Finding awesome Scala libraries | The Scala Programming Language
- the scalawags - monthly podcast about scala language
- Happy Valentine’s Day with Valentin Kasas
- Rob Norris: Telescopes and Types - The Scala Logs | Podcast on Spotify
- Scala Love – Podcast about Scala Programming Language and its community
- Adam Rosien: Cheese Pairings For Effects - The Scala Logs | Podcast on Spotify
- Jakub Kozłowski: From Highschool to Teaching Scala - The Scala Logs | Podcast on Spotify
- Episode #112: Abstracting Stateful Serverless with Jonas Bonér - Serverless Chats Podcast
scala center - For open source. For education. A new not-for-profit center established at EPFL
케빈 TV
- 시즌2 - 게릴라 방송 1회
- 시즌2 - 게릴라 방송 2회
- 시즌2 - 게릴라 방송 3회 - Scala를 Script언어로 쓰기
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- Scala 만든 마틴 오더스키 교수님 만난 이야기 / Scala 약간 (2017-02-10)
- OOP로 Scala 약팔기 (2017-03-31)
- 아직도 호주이민은 스칼라인가? (2018-04-13)
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- 간단한 코딩: 리스트 안에 가장 큰수 두개 더하기
DataCritics (1) – Scala as the Next Influential Programming Language
Rock the JVM | How to Deploy a Scala Application to AWS Lambda
How Scala compares with 20 other programming languages according to Reddit analysis
ScalaSyd EP39 - 01. i18n à la gettext by Ngoc Dao (Aug 2015)
Covariance / Contravariance
- covariance(공변성)는 좀더 세부적인 타입으로, 구체적 변화
- List타입에 대해 Cons나 Nil은 구체적 변화. Cons와 Nil은 둘다 List타입
- contravariance(반공변성)는 좀더 일반적인 타입으로, 일반적 변화
- 반대로 List는 Cons에 대해 그리고 Nil에 대해 일반적 변화
- Gen[T] 라는 제네릭 타입이 있을 때, 상속 관계가 있는 두 타입 A와 B를 인자로 Gen을 구체화 시킨 타입 Gen[A]와 Gen[B] 사이에 어떤 리스코프 치환 관계가 성립하느냐는 것
- Gen[A]와 Gen[B]의 치환관계가 달라질 수밖에 없음
- List[Object] 가 들어갈 위치에 List[String]을 넣어도 되느냐? Array[Object]대신 Array[String]를 넣어도 되느냐? String -> Unit 라는 함수 대신에 Object -> Unit 타입의 함수를 넣어도 되느냐? 역으로, Object -> Unit 타입의 함수 대신 Object -> Unit 타입의 함수를 넣을 수 있느냐 등의 질문이 일반적인 질문을 구체적인 타입으로 바꾼 것
- 판정 방법은 각 타입이 제공하는 연산(또는 메소드)이 대치한 타입에서도 유의미한지를 검사
- 그걸 컴파일러가 검사하는 방법이 + - 로 표시해서 알아내는 방법
- 공변(상속 관계가 함께 변함)은 인자 타입의 상속관계가 제네릭타입에서 그대로 유지
- 반공변(상속 관계가 반대로 변함)은 인자 타입의 상속 관계가 제네릭 타입에서 반대
- 무공변은 인자 타입의 상속관계가 있더라도 제네릭 타입에선 아무 상속 관계가 없어짐
- 공변성/반공변성(Variance)
- Covariance and contravariance in Scala
- Covariant Contravariant 정리
- Covariant Contravariant 그림으로 다시 정리
- covariance(공변성)는 좀더 세부적인 타입으로, 구체적 변화
blog.higher-order.com Functional Programming in Scala 저자 블로그
github.com/alexandru/scala-best-practices 스칼라에서 하지 말아야 될것들
Nicolas Rinaudo - Scala Best Practices I Wish Someone'd Told Me About
1ambda.github.io/21/scala Scalaz, Functional, Reactive, Concurrent
Useful Scala Compiler Options for Better Scala Development: Part 1
scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-target:jvm-1.8", "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-Xfuture", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "-Ywarn-value-discard", "-Ywarn-unused" )
Useful Scala Compiler Options Part 2: Advanced Language Features
Explicit nulls are in! compiler flag -
#Scala Compiler Options, Fatal Warnings and Linting Guide - YouTube
Configuring and suppressing warnings in Scala | The Scala Programming Language
scala.bythebay.io: Sasha Ovsankin, New Metrics Engine to Help Drive UBER
Daniel Spiewak: Functional Async on the JVM - λC Winter Retreat 2017
비동기 프로그래밍과 Scala monix 포함
Making asynchronous programs functional with IO.async and IO.cancelable - Scala tutorial - YouTube
"Simplifying Asynchronous Code With Scala Async" by Philipp Haller
Python vs. Scala: a comparison of the basic commands (Part I)
scastie.scala-lang.org online execution
Learning Scala: Toolchain, Internals, and Intermediate Representations
How to turn ugly Java APIs into elegant, type-safe Scala APIs
Produce clean APIs with algebraic design - Scala/FP tutorial - YouTube
Why Should You Care About Referential Transparency? - YouTube
Picking a Language for Introductory CS — The Argument Against Python
NAVER Tech Talk: Scala 밋업(2018년 10월) Monad, Akka
This month at SoftwareMill we’ve learned (January ‘19) type safety
The Unison Language and its Scala-based Runtime—Paul Chiusano
The Ultimate Scala Serverless Lambda Deployment using Travis CI
A Python to Scala transpiler using neural machine translation (NMT)
distage-sample Distage — modern dependency injection for Scala
Lucene Multi Term Query field search working example in Scala
Interactively exploring Reddit posts using basic Scala in your browser
A journey into safer and cleaner code in Scala with real-life examples
Improvement in Scala 2.13 and sbt 1.3 scalaz, cats, EitherT
JVM configuration for Scala
-J-Xmx32M -J-Xms32M -J-XX:+PrintGCDetails -J-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -J-verbose:gc -J-Xloggc:. -J-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -J-XX:HeapDumpPath=.
Scala JVM option
JVM configuration for Scala Functional Programming
Picking a Language for Introductory CS — The Argument Against Python
What's that called? What's the name of that operator/symbol/syntax/thing, for Scala
Fearless Refactoring with Functional Programming | Scala - YouTube
Fledge over the flow … How to determine a streaming problem This is a story about a little experience of integrating (Akka-Stream, Alpakka-Kafka, Kafka, Aplakka-Slick, TimescaleDB) — Part 1/3
스칼라의 동시성 이전 버전을 다루기는 하지만 java thread부터의 설명이 좋음
The Death of Hype: What's Next for Scala python의 편의성을 쫓아가려는 이야기가 시사하는 바가 있음
Functional Tracing using Scala observability
Run Scala applications with GraalVM and Docker - With http4s, doobie and cats-effects
scala - What's the difference between => , ()=>, and Unit=> - Stack Overflow
Writing Angular Services in Scala | by Antoine Doeraene | Jul, 2020 | Medium
Scala: Beyond the basics with Christopher Batey - YouTube Function composition, Functional approaches to implement dependency injection, higher kinded types, Avoiding mutability with expressions, Abstracting with type classes
3 Tricks with Call-by-Name in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
5 Nice Scala Tricks for Concise and Expressive Code | Rock the JVM - YouTube
GraphQL Overview part1 — What is GraphQl? | by Sebastian Rabiej | Medium
GraphQL Overview—Part 2—Libraries | by Piotr Jasiak | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
How to build an Android app in Scala 2.13 – Making the matrix
THE most important programming concept explained in 35 seconds. - YouTube
Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala - Daniel Spiewak - YouTube
Our Scala Journey by Girish Kolanthra (Capital One) - YouTube
Number (part 1) Precision numeric computation with Scala | CodeX
Parsing character encoding-dependent protocols with scodec in Scala | In Absentia
Scala Chat: Hello Discord (So Long, Gitter) | The Scala Programming Language
Sick Fira Code Progress Bars for Absolute Beginners! - Part 1 - YouTube
Sick Fira Code Progress Bars for Absolute Beginners! - Part 2 - YouTube
- Actor 생성하기
- 맛만 보자 액터 모델이란
- Actor Messaging platform
- Typed Actors - compile-time typechecked akka actors
- Managing State in Akka Actors
- Simple Threading with Scala Actors
- Introduction to the Actor Model for Concurrent Computation: Tech Talks @ AppNexus
- Hewitt, Meijer and Szyperski: The Actor Model (everything you wanted to know...)
- Introduction to jkka Actors with Java 8
- Programming with Actors (part 1)
- Programming with Actors (part 2)
- State vs Stateful Actor
- Building a scalable reactive ingestion pipeline to ingest data in a Graph DB
- Rock Paper Scissor Game through Actor Model in Scala
- Actor Model 패턴의 구현(Java)
- Managing Congested Actors in Akka
- Actors using Scala & Akka — Part 1 : Introduction | by Bilal Fazlani | Medium
- Actors using Scala & Akka — Part 2 : AskPattern and SpawnProtocol | by Bilal Fazlani | The Startup | Jun, 2020 | Medium
- akka-actors-blog
- Akka actors orchestration
- Nightmare on Actor Subtree Shutdown
- Message-based Parallelism with Actors
- introduction to actor supervision akka typed with scala for beginners
- Actor Model(행위자 모델) — { DEV SWEETER ; }
- ZIO Actors - High-performance, purely-functional library for building and supervising typed actors backed by ZIO
- hello-akka 샘플 어플리케이션
- Actor model and akka
- Learning Akka Typed from Classic
- Event Sourcing with Akka 2.6 video
- One year with Akka 2.6 | Akka
- Akka family build infrastructure
- medium.com/tag/akka
- Understanding Paxos using Scala and Akka Actors
- Akka.NET: the Reactive Story Continues on the Microsoft CLR - See more at: http://typesafe.com/blog/akkanet-the-reactive-story-continues-on-the-microsoft-clr#sthash.GMwHTmen.dpuf
- Asynchronous & Non-Blocking Scala - A look at Netty & NIO for Async Networking via Scala
- Quasar and Akka – a Comparison
- Quasar and Akka – a Comparison
- 아카(Akka) 시작하기 교육후기
- 스프링캠프 2016 B-1: AKKA로 구성한 추천시스템, 검색엔진급
- 삼성 SDS TechTonic 임백준의 실전 아카
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 1
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 강의 2
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 강의 3
- 임백준의 AKKA 시작하기 4
- PayPal 은 어떻게 하루에 10억 request 를 단 8개 VM 으로 처리하는가?
