+ Last pressed link:
diff --git a/packages/main/test/specs/Breadcrumbs.spec.js b/packages/main/test/specs/Breadcrumbs.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9de9c98757bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/main/test/specs/Breadcrumbs.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+const assert = require("chai").assert;
+const PORT = require("./_port.js");
+describe("Breadcrumbs general interaction", () => {
+ before(() => {
+ browser.url(`http://localhost:${PORT}/test-resources/pages/Breadcrumbs.html`);
+ });
+ it("fires link-click event", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[6];
+ // Act
+ link.click();
+ // Check
+ const eventResult = browser.$("#result");
+ assert.strictEqual(eventResult.innerText, link.innerText, "label for pressed link is correct");
+ });
+ it("fires link-click event when link in overflow", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ overflowArrowLink = breadcrumbs.shadow$$("ui5-link")[0];
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[5];
+ // Act
+ overflowArrowLink.click(); // open the overflow
+ const staticAreaItemClassName = browser.getStaticAreaItemClassName("#breadcrumbs1");
+ const firstItem = browser.$(`.${staticAreaItemClassName}`).shadow$$("ui5-li")[0];
+ firstItem.click();
+ // Check
+ const eventResult = browser.$("#result");
+ assert.strictEqual(eventResult.innerText, link.innerText, "label for pressed link is correct");
+ });
+ it("updates layout on container resize", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ shrinkSizeBtn = $("#shrinkSizeBtn"),
+ countLinksInOverflowBefore = breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"),
+ expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter = countLinksInOverflowBefore + 1;
+ // Act: shrink the breadcrumbs container
+ // to cause one more item to overflow
+ shrinkSizeBtn.click();
+ // Check links inside overflow
+ assert.strictEqual(breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"), expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter, "one link is added to the overflow");
+ });
+ it("updates layout on resize of content outside overflow", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ extendLinkTextBtn = $("#extendLinkTextBtn"),
+ countLinksInOverflowBefore = breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"),
+ expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter = countLinksInOverflowBefore + 1;
+ // Act:
+ // extend the length of the last link,
+ // so that it becomes too big to be rendered outside the overflow
+ extendLinkTextBtn.click();
+ // Check
+ assert.strictEqual(breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"), expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter, "the link is added to the overflow");
+ });
+ it("updates layout on resize of content inside overflow", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ shortenLinkTextBtn = $("#shortenLinkTextBtn"),
+ countLinksInOverflowBefore = breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"),
+ expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter = countLinksInOverflowBefore - 1;
+ // Act:
+ // shrink the length of the last link from the overflow,
+ // to make it small enough => eligible to be moved outside the overflow
+ shortenLinkTextBtn.click();
+ // Check
+ assert.strictEqual(breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"), expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter, "the link is taken out of the overflow");
+ });
+ it("updates layout when link content removed", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ shortenLinkTextBtn = $("#shortenLinkTextBtn"),
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[6];
+ // Check initial state
+ assert.ok(link.getText().length, "the link has text");
+ // Act:
+ // shrink the length of the last link to make it empty
+ shortenLinkTextBtn.click();
+ // verify result => the link is now empty
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getText(), "", "the link is empty");
+ // Check
+ assert.strictEqual(breadcrumbs.$("ui5-link.ui5-breadcrumbs-empty-link").id, link.id, "the link is marked as empty");
+ });
+ it("updates layout when content added to empty link", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ extendLinkTextBtn = $("#extendLinkTextBtn"),
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[6];
+ // Check initial state
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getText(), "", "the link is empty");
+ // Act:
+ // add content to the empty link
+ extendLinkTextBtn.click();
+ // verify result => the link is now empty
+ assert.ok(link.getText().length, "the link has text");
+ // Check
+ assert.strictEqual(breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link.ui5-breadcrumbs-empty-link").length, 0, "the link is no longer marked as empty");
+ });
+ it("updates layout when a non-overflowing link is hidden", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[6],
