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Building a sustainable-smart-factory-app sample on SAP BTP embedding Intelligence and Sustainability with SAP AI Core

As part of the AI & Sustainability Bootcamp, we have developed a sample app named sustainable-smart-factory-app to inference the AI models which you have developed in Enterprise AI in Action sessions of this bootcamp.

  • Image segmentation for auto. defect detection
  • Sound anomalies detection for predictive maintenance In this way, you also learn from to build end-to-end industry cloud solutions on SAP BTP focusing on AI & Sustainability topics.

The sample application is mainly built on top of SAP Cloud Application Programming (CAP) model and SAP Fiori Elements.It helps:

  • Monitoring the daily operation of the plant.
  • Recording the sustainability KPIs(energy consumption) of the plant on daily basis.
  • Scoring the AI models against the live sensor Data
  • Extending the Maintenance Management of SAP S/4HANA Cloud with side-by-side extensibility on SAP BTP with sound-based predictive maintenance.
  • Integrating with SAP Analytics Cloud for plant 360 analytics, and maintenance cost & sustainability KPIs planning.

Solution Architecture

Please read this blog post-Embedding Intelligence and Sustainability into Custom Applications on SAP BTP about more details about the Sustainable Smart Factory App.

Deployment Options

We have prepared a few models for you to consider and take reference from in order to deploy this sample app successfully to your preferred platform/landscapes. Please note that the sample app is shipped AS-IT-IS, and if you faced with any issues, SAP will not be providing any support. However, if you find any bugs or issues, you may create an issue here.

1. Hybrid Option: Local App consuming SAP BTP Cloud Services (Recommended for development or test, also for bootcamp exercise]

Follow instructions from main branch.

2. Cloud Option with SAP BTP Launchpad: Cloud Native App as MTA, deployed in SAP BTP with SAP Launchpad services & Managed Approuter

Follow instructions from deploy-btp-mta-launchpad branch.

3. Cloud Model with Cloud Foundry Environment in SAP BTP: Cloud Native App as MTA, deployed in SAP BTP Cloud Foundry Environment

More instructions to come. Stay tuned.

Prerequisites (Mandatory Setup Steps to Perform)

Below are some setup steps that are required to ensure a success deployment of the application.

(i) Obtain an SAP BTP trial, free tier or productive account etc.

Please refer to this tutorial about Getting a Free Account on SAP BTP Trial.

(ii) Set Up SAP HANA Cloud and SAP Business Application Studio on your SAP BTP account by following this tutorial.

SAP BTP Cockpit > Cloud Foundry > Spaces > dev > SAP HANA Cloud
(make sure you select the option to "Allow ALL IP Addresses" during creation)


(iii) Connecting to a S/4HANA Cloud System via SAP BTP Connectivity Destination

SAP BTP Cockpit > Connectivity > Destinations > New Destination

In this step, you will require a S/4HANA Cloud instance for this to work. You will be using a technical user with the right authorization to Manage Maintenance Order in your S/4HANA Cloud tenant. This will be triggered in the app itself part of the Equipments Condition module.


Type: HTTP

Description: AI Core & Sustainability Bootcamp Purpose for S4HC Test Tenant

URL: https://<tenant>

Proxy Type: Internet

Authentication: BasicAuthentication

User: make sure this is a technical user setup with the right authorisation to manage maintenance order service

Password: xxxx

S4HANA Destination in SAP BTP Cockpit

Please note that the above destination name S4HC_AICOREBOOTCAMP is defined inside package.json for the app and will be used in the Custom Logic file on S/4HANA Maintenance Order Line 82 located in btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app/srv/admin-service.js. Prior to that, please make sure you've done your own testing of calling the API with Postman to ensure that your credentials works.

(vi) Create a Destination in SAP BTP, using your SAP AI Core Service key credentials

In this step, you will require an instance of SAP AI Core in your SAP BTP account for this to work.

AICORE Instance in SAP BTP Cockpit

Create a service key where you will use the OAuth credentials provided, and entered the value to the Destination config.