- hamait.tistory.com/category/Akka
- helloino.tistory.com/category/Programing/Akka
- becompany.ch/en/blog/tags/akka
- Akka and a Simple Actor Example (in Scala)
- Simple Actor Example 2 (in Scala with Akka)
- Communicating Actors (in Scala with Akka)
- The Ask Pattern (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor Scheduling (in Scala with Akka)
- Simple-Akka-Scheduler
- Akka Details
- Using Actors (in Scala with Akka)
- The Actor Hierarchy (in Scala with Akka)
- Routers - Creating multiple instances of an actor
- Akka Actors - Creating Pool of Actors
- Message Routing in Akka
- Akka Router – Router As an actor
- AKKA routing
- Routers (in Scala with Akka)
- Routers 2 (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor Life Cycle (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor URLs (in Scala with Akka)
- Actor Supervision (in Scala with Akka)
- Communicating Actors (in Scala with Akka)
- Assemble messages from Akka Actors
- Akka Actor System Health Check
- Implementing Microservices with Scala and Akka - by Vaughn Vernon
- Reactive Microservices with Akka and Docker by Heiko Seeberger
- Reactive Microservices with Akka and Docker - by Heiko Seeberger
- Reactive Architecture with Play, Akka, and Scala - Henrik Engstrom (Typesafe)
- Introduction to Reactive: A Hands-on Workshop with Play and Akka
- Introduction to Akka by Yannick De Turck
- Scala and Akka: An Introduction
- Gentle introduction to Akka with Scala - YouTube
- Technology Hour - Implementing the Reactive Manifesto with Akka - Adam Warski
- A tour of the (advanced) Akka features in 60 minutes by Johan Janssen
- Event-Sourced Architectures with Akka
- Learning Akka Tutorial
- Resilient Applications with Akka Persistence
- Up, Up, and Out: Scaling Software with Akka
- Akka and Kafka Webinar Build Powerful Concurrent & Distributed Applications
- Scala real life matters: when to use Akka and also RabbitMQ
- Protobuf Serialization in Akka
- Akka 클러스터샤딩을 이용한 스케일확장
- Akka Message Delivery - At-Most-Once, At-Least-Once, and Exactly-Once
- 케빈 TV
- 8 Akka anti-patterns you'd better be aware of by Manuel Bernhardt
- The best is yet to come - State of Akka in 2017 by Konrad Malawski
- A Journey into Reactive Streams
- Reactive Streams in Scala: Akka Streams vs Monix - part 1
- Reactive Streams in Scala: Akka Streams vs Monix - part 2
- Reactive Streams in Scala: Akka Streams vs Monix - part 3
- Bootstrapping Microservices using Akka, Kafka ans Spark by Alex Silva
- The Zen of Akka - by Konrad Malawski
- A tour of the (advanced) Akka features in 60 minutes by Johan Janssen
- Taming Distribution: Formal Protocols for Akka Typed by Roland Kuhn
- AkkaPaint – simplicity and power of Akka
- LINE LIVE 채팅 기능의 기반이 되는 아키텍처
- Implementing API Library Classes for Spark Flows in Scala
- Tracking User Behavior At Scale with Streaming Reactive Big Data Systems
- Scalaではじめる末尾再帰 tail recursion 등 recursion 이야기
- Tail Recursive Functions (in Scala) - Alexandru Nedelcu
- 複数の共有状態を跨いだ整合性の担保について 공유 상태를 만들 때와 사용할 때를 분리해서 성능을 높이려는 시도
- Akka Steam Graphs — A first Java example
- Akka Steam Graphs — Dynamic Parallel Streams, Example 2
- Akka Steam Graphs — Dynamic Parallel Streams, Example 3
- Akka references serialization with Protobufs (up to Akka 2.5)
- Tour of Akka Typed: Protocols and Behaviors
- Tour of Akka Typed: supervision and signals
- Tour of Akka Typed: Event Sourcing
- Tour of Akka Typed: Cluster Sharding
- Tour of Akka Typed: Cluster Singleton and Routers
- Tour of Akka Typed: Message Adapters, Ask Pattern and Actor Discovery
- Using Dotty Union types with Akka Typed
- Using Dotty Union types with Akka Typed – Part II
- Akka Stream Coexistence With Akka Typed
- Akka Streams — Getting Started. From zero to production with Akka… | by Sergio Cano | Aug, 2021 | Medium
- Demystifying Akka Streams' Materialized Values | Nivox's Hub
- Akka Typed: Stateful and Stateless Actors | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Akka Typed: Message adapters - YouTube
- (Typed) Akka document 읽으면서 소소하게 정리 (Getting Started Guide)
- ES/CQRS the Akka way
- The dark side of Akka and the remedy
- Actors, Streams and Futures in Akka: What to Use?
- Akka (Actor) in Practice
- Managing Blocking in Akka video
- Always stop unused Akka actors OOM, PoisonPill
- Akka Stopping Actors
- Using Google Datastore with akka-persistence
- Circuit Breaker
- Akka EC2, ECS, Terraform, Packr, Ansible, Gradle Example
- Tuning your Akka to Get the Most from your Actor-Based System – Part I
- Tuning your Akka to Get the Most from your Actor-Based System – Part II
- akka dead letters and how to monitor for them
- AKKA(아카)with Scala 튜토리얼 01
- AKKA(아카)with Scala 튜토리얼 02
- AKKA(아카)with Scala 튜토리얼 03
- Implement Event bus using Akka
- Scaling Event Bus. How to scale event bus on multiple… | by Lukasz Lenart | Jun, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Building a Reactive, Distributed Messaging Server in Scala and Akka with WebSockets | by Nimrod Sadeh | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Attending a hackathon with Scala and Akka (Streams) on Microsoft Azure | The epic.blog
- A case for akka-coordination lease | by Michał Ostruszka | Nov, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Akka Platform Guide :: Akka Platform Guide
- Type safe, message driven, distributed - a whirlwind tour of Akka by Johan Andrén - YouTube
- Monitoring Akka applications with Mesmer and OpenTelemetry - Developer’s kit
- "Akka Concurrency" Review & The Truth about #Actors & #Akka - YouTube
- Akka gRPC
- Akka-Persistence-Postgres Why we need yet another Akka persistence plugin | by Marcin Kubala | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Akka Serverless | @lightbend
- Monix - Asynchronous Programming for Scala and Scala.js
- monix - Asynchronous, Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js
- Correlation IDs in Scala using Monix
- A Tale of Two Monix Streams—Alexandru Nedelcu
- A story about streaming unique batches in Monix
- Best Practice: Should Not Block Threads — Monix
- Piotr Gawryś: Streaming with Monix - YouTube
- Generic IOApp alternative - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Monix BIO · Asynchronous Programming for Scala and Scala.js
- Why we picked AKKA cluster as our microservice framework
- Concurrent sharing of “data in motion” across clusters with CRDTs in Akka Distributed Data
- Akka Revealed: A JVM Architect’s Journey From Resilient Actors To Scalable Clusters
- Hands on Introduction to Distributed Systems Concepts with Akka Clustering - by David Russell
- Sane Sharding with Akka Cluster - Michal Plachta
- "The Road to Akka Cluster, and Beyond" by Jonas Bonér
- Akka - cluster - etcd by Maciej Biłas at Scalar Conf 2016
- Simple Akka Clustering
- David Russell - A Literally-Hands-On Introduction to Distributed Systems with Akka Cluster
- Akka cluster quarantined problem
- How to make a simple application with Akka Cluster
- One step closer: exploiting locality in Akka Cluster based systems
- When do you need Akka Cluster?
- Akka Cluster application design — untyped
- How to co-locate Kafka Partitions with Akka Cluster Shards
- 10000 nodes and beyond with Akka Cluster and Rapid
- Orchestrating startup and shutdown in Scala
- Akka Cluster split brain failures — are you ready for it?
- Story of importing a large dataset to Akka Cluster | by Michał Bogacz | VirtusLab | Jul, 2021 | Medium
- Hydra - an Akka Cluster based system which provides high available container service for apps
- akka-http-extensions 0.0.1 released
- Akka HTTP server backend (experimental)
- Akka HTTP — The What, Why and How
- Effective Akka HTTP by Johannes Rudolph
- How you can build a Hello World API with Scala and Akka HTTP
- How to (Un)marshal JSON in Akka HTTP with Circe
- Testing Akka Http Clients
- An introduction to Akka HTTP routing
- Configuring Github badges for a Scala project
- Akka Http Client- How to create a Unit Test for Http Single Request in Scala
- Akka-http graceful shutdown
- akka-http-memory-leak
- R | Akka HTTP loves JSON: 3 Libraries You Can Integrate into Akka HTTP
- Monitoring Akka based applications with Cinnamon and DataDog
- Monitoring and tracing for akka applications under kubernetes (k8s) lightbend monitoring, kamon, istio, jaeger, zipkin
- kamon.io
- How Akka Streams can be used to process the Wikidata dump in parallel and using constant memory with just your laptop
- Akka Streams: Streaming Data Transformation à la Carte
- Akka stream 을 활용한 reliable message stream 처리
- Reactive Streams principles applied in Akka Streams by Eric Loots
- Akka Streams & Reactive Streams in action by Konrad Malawski
- A Practical Introduction to Akka Streams by Jacek Kunicki
- Akka streams for high throughput data processing by Zack Loebel-Begelman
- Diving into Akka Streams
- Hacking with akka streams
- Introduction to Akka Streams
- Akka Streams: error handling in event processing pipelines
- Using Akka Streams with standard input and standard output
- A fully reactive ad serving platform using Scala & Akka-Streams
- Painlessly passing message context through Akka Streams
- Streaming data with Apache Kafka and Akka Streams
- Rethinking Streaming Workloads with Akka Streams: Part I
- Rethinking Streaming Workloads with Akka Streams: Part II
- WebSocket Streaming with Scala - How Akka Streams can make life easier
- Akka Streams: error handling in event processing pipelines
- Enriching OCR with Akka Streams
- Scaling ETL with Scala
- The Power of Akka Streams
- Akka Stream a Walkthrough From Simple Source to Parallel Execution | by Konstantin Bodnia | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Video Streaming With Akka Streams - DZone Java
- Akka Streams Backpressure - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala collection methods flatMap and flatten are more powerful than monadic flatMap and flatten (download for better quality)
- 学ぼう! コレクションフレームワーク collection framework
- Applying a function to just one previous term in a Scala lazy collection
- Scala Val, Lazy Val And Def | Understand The Difference between val and lazy val in Scala | 2021 HD - YouTube
- Option, Either, State, and IO: Imperative programming in a functional world
- Using Scala to Read Really, Really Large Files
- Comparisons of The Standard Libraries, better-files, Akka Streams, FS2 (I/O helpers), FS2 (core), Reference Implementation in Java
- practice
- 스칼라에서 리프팅(lifting) 이란?
- Enumerations in Scala
- Scala Case Classes vs Enumeration - Wojciech Programming Blog
- foldLeft, fodRight, reduceLeft, reduceRight, scanLeft, scanRight 함수 예제
- Scala: Beyond the basics with Christopher Batey
- terminology, function composition, higher kinded types, implicits vs reflection
- Don't Use Await.result!
- Bird Operator in Scala – Pretty method chain
- Sizeof in Scala using
import org.apache.spark.util.SizeEstimator._
- Visitors - a tale of generalization
- My favorite new features of Scala 2.13 standard library
- Operator overloading in Scala and Kotlin: two slightly different ways
- Standardizing IO Interfaces for Scala Libraries
- My Scala template for Google Code Jam https://code.google.com/codejam 파일 읽기
- What is an Effect?
- The Point of Pattern Matching in Scala
- Pattern Matching Tricks in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Pattern Match Anything in Scala. What is Pattern Matching? | by Mansi Babbar | The Startup | Jun, 2020 | Medium
- How to Use Scala Pattern Matching | by billydharmawan | Towards Data Science
- Programming with Functions #3 - Pattern Matching - YouTube
- Pattern Matching & Reflection | Functional Scala - YouTube
- Custom Pattern Matching in Scala - YouTube
- The Difference Between Null, Nothing, Nil, None and Unit in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Andy Scott—Code by Shape - YouTube Either, Option, List, fold(Right)
- The assignment operator is broken!
- Four new features of Scala 2.13 releases that you probably missed | Not cumbersome at all interpolator on pattern matching, toXOption, Pipe and tap, Exhaustivity checks with if guards
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube Either, sealed trait로 type 정의
- Scala Filesystem Operations (paths, move, copy, list, delete) - MungingData
- Objects and Companions in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- 01A: Scala Class Vs. Object and Companion object interview Q&As | Java-Success.com
- Programming with Functions #7: Expressions over statements - YouTube
- A case study of flatMap vs flatten
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube 여러가지 SDK API
- Composable Scala Matchers: Introduction | by Robin Hillyard | Jun, 2021 | Medium
- Fast number parsing in Scala
- An identifier, by any other name, … | by Robin Hillyard | Nov, 2021 | Medium
- Different ways to implement wrappers in Scala 2.x | Awethon's Page
:kind [-v] List
:kind [-v] String
- :kind in scala repl
- Any
- 타입이 Any로 추론되는 것을 막으려면
- scalac에서
- scalac에서
- 타입이 Any로 추론되는 것을 막으려면
- BigDecimal
- BitSet
- class
- Scala Classes – Syntax, Declaration, Use case, Examples
- Making ordinary classes Rich! (Scala)
- case class
- practice - trait, class, case class inheritance
- Read case class object from string in Scala (something like Haskell's “read” typeclass)
- case object와 object의 차이
- Case Class in Scala
- Human-readable case class diffs
- Scala CaseClass에 대한 특징 정리
- Scala Case Class and Case Object In-Depth (Part-1) - JournalDev
- Scala Case Class and Case Object In-Depth (Part-2) - JournalDev
- Singleton types and case class fields -
around and find out #1 - YouTube - Smart constructors for case classes | 47 Degrees
- Article: Effective Scala Case Class Patterns - The guide I wished I had read years ago when starting my Scala journey
- 스칼라 클래스의 일반적인 형식화
- collection
- practice - until & to
- How to Sort Lists in Scala with Tail Recursion - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala's List has a Secret - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Learning Scala by building Scala - Lists - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Learning Scala by building Scala - Lists Part 2 - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Learning Scala by building Scala - Lists and Option - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Functional Collections in Scala - YouTube
- Scala collections methods explained using food 😋 - Waris Radji
- Linear Collections in Scala: Seq, List, Array, Vector, Set, Range - YouTube
- concurrent
- Double/Float
- Scala Doubles, and Precision
BigDecimal(num).setScale(2, * * BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toFloat/toDouble
- Scala Doubles, and Precision
- DynamicVariable 예제
- Either
- ExecutionContext
- fold
- for
- future
- practice -
- practice -
,for ... yield ...