+ countLinksInOverflowBefore = breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow");
+ // Check initial state
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), false, "the link is visible");
+ // Act:
+ // hide the first link
+ browser.execute(() => {
+ document.querySelector("#breadcrumbs1 ui5-link:nth-child(7)").hidden = true;
+ });
+ // verify result => the link is now hidden
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), true, "the link is hidden");
+ // Check
+ assert.ok(breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow") < countLinksInOverflowBefore, "a link-item is taken out of the overflow");
+ });
+ it("updates layout when a hidden non-overflowing link is made visible", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[6],
+ countLinksInOverflowBefore = breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow");
+ // Check initial state
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), true, "the link is hidden");
+ // Act:
+ // show the first link
+ browser.execute(() => {
+ document.querySelector("#breadcrumbs1 ui5-link:nth-child(7)").hidden = false;
+ });
+ // verify result => the link is now visible
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), false, "the link is visible");
+ // Check
+ assert.ok(breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow") > countLinksInOverflowBefore, "a new link-item is added to the overflow");
+ });
+ it("updates layout when an overflowing link is hidden", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[0],
+ countLinksInOverflowBefore = breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"),
+ expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter = countLinksInOverflowBefore - 1;
+ // Check initial state
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), false, "the link is visible");
+ // Act:
+ // hide the first link
+ browser.execute(() => {
+ document.querySelector("#breadcrumbs1 ui5-link:nth-child(1)").hidden = true;
+ });
+ // verify result => the link is now hidden
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), true, "the link is hidden");
+ // Check
+ assert.strictEqual(breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"), expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter, "the link-item is taken out of the overflow");
+ });
+ it("updates layout when a hidden overflowing link is made visible", () => {
+ const breadcrumbs = $("#breadcrumbs1"),
+ link = breadcrumbs.$$("ui5-link")[0],
+ countLinksInOverflowBefore = breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"),
+ expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter = countLinksInOverflowBefore + 1;
+ // Check initial state
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), true, "the link is hidden");
+ // Act:
+ // show the first link
+ browser.execute(() => {
+ document.querySelector("#breadcrumbs1 ui5-link:nth-child(1)").hidden = false;
+ });
+ // verify result => the link is now visible
+ assert.strictEqual(link.getProperty("hidden"), false, "the link is visible");
+ // Check
+ assert.strictEqual(breadcrumbs.getProperty("_countLinksInOverflow"), expectedCountLinksInOverflowAfter, "the link-item is added to the overflow");
+ });
+ it("opens upon space", () => {
+ browser.url(`http://localhost:${PORT}/test-resources/pages/Breadcrumbs.html`);
+ const externalElement = $("#breadcrumbs3").$$("ui5-link")[2];
+ const staticAreaItemClassName = browser.getStaticAreaItemClassName("#breadcrumbs1");
+ const popover = browser.$(`.${staticAreaItemClassName}`).shadow$("ui5-responsive-popover");
+ externalElement.click();
+ externalElement.keys("Tab");
+ browser.keys("Space");
+ assert.ok(popover.getProperty("opened"), "Dropdown is opened.");
+ });
+ it("toggles upon F4", () => {
+ browser.url(`http://localhost:${PORT}/test-resources/pages/Breadcrumbs.html`);
+ const externalElement = $("#breadcrumbs3").$$("ui5-link")[2];
+ const staticAreaItemClassName = browser.getStaticAreaItemClassName("#breadcrumbs1");
+ const popover = browser.$(`.${staticAreaItemClassName}`).shadow$("ui5-responsive-popover");
+ externalElement.click();
+ externalElement.keys("Tab");
+ browser.keys("F4");
+ assert.ok(popover.getProperty("opened"), "Dropdown is opened.");
+ browser.keys("F4");
+ assert.ok(!popover.getProperty("opened"), "Dropdown is closed.");
+ });
+ it("toggles upon ALT + DOWN", () => {
+ browser.url(`http://localhost:${PORT}/test-resources/pages/Breadcrumbs.html`);
+ const externalElement = $("#breadcrumbs3").$$("ui5-link")[2];
+ const staticAreaItemClassName = browser.getStaticAreaItemClassName("#breadcrumbs1");
+ const popover = browser.$(`.${staticAreaItemClassName}`).shadow$("ui5-responsive-popover");
+ externalElement.click();
+ externalElement.keys("Tab");
+ browser.keys(["Alt", "ArrowDown", "NULL"]);
+ assert.ok(popover.getProperty("opened"), "Dropdown is opened.");
+ browser.keys(["Alt", "ArrowDown", "NULL"]);
+ assert.ok(!popover.getProperty("opened"), "Dropdown is closed.");
+ });