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Public APIs

This document describes the public APIs of the smart contract and the backend. For details about the implementation of these please see :doc:`smart-contract` and :doc:`backend` instead. See also :doc:`api-example` for a walk-through example on how to use these APIs in a few situations


Depending on the configuration of a specific offer marketplace deployment it may be feasible to operate the whole system as:

  • Everything is on ledger --- if backend is deployed at all (but not necessary), it provides only a read-only version of the ledger data.
  • All operations occur on backend --- if smart contract is deployed, it is used only as a decentralized and non-repudiable audit trail of events, but the actual operations on the ledger are performed by the market owner.
  • Some mixture of the two --- the backend is used to perform some operations, such as pre-approval of offers but the actual offers occur on the ledger, as well as all non-repudiation properties are provided by the ledger. (Other scenarios such as partial or hidden offers and requests also use a backend with an active role.)

For example, if the request data is hidden then the sequence shown below may occur:

.. seqdiag:: backend-with-hidden-request-data.diag
   :caption: Backend used to query hidden request data, only signed hash is stored on the ledger.

However all of the data is on the ledger, then the sequence can completely omit the backend server:

.. seqdiag:: ledger-without-hidden-request-data.diag
   :caption: No backend is required when all data is on the ledger.

This sequence may also require prior authentication from the user as well as separately validate that the user is allowed to see the details --- consider a case where users can make offers for requests only that are physically in their area (of grid connectivity).

Use Cases Under Different Deployment Models

The core use cases in all situations are:

  1. Manage lifecycle of requests (create, close, delete)
  2. Create offers for requests
  3. Decide which offers are accepted for a request

As implied in the previous section, there are different deployment models. The core deployment models are:

  1. Ledger as Authority and Data Holder: All data is included in the ledger as-is, and all authority is based on the ledger. The backend, if deployed, is onnly a read-only REST interface for this data.
  2. Ledger as Authority and Backend as Data Holder: Ledger still operates as the authority of requests and offers, but the backend holds the actual data. The data is referred indirectly via signed hashes on the ledger, and the actual data is stored and available from the backend. This deployment model is useful for both situations where the data needs to be hidden, and also when the data is too large to be economically feasible to store on a ledger.
  3. Backend as Authority, Ledger as Audit Trail: The authority is delegated fully to the backend, and it uses the ledger only as a non-repudiable audit trail of operations. The data may be replicated on the ledger, but for example, offers must be sent to the system via the backend. (This is the model most close to a conventional centralized backend model, and while available via the APIs, not really discussed here.)

It is possible to mix some of the authority --- for example, the ledger can be the authority for requests and offers (manages their lifecycle), but the decision logic is implemented externally (by the backend or some other party). Similarly, it is possible that request are public and on the ledger, but offers contain hidden data.

The sequences below are applicable for both requests and offers. The first sequence diagram below shows the situation of a resource creation for the first deployment model, e.g. with ledger as the full authority and data holder (this assumes the participant is authorized to perform the operation):

.. seqdiag:: resource-creation-ledger-authority.diag
   :caption: Creation of a request or an offer where the ledger is the full authority for lifecycle management and data storage. The sequence also shows how a client may fetch the data also from the backend (in case it does not have a ledger interface available), but that the master data comes from the ledger. The data returned in steps 4. and 8. should be identical.

The sequence differs significantly when the backend acts as the data master, but the ledger is still the lifecycle authority for resources. This requires a registration of the data as a prior step to the resource creation:

.. seqdiag:: resource-creation-backend-master.diag
   :caption: Creation of a request or an offer where the ledger is the authority on the resource lifecycle, but the actual data is stored in the backend. For transparency, this requires the validation of the hash signature by both the participant and the smart contract.

Please refer to the sequence diagram in previous section on how the participant needs to fetch the data from the backend in case it received only a signed hash for the resource data.

Finally, the third deployment model where all authority resides in the backend where the ledger is used only as an audit trail would have the following sequence for resource creation:

.. seqdiag:: resource-creation-backend-authority.diag
   :caption: Creation of a request or an offer where the backend has full authority for the operation and is the data master, even if the data is duplicated on the ledger. Note that in this scenario the resource id number may be assigned by the backend.

