Exercism exercises in TypeScript
Yarn must be installed.
If you have node installed, you can install yarn via npm
% npm install --global yarn
Then, make
commands will install other dependencies as needed.
% make test
% make test-assignment ASSIGNMENT=palindrome-products
Please keep the common
folder files synced across all the sub folders. These files should be the same across all problems.
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
- tslint.json
- yarn.lock
There are some utility methods in the Makefile
to help with development. The below will move the contents of the common
to all the subfolders.
% make replacePackageFilesFromCommonToSubFolders
- hello-world
- two-fer
- leap
- rna-transcription
- space-age
- pangram
- bob
- matrix
- robot-name
- grade-school
- clock
- secret-handshake
- binary-search
- linked-list
- rational-numbers
- atbash-cipher
- simple-cipher
- wordy
- list-ops
- word-count
- difference-of-squares
- gigasecond
- reverse-string
- triangle
- collatz-conjecture
- etl
- protein-translation
- raindrops
- hamming
- nucleotide-count
- scrabble-score
- allergies
- perfect-numbers
- complex-numbers
- luhn
- grains
- pythagorean-triplet
- sum-of-multiples
- acronym
- anagram
- isogram
- roman-numerals
- series
- phone-number
- two-bucket
- variable-length-quantity
- largest-series-product
- food-chain
- house
- isbn-verifier
- pig-latin
- proverb
- twelve-days
- beer-song
- say
- rectangles
- saddle-points
- spiral-matrix
- transpose
- ocr-numbers
- nth-prime
- alphametics
- connect
- bowling
- prime-factors
- diamond
- pascals-triangle
- binary-search-tree
- sublist
- custom-set
- circular-buffer
- sieve
- palindrome-products
- diffie-hellman
- crypto-square
- robot-simulator
- kindergarten-garden
- armstrong-numbers
- run-length-encoding
- rotational-cipher
- strain
- accumulate
- all-your-base
- matching-brackets
- flatten-array
- minesweeper
- queen-attack