger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/77-78": "Scholar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/79-80": "Scout", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/81-82": "Shipwright", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/83-84": "Smuggler", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/85-86": "Soldier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/87-88": "Spacer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/89-90": "Technician", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/91-92": "Thief", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/93-95": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Role/96-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal-name": "Goal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/1-2": "Avenge a wrong", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/3-4": "Build a home", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/5-7": "Build a relationship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/8-10": "Claim a resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/11-12": "Collect a debt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/13-14": "Craft an object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/15-16": "Cure an ill", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/17-18": "Defeat a rival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/19-20": "Defend a person", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/21-23": "Defend a place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/24-25": "Discover a truth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/26-27": "End a conflict", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/28-29": "Escape a captor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/30-31": "Fight injustice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/32-33": "Find a person", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/34-35": "Forge an alliance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/36-37": "Gain knowledge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/38-39": "Gain riches", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/40-41": "Maintain order", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/42-43": "Make an agreement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/44-45": "Obtain an object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/46-47": "Pay a debt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/48-49": "Protect a lifeform", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/50-51": "Protect a secret", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/52-53": "Prove worthiness", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/54-55": "Rebel against power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/56-57": "Refute a falsehood", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/58-59": "Repair a technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/60-61": "Resolve a dispute", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/62-63": "Restore a relationship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/64-65": "Sabotage a technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/66-68": "Secure a resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/69-70": "Seek redemption", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/71-72": "Seize power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/73-74": "Solve a mystery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/75-76": "Spread faith", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/77-78": "Travel to a place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/79-80": "Undermine a relationship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/81-90": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Goal/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect-name": "Revealed Aspect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect-description": "As you interact with a person to gain a deeper understanding of their nature and personality, roll on the this table to reveal new characteristics. You may ignore, reroll, or adjust contradictions. Or envision how those contradictions add interesting complexity to the character.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/1": "Addicted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/2": "Adventurous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/3": "Afflicted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/4": "Aggressive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/5": "Ambitious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/6": "Angry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/7": "Anxious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/8": "Apathetic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/9": "Bitter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/10": "Boastful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/11": "Boisterous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/12": "Bold", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/13": "Brave", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/14": "Careless", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/15": "Cautious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/16": "Charismatic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/17": "Clever", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/18": "Conceited", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/19": "Confident", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/20": "Confused", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/21": "Connected", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/22": "Corrupted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/23": "Cowardly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/24": "Creative", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/25": "Critical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/26": "Cruel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/27": "Cunning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/28": "Dangerous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/29": "Deceitful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/30": "Defiant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/31": "Determined", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/32": "Disabled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/33": "Doomed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/34": "Driven", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/35": "Dying", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/36": "Envious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/37": "Experienced", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/38": "Faithful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/39": "Generous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/40": "Gifted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/41": "Greedy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/42": "Grief-stricken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/43": "Handy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/44": "Hardhearted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/45": "Haunted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/46": "Honorable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/47": "Hot-tempered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/48": "Impulsive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/49": "Incompetent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/50": "Independent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/51": "Infamous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/52": "Influential", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/53": "Insensitive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/54": "Insightful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/55": "Intelligent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/56": "Intolerant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/57": "Ironsworn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/58": "Kind", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/59": "Law-abiding", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/60": "Lonely", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/61": "Loving", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/62": "Loyal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/63": "Manipulative", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/64": "Oblivious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/65": "Obsessed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/66": "Oppressed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/67": "Passive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/68": "Powerful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/69": "Proud", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/70": "Quiet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/71": "Quirky", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/72": "Rebellious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/73": "Reclusive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/74": "Relaxed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/75": "Remorseful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/76": "Resourceful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/77": "Secretive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/78": "Selfish", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/79": "Sociable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/80": "Stealthy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/81": "Stern", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/82": "Stingy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/83": "Stoic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/84": "Strong", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/85": "Stubborn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/86": "Successful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/87": "Suspicious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/88": "Talented", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/89": "Technical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/90": "Timid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/91": "Tolerant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/92": "Tough", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/93": "Vengeful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/94": "Violent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/95": "Wary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/96": "Watchful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/97": "Weak", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/98": "Weary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/99": "Wild", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Revealed_Aspect/100": "Wise", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name-name": "Name", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name-description": "Given and family names are presented as a pair, so you may roll once for both or twice to mix-and-match. You can also try reversing given and family names, or use either independently as a standalone name. If you’d like to give a character a callsign, which are the monikers used by spacers, you may roll separately or take the one provided for your rolled name.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/1": "Akim", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/2": "Alex", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/3": "Alexis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/4": "Alisa", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/5": "Althea", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/6": "Amari", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/7": "Aparna", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/8": "Argus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/9": "Arnav", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/10": "Ash", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/11": "Asha", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/12": "Astrid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/13": "Aurora", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/14": "Ayako", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/15": "Azriel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/16": "Blake", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/17": "Brennan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/18": "Brianna", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/19": "Bruna", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/20": "Bruno", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/21": "Cassidy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/22": "Christa", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/23": "Cole", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/24": "Corey", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/25": "Creed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/26": "Derya", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/27": "Dex", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/28": "Doran", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/29": "Echo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/30": "Eren", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/31": "Erim", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/32": "Esana", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/33": "Eveline", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/34": "Faye", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/35": "Fletcher", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/36": "Flint", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/37": "Florian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/38": "Gavin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/39": "Halia", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/40": "Ike", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/41": "Isaac", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/42": "James", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/43": "Janya", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/44": "Jihun", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/45": "Jorunn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/46": "Juliana", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/47": "Juro", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/48": "Kaisa", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/49": "Karthik", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/50": "Kayla", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/51": "Kei", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/52": "Kiana", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/53": "Kieran", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/54": "Kierra", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/55": "Kimora", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/56": "Kiri", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/57": "Kirsa", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/58": "Kwan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/59": "Kylar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/60": "Landry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/61": "Logan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/62": "Lowell", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/63": "Lucas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/64": "Curtis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/65": "Luna", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/66": "Lux", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/67": "Mae", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/68": "Magnus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/69": "Mave", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/70": "Merrick", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/71": "Mina", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/72": "Nashida", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/73": "Nassar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/74": "Ostara", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/75": "Qasira", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/76": "Quinn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/77": "Ragnar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/78": "Raven", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/79": "Ria", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/80": "Rokuro", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/81": "Roland", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/82": "Rowena", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/83": "Sage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/84": "Saren", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/85": "Annora", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/86": "Severinus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/87": "Shen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/88": "Talia", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/89": "Tomiko", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/90": "Ulan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/91": "Valda", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/92": "Venri", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/93": "Vesper", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/94": "Vuldar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/95": "William", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/96": "Yelena", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/97": "Zakia", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/98": "Zari", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/99": "Zephyr", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Given_Name/100": "Zoya", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/1": "Albatross", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/2": "Angler", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/3": "Anvil", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/4": "Badger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/5": "Bandit", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/6": "Bash", + 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"Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/55": "Mantis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/56": "Mimic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/57": "Mole", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/58": "Monarch", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/59": "Mongoose", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/60": "Nails", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/61": "Ogre", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/62": "Omega", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/63": "Overload", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/64": "Packrat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/65": "Paladin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/66": "Phantom", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/67": "Phoenix", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/68": "Pyro", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/69": "Quickdraw", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Callsign/70": "Razor", + 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"Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/2": "Durant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/3": "Jefferies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/4": "Velez", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/5": "Lontoc", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/6": "Wade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/7": "Kade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/8": "Thorn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/9": "Khosla", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/10": "Hendrix", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/11": "Okiro", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/12": "Ripley", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/13": "Talin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/14": "Jin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/15": "Finn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/16": "Solas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/17": "Quint", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/18": "Keelan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/19": "Silva", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/20": "Valk", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/21": "O'Brien", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/22": "Ruiz", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/23": "Stallard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/24": "Mackenson", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/25": "Jensen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/26": "Sakir", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/27": "Tolari", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/28": "Kain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/29": "Carr", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/30": "Valenus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/31": "Kaan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/32": "Taylan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/33": "Legrand", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/34": "Jemison", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/35": "Arden", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/36": "Sayer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/37": "Kai", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/38": "Slater", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/39": "Edris", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/40": "Sutton", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/41": "Savarin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/42": "Bridger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/43": "Mital", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/44": "Shin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/45": "Nadir", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/46": "Santos", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/47": "Mihara", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/48": "Buhari", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/49": "Salvi", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/50": "Adler", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/51": "Takara", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/52": "Shelton", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/53": "Vandu", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/54": "Vega", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/55": "Zhang", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/56": "Savela", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/57": "Hawking", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/58": "Jen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/59": "Hobbs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/60": "Holland", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/61": "Silvius", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/62": "Freeman", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/63": "Barbosa", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/64": "Winter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/65": "Hammond", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/66": "Archer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/67": "Barlowe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/68": "Shepherd", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/69": "Griffin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/70": "Frost", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/71": "Quon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/72": "Malek", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/73": "Murad", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/74": "Becker", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/75": "Ammar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/76": "Braddock", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/77": "Blackstone", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/78": "Hadley", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/79": "Farin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/80": "Kobayashi", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/81": "Duval", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/82": "Hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/83": "Beckett", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/84": "Dykstra", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/85": "Gray", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/86": "Sedano", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/87": "Bai", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/88": "Booker", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/89": "Sato", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/90": "Vayan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/91": "Bond", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/92": "Stark", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/93": "Stirling", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/94": "Wolfe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/95": "O'Niel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/96": "Petrov", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/97": "Nazari", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/98": "Darwin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/99": "Pearson", + "Starforged/Oracles/Characters/Name/Family_Name/100": "Volkov", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core-name": "Core", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action-name": "Action", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action-description": "When you Ask the Oracle about a goal, situation, or event, roll for an Action and Theme. Together, these provide an interpretative verb/noun prompt.