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iOS UI classes for adding PayPal as a Braintree payment option.


This project provides two primary classes:

  1. BTPayPalViewController is a UIViewController that provides the PayPal authentication UX and – on successful auth – a resulting transactable payment method.
  2. BTPayPalButton is a UIControl that you can use to offer PayPal as a payment option to your user. It can be used by adding it to your view hierarchy and setting delegate methods. (Deprecated - please see BTPaymentButton in the Payments subspec)

This library depends on Braintree/API, which provides BTClient, used as an initialization parameter for both of the above.

Out of the box, BTPayPalButton is automatically configured to present a BTPayPalViewController when the user taps it. This means that you are not required to override the BTPayPalButton's delegate.

Please note: If the default behavior is not compatible with your views, you can implement a custom BTPayPalButtonViewControllerPresenterDelegate.


Use CocoaPods and add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'Braintree/PayPal'

CocoaPods automatically vendors the PayPal Mobile SDK, libPayPalMobile-BT.a, which is included. Braintree-PayPal-iOS is not compatible with the PayPal Mobile SDK.


A straightforward integration approach is to just add a BTPayPalButton instance in your view hierarchy, then implement its BTPayPalButtonDelegate to receive results. Rough example:

  1. Create an instance of BTPayPalButton either in your xib or storyboard or initialized in code and added as a subview, e.g.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    self.payPalButton = [[BTPayPalButton alloc] init];
    [self.view addSubview:self.payPalButton];
  1. Set the client and delegate properties of your BTPayPalButton instance, e.g.
self.payPalButton.client = [[BTClient alloc] initWithClientToken:MY_CLIENT_TOKEN];
self.payPalButton.delegate = self;
  1. Implement the required BTPayPalButtonDelegate protocol methods:
- (void)payPalButton:(BTPayPalButton *)button addedPaymentMethod:(NSString *)paymentMethod {
    NSLog(@"Payment method %@ obtained and is ready for use", paymentMethod);
    // Send paymentMethod to your server for use...

- (void)payPalButtonRemovedPaymentMethod:(BTPayPalButton *)button {
    NSLog(@"Payment method was removed");
  1. Optional: BTPayPalButton handles presentation of a BTPayPalViewController out of the box, but you can change the presentation by implementing an additional optional BTPayPalButtonViewControllerPresenterDelegate method and setting the presentationDelegate property:
- (void)payPalButton:(BTPayPalButton *)button requestsPresentationOfViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController {
    // Use your own presentation code here, e.g.
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController];