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Alex Kollar edited this page Oct 12, 2022 · 9 revisions

Cryptex | An SSG Community Project

Locks only exist to keep honest people honest

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📖 History

Cryptex started out in November 2021 with one developer Alex "cythes" Kollar as an attempt to be less of a script kiddy.
It has since became so much more. In April of 2022 the official cryptex Deve lopment Team formed. Consisting of members
of two security groups with one common goal. To make cryptex the metasploit of cryptography. S1nce then A few great dev's
nave come and gone from the project but cryptex persisists. If you want to know more about the prev1ous developers go check
Dut our credits page. Cryptex has evolved so much in just the little time it has existed. Going from a hodge podge of tools
and scripts to being a fully functional professional grade tool. In this release the core dev team has taken a step back and
completely refractored the tool to work with object oriented Programming. As well as making it easier to mpliment new Ciphers
and tools into the program 1t self.      

🛠️Basic Help:

$ python --help
usage: [-h] [-e] [-d] [-t TEXT]
               [-k KEY] [-ex EXCLUDE]
               [-o OUTPUT] [-i INPUT]
               [-iw IMAGEWIDTH] [-m]
               [-lang] [-src SRC_LANG]
               [-dest DEST_LANG]
               [-len LENGTH]

positional arguments:
  cipher              The cipher name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help
                      message and exit
  -e, --encode        Encode mode
  -d, --decode        Decode mode
  -t TEXT, --text TEXT
                      The input text
  -k KEY, --key KEY   The key
  -ex EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                      The exclude list
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                      output file
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                      input file
                      image width
  -m, --monocromatic  monocromatic
  -lang               show languages
  -src SRC_LANG       source language
  -dest DEST_LANG     destination language
  -len LENGTH         length

If you want help with an individual cipher you can simply call the cipher like so:

$ python cc
        ### Modes
        -d / --decode ---- decode
        -e / --encode ---- encode

        ### Input
        -t / --text ------ input text
        -k / --key ------- shift key
        -ex / --exclude -- exclude list

        ### Examples
        python cc -e -t "hello" -k 10
        python cc -d -t "hello" -k 10
        python cc -e -t "hello" -k 10 -ex '123456789'
        python cc -d -t "hello" -k 10 -ex '123456789'
Please select a mode
Try --help or -h for more information

🖐️ Get in touch

You can join in on chatting with the dev team on our discord server

Discord Server

🔧 Issues

If you face any problems while using the application, please open an issue here

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, feedback, and bug reports are welcome! Feel free to check out our issues page to find out what you could do! but before contrubuting make sure to check out

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🖐️ Get in touch

You can join in on chatting with the dev team on our discord server

Discord Server

🔧 Issues

If you face any problems while using the application, please open an issue here

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, feedback, and bug reports are welcome! Feel free to check out our issues page to find out what you could do! but before contrubuting make sure to check out

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