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/1": "Abandon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/2": "Acquire", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/3": "Advance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/4": "Affect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/5": "Aid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/6": "Arrive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/7": "Assault", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/8": "Attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/9": "Avenge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/10": "Avoid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/11": "Await", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/12": "Begin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/13": "Betray", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/14": "Bolster", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/15": "Breach", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/16": "Break", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/17": "Capture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/18": "Challenge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/19": "Change", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/20": "Charge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/21": "Clash", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/22": "Command", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/23": "Communicate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/24": "Construct", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/25": "Control", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/26": "Coordinate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/27": "Create", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/28": "Debate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/29": "Defeat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/30": "Defend", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/31": "Deflect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/32": "Defy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/33": "Deliver", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/34": "Demand", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/35": "Depart", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/36": "Destroy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/37": "Distract", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/38": "Eliminate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/39": "Endure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/40": "Escalate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/41": "Escort", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/42": "Evade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/43": "Explore", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/44": "Falter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/45": "Find", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/46": "Finish", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/47": "Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/48": "Follow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/49": "Fortify", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/50": "Gather", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/51": "Guard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/52": "Hide", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/53": "Hold", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/54": "Hunt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/55": "Impress", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/56": "Initiate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/57": "Inspect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/58": "Investigate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/59": "Journey", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/60": "Learn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/61": "Leave", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/62": "Locate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/63": "Lose", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/64": "Manipulate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/65": "Mourn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/66": "Move", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/67": "Oppose", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/68": "Overwhelm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/69": "Persevere", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/70": "Preserve", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/71": "Protect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/72": "Raid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/73": "Reduce", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/74": "Refuse", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/75": "Reject", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/76": "Release", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/77": "Remove", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/78": "Research", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/79": "Resist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/80": "Restore", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/81": "Reveal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/82": "Risk", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/83": "Scheme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/84": "Search", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/85": "Secure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/86": "Seize", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/87": "Serve", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/88": "Share", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/89": "Strengthen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/90": "Summon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/91": "Support", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/92": "Suppress", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/93": "Surrender", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/94": "Swear", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/95": "Threaten", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/96": "Transform", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/97": "Uncover", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/98": "Uphold", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/99": "Weaken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Action/100": "Withdraw", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme-name": "Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme-description": "When you Ask the Oracle about a goal, situation, or event, roll for an Action and Theme. Together, these provide an interpretative verb/noun prompt.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/1": "Ability", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/2": "Advantage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/3": "Alliance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/4": "Authority", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/5": "Balance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/6": "Barrier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/7": "Belief", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/8": "Blood", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/9": "Bond", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/10": "Burden", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/11": "Commerce", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/12": "Community", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/13": "Corruption", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/14": "Creation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/15": "Crime", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/16": "Culture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/17": "Cure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/18": "Danger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/19": "Death", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/20": "Debt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/21": "Decay", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/22": "Deception", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/23": "Defense", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/24": "Destiny", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/25": "Disaster", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/26": "Discovery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/27": "Disease", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/28": "Dominion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/29": "Dream", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/30": "Duty", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/31": "Enemy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/32": "Expedition", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/33": "Faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/34": "Fame", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/35": "Family", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/36": "Fear", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/37": "Fellowship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/38": "Freedom", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/39": "Greed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/40": "Hardship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/41": "Hate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/42": "Health", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/43": "History", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/44": "Home", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/45": "Honor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/46": "Hope", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/47": "Humanity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/48": "Innocence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/49": "Knowledge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/50": "Labor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/51": "Language", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/52": "Law", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/53": "Legacy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/54": "Life", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/55": "Love", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/56": "Memory", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/57": "Nature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/58": "Opportunity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/59": "Passage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/60": "Peace", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/61": "Phenomenon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/62": "Possession", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/63": "Power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/64": "Price", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/65": "Pride", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/66": "Prize", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/67": "Prophesy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/68": "Protection", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/69": "Quest", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/70": "Relationship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/71": "Religion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/72": "Reputation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/73": "Resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/74": "Revenge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/75": "Rival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/76": "Rumor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/77": "Safety", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/78": "Sanctuary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/79": "Secret", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/80": "Solution", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/81": "Spirit", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/82": "Stranger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/83": "Strategy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/84": "Strength", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/85": "Superstition", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/86": "Supply", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/87": "Survival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/88": "Technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/89": "Time", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/90": "Tool", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/91": "Trade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/92": "Truth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/93": "Vengeance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/94": "Vow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/95": "War", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/96": "Warning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/97": "Weakness", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/98": "Wealth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/99": "Weapon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Theme/100": "World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor-name": "Descriptor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor-description": "When you Ask the Oracle to help define the nature of a location, discovery, or encounter, roll for a Descriptor and a Focus for an adjective/noun prompt.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/1": "Abandoned", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/2": "Abundant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/3": "Active", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/4": "Advanced", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/5": "Alien", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/6": "Ancient", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/7": "Archaic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/8": "Automated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/9": "Barren", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/10": "Biological", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/11": "Blighted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/12": "Blocked", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/13": "Breached", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/14": "Broken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/15": "Captured", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/16": "Chaotic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/17": "Civilized", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/18": "Collapsed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/19": "Colossal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/20": "Confined", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/21": "Conspicuous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/22": "Constructed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/23": "Contested", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/24": "Corrupted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/25": "Created", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/26": "Damaged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/27": "Dead", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/28": "Deadly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/29": "Decaying", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/30": "Defended", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/31": "Depleted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/32": "Desolate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/33": "Destroyed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/34": "Diverse", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/35": "Empty", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/36": "Engulfed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/37": "Ensnaring", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/38": "Expansive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/39": "Exposed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/40": "Fiery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/41": "Foreboding", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/42": "Forgotten", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/43": "Forsaken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/44": "Fortified", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/45": "Foul", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/46": "Fragile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/47": "Frozen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/48": "Functional", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/49": "Grim", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/50": "Guarded", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/51": "Haunted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/52": "Hidden", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/53": "Hoarded", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/54": "Hostile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/55": "Immersed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/56": "Inaccessible", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/57": "Infested", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/58": "Inhabited", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/59": "Isolated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/60": "Living", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/61": "Lost", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/62": "Lush", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/63": "Makeshift", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/64": "Mechanical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/65": "Misleading", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/66": "Moving", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/67": "Mysterious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/68": "Natural", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/69": "New", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/70": "Obscured", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/71": "Open", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/72": "Peaceful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/73": "Perilous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/74": "Pillaged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/75": "Powerful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/76": "Preserved", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/77": "Prominent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/78": "Protected", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/79": "Radiant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/80": "Rare", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/81": "Remote", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/82": "Rich", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/83": "Ruined", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/84": "Sacred", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/85": "Safe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/86": "Sealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/87": "Secret", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/88": "Settled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/89": "Shrouded", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/90": "Stolen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/91": "Strange", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/92": "Subsurface", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/93": "Toxic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/94": "Trapped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/95": "Undiscovered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/96": "Unnatural", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/97": "Unstable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/98": "Untamed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/99": "Valuable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Descriptor/100": "Violent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus-name": "Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus-description": "When you Ask the Oracle to help define the nature of a location, discovery, or encounter, roll for a Descriptor and a Focus for an adjective/noun prompt.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/1": "Alarm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/2": "Anomaly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/3": "Apparition", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/4": "Archive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/5": "Art", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/6": "Artifact", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/7": "Atmosphere", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/8": "Battleground", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/9": "Beacon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/10": "Being", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/11": "Blockade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/12": "Boundary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/13": "Cache", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/14": "Cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/15": "Commodity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/16": "Confinement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/17": "Connection", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/18": "Container", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/19": "Creation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/20": "Creature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/21": "Crossing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/22": "Data", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/23": "Debris", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/24": "Device", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/25": "Dimension", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/26": "Discovery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/27": "Ecosystem", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/28": "Enclosure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/29": "Energy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/30": "Environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/31": "Equipment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/32": "Experiment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/33": "Facility", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/34": "Faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/35": "Fleet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/36": "Force", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/37": "Fortification", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/38": "Gas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/39": "Grave", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/40": "Habitat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/41": "Hazard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/42": "Hideaway", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/43": "Home", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/44": "Illusion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/45": "Industry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/46": "Intelligence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/47": "Lair", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/48": "Lifeform", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/49": "Liquid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/50": "Machine", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/51": "Material", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/52": "Mechanism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/53": "Message", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/54": "Mineral", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/55": "Monument", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/56": "Obstacle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/57": "Organism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/58": "Outbreak", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/59": "Outpost", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/60": "Path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/61": "People", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/62": "Person", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/63": "Plant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/64": "Portal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/65": "Reality", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/66": "Refuge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/67": "Relic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/68": "Remains", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/69": "Rendezvous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/70": "Resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/71": "Route", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/72": "Ruins", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/73": "Salvage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/74": "Settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/75": "Shelter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/76": "Ship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/77": "Shortcut", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/78": "Signal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/79": "Sound", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/80": "Storage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/81": "Storm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/82": "Structure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/83": "Supply", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/84": "Symbol", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/85": "System", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/86": "Technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/87": "Terrain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/88": "Territory", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/89": "Threshold", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/90": "Time", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/91": "Transport", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/92": "Trap", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/93": "Treasure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/94": "Vault", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/95": "Vehicle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/96": "Viewpoint", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/97": "Void", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/98": "Weapon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/99": "World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Core/Focus/100": "Wreckage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures-name": "Creatures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures-description": "Roll for a basic form, and flesh out the creature’s appearance using this Creature First Look table. Then, roll on the Encountered Behavior table to envision this creature’s motivation and frame how the encounter begins.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Environment-name": "Environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Environment-description": "Choose the closest match for your location. Or roll to identify the primary habitat of a creature.