OpenEO processing engine written in Python based on OpenDataCube, Xarray and Dask.
Please note: this project is still under development and many changes will occur in the next months.
Currently it is based on openEO processes implemented in this repository together with the openEO process graph parser from
The next phase of the project will use the process implementations available at openeo-processes-dask and the parser openeo-pg-parser-networkx.
Based on the cube-in-a-box project and on the Docker image from andriyreznik:
It requires Docker and Compose plugin installed. Please check the official documentation if you don't know how to install them:
It also requires make
to use the Makefile. If you don't have it and/or you can't install it, you can just manually type in the command contained in the Makefile.
git clone -b dev
cd openeo_odc_driver
To create and run the docker containers, run:
make setup
This step will run in a sequence the Makefile steps build up init product index explorer
. The result will be 3 dockers running.
It will automatically index publicly available Sentinel-2 data. To change the area of interest, modify the BBOX in the Makefile: lon_min,lat_min,lon_max,lat_max
One will serve the postgres database containing the OpenDataCube index data.
Another will serve the datacube-explorer
web application, exposing the OpenDataCube metadata.
The last one will serve the openeo_odc_driver
, getting as input openEO proces graphs and processing them.
If everything went well, you should see them running using:
sudo docker ps -a
220ebc8a1dfe openeoodcdriver_openeo_odc_driver "/tini -- gunicorn -…" 18 hours ago Up 18 hours>5000/tcp openeoodcdriver_openeo_odc_driver_1
c6a419dfb99d openeoodcdriver_explorer "/tini -- gunicorn '…" 18 hours ago Up 18 hours>9000/tcp openeoodcdriver_explorer_1
fa1b162c8d44 postgis/postgis:12-2.5 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 36 hours ago Up 36 hours>5432/tcp openeoodcdriver_postgres_1
You can verify that the deployment was successfull visiting:
for the datacube explorer web app
for the openEO collections exposed via the openeo_odc_driver.
After checking that the docker service is actually running, this might be then a permissions issue with the socket:
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
(credits: Mafei@SO)
python tests/ ./tests/process_graphs/NDVI_Bolzano_median.json
git clone -b dev
cd openeo_odc_driver
New ad-hoc conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate openeo_odc_driver
Modify the
file with your system's details:
- Set the datacube-explorer address. For local deployment it should be
and for the Docker deploymenthttp://explorer:9000
- Set the OpenDatCube config file
path or leave it to None if ENV variables are set (like in the Docker deployment).
OPENDATACUBE_CONFIG_FILE = ~/.datacube.conf # or None
- Set the result folder path to write output files. If this application is used together with the openeo-sping-driver, used for serving the full openEO API, this folder should be the same as the one set in
, so that theopeneo-spring-driver
can read the result directly from there.
- The
variable is used to retrieve the list of available openEO processes. It can be the path to a json file, a dictionaty or an http address. See here for detailed info. The dault value is the /processes endpoint of the Eurac openEO back-end.
The other config parameters could be looked at later on and are not affecting the openeo_odc_driver
functionality. In the file there are comments explaining their usage.
gunicorn -c odc_backend:app
- resample_cube_temporal
- resample_cube_spatial
- aggregate_spatial
- aggregate_spatial_window
- aggregate_temporal_period
- array_element
- array_interpolate_linear
- if
- lt
- lte
- gt
- gte
- eq
- neq
- load_collection
- save_result (PNG,GTIFF,NETCDF,JSON)
- reduce_dimension
- add_dimension
- apply_dimension
- filter_bands
- filter_temporal
- filter_spatial
- filter_bbox
- rename_labels
- merge_cubes
- apply
- fit_curve
- predict_curve
- resample_cube_spatial
- resample_cube_temporal
- and
- or
- mask
- multiply
- divide
- subtract
- add
- sum
- product
- sqrt
- normalized_difference
- min
- max
- mean
- median
- power
- absolute
- linear_scale_range
- log
- ln
- quantiles
- clip
- coherence
- geocoding
- radar_mask