- practice - multiple Future -> for, map, flatMap
- scala - Alternative to await.ready - Stack Overflow 결국은
- scala - Alternative to await.ready - Stack Overflow 결국은
- practice - Future.foldLeft를 이용해 Future[Seq[Object]] to Future[Seq[(Int, Boolean)]] to Future[Seq[Int]]
- practice - foldLeft or Future.foldLeft
- tuple을 fold할 때
... is not a member of Any
오류가 발생하면 foldLeft를 사용
- tuple을 fold할 때
- practice - Future.sequence로 List of Future[Option[Long]] -> Future of List -> Future[Boolean]
- Explanation on how to execute scala futures in serial one after the other
- Future.sequence
- Are Scala Futures the past?. We all started with Scala Futures. They… | by Stéphane Derosiaux | Medium
- Reactive 프로그래밍 - Hello world
- The differences between a Scala Future and a Java Thread
- Futures Made Easy with Scala
- Unsucking Error Handling with Futures
- Error handling with Scala Futures
- The Future.await(s) for no one
- Easy Parallel Programming with Scala Futures
- Promise for better Future
- Scala, promises, futures, Netty and Memcached get together to have monads - Maurício Linhares' ramblings
- Getting Asynchronous in Scala : Part 1 (Future, Callbacks, Combinators etc.)
- Mastering Scala: Futures
- Scala Futures
- The async library in Scala
- Chapter 9: A Beginner's Tutorial To Using Scala Futures
- Writing Async App in Scala. Part 1: Coding | Wix Engineering
- Writing Async App in Scala. Part 2: Exception Handling | Wix Engineering
- Writing Async App in Scala. Part 3: Threading Model | by Dmitry Komanov | Wix Engineering | Medium
- Programming with Functions #6 — Thread safety | by Maciek Gorywoda | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- Future.transform in Scala 2.12
- A Little Guide on Using Futures for Web Developers | svese Engineering Blog
- map(), flatMap() on Futures & Options in scala - Knoldus Blogs
- The worst thing in our Scala code: Futures | REA Group Ltd
- How to compose Future and Option in Scala – Loïc's Blog
- Scala Concurrency Advice: For Future Fun Fold On A FlatMap | by Bryan Bunch | Medium
- Why Shouldn’t You Use Future[Unit] as a Return Type in a Scala Program | by Vigneshwaran Raveendran | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Implementing a CountDownLatch (async and dirty) - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- futil: minimal utilities for Scala Futures
- practice -
- Implicit
- practice - implicit parameter
- Debugging implicits
- REPL parameter
, REPL command:javap
, reflection API
- REPL parameter
- Making Implicits Explicit — Scala
- intelliJ에서 코드에 어떤 implicit이 적용되었는지 살펴보는 방법
- Implicits mechanism in Scala
- Euro from Dollar
- implicit object Not able to find implicit from object
- Implicit Conversions in Scala
- Scala Trait to Typeclasses
- Scala Snippets #1: Instantiable Implicits
- Implicit conversions in Scala help with DRY
- How to keep your sanity working with Scala Implicit!
- scala implicit keyword 관련 파라미터
- Understanding implicit in Scala
- Implicit Design Patterns in Scala
- Good example of implicit parameter in Scala? - Stack Overflow
- Implicits for Hypothetical Babies - YouTube
- Journey of Implicits in Scala. Implicits are the most ambivalent… | by ayush mittal | Mar, 2022 | Medium
- Journey of Implicits in Scala — part 2 | by ayush mittal | Mar, 2022 | Medium
- I/O
- isInstanceOf Scala's isInstanceOf is an Anti-Pattern
- Regex
- List
- practice - Option Seq map getOrElse filter
- practice - list unzip or foldLeft
- 리스트 비교하기 — 스칼라
- HList - The Heterogeneous List
- Map
- math
- Option
- Java 소스를 Scala로 전환할 때 null 값 처리는?
- Java의 break, continue 구문 대신 Scala의 Option을 사용해 구현해 보기
- The Known Unknown: Working with Option and Nullable Types
- Optional Is the New Mandatory
- Dealing with Optional Values | Functional Scala - YouTube
- Introducing error reporting in optics
- The cost of Scala Option
- Option — the null of our times. Things I would have told my… | by Adam Gajek | VirtusLab | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- I like Option.get - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Scala의 예외 처리 - Option, Either, Try - Nephtyw’S Programming Stash
- Ordered
- Ordering
- par
- Process
- reflection
- scalaz
- Transform your State / Err - A concrete example of parser combinators, state monad and monad transformers in Scala, using scala-parser-combinators and scalaz
- Easy Performance Wins With Scalaz
- learning Scalaz
- learning Scalaz — Combined Pages
- Scalaz for the Rest of Us at Yelp
- Scalaz - The Good Parts
- Introduction to Scalaz
- An Introduction to Scalaz-Stream
- Scalaz State Monad
- Learning Scalaz
- A Skeptic's Look at scalaz' "Gateway Drugs"
- LambdaConf 2015 - A Skeptic's Look at Scalaz Gateway Drugs Brendan McAdams
- LambdaConf 2015 - Scalaz 102 Level Up Your Scalaz Foo! Colt Frederickson
- LambdaConf 2015 - Scalaz Streams A Functional Approach to Compositional... Derek Chen Becker
- Daniel Spiewak on scalaz-streams (TimesOpen: Reactive Programming)
- Scalaz-Stream Masterclass - NE Scala 2016
- SF Scala, Adelbert Chang: Scalaz
- Scalaz
- Scalaz 7 with Lars Hupel
- Cool toolz in the Scalaz and Cats toolboxes by Jan Pustelnik at Scalar Conf 2016
- 졸면서 하는 라이브 코딩 (2018-12-14)
- John A de Goes - SCALAZ 8 VS AKKA ACTORS
- scalaz 8: A whole new game (John A. De Goes)
- The Design of the Scalaz 8 Effect System - John A. De Goes
- The Expression Tradeoff
- Closed Type과 Open Type으로 Expression Problem의 어떤 부분을 해결해 주는지에 대한 글
- ADT를 사용하는 Closed Type 스타일은 FP에서 사용하는 방법
- FP와 OOP의 차이는 Expression Problem을 어떻게 해결 하느냐에 있음
- "Functional Programming for Mortals with #Scalaz" Review - YouTube
- ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for asynchronous and concurrent programming for Scala
- ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala
- Queue · ZIO Queue 만들어서 해당 queue 에 task 집어넣고, 해당 queue 에 대한 consumer 를 원하는 수만큼 생성
- Handling Errors · ZIO Retry 쉽게 가능
- John A De Goes - ZIO: Next-Generation Effects in Scala
- Scale By The Bay 2018: John A. De Goes, Itamar Ravid, Scalaz Stream: Rebirth
- Kyiv Scala meetup v9 - Welcome to Scalaz ZIO by Oleksandra Holubitska
- Functional Hangman with ZIO
- John A. De Goes at #ScalaUA - Thinking Functionally
- Implement your future with ZIO
- Decouple the Program from its Implementation with ZIO modules
- zio environment and modules pattern: zio, scala.js, react, query management
- How to dynamically inject the implementation for ZIO with MacWire
- Getting started with ZIO - YouTube
- What can ZIO do for me? A Long Polling example with sttp
- Build Yourself an Effect System by Simon Schenk on Scala Hamburg Meetup
- ZIO Config - A functional, composable ZIO interface to configuration
- ZIO, Http4s, Auth, Codecs and zio-test
- ZIO + Http4s: a simple API client
- Functional dependency injection in Scala using ZIO environments
- A simple integration test using Scala and ZIO
- Combining ZIO and Akka to enable distributed FP in Scala
- Error Handling in Functional Applications - from Monad Transformers to ZIO
- Make your program testable zio
- Combining ZIO and Akka to enable distributed FP in Scala
- Becoming a better functional programmer
- Wrapping impure code with ZIO
- How to use the same Test for different Implementations with ZIO
- John De Goes ZIO talk at Scala Russia 28.09.2019
- Concurrent programming in 2019: Akka, Monix or ZIO? - Adam Warski
- ZIO environment meets constructor-based dependency injection
- 5 pitfalls to avoid when starting to work with ZIO
- Happy eyeballs algorithm using ZIO
- 5 (more) pitfalls to avoid when starting to work with ZIO
- Building a Super Easy Rate Limiter with ZIO
- Make your own IO with context-scoped data on top of ZIO
- Creating a dead simple CountDownLatch with ZIO
- Spring to ZIO 101
- Migrating ZIO environment from RC-17 to RC-18
- ZIO for IntelliJ
- Testing Background Process With ZIO
- Moving From Kotlin + Spring Reactor + Arrow to Scala + ZIO
- How to write a command-line application with ZIO
- zio layers and framework integration
- Managing dependencies using ZIO
- Opening the fridge with ZIO
- Happy eyeballs live-coding using ZIO by Adam Warski: Scala in the City - YouTube
- Refactoring Functional Type Classes
- ZIO와 ZPure 관련 Adam Fraser가 디스코드에 답변한 내용. 거칠게 요약하면 ZIO에서 IO나 동시성 관련 내용을 뺀 타입
- Functional Effects with ZIO - Aleksandar Skrbic
- Combining Purely Functional Property Based and Docker Integration Tests in ZIO | by Arjun Dhawan | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Live Coding a Concurrent Web Crawler - John Ⓐ De Goes - YouTube
- An Introduction to Functional Design – John A De Goes
- 5 lessons learned from my continuing awesome journey with ZIO | by Natan Silnitsky | Wix Engineering | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- An Introduction to ZIO Kafka
- Apache Kafka and ZIO. This article will explain why you want… | by Aleksandra Holubitska | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- How To Implement Streaming Microservices Using ZIO and Kafka
- Using ZIO Kafka with offset storage in Postgres for transactional processing | by Marek Kadek | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- ZIO Kafka with Scala: A Tutorial - YouTube
- Production-grade Microservices with ZIO by Itamar Ravid - YouTube
- Using Aspects To Transform Your Code With ZIO Environment - YouTube
- How to Use Thread.sleep Without Blocking on the JVM thread.sleep, project loom, ScheduledExecutorService, zio.sleep
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Leo Benkel, Enhancing Spark's Power with ZIO - YouTube
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Salar Rahmanian, Acting Lessons for Scala Engineers with Akka and ZIO - YouTube
- The Coralogix Operator: A Tale of ZIO and Kubernetes – Coralogix
- Functional Legacy - How to Incorporate ZIO In Your Legacy Services by Natan Silnitsky - YouTube
- Ep 11: Search Hacker News with ZIO and magic - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - ZIO Runtime System by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - Execution Tracing by Rob Walsh - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - Blocking by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- ZIO World - Panel Discussion - YouTube
- 1st Zymposium - Building an App with ZIO - YouTube
- ZIO Profiler by Maxim Schuwalow - YouTube
- 2nd Zymposium - Adam Fraser, Kit Langton & Tushar Mathur - YouTube
- I Can Has? (And So Can You!) — Exploring ZIO's Has Type - YouTube
- A ZIO cheatsheet | alvinalexander.com
- The ZIO of the Future by John De Goes - YouTube
- Zymposium - Full Stack Development (Part 1) - YouTube
- Zymposium - Full Stack Development (Part 2) - YouTube
- Zymposium - Variance - YouTube
- Zymposium - Proto-Quill Release Party - YouTube
- Zymposium — Smart Assertions - YouTube
- Zymposium — Integrating the learning from TypeScript in designing a ZIO powered by Scala 3 - YouTube
- Zymposium - ZIO Flow - YouTube
- Zymposium — Full Stack Frontend - YouTube
- Zymposium — Type-Level Sets - YouTube
- Part 1 - What is ZIO and should you learn it? - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 2 -
ZIO[_, _, Success]
- Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube - Part 3 -
ZIO[_, Error, _]
& Variance - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube - Part 4 -
ZIO[Env, _, _]
- Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube - Part 5 - ZIO.access - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 6 - zio.Has - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 7 - ZLayer - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 8 - ZLayer DSL - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 9 - Effect Tracking - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 10 - core & persistence - TF to ZIO (The Big Rewrite) - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 11 - delivery & main - TF to ZIO (The Big Rewrite) - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Part 12 - http4s & skunk - TF to ZIO (The Big Rewrite) - Getting Started with #ZIO in #Scala3 - YouTube
- ZIO News - Issue #28 | Revue
- Organizing Services with ZIO and ZLayers - Rock the JVM Blog
- Home | Ziverge
- A Preview of Logging in ZIO 2.0
- Advances In The ZIO 2.0 Scheduler
- Where the ZIO Roadmap is Headed Next | Capital One 2.0
- Building Next Gen Applications on JVM with ZIO | Capital One
- on tf and zio in 2021.md
- ZIO from Scratch — Part 1 - YouTube
- Next Generation Operations with ZIO — Adam Fraser - YouTube
- Jan Nasiadka interview questions about ZIO
- Introduction to ZIO | Baeldung on Scala
- Experts Share Why They Choose ZIO Scala Library
- ZIO environment: episode 3
- building a ZIO app from scratch with Adam Fraser - YouTube
- Zero-to-ZIO | Alteration x10
- About capture checking. in scala 3 | by Oleg Nizhnik | Feb, 2022 | Medium
- Fibers
- Background processing in functional Scala #1 - YouTube
- Background processing in functional Scala #2 - YouTube
- Functional Effect systems in Sclala: Build your own ZIO/Cats-Effect/Monix... | Wix Engineering
- fibers.md
- How to successfully manage a ZIO Fiber’s lifecycle | by Natan Silnitsky | Wix Engineering | May, 2021 | Medium
- Scala with ZIO: Introduction to Fibers - YouTube
- ZIO: Introduction to Fibers - Rock the JVM Blog
- gRPC
- ZIO-AWS ZIO-AWS with ZIO Query
- zio-config
- zio-json: Fast, secure JSON library with tight ZIO integration
- zio-k8s
- ZIO Prelude · Next Generation Functional Abstractions For Scala
- zio-properties: A ZIO alternative to Spring Properties
- ZIO Schema Zymposium - ZIO Schema - YouTube
- ZIO stream
- Speeding up time with Zio TestClock
- Simulating IoT Events - with Zio Streams
- Building the Death Star with ZIO Stream
- Write a simple message processing pipeline using ZIO Streams
- A Tour of ZIO Streams - YouTube
- Functional Scala - Modern Data Driven Applications with ZIO Streams by Itamar Ravid - YouTube
- ZIO sttp Mocking endpoints with ZIO sttp – pierangeloc.github.io
- ZIO stream
- ZIO Telemetry · ZIO-powered OpenTelemetry library
- ZIO test
- ZIO World
- #zioworld - YouTube
- ZIO World - ZIO HTTP - YouTube
- Introducing ZIO Http. Introducing ZIO Http | by Tushar Mathur | Mar, 2021 | Dream11 Engineering
- ZIO World - ZIO Kafka - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - ZIO ZMX - Development Testing, Deployment by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- ZIO WORLD - ZHub by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- ZLayer
- Zparkio - Boiler plate framework to use Spark and ZIO together
- ZScheduler ZIO WORLD - ZScheduler by Adam Fraser - YouTube
- sort
- Stream
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 36 - What is a #Stream?