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Environment/1-5": "Space", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Environment/6-15": "Interior", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Environment/16-55": "Land", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Environment/56-80": "Liquid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Environment/81-100": "Air", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale-name": "Scale", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale/1-3": "Minuscule (bug-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale/4-10": "Tiny (rodent-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale/11-25": "Small (dog-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale/26-60": "Medium (person-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale/61-90": "Large (vehicle-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale/91-99": "Huge (whale-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Scale/100": "⏵Ultra-scale", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Ultra-scale-name": "Ultra-scale", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Ultra-scale/1-89": "Titanic (hill-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Ultra-scale/90-99": "Colossal (mountain-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Ultra-scale/100": "Vast (planet-sized)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form-name": "Basic Form", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form-description": "Roll for a basic form, and flesh out the creature’s appearance using the First Look table.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/1-5": "Amoeba / pseudopods", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/6-20": "Amorphous / elemental", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/21-30": "Avian / winged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/31-32": "Beast / mammal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/33-34": "Crustacean / shelled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/35-37": "Fish / torpedo-shaped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/38-39": "Humanoid / bipedal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/40-41": "Insectoid / exoskeletal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/42-60": "Jellyfish / gasbag", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/61-62": "Lizard / reptilian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/63-67": "Octopoid / tentacled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/68-72": "Plant / fungus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/73-82": "Ray / flat-bodied", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/83-84": "Snake / eel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/85-86": "Spider / web-weaver", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/87-88": "Starfish / symmetrical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/89-90": "Worm / slug / larva", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Space/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/1-3": "Amoeba / pseudopods", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/4-6": "Amorphous / elemental", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/7-12": "Avian / winged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/13-19": "Beast / mammal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/20-22": "Crustacean / shelled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/23-24": "Fish / torpedo-shaped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/25-37": "Humanoid / bipedal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/38-49": "Insectoid / exoskeletal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/50-51": "Jellyfish / gasbag", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/52-56": "Lizard / reptilian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/57-58": "Octopoid / tentacled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/59-63": "Plant / fungus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/64-65": "Ray / flat-bodied", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/66-68": "Snake / eel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/69-83": "Spider / web-weaver", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/84-85": "Starfish / symmetrical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/86-90": "Worm / slug / larva", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Interior/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/1-2": "Amoeba / pseudopods", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/3-5": "Amorphous / elemental", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/6-10": "Avian / winged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/11-25": "Beast / mammal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/26-32": "Crustacean / shelled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/33-34": "Fish / torpedo-shaped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/35-39": "Humanoid / bipedal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/40-49": "Insectoid / exoskeletal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/50-51": "Jellyfish / gasbag", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/52-58": "Lizard / reptilian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/59-60": "Octopoid / tentacled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/61-65": "Plant / fungus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/66-67": "Ray / flat-bodied", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/68-74": "Snake / eel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/75-81": "Spider / web-weaver", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/82-83": "Starfish / symmetrical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/84-90": "Worm / slug / larva", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Land/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/1-5": "Amoeba / pseudopods", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/6-8": "Amorphous / elemental", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/9-11": "Avian / winged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/12-17": "Beast / mammal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/18-24": "Crustacean / shelled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/25-39": "Fish / torpedo-shaped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/40-42": "Humanoid / bipedal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/43-45": "Insectoid / exoskeletal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/46-53": "Jellyfish / gasbag", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/54-56": "Lizard / reptilian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/57-63": "Octopoid / tentacled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/64-68": "Plant / fungus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/69-75": "Ray / flat-bodied", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/76-80": "Snake / eel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/81-82": "Spider / web-weaver", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/83-87": "Starfish / symmetrical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/88-90": "Worm / slug / larva", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Liquid/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/1-2": "Amoeba / pseudopods", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/3-12": "Amorphous / elemental", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/13-37": "Avian / winged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/38-40": "Beast / mammal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/41-42": "Crustacean / shelled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/43-47": "Fish / torpedo-shaped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/48-49": "Humanoid / bipedal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/50-51": "Insectoid / exoskeletal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/52-66": "Jellyfish / gasbag", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/67-68": "Lizard / reptilian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/69-70": "Octopoid / tentacled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/71-72": "Plant / fungus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/73-82": "Ray / flat-bodied", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/83-84": "Snake / eel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/85-86": "Spider / web-weaver", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/87-88": "Starfish / symmetrical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/89-90": "Worm / slug / larva", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Basic_Form/Air/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look-name": "First Look", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look-description": "Roll for a basic form, and flesh out the creature’s appearance using the First Look table.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/1-2": "Antennae or sensory organs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/3-4": "Armored", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/5-6": "Beautiful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/7-8": "Biotech", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/9-10": "Bony or gaunt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/11-12": "Brutish or muscled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/13-14": "Camouflaged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/15-16": "Claws or talons", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/17-18": "Compound eyes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/19-20": "Comprised of many creatures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/21-22": "Corrupted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/23-24": "Crystalline", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/25-26": "Dead or undead", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/27-28": "Distinctive markings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/29-30": "Distinctive smell", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/31-32": "Distinctive sound", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/33-34": "Dripping mucus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/35-36": "Elongated Neck", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/37-38": "Energy emissions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/39-40": "Extra limbs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/41-42": "Faceless or inexpressive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/43-44": "Fangs or rows of teeth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/45-46": "Feathered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/47-48": "Fungal growth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/49-50": "Fur, hair, or filaments", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/51-52": "Graceful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/53-54": "Hideous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/55-56": "Hooded or crested", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/57-58": "Immobile or trapped", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/59-60": "Injured or scarred", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/61-62": "Iridescent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/63-64": "Long-limbed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/65-66": "Luminescent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/67-68": "Mandibles or pincers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/69-70": "Many-eyed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/71-72": "Mineral or metallic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/73-74": "Multi-jointed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/75-76": "Multi-segmented body", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/77-78": "Ornamented or colorful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/79-80": "Oversized mouth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/81-82": "Prominent tail", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/83-84": "Prominent wings or fins", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/85-86": "Ridges or plates", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/87-88": "Scaled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/89-90": "Single eye or oversized eyes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/91-92": "Spikes or spines", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/93-94": "Stinger or barbs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/95-96": "Tentacles or tendrils", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/97-98": "Translucent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/First_Look/99-100": "Visible symbiote", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior-name": "Encountered Behavior", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior-description": "Roll once on the Encountered Behavior table to define this creature’s motivation and frame how the encounter begins.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/1-5": "Ambusher", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/6-10": "Apex predator", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/11-14": "Builder", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/15-19": "Camouflager", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/20-24": "Forager", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/25-29": "Grazer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/30-33": "Herder", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/34-37": "Hibernator", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/38-41": "Hoarder", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/42-46": "Hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/47-51": "Lurer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/52-55": "Migratory", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/56-60": "Mimic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/61-65": "Nester", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/66-70": "Pack hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/71-75": "Prey", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/76-80": "Protector", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/81-85": "Scavenger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/86-90": "Tracker", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/91-95": "Trapper", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Encountered_Behavior/96-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect-name": "Revealed Aspect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect-description": "Roll on this table as you interact with the creature to introduce new features or behaviors. Some results may contradict the established nature of a creature. For example, an amorphous creature that you envisioned as a mass of pure energy would not have typical physical features. If a result doesn’t fit, feel free to ignore, reroll, or adjust. Or envision how this contradiction signals a new understanding or unexpected transformation.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/1-2": "Alternative environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/3-4": "Alternative movement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/5-6": "Alternative senses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/7-8": "Burrower", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/9-10": "Chameleon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/11-12": "Clever", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/13-14": "Consumes energy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/15-16": "Consumes inorganic matter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/17-18": "Controlled or puppeteered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/19-20": "Controls lesser creatures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/21-22": "Corrosive excretion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/23-24": "Crusher or constrictor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/25-26": "Egg sac or carried offspring", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/27-28": "Electric shock", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/29-30": "Electromagnetic pulse", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/31-32": "Energy breath", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/33-34": "Energy manipulation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/35-36": "Engineered biology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/37-38": "Enhanced senses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/39-40": "Enhanced strength", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/41-42": "Entangling secretion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/43-44": "Extradimensional", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/45-46": "Hallucinogen secretion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/47-48": "Hidden symbiote", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/49-50": "Hive mind", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/51-52": "Illusionary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/53-54": "Infectious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/55-56": "Infested with parasites", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/57-58": "Intimidating threat display", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/59-60": "Limited sense", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/61-62": "Magnetic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/63-64": "Mental influence or control", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/65-66": "Metamorphic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/67-68": "Noxious cloud or spores", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/69-70": "Paralytic toxin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/71-72": "Parasitic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/73-74": "Pheromones", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/75-76": "Poisonous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/77-78": "Powerful bite", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/79-80": "Proboscis or inner jaw", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/81-82": "Projectile attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/83-84": "Radioactive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/85-86": "Regeneration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/87-88": "Replication", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/89-90": "Sacrificial defense", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/91-92": "Shapechanger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/93-94": "Telekinetic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/95-96": "Teleportation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/97-98": "Territorial", + "Starforged/Oracles/Creatures/Revealed_Aspect/99-100": "Toxic spew", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts-name": "Derelicts", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts-description": "Derelicts are the forsaken relics of human endeavors. Use these First Look tables for your initial survey of the derelict. To reveal more about the look and original function or nature of the site, roll on appropriate tables in the Starship or Settlement oracles. If you explore the depths of a derelict, you may use the zone oracles on the following pages to help envision what you find.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Location-name": "Location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Location/1-40": "Planetside", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Location/41-60": "Orbital", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Location/61-100": "Deep Space", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Type-name": "Type", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Type/Planetside/1-25": "Starship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Type/Planetside/26-100": "Settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Type/Orbital/1-40": "Starship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Type/Orbital/41-100": "Settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Type/Deep_Space/1-75": "Starship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Type/Deep_Space/76-100": "Settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Condition-name": "Condition", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Condition/1-10": "Functional", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Condition/11-30": "Limited power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Condition/31-60": "Cold and dark", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Condition/61-90": "Damaged or breached", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Condition/91-98": "Heavily damaged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Condition/99-100": "Impending destruction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look-name": "Outer First Look", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/1-15": "Blocked access", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/16-30": "Corpses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/31-45": "Hazardous readings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/46-50": "Mutated structure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/51-60": "Odd orientation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/61-65": "Overgrown or entangled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/66-80": "Sending a signal or message", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/81-85": "Signs that others are here", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/86-95": "Stripped exterior", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Outer_First_Look/96-100": "Time or reality distortions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look-name": "Inner First Look", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/1-3": "Abnormal gravity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/4-6": "Active bots", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/7-9": "Archaic equipment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/10-12": "Automated announcements", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/13-15": "Biological infestation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/16-18": "Charred surfaces", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/19-21": "Claw marks", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/22-24": "Cluttered with debris", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/25-27": "Corroded surfaces", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/28-30": "Cramped spaces", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/31-33": "Creaking hull", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/34-36": "Esoteric writing or symbols", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/37-39": "Evidence of new inhabitants", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/40-42": "Exposed wiring or conduits", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/43-45": "Flashing strobe lights", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/46-48": "Fluctuating power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/49-51": "Haunting visions of the dead", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/52-54": "Hazardous temperature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/55-57": "Heavy steam or moisture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/58-60": "Littered with corpses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/61-63": "Nesting or feeding creatures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/64-66": "Ornate furnishings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/67-69": "Scarred by gunfire", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/70-72": "Sealed against intruders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/73-75": "Signs of looting or scavenging", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/76-78": "Smell of decay", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/79-81": "Splattered with blood", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/82-84": "Temporal distortions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/85-87": "Thick haze or smoke", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/88-90": "Unstable energy surges", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/91-93": "Watchful AI", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Inner_First_Look/94-100": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones-name": "Zones", + "undefined": "Interesting or helpful aspect of local plant life", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Starship/1-5": "⏵Community", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Starship/6-30": "⏵Engineering", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Starship/31-55": "⏵Living", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Starship/56-65": "⏵Medical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Starship/66-85": "⏵Operations", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Starship/86-90": "⏵Production", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Starship/91-100": "⏵Research", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Settlement/1-20": "⏵Community", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Settlement/21-30": "⏵Engineering", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Settlement/31-50": "⏵Living", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Settlement/51-60": "⏵Medical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Settlement/61-70": "⏵Operations", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Settlement/71-90": "⏵Production", + "Starforged/Oracles/Derelicts/Zones/Settlement/91-100": "⏵Research", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions-name": "Factions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Type-name": "Type", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Type/1-40": "Governing power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Type/41-70": "Organization of specialists", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Type/71-100": "Band of outlaws, outcasts, or