So, to reiterate, the diffent sequences of operations for resource creation are:

  1. Ledger as Authority and Data Holder:
  1. :sol:interface:`MarketPlace:submitRequest` and :sol:interface:`MarketPlace:submitOffer`
  2. directly followed by appropriate extra data registration method
  1. Ledger as Authority and Backend as Data Holder:
  1. :http:post:`/request/register/` or :http:post:`/offer/register/`
  2. :sol:interface:`MarketPlace:submitRequest` and :sol:interface:`MarketPlace:submitOffer`
  3. :sol:interface:`RequestSignedHashExtra.submitRequestExtra` or :sol:interface:`OfferSignedHashExtra.submitOfferExtra`
  1. Backend as Authority, Ledger as Audit Trail:
  1. :http:post:`/request/` or :http:post:`/offer/`


It is possible that requests and offers have different deployment models! For example, it is possible that the backend is the request authority, but all offers are made on the ledger instead. Likewise it is possible that request data is on ledger but offer data is hidden but authority is on ledger. In this scenario offer-makers would need to register the offer data on the backend followed by a submitOffer transaction to the marketplace contract.

Requests and Offers

In the offer marketplace, requests come first, and offers are made against requests. You can think of a request as a "request for bids" and an offer as an "offerance of a bid".

Core fields

The core interfaces of the marketplace are agnostic of the actual resource being traded, and thus the core requests and offers have only a very few fields:

Note that the request and offer creator fields may not be useful in all situations. For example, if only the owner of the marketplace can create requests, then the request creator is really just a tautology. Similarly, if the submitter of the offer to the smart contract is acting on behalf of someone else, then the offer creator really does not tie the offer to the actual entity making the offer. Whether these fields are useful depends very much on the semantics of the marketplace.

Extra data

Everything else is stored as "extra data". This does actually include all "useful" data that creates the actual semantics of a specific marketplace. The interface to submit and access behave differently for REST API and Smart Contract API:

  • For REST, the use of JSON allows dynamic inclusion of the extra data easily, so the extra data is just a mapping in request and offer data called extra.
  • In contrast, the Ethereum smart contract needs to be frugal of resource use (JSON parsing is a killer for gas cost) as well as due to the cumbersomeness of Ethereum ABI specification (and Solidity) and the "extra" interfaces are separated from core request and offer APIs. See :sol:interface:`MarketPlace.submitOffer` and :sol:interface:`ArrayExtraData.submitOfferExtra` as examples.

The semantic meaning of this "extra data" is always tied to a specific type of marketplace. If the marketplaces operate on the same data structures, it is possible they also use the same type identifier for the market type (:sol:interface:`MarketPlace.getType`).

Backend REST API


The general backend API encompasses all of the use cases --- data on ledger, signed hashes on ledger, master data in backend with only audit records on ledger. It is important to understand that in different uses cases some of the API is not used at all. For example, if all data is on ledger, then request creation occurs via the Smart Contract API, and not via the backend API. If only hashed data is on the ledger, then the register interfaces for request and offer data are used on the backend. If the backend is the full authority on all data, then it is used for request and offer creation.

The backend REST API is defined in terms of CRUD resources for requests and offers plus some related actions. This API does not tackle things such as authentication and authorization. It is assumed that the requestor knows how to proceed any required authorization information in the request, and knows how to handle 401 and 403 return codes.

All responses of 200 OK must have Content-Type: application/json and return a JSON response. Error responses should also have JSON response with the JSON fields status equaling the HTTP status code and error with an error name, optionally including also a message field with a longer error description. For example:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": 403,
  "error": "Forbidden",
  "message": "You are not authorized to access this resource"

General information

.. http:get:: /info

   General marketplace information. Although this interface **can**
   return ``401`` and ``403``, it is more advisable to return
   information here (even if redacted) and then require authentication
   for more detailed requests.

   .. note:: This needs also to include the public key that can be
             used to validate signed hashes if backend holds the
             master data (with ledger having only signed hashes).

   **Example response**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "type": "eu.sofie-iot.offer_marketplace.flower",
        "contract": {
          "address": "0x6457AC5F9F8676B9223dE791571C5E8f86F1db13",
          "network": 4

   :>json string type: Type identifier of the marketplace
   :>json object contract: Information about the smart contract,
                           omitted if none exist
   :>json string contract.address: EIP-55 checksummed address of the contract
   :>json int Network id for the network the
                                contract is deployed in
   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden


.. http:get:: /request/

   Returns the list of requests. This may include open, closed or both
   open and closed requests depending on the query parameters.