For bootcamp related setup, if you have received the AI Core credentials, you may proceed to use it accordingly to configure the destination in your own SAP BTP Account.

AICORE Instance Key in SAP BTP Cockpit

SAP BTP Cockpit > Connectivity > Destinations > New Destination

Copy and Paste the relevant property value (from Service Key above) such as, clientid, clientsecret, url, ai_api_url into the config of SAP BTP Connectivity Destination.


Type: HTTP

Description: Destination for AI Core Bootcamp

URL: ai_api_url

Proxy Type: Internet

Authentication: OAuth2ClientCredentials

Client ID: clientid

Client Secret: clientsecret

Token Service URL Type: Dedicated

Token Service URL: url/oauth/token (NOT referring to the ai_api_url. And make sure to add /oauth/token towards the end of the path.)

Token Service User: <LEAVE_EMPTY>

Token Service Password: <LEAVE_EMPTY>

Additional Properties > xsappname: appname

AICORE Destination in SAP BTP Cockpit

Download and Installation

Make sure you have completed ALL of the Mandatory Setup Steps before proceeding.

Please kindly note that the following instructions below is strictly for the deployment model of a hybrid approach (local app, cloud services). Thus, the app will only work locally while consuming SAP BTP services (hana, destination, xsuaa, ai-core) through a defined default-env.json file.

While developing your own solution, you may take this as a reference (AS-IT-IS) and troubleshoot on your own if you'd like to deploy it on other SAP/non-SAP landscapes.

Refer here for more information on the other deployment models. Each has its own configurations to setup accordingly.

Choice of Development Tools (IDE)

You may use either one of following IDE based on your preferences.

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio Code: Do note that you have to install some of the required libraries.
  2. (Recommended) SAP Business Application Studio: Select Full Stack Cloud Application as the Predefined Extensions when creating the Dev Space.

Step 1: Clone this Git Repo into a btp-ai-core-bootcamp project folder.

git clone btp-ai-core-bootcamp

Step 2: Navigate into the folder and install the required dependencies locally.

cd btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app
npm install

Step 3: Deploy the SAP HANA Artifacts (required for the app) in your SAP BTP HANA Cloud as a SAP HANA HDI Container.

cf login
cds build --for hana
cds deploy --to hana

Step 4: Connect your Local app to SAP BTP Cloud services by storing various credentials locally.

To run it locally and connect with SAP BTP services, you'd need to create a local file default-env.json in your btp-ai-core-bootcamp folder btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app/default-env.json with the hana, destination & xsuaa service key credentials.

You may refer to the default-env file as a template, then copy JSON payload of each service key into the respective credentials part.

A. SAP BTP HANA Cloud HDI service instance

In the earlier steps, we have already deployed the SAP HANA Artifacts into SAP HANA Cloud on SAP BTP. By default, the name of the service instance is `sustainable-smart-factory-app-db`.
Please note that on a SAP BTP trial account, the SAP HANA Cloud instance will be shut down every 24 hours, thus, do remember to start it up.

If you're using SQLite to run it locally, you may skip this specific part on HDI.

If you're using SAP HANA Cloud, create and use the service key.

cf create-service-key sustainable-smart-factory-app-db sustainable-smart-factory-app-db-key
cf service-key sustainable-smart-factory-app-db sustainable-smart-factory-app-db-key

Copy & Paste the entire payload, replace _REPLACE_W_HANA_SERVICE_KEY_CREDENTIALS_ in the credentials section under hana in the btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app/default-env.json file. You might realise that the deployment of the SAP HANA HDI would have overwritten the default-env.json with the HANA credentials already. Not to worry, you can refer to this template below again.

B. SAP BTP Connectivity Destination service instance

cf create-service destination lite smartfactory-dest
cf create-service-key smartfactory-dest smartfactory-dest-key
cf service-key smartfactory-dest smartfactory-dest-key

Copy & Paste the entire payload, replace _REPLACE_W_DEST_SERVICE_KEY_CREDENTIALS_ in the credentials section under destination in the btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app/default-env.json file.