rogues", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence-name": "Influence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence/1-10": "Forsaken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence/11-30": "Isolated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence/31-50": "Localized", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence/51-70": "Established", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence/71-85": "Notable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence/86-95": "Dominant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Influence/96-100": "Inescapable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion-name": "Dominion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/1-5": "Agriculture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/6-9": "Artistry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/10-14": "Commerce", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/15-18": "Conquest", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/19-22": "Construction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/23-26": "Diplomacy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/27-30": "Education", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/31-34": "Environmentalism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/35-38": "Exploration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/39-42": "Faith", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/43-46": "History", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/47-50": "Honor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/51-55": "Industry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/56-59": "Isolationism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/60-63": "Law", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/64-67": "Mysticism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/68-71": "Pacifism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/72-75": "Prophecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/76-79": "Science", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/80-83": "Secrecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/84-87": "Technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/88-91": "Treachery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/92-96": "Warfare", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Dominion/97-100": "Wealth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership-name": "Leadership", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/1-5": "Anarchist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/6-15": "Disputed leadership", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/16-30": "Authoritarian dictatorship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/31-45": "Oligarchical elite", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/46-60": "Dynastic lineage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/61-70": "Fated or prophesied leader", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/71-80": "Clan chiefs or elders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/81-90": "Elected representatives", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/91-95": "Machine intelligence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Leadership/96-100": "Varied / decentralized", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild-name": "Guild", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/1-5": "Assassins", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/6-10": "Bounty Hunters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/11-15": "Couriers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/16-20": "Courtesans", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/21-25": "Engineers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/26-30": "Healers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/31-40": "Industrialists", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/41-50": "Mercenaries", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/51-60": "Merchants", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/61-65": "Mystics", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/66-75": "Navigators", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/76-80": "Peacekeepers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/81-85": "Researchers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/86-90": "Spies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Guild/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group-name": "Fringe Group", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/1-5": "Cultists", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/6-15": "Exiles", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/16-25": "Gangsters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/26-35": "Hackers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/36-40": "Monster hunters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/41-50": "Pirates", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/51-60": "Raiders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/61-70": "Rebels", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/71-75": "Rogue AI", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/76-85": "Scavengers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/86-95": "Smugglers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Fringe_Group/96-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects-name": "Projects", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects-description": "Pick or roll on this table to reveal the current focus of a faction. Then, use the nature of the organization to help envision the meaning of the project. The result may introduce events that motivate your character to aid or resist the project, or can serve as background detail for your setting. If you would like to track the faction’s progress, set a clock for the project using the campaign clock guidelines on page 235.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/1-3": "Broaden scope of the faction to include a new focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/4-6": "Build or secure a powerful device", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/7-9": "Consolidate control of a valuable commodity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/10-12": "Destroy or defeat a rival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/13-15": "Disrupt the operations of a rival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/16-18": "Escape the control of another faction or power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/19-21": "Establish a monument or memorial", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/22-24": "Establish a safe refuge or headquarters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/25-27": "Expand operations to a new location or sector", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/28-30": "Form an alliance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/31-33": "Fulfill a prophecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/34-36": "Give aid to a faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/37-39": "Harness unnatural or forbidden power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/40-42": "Hunt down a rogue asset", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/43-45": "Incite conflict among rivals", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/46-48": "Negotiate an agreement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/49-51": "Obtain a needed commodity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/52-54": "Obtain an important cultural artifact", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/55-57": "Obtain crucial data or information", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/58-60": "Obtain incriminating information about a rival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/61-63": "Prevent a prophecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/64-66": "Put down an internal revolt or rebellion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/67-69": "Repay a debt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/70-72": "Rescue or recover a group or asset", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/73-75": "Research an innovation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/76-78": "Resolve a conflict with another faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/79-81": "Reunite splintered elements of the faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/82-84": "Seize a powerful artifact or valuable treasure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/85-87": "Seize rival territory or operations", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/88-90": "Subsume another faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/91-93": "Transport a valued asset", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/94-96": "Usurp leadership within a rival faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Projects/97-100": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships-name": "Relationships", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships-description": "Factions add scale and narrative opportunities to your setting. But keep it manageable. Don’t overload your campaign with factions. Instead, focus on your interactions and entanglements with members of a few interesting factions. Then, when you have a question about the relationship of one faction to another, use this table. The result is the commonly understood connection between those factions. Further investigations or events may reveal a deeper or alternate truth.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/1-4": "Antagonistic towards", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/5-8": "Apathetic or unaware of", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/9-11": "Betrayed by", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/12-14": "Broke faith with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/15-18": "Distrustful of", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/19-22": "Does business with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/23-25": "Extorted by", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/26-29": "Holds contempt for", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/30-33": "Holds leverage over", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/34-36": "In control of", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/37-40": "Maneuvering against", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/41-44": "Needs aid from", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/45-47": "Negotiating with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/48-51": "Open alliance with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/52-54": "Owes a debt to", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/55-58": "Shares a rivalry with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/59-61": "Shares power with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/62-64": "Shows respect for", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/65-67": "Splintered from", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/68-70": "Subordinate to", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/71-74": "Supplied with resources by", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/75-78": "Supplies resources to", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/79-81": "Temporary alliance with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/82-85": "Tolerates", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/86-89": "Trades favors with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/90-92": "Unjustly accused by", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/93-96": "Warring with", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Relationships/97-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Name_Template-name": "Name Template", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Name_Template-description": "To generate a faction name, first roll or choose the name template. Then, follow the structure of the template to build the name from individual tables. If you’ve already set the faction type, picking from the tables (instead of rolling) will likely provide a more appropriate result. For example, “Silver Jackals” is a fitting name for a criminal organization. The “Empire of the Undying Suns” is a less apt name for that gang—unless their leader is prone to delusions of grandeur. In short, choosing a name will give you more control. Rolling might give you a result that doesn’t square with known aspects, but those contradictions may prove inspiring.\n\nAn alternative approach to generating a faction from scratch is to start with a random name. Then, consider what the name evokes and choose an appropriate faction type instead of rolling on those tables. For example, “Bloody Ravens” might suggest a mercenary guild, while the “Republic of the Radiant Servants” brings to mind a dominion built upon a religion, or one that idolizes a prophesied leader. If a result doesn’t inspire anything interesting, roll again or pick.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Name_Template/1-40": "[⏵Legacy] [⏵Affiliation]", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Name_Template/41-55": "[⏵Legacy] [⏵Identity]", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Name_Template/56-70": "[⏵Identity] *of the* [⏵Legacy] [⏵Affiliation]", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Name_Template/71-100": "[⏵Affiliation] *of the* [⏵Legacy] [⏵Identity]", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy-name": "Legacy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/1-2": "Ancient", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/3-4": "Ashen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/5-6": "Awakened", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/7-8": "Azure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/9-10": "Blessed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/11-12": "Bloody", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/13-14": "Broken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/15-16": "Ceaseless", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/17-18": "Crimson", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/19-20": "Cursed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/21-22": "Dawning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/23-24": "Dissident", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/25-26": "Ebon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/27-28": "Elder", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/29-30": "Enduring", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/31-32": "Enlightened", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/33-34": "Exalted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/35-36": "Fallen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/37-38": "Fated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/39-40": "First", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/41-42": "Forgotten", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/43-44": "Forsaken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/45-46": "Gloaming", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/47-48": "Golden", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/49-50": "Hidden", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/51-52": "Infernal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/53-54": "Infinite", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/55-56": "Iron", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/57-58": "Kindred", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/59-60": "Obsidian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/61-62": "Radiant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/63-64": "Risen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/65-66": "Sacred", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/67-68": "Sapphire", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/69-70": "Scarlet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/71-72": "Serene", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/73-74": "Shattered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/75-76": "Shining", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/77-78": "Silent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/79-80": "Silver", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/81-82": "Sovereign", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/83-84": "Stellar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/85-86": "Sundered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/87-88": "Supreme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/89-90": "Undying", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/91-92": "Unified", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/93-94": "United", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/95-96": "Universal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/97-98": "Veiled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy/99-100": "Wandering", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation-name": "Affiliation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/1-4": "Accord", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/5-8": "Alliance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/9-12": "Ascendancy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/13-16": "Circle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/17-20": "Coalition", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/21-24": "Collective", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/25-28": "Commonwealth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/29-32": "Confederation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/33-36": "Consortium", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/37-40": "Council", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/41-44": "Court", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/45-48": "Covenant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/49-52": "Dominion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/53-56": "Empire", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/57-60": "Federation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/61-64": "Imperium", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/65-68": "League", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/69-72": "Legion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/73-76": "Order", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/77-80": "Pact", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/81-84": "Regiment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/85-88": "Republic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/89-92": "Sphere", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/93-96": "Syndicate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation/97-100": "Union", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity-name": "Identity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/1-2": "Blades", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/3-4": "Builders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/5-6": "Daggers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/7-8": "Defenders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/9-10": "Disciples", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/11-12": "Domains", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/13-14": "Drifters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/15-16": "Embers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/17-18": "Flames", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/19-20": "Fleet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/21-22": "Guardians", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/23-24": "Hammers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/25-26": "Harbingers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/27-28": "Heralds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/29-30": "Hounds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/31-32": "Hunters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/33-34": "Jackals", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/35-36": "Keepers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/37-38": "Knights", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/39-40": "Menders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/41-42": "Outcasts", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/43-44": "Phantoms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/45-46": "Planets", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/47-48": "Raiders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/49-50": "Ravens", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/51-52": "Realms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/53-54": "Reavers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/55-56": "Relics", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/57-58": "Seekers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/59-60": "Sentinels", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/61-62": "Serpents", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/63-64": "Servants", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/65-66": "Shadows", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/67-68": "Shards", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/69-70": "Skulls", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/71-72": "Souls", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/73-74": "Specters", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/75-76": "Stars", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/77-78": "Suns", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/79-80": "Swarm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/81-82": "Swords", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/83-84": "Talons", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/85-86": "Vanguards", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/87-88": "Wardens", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/89-90": "Watchers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/91-92": "Wolves", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/93-94": "Worlds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/95-96": "Wraiths", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/97-98": "Wreckers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity/99-100": "Wrights", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks-name": "Quirks", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks-description": "Roll or pick known characteristics of the faction and its members using this table. But keep in mind that even within a small or specialized faction, there are no absolutes. These quirks represent common attitudes, practices, or approaches, but are not universal to every member of that faction. Leave room in your portrayal for diversity and contradictions.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/1-3": "Ancient or coded language", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/4-6": "Animal or creature motif used as a faction symbol", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/7-9": "Banishes the disloyal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/10-12": "Body augmentations are respected and valued", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/13-15": "Body ornamentations signify castes or roles", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/16-18": "Conceals individual identity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/19-21": "Dependent on an addictive substance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/22-24": "Distinctive or elaborate clothing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/25-27": "Elite soldiers provide defense or serve as bodyguards", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/28-30": "Favors a signature weapon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/31-33": "Guided by superstition or prophecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/34-36": "Heavily stratified social structure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/37-39": "Hoards precursor artifacts", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/40-42": "Honors the fallen through unusual death rites", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/43-45": "Idolizes a long-dead founder or martyr", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/46-48": "Keeps exhaustive records or archives", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/49-51": "Lives off-planet in spaceborne fleets", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/52-54": "Members take a new name when joining the faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/55-57": "Nomadic people and mobile operations", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/58-60": "Operates under strict codes or laws", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/61-63": "Recognizes others through a distinctive greeting or gesture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/64-66": "Reliant on machine intelligence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/67-69": "Resolves disputes through formal duels", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/70-72": "Rites of adulthood or ascension", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/73-75": "Shuns or distrusts machine intelligence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/76-78": "Starships share a distinctive and recognizable profile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/79-81": "Suspicious of outsiders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/82-84": "Symbiotic relationship with a specific type of creature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/85-87": "Trades in a unique currency or commodity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/88-90": "Trains in a demanding physical discipline or martial art", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/91-93": "Wields unnatural abilities or strange technologies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/94-96": "Work or environment causes mutations", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Quirks/97-100": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors-name": "Rumors", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors-description": "Use this table when you are in a position to investigate a faction by uncovering secrets or fishing for gossip.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/1-3": "Caught in the crossfire of feuding factions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/4-6": "Colluding with a criminal enterprise", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/7-9": "Corrupted by a dangerous power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/10-12": "Critical resource is in short supply", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/13-15": "Defenses are overextended", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/16-18": "Developing revolutionary technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/19-21": "Digital systems are corrupted or infiltrated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/22-24": "Heavily in debt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/25-27": "Hit hard by a recent attack or calamity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/28-30": "Holds a powerful artifact", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/31-33": "Holds incriminating information against a leader or faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/34-36": "Hoarding a valuable commodity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/37-39": "Infiltrated by a rival faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/40-42": "Knows the location of a fabled treasure or lost technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/43-45": "Leaders are haunted by a dark prophecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/46-48": "Leaders are incompetent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/49-51": "Leaders are puppets of another power or faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/52-54": "Lesser members of the leadership are plotting a coup", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/55-57": "New belief or religion is creating a schism among members", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/58-60": "Operations are a false front for their true purpose", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/61-63": "Overdependence on a failing or vulnerable technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/64-66": "Plagued by infighting and low morale", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/67-69": "Plotting to betray an allied faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/70-72": "Preparing a major offensive or operation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/73-75": "Pulling the strings of a leader or faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/76-78": "Recently acquired an unexpected fortune", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/79-81": "Secretly supporting a reviled faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/82-84": "Sheltering an infamous or dangerous fugitive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/85-87": "Suffered destructive sabotage from within", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/88-90": "Suffering a shortage of key workers or personnel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/91-93": "Uprising or revolt is brewing from within", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/94-96": "Vulnerable to attack or aggression", + "Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Rumors/97-100": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes-name": "Location Themes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes-description": "Themes help you envision atmosphere, features, and encounters within an unusual, aberrant, or important location.