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Installation of RMT

RMT is tested on SLES and openSUSE. We recommend installing RMT on either operating system, however, you always have the option to install it manually elsewhere.


Installation on Kubernetes with Helm

RMT comes with a helm-chart to easily install and configure on your kubernetes clusters. Save the following chart values

cat << EOF > helm_values.yml
    username: <your_proxy_username>
    password: <your_proxy_password>
      - SLES/15.3/x86_64
      - sle-module-python2/15.3/x86_64
      - sle-module-legacy/15.3/x86_64
      - sle-module-cap-tools/15.3/x86_64
  enabled: true
    - host: your-rmt-example.local
        - path: "/"
          pathType: Prefix
  - secretName: rmt-cert
    - chart-example.local

and run

helm install rmtsle oci:// -f helm_values.yml

More information can be found here.

Installation on SLE 15

  1. If your server isn't activated yet, activate it with the command SUSEConnect -r <regcode>.
  2. Activate the Server Applications Module for your version of SLE:
    • SLE 15 SP2 - SUSEConnect -p sle-module-server-applications/15.2/x86_64
    • SLE 15 SP1 - SUSEConnect -p sle-module-server-applications/15.1/x86_64
    • SLE 15 - SUSEConnect -p sle-module-server-applications/15/x86_64
  3. Install RMT and its YaST installation wizard with the command zypper in rmt-server yast2-rmt.
  4. Run the RMT installation wizard with the command yast2 rmt and configure your instance.

Installation on openSUSE Leap 15

  1. Install RMT and its YaST installation wizard with the command zypper in rmt-server yast2-rmt.
  2. Run the RMT installation wizard with the command yast2 rmt and configure your instance.

Manual installation and configuration

RMT currently gets built in OBS for these distributions: SLE_15, SLE_15_SP1, openSUSE_Leap_15.0, openSUSE_Leap_15.1, openSUSE_Tumbleweed. To add the repository, call: (replace <dist> with your distribution)

zypper ar -f<dist>/systemsmanagement:SCC:RMT.repo

To install RMT, run: zypper in rmt-server

After installation configure your RMT instance:

  • Prepare the database:
    • Start MySQL/MariaDB by running systemctl start mysql
    • Set database root user password by running mysqladmin -u root password
    • Make sure you can access to the database console as root user by running mysql -u root -p
    • Create a MySQL/MariaDB user with the following command:
    mysql -u root -p <<EOFF
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \`rmt%\`.* TO rmt@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'rmt';
  • See RMT Configuration Files in the official RMT documentation for information about /etc/rmt.conf.
  • Start RMT by running systemctl start rmt-server. This will start the RMT server at http://localhost:4224.
  • By default, mirrored repositories are saved under /usr/share/rmt/public, which is a symlink that points to /var/lib/rmt/public. In order to change destination directory, recreate /usr/share/rmt/public symlink to point to the desired location.