   **Example response with default query parameters**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "requests": [
            "id": 1,
            "deadline": "2031-01-09T000000Z",
            "state": "open",
            "decided": null,
            "decision": null,
            "offers": [{"id": 10}],
            "extra": {}
            "id": 2,
            "deadline": "2018-08-19T010530Z",
            "state": "decided",
            "offers": [{"id": 7}, {"id": 12}],
            "extra": {},
            "decided": "2018-08-20T000000Z",
            "decision": [{"id": 7}]

   (extra fields are left empty in this example)

   **Example response with query parameters** (``?ids_only=1&state=decided``):

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "requests": [{"id": 2}]

   :query state: comma-separated list of ``open``, ``closed`` and
                 ``decided`` (default is ``open``), or ``all``
   :query ids_only: either 0 or 1, if 1, then all details of requests
                    are omitted and only the request id is included
                    (default is 0)
   :>json array requests: array of request objects (see
                          :http:get:`/request/(int:request_id)` for
                          details on the request object structure)
   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:get:: /request/(int:request_id)

   Returns the details of a specific request.

   **Example response** (this uses extra data format from the flower
    marketplace example):

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 1124,
        "state": "open",
        "decision": null,
        "deadline": "2019-01-06T12:05:00Z",
        "extra": {
          "flower_type": "tulip",
          "quantity": 500
        "offers": [{"id": 9924}, {"id": 10650}]

   **Example response for decided request**

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 1124,
        "state": "decided",
        "decision": [{"id": 125511}, {"id": 120019}],
        "deadline": "2019-01-06T12:05:00Z",
        "decided": "2019-01-06T12:10:00Z",
        "extra": {
          "flower_type": "tulip",
          "quantity": 500
        "offers": [{"id": 9924}, {"id": 10650}, {"id": 125511}, {"id": 120019}]

   :query ids_only: either 0 or 1, if 1, then all details of offers
                    for the request are omitted and only the request
                    id is included (default is 1 -- note that this is
                    **reverse** from the same field in
   :>json int id: The unique request identifier
   :>json string state: One of ``open``, ``closed`` or ``decided``,
                        represents the state of the request
   :>json array|null decision: The decision for the request. This is
                               meaningful only if state is
                               ``decided``, otherwise it should be
                               ``null``. For decided requests this is
                               the list of offers that were selected.
   :>json string|null decided: The decision time --- note that in some
                               cases this is approximate value due to
                               the inaccuracies related to block
   :>json string decided: Timestamp of the decision for ``decided``
                          requests, ``null`` otherwise. The timestamp
                          is ISO 8601 formatted.
   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden
   :statuscode 404: Not found


.. http:get:: /offer/
   Returns the list of offers. This may include open, closed or both
   open and closed offers depending on the query parameters.

   **Example response with default query parameters**:
      "offers": [
            "id": 1,
            "request_id": 3,
            "author": "0xDbf6c3491Fb057D3a0a11B8eD7Bf3d0b61B451F7",
            "extra": [
            "state": "open"
            "id": 2,
            "request_id": 6,
            "author": "0xc2A85077d48931aeb0D47F86A071fA15Ae05E704",
            "extra": [
            "state": "open"

   :<json object offers: Array of offers, see
                         :http:get:`/offer/(int:offer_id)` for
                         description of the individual elements in the array.

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:get:: /offer/(int:offer_id)
   Returns the details of a specific offer.

   **Example response** (this uses extra data format from the flower
    marketplace example):

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

         "id": 6,
         "request_id": 18,
         "author": "0xf21a8275C4718Ffb26f3D32593dA6523407FBFc4",
         "extra": [
         "state": "open"

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:post:: /offer/

   :<json int request_id: Request id to put the offer against
   :<json object extra: Extra parameters

   **Example response**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "offer_id": 2

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 202: Accepted
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden
   :statuscode 404: Request not found

.. http:put:: /offer/(int:offer_id)
   No implementation for the moment

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 202: Accepted
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:delete:: /offer/(int:offer_id)
   No implementation for the moment

   :statuscode 202: Accepted
   :statuscode 204: Deleted
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden
   :statuscode 409: Conflict

.. http:post:: /offer/register/

   :<json int request_id: Request id to put the offer against
   :<json object extra: Extra parameters

   **Example response**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "offer_id": 2

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 202: Accepted
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden
   :statuscode 404: Request not found

Management Operations

There are several operations that are typically restricted to owners or managers of the marketplace. These include request creation, decision, and removal e.g. the request lifecycle.

