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About Shudan

The Shudan Goban is the Goban component that powers Sabaki. It is licensed under the MIT license and supports modern browsers. Shudan is written for Preact, but should work with React as well.


Use npm to install:

$ npm install @sabaki/shudan

To use this module, require it as follows:

const { h } = require("preact");
const { Goban } = require("@sabaki/shudan");

const CustomComponent = (props) => (
  <Goban vertexSize={24} signMap={props.signMap} />

Don't forget to include the css/goban.css file in your HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/css/goban.css" />

In this case, we assume you have a bundler set up correctly and Preact installed.

Using with React

Shudan is fully compatible with React. In your webpack configuration, additionally alias preact and preact/hooks to react:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      preact: "react",
      "preact/hooks": "react",

Board Representation

The board is represented by an array of arrays. Each of those subarrays represent one row, all of the same size. We shall refer to this structure as a map. For signMap, the subarrays consists of integers: -1 denotes a white stone, 1 a black stone, and 0 represents an empty vertex


  [ 0,  0,  1,  0, -1, -1,  1,  0, 0],
  [ 1,  0,  1, -1, -1,  1,  1,  1, 0],
  [ 0,  0,  1, -1,  0,  1, -1, -1, 0],
  [ 1,  1,  1, -1, -1, -1,  1, -1, 0],
  [ 1, -1,  1,  1, -1,  1,  1,  1, 0],
  [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  0,  0, 0],
  [ 0, -1, -1,  0, -1,  1,  1,  1, 1],
  [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1, -1, -1, 1],
  [ 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1, 0]

Vertex Representation

Board positions are represented by a vertex, i.e. an array of the form [x, y] where x and y are non-negative integers, zero-based coordinates. [0, 0] denotes the upper left position of the board.


Shudan only uses <div>, <span>, <svg>, <rect>, and <circle> elements with class names prefixed with shudan-. Override the background image for certain classes to customize the appearance:

.shudan-goban-image {
  /* Board texture */
  background-image: url("./board.png");

.shudan-stone-image.shudan-sign_1 {
  /* Black stone */
  background-image: url("./black_stone.png");

.shudan-stone-image.shudan-sign_-1 {
  /* White stone */
  background-image: url("./white_stone.png");

Also override Shudan's default CSS custom properties to adjust the colors:

.shudan-goban {
  --shudan-board-border-width: 0.25em;
  --shudan-board-border-color: #ca933a;

  --shudan-board-background-color: #ebb55b;
  --shudan-board-foreground-color: #5e2e0c;

  --shudan-black-background-color: #222;
  --shudan-black-foreground-color: #eee;

  --shudan-white-background-color: #fff;
  --shudan-white-foreground-color: #222;

Shudan adds random classes .shudan-random_{n} where n = 0,...,4 to .shudan-stone-image. Say, you have white shell stone images with different shell patterns. You can use the random classes to randomly assign a different pattern to each stone:

.shudan-stone-image.shudan-sign_-1 {
  background-image: url("white_stone_1.png");
.shudan-stone-image.shudan-sign_-1.shudan-random_1 {
  background-image: url("white_stone_2.png");
.shudan-stone-image.shudan-sign_-1.shudan-random_2 {
  background-image: url("white_stone_3.png");
.shudan-stone-image.shudan-sign_-1.shudan-random_3 {
  background-image: url("white_stone_4.png");
.shudan-stone-image.shudan-sign_-1.shudan-random_4 {
  background-image: url("white_stone_5.png");

API Reference

Goban Component

All props are optional. The following props are supported:

DOM Props

  • id <string>

    Sets the id attribute of the container element.

  • class/className <string>

    Adds the specified classes to Shudan's own classes to the container element.

  • style <Object>

    Adds the specified styles to Shudan's own styles to the container element.

  • innerProps <Object>

    Applies other props to the container element.

Board Props

  • busy <boolean> - Default: false

    Determines whether component is busy. When busy, no user input are accepted.

