Benchmark fitting problems published in conjunction with BioNetFit v1.0
- example1_fit.bngl - A model of EGFR signaling, adapted from Kozer et al. (2013), simulated with ODEs.
- example1_BNFfiles - Files needed to fit example1 in BioNetFit v1.0.1
- example2_fit.bngl - A model of EGFR signaling, adapted from Kozer et al. (2013), simulated with NFsim.
- example2_BNFfiles - Files needed to fit example2 in BioNetFit v1.0.1
- example3_fit.bngl - A model of trivalent ligand, bivalent receptor, adapted from Monine et al. (2010).
- example3_BNFfiles - Files needed to fit example3 in BioNetFit v1.0.1
- example4_fit.bngl - A model of TCR signaling
- example4_BNFfiles - Files needed to fit example4 in BioNetFit v1.0.1
- example5_fit.bngl - A small, synthetic receptor model, simulated with ODEs
- example5_groundtruth.bngl - The ground truth parameter values used to generate synthetic data for this example.
- example5_BNFfiles - Files needed to fit example5 in BioNetFit v1.0.1
- example6_fit.bngl - A small, synthetic receptor model, simulated with NFsim (missing file)
- example6_groundtruth.bngl - The ground truth parameter values used to generate synthetic data for this example.
- example6_BNFfiles - Files needed to fit example6 in BioNetFit v1.0.1
These benchmark fitting problems can be run with BioNetFit v1.0.1. BioNetFit files are provided as they appear in the BioNetFit download; to run on your computer, it may be necessary to edit the file paths and settings. For more information, refer to the BioNetFit documentation.