.. http:post:: /request/

   Create a new request. This method is often restricted to only
   authorized users. This often also causes a transaction to be
   initiated on the blockchain to actually submit a request.

   This method may return ``202 Accepted`` if the request creation has
   started, but may run for a long time (for example, waiting for
   smart contract transaction to complete). If ``202`` is returned,
   the result must contain a field ``status_url`` that can be polled
   --- that URL should either return ``202`` if the operation is still
   pending, or the actual result of the original request.

   **Example request**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      POST /request/ HTTP/1.1
      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: ...


   **(fields are missing from request)**

   **Example response**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 22451

   **(fields are missing from response)**

   **Example sequence with 202 Accepted response**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      POST /request/ HTTP/1.1
      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: ...


   **(fields are missing from request)**

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
      Content-Type: application/json

        "status_url": "/pending_request/?tx=0x838f8888a4323...ffae"

   .. sourcecode:: http

      GET /pending_request/?tx=0x838f8888a4323...ffae HTTP/1.1

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "id": 22451

   **(fields are missing from response)**

   :<json string deadline: Deadline for the request (ISO 8601 format)
   :<json object extra: Extra request parameters
   :>json int id: Request identifier
   :>json string deadline: The deadline parameter, potentially
                           adjusted by the server (due to resolution
   :>json object extra: Extra request parameters, as interpreted and
                        stored by the system
   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 202: Accepted
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:put:: /request/(int:request_id)

   Update the state of a request. Depending on the configuration there
   are only a few valid operations:

   * Change state from ``open`` to ``closed``
   * Change state from ``closed`` to ``decided``, optionally supplied with
     ``decision`` values
   * Change state from ``open`` to ``decided``, with or withou
     ``decision`` values

   If the decision is performed by the smart contract, then the
   backend initiates the decision on the smart contract, and the
   backend will track the state of the request (in the ``GET``
   operation) with the state of the ledger.

   If in contrast the decision is made at the backend, then two paths
   are open: on ``open`` to ``closed`` transition the backend may know
   how to perform the decision, and does it. Alternatively the
   decision is made by some other process, and in that case it must be
   explicitly specified via ``closed`` to ``decided`` transition (or
   directly from open to decided).

   Note that *what transitions are valid* is defined by the
   marketplace itself. Also, it is possible for a ``PUT`` to return a
   ``202 Accepted`` just as with :http:post:`/request/` with the same

   The return value for ``200 OK`` is the updated request state, for
   ``202 Accepted`` the URL to check for updates.

   **Example request**

   .. sourcecode:: http

      PUT /request/2 HTTP/1.1
      Content-Type: application/json
      Authorization: ...

        "state": "decided",
        "decision": [{"id": 7}]

   :<json string state: One of ``closed`` and ``decided``
   :<json array decided: Array of offer ids that were accepted for the
   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 202: Accepted
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:delete:: /request/(int:request_id)

   Delete a request. The request must be in either closed or decided
   state. Also, some environments or smart contracts may enforce a
   minimum time from close or decision until a request can be removed
   in which case ``409`` is returned. This operation may return ``202
   Accepted`` with the same semantics as with :http:post:`/request/`.

   :statuscode 202: Accepted
   :statuscode 204: Deleted
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden
   :statuscode 409: Conflict

.. http:post:: /request/register/

   :<json int request_id: Request id to put the extra data
   :<json object extra: Extra request parameters

   :statuscode 200: OK
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

Callbacks for Marketplace Events

It is possible to register callbacks that will be called after the Marketplace smart contract emits some event, for example RequestAdded.

.. http:get:: /subscription/events/

   Returns a list of available events for subscription. For example:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "events": [

   :>json object events: Array of available event names as strings, for which a
        subscription can be requested.

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:post:: /subscription/

   Subscribes to the specific event.

   **Example request**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      POST /subscription/ HTTP/1.1
      Content-Type: application/json

        "event": "RequestAdded",
        "url": ""

   **Example response**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Content-Type: application/json

        "id": "c073a476-efd6-4dab-a93d-275d74526538"

   :<json string event: Name of the event to subscribe to
   :<json string url: Callback URL
   :>json string id: Subscription identifier in UUID version 4 format,
        which is used to view, update, or delete the subscription.