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 37 - Are #Streams a full-blown paradigm?
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 38 - Testing Streams
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 39 - Stream.filter Evaluation Leak
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 40 - The #unfold Truth about Streams
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 41 - Stream.End & What's Next?
- "Scala Streams to the Extreme" at #scaladays 2019
- Streaming all the way with ZIO, Doobie, Quill, http4s and fs2 - Juliano Alves
- Jakub Kozłowski—A Sky Full of Streams - YouTube
- String
- padTo scala - How to convert an Int to a String of a given length with leading zeros to align? - Stack Overflow
- Reduce, fold or scan (Left/Right)?
- Compression; String <-> Array[Byte]
- String Interpolation In Scala
- An Invitation From Scala String Interpolation
- Scala String Interpolation – TheCodersStop
- sys
- time
- trait
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sealed Traits in Scala
- practice - sealed trait - sealed class/companion object - final case class
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube sbt-errors-summary, ADT 사용을 위한 sealed trait, sealed trait 문제점 및 해결, scala3 enum
- Trait parameters in #Scala3 - a feature no one asked for? - YouTube
- Scala - Java 의 interface 의 가려운 부분을 긁어주는 trait
- Back2Basics: The Story of Trait
- Back2Basics: Limit which classes a Trait can be mixed into!
- Guide to Trait Linearisation in Scala
- Scala cake pattern Be simple, look stylish class에 ~Impl을 붙이는 예
- The Practical Difference between Abstract Classes and Traits in Scala
- tuple
- unapply
- underscore
- Using Scala Prof: Using: Did they forget something?
- Importance of Plugin-based Architecture on SCALA
- From Monolith to Microservice Architecture on Kubernetes
- Service architecture in Scala
- #Giter8 - Part 1 - Crash Course
- #Giter8 - Part 2 - Clean Architecture #SBT #Scala Template
- #Giter8 - Part 3 - Clean Architecture Use Case Scaffold
- 스칼라 시작하기
- 임백준의 아카 시작하기 : Akka 개념 잡기
- akka in actoin - livebook.manning.com/book/akka-in-action
- Best Scala Books: For Beginners & Experienced
- Creative Scala
- Essential Effects: a book for learning effectful programming in Scala cats effect
- fpinscala Code, exercises, answers, and hints to go along with the book "Functional Programming in Scala" http://manning.com/bjarnason
- Hands-on Scala Programming
- The Neophyte's Guide to Scala
- Modern Systems Programming with Scala Native Write Lean, High-Performance Code without the JVM
- Pure functional HTTP APIs in Scala
- Practical FP in Scala: A… by Gabriel Volpe
- Programming in Scala, Fifth Edition
- Programming Scala, Third Edition. New language version, new edition | by Dean Wampler | Oct, 2020 | Medium
- Scala Book: Free PDF, Mobi, and ePub versions
- Scala from Scratch: Exploration by Daniel Westheide
- Scala from Scratch: Understanding by Daniel Westheide
- Seriously Good Software
- Seriously Good Software 전반적인 설계 흐름을 볼 수 있는 슬라이드
- exercisesinstyle
- The Science of Functional Programming
- underscore.io ebook
- Thoughts on Recent Online-Only Conferences
- This is why you must join Scalar 2019
- reddit.com/r/ScalaConferenceVideos/new/
- Functional Scala London 2019: Day 1
- Lambda World 2019
- Scalabase 초보자 적합
- Scala Central at Expedia Group
- ScalaCon. A series of virtual conferences brought to you by Scala eXchange and Scala Days
- scalar-conf.com
- Scala Days
- ScalaIO - 2018
- Scala Love 2020
- ScalaMatsuri Submit your talks for ScalaMatsuri 2022! - ScalaMatsuri blog
- Scalapeño
- Keynote: The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War - John A. De Goes
- scala의 여러가지 문제점을 논함. 내부적으로 위기를 느끼나?
- Principled error handling - Beyond MonadError - Luka Jacobowitz
- Thinking Less with Scala - Daniel Sivan basic, implicit, cats.Monoid
- Keynote: The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War - John A. De Goes
- Scala UA
- TMWL September’19 — Scala with JDK8, toString() method and ASCI art on the type level
- TMWL October’19 — Scala Steward, DB index and a React hack
- TMWL March’20 — CNAMEs, data encryption, Scala book & extension to try
- Typelevel Summit Boston, March 2018
- SF Scala: Kiar - Key/Value store with MVCC based Transaction System By Sandeep Virdi - YouTube
- Scala로 만들어본 이름점
- Integrating Developer Experiences — The Build Server Protocol in the IntelliJ Scala plugin
- Using BSP effectively in IntelliJ and Scala | In Absentia BSP = Build Server Protocol
- IntelliJ Scala Plugin 2021.2 Is Out! | The Scala Plugin Blog
- The Top 100 Scala Libraries in 2015 – Based on 64,562 GitHub Libraries
- Top 15 Scala Libraries for Data Science in 2018
- Permutive Community Engineering, August 2019 cats, circe
- Permutive Community Engineering, September 2019 cats, circe
- Abstract Algebra for Scala https://twitter.com/scalding
- Scala macros to generate RESTful Models
- Use Scala Macros and Quasiquotes to Reduce Boilerplate | Toptal
- Exploring Scala Tooling ecosystem – Jeferson David Ossa 다양한 tool 소개
- tooling-talks: A monthly series of talks about tooling
- Top 15 Scala Libraries for Data Science in 2018
- Scala tooling in 2019
- Figuring out Scala functional programming libraries | by Krzysztof Atłasik | Mar, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- 7 Best Scala Frameworks & Libraries for Concurrency, Web Development, and Big Data to Learn in 2022 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Feb, 2022 | Medium
- airframe - Lightweight Building Blocks for Scala
- Ammonite enables shell-like scripting in the Scala programming language
- practice - randomObj
- Getting started with #Ammonite - A Modernized #Scala REPL
- Squeezing extra productivity out of Ammonite Scala REPL
- Scripting Library in Scala: Ammonite - DZone Java
- Porting Ammonite to Scala 3 #1 – Catching a Dotty bug & Porting the first module - YouTube
- Porting Ammonite to Scala 3 #2 – To the Meat of the Matter - YouTube
- Porting Ammonite to Scala 3 #3 – How does Ammonite actually work? - YouTube
- atto - a compact, pure-functional, incremental text parsing library for Scala
- Avast
- Baker - a library that reduces the effort to orchestrate (micro)service-based process flows
- better-monadic-for - A Scala compiler plugin to give patterns and for-comprehensions the love they deserve
- blockchain-rpc - JSON RPC client for Bitcoin, Ethereum and Omni
- Bloop - a Scala build server. Compile, test and run Scala fast
- caliban - Functional GraphQL backend in Scala https://ghostdogpr.github.io/caliban
- GraphQL in Scala with Caliban — Part 1: Turn a simple API into GraphQL
- GraphQL in Scala with Caliban — Part 2: Query optimization
- GraphQL in Scala with Caliban — Part 3: Customization
- Caliban Client: a type-safe GraphQL Client for Scala and Scala.js
- Caliban: Functional GraphQL Library for Scala by Pierre Ricadat - YouTube
- Capacitor Cross-Platform Mobile dev with Scala and Capacitor | by Antoine Doeraene | Geek Culture | Jul, 2021 | Medium
- Cats - Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming
- Cats - An Introduction to Cats
- Cats - A new library for functional programming in Scala
- LambdaConf 2015 - Cats — A Fresh Look at Functional Programming in Scala Mike Stew O'Connor
- herding cats scalaz에서 cats로 대세
- Meow! Start using Cats in your project right now
- Scala with Cats Book
- Advanced Scala with Cats Course
- 9 tips about using cats in Scala you might want to know
- Adopting Cats - Ron Aharoni
- Scala — cats nice tricks and fun
- Marvels of functional programming: Launching Iron man with monads - Voxxed Days Singapore 2019
- Optional Actions
- Functors — From Category Theory into Cats
- Kleisli Category — From theory to Cats
- Either, Validated, and Parallel
- Why Parallel
- Cats 2.0 migration guide
- The Traverse type class in Cats - Scala tutorial
- Fuck yeah type erasure
- A Scala “functional programming style” To-Do List application written with Cats
- Describing State in FP Scala
- Guide to Data Validation with Scala and Cats
- Towards more functional Play — Part 1
- Towards more functional Play — Part 2
- Hack: How to Use Scala Futures with Cats IO
- Real World Cats
- Data Juggling - Part 6 - Introduction to #Cats (Functional Error Handling - Part 1)
- Data Juggling - Part 7 - Applicative vs Monadic Styles (Functional Error Handling - Part 2)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 1 (Introduction)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 2 (Monoids and Semigroups)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 3 (Functors)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 4 (Monads)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기(하다보니 번역급) Chapter 5 (Monad Transformers)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기 Chapter 6 (Semigroupal and Applicative)
- scala with cats 책 읽으면서 필기 Chapter 7 (Foldable and Traverse)
- "#Scala with Cats" Review - YouTube
- Idiomatic Error Handling in Scala - Rock the JVM Blog Either, Try, Validated
- Addendum to Alex N's blog post on Scala warnings
- Cats Concurrency basics with Ref and Deferred - SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- example - Union Find
- Retry Failing Tasks with Cats and Scala - Alexandru Nedelcu
- Introduction to Scala Cats — Part 1 | by Omer Arshad | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Implicit scope and Cats
- The Parallel typeclass in Cats - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Managing Database Migrations in Scala - Alexandru Nedelcu MySQL
- Scala Cats Contravariant Functors | by Krzysztof Grajek | Feb, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Pure Functional Stream processing in Scala: Cats and Akka – Part 1 – Mihai Safta
- Pure Functional Stream processing in Scala: Cats and Akka – Part 2 - Mihai Safta
- Scala Cats Invariant Functor | by Krzysztof Grajek | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- herding cats — herding cats
- Cats with Scala: Essential Type Class Hierarchy - YouTube
- (re)constructing sequences with Alternative - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Cats Effect · The pure asynchronous runtime for Scala
- Cats Effect 3.0 Interruption Model Proposal
- Cats Effect 3.0 Proposal
- Cats Effect 3 by Daniel Spiewak - YouTube
- A rate-limiter in 15 lines of code with cats-effect
- Cats Effect Ref
- Time traveling in tests with Cats Effect
- cats-effect at ce3
- Circuit Breaker Pattern with Cats Effect | by Hiroki Fujino | Level Up Coding
- concurrency-in-scala-with-ce: Introduction to concepts of asynchronous and concurrent programming in Scala, based on cats-effect library
- Typelevel.scala | Concurrency in Cats Effect 3
- My Hakyll Blog - Polymorphic Effects in Scala
- My Hakyll Blog - Threading best practices in Cats Effect
- Intro to Cats-Effect (Gavin Bisesi) - YouTube
- SF Scala: Essential Effects By Adam Rosien - YouTube
- Typelevel.scala | Why Are Fibers Fast?