\n\nEach theme on the following pages includes a set of oracles.\n\n * **Feature:** Use this table to reveal a new aspect of the location.\n * **Peril:** Use this table to help envision a complication or hazard.\n * **Opportunity:** Use this table to help envision a beneficial encounter or event, such as when rolling a strong hit with a match in a location.\n\nYou can answer questions about a place using only the tables provided for a theme, such as when delving into an **Infested** cave. Or pair a theme with other location oracles for more flavor and variety; for example, you might explore a **Haunted Grave World**, a **Ruined Derelict**, a **Sacred Precursor Vault**, or an **Inhabited Settlement**.\n\nWhen mixing-and-matching a theme with another set of tables, use the techniques described for an **oracle array** (page 384) to determine which oracle you reference for that question or phase of your exploration.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type-name": "Theme Type", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type-description": "Choose a theme that supports what you know of that location’s nature. For a random theme, roll on the table above.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/1-15": "Reality is corrupted or warped in this place.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/16-25": "Enemies defend this place against intruders.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/26-35": "Restless spirits are bound to this place.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/36-50": "Foul creatures have overrun this place.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/51-60": "People have built a community in this place.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/61-75": "Machines and technology hold sway in this place.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/76-90": "Time, disaster, or war have ravaged this place.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Location_Themes/Theme_Type/91-100": "Worshipers glorify strange powers in this place.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc-name": "Misc", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication-name": "Story Complication", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication-description": "This oracle will introduce narrative turns, troubles, and revelations. It can be used as an alternative to the Pay the Price table when you encounter a negative outcome at a crucial moment. In particular, you might use this table after rolling matched 10s on the challenge dice.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/1-4": "Crucial equipment or device fails", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/5-7": "Crucial equipment or device is sabotaged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/8-10": "Debt or promise comes due", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/11-14": "Enemy reveals unexpected powers, abilities, or influence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/15-17": "Enemy reveals their true agenda or nature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/18-20": "Enemy unexpectedly benefits from your actions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/21-23": "Key location is made inaccessible", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/24-26": "Key location is threatened or made unsafe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/27-29": "Natural disaster is imminent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/30-33": "Needed item or resource is unavailable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/34-36": "Object of a quest is not what you assumed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/37-39": "Old enemy resurfaces", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/40-42": "Simultaneous problems force a hard choice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/43-45": "Someone important betrays your trust", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/46-48": "Someone important is threatened or endangered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/49-51": "Someone important reveals their problematic secret or history", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/52-54": "Something important goes missing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/55-57": "Technology or device is shown to have unexpected effects", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/58-61": "Time pressure suddenly increases", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/62-65": "Trap is sprung", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/66-68": "True agenda of a connection or patron is revealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/69-72": "Trusted information is shown to be false", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/73-76": "Two seemingly unrelated problems are shown to be connected", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/77-80": "Undermined by self-doubt or vulnerabilities", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/81-84": "Unexpected enemies appear", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/85-88": "Urgent message distracts you from your quest", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/89-92": "You are tracked or followed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/93-95": "You were diverted from the true crisis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Complication/96-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue-name": "Story Clue", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue-description": "When you Gather Information to investigate a mystery, you might uncover clues in the form of messages, rumors, eyewitness reports, data, or physical evidence. You can use this oracle to help reveal what this evidence connects to or implicates. Then, use the outcome of the Gather Information roll—strong hit, weak hit, or miss—to guide whether the clue brings clarity or complications.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/1-3": "Affirms a previously understood fact or clue", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/4-6": "Connects to a known rumor or scandal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/7-9": "Connects to a previously unrelated mystery or quest", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/10-12": "Connects to your own expertise or interests", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/13-15": "Contradicts a previously understood fact or clue", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/16-18": "Evokes a personal memory", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/19-21": "Evokes a remarkable anomaly or phenomenon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/22-24": "Evokes a vision or prophecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/25-27": "Involves a cultural touchstone", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/28-30": "Involves a hidden or mysterious faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/31-33": "Involves a hidden or mysterious person", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/34-36": "Involves a key or means of access", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/37-39": "Involves a machine or technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/40-42": "Involves a non-human being or creature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/43-45": "Involves a notable faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/46-48": "Involves a notable person", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/49-51": "Involves a person or faction from your background", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/52-54": "Involves a personal item", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/55-57": "Involves an enemy or rival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/58-60": "Involves an organism or biological evidence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/61-63": "Involves an unusual ability or power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/64-66": "Involves someone you trust", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/67-69": "Involves something rare, expensive, or precious", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/70-72": "Leads to a distant or unfamiliar place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/73-75": "Leads to a hidden or forgotten place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/76-78": "Leads to a nearby or familiar place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/79-81": "Leads to a notable or central place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/82-84": "Suggests a history of similar incidents", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/85-87": "Suggests a looming event or deadline", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/88-90": "Suggests an imposter or forgery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Story_Clue/91-100": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect-name": "Anomaly Effect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect-description": "Meddling with alien artifacts or forbidden magic may put you at the mercy of chaos. Use this table to resolve the effects of ancient tech, rituals, or other strange forces. Results on this table may have devastating implications, so use it only in rare and dramatic moments.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/1-3": "Alters or focuses gravity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/4-6": "Alters or reshapes nonliving matter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/7-9": "Alters surrounding air or atmosphere", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/10-12": "Alters surrounding ecosystems", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/13-15": "Awakens the dead", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/16-18": "Causes distressing visions or nightmares", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/19-21": "Causes rapid biological growth or infestation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/22-24": "Causes sickness or weakness", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/25-27": "Corrupts living matter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/28-30": "Corrupts or infects devices or computers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/31-33": "Creates manifestations or illusions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/34-36": "Decays or weakens surrounding terrain or structures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/37-39": "Drains energy from equipment or devices", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/40-42": "Emits forceful or destructive energy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/43-45": "Emits radiation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/46-48": "Generates a barrier or ward", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/49-51": "Generates intense lights and sounds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/52-54": "Generates tendrils of energy that slither or grasp", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/55-57": "Harvests or destroys living matter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/58-60": "Harvests or destroys nonliving matter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/61-63": "Nullifies or destroys equipment or devices", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/64-66": "Opens a path to another location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/67-69": "Replicates living matter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/70-72": "Replicates nonliving matter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/73-75": "Reveals glimpses of the distant past", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/76-78": "Reveals glimpses of the far future", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/79-81": "Reverses time by a few moments or minutes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/82-84": "Slows or stops time", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/85-87": "Summons or manifests an ancient being or intelligence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/88-90": "Summons or manifests creatures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/91-93": "Transports to another location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/94-96": "Triggers an impending catastrophic explosion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Anomaly_Effect/97-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action-name": "Combat Action", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action-description": "Use this oracle to help inspire an action for a foe in a fight. When you’re not sure what an enemy does next, particularly when they have you in a bad spot, roll on this table and interpret the result as appropriate to the nature of the enemy and your objective.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/1-3": "Block a path or cut off an objective", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/4-6": "Cause reckless damage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/7-9": "Change weapons or tactics", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/10-12": "Compel a surrender or concession", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/13-15": "Coordinate with allies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/16-18": "Corner, trap, or entangle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/19-21": "Counter or reflect an attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/22-24": "Create a distraction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/25-27": "Destroy something or render it useless", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/28-30": "Fall back or stand off", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/31-33": "Hide or sneak", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/34-36": "Intimidate, taunt, or frighten", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/37-39": "Leverage the advantage of a weapon or ability", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/40-42": "Leverage the terrain or surroundings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/43-45": "Lure into a vulnerable position", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/46-48": "Make a cautious or probing attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/49-51": "Make a ferocious or powerful attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/52-54": "Make a precise or careful attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/55-57": "Make a sacrificial attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/58-60": "Make an indirect attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/61-63": "Move in close or grapple", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/64-66": "Nullify a system, device, or weapon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/67-69": "Overrun a position", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/70-72": "Perform a feint or trick", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/73-75": "Press an advantage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/76-78": "Provoke a careless response", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/79-81": "Ready a decisive action", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/82-84": "Shift the fight to a new area", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/85-87": "Summon aid or reinforcements", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/88-90": "Take cover or bolster defenses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/91-93": "Use an unexpected weapon or ability", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/94-96": "Weaken defenses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Misc/Combat_Action/97-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves-name": "Moves", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session-name": "Begin a Session", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/1-10": "Flashback reveals an aspect of your background or nature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/11-20": "Flashback reveals an aspect of another character, place, or faction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/21-30": "Influential character or faction is introduced or given new detail", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/31-40": "Seemingly unrelated situations are shown to be connected", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/41-50": "External factors create new danger, urgency, or importance for a quest", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/51-60": "Important character is put in danger or suffers a misadventure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/61-70": "Key location is made unsafe or becomes mired in conflict", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/71-80": "Unexpected return of an enemy or threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/81-90": "Peril lies ahead or lurks just out of view", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Begin_a_Session/91-100": "Unforeseen aid is on the way or within reach", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery-name": "Make a Discovery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/1-4": "Advanced technology waiting to be harnessed or salvaged", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/5-8": "Ancient archive or message", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/9-10": "Artificial consciousness evolved to a higher state", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/11-12": "Clues to a crucial resource or uncharted domain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/13-14": "Envoy from another time or reality", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/15-22": "Extraordinary natural phenomenon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/23-24": "First contact with intelligent life", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/25-26": "Gateway to another time or alternate reality", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/27-28": "Key to unlocking a language or method of communication", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/29-34": "Lost or hidden people", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/35-42": "Majestic or unusual lifeforms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/43-46": "Marvel of ancient engineering", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/47-50": "Miraculously preserved artifact or specimen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/51-56": "Monumental architecture or artistry of an ancient civilization", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/57-62": "Mysterious device or artifact of potential value", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/63-66": "New understanding of an enduring mystery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/67-68": "Pathway or means of travel to a distant location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/69-70": "Person or lifeform with phenomenal abilities", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/71-78": "Place of awe-inspiring beauty", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/79-86": "Rare and valuable resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/87-88": "Safeguarded or idyllic location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/89-90": "Visions or prophesies of the future", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Make_a_Discovery/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos-name": "Confront Chaos", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/1-4": "Baneful weapon of mass destruction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/5-9": "Cataclysmic environmental effects", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/10-12": "Dead given unnatural life", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/13-17": "Destructive lifeform of monstrous proportion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/18-20": "Dread hallucinations or illusions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/21-24": "Harbingers of an imminent invasion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/25-27": "Horde of insatiable hunger or fury", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/28-32": "Horrific lifeforms of inscrutable purpose", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/33-36": "Impostors in human form", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/37-41": "Machines made enemy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/42-45": "Malignant contagion or parasite", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/46-50": "Messenger or signal with a dire warning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/51-53": "Passage to a grim alternate reality", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/54-58": "People corrupted by chaos", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/59-63": "Powerful distortions of time or space", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/64-68": "Signs of an impending catastrophe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/69-72": "Site of a baffling disappearance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/73-77": "Site of a horrible disaster", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/78-82": "Site of terrible carnage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/83-87": "Technology nullified or made unstable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/88-92": "Technology warped for dark purpose", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/93-96": "Vault of dread technology or power", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Confront_Chaos/97-100": "Worshipers of great and malevolent powers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Take_Decisive_Action-name": "Take Decisive Action", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Take_Decisive_Action/1-40": "It’s worse than you thought: Make a suffer move (-2)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Take_Decisive_Action/41-52": "Victory is short-lived: A new peril or foe appears", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Take_Decisive_Action/53-64": "You face collateral damage: Something is lost, damaged, or broken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Take_Decisive_Action/65-76": "Others pay the price: Someone else suffers the cost", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Take_Decisive_Action/77-88": "Others won’t forget: You are marked for vengeance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Take_Decisive_Action/89-100": "It gets complicated: The true nature of a foe or objective is revealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Harm-name": "Endure Harm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Harm/1-10": "You suffer mortal harm. Face Death.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Harm/11-20": "You are dying. Within an hour or two, you must Heal and raise your health above 0, or Face Death.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Harm/21-35": "You are unconscious and out of action. If left alone, you come back to your senses in an hour or two. If you are vulnerable to ongoing harm, Face Death.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Harm/36-50": "You are reeling and fighting to stay conscious. If you engage in any vigorous activity before taking a breather for a few minutes, roll on this table again (before resolving the other move).", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Harm/51-100": "You are still standing.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Stress-name": "Endure Stress", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Stress/1-10": "You are overwhelmed. Face Desolation.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Stress/11-25": "You give up. Forsake Your Vow.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Stress/26-50": "You give in to fear or compulsion, and act against your better instincts.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Endure_Stress/51-100": "You persevere.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage-name": "Withstand Damage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/1-10": "Immediate catastrophic destruction. All aboard must Endure Harm or Face Death, as appropriate.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/11-25": "Destruction is imminent and unavoidable. If you do not have the means or intention to get clear, Endure Harm or Face Death as appropriate.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/26-40": "Destruction is imminent, but can be averted if you Repair your vehicle and raise its integrity above 0. If you fail, see 11-25.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/41-55": "You cannot Repair this vehicle until you Resupply and obtain a crucial replacement part. If you roll this result again prior to that, see 11-25.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/56-70": "The vehicle is crippled or out of your control. To get it back in action, you must Repair and raise its integrity above 0.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/71-85": "It's a rough ride. All aboard must make the Endure Harm, Endure Stress, or Companion Takes a Hit move, suffering a serious (-2) cost.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/86-95": "You’ve lost fuel, energy, or cargo. Sacrifice Resources (-2).", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Withstand_Damage/96-100": "Against all odds, the vehicle holds together.