Git really great technologie. Is is simple, strong and safely. Simple thingth, that don't need to add something, are very fundamental and convenient. Great that git is so powerful and laconic. Basic abstractions of git are:
- repository
- branch
- commit
- HEAD (commit in focus)
- remote repository
- tag
There are not so many commands in git like in programming languages. This not suprising because there is a lot more abstraction in programming languages.
Commands thet I learned in course and practice in
- add
- commit (--amend)
- log (--stat, -p, --oneline, --decorate, --graph, --all)
- show
- diff
- checkout (-b)
- branch (-D, -f, -m, -u)
- revert
- reset
- rebase (-i)
- cherry-pick
- fetch
- merge
- pull (fetch+merge)
- clone
- push
Thanks for this knowledge. It was fun.
Linux is free OS. That's why it is convenient use Linux on servers. Main features of Linux are:
- all-powerfull command line
- modularity
- customizability
You can make everything with help of command line: create and delete files, rename it, kill process and redirect stdout in another program. It was interesting. I fill like hacker. I made many things only with help of keyboard and terminal.
This task was like first. I learned some new commands, but it still Git.
HTML is the language which tell the browser how it should to display site or app. CSS helps HTML and make site or app perfect with help of more specialized features.
Responsive Desing is very import part of frontend devrlopment. Our app must be beautiful and useful when it use from any size of display. It can be phone or desctop. Flex-box - useful and handy.
Demo -- This task was interesting for me. It was like a challenge. Theoretical knowledge only in practice becomes an understanding and an effective force. Thanks for this experience!
Javascript is interesting and powerful instrument, that helps make web-pages more dynamic.
Other screens are in folder.
DOM API is a great thing. With help of it you can interact with almost any part of Web-page. JS & DOM API powerfull duet. Thants!
This task was a new experience for me. I have some skills in Python, and it's help me. But basic knowledge for pass this task are Array`s methods. Array object have few methods, that help manipulate with array items in one or two commands. It's very useful.
It was fun and complex for me. Task description tell only part of information, another part you had to understand by yourself. This task reminded me of using library packages which require the user to override some methods in objects inherited from mixins that the library provides.
It was an exciting assignment. Thanks to my mentor for his patience. OOP is a convenient and functional programming paradigm. Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism allow you to write code without duplication and no losing in functionality.
Thank you for this experience and knowledge !!!
Any of the tasks here were for me adventures and self-knowledge. Many features and nuances that need to be taken into account and kept in mind train thinking. New information on various technologies shows how much the programming community has done to popularize programming and create a convenient infrastructure for beginners and experienced programmers. Special thanks to the mentors. Their comments and advice during the delivery of the assignment showed how much remains to be done and that there is no limit to perfection.
This assignment gave me a taste for being a social network developer. Interaction with sites as a developer is very different from the user experience. A whole world of problems, tasks, technologies is hidden behind the pleasant interface of the application. But all these forces are in balance and interact, like a clockwork, starting each other and accompanying. Mechanisms and algorithms are wonderful in that a huge power is formed from small actions, which is useful and pleasant for both creators and users. Once again, many thanks to the mentors. Your comments helped make my code better. What I've learned for sure is drying.