- Using Cats Effect Resource in Non-Functional Contexts · Horace Williams
- Fire-and-Forget in Cats Effect
- Cats Effect 3: Racing IOs (and Fibers) - YouTube
- Cats Effect 3 - Introduction to Fibers - Rock the JVM Blog
- Daniel Spiewak - Cats Effect 3 - YouTube
- Death of Blocker: blocking in Cats Effect 3 - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Migrating a functional app to Cats Effect 3 - Scala tutorial - YouTube
- Cats: Essential Type Class Hierarchy, Explained - Rock the JVM Blog
- Programs as Values, Part I : Intro & Compositionality
- Programs as Values, Part II : Doing & Being
- Programs as Values, Part III: Explicit Control Flow cats.effetcs.IO
- herding cats — Effect system
- Supervisor | Background processing in functional Scala #3 - YouTube
- The Cats Effect 3 Course for Scala Developers | Rock the JVM
- A practical guide to error handling in Scala Cats and Cats Effect
- Cats MTL
- Cats Parse
- SF Scala: Introduction to Cats Parse By Jeff Lewis - YouTube
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube refined type, cats.parse
- cats-retry - A library for retrying actions that can fail
- Cats STM Announcing Cats STM 0.7.0
- Semigroup Kittens High on Catnip - Squeaky Clean Type Class Derivation in Scala | by Kiril Yurovnik | Riskified Technology | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Chimney - Scala library for boilerplate-free data transformations
- com-lihaoyi
- config - configuration library for JVM languages using HOCON files
- Coursier
- Cryptoaudit - a collection of tools that enables auditing system in a secure and publicly verificable way
- cs Single command Scala setup - Alex Archambault
- curiodb - Distributed & Persistent Redis Clone built with Scala & Akka
- Diffy - Find potential bugs in your services with Diffy https://twitter.com/diffyproject
- Ducttape - a workflow management system for researchers who heart unix
- eff - Extensible effects are an alternative to monad transformers for computing with effects in a functional way
- Free Monad보다 모나드 합성에서 편하다고 하는 Freer Monad 기반의 라이브러리
- ENSIME - Enhanced Scala and java Interaction Mode for text Editors
- etcd4s - Scala etcd client implementing V3 APIs
- Finagle - A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
- flip - Fast and lightweight probability tools for a dataset and a data stream
- Flog: a functional logger for Scala | by Robin Hillyard | May, 2021 | Medium
- fs2 - Compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala https://fs2.io
- Intro to Functional Streams for Scala (FS2)
- Intro to Functional Streams for Scala (FS2) - Part 2: Chunks & Pipes
- Intro to FS2 - Part 3: Concurrency
- A streaming library with a superpower: FS2 and functional programming
- Where is the llama for FS2?
- Scala application lifecycle, from pure Scala to FS2
- Basic streams and combinators in fs2 - Scala tutorial
- Finite-State Machines + FS2 streams: A match made in heaven • gvolpe's blog
- FS2: Typed Functional Streams in Scala - YouTube
- FS2 Kafka · Functional Kafka Streams for Scala
- kebab-case: No leftovers: Working with pulls in fs2- overview
- Fugue: Unifying Spark and Non-Spark Ecosystems for Big Data Analytics - YouTube
- Funnel - a distributed monitoring system based on a lightweight streaming protocol
- gallia-core/README.md at master · galliaproject/gallia-core · GitHub
- graphql4s - Another GraphQL interpreter for Scala based on specification graphql/draft
- Hamsters - A mini Scala utility library. Compatible with functional programming beginners. For the JVM and Scala.js
- IxiaS 開発者はCTO衣笠。プロダクト共通のScalaのコア技術「IxiaS」をOSS化!
- Izumi Project
- JNA4Scala
- just-fp - A small Functional Programming library
- KeystoneML - Machine Learning Pipeline
- Kryo
- lagom - The opinionated microservices framework for moving away from the monolith
- Metals - Scala language server with rich IDE features
- Happy Life With #Scala #Metals
- Implementing a server for the Language Server Protocol
- A Dive into Configuring Metals · Metals
- A Metals Retrospective (Part 1) · Metals
- SF Scala: A Metals Retrospective By Chris Kipp - YouTube
- What I learned from using #Scala #Metals for 2 years! - YouTube
- #Scala #Metals with Multiple Roots in a Workspace - YouTube
- Metascala - A JVM written in Scala
- MinIO MinIO object storage scala client
- modux: Lightweight microservice server for Scala
- Mu provides the ability to combine RPC protocols, services, and clients in your Scala program gRPC
- nscala-time - A new Scala wrapper for Joda Time. This project forked from scala-time since it seems that scala-time is no longer maintained
- Number: This project is about numbers and their mathematics
- OpenRTB Open-sourcing the first OpenRTB Scala framework
- orchestrator4s: Simple library to orchestrate yours applications easily
- Otoroshi - a layer of lightweight api management on top of a modern http reverse proxy written in Scala
- panopticon-tui - Terminal UI observability and diagnostic tool for Scala applications
- Polynote, The Next Jupyter?
- prox - A Scala library for working with system processes
- ratelimiter4s - Rate limiter library designed for Scala
- ReactiveX - An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams
- requests-scala: A Scala port of the popular Python Requests HTTP client: flexible, intuitive, and straightforward to use
- Sangria - Scala GraphQL Implementation
- sca.la - This is an URL shortener for the Scala community
- scala audio file - Minimal Scala library to process audio files
- ScalaCache: A Caching Library To Rule Them All | Baeldung on Scala
- Scala CLI | Scala CLI
- Scalafix - Refactoring and linting tool for Scala
- scalafmt
- Scalameter - Automate your performance testing today
- scala-native: Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal
- Scala Native Api for Linux
- scala-native-access
- Scala Native on WSL2 – Scala for Cybersecurity
- Implementing an event-driven HTTP server with Scala Native
- SCALA NATIVE Your favourite language gets closer to bare metal
- Scala goes Native
- Welcome to Scala Native
- 스칼라 네이티브 사용자 가이드. 스칼라는 함수형 프로그래밍 언어이면서 동시에 객체지향적인 특징을 함께… | by Out of Bedlam | Medium
- Revisiting Scala Native performance | by Wojciech Mazur | VirtusLab | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- An introduction to Scala Native | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- scala-parser-combinators
- ScalaPB - translates Protocol Buffers to Scala case classes
- scala-pre-commit-hooks - Pre-commit/Pre-push hooks for Scala
- ScalaPy - Use Python libraries from the comfort of Scala | ScalaPy
- ScalaReplDocCommands: Commands to see Scaladoc and source code in the Scala REPL
- scala steward - A robot that helps you keeping your Scala projects up-to-date
- ScalaTags
- scala-time - Basic Scala utilities allowing for easier use of java.time APIs
- ScaleChain - A customizable blockchain implementation for private blockchains
- scalding
- ScalikeJDBC Just write SQL and get things done!
- ScalaMock: macros strike back
- Scorex - Ultra-compact cryptocurrency engine for hacking around within just 4K lines of Scala code
- shapeless - Generic programming for Scala
- Shapeless : not a tutorial - part 1
- Shapeless : not a tutorial - part 2
- Interlude: a simple type-level state machine
- Learning Materials for generic & dependent programming using shapeless
- The Type Astronaut's Guide to Shapeless—Dave Gurnell
- The Shape(less) of Type Class Derivation in Scala 3
- How (not) to use shapeless for cross-layer conversions in Scala
- Seriously Good Software Ch 3 Exercise 3 (with cats and shapeless) state monad version
- Mike Limansky - From Scala 2 shapeless to Scala 3
- Slinky Slinky 0.6.0: The One With Hooks
- specs2 - software specification for scala
- spray.io
- Squants Data Juggling - Part 11 - Getting Started with #Squants
- sttp — an open-source library with simple, type-safe API for defining HTTP requests
- sttp - The Scala HTTP client you always wanted! https://softwaremill.com/open-source
- Websockets in Scala using sttp
- sttp2: an overview of proposed changes
- What’s coming up in sttp client 3? | by Adam Warski | Sep, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- sttp client 3 is here!. What’s new in the latest stable release… | by Adam Warski | Jan, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- sttp-oauth2 OAuth2 Scala application with sttp-oauth2, part 1 - Dev notes
- Syto - Digital Signal Processing library for Scala
- teleport-scala A native CLI in Scala to quickly move through the filesystem
- Toggle4s - Feature toggle managing service with etcd backend
- Torque is now Scala - Fast, simple and secure
- Wayeb: Wayeb is a Complex Event Processing and Forecasting (CEP/F) engine written in Scala
- whatsub: A tool for subtitles - conversion and resync
- wire-signals: A small and effective event-handling library for Scala reactive
- A quick tour of build tools in Scala
- Mill - your shiny new Java/Scala build tool
- How to create Build Pipelines in Scala
- Scala/Mill: Step 1, Creating a new Mill project | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 2, Using ScalaTest with Mill | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 3, Adding Multiple Dependencies | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 4, Specifying a Main Class in build.sc | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 5, Specifying a Main Class in the REPL | alvinalexander.com
- Scala/Mill: Step 6, Creating a Fat Jar (assembly) | alvinalexander.com
- Li Haoyi – Mill: a Build Tool based on Pure Functional Programming - YouTube
- Comparing Scala relational database access libraries
- An intro to writing native DB driver in Scala | by Marek Kadek | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- Using oracles to test the service and data layer
- quill - Free/Libre Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala
- renesca - Scala library for the Neo4j REST API
- Skinny-ORM
- skunk: A data access library for Scala + Postgres
- slick - Functional Relational Mapping for Scala
- scala-slick.org
- Essential Slick
- Slick 2 Examples: Querying and Modifying Data
- What we learned from using Slick
Caused by: slick.SlickException: Read NULL value for ResultSet column <computed>
- DB에 column은 있지만, 기본 값이 없고, NULL로 되어 있는 경우 값을 가져와 사용하려고 하면 발생
- Option[]의 형태로 해결해보려고 했으나 실패
- Composable table updates in Slick
- Database migration using Slick made easy – „Scala-Forklift“
- Scala as backend language. Tips, tricks and pain slick의 단점을 지적한 글. 속 시원함
- 스칼라 Slick 오류 처리
- Scala Tutorial: Create CRUD with Slick and MySQL
- Slick (3) – connection pool
- Best Practices for Using Slick on Production
- Scala Slick 3: How to Start, an Opinionated Guide
- Scala and Slick - An Introduction
- Lightbend Slick: Five do's and don'ts
- Architecting a flexible and purely functional Scala back-end using Slick and Tagless Final
- Playing With Scala - Slick | Philippe’s Blog
- Storing date and time into MySQL using Slick/Scala - Stack Overflow
- slick-pg - Slick extensions for PostgreSQL
- Http4s, Doobie and Circe: The Functional Web Stack
- Up and Running with the Typelevel Stack
- Functional Web Stack: Http4s + Doobie
- Stack Http4s + Circe + Doobie
- finch - a thin layer of purely functional basic blocks atop of Finagle for building composable HTTP APIs
- http4s - Typeful, functional, streaming HTTP for Scala
- http4s코딩 아주 약간 (2018-05-18) 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live
- http4s: Pure, Typeful, Functional HTTP in Scala
- http4s: from Cats to ZIO
- Type-Safe REST services in Scala with Http4s & Cats-IO
- Building Functional Web Services with Scala & http4s (Part 1): Hello World - YouTube
- Building Functional Web Services with Scala & http4s (Part 2): Starting our Recipe Service - YouTube
- Http4s Scala Tutorial: Writing an HTTP Server with Purely Functional Scala - YouTube
- http4s-netty
- meow-mtl
- scala-server-toolkit - Functional programming toolkit for building server applications in Scala
- tapir, or Typed API descRiptions
- Describe, then interpret: HTTP endpoints using tapir
- tapir: Yet another way to REST
- Tapir codecs get an update
- Defining the server logic for an endpoint: three approaches
- Designing tapir’s WebSockets support | by Adam Warski | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Tapir vs Endpoints4s - The battle of the endpoints definition!