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle-name": "Ask the Oracle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Almost_Certain/1-90": "Yes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Almost_Certain/91-100": "No", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Likely/1-75": "Yes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Likely/76-100": "No", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Fifty-fifty/1-50": "Yes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Fifty-fifty/51-100": "No", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Unlikely/1-25": "Yes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Unlikely/26-100": "No", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Small_Chance/1-10": "Yes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Ask_the_Oracle/Small_Chance/11-100": "No", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price-name": "Pay the Price", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/1-2": "A trusted individual or community acts against you", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/3-4": "An individual or community you care about is exposed to danger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/5-7": "You encounter signs of a looming threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/8-10": "You create an opportunity for an enemy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/11-14": "You face a tough choice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/15-18": "You face the consequences of an earlier choice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/19-22": "A surprising development complicates your quest", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/23-26": "You are separated from something or someone", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/27-32": "Your action causes collateral damage or has an unintended effect", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/33-38": "Something of value is lost or destroyed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/39-44": "The environment or terrain introduces a new hazard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/45-50": "A new enemy is revealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/51-56": "A friend, companion, or ally is in harm’s way (or you are, if alone)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/57-62": "Your equipment or vehicle malfunctions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/63-68": "Your vehicle suffers damage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/69-74": "You waste resources", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/75-81": "You are harmed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/82-88": "You are stressed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/89-95": "You are delayed or put at a disadvantage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Moves/Pay_the_Price/96-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets-name": "Planets", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class-name": "Class", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class-description": "This oracle provides a simple method of generating a planetary class. If this is enough information, stop there and envision the world as appropriate to its type. For a bit more detail, make a roll on the Descriptor oracle and envision how that aspect defines the nature of the planet or a specific planetside location.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/1-15": "⏵Desert World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/16-30": "⏵Furnace World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/31-35": "⏵Grave World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/36-50": "⏵Ice World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/51-65": "⏵Jovian World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/66-70": "⏵Jungle World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/71-75": "⏵Ocean World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/76-90": "⏵Rocky World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/91-92": "⏵Shattered World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/93-98": "⏵Tainted World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Class/99-100": "⏵Vital World", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril-name": "Peril", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril-description": "Choose or roll on this table when you want inspiration for a trouble during planetside exploration or a planetside expedition.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/1-3": "Corrupted or mutated lifeform", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/4-6": "Signs of a lifeform's power or cunning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/7-9": "Hazardous plant life or malignant spores", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/10-12": "Lifeform hunts for prey", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/13-15": "Lifeform lairs here", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/16-18": "Lifeforms guided by a greater threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/19-21": "Lifeforms spooked or stampeding", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/22-24": "Threatening lifeform draws near", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/25-27": "Life is revealed or takes an unexpected form", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/28-30": "Blocked or impassible path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/31-33": "Corrosive substance or environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/34-36": "Disturbing remains or evidence of death", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/37-39": "Drastic environmental change", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/40-42": "Enemy holds this area", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/43-45": "Entangling or engulfing hazard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/46-48": "Equipment fails or malfunctions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/49-51": "Guarded or patrolled path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/52-54": "Led astray", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/55-57": "Lost the path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/58-60": "Meteorites fall from the sky", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/61-63": "Irradiated area or object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/64-66": "Realization that something was left behind", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/67-69": "Seismic or volcanic upheaval", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/70-72": "Signs of a lurking or trailing foe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/73-75": "Storm or atmospheric disruption", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/76-78": "Toxic or sickening environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/79-81": "Trap or alarm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/82-84": "Treacherous or arduous path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/85-87": "Troubling visions or apparitions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/88-90": "Visibility hindered by atmospheric effects", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/91-93": "Worrying arrival of a ship or vehicle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/94-96": "Wreckage or ruins portend a new threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/97-99": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifebearing/100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/1-3": "Life is revealed or takes an unexpected form", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/4-7": "Blocked or impassible path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/8-11": "Corrosive substance or environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/12-15": "Disturbing remains or evidence of death", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/16-19": "Drastic environmental change", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/20-23": "Enemy holds this area", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/24-27": "Entangling or engulfing hazard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/28-31": "Equipment fails or malfunctions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/32-35": "Guarded or patrolled path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/36-39": "Led astray", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/40-43": "Lost the path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/44-47": "Meteorites fall from the sky", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/48-51": "Irradiated area or object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/52-55": "Realization that something was left behind", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/56-59": "Seismic or volcanic upheaval", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/60-63": "Signs of a lurking or trailing foe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/64-67": "Storm or atmospheric disruption", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/68-71": "Toxic or sickening environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/72-75": "Trap or alarm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/76-79": "Treacherous or arduous path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/80-83": "Troubling visions or apparitions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/84-87": "Visibility hindered by atmospheric effects", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/88-91": "Worrying arrival of a ship or vehicle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/92-95": "Wreckage or ruins portend a new threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/96-99": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Peril/Lifeless/100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity-name": "Opportunity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity-description": "Choose or roll on this table when you want inspiration for a beneficial encounter or event on a planetside journey, such as when you roll a strong hit with a match as you Undertake an Expedition, or if you Explore a Waypoint and find an opportunity.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/1-4": "Clue to a lifeform's nature or vulnerabilities", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/5-8": "Friendly interaction with a benign lifeform", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/9-12": "Hunting or foraging opportunities are plentiful", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/13-16": "Interesting or helpful aspect of benign creatures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/17-20": "Interesting or helpful aspect of local plant life", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/21-24": "Encounter reveals unexpected benign lifeforms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/25-28": "Abandoned camp or vehicle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/29-32": "Advance warning of an environmental threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/33-36": "Clear path through otherwise perilous terrain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/37-40": "Clue offers insight into a current quest or mystery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/41-44": "Clue to the history or nature of this place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/45-48": "Evidence that others have passed this way", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/49-52": "Foe reveals themselves or tips their hand", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/53-56": "Fortuitous change in the weather or atmosphere", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/57-60": "Friendly traveler crosses your path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/61-64": "Helpful resource is in ample supply", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/65-68": "Impressive vista offers comfort or inspiration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/69-72": "Interesting artifact or device", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/73-76": "Interesting site offers opportunities for exploration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/77-80": "Moment of fellowship or inner peace", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/81-84": "Opening to distract, escape, or avoid foes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/85-88": "Opening to get the drop on a foe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/89-92": "Plea for help from a potential benefactor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/93-96": "Refuge offers a place to hide, plan, or recover", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifebearing/97-100": "Vantage point reveals the lay of the land", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/1-5": "Encounter reveals unexpected benign lifeforms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/6-10": "Abandoned camp or vehicle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/11-15": "Advance warning of an environmental threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/16-20": "Clear path through otherwise perilous terrain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/21-25": "Clue offers insight into a current quest or mystery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/26-30": "Clue to the history or nature of this place", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/31-35": "Evidence that others have passed this way", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/36-40": "Foe reveals themselves or tips their hand", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/41-45": "Fortuitous change in the weather or atmosphere", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/46-50": "Friendly traveler crosses your path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/51-55": "Helpful resource is in ample supply", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/56-60": "Impressive vista offers comfort or inspiration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/61-65": "Interesting artifact or device", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/66-70": "Interesting site offers opportunities for exploration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/71-75": "Moment of fellowship or inner peace", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/76-80": "Opening to distract, escape, or avoid foes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/81-85": "Opening to get the drop on a foe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/86-90": "Plea for help from a potential benefactor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/91-95": "Refuge offers a place to hide, plan, or recover", + "Starforged/Oracles/Planets/Opportunity/Lifeless/96-100": "Vantage point reveals the lay of the land", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements-name": "Settlements", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Location-name": "Location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Location/1-40": "Planetside", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Location/41-75": "Orbital", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Location/76-100": "Deep Space", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population-name": "Population", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Terminus/1-10": "Few", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Terminus/11-25": "Dozens", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Terminus/26-55": "Hundreds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Terminus/56-85": "Thousands", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Terminus/86-100": "Tens of thousands", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Outlands/1-15": "Few", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Outlands/16-35": "Dozens", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Outlands/36-65": "Hundreds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Outlands/66-90": "Thousands", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Outlands/91-100": "Tens of thousands", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Expanse/1-20": "Few", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Expanse/21-50": "Dozens", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Expanse/51-80": "Hundreds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Expanse/81-95": "Thousands", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Population/Expanse/96-100": "Tens of thousands", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look-name": "First Look", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/1-3": "Beautiful architecture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/4-9": "Built from organic materials", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/10-15": "Built from random scrap", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/16-21": "Built within repurposed ship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/22-26": "Built within terrain or asteroid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/27-31": "Defensible location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/32-35": "Elevated or multi-level construction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/36-40": "Hidden or subsurface location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/41-43": "High-tech construction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/44-49": "Industrial architecture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/50-53": "Intimidating defenses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/54-56": "Moving or transforming", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/57-61": "Obvious social stratification", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/62-66": "Precarious location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/67-72": "Rustic architecture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/73-76": "Significant structural damage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/77-80": "Sprawling or dispersed structures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/81-83": "Temporary or seasonal location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/84-87": "Toxic or polluted habitat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/88-90": "Within or near ⏵Precursor Vault", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/First_Look/91-100": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact-name": "Initial Contact", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/1-20": "Welcoming", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/21-30": "Neutral / automated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/31-50": "Wary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/51-60": "Uncooperative", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/61-70": "Hostile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/71-83": "Asking for help", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/84-86": "In battle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/87-89": "Captured", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/90-92": "Unresponsive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/93-95": "Destroyed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Initial_Contact/96-100": "⏵Derelict", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority-name": "Authority", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority/1-15": "None / lawless", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority/16-30": "Ineffectual", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority/31-45": "Tolerant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority/46-55": "Fair", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority/56-70": "Unyielding", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority/71-85": "Corrupt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Authority/86-100": "Oppressive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects-name": "Projects", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects-description": "Check the Settlement Projects table when it’s appropriate for your character to know or uncover these details. Projects are the main industry, function, or focus of a settlement. They do not necessarily represent every activity at the site—particularly at a large settlement—but are the most visible or noteworthy aspects.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/1-5": "Agriculture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/6-7": "Archeology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/8-9": "Automation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/10-11": "Black market", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/12-13": "Command", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/14-17": "Defense", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/18-22": "Energy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/23-25": "Engineering", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/26-27": "Entertainment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/28-29": "Environmentalism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/30-31": "Evacuation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/32-33": "Expansion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/34-37": "Exploration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/38-39": "Festival", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/40-41": "History", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/42-43": "Hunting", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/44-46": "Manufacturing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/47-49": "Medical", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/50-51": "Migration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/52-57": "Mining", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/58-59": "Pacifism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/60-62": "Raiding", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/63-65": "Research", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/66-69": "Salvage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/70-72": "Secrecy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/73-75": "Shipbuilding", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/76-78": "Spirituality", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/79-84": "Subsistence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/85-86": "Surveillance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/87-88": "Terraforming", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/89-92": "Trade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/93-95": "Warfare", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Projects/96-100": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble-name": "Trouble", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble-description": "Check the Settlement Trouble table when it’s appropriate for your character to know or uncover these details. The Settlement Trouble table provides a broad description of the site’s most dramatic current issue.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/1-3": "Battle for leadership", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/4-6": "Betrayal from within", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/7-8": "Caught in the crossfire", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/9-11": "Changing environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/12-13": "Clash of cultures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/14-17": "Dangerous discovery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/18-21": "Depleted supplies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/22-24": "Deprived of a resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/25-28": "Failing technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/29-32": "Feuding factions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/33-34": "Ghostly visitations", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/35-38": "Hazardous environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/39-42": "Hostile lifeforms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/43-45": "Impassable route", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/46-48": "Impending attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/49-51": "Impending natural disaster", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/52-53": "Invasive organisms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/54-55": "Mounting debt", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/56-57": "Mysterious deaths", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/58-60": "Overdue delivery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/61-62": "Plagued by sickness", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/63-65": "Preyed upon by raiders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/66-67": "Revolt against leadership", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/68-69": "Sabotaged technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/70-71": "Shunned by others", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/72-74": "Social strife", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/75-76": "Someone is ill or injured", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/77-78": "Someone is missing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/79-80": "Stolen technology or object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/81-83": "Strange phenomenon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/84-86": "Toxic waste or pollution", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/87-88": "Volatile energy source", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/89-90": "Vulnerable lifeforms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Trouble/91-100": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name-name": "Name", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name-description": "Choose a name appropriate to the nature of the settlement, or roll for a random result. You can let the name stand alone, or pair it with one of the following tags: Base, Citadel, Depot, Fortress, Hold, Landing, Outpost, Port, Station, Terminal.