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File metadata and controls

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Image Classification with Object Detection

This project is a full-stack web application for uploading images and detecting objects within those images using a pre-trained object detection model. The application utilizes a combination of modern web technologies, including Next.js, TypeScript, and the @xenova/transformers library for object detection.

I made this project a while ago, I just updated the model and also implemented AWS Elastic Container Service to host it online for people to view.

Come check it out for yourself

Website is no longer working due to amazon charging me to much (the joys of internet bots), will get it back up eventally

Here is an example of the project working

Terminal Photo Samir Screenshot 1 Samir Screenshot 2

Table of Contents


  • Image Upload: Users can upload images from their local device.
  • Object Detection: Uploaded images are analyzed using a pre-trained object detection model.
  • Result Display: Detected objects are displayed along with their respective labels and counts.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • React
    • Next.js
    • TypeScript
    • Axios for HTTP requests
    • Lucide React for icons
  • Backend:

    • Next.js API Routes
    • @xenova/transformers for object detection
    • UploadThing API for file uploads


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd final-object-detection
  3. Install the dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Set up your environment variables. Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:


  1. Start the development server:
    npm run dev
  2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Code Overview


The routes file contains the backend logic for handling image uploads and object detection.

import { utapi } from "@/utils/uploadthing";
import { pipeline } from "@xenova/transformers";
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';

type FileEsque = {
  name: string;
  size: number;
  type: string;
  arrayBuffer: () => Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
  slice: (start?: number, end?: number, contentType?: string) => Blob;
  stream: () => ReadableStream<Uint8Array>;
  text: () => Promise<string>;

export const POST = async (req: NextRequest) => {
  try {
    const secretKey = process.env.UPLOADTHING_SECRET;
    const appId = process.env.UPLOADTHING_APP_ID;

    if (!secretKey || !appId) {
      throw new Error('Missing API key or app ID.');

    const formData = await req.formData();
    const files = Array.from(formData.getAll('files')) as FileEsque[];

    const response = await utapi.uploadFiles(files);
    const responseData = response[0].data;
    const url = responseData?.url;

    if (!url) {
      throw new Error('Failed to retrieve URL from upload response.');

    const detector = await pipeline("object-detection", "Xenova/detr-resnet-50");
    const output = await detector(url);

    const countObj: { [key: string]: number } = {};
    output.forEach(({ score, label }: any) => {
      if (score > 0.85) {
        countObj[label] = (countObj[label] || 0) + 1;

    return NextResponse.json({
      label: countObj

  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error in POST /api/detect-objects:", error);
    const err = error as Error;
    return NextResponse.json({
      error: "Internal Server Error",
      details: err.message
    }, { status: 500 });

Client Page

The page file contains the frontend logic for rendering the upload form and displaying the results.

"use client"
import { Button, buttonVariants } from "@/components/ui/button";
import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import axios from "axios";
import { ImageIcon, Loader2, ScanSearch } from "lucide-react";
import Image from "next/image";
import Link from "next/link";
import React, { useState } from "react";

type Props = {};

const ImageClassificationPage = (props: Props) => {
  const [url, seturl] = useState("");
  const [label, setlabel] = useState("");
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false);

  return (
    <main className="flex flex-col items-center justify-start p-24 gap-2">
      <form onSubmit={uploadFiles} className="flex gap-2 items-center">
        <ImageIcon />
        <Input name="files" type="file"></Input>
        <Button disabled={loading} type="submit">
          {loading ? (
            <Loader2 className="animate-spin" />
          ) : (
            <ScanSearch size={20} />
      {url && (
            alt={"uploaded image"}
              buttonVariants({ variant: "ghost" }),
              "text-xs text-muted-foreground"
      {label && <p className="font-bold text-l">Detected: {label}</p>}

  async function uploadFiles(event: any) {
    const formData = new FormData(;
    const response = await"/api/detect-objects", formData);

export default ImageClassificationPage;

Environment Variables

Set up the following environment variables in a .env file:


Next.js Configuration

The next.config.js file contains the configuration for the Next.js application.

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
        protocol: 'https',
        hostname: '',
  output: 'standalone',
  experimental: {
    serverComponentsExternalPackages: ['sharp', 'onnxruntime-node'],

module.exports = nextConfig;


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Based on a project by KoushikJit but significantly editing the way the code worked and added error logging