  • vertexSize <number> - Default: 24

    The width and height of a single vertex as a pixel number. Adjust this prop to change the size of the component.

    If you want to specify a maximum width and height instead, use the BoundedGoban component.

  • rangeX <[<integer>, <integer>]> - Default: [0, Infinity]

    Only vertices with x value inside this range are displayed.

  • rangeY <[<integer>, <integer>]> - Default: [0, Infinity]

    Only vertices with y value inside this range are displayed.

Coordinates Props

  • showCoordinates <boolean> - Default: false

    Determines rendering of coordinates.

  • coordX <Function> - Default: x => ['A', 'B', 'C', ...][x]

    A function that determines coordinate label by x value of a vertex.

  • coordY <Function> - Default: y => height - y

    A function that determines coordinate label by y value of a vertex.

Behavior Props

  • fuzzyStonePlacement <boolean> - Default: false

    When set to true, stones are rendered slightly off-grid.

  • animateStonePlacement <boolean> - Default: false

    When set to true, stones that are added to the board will slide into place, adjusting nearby stones if necessary. Only works if fuzzyStonePlacement is set to true. Only triggers animation if signMap prop updates with a new object.

Map Props

  • signMap <Map<integer>>

    A map consisting of -1 (white stone), 0 (empty field), or 1 (black stone), representing the stone arrangement on the board.

  • markerMap <Map<null | Object>>

    A map consisting of objects of the following structure:

      type?: <string> | null,
      label?: <string> | null

    The string specified in label is shown as tooltip. Shudan provides styles for the following types:

    • 'circle'
    • 'cross'
    • 'triangle'
    • 'square'
    • 'point'
    • 'loader'
    • 'label'
  • paintMap <Map<number>>

    A map consisting of numbers between -1 and 1 inclusive that will paint the corresponding vertices accordingly. -1 will paint the vertex black, 0 will not paint the vertex, while 1 will paint the vertex white.

  • ghostStoneMap <Map<null | Object>>

    A map consisting of objects of the following structure:

      sign: <integer>,
      type?: <string> | null,
      faint?: <boolean> | null

    sign can be -1 (white stone), 0 (empty field), or 1 (black stone). Shudan provides styles for the following types:

    • 'good'
    • 'interesting'
    • 'doubtful'
    • 'bad'
  • heatMap <Map<null | Object>>

    A map consisting of objects of the following form:

      strength: <integer>,
      text?: <string> | null

    Shudan provides styles for strength between 0 and 9.

Vertex Specific Props

  • selectedVertices <Vertex[]> - Default: []

    An array of vertices which should be in a selected state.

  • dimmedVertices <Vertex[]> - Default: []

    An array of vertices which should be dimmed.

  • lines <Object[]> - Default: []

    An array of objects of the following form:

      v1: <Vertex>,
      v2: <Vertex>,
      type: <string>

    Shudan provides default styles for 'line' and 'arrow' types.

Event Props

  • onVertexClick <Function>
  • onVertexMouseUp <Function>
  • onVertexMouseDown <Function>
  • onVertexMouseMove <Function>
  • onVertexMouseEnter <Function>
  • onVertexMouseLeave <Function>
  • onVertexPointerUp <Function>
  • onVertexPointerDown <Function>
  • onVertexPointerMove <Function>
  • onVertexPointerEnter <Function>
  • onVertexPointerLeave <Function>

These functions will be called when the corresponding event is emitted on a vertex. It will be called with two arguments:

  1. evt - The original event
  2. vertex <Vertex>

BoundedGoban Component

Supports all props of Goban, but instead of vertexSize, you have to specify maxWidth and maxHeight to control the size of the board.

Board Props

  • maxWidth <number>

    The maximum width in pixels of the Goban.

  • maxHeight <number>

    The maximum height in pixels of the Goban.

  • maxVertexSize <number> - Default: Infinity

    The maximum vertexSize.

Event Props

  • onResized <Function>

    This function will be called when the component has finished resizing.