C. SAP BTP Security XSUAA service instance

cf create-service xsuaa apiaccess smartfactory-xsuaa
cf create-service-key smartfactory-xsuaa smartfactory-xsuaa-key
cf service-key smartfactory-xsuaa smartfactory-xsuaa-key

Copy & Paste the entire payload, replace _REPLACE_W_XSUAA_SERVICE_KEY_CREDENTIALS_ in the credentials section under xsuaa in the btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app/default-env.json file.

Below is a template of the btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app/default-env.json file. Please proceed to create the file.

        "hana": [
                "name": "sustainable-smart-factory-app-db",
                "tags": [
                "credentials": _REPLACE_W_HANA_SERVICE_KEY_CREDENTIALS_
        "destination": [
                "name": "sustainable-smart-factory-app-destination-service",
                "label": "destination",
                "tags": [
                "credentials": _REPLACE_W_DEST_SERVICE_KEY_CREDENTIALS_
        "xsuaa": [
                "name": "sustainable-smart-factory-app-xsuaa-service",
                "label": "xsuaa",
                "tags": [
                "credentials": _REPLACE_W_XSUAA_SERVICE_KEY_CREDENTIALS_

Step 5: App Variables to Configure, pointing to your AI Core Deployed trained ML Model.

Prior to this step, you should already have completed the AI Core model training and serving setup, and should have the following values ready for inferencing against the ML model. Please note that the values are specific to your own setup following the AI Core Hands-on Exercises.

  • Resource Group
  • Deployment Inference URL
  • Image Segmentation Deployment ID
  • Sound Classification Deployment ID

Resource Group

Bootcamp participant, you might not have access to SAP AI Launchpad, however, you should already have created the Resource Group via an API request either via Jupyter Notebook or Postman.

Resource Group in AI Launchpad

Deployment Inference URL

Bootcamp participant, you might not have access to SAP AI Launchpad, however, you should already have came across this Deployment Inference URL via your exercises on getting details on your successful deployment.

You may also formulate this with the service key's service url > AI_API_URL with /v2/inference/deployments

Please note that the full URL path required for the app will be without `/deployment_id` at the end. e.g.

Deployment URL in AI Launchpad

Once you have the values formulated above and ready, open package.json and modify the following parameters to your AI Core parameters

  1. Copy & paste the Deployment Inference URL (without /deployment_id at the end) into package.json, replacing this variable _AICORE_DEPLOYMENT_URL_, under cds > aicore > url & cds > requires > aicore > credentials > url.
  2. Copy & paste the Resource Group into package.json, replacing this variable _AICORE_RESOURCE_GROUP_, under cds > aicore > resourcegroup.
  3. Copy & paste the successful deployment of the Image Segmentation Deployment ID into package.json, replacing this variable _AICORE_IMAGESEG_DEPLOYMENT_ID_, under cds > aicore > inferences > imageseg.
  4. Copy & paste the successful deployment of the Sound Classification Deployment ID into package.json, replacing this variable _AICORE_SOUNDCLASS_DEPLOYMENT_ID_, under cds > aicore > inferences > soundclass.

You may refer below as an example of the variables defined in your package.json.

Package Reference of Variables defined

Step 6: Run the CAP App connected to SAP BTP Services.

Note: Please make sure you're in the right folder directory. btp-ai-core-bootcamp/src/sustainable-smart-factory-app

cds run

Open the sustainable-smart-factory-app UI, Navigate to "http://localhost:4004/fiori-apps.html#Shell-home" with Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

App Running

Known Issues

How to obtain support

Create an issue in this repository if you find a bug or have questions about the content.

For additional support, ask a question in SAP Community.


If you wish to contribute code, offer fixes or improvements, please send a pull request. Due to legal reasons, contributors will be asked to accept a DCO when they create the first pull request to this project. This happens in an automated fashion during the submission process. SAP uses the standard DCO text of the Linux Foundation.


Copyright (c) 2022 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.