Filament 1.17.0 + Fix wrong color rendered + Fix texture frame stream init + Update dependencies
1.15.1-> 1.17.0 -
- Set transparent background color for transparent SceneView (#309)
- Restored deprecated tone mapping (#311):
->.toneMapper(new ToneMapper.Filmic())
Solved Issues:- Blue light turns violett in Camera View (#295)
- The red color in ViewRenderable display as orange (#252)
- Out-of-gamut colors produced by inverse tone mapping cause hue shifts (google/filament#3909)
- Incorrect colors in ViewRenderable (#60)
- Fix wrong
- Avoid using previously bound texture if view texture isn't ready (#317)
Solved Issue:- Some first frames were rendering the previous used stream while initializing the Texture. In case of AR the previously used stream might be the Camera in most cases. So that's why you should previously see the camera inside the
for 1 or 2 frames at start. - The texture status is now passed to the
material and the transparent color is used instead of the texture if it isn't ready. - Revert the "Initialize ViewRenderable with transparent texture and set it in material right away" (#273) pull request that didn't solve the issue.
- Some first frames were rendering the previous used stream while initializing the Texture. In case of AR the previously used stream might be the Camera in most cases. So that's why you should previously see the camera inside the
Updated several libraries, outsourced version numbers into the root gradle file
Updated libraries:
- compileSdkVersion 30 -> 31
- targetSdkVersion 30 -> 31
- appcompat 1.3.1 -> 1.4.1
- fragment-ktx 1.3.6 -> 1.4.1
- fragment 1.3.6 -> 1.4.1
- kotlin_version 1.5.30 -> 1.6.10
- core-ktx 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0
- material 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0
- constraintlayout 2.1.1 -> 2.1.3
Recompiled all materials and tested all samples
- Add some Augmented Face model how to" and links to the templates