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File metadata and controls

104 lines (83 loc) · 4.47 KB

Fanny Pack UI - Components Built with and for SvelteKit

NOTE: Webpack throws errors with import statements that use aliases like $. So I don't think I can use Storybook. Oh, well. I will just create my own interactive documentation using MDSVEX. Webpack is pretty slow and I don't love using apps like Storybook because of the limitations that you run into sometimes, so I prefer to create my own interactive documentation.

Other helpful guides for building component libraries:

How to develop new components or edit existing components

  1. I should create the component first inside the /src/lib directory (which is where a component library would need to be created).
  2. Then test that component out on a page in the /src/routes directory to make sure that the component works properly in a regular SvelteKit app.
  3. Write comprehensive tests for the component.
  4. Then, for documentation purposes and to give other developers the ability to try out different variations of each component, I will create interactive documentation with controls (similar to what Storybook does) for each component in the /src/routes directory. These docs will be similar to the docs found in Carbon Components Svelte ( and maybe Semantic UI.

Documentation Ideas and Organization

I am referencing for ideas on how to create this documentation.

How to add postcss-preset-env (for native CSS nesting) and mdsvex (for Markdown documentation)

  • The postcss-preset-env config and notes are below.
  • Use svelte-add to install mdsvex, which will configure everything for you: Then you can create files and start creating regular Svelte components with Markdown syntax sprinkled throughout. I like to use Markdown to document code blocks in between opening and closing triple backticks.
    • NOTE: I think mdsvex conflicts with Storybook's MDX installation and throws silent errors, so if you want to install mdsvex alongside Storybook then you might run into problems. I would just use the default MDX installation.
// svelte.config.js

import { mdsvex } from "mdsvex";
import mdsvexConfig from "./mdsvex.config.js";
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-auto";
import preprocess from "svelte-preprocess";
import postcssPresetEnv from "postcss-preset-env";
// __dirname is not available in ES modules:
// This issue has a fix:
import path from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);

/** @type {import("@sveltejs/kit").Config} */
const config = {
	extensions: [".svelte", ...mdsvexConfig.extensions],

	// Consult
	// for more information about preprocessors
	preprocess: [
			postcss: {
				plugins: [
					// * How to configure the postcssPresetEnv plugin:
					// * Disable "Svelte plugin CSS diagnostics" and install the "PostCSS Language Support" extension in VS Code to prevent false error highlighting:
						stage: 0,
						features: {
							"nesting-rules": true
						browsers: "last 2 versions"

	kit: {
		adapter: adapter(),

		// hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
		target: "#svelte",

		vite: () => ({
			// Aliases:
			resolve: {
				alias: {
					$: path.resolve(__dirname, "/src")

			server: {
				fs: {
					allow: ["package"]

export default config;

How to update SveltKit to latest version

  1. Search for "sveltekit changelog".
  2. Find the latest version number.
  3. Run npm update @sveltejs/kit@<version#>. For example: npm update @sveltejs/kit@1.0.0-next.445