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119 lines (78 loc) · 2.35 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (78 loc) · 2.35 KB

For users


$ pip install sqil_core


You can find all the functions available and examples in the documentation.

import sqil_core as sqil

path = 'path to your data folder'

# Extract data
mag, phase, freq = sqil.extract_h5_data(path, ['mag_dB', 'phase', 'ro_freq'])


You can find the documentation for this package here

For developers


  1. Install poetry if you haven't already
$ pip install poetry
$ pip install poetry-plugin-shell
  1. Install the required packages using poetry
$ poetry install
  1. Install the pre-commit hooks If you are on windows you need to install git ( and add it to your windows PATH. After the installation open a new terminal.
$ poetry run pre-commit install

This will check if your python files are formatted correctly when you try to commit. If that's not the case the commit will be canceled and the files will be automatically formatted. Then you'll have to add and commit again the new files.

  1. Start the virtual environment
$ poetry shell

To exit the virtual environment just use exit

Test your changes

$ pip install -e . --user

Anaconda If you want to install in a specific anaconda environment

  • from your poetry shell build the package
$ poetry run build
  • open an anaconda shell
  • activate the desired environemnt
  • pip install the wheel file (.whl) in the dist folder of the sqil-core project

If you're testing a new function remember to import it in the folder's file.

If you're using a jupyter notebook remember to restart the kernel.


$ poetry run build


To publish version X.X.X run the commands below. This will trigger a GitHub action that deploys to release to PyPi (pip) and GitHub. Remember also to change the version number in the pyproject.toml file.

$ git tag vX.X.X
$ git push origin vX.X.X


Serve docs

$ poetry run docs_serve

Build docs

$ poetry run docs_build