- Drive repository for the 2022-23 season of URC by SC Robotics. This repository contains the code for driving the rover through using a PS4 controller.
- The drive system is written in Python and uses ROS2 for communication between the rover and the controller.
- The drive system uses 2 Odrive drivers to control the motors on the rover. Totalling 4 NEOs Brushless DC Motors.
- We also have a local development environment that can be used to test the code before deploying it to the rover. It is on the file
Local development environment:
{motor1} {motor2} {motor3} {motor4}
| | | |
\______________/ \______________/
[Odrv0] [Odrv1]
\ /
(Your hot garbage linux computer) ------ [PS4 Controller]
Remote/Competition enviroment:
{motor1} {motor2} {motor3} {motor4}
| | | |
\______________/ \______________/
[Odrv0] [Odrv1]
\ /
\______________________ /
| // ssh through ymir's terminal*
(Ymir) // Gate way of the rover
| // ssh through telecom*
(Your hot garbage computer) ------------- [PS4 Controller]
# Clone the repository, where <path> is the path to the directory you want to clone the repository into
git clone https://github.com/SC-Robotics-2021/drive_2022_23.git
# Install the dependencies
(figure that our on your own, Im not your mom)
(hint: check out our spaghetti code, and look at the imports)
# Run the code
# In terminal 1
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
cd ~/drive_2022_23/src/driver/
. install/setup.bash
make pub
# In terminal 2
. install/setup.bash
make sub
- The code is split into two parts: the publisher and the subscriber.
- The publisher is responsible for reading the input from the PS4 controller and publishing it to the subscriber.
- This is the ROS2 node that publishes the controller input to the ROS2 topic 'controls'.
- The topic is a Float64MultiArray with 6 elements (in a [3x2] matrix, but stored as List)
___ ___
| left_stick_x left_stick_y |
| right_stick_x right_stick_y |
| left_trigger right_trigger |
|___ ___|
- The values are normalized to be between -1 and 1, deadzoned to be 0 if the value is less than AXIS_DEADZONE, and are rounded to 2 decimal places. The values are published at a rate of 10 Hz
- Where the message are published are as follows:
- msg :: Float64MultiArray[6]
+ msg.data[0] :: left_stick_x + msg.data[1] :: left_stick_y
+ msg.data[2] :: right_stick_x + msg.data[3] :: right_stick_y
+ msg.data[4] :: left_trigger + msg.data[5] :: right_trigger
Team's garbage code:
def timer_callback(self):
gp = gmi.getGamepad(0)
(ls_x, ls_y) = gmi.getLeftStick(gp, AXIS_DEADZONE) # Get left stick
(rs_x, rs_y) = gmi.getRightStick(gp, AXIS_DEADZONE) # Get right stick
(l2, r2) = gmi.getTriggers(gp, AXIS_DEADZONE) # Get triggers
msg = Float64MultiArray() # Create message
# Set message data
msg.data = [float(ls_x), float(ls_y), float(rs_x), float(rs_y), float(l2), float(r2)]
self.publisher_.publish(msg) # Publish that sucker
# Print for debugging
print('😤😤 SENDING [LS: (%.2f, %.2f) | RS: (%.2f, %.2f) | LT: %.2f | RT: %.2f] 😤😤' % (ls_x, ls_y, rs_x, rs_y, l2, r2))
- The subscriber is responsible for reading the controller input from the publisher and sending it to the rover (or rather to the odrives).
- This is the ROS2 node that subscribes to the ROS2 topic 'controls' and sends the controller input to the odrives.
- The topic is a Float64MultiArray with 6 elements (in a [3x2] matrix, but stored as List)
def listener_callback(self, msg):
(ls_x, ls_y, rs_x, rs_y, l2, r2) = msg.data # Unpack message data
print('😫😫 RECEIVED [LS: (%.2f, %.2f) | RS: (%.2f, %.2f) | LT: %.2f | RT: %.2f] 😫😫' % (ls_x, ls_y, rs_x, rs_y, l2, r2))
Then data would just be fed into the team odrive's controller code. Math looks something like this (but not the actual thing bc we don't want to give away our secrets):
odrv0 = odrive.find_any(serial_number=odrv_0) # Get odrive object
if odrv_1:
odrv1 = odrive.find_any(serial_number=odrv_1) # Get odrive object
velocity = ls_y * speed
ramp = abs(rs_x)/1.5 + 1
(rampLVel, rampRVel) = (1, 1)
if rs_x < 0:
rampRVel = ramp
elif rs_x > 0:
rampLVel = ramp
# Lambda expressions
reqVel = lambda rvel: int(velocity * rvel) # Requested velocity
rndS = lambda x: round(x, 2) # Formatting stick values
# Left Stick, Forward/Backward Movement
if l2 > 0 and odrv_1:
print("Left Stick:", (rndS(ls_x), rndS(ls_y)), "\tRight Stick:", (rndS(rs_x), rndS(rs_y)))
print("Left Speed:", reqVel(rampLVel), "\t\tRight Speed:", reqVel(rampRVel))
odrv0.axis0.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL
odrv0.axis1.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL
odrv0.axis0.controller.input_vel = reqVel(rampLVel)
odrv0.axis1.controller.input_vel = reqVel(rampLVel)
odrv1.axis0.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL
odrv1.axis1.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL
odrv1.axis0.controller.input_vel = reqVel(rampRVel)
odrv1.axis1.controller.input_vel = reqVel(rampRVel)
# Stop all motors if no analog input
if (ls_y == 0 and ls_x == 0) and odrv_1:
odrv0.axis0.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_IDLE
odrv0.axis1.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_IDLE
odrv1.axis0.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_IDLE
odrv1.axis1.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_IDLE
# Ramp up/down input
if hat_x < 0 and speed != MIN_SPEED:
speed -= CREMENT
print("Current speed: ", speed)
if hat_x > 0 and speed != MAX_SPEED:
speed += CREMENT
print("Current speed: ", speed)
Jasper D | Cameron R | Max R | Matin Q | Sierra M | Micah H | Spencer G |
- Lost track, just google them or ask us if you need help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