diff --git a/rts/index.html b/rts/index.html
index 231cc5d..aa0b4cf 100644
--- a/rts/index.html
+++ b/rts/index.html
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/IRTS/CodegenWasm.hs b/src/IRTS/CodegenWasm.hs
index 2385b78..eb0779a 100644
--- a/src/IRTS/CodegenWasm.hs
+++ b/src/IRTS/CodegenWasm.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ mkWasm defs stackSize heapSize =
raiseError <- importFunction "rts" "raiseError" (FuncType [I32] [])
strEq <- importFunction "rts" "strEq" (FuncType [I32, I32] [I32])
strHead <- importFunction "rts" "strHead" (FuncType [I32] [I32])
- strConcat <- importFunction "rts" "strConcat" (FuncType [I32, I32] [I32])
strWrite <- importFunction "rts" "strWrite" (FuncType [I32] [I32])
intStr <- importFunction "rts" "intStr" (FuncType [I32] [I32])
exportMemory "mem" =<< memory 20 Nothing
@@ -120,6 +119,28 @@ mkWasm defs stackSize heapSize =
(const $ for (i .= stackTop) (i `lt_u` newStackTop) (i .= (i `add` i32c 4)) $ const $ do
store i (i32c 0) 0 2
+ memcpy <- fun $ do
+ dst <- param i32
+ src <- param i32
+ len <- param i32
+ i <- local i32
+ for (i .= i32c 0) (i `lt_u` len) (i .= (i `add` i32c 1)) $ const $ do
+ store8 (dst `add` i) (load8u i32 (src `add` i) 0 0) 0 0
+ strConcat <- fun $ do
+ a <- param i32
+ b <- param i32
+ result i32
+ aSize <- local i32
+ bSize <- local i32
+ addr <- local i32
+ aSize .= load i32 a 4 2
+ bSize .= load i32 b 4 2
+ addr .= call i32 alloc [aSize `add` bSize `sub` i32c 12]
+ store8 addr (i32c $ fromEnum String) 0 0
+ store addr (load i32 a 8 2 `add` load i32 b 8 2) 8 2
+ invoke memcpy [arg (addr `add` i32c 12), arg (a `add` i32c 12), arg (aSize `sub` i32c 12)]
+ invoke memcpy [arg (addr `add` aSize), arg (b `add` i32c 12), arg (bSize `sub` i32c 12)]
+ ret addr
defsStartFrom <- nextFuncIndex
let bindings = GB {
stackStartIdx = stackStart,
@@ -158,11 +179,14 @@ mkWasm defs stackSize heapSize =
data GenState = GS {
constSectionEnd :: Word32,
constSection :: BSBuilder.Builder,
- strCache :: Map.Map String Word32
+ strCache :: Map.Map String Word32,
+ intCache :: Map.Map Int Word32,
+ bigCache :: Map.Map Integer Word32,
+ doubleCache :: Map.Map Double Word32
emptyState :: GenState
-emptyState = GS 0 mempty mempty
+emptyState = GS 0 mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
data GlobalBindings = GB {
stackBaseIdx :: Glob I32,
@@ -576,23 +600,51 @@ asAddr expr = do
return $ i32c addr
makeConst :: Const -> WasmGen (GenFun (Proxy I32))
-makeConst (I i) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkInt i)
-makeConst (BI i) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkBigInt i)
-makeConst (Fl f) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkFloat f)
-makeConst (Ch c) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkInt $ Char.ord c)
+makeConst (I i) = makeIntConst i
+makeConst (BI i) = do
+ cache <- gets bigCache
+ case Map.lookup i cache of
+ Just addr -> return $ i32c addr
+ Nothing -> do
+ addr <- addToConstSection (mkBigInt i)
+ modify $ \st -> st { bigCache = Map.insert i addr cache }
+ return $ i32c addr
+makeConst (Fl f) = do
+ cache <- gets doubleCache
+ case Map.lookup f cache of
+ Just addr -> return $ i32c addr
+ Nothing -> do
+ addr <- addToConstSection (mkFloat f)
+ modify $ \st -> st { doubleCache = Map.insert f addr cache }
+ return $ i32c addr
+makeConst (Ch c) = makeIntConst $ Char.ord c
makeConst (Str s) = do
cache <- gets strCache
case Map.lookup s cache of
Just addr -> return $ i32c addr
- Nothing -> asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkStr s)
-makeConst (B8 w) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkInt w)
-makeConst (B16 w) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkInt w)
+ Nothing -> do
+ addr <- addToConstSection (mkStr s)
+ modify $ \st -> st { strCache = Map.insert s addr cache }
+ return $ i32c addr
+makeConst (B8 w) = makeIntConst w
+makeConst (B16 w) = makeIntConst w
makeConst (B32 w) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkBit32 w)
makeConst (B64 w) = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkBit64 w)
makeConst c
| isTypeConst c = asAddr $ addToConstSection (mkInt 42424242)
| otherwise = error $ "mkConst of (" ++ show c ++ ") not implemented"
+makeIntConst :: (Integral i) => i -> WasmGen (GenFun (Proxy I32))
+makeIntConst val = do
+ let i = fromIntegral val
+ cache <- gets intCache
+ case Map.lookup i cache of
+ Just addr -> return $ i32c addr
+ Nothing -> do
+ addr <- addToConstSection (mkInt i)
+ modify $ \st -> st { intCache = Map.insert i addr cache }
+ return $ i32c addr
aligned :: (Integral i) => i -> Word32
aligned sz = (fromIntegral sz + 3) .&. 0xFFFFFFFC
@@ -701,6 +753,7 @@ instance Serialize.Serialize StrVal where
put SV { hdr, len, val } = do
Serialize.put hdr
Serialize.putWord32le len
+ Serialize.putLazyByteString val
get = do
hdr <- Serialize.get
len <- Serialize.getWord32le