The CAP application relies on a number of different tools which are needed to build and deploy the application. To streamline the installation of these components, a base or parent image can be used with these tools already installed. This container is setup with the cds and ui5 build tools, openssl and jq. It is then used used by the other containers as their parent image.
⚠ NOTE: This step is only required if you haven't created the CICD job called 'capuitools'
Execute the following commands to first build and then push the tools base image:
docker build -t {your-docker-account}/capui5tools -f ./resources/capui5tools/Dockerfile .
docker push {your-docker-account}/capui5tools
🎉 Congratulations - You've now created the tools base image that will be used as parent image of the other containers.
Continue to Exercise 5 - GENERATE THE CAP DATABASE