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 400: Invalid request
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:get:: /subscription/(string:id)

   Returns the event name and callback URL of the existing subscription.

   :>json string event: Name of the event
   :>json string url: Callback URL

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 400: Invalid request
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:put:: /subscription/(string:id)

   Updates the existing subscription, the request must provide either
   a new event name or new callback URL.

      **Example request**:

   .. sourcecode:: http

      PUT /subscription/c073a476-efd6-4dab-a93d-275d74526538 HTTP/1.1
      Content-Type: application/json

        "url": ""

   :<json string event: Optional new name of the event to subscribe to
   :<json string url: Optional new callback URL

   :statuscode 200: Success
   :statuscode 400: Invalid request
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

.. http:delete:: /subscription/(string:id)

   Deletes the existing subscription.

   :statuscode 204: Deleted
   :statuscode 400: Invalid request
   :statuscode 401: Authentication required
   :statuscode 403: Forbidden

Marketplace Contract API

The main marketplace interface is defined as :sol:interface:`MarketPlace` and consists of operations that are needed by the submitter of offers. There are also operations that are related to the creation of requests, but these are in the :sol:interface:`MarketPlaceRequest` interface. The rationaly for separation of these two interfaces is that the underlying assumption of the marketplace is that it is highly assymmetric --- there is usually only one entity submitting requests, whereas many operating on the offers. Thus the interface that the offer-maker faces is designed to include only operations that are required to operate on offers.

Note that all deployed marketplaces must implement ERC165 to support interface identification (this becomes especially important with extra data methods).

MarketPlace Solidity Interface

.. autosolinterface:: MarketPlace

Hidden Request and Offer Data

See :http:post:`/request/register/` and :http:post:`/offer/register/` for the interfaces on how hidden request and offer data is submitted to the backend. Rest of this section described in more detail how the actual return value is generated for these requests.

If all or a portion of request or offer data is "hidden", e.g. not part of the smart contract request and offer data, it may be needed to employ signed hashes (for non-repudiation) to vouch for some of the data. To make this work, two additional elements and steps are necessary:

  1. Signing key that the backend uses to sign hashes
  2. Generating hashes from the request and offer data

We are going to skip the problem with the signing key for now and just assume there is a way to sign a hash in a way that all parties in the offer marketplace can verify to have been signed by the backend (or some other trusted entity).

For the second problem, let's just say there is a way to consistently hash the following fields in request and offer:

  • deadline
  • extra
  • request_id for offers

The hash should also include a timestamp value generated, a ISO8601-formatted timestamp when the hash was calculated. This field needs to be included in the final data that is sent, e.g. the final issuance of the signed and hashed data is:

(generated, hash, signature)

The generation timestamp is included to allow others to evaluate the freshness of the signed hash.

Yes, both the signature generation (e.g. which cryptographic mechanisms to use) and the problem of consistent serialization are completely overlooked currently.

Mapping from Terni to Backend REST API

Notice: This section will be eventually removed, it is included in the document for discussion purposes.

Interface Mapping

The existing implementation from the Terni pilot currently has these API endpoints:


Looking at the implementation these seem to map like this:

The following ones are related to the ERC-20 and post-decision processes which have no direct meaning in the offer marketplace core itself. These would be marketplace-specific extensions to the core backend APIs.

  • /pay
  • /tokenBalance

Authentication and Authorization

Regarding authentication, the mechanism used in is to pass a <token> in request parameters. The canonical RESTful way is to use the Authorization field with the Bearer type (see The backend API does not directly define how a user is authenticated and authorized, but a reasonable method would be:

  • If needed, add /login endpoint (marketplace-specific extension) that is used to perform a login process (using whatever is applicable for the marketplace, such as OAuth2) -- OTOH, does not have a mechanism to perform authentication, it assumes the existence of a token and a verification service somewhere else, thus if the same method is followed then no such login endpoint is needed for the Terni case.

  • The backend implementation would have a pluggable authentication/authorization mechanism, e.g. it would be possible to define a Terni-specific authorization class like this (not final interface):

    class TerniAuthorization(sofie_offer_marketplace.backend.Authorization):
      def authorize(self, request):
        if 'Authorize' not in request.headers:
        fields = request.headers['Authorize'].split()
        if len(fields) != 2 or fields[0] != 'Bearer':
        token = fields[1]
        if not check_with_auth_backend(token):