The engine simulator can be run in 3 different runtimes:
- As a dotnetcore Console App, by running the
project and providing the correct configuration options in theappsettings.json
file. - As a docker container, by executing the following commands (and passing the configuration options as Environment Variables):
docker run --rm -it -e iothub__IoTHubOwnerConnectionString="xxx" savanh/engine-module:latest
- Replace the xxx with your connection string and put the connection string between quotes
- As an IoT Edge Module, by using the docker image
and providing the right configuration options as Environment Variables, as shown above.
The following configuration settings are possible for the simulator (in the following sections you can see how to set them through config file or environment variables):
- IoTHubOwnerConnectionString (required): a connection string to the IoT Hub that has the rights to create new devices (every simulated device will be automatically created)
- Filename (defaults to this repo's url): a file name, or an http(s) url to the csv file containing the measurements that will be read by the simulator.
- TransmitIntervalInMilliseconds (defaults to 10000): the interval that will be left between each cycle of telemetry.
Two configuration files are read at startup in the following sequence:
- appsettings.json (required)
- (optional), overriding the above.
The file is excluded through .gitignore
, which prevents sensitive information to be added in source control.
The configuration file looks like this:
"file": {
"Filename": "",
"TransmitIntervalInMilliseconds": 10000
"iothub": {
"IoTHubOwnerConnectionString": ";SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner;SharedAccessKey=#youriotownerkey#"
In order to set the configuration through Environment variables, the following variables are possible:
: 10000