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/1": "Aegis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/2": "Altair", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/3": "Altura", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/4": "Amity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/5": "Apex", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/6": "Apogee", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/7": "Argosy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/8": "Astra", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/9": "Aurora", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/10": "Beacon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/11": "Brink", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/12": "Bulwark", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/13": "Burnell", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/14": "Burrow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/15": "Concord", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/16": "Crux", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/17": "Deadrock", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/18": "Deception", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/19": "Elysium", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/20": "Enigma", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/21": "Erebus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/22": "Eris", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/23": "Evenfall", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/24": "Eventide", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/25": "Farpoint", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/26": "Felicity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/27": "Florin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/28": "Forlorn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/29": "Forsaken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/30": "Freya", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/31": "Glimmer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/32": "Gloam", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/33": "Hearth", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/34": "Helia", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/35": "Hypatia", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/36": "Hyperion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/37": "Janus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/38": "Karma", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/39": "Kepler", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/40": "Koshiba", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/41": "Lagrange", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/42": "Larissa", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/43": "Lasthope", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/44": "Lastport", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/45": "Legacy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/46": "Lodestar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/47": "Luminus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/48": "Lyra", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/49": "Marrow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/50": "Meridian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/51": "Moirai", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/52": "Mudd", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/53": "Neoma", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/54": "Nerio", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/55": "Nova", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/56": "Nyx", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/57": "Osseus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/58": "Paradox", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/59": "Paragon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/60": "Paxton", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/61": "Perchance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/62": "Pinnacle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/63": "Polaris", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/64": "Portent", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/65": "Prism", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/66": "Providence", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/67": "Purgatory", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/68": "Rampart", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/69": "Ramshackle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/70": "Redemption", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/71": "Redhaven", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/72": "Relic", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/73": "Reprise", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/74": "Reverie", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/75": "Rhiannon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/76": "Rockhome", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/77": "Rust", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/78": "Sagan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/79": "Sanctity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/80": "Selena", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/81": "Sepulcher", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/82": "Sigil", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/83": "Silvana", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/84": "Sirius", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/85": "Sisyphus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/86": "Solitude", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/87": "Spire", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/88": "Starfall", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/89": "Summit", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/90": "Tranquility", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/91": "Tyson", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/92": "Unity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/93": "Utopia", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/94": "Vega", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/95": "Vesper", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/96": "Wayward", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/97": "Welkin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/98": "Wellspring", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/99": "Weyland", + "Starforged/Oracles/Settlements/Name/100": "Wreck", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space-name": "Space", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting-name": "Sighting", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting-description": "Use the Space Sightings oracle to introduce a location or encounter on a spaceborne expedition. For example, roll on this table when you Ask the Oracle to envision the primary feature of a waypoint as you Undertake an Expedition. Check your result by referencing the column for your current location: Terminus, Outlands, or Expanse.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/1-15": "⏵Stellar Object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/16-35": "⏵Planet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/36-40": "⏵Settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/41-47": "⏵Starship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/48-51": "⏵Derelict", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/52-53": "⏵Precursor Vault", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/54-55": "⏵Creature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/56-60": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/61-65": "Debris field: Mineral asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/66-68": "Debris field: Frozen asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/69-70": "Debris field: Crystalline asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/71-72": "Debris field: Creature boneyard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/73-74": "Debris field: Metallic wreckage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/75-76": "Large rogue asteroid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/77-78": "Comet with a tail of ionized gas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/79-81": "Fiery energy storm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/82-83": "Chaotic meteoroid storm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/84-85": "Turbulent gravitational wave", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/86-93": "Dense nebula cloud", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/94-98": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Terminus/99-100": "Roll three times", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/1-15": "⏵Stellar Object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/16-35": "⏵Planet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/36-38": "⏵Settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/39-43": "⏵Starship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/44-46": "⏵Derelict", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/47-49": "⏵Precursor Vault", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/50-52": "⏵Creature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/53-58": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/59-63": "Debris field: Mineral asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/64-66": "Debris field: Frozen asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/67-68": "Debris field: Crystalline asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/69-70": "Debris field: Creature boneyard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/71-72": "Debris field: Metallic wreckage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/73-74": "Large rogue asteroid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/75-76": "Comet with a tail of ionized gas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/77-80": "Fiery energy storm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/81-82": "Chaotic meteoroid storm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/83-85": "Turbulent gravitational wave", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/86-93": "Dense nebula cloud", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/94-98": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Outlands/99-100": "Roll three times", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/1-15": "⏵Stellar Object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/16-35": "⏵Planet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/36-37": "⏵Settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/38-39": "⏵Starship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/40-41": "⏵Derelict", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/42-45": "⏵Precursor Vault", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/46-49": "⏵Creature", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/50-56": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/57-61": "Debris field: Mineral asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/62-64": "Debris field: Frozen asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/65-66": "Debris field: Crystalline asteroids", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/67-68": "Debris field: Creature boneyard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/69-70": "Debris field: Metallic wreckage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/71-72": "Large rogue asteroid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/73-74": "Comet with a tail of ionized gas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/75-79": "Fiery energy storm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/80-81": "Chaotic meteoroid storm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/82-85": "Turbulent gravitational wave", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/86-93": "Dense nebula cloud", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/94-98": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sighting/Expanse/99-100": "Roll three times", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name-name": "Sector Name", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/1-2": "Accursed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/3-4": "Ashen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/5-6": "Asteria", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/7-8": "Bitter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/9-10": "Blighted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/11-12": "Bloodied", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/13-14": "Boundless", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/15-16": "Burning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/17-18": "Cortana", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/19-20": "Corvus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/21-22": "Crimson", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/23-24": "Cygnus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/25-26": "Delphi", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/27-28": "Delphian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/29-30": "Devil's", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/31-32": "Ebon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/33-34": "Essus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/35-36": "Fallen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/37-38": "Ferrous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/39-40": "Fool's", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/41-42": "Forgotten", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/43-44": "Haunted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/45-46": "Hidden", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/47-48": "Hollow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/49-50": "Igneous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/51-52": "Infernal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/53-54": "Invidia", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/55-56": "Iron", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/57-58": "Kalidas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/59-60": "Kronos", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/61-62": "Lacuna", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/63-64": "Lumen", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/65-66": "Mobius", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/67-68": "Morien", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/69-70": "Onyx", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/71-72": "Outer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/73-74": "Sanguis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/75-76": "Scarred", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/77-78": "Scorched", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/79-80": "Shattered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/81-82": "Shrouded", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/83-84": "Sindri", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/85-86": "Solana", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/87-88": "Stygian", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/89-90": "Sulaco", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/91-92": "Sundered", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/93-94": "Thunor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/95-96": "Vanguard", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/97-98": "Veiled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Prefix/99-100": "Wasted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/1-2": "Abyss", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/3-4": "Anvil", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/5-6": "Arch", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/7-8": "Breach", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/9-10": "Chain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/11-12": "Channel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/13-14": "Chasm", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/15-16": "Circlet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/17-18": "Cluster", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/19-20": "Crossing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/21-22": "Crown", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/23-24": "Currents", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/25-26": "Deep", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/27-28": "Desolation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/29-30": "Drift", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/31-32": "Flow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/33-34": "Flux", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/35-36": "Gap", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/37-38": "Gate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/39-40": "Gyre", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/41-42": "Heart", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/43-44": "Helix", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/45-46": "Juncture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/47-48": "Limits", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/49-50": "Locus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/51-52": "Maelstrom", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/53-54": "Margin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/55-56": "Maw", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/57-58": "Maze", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/59-60": "Nexus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/61-62": "Oasis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/63-64": "Pass", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/65-66": "Pit", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/67-68": "Pyre", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/69-70": "Reach", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/71-72": "Rest", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/73-74": "Rift", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/75-76": "Sanctum", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/77-78": "Shallows", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/79-80": "Shoal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/81-82": "Spine", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/83-84": "Straits", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/85-86": "Threshold", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/87-88": "Tide", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/89-90": "Verge", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/91-92": "Vertex", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/93-94": "Vigil", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/95-96": "Void", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/97-98": "Web", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Sector_Name/Suffix/99-100": "Zenith", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object-name": "Stellar Object", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object-description": "Use the Stellar Object oracle to learn more about the primary star at a location. This is mostly to help you visualize your surroundings, but the strange or hazardous nature of some rare stars can incite new adventures.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/1-15": "Smoldering red star", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/16-30": "Glowing orange star", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/31-45": "Burning yellow star", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/46-50": "Blazing blue star", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/51-60": "Young star incubating in a molecular cloud", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/61-70": "White dwarf shining with spectral light", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/71-75": "Corrupted star radiating with unnatural light", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/76-80": "Neutron star surrounded by intense magnetic fields", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/81-85": "Two stars in close orbit connected by fiery tendrils of energy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/86-90": "Black hole allows nothing to escape—not even light", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/91-98": "Hypergiant star generating turbulent solar winds", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/99": "Artificial star constructed by a long-dead civilization", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Stellar_Object/100": "Unstable star showing signs of impending supernova", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril-name": "Peril", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril-description": "Choose or roll on this table when you want inspiration for a trouble during spaceborne exploration or on an interstellar expedition.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/1-3": "Artificial gravity generator malfunctions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/4-6": "Automated defenses or mines protect this area", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/7-9": "Compartment catches fire or is breached", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/10-12": "Contagion or illness threatens to take hold", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/13-15": "Dust clouds imperil navigation or conceal foes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/16-18": "Energy storm looms", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/19-21": "Familiar foe appears or sends an ominous message", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/22-24": "Gravity well or vortex takes hold", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/25-27": "Imperiled ship calls for help", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/28-30": "Important device fails or malfunctions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/31-33": "Infestation is revealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/34-36": "Intruder or stowaway creates trouble", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/37-39": "Isolation or fear presses in", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/40-42": "Life support system malfunctions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/43-45": "Meteoroid storm fills the sky", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/46-48": "Mysterious wreckage portends a new threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/49-51": "Nearby settlement calls for help", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/52-54": "Old repair or patch fails", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/55-57": "Onboard dispute or inner turmoil causes a disruption", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/58-60": "Others obstruct your path or form a blockade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/61-63": "Phantom signals suggest a lurking foe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/64-66": "Pirates hunt for prey", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/67-69": "Power fails", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/70-72": "Primary drive or generator malfunctions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/73-75": "Sabotage is revealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/76-78": "Shockwave or gravity wave approaches", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/79-81": "Someone questions your presence here", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/82-84": "Stellar anomaly emits hazardous energies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/85-87": "Threatening lifeform draws near", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/88-90": "Troubling visions or apparitions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/91-93": "True nature of a cargo, occupant, or passenger is revealed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/94-96": "Unsettling sounds or disturbances", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/97-99": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Peril/100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity-name": "Opportunity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity-description": "Choose or roll on this table when you want inspiration for a beneficial encounter or event on a spaceborne journey, such as when you roll a strong hit with a match as you Undertake an Expedition, or if you Explore a Waypoint and find an opportunity.