- Ditching the blueprint: towards a code-first approach to API management | by Andrea Fiore | lenses.io | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Type driven API development using Scala and Tapir | by Andrea Fiore | lenses.io | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Tapir serverless: a proof of concept | by Adam Warski | Mar, 2021 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Security improvements in tapir 0.19
- Web Framework Benchmarks - JSON serialization
- Toward a polyglot James server…
- json serialization때문에 java -> scala로 바꾼 이야기
- json > Map
- GSON - A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
- json > Map
- String to Json
- circe - Yet another JSON library for Scala https://circe.github.io/circe
- Migrate a service getting 200KQPS from Jackson to Circe
- Permutive Community Engineering, October 2019
- Hacking with scala circe-json
- #circe - Part 1 - Introduction to working with #JSON in #Scala
- #circe - Part 2 - #JSON Codecs
- #circe - Part 3.1 - Integrations & Extras (refined, lightbend config, fs2, http4s and Scala.js)
- #circe - Part 3.2 - Integrations & Extras (refined, lightbend config, fs2, http4s and Scala.js)
- #circe - Part 4 - Golden Testing
- Parsing JSON with Circe — Beyond the Basics | by Edward Huang | Level Up Coding
- Working with JSON in Scala, a Circe Crash Course - YouTube
- spray-json - A lightweight, clean and simple JSON implementation in Scala
- Not Functional Logging context (p. I)
- Not Functional Logging context (p. II)
- Why I Wrote A Logging Library
- airframe-log is a library for enhancing your Scala application logging with colors and source code locations
- Logback - intended as a successor to the popular log4j project
- LogStage - a zero-cost structural logging framework for Scala & Scala.js
- Scala Logging - a convenient and fast logging library wrapping SLF4J
- scribe - Practical logging framework that doesn't require any other logging framework and can be completely configured programmatically
- Functional references: Lens and other Optics in Scala
- Lessons Learned Building a Van Laarhoven Lens Library
- An Intuition for Optics
- More Intuition on Optics
- Monocle - Optics library for Scala
- State of Monocle
- Monocle 3.x
- Data Juggling - Part 2 - Homegrown #Lenses (#Monocle - Part 1)
- Data Juggling - Part 3 - Optics Explained (#Monocle - Part 2)
- Data Juggling - Part 4 - #Quicklens (#Monocle - Part 3)
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Julien Truffaut, Monocle 3: a peek into the future - YouTube
- Monocle 3 Roadmap | fp-tower blog
- 8 Frameworks to Build A Web API In Scala
- Simple Web and Api Servers with Scala
- Bootzooka!
- Cask: a Scala HTTP micro-framework
- Finatra
- Play
- The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with the Play Framework
- Play 2.4 - A sneak peek
- How to Play at Work - A Play Framework Tutorial
- ReactJS Tutorial with Play, Scala and WebJars
- Play Framework: async I/O without the thread pool and callback hell
- hamait.tistory.com/category/PlayFramework2
- Understanding Play2 Iteratees for Normal Humans
- APIs and Microservices with Scala and Play
- Full Stack Scala with the Play Framework and Scala.js by Greg Dorrell
- Play Scala with maven
- Open heart surgery on Play Framework
- Slim Play App
- Play 2 Scala, React.js,GraphQL- Part 1
- Functional tests with Scala, SBT, Play framework, Specs2 and one application per test suite
- Play 2.6에서 달라진 점
- practice - parameter가 22개 이상인 경우의 json de/sereialize
- How to write implicit Writes for case class having more than 22 fields in Scala?
- Parsing json with over 22 fields with case classes
- Implement support for > 22 field case classes in macros
- Play json > tuple 21 macros
- Play-Json extensions
- practice - sealed trait - sealed class/companion object - final case class + json de/serialization
- Play Framework using Scala - YouTube
- Implementing Authentication on Play Framework
- Play framework, Slick and MySQL Tutorial
- Play 2.1에 Slick 연동하기 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- Proxied Streaming Uploads with Scala/Play
- Scala Play Framework - YouTube
- Full Stack Scala with the Play Framework and Scala.js by Greg Dorrell - YouTube
- Scala Play Framework 2.6 Quick Start - YouTube
- Restful Services with the Play Framework, MySQL, and a Security Level with JWT by Mercedes Wyss - YouTube
- Play Framework Tutorials - YouTube
- Reactive Architecture with Play, Akka, and Scala - Henrik Engstrom (Typesafe) - YouTube
- Build and Secure APIs with Scala and the Play Framework
- How to build REST API With Scala Play Framework
- Building a Simple REST API with Scala & Play! (Part 1) - SPR
- Scala, Play and MySQL Integration Template | AnyChart
- Building a REST API in Scala with Play Framework | Baeldung on Scala
- Notes about loading configuration Examples for Play Framework and Spring Boot | wiringbits
- Play restful API with DB
- Anorm, simple SQL data access | Anorm
- Scalatra
- Monad Programming with Scala Future
- Arrows, Monads and Kleisli
- ScalaSyd 40 - 1. Functor, Apply, Applicative, Bind and Monad by Oliver Daff (Sep 2015)
- Deriving the Free Monad
- Scala Monads: Declutter Your Code With Monadic Design
- How to write composable functions and correct programs
- Functional Composition And The Kleisli (Scala Exchange 2018 Talk) - YouTube
- A Guide to Scala Collections: Exploring Monads in Scala Collections
- A roadtrip with monads: from MTL, through tagless, to BIO - Paweł Szulc
- 38 lines of code towards better data validation in Scala monad transformers, type classes, tagless final
- Final Tagless seen alive
- Freer doesn’t come for free
- Marvels of functional programming: Composing effects with monads
- Monads do not compose Functor와 Applicative는 합성 가능. Monad는 합성 불가능
- Journey into the IO Monad (Part 1)
- Journey into the IO Monad (Part 2)
- Journey to the IO Monad (Part 3.1)
- Understanding IO Monad in Scala
- The Making of an IO - Daniel Spiewak
- Recursion pitfalls in IO monads and how to avoid them - YouTube
- 3 Layer Scala Cake
- Composing functions with Reader monad
- Dependency injection with Reader Monad in Scala
- scale.bythebay.io: Adelbert Chang, The Functor, Applicative, Monad talk
- What's the Point of Applicative?
- What's Ap?
- Scala의 모나드(Monad)에 대한 정리
- What is a #Monad? In 60 seconds! - YouTube
- Asynchronous Programming and Monad Transformers in Scala
- Monad Transformers aren’t hard!
- Monad Transformers and Cats MTL
- Monad transformers and cats. Monad transformers implemented in cats… | by Krzysztof Atłasik | Nov, 2020 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Monad Transformers – Orji Samuel
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 1
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 2
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 3
- One Div Zero: Monads are Elephants Part 4
- Ep 12: ReaderT is good for the environment - YouTube
- 2021 06 27 automatic-coloring-for-effects.md at master · rssh/notes
- Programming with Functions #8: Monads - YouTube
- Programming with Functions #9: Try, for-comprehensions, and monadic laws - YouTube
- Another Approach to Monads in Scala: A Way to Generalize Chained Computations - YouTube
- Monadic Resource Management in Scala :: Alberto Huélamo
- Free monad or tagless final? How not to commit to a monad too early - Adam Warski
- Structuring Functional Programs with Tagless Final
- Revisiting Tagless Final Interpreters
- Typed Tagless Final Interpreters
- Make your program testable
- Using Tagless Final with laws - Scala tutorial
- Bake your bread tagless-final style
- Tagless Final - Part 1 - What is Tagless Final? - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 2 - Introduction to the Expression Problem - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 3 - If only we had a crystal ball! 🔮 - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 4.1 - Power to the Interpreters! ✊ - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 4.2 - Why The F[_] - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 5 - core (The Big Rewrite - Part 1) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 6 - persistence (The Big Rewrite - Part 2) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 7 - delivery (The Big Rewrite - Part 3) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 8.1 - main (The Big Rewrite - Part 4.1) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 8.2 - main (The Big Rewrite - Part 4.2) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 9 - persistence-postgres-skunk (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 10 - main-postgres-skunk (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 11 - main-http-http4s (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 12 - delivery-http-http4s (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 13 - parse, don't validate (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 14 - wait, don't fold (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - 4 error channel encodings (Error Handling - Part 1) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - 4 error channel encodings (Error Handling - Part 2) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 15.1 - trust, but verify (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Tagless Final - Part 15.2 - trust, but verify (The Big Rewrite) - YouTube
- Scala 3 - TF related improvements (mostly #implicits) - YouTube
- Upgrade your Tagless Final with Tofu - I'm Pavels, welcome!
- The Death of Tagless Final by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- The Tagless Final Pattern in Scala | Baeldung on Scala
- Tagless Final in Scala: A Practical example | Juan Pablo Royo Sales
- About those Monoids
- Algebird - Abstract Algebra for Scala
- Monoids
- Monadic IO: Laziness Makes You Free
- Monoidal Parsing—Edward Kmett
- Simplicity in Composition—Adelbert Chang
- Leveraging Monoids for More Powerful Summarization
- Monoid in the Category of Endofunctors
- What are monoids and how to use them - Scala tutorial
- Homegrown #Scala Collections - Part 35.1 - Monoids and Basic Group Theory
- So you want to compose some functions
- Semigroups and Monoids in Scala - YouTube
- Kit Langton - Troll Driven Development: Implementing Functional Effects by Way of Self-Lobotomy - YouTube
- Monads are Monoids in the Category of Endofunctors - a Scala 3 Journey, No Psychobabble - YouTube
- scalablitz
- #sbt Tutorial - Part 1 - YouTube
- #sbt Tutorial - Part 2 - YouTube
- classpaths
- Customizing paths
- Library dependencies
- Configure and use logging e.g.
sbt --debug compile
- sbt the easy way
- How to set heap size for sbt?
- e.g.
c:\Program Files (x86)/sbt/conf/sbtconfig.txt
- e.g.
- How to use sbt from behind proxy?
SBT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=9999 * -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=9999" sbt
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttp.proxyPort=9999 * -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxyhost -Dhttps.proxyPort=9999" sbt
- How to include an external jar file into the jar with package?
- 스칼라 어플리케이션은 어떻게 빌드&디플로이 할까?
- Code Quality를 높여주는 SBT 플러그인 (2018-04-20)
- kevin sbt 플러그인
- Sub-project management via sbt
- running sbt on Docker
- The basics of the build.sbt
- Scala sbt Project Directory Walkthrough
- Switching sbt Sub-projects easily with sbt-project-switcher
- How I set up all my #SBT projects
- Automate SOAP client auto-generation routines with WSDL import for SBT and Scala
- Rock your sbt build time: Understand how sbt works
- Cross-compiling In Scala
- How-to run tests in parallel with sbt
- SBT for the absolute beginner 1 (Basics and dependency Management)
- Compiling Scala Faster with GraalVM
- Tidying up your SBT file with Scala
- Monorepo or Multirepo? Role-Based Repositories
terminal의 sbt와 달리 intelliJ의 sbt shell에서 build.sbt의 --add-export compiler option이 동작하지 않을 때 사용했더니 동작함. 추가 확인 필요- scala개발시 sbt build때 GZIPInputStream: java.util.zip.ZipException: Not in GZIP format 에러나는 경우 해결책
- sbt scala version mismatch - sbt에서 사용하는 scala version이 command line의 scala와 맞지 않을 때
- cached compilation for sbt
- Mirco Dotta—Crack Open Sbt and Master your Build Times - YouTube
- 현프 3-2 스칼라 패키지 관리자 sbt 고찰 : 클리앙
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube scala.jfro.io scala3
- My Dos and Donts in sbt Build Definitions
- Different Ways to Package a Simple Scala Application | Baeldung on Scala SBT Assembly, SBT Native Packager, Jlink, SBT ProGuard, Scala-CLI
- maven2sbt | maven2sbt
- sbt-bintray: fresh packages delivered from your sbt console
- sbt-bintray-remote-cache remote caching sbt builds with Bintray | eed3si9n
- sbt-ci-release auto publish sbt plugin from Travis CI | eed3si9n
- sbt-coursier - ensures one's dependencies are fetched via coursier rather than by sbt itself, that relies on its own custom version of Ivy
- sbt-errors-summary: sbt plugin to show a summary of compilation messages
- sbt-jmh - "Trust no one, bench everything." - sbt plugin for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)
- sbt-make allows sbt build and plugin authors to write tasks that transform project source files into output files
- sbt-native-packager attempts to make building packages for different operating systems easier
- sbt-projectmatrix
- sbt-rewarn Life with fatal warnings | Roman Timushev
- sbt-sonatype: Blazingly Fast Release to Sonatype
- sbt-strict-update enforcing Semantic Versioning with sbt-strict-update | eed3si9n
- sbt-thank-you-stars: Give your dependencies stars on GitHub!
- sbt-yourkit
- sbt-version-policy: Compatibility checks for your dependencies
- sudori an experimental sbt written using Scala 3
- WartRemover: a flexible scala linter
javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.5")
javac options cannot be blindly passed to javadoc
- practice - extension method & typeclass
- Scala 3 - YouTube
- A Tour of Scala 3 - Martin Odersky
- A quiet, attractive new programming language (Scala 3)
- A Beginner's Guide to Scala 3.0 - Knoldus Blogs
- Scala 3 Hello, world!
- Scala 3: What’s Changed Since Scala 3.0.0 | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Sep, 2021 | Medium
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 1: metaprogramming – inline
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 2: extension methods
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 3: type classes
- Learn myself some Scala 3, episode 4: strict equality
- TMWL Dec’19 — Scala 3 overview, Scala hacks and DevOps hints
- Scala 3에서 가장 마음에 드는 기능
- Scala 3 migration guide
- Scala 3 Migration guide · An evolving guide to support the migration to Scala 3
- Kind Projector Migration | Scala 3 Migration Guide | Scala Documentation
- GOTO 2020 • Kotlin 4 vs. Scala 3 • Garth Gilmour & Eamonn Boyle
- Starting with Scala 3 macros: a short tutorial
- Publish Scala 2 and Scala 3 macros together · MUnit
- TASTY way of (re)writing macros in Scala 3 | by Kacper Korban | VirtusLab | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 macros tips & tricks
- Scala 3: Macros. Last time I introduced one of the new… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jul, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 inline and macros community census - Language Design / Macros - Scala Contributors
- Announcing the Moving from Scala 2 to Scala 3 course – Lunatech
- #Opaque types in #Scala 2 and 3 - YouTube
- Scala 3: Opaque Types | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Get more clarity with opaque types by Magda Stożek - YouTube
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube opaque type
- Opaque Type Alias in Scala 3 | Baeldung on Scala
- Paying homage to the Compall-Michael pattern, and anticipating Scala 3 Opaque Types
- Annoying things in Scala 2 that’ll be (mostly) gone in Scala 3 | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Scala 3: Enums | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Let’s Talk About the Scala 3 Indentation - Rock the JVM Blog
- Explicit term inference with Scala 3 | The Scala Programming Language
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Genericioust of Them All? - Generic Programming with Scala 3 - Philipp Martini
- Given and Using Clauses in Scala 3 | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Forward Compatibility for the Scala 3 Transition | The Scala Programming Language
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Genericioust of Them All? - Generic Programming with Scala 3 - Philipp Martini
- What’s New in Scala 3?. A new compiler, creator applications… | by Akash Srivastava | Better Programming | Nov, 2020 | Medium
- Quill, Dotty, And The Awesome Power of 'Inline' by Alexander Ioffe - YouTube
- Scala 3: A Look at “inline” (and “Programming Scala” is Now Published!) | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jun, 2021 | Medium
- Metaprogramming in Scala 3: Inline | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- The inline Modifier in Scala 3 | Baeldung on Scala
- Ep 1: Scala 3 Enums, Implicits, and Context Functions - YouTube
- Ep 2: Type classes with Scala 2 - YouTube
- Ep 3: Evaluating our Numeric Type class - YouTube
- Ep 4: Scala 3 type classes - YouTube
- Scala 3: Path-Dependent Types, Type Projections, Dependent Methods and Functions - Rock the JVM Blog
- Implementing Type classes in Scala 3 | by ayush mittal | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- Automatic UI generation with Scala 3's type class derivation | kavedaa programming blog
- Typeclasses in Scala 3 | 47 Degrees
- Automatically Deriving Typeclass Instances in Scala 3 | 47 Degrees
- Type Class Derivation in Scala 3. Deriving type classes without macros in… | by Ron Aharoni | Riskified Technology | Dec, 2021 | Medium
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- case class/object pattern matching, extention method
def doubleInt(n: 2 | 3 | 10): Int = n * 2
function parameter에 type대신 value도 가능, 즉 특정 값을 type 대신 사용 가능 e.g.val n10: 10 = 10
- Union Types | Scala 3 — Book | Scala Documentation
- Scala 3: Dependent Types, Part I. Scala 3 expands on the type-level… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3: Dependent Types, Part II | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jan, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 Metaprogramming by Example by Adam Warski - YouTube
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Robert J. Neal, A Reinforcement Learning Framework in Scala 3 - YouTube
- Night Dreamer #1 – Marrying Scala 3 to LWJGL - YouTube
- What's new in Scala 3: all the "small" things - YouTube
- Ep 6: Functional error handling with applicative in Scala 3 - YouTube
- Scala 3: Match Types | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Match Types in Scala 3 - Rock the JVM Blog
- Union and Intersection Types in Scala 3 | by ayush mittal | Feb, 2021 | Medium
- This Is Your App on Scala 3 by John A. De Goes - YouTube
- Explicit Nulls in Scala 3. Scala 3 has an optional feature which… | by ayush mittal | Feb, 2021 | Medium
- Why Scala 3 will be awesome by Piotr Gołębiewski - YouTube
- Scala 3: New Types | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Generalized Algebraic Datatypes in Scala 3
- Build your own refinement types in Scala 3
- Examples: Refinement types in Scala 3
- Tuples bring generic programming to Scala 3 | The Scala Programming Language Heterogeneous Lists, HLists
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- What's new in Scala 3: Implicits! - YouTube
- How Scala 3 Givens Work with Scala 2 Implicits - YouTube
- Implicits in Scala 3 – Explicitly for the People? by Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz - YouTube
- The future of Scaladoc. Scala 3, like all modern languages… | by Krzysztof Romanowski | VirtusLab | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- Pick any Card: Write Better Data Structures with Scala | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Scala 3: Infix Operator Notation. For a long time, Scala has supported a… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube given extension
- Context is King. Context functions in Scala 3 | by Adam Warski | SoftwareMill Tech Blog | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Scala 3: Using context functions for request context with http4s and log4cats | by Ivan Kurchenko | May, 2021 | Medium
- The wonder of context functions - DEV Community
- Scala 3: Extension Methods - YouTube
- The #Scala3 feature I'm most excited about! - YouTube
- Use Indentation Guides in Scala3! - YouTube
- Infix Notation in #Scala Considered Harmful! - YouTube
- Best Features of Scala 3 for Scala.js | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- My Take on Scala 3 by Wiem Zine Elabidine - YouTube
- Scala 3: A Simpler Language · Signify Technology
- Scala 3: Safer Pattern Matching with Matchable | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- Scala 3 Release Party – find out how it went! - Sphere.it
- Scala 3 is here!🎉🎉🎉 | The Scala Programming Language
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube strictEquality opaque type enum
- Top Level Exports in #Scala3 - YouTube
- Favor composition over inheritance in #Scala3 with exports! - YouTube
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube typeclass Mirror
- Existential Crisis: Implementing MapK in Scala 3 - DEV Community
- Scala at Light Speed, Part 7: Scala 3 Contextual Abstractions - YouTube
- Scala 3 goodies for Scala 2 developers | In Absentia
- Scala 3: Anti-Givens - YouTube
- Scala 3: Anti-Givens - Rock the JVM Blog
- Scala 3 Tech Report by SoftwareMill
- #LETSMEETUP - Will Scala 3 be your new favorite language? - YouTube
- Should you learn #Scala2 or #Scala3 in 2021? - YouTube
- Scala project from scratch #1 - rough idea, setting up, design decisions - YouTube
- Scala project from scratch #2 - http4s, tapir, long fixes for simple issues - YouTube
- Scala project from scratch #3 - compiling the client with GraalVM Native Image - YouTube
- Testing client/server compatibility + error handling - SPFS #4 - YouTube
- Scala 3: What’s Changed Since Scala 3.0.0 | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Sep, 2021 | Medium
- Telegram Bot In Scala 3 With Bot4s + http4s + Doobie for CI notifications | Hacker Noon
- Scala Beyond 3.0 - The Quest for Simplicity - Martin Odersky - YouTube
- Safer Exceptions in Scala 3. I mentioned in What’s Changed Since… | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Jan, 2022 | Medium
- Writing a simple CLI game in Scala 3
- comparing-docker-methods-scala
- Dotty - A next generation compiler for Scala
- Dotty Documentation
- Scala Experimental Platform Dotty Bootstraps
- Are you sure your AnyVals don’t instantiate?
- (Mostly) Dropping Weak Conformance
- A Snippet of Dotty
- The New Collections Library for Scala 2.13 and Dotty—Stefan Zeiger
- “The” as a method?
- "Revisiting Tagless Final Interpreters" in Scala Dotty (0.19.0)
- Permutive Community Engineering, November 2019
- Vim with Dotty (using coc vim)
- Notes on Category Theory in Scala 3 (Dotty)
- dotty scala3 adoption report: easy so far
- Functional Scala - Practical Logic(al) Programming with Dotty by Lander Lopez
- A Beginner's Guide to Scala 3.0
- quick note on dotty, graaljs interop: structural typing with Selectable
- RJUG #20 : Scala for the People (again)! Simpler coding with Scala 3/Dotty by Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz - YouTube
- Dotty becomes Scala 3
- ING Scala Meetup : Working with Dotty - YouTube
- dotty-cps-async CAN WE FREE CONCURRENT PROGRAMMING FROM THE MONADIC STYLE - Ruslan Shevchenko | Scalar 2020 - YouTube
- Fury - an experimental dependency manager and build tool for Scala
- sbt
sbt ++3.0.0! console
- Scala 3 in sbt 1.5 | The Scala Programming Language
- Scala3-migrate: a tool making it easier to migrate to Scala 3 - Scala 3 Release Projects - Scala Contributors
- scodec: Scala combinator library for working with binary data
- Scala.js
- Conway's Game of Life in ScalaJS
- Hands-on Scala.js - Writing client-side web applications in Scala
- Developing simple chemical physics simulations that run in the browser
- Trait-based web services with Scala.js and Udash
- GCP Cloud Functions with Scala.js in 10 lines(ish)
- Part 1: Using akka and react to organize your single page scala.js application – Hernansote’s Blog
- Part 2: The SMAkkaR.js Stack- Using monocle and akka to facilitate model and component reusability in a react scala.js application – Hernansote’s Blog
- Scala, React, and SSR (part 1) | ShipReq Blog
- Scala, React, and SSR (part 2) | ShipReq Blog
- Implementing Scala.js Support for Scala 3 | The Scala Programming Language
- dotty+scala.js+async: interesting options
- Scala.js + Snowpack + Scalablytyped tutorial - YouTube
- The importance of Scala.js
- Deriving the Frontend — Form Combinator Fun with Scala.js - YouTube
- Best Features of Scala 3 for Scala.js | Let's talk about Scala 3 - YouTube
- Laminar · Simple, expressive, and safe UI library for Scala.js
- ScalablyTyped - The Javascript ecosystem for Scala.js!
- Sri (Scala React interface) is a scalajs library to build truly native cross platform (mobile (ios and android) and web) applications
- Indoor Vivants:: Cloudflare functions with Scala.js
- Testing without mocking in Scala
- Tagless with Discipline — Testing Scala Code The Right Way
- Use docker container in Scala testcases
- Functional Testing with Tagless-Final
- Organizing Scala Tests For Faster Feedback
- Scala: Debugging and Unit Testing intelliJ
- Learning Scala: Debugging and Testing
- Property-based Testing
- An introduction to Law Testing in Scala
- Property testing of Isomorphisms: way easier than it sounds!
- TMWL November’19 — ScalaTest, Medusa, PW-Sat2 cubesat
- Write your own micro BDD test framework in one day
- Fixtures in Scala — three simple ways to reduce your test code boilerplate
- Testing APIs using Functional Programming in Scala
- Testing Embedded H2 DB with Scala and Scalatest
- Systems @Scale 2019: Kill the mutants – ’cause it is about time to test your tests – @Scale
- Let's build a Scala mock library
- How To Make Integration Tests Less Flaky - DEV
- Stop Letting Your Tests “Make” Your Luck | by Asaf Manshary | Riskified Technology | Feb, 2021 | Medium
- Scala com Gitlab para iniciantes. | LinkedIn
- AirSpec - a new functional testing framework for Scala and Scala.js
- Difflicious - helps you find and compare the differences between values
- Hedgehog - a modern property-based testing system
- practice - hedgehog
- hedgehog.qa
- 자바11 출시 / 마법은 노노 / 프로퍼티 기반 테스팅 (2018-09-28)
- 프로퍼티 기반 테스팅 - 지난번엔 제대로 한게 아니다? (2018-10-05)
- Hedgehog를 이용한 프로퍼티 키반 테스팅 (2018-10-12)
- Property-based Testing Examples
- hedgehog 바뀐점 (2018-11-02)
- 라이브 코딩 (2018-11-09) 51분~
- 자바 얘기 하다가 라이브 코딩 (2018-11-16) 47분~
- 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube
- Scala meetup — the movie
- YOW! Lambda Jam 2017 Jacob Stanley - Gens N’ Roses: Appetite for Reduction
- State-based Testing (Hedgehog) - Charles O'Farrell (2019-09-23)
- Property-based testing 툴을 통해서 입력 값을 랜덤으로 받아서 테스트 하던것을 넘어 상태 변화까지 랜덤으로 테스트 가능
- Mockito framework site
- mockito/mockito-scala: Mockito for Scala language
- practice - Future를 반환하는 경우 성공/실패 테스트, mocking의 when thenReturn
- Mocking The Right Way - Introduction to Mockito
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 1 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 2 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 3 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- Introduction to mockito-scala — Part 4 - Bruno Bonanno - Medium
- MUnit - Scala testing library with actionable errors and extensible APIs
- ScalaCheck: Property-based testing for Scala
- ScalaTest
- Stryker - Test your tests with mutation testing
- TestContainers Scala Integration Testing with TestContainers Library
type lambda function에 대한 lambda말고 type lambda가 존재. type parameter가 들어갈 자리에 lambda 표현식과 유사한 표현을 사용 가능. ({ type L[x] = Either[E, x] })#L 를 사용해야 하는 이유
type lambda (2019-04-05) 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live
- type safety가 보장되는 duck typing? 그 외 여러가지 FP관련 이야기들 타입, generics, higher kinded type, type class, FP, interface, SOLID...
Ep 5: Scala 3 Type lambdas, Functors and error handling - YouTube
Save Your Time on Algebraic Data Type (ADT) Creation in Scala
Algebraic Data Types (ADT) in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
Save Your Time on Algebraic Data Type (ADT) Creation in Scala | Kevin's Blog intellij template
Far more than you've ever wanted to know about ADTs Enumeration, DSL, Option
Returning the "Current" Type in Scala
- doobie - a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala
- doobie
- Typechecking SQL in Slick and doobie
- Typechecking SQL queries with doobie
- Presto with Doobie
- Hacking with doobie and cats-effects
- Testing Doobie programs
- Composing doobie programs using Cats
- a simple web service using Http4s + Doobie + Jooq + JWT
- Learn Doobie for the Greater Good - Rock the JVM Blog
- tut - doc/tutorial generator for scala
- doobie - a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala
Type-Level Programming in Scala 3, Part 1: Comparing Types - Rock the JVM Blog
Type-Level Programming in Scala 3, Part 2: A Quicksort on Types - Rock the JVM Blog
Scala Snippets #2: Dependent Types in Scala — A practical example
Paolo Giarrusso—The DOT Calculus: An Introduction for Scala Programmers - YouTube
Part 1: Application of literal and dependent object types in Scala 2.13
Generic Traits and Classes With Type Parameters And Variance
generic, type 추측
trait HasIO[T] { val io: T } object ModuleTemplate { def apply[IO, M <: Module](m : => M with ({val io: IO}))(implicit ev: M => FastClonable) = { var module: Option[M with ({ val io: IO })] = None new { def instantiate(): HasIO[IO] = { if (module.isEmpty) { module = Some(m) new HasIO[IO] { val io = module.get.io } } else { val cloned = FastClone(module.get) new HasIO[IO] { val io = cloned("io").asInstanceOf[IO] // this line should be as it is } } } } } }
Scala 3: Generic type parameters and variance explained | alvinalexander.com
Avoiding Unnecessary Object Instantiation with Specialized Generics - Scala
Implementing typeclasses in Scala I implicit, ad hoc polymorphism
Emily Pillmore: Type Arithmetic and the Yoneda Lemma - YouTube
Types, Kinds and Type Constructors in Scala - Rock the JVM Blog
Opaque Type Aliases and Open Classes | by Dean Wampler | Scala 3 | Nov, 2020 | Medium
Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube opaque type
Self-Types in Scala - the Why and the How | Rock the JVM - YouTube
HasId pattern
refined: simple refinement types for Scala
- practice - basic examples
- Reduce the domain of your types with Refined
- Wtf is Refined ?
- Validate Service Configuration in Scala
- Data Juggling - Part 8 - Getting Started with #refined
- Refined Types in Scala: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Refined Types in Scala - Rock the JVM Blog
- Refined Types in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Live 시드니 개발자 아저씨 케빈의 개발자 방송 Live - YouTube Refined type
simulacrum - First class syntax support for type classes in Scala
- Scala Recipes: A "HelloWorld" in Scala
- 자바 프로그래머를 위한 스칼라 튜토리얼
- Scala School!
- 30분 scala 문법만 빠르게 홈페이지에서 살필 수 있음
- Scala For Beginners
- Scala 101: a beginner’s guide to the scalable language
- Scala overview
- Learning Scala - This will act as a reference to all of my Scala blog articles
- Scala Tutorial for Java Programmers
- Scala Tutorial
- Scala Tutorial Through Katas
- What are code katas and why should we care?
- 5월의 나프다 웨비너 - 자바 개발자를 위한 스칼라 입문
- 데이터 분석을 위한 Scala by VCNC implicit 설명 좋음
- Scala Tutorial
- Scala World
- Learning Scala? Learn the Fundamentals First!
- Scala Tutorial
- Learn Scala (Best Scala Tutorials for Beginners)
- Scala Tutorial Full Course
- Learn Scala from 0–60: The Basics
- Basic Scala
- Scala A guide for getting started
- Scala Programming: An Introduction
- Scala at Light Speed
- Scala for Data Science Engineering — Part 1
- Scala for Data Science Engineering — Part 2
- A brief tour of lists in Scala and algorithmically processing them in SICP exercises
- Quickly learning the basics of Scala through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs examples (Part 1)
- tutorialspoint.com/scala
- data-flair.training/blogs/category/scala
- New Online Course: Effective Programming in Scala | The Scala Programming Language
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala
- Functional Program Design in Scala
- Functional Design | Francis Toth / Contramap
- A Beginner-Friendly Tour through Functional Programming in Scala
- Parallel programming
- Coursera's & EPFL's Scala Spark Big Data course
- Scala Koans
- A 10-Minute Introduction to Scala
- (a little bit of) Scala in 6 minutes
- Scala Programming — A Skeptic’s Journey
- Nine Reasons to Try Scala
- 10 Reasons to Learn Scala and Functional Programming
- 15 Reasons to Learn Scala from N-iX Developers
- My Way to Scala — part 1
- Tic-tac-toe in FP Scala
- About Variance
- The Evolution of a Scala Programmer
- 자바 개발자를 위한 Scala
- My answers for Functional Programming Challenges on HackerRank
- Checklist for learning Scala
- Scala for Python developers
- Intro to Scala Fundamentals
- 2020 Spring KAIST CS320 Scala Sessions
- Scala - Your First Programming Language
- KAIST CS320 Programming Languages Course Reading Materials
- cats-workshop
- 함수형 프로그래밍의 실천적 예제를 학습하기 위해 만든 예제 프로젝트
- 일반적인 Spring 웹 애플리케이션에 함수형 프로그래밍을 에러 처리, IO 처리, 클린 아키텍처를 실용적으로 적용한 예제
- Scala Knowledge Bits Archives - Leo Benkel
- SF Scala: Getting Things Done in the Scala REPL by Li Haoyi - YouTube
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Li Haoyi, Getting Things Done in the Scala REPL - YouTube
- Interactive Programming in the Scala REPL by Haoyi Li at Scala in the City - YouTube
- Learning Scala — 8 DON’Ts and 7 DOs | by Annette | The Startup | Aug, 2020 | Medium
- Introduction | Hello, Scala tutorial
- Scala - YouTube 기초X 중급
- 10 TIPS TO WRITE FAST STACK-SAFE FUNCTIONAL CODE IN SCALA - Christophe Calvès | Scalar 2020 - YouTube
- John De Goes - 12 Steps To Better Scala (Part I) - YouTube
- A FUNCTIONAL SCALA STACK FOR 2020 - Adam Warski | Scalar 2020 - YouTube
- Complete Scala Tutorial by Bharath - YouTube
- Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Tour of Scala | Home ???를 제거해서 code snippet을 완성하는 연습
- Programmering, grundkurs (2020) - YouTube
- Why Scala? | An introduction by Adam Warski - YouTube
- From First Principles: Why Scala?
- Why You Should Learn Scala in 2020? | by Marcin Krykowski | Medium
- ScalaZONE - Scala 3 Programming Language Courses
- Scala with Friends - YouTube
- 스칼라 기초 투어 - YouTube
- 함수형 프로그래밍으로 도전하는 코딩 테스트 시리즈 - YouTube
- scala-tutorials
- Let’s Code Real World App Using Purely Functional Techniques (in Scala) - YouTube
- 01: Scala Functional Programming basics - pure functions, referential transparency, side effects, etc | Java-Success.com
- Scala First: Lessons from 3 student generations | Bjorn Regnell, Lund Univ., Sweden. | 12.06.2019 at 11:17 | Part of Scala Days 2019 | Swiss Tech Convention Center, EPFL, Lausanne
- Lean for Scala programmers | Typista.org
- Scala Algorithms - Master your scala 유료 판매하는 알고리즘 문제 스칼라 풀이인데 무료 6개는 기초로 볼만함
- What I Learned From Teaching Scala to 30000 Engineers by Daniel Ciocîrlan - YouTube
- Scala - SLiPP 스터디 - SLiPP::위키
- N-Queens in Scala: Approaching an Interview Problem With Pure Functional Programming - YouTube
- Scala :: ./side_effects.sh
- #Scala Crash Course by a Scala veteran (with some JavaScript flavor) - YouTube
- Scala-Resources/README.md at main · fullStackRyan/Scala-Resources
- Learning Scala with #Intellij Scala Plugin 2021(#Scala #REPL #ScratchPad ) - YouTube
- scala-3-beginners: The official repository for the Scala 3 & Functional Programming Essentials course
- scala-3-advanced: The official repository for the Rock the JVM Advanced Scala course
- Scala isn't Hard: How to Master Scala Step by Step - Developer’s kit
- Learn Scala with Online Courses | The Scala Programming Language
- 2020 Hindsight - Scala | 2020 Hindsight - Scala
- Finally some business logic! SPFS #5 - YouTube
- Happy 2022! (SPFS #6) - YouTube
- So much done today! (SPFS #7) - YouTube
- What I learned from programming in #Scala WITHOUT the standard library for 6 days - Part 1 - YouTube
- What I learned from programming in #Scala WITHOUT the standard library for 6 days - Part 2 - YouTube