diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ar.json b/src/i18n/strings/ar.json index ce33cb93b25..4c64cfd809d 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ar.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ar.json @@ -882,7 +882,6 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "أظهر معاينات الرسائل للتفاعلات في كل الغرف", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "أظهر معاينات الرسائل للتفاعلات في المراسلة المباشرة", "Support adding custom themes": "دعم إضافة ألوان مخصصة", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "جرب طرق أخرى لتجاهل الناس (تجريبي)", "Render simple counters in room header": "إظهار عدّادات بسيطة في رأس الغرفة", "Message Pinning": "تثبيت الرسالة", "Change notification settings": "تغيير إعدادات الإشعار", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/bg.json b/src/i18n/strings/bg.json index 1aaf6f84a50..3f6ada40831 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/bg.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/bg.json @@ -1109,7 +1109,6 @@ "%(name)s wants to verify": "%(name)s иска да извърши потвърждение", "You sent a verification request": "Изпратихте заявка за потвърждение", "Custom (%(level)s)": "Собствен (%(level)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Опитайте нови начини да игнорирате хора (експериментално)", "%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s започна гласово обаждане.", "%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s започна гласово обаждане. (не се поддържа от този браузър)", "%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s започна видео обаждане.", @@ -2086,7 +2085,6 @@ "Use app for a better experience": "Използвайте приложението за по-добра работа", "Use app": "Използване на приложението", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Прегледайте, за да уверите, че профилът ви е в безопастност", - "You have unverified logins": "Имате неверифицирани сесии", "Share your public space": "Споделете публичното си място", "Invite to %(spaceName)s": "Покани в %(spaceName)s", "Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Изпраща даденото съобщение като спойлер", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/cs.json b/src/i18n/strings/cs.json index 11badab0a72..042ae909e03 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/cs.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/cs.json @@ -1130,7 +1130,6 @@ "%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning rooms matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s změnil(a) pravidlo blokující místnosti odpovídající %(oldGlob)s na místnosti odpovídající %(newGlob)s z důvodu %(reason)s", "%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s změnil(a) pravidlo blokující servery odpovídající %(oldGlob)s na servery odpovídající %(newGlob)s z důvodu %(reason)s", "%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s změnil(a) blokovací pravidlo odpovídající %(oldGlob)s na odpovídající %(newGlob)s z důvodu %(reason)s", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Vyzkoušejte nové metody ignorování lidí (experimentální)", "Match system theme": "Nastavit podle vzhledu systému", "My Ban List": "Můj seznam zablokovaných", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Toto je váš seznam blokovaných uživatelů/serverů - neopouštějte tuto místnost!", @@ -2322,7 +2321,6 @@ "Just me": "Jen já", "Edit devices": "Upravit zařízení", "Check your devices": "Zkontrolujte svá zařízení", - "You have unverified logins": "Máte neověřená přihlášení", "Manage & explore rooms": "Spravovat a prozkoumat místnosti", "%(count)s people you know have already joined|one": "%(count)s osoba, kterou znáte, se již připojila", "Invited people will be able to read old messages.": "Pozvaní lidé budou moci číst staré zprávy.", @@ -2388,7 +2386,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Nebyl nalezen žádný mikrofon", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "Nepodařilo se získat přístup k vašemu mikrofonu . Zkontrolujte prosím nastavení prohlížeče a zkuste to znovu.", "Unable to access your microphone": "Nelze získat přístup k mikrofonu", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Chcete experimentovat? Laboratoře jsou nejlepším způsobem, jak získat novinky v raném stádiu, vyzkoušet nové funkce a pomoci je formovat ještě před jejich spuštěním. Zjistěte více.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Přístupový token vám umožní plný přístup k účtu. Nikomu ho nesdělujte.", "Access Token": "Přístupový token", "Please enter a name for the space": "Zadejte prosím název prostoru", @@ -2470,7 +2467,6 @@ "Silence call": "Ztlumit zvonění", "Sound on": "Zvuk zapnutý", "Show all rooms in Home": "Zobrazit všechny místnosti v Úvodu", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototyp Nahlášování moderátorům. V místnostech, které podporují moderování, vám tlačítko `nahlásit` umožní nahlásit zneužití moderátorům místnosti", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s změnil(a) připnuté zprávy v místnosti.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s zrušil(a) pozvání pro uživatele %(targetName)s", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s zrušil(a) pozvání pro uživatele %(targetName)s: %(reason)s", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Chcete-li se těmto problémům vyhnout, vytvořte pro plánovanou konverzaci novou šifrovanou místnost.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Opravdu chcete šifrovat tuto veřejnou místnost?", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "Křížové podepisování je připraveno, ale klíče nejsou zálohovány.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Režim malé šířky pásma (vyžaduje kompatibilní domovský server)", "Threaded messaging": "Zprávy ve vláknech", "Thread": "Vlákno", "The above, but in as well": "Výše uvedené, ale také v ", @@ -3026,7 +3021,6 @@ "Group all your people in one place.": "Seskupte všechny své kontakty na jednom místě.", "Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place.": "Seskupte všechny své oblíbené místnosti a osoby na jednom místě.", "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Prostory jsou způsob seskupování místností a osob. Vedle prostorů, ve kterých se nacházíte, můžete použít i některé předpřipravené.", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Pravý panel zůstane otevřený (ve výchozím nastavení se seznamem členů místnosti)", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (experimentální)", "Unable to check if username has been taken. Try again later.": "Nelze zkontrolovat, zda je uživatelské jméno obsazeno. Zkuste to později.", "Toggle hidden event visibility": "Přepnout viditelnost skryté události", @@ -3289,7 +3283,6 @@ "You can also ask your homeserver admin to upgrade the server to change this behaviour.": "Můžete také požádat správce domovského serveru o změnu tohoto nastavení.", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms you should first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards.": "Pokud chcete zachovat přístup k historii chatu v zašifrovaných místnostech, měli byste klíče od místností nejprve exportovat a poté je znovu importovat.", "Changing your password on this homeserver will cause all of your other devices to be signed out. This will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, and may make encrypted chat history unreadable.": "Změna hesla na tomto domovském serveru způsobí odhlášení všech ostatních zařízení. Tím se odstraní šifrovací klíče zpráv, které jsou na nich uloženy, a může se stát, že historie šifrovaných chatů nebude čitelná.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Sdílení polohy živě (dočasná implementace: polohy zůstávají v historii místnosti)", "An error occurred while stopping your live location": "Při ukončování sdílení polohy živě došlo k chybě", "Enable live location sharing": "Povolit sdílení polohy živě", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Upozornění: jedná se o experimentální funkci s dočasnou implementací. To znamená, že nebudete moci odstranit historii své polohy a pokročilí uživatelé budou moci vidět historii vaší polohy i poté, co přestanete sdílet svou polohu živě v této místnosti.", @@ -3315,7 +3308,7 @@ "%(count)s people joined|one": "%(count)s osoba se připojila", "%(count)s people joined|other": "%(count)s osob se připojilo", "Resent!": "Přeposláno!", - "Did not receive it? Resend it": "Nedošlo vám to? Přeposlat", + "Did not receive it? Resend it": "Nedostali jste ho? Poslat znovu", "To create your account, open the link in the email we just sent to %(emailAddress)s.": "Pro vytvoření účtu, otevřete odkaz v e-mailu, který jsme právě zaslali na adresu %(emailAddress)s.", "Unread email icon": "Ikona nepřečteného e-mailu", "Check your email to continue": "Zkontrolujte svůj e-mail a pokračujte", @@ -3386,7 +3379,6 @@ "Coworkers and teams": "Spolupracovníci a týmy", "Friends and family": "Přátelé a rodina", "We'll help you get connected.": "Pomůžeme vám připojit se.", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Oblíbené zprávy (v aktivním vývoji)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Zprávy v této místnosti budou koncově šifrovány.", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Odesláním první zprávy pozvete do chatu", "Saved Items": "Uložené položky", @@ -3490,7 +3482,6 @@ "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s nebo %(appLinks)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s nebo %(emojiCompare)s", "Sliding Sync configuration": "Nastavení klouzavé synchronizace", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Klouzavá synchronizace (v aktivním vývoji, nelze deaktivovat)", "Proxy URL": "URL proxy serveru", "Proxy URL (optional)": "URL proxy serveru (volitelné)", "To disable you will need to log out and back in, use with caution!": "Pro deaktivaci se musíte odhlásit a znovu přihlásit, používejte s opatrností!", @@ -3502,7 +3493,6 @@ "Sign out of this session": "Odhlásit se z této relace", "Rename session": "Přejmenovat relaci", "Voice broadcast": "Hlasové vysílání", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Hlasové vysílání (v aktivním vývoji)", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call video místnosti", "Voice broadcasts": "Hlasová vysílání", "New group call experience": "Nový zážitek ze skupinových hovorů", @@ -3530,7 +3520,6 @@ "View chat timeline": "Zobrazit časovou osu konverzace", "Close call": "Zavřít hovor", "Freedom": "Svoboda", - "Layout type": "Typ rozložení", "Spotlight": "Reflektor", "Unknown session type": "Neznámý typ relace", "Web session": "Relace na webu", @@ -3560,7 +3549,6 @@ "pause voice broadcast": "pozastavit hlasové vysílání", "Underline": "Podtržení", "Italic": "Kurzíva", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Vyzkoušejte nový editor (textový režim již brzy)", "Notifications silenced": "Oznámení ztlumena", "Yes, stop broadcast": "Ano, zastavit vysílání", "Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast?This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Opravdu chcete ukončit živé vysílání? Tím se vysílání ukončí a v místnosti bude k dispozici celý záznam.", @@ -3638,7 +3626,7 @@ "Enter your email to reset password": "Zadejte svůj e-mail pro obnovení hesla", "Send email": "Odeslat e-mail", "Verification link email resent!": "E-mail s ověřovacím odkazem odeslán znovu!", - "Did not receive it?": "Neobdrželi jste ho?", + "Did not receive it?": "Nedostali jste ho?", "Follow the instructions sent to %(email)s": "Postupujte podle pokynů zaslaných na %(email)s", "Sign out of all devices": "Odhlásit se ze všech zařízení", "Confirm new password": "Potvrďte nové heslo", @@ -3647,5 +3635,49 @@ "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "Příliš mnoho pokusů v krátkém čase. Zkuste to znovu po %(timeout)s.", "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Příliš mnoho pokusů v krátkém čase. Před dalším pokusem nějakou dobu počkejte.", "Change input device": "Změnit vstupní zařízení", - "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "ID kořenového vlákna: %(threadRootId)s" + "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "ID kořenového vlákna: %(threadRootId)s", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Nepodařilo se zahájit chat s druhým uživatelem.", + "Error starting verification": "Chyba při zahájení ověření", + "Buffering…": "Ukládání do vyrovnávací paměti…", + "Rich text editor": "Editor formátovaného textu", + "WARNING: ": "UPOZORNĚNÍ: ", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Rádi experimentujete? Vyzkoušejte naše nejnovější nápady ve vývoji. Tyto funkce nejsou dokončeny; mohou být nestabilní, mohou se změnit nebo mohou být zcela vypuštěny. Zjistěte více.", + "Early previews": "První náhledy", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Co se chystá pro %(brand)s? Experimentální funkce jsou nejlepším způsobem, jak se dostat k novým věcem v raném stádiu, vyzkoušet nové funkce a pomoci je formovat ještě před jejich spuštěním.", + "Upcoming features": "Připravované funkce", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Vyžaduje kompatibilní domovský server.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Režim malé šířky pásma", + "Under active development": "V aktivním vývoji", + "Under active development.": "V aktivním vývoji.", + "Favourite Messages": "Oblíbené zprávy", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Dočasná implementace. Polohy zůstanou v historii místností.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Sdílení polohy živě", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "V aktivním vývoji, nelze zakázat.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Režim klouzavé synchronizace", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Výchozí hodnota je seznam členů místnosti.", + "Right panel stays open": "Pravý panel zůstane otevřený", + "Currently experimental.": "V současnosti experimentální.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Nové způsoby ignorování lidí", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "V editoru zpráv používat formátovaný text namísto Markdownu. Brzy bude k dispozici režim prostého textu.", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "V místnostech, které podporují moderování, můžete pomocí tlačítka \"Nahlásit\" nahlásit zneužití moderátorům místnosti.", + "Report to moderators": "Nahlásit moderátorům", + "You have unverified sessions": "Máte neověřené relace", + "Change layout": "Změnit rozvržení", + "Sign in instead": "Namísto toho se přihlásit", + "Re-enter email address": "Zadejte znovu e-mailovou adresu", + "Wrong email address?": "Špatná e-mailová adresa?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Skrýt tečku oznámení (zobrazit pouze odznaky čítačů)", + "Apply": "Použít", + "Search users in this room…": "Hledání uživatelů v této místnosti…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Přidělit jednomu nebo více uživatelům v této místnosti více oprávnění", + "Add privileged users": "Přidat oprávněné uživatele", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Při použití této relace se nebudete moci účastnit místností, kde je povoleno šifrování.", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Tato relace nepodporuje šifrování, a proto ji nelze ověřit.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Pro co nejlepší zabezpečení a ochranu soukromí je doporučeno používat Matrix klienty, které podporují šifrování.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Tato relace nepodporuje šifrování, takže ji nelze ověřit.", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s ukončil(a) hlasové vysílání", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Ukončili jste hlasové vysílání" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json index 850df4e4050..3f9a9a886ce 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json @@ -900,7 +900,6 @@ "Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown": "Sendet eine Nachricht als Klartext, ohne sie als Markdown darzustellen", "Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Verwende einen Identitäts-Server, um per E-Mail einladen zu können. Lege einen in den Einstellungen fest.", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Verwende neue Möglichkeiten, Menschen zu blockieren", "My Ban List": "Meine Bannliste", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Dies ist die Liste von Benutzer und Servern, die du blockiert hast – verlasse diesen Raum nicht!", "Accept to continue:": "Akzeptiere , um fortzufahren:", @@ -1447,7 +1446,7 @@ "Sign in with SSO": "Einmalanmeldung verwenden", "Welcome to %(appName)s": "Willkommen bei %(appName)s", "Send a Direct Message": "Direktnachricht senden", - "Create a Group Chat": "Gruppenunterhaltung erstellen", + "Create a Group Chat": "Gruppenraum erstellen", "Use lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores only": "Verwende nur Kleinbuchstaben, Zahlen, Bindestriche und Unterstriche", "Syncing...": "Synchronisiere …", "Signing In...": "Melde an …", @@ -2321,8 +2320,7 @@ "unknown person": "unbekannte Person", "Check your devices": "Überprüfe deine Sitzungen", "%(deviceId)s from %(ip)s": "%(deviceId)s von %(ip)s", - "You have unverified logins": "Du hast nicht-bestätigte Anmeldungen", - "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Überprüfen, um sicher zu sein, dass dein Konto sicher ist", + "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Überprüfe sie, um ein sicheres Konto gewährleisten zu können", "Support": "Unterstützung", "This room is suggested as a good one to join": "Dieser Raum wird vorgeschlagen", "Verification requested": "Verifizierung angefragt", @@ -2353,7 +2351,7 @@ "View message": "Nachricht anzeigen", "Zoom in": "Vergrößern", "Zoom out": "Verkleinern", - "%(seconds)ss left": "%(seconds)s vergangen", + "%(seconds)ss left": "%(seconds)s verbleibend", "Change server ACLs": "Server-ACLs bearbeiten", "Failed to send": "Fehler beim Senden", "View all %(count)s members|other": "Alle %(count)s Mitglieder anzeigen", @@ -2388,7 +2386,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Kein Mikrofon gefunden", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "Fehler beim Zugriff auf dein Mikrofon. Überprüfe deine Browsereinstellungen und versuche es nochmal.", "Unable to access your microphone": "Fehler beim Zugriff auf Mikrofon", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Hier kannst du zukünftige Funktionen noch vor der Veröffentlichung testen und uns mit deiner Rückmeldung beim Verbessern helfen. Weitere Informationen.", "Please enter a name for the space": "Gib den Namen des Spaces ein", "Connecting": "Verbinden", "Message search initialisation failed": "Initialisierung der Nachrichtensuche fehlgeschlagen", @@ -2468,7 +2465,6 @@ "e.g. my-space": "z. B. mein-space", "Sound on": "Ton an", "Show all rooms in Home": "Alle Räume auf Startseite anzeigen", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Inhalte an Mods melden. In Räumen, die Moderation unterstützen, kannst du so unerwünschte Inhalte direkt der Raummoderation melden", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s hat die angehefteten Nachrichten geändert.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s hat die Einladung für %(targetName)s zurückgezogen", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s hat die Einladung für %(targetName)s zurückgezogen: %(reason)s", @@ -2644,7 +2640,6 @@ "Anyone in can find and join. You can select other spaces too.": "Finden und betreten ist Mitgliedern von erlaubt. Du kannst auch weitere Spaces wählen.", "Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|one": "Derzeit hat ein Space Zugriff", "& %(count)s more|one": "und %(count)s weitere", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Modus für niedrige Bandbreite (kompatibler Heim-Server benötigt)", "Autoplay videos": "Videos automatisch abspielen", "Autoplay GIFs": "GIFs automatisch abspielen", "Threaded messaging": "Threads", @@ -2704,7 +2699,7 @@ "Export chat": "Unterhaltung exportieren", "Threads": "Threads", "Insert link": "Link einfügen", - "Create poll": "Abstimmung erstellen", + "Create poll": "Umfrage erstellen", "Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Space aktualisieren …", "Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Spaces aktualisieren … (%(progress)s von %(count)s)", "Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Einladung senden …", @@ -2756,15 +2751,15 @@ "Create options": "Antwortmöglichkeiten erstellen", "Write something...": "Schreib etwas …", "Question or topic": "Frage oder Thema", - "What is your poll question or topic?": "Was ist die Frage oder das Thema deiner Abstimmung?", - "Create Poll": "Abstimmung erstellen", + "What is your poll question or topic?": "Was ist die Frage oder das Thema deiner Umfrage?", + "Create Poll": "Umfrage erstellen", "The above, but in any room you are joined or invited to as well": "Wie oben, nur zusätzlich in allen Räumen denen du beigetreten oder in die du eingeladen wurdest", "The above, but in as well": "Wie oben, nur zusätzlich in ", "Ban from %(roomName)s": "Aus %(roomName)s verbannen", "Yours, or the other users' session": "Die Sitzung von dir oder dem anderen Nutzer", "Yours, or the other users' internet connection": "Die Internetverbindung von dir oder dem anderen Nutzer", "The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to": "Der Heim-Server der Person, die du verifizierst", - "You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, Abstimmungen in diesem Raum zu beginnen.", + "You do not have permission to start polls in this room.": "Du bist nicht berechtigt, Umfragen in diesem Raum zu beginnen.", "This room isn't bridging messages to any platforms. Learn more.": "Dieser Raum verbindet Nachrichten nicht mit anderen Plattformen. Mehr erfahren.", "Manage your signed-in devices below. A device's name is visible to people you communicate with.": "Verwalte deine angemeldeten Geräte. Der Name von einem Gerät ist sichtbar für Personen mit denen du kommunizierst.", "Where you're signed in": "Da bist du angemeldet", @@ -2876,17 +2871,17 @@ "Link to room": "Link zum Raum", "You may contact me if you want to follow up or to let me test out upcoming ideas": "Ich möchte kontaktiert werden, wenn ihr mehr wissen oder mich neue Funktionen testen lassen wollt", "Processing...": "Verarbeiten …", - "Are you sure you want to end this poll? This will show the final results of the poll and stop people from being able to vote.": "Willst du die Abstimmung wirklich beenden? Die finalen Ergebnisse werden angezeigt und können nicht mehr geändert werden.", - "End Poll": "Abstimmung beenden", - "Sorry, the poll did not end. Please try again.": "Die Abstimmung konnte nicht beendet werden. Bitte versuche es erneut.", - "Failed to end poll": "Beenden der Abstimmung fehlgeschlagen", - "The poll has ended. Top answer: %(topAnswer)s": "Abstimmung beendet. Beliebteste Antwort: %(topAnswer)s", - "The poll has ended. No votes were cast.": "Abstimmung beendet. Es wurden keine Stimmen abgegeben.", + "Are you sure you want to end this poll? This will show the final results of the poll and stop people from being able to vote.": "Willst du die Umfrage wirklich beenden? Die finalen Ergebnisse werden angezeigt und können nicht mehr geändert werden.", + "End Poll": "Umfrage beenden", + "Sorry, the poll did not end. Please try again.": "Die Umfrage konnte nicht beendet werden. Bitte versuche es erneut.", + "Failed to end poll": "Beenden der Umfrage fehlgeschlagen", + "The poll has ended. Top answer: %(topAnswer)s": "Umfrage beendet. Beliebteste Antwort: %(topAnswer)s", + "The poll has ended. No votes were cast.": "Umfrage beendet. Es wurden keine Stimmen abgegeben.", "You can turn this off anytime in settings": "Du kannst dies jederzeit in den Einstellungen deaktivieren", "We don't share information with third parties": "Wir teilen keine Informationen mit Dritten", "We don't record or profile any account data": "Wir erfassen und analysieren keine Kontodaten", - "Sorry, the poll you tried to create was not posted.": "Leider wurde die Abstimmung nicht gesendet.", - "Failed to post poll": "Absenden der Abstimmung fehlgeschlagen", + "Sorry, the poll you tried to create was not posted.": "Leider wurde die Umfrage nicht gesendet.", + "Failed to post poll": "Absenden der Umfrage fehlgeschlagen", "Share location": "Standort teilen", "Based on %(count)s votes|one": "%(count)s Stimme abgegeben", "Based on %(count)s votes|other": "%(count)s Stimmen abgegeben", @@ -2955,7 +2950,7 @@ "Failed to get room topic: Unable to find room (%(roomId)s": "Thema des Raums konnte nicht ermittelt werden: Raum kann nicht gefunden werden (%(roomId)s", "Command error: Unable to find rendering type (%(renderingType)s)": "Befehlsfehler: Rendering-Typ kann nicht gefunden werden (%(renderingType)s)", "%(senderName)s has shared their location": "%(senderName)s hat seine Position geteilt", - "%(senderName)s has started a poll - %(pollQuestion)s": "%(senderName)s hat eine Abstimmung begonnen – %(pollQuestion)s", + "%(senderName)s has started a poll - %(pollQuestion)s": "%(senderName)s hat eine Umfrage begonnen – %(pollQuestion)s", "%(senderName)s has ended a poll": "%(senderName)s hat eine Abstimmung beendet", "Backspace": "Löschtaste", "Unknown error fetching location. Please try again later.": "Beim Abruf deines Standortes ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später erneut.", @@ -3027,7 +3022,6 @@ "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Mit Spaces kannst du deine Unterhaltungen organisieren. Neben Spaces, in denen du dich befindest, kannst du dir auch dynamische anzeigen lassen.", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Experimentell)", "Call": "Anruf", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Rechtes Panel offen lassen (Standardmäßig Liste der Mitglieder)", "Redo edit": "Änderung wiederherstellen", "Undo edit": "Änderung revidieren", "Jump to last message": "Zur letzten Nachricht springen", @@ -3046,7 +3040,7 @@ "Unable to find event at that date. (%(code)s)": "An diesem Datum gab es kein Event. (%(code)s)", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Zu Datum springen ( /jumptodate bzw. Zu Datum springen im Header)", "Location": "Standort", - "Poll": "Abstimmung", + "Poll": "Umfrage", "Voice Message": "Sprachnachricht", "Hide stickers": "Sticker ausblenden", "You do not have permissions to add spaces to this space": "Du hast keine Berechtigung, Spaces zu diesem Space hinzuzufügen", @@ -3073,10 +3067,10 @@ "<%(count)s spaces>|other": "<%(count)s Leerzeichen>", "Results are only revealed when you end the poll": "Die Ergebnisse werden erst sichtbar, sobald du die Umfrage beendest", "Voters see results as soon as they have voted": "Abstimmende können die Ergebnisse nach Stimmabgabe sehen", - "Open poll": "Laufende Abstimmung", - "Closed poll": "Abgeschlossene Abstimmung", + "Open poll": "Offene Umfrage", + "Closed poll": "Versteckte Umfrage", "Poll type": "Abstimmungsart", - "Edit poll": "Abstimmung bearbeiten", + "Edit poll": "Umfrage bearbeiten", "%(oneUser)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|one": "%(oneUser)s hat eine versteckte Nachricht gesendet", "%(oneUser)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|other": "%(oneUser)s hat %(count)s versteckte Nachrichten gesendet", "%(severalUsers)ssent %(count)s hidden messages|one": "%(severalUsers)s hat eine versteckte Nachricht gesendet", @@ -3085,9 +3079,9 @@ "%(oneUser)sremoved a message %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s hat %(count)s Nachrichten gelöscht", "%(severalUsers)sremoved a message %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)s hat eine Nachricht gelöscht", "%(severalUsers)sremoved a message %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s haben %(count)s Nachrichten gelöscht", - "Results will be visible when the poll is ended": "Ergebnisse werden nach Abschluss der Abstimmung sichtbar sein", - "Sorry, you can't edit a poll after votes have been cast.": "Du kannst Abstimmungen nicht bearbeiten, sobald Stimmen abgegeben wurden.", - "Can't edit poll": "Abstimmung nicht bearbeitbar", + "Results will be visible when the poll is ended": "Ergebnisse werden nach Abschluss der Umfrage sichtbar", + "Sorry, you can't edit a poll after votes have been cast.": "Du kannst Umfragen nicht bearbeiten, sobald Stimmen abgegeben wurden.", + "Can't edit poll": "Umfrage kann nicht bearbeitet werden", "No virtual room for this room": "Kein virtueller Raum für diesen Raum", "Switches to this room's virtual room, if it has one": "Zum virtuellen Raum dieses Raums wechseln, sofern vorhanden", "They won't be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Die Person wird keinen Zugriff auf Bereiche haben, in denen du nicht administrierst.", @@ -3140,7 +3134,6 @@ "%(value)sd": "%(value)sd", "Start messages with /plain to send without markdown and /md to send with.": "Beginne Nachrichten mit /plain, um Nachrichten ohne Markdown zu schreiben und mit /md, um sie mit Markdown zu schreiben.", "Enable Markdown": "Markdown aktivieren", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Echtzeit-Standortfreigabe (Temporäre Implementation: Die Standorte bleiben in Raumverlauf bestehen)", "To leave, return to this page and use the “%(leaveTheBeta)s” button.": "Zum Verlassen, gehe auf diese Seite zurück und klicke auf „%(leaveTheBeta)s“.", "Use “%(replyInThread)s” when hovering over a message.": "Klicke auf „%(replyInThread)s“ im Menü einer Nachricht.", "How can I start a thread?": "Wie kann ich einen Thread starten?", @@ -3353,7 +3346,6 @@ "Share your activity and status with others.": "Teile anderen deine Aktivität und deinen Status mit.", "Presence": "Anwesenheit", "Deactivating your account is a permanent action — be careful!": "Die Deaktivierung deines Kontos ist unwiderruflich — sei vorsichtig!", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Favorisierte Nachrichten (in aktiver Entwicklung)", "Developer command: Discards the current outbound group session and sets up new Olm sessions": "Entwicklungsbefehl: Verwirft die aktuell ausgehende Gruppensitzung und setzt eine neue Olm-Sitzung auf", "Toggle attribution": "Info ein-/ausblenden", "In spaces %(space1Name)s and %(space2Name)s.": "In den Spaces %(space1Name)s und %(space2Name)s.", @@ -3489,7 +3481,6 @@ "Checking...": "Überprüfe …", "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s oder %(appLinks)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s oder %(emojiCompare)s", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Sliding-Sync-Modus (in aktiver Entwicklung, nicht deaktivierbar)", "%(downloadButton)s or %(copyButton)s": "%(downloadButton)s oder %(copyButton)s", "%(securityKey)s or %(recoveryFile)s": "%(securityKey)s oder %(recoveryFile)s", "Proxy URL": "Proxy-URL", @@ -3500,7 +3491,6 @@ "Show": "Zeigen", "Voice broadcast": "Sprachübertragung", "Voice broadcasts": "Sprachübertragungen", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Sprachübertragung (wird aktiv entwickelt)", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call-Videoräume", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Du musst in der Lage sein, Benutzer zu entfernen um das zu tun.", "Sign out of this session": "Von dieser Sitzung abmelden", @@ -3540,7 +3530,6 @@ "Room info": "Raum-Info", "View chat timeline": "Nachrichtenverlauf anzeigen", "Close call": "Anruf schließen", - "Layout type": "Anordnungsart", "Model": "Modell", "Operating system": "Betriebssystem", "Call type": "Anrufart", @@ -3560,7 +3549,6 @@ "resume voice broadcast": "Sprachübertragung fortsetzen", "Italic": "Kursiv", "Underline": "Unterstrichen", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Probiere den Textverarbeitungs-Editor (bald auch mit Klartext-Modus)", "Notifications silenced": "Benachrichtigungen stummgeschaltet", "Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast?This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Willst du die Sprachübertragung wirklich beenden? Damit endet auch die Aufnahme.", "Yes, stop broadcast": "Ja, Sprachübertragung beenden", @@ -3646,5 +3634,50 @@ "Reset password": "Passwort zurücksetzen", "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "Zu viele Versuche in zu kurzer Zeit. Versuche es erneut nach %(timeout)s.", "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Zu viele Versuche in zu kurzer Zeit. Warte ein wenig, bevor du es erneut versuchst.", - "Change input device": "Eingabegerät wechseln" + "Change input device": "Eingabegerät wechseln", + "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "Thread-Ursprungs-ID: %(threadRootId)s", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)s m %(seconds)s s", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)s h %(minutes)s m %(seconds)s s", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)s d %(hours)s h %(minutes)s m %(seconds)s s", + "Buffering…": "Puffere …", + "Error starting verification": "Verifizierungbeginn fehlgeschlagen", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Der Unterhaltungsbeginn mit dem anderen Benutzer war uns nicht möglich.", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Experimentierfreudig? Probiere unsere neuesten, sich in Entwicklung befindlichen Ideen aus. Diese Funktionen sind nicht final; Sie könnten instabil sein, sich verändern oder sogar ganz entfernt werden. Erfahre mehr.", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Was passiert als nächstes in %(brand)s? Das Labor ist deine erste Anlaufstelle, um Funktionen früh zu erhalten, zu testen und mitzugestalten, bevor sie tatsächlich veröffentlicht werden.", + "Upcoming features": "Zukünftige Funktionen", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Modus für geringe Bandbreite", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Nutze direkte Formatierungen statt Markdown im Eingabefeld. Einen Klartextmodus gibt’s auch bald.", + "Rich text editor": "Textverarbeitungs-Editor", + "WARNING: ": "WARNUNG: ", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Benötigt kompatiblen Heim-Server.", + "Under active development": "In aktiver Entwicklung", + "Under active development.": "In aktiver Entwicklung.", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Vorläufige Implementierung: Standorte verbleiben im Raumverlauf.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Echtzeit-Standortfreigabe", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "In aktiver Entwicklung, kann nicht deaktiviert werden.", + "Currently experimental.": "Aktuell experimentell.", + "Right panel stays open": "Rechte Seitenleiste geöffnet lassen", + "New ways to ignore people": "Neue Methoden, Personen zu blockieren", + "Report to moderators": "An Raummoderation melden", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "In Räumen, die Moderation unterstützen, lässt dich die Schaltfläche „Melden“ missbräuchliche Verwendung an die Raummoderation melden.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Sliding-Sync-Modus", + "Favourite Messages": "Favorisierte Nachrichten", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Standardmäßig wird die Raummitgliederliste angezeigt.", + "Early previews": "Frühe Vorschauen", + "You have unverified sessions": "Du hast nicht verifizierte Sitzungen", + "Change layout": "Anordnung ändern", + "Sign in instead": "Stattdessen anmelden", + "Re-enter email address": "E-Mail-Adresse erneut eingeben", + "Wrong email address?": "Falsche E-Mail-Adresse?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Benachrichtigungspunkt ausblenden (nur Zähler zeigen)", + "Add privileged users": "Berechtigten Benutzer hinzufügen", + "Apply": "Anwenden", + "Search users in this room…": "Benutzer im Raum suchen …", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Einem oder mehreren Benutzern im Raum mehr Berechtigungen geben", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Aus Sicherheits- und Datenschutzgründen, wird die Nutzung von verschlüsselungsfähigen Matrix-Anwendungen empfohlen.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Du wirst dich mit dieser Sitzung nicht an Unterhaltungen in Räumen mit aktivierter Verschlüsselung beteiligen können.", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Diese Sitzung unterstützt keine Verschlüsselung und kann deshalb nicht verifiziert werden.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Diese Sitzung unterstützt keine Verschlüsselung und kann deshalb nicht verifiziert werden.", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s beendete eine Sprachübertragung", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Du hast eine Sprachübertragung beendet" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/el.json b/src/i18n/strings/el.json index 467e8197800..c8b61e254ec 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/el.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/el.json @@ -1168,10 +1168,8 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Εμφάνιση προεπισκοπήσεων μηνυμάτων για αντιδράσεις σε όλα τα δωμάτια", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Εμφάνιση προεπισκοπήσεων μηνυμάτων για αντιδράσεις σε DM", "Support adding custom themes": "Υποστήριξη προσθήκης προσαρμοσμένων θεμάτων", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Δοκιμάστε νέους τρόπους για να αγνοήσετε ανθρώπους (πειραματικό)", "Render simple counters in room header": "Απόδοση απλών μετρητών στην κεφαλίδα δωματίου", "Threaded messaging": "Μηνύματα με νήματα εκτέλεσης", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Αναφορά στο πρωτότυπο συντονιστών. Σε δωμάτια που υποστηρίζουν εποπτεία, το κουμπί «αναφορά» θα σας επιτρέψει να αναφέρετε κατάχρηση στους επόπτες των δωματίων", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "Επιτρέψτε στους επόπτες να αποκρύψουν μηνύματα που βρίσκονται σε εκκρεμότητα.", "Developer": "Προγραμματιστής", "Experimental": "Πειραματικό", @@ -1219,7 +1217,6 @@ "Later": "Αργότερα", "Review": "Ανασκόπηση", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Ελέγξτε για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο λογαριασμός σας είναι ασφαλής", - "You have unverified logins": "Έχετε μη επαληθευμένες συνδέσεις", "Share anonymous data to help us identify issues. Nothing personal. No third parties. Learn More": "Μοιραστείτε ανώνυμα δεδομένα για να μας βοηθήσετε να εντοπίσουμε προβλήματα. Τίποτα προσωπικό. Χωρίς τρίτους. Μάθετε περισσότερα", "Learn more": "Μάθετε περισσότερα", "You previously consented to share anonymous usage data with us. We're updating how that works.": "Έχετε συμφωνήσει να μοιραστείτε ανώνυμα δεδομένα χρήσης μαζί μας. Ενημερώνουμε τον τρόπο που λειτουργεί.", @@ -1256,10 +1253,8 @@ "Show stickers button": "Εμφάνιση κουμπιού αυτοκόλλητων", "Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Ενεργοποιήστε τις προτάσεις Emoji κατά την πληκτρολόγηση", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Μετάβαση στην ημερομηνία (προσθέτει /μετάβαση στην ημερομηνία και μετάβαση στις κεφαλίδες ημερομηνίας)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Το δεξί πλαίσιο παραμένει ανοιχτό (προεπιλογή στη λίστα μελών του δωματίου)", "Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.": "Σας ευχαριστούμε που δοκιμάσατε την έκδοση beta, παρακαλούμε να αναφέρετε όσο περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείτε για να τη βελτιώσουμε.", "How can I leave the beta?": "Πώς μπορώ να φύγω από την beta έκδοση;", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Λειτουργία χαμηλού bandwidth (απαιτεί συμβατό κεντρικό διακομιστή)", "