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/1-4": "Advance warning of an environmental threat", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/5-8": "Automated signal offers a helpful message or warning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/9-12": "Cache of cargo or supplies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/13-16": "Chance for fellowship or a moment of inner peace", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/17-20": "Clear path through otherwise perilous space", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/21-24": "Clue offers insight into a current quest or mystery", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/25-28": "Clue to a lifeform's nature or vulnerabilities", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/29-32": "Derelict ripe for the picking", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/33-36": "Foe inadvertently reveals themselves or tips their hand", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/37-40": "Friendly interaction with a benign lifeform", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/41-44": "Friendly settlement in range", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/45-48": "Friendly spacers at work here", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/49-52": "Friendly starship crosses your path", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/53-56": "Helpful or encouraging message from an acquaintance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/57-60": "Impressive vista offers comfort or inspiration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/61-64": "Interesting site offers opportunities for exploration", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/65-68": "Mineral or energy resource detected", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/69-72": "Navigational or environmental hazard is left behind", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/73-76": "Opening to escape or avoid foes", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/77-80": "Plea for help from a potential benefactor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/81-84": "Probe or beacon with useful data", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/85-88": "Refuge offers a place to hide, plan, or recover", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/89-92": "Sensors pinpoint a lurking foe", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/93-96": "Sensors reveal helpful or interesting environmental data", + "Starforged/Oracles/Space/Opportunity/97-100": "Vehicle or equipment performs beyond expectations", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships-name": "Starships", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type-name": "Type", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/1-2": "Carrier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/3-6": "Corvette", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/7-11": "Courier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/12-14": "Cruiser", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/15-16": "Dreadnought", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/17-19": "Escape pod", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/20-22": "Foundry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/23-27": "Harvester", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/28-33": "Hauler", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/34-36": "Hunter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/37-38": "Ironhome", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/39-42": "Mender", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/43-47": "Outbounder", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/48-50": "Pennant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/51-56": "Prospector", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/57-61": "Reclaimer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/62-64": "Shuttle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/65-67": "Snub fighter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/68-82": "Multipurpose", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/83-84": "Unusual or unknown", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/85-94": "⏵Fleet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Type/95-100": "Ships in conflict (roll twice)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet-name": "Fleet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/1-10": "Battle fleet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/11-25": "Pirate wing", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/26-35": "Raider horde", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/36-50": "Salvager hive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/51-60": "Settler caravan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/61-70": "Trade caravan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/71-90": "Transport and escorts", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Fleet/91-100": "⏵Starship Mission", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact-name": "Initial Contact", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/1-3": "Familiar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/4-15": "Friendly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/16-25": "Neutral / automated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/26-35": "Wary", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/36-40": "Dismissive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/41-50": "Uncooperative", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/51-65": "Hostile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/66-80": "Asking for help", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/81-85": "In battle", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/86-90": "Unresponsive", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/91-95": "Destroyed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Initial_Contact/96-100": "⏵Derelict", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look-name": "First Look", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/1-4": "Abnormal sensor readings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/5-8": "Brightly painted", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/9-13": "Bristling with weapons", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/14-18": "Dark or stealthy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/19-23": "Heavy armor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/24-28": "Immobile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/29-33": "Intimidating profile", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/34-37": "Large sensor arrays", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/38-41": "Leaking radiation", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/42-45": "Low-profile or disguised", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/46-49": "Modern or advanced design", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/50-54": "Obsolete design", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/55-59": "Obvious damage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/60-63": "Biological components", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/64-67": "Ornate markings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/68-71": "Oversized engines", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/72-75": "Prominent guild emblem", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/76-80": "Refitted or repurposed hull", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/81-85": "Scarred hull", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/86-90": "Built from scrap", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/91-94": "Towing or linked", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/First_Look/95-100": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission-name": "Mission", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission-description": "Use the Starship Mission table when prompted by another oracle, or to flesh out the nature of a ship or fleet which has a flexible or uncertain role. You can also roll to generate the focus of a spaceborne quest.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/1-3": "Blockade a location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/4-6": "Break a blockade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/7-9": "Collect a resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/10-11": "Command others", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/12-14": "Conduct diplomacy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/15-17": "Conduct espionage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/18-20": "Conduct piracy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/21-23": "Conduct research", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/24-26": "Defend against an attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/27-29": "Deliver messages or data", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/30-32": "Establish a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/33-35": "Evacuate a location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/36-37": "Explore a region", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/38-39": "Hold prisoners", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/40-42": "Hunt down another ship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/43-45": "Launch an attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/46-48": "Patrol an area", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/49-51": "Provide medical aid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/52-54": "Provide repairs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/55-57": "Provide shelter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/58-59": "Quarantine a danger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/60-62": "Raid a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/63-65": "Resupply a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/66-68": "Retrieve salvage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/69-71": "Search and rescue", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/72-74": "Smuggle cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/75-77": "Survey a site", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/78-79": "Test a technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/80-82": "Transport cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/83-85": "Transport passengers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/86-90": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Terminus/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/1-2": "Blockade a location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/3-4": "Break a blockade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/5-7": "Collect a resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/8-9": "Command others", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/10-11": "Conduct diplomacy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/12-13": "Conduct espionage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/14-16": "Conduct piracy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/17-20": "Conduct research", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/21-24": "Defend against an attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/25-28": "Deliver messages or data", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/29-32": "Establish a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/33-36": "Evacuate a location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/37-40": "Explore a region", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/41-42": "Hold prisoners", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/43-45": "Hunt down another ship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/46-48": "Launch an attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/49-50": "Patrol an area", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/51-53": "Provide medical aid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/54-56": "Provide repairs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/57-59": "Provide shelter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/60-61": "Quarantine a danger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/62-64": "Raid a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/65-68": "Resupply a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/69-71": "Retrieve salvage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/72-73": "Search and rescue", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/74-75": "Smuggle cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/76-78": "Survey a site", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/79-80": "Test a technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/81-83": "Transport cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/84-85": "Transport passengers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/86-90": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Outlands/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/1-2": "Blockade a location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/3-4": "Break a blockade", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/5-8": "Collect a resource", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/9-10": "Command others", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/11-12": "Conduct diplomacy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/13-14": "Conduct espionage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/15-16": "Conduct piracy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/17-22": "Conduct research", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/23-25": "Defend against an attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/26-29": "Deliver messages or data", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/30-35": "Establish a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/36-39": "Evacuate a location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/40-45": "Explore a region", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/46-47": "Hold prisoners", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/48-49": "Hunt down another ship", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/50-51": "Launch an attack", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/52-53": "Patrol an area", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/54-55": "Provide medical aid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/56-57": "Provide repairs", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/58-61": "Provide shelter", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/62-63": "Quarantine a danger", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/64-65": "Raid a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/66-69": "Resupply a settlement", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/70-71": "Retrieve salvage", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/72-73": "Search and rescue", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/74-75": "Smuggle cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/76-77": "Survey a site", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/78-79": "Test a technology", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/80-83": "Transport cargo", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/84-85": "Transport passengers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/86-90": "⏵Action + Theme", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Mission/Expanse/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name-name": "Name", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name-description": "Give a starship a name when it has an important role in your story. Scan this table and select a name which fits what you know of the ship’s appearance and role. Or generate a random result and let any contradictions contribute to the ship’s history or nature.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/1": "Arclight", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/2": "Argent Arrow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/3": "Artemis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/4": "Astral Explorer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/5": "Atlas", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/6": "Aurora", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/7": "Avari’s Wake", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/8": "Banshee’s Cry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/9": "Beowulf", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/10": "Bloody Jaw", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/11": "Broken Sword", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/12": "Buccaneer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/13": "Cerelis Nine", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/14": "Clarion Call", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/15": "Dawn’s Herald", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/16": "Dead Reckoning", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/17": "Drift Runner", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/18": "Eclipse", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/19": "Elara Five", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/20": "Enchantress", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/21": "Endurance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/22": "Excalibur", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/23": "Eye of the Void", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/24": "Fall of Icarus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/25": "Fallen Light", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/26": "False Hope", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/27": "Firebreak", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/28": "First Light", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/29": "Forge Flier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/30": "Fortune’s Favor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/31": "Freya’s Wrath", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/32": "Ghost", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/33": "Guiding Star", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/34": "Hand of Fate", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/35": "Herald of Doom", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/36": "Implacable", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/37": "Implicit", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/38": "Inferno", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/39": "Invictus", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/40": "Iron Cairn", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/41": "Karena’s Reverie", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/42": "Kraken", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/43": "Kuno’s Hammer", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/44": "Lightline", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/45": "Lodestar", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/46": "Long Haul", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/47": "Lost Fortune", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/48": "Luminous Sorrow", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/49": "Manta", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/50": "Mercy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/51": "Mutara", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/52": "Nebula Prowler", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/53": "Newton’s Folly", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/54": "Nightfall", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/55": "Nomad", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/56": "Obsidian Trident", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/57": "Onslaught", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/58": "Orca", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/59": "Outward Bound", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/60": "Phantom", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/61": "Photon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/62": "Poltergeist", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/63": "Profit Margin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/64": "Raven’s Call", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/65": "Raya’s Promise", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/66": "Reaper", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/67": "Reforged Hope", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/68": "Relentless", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/69": "Royal Signet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/70": "Rubicon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/71": "Sareea’s Tribute", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/72": "Second Chance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/73": "Shard of the Sun", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/74": "Shattered Siege", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/75": "Shattered Star", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/76": "Silver Talon", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/77": "Smoldering Flame", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/78": "Sovereign Skies", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/79": "Sparrowhawk", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/80": "Stardust", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/81": "Starfall", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/82": "Stellar Hawk", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/83": "Stormswept", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/84": "Sundered Aegis", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/85": "Sundown", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/86": "Sureshot", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/87": "Terminus Clipper", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/88": "Terrapin", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/89": "Timber Wolf", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/90": "Tip of the Spear", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/91": "Titan", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/92": "Tormentor", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/93": "Trithia Six", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/94": "Ultraviolet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/95": "Valora’s Comet", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/96": "Vengeance", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/97": "Venture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/98": "Vigilant", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/99": "Voidtreader", + "Starforged/Oracles/Starships/Name/100": "Vulture", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults-name": "Vaults", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults-description": "When you first come upon a vault, use the tables on the previous two pages to help envision its form and nature. For a more abstract prompt, just use the Descriptor oracle. In either case—if that’s enough detail for the role of the vault in your story—stop there.", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Location-name": "Location", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Location/1-50": "Planetside", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Location/51-75": "Orbital", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Location/76-100": "Deep Space", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Scale-name": "Scale", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Scale/1-30": "Minor, confined site", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Scale/31-65": "Typical site of limited scope", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Scale/66-90": "Large, elaborate site", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Scale/91-99": "Vast site of unfathomable complexity", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Scale/100": "World-spanning site or megastructure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Form-name": "Form", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Form/1-35": "Structure", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Form/36-60": "Vessel", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Form/61-80": "Monument", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Form/81-95": "Machine", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Form/96-100": "Incomprehensible", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape-name": "Shape", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/1-15": "Practical or functional", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/16-20": "Geometric (complex shape)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/21-25": "Geometric (cube)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/26-30": "Geometric (obelisk)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/31-35": "Geometric (pyramid)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/36-40": "Geometric (ring or torus)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/41-45": "Geometric (sphere)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/46-55": "Organic or curved", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/56-60": "Platform or disc", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/61-65": "Spires or towers", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/66-68": "Domed", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/69-73": "Spiky", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/74-76": "Sculptural or effigy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/77-79": "Amorphous", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/80-85": "Transforming", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Shape/86-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material-name": "Material", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/1-30": "Metallic (industrial)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/31-60": "Metallic (smooth)", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/61-70": "Rocky or stone-like", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/71-74": "Crystalline or glass-like", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/75-78": "Bone-like", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/79-82": "Flesh-like", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/83-86": "Plant-like", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/87-88": "Energy", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/89-90": "Liquid", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Material/91-100": "Roll twice", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look-name": "Outer First Look", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/1-3": "Corrupting its environment", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/4-7": "Automated defenses", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/8-10": "Breached exterior", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/11-14": "Broken or fragmented", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/15-17": "Camouflaged or hidden", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/18-20": "Cavernous opening", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/21-23": "Dispersed structures", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/24-26": "Dreadful premonitions", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/27-30": "Electromagnetic field", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/31-33": "Embedded within terrain", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/34-36": "Encased in an energy field", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/37-40": "Energy core or conduit", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/41-43": "Fractal patterns", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/44-47": "Glyphs or symbols", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/48-51": "Hazardous readings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/52-54": "Levitating or in motion", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/55-58": "Lighted or illuminated", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/59-61": "No obvious point of entry", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/62-64": "Overgrown or entangled", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/65-67": "Perfectly preserved", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/68-70": "Phasing in and out of reality", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/71-73": "Physical barrier", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/74-76": "Pitted or scarred", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/77-79": "Scaled for outsized beings", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/80-82": "Shrouded in mist or haze", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/83-85": "Signs of invaders", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/86-89": "Sound or signal", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/90-92": "Strong gravity well", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/93-95": "Surrounded by destruction", + "Starforged/Oracles/Vaults/Outer_First_Look/96-100": "⏵Descriptor + Focus", "asset-category-command-vehicle": "Veículo de Comando", "asset-category-companion": "Companion", "asset-category-module": "Módulo", @@ -700,5 +3691,19 @@ "stat-heart": "Heart", "stat-iron": "Iron", "stat-shadow": "Shadow", - "stat-wits": "Raciocínio" + "stat-wits": "Raciocínio", + "roll-plus-ammo": "Role +munição", + "roll-plus-cargo": "Role +carga", + "roll-plus-fire": "Roll +fire", + "roll-plus-safety": "Roll +safety", + "roll-plus-shields": "Role +escudos", + "set-ammo-meter": "Definir medidor de munição para {{0}}", + "set-cargo-meter": "Definir medidor de carga para {{0}}", + "set-fire-meter": "Set fire meter to {{0}}", + "set-safety-meter": "Set safety meter to {{0}}", + "set-shields-meter": "Defina o medidor de escudos para {{0}}", + "legacy-assets-toggle-btn": "TOGGLE LEGACY ASSETS", + "hide-legacy-button-box": "HIDE THIS BOX", + "legacy-assets-description": "As part of releasing 1.0, existing character sheets need to copy the data from their legacy assets into the section below and delete the old assets. This has the updated the assets, the legacy section only has the old assets. Once done you can hide the old assets by clicking the toggle legacy assets button and then click hide this box.

Alternatively if you want to keep the legacy assets section you can simply click hide this box.", + "changelog-summary": "Part 1 of the full release has now been done, which includes the updated oracles and assets. Note for existing character sheets please refer to the assets page as there is additional work that needs to be done, as it required a change for how assets were handled and the fact some assets were removed/changed in the full release. The move updates will be released next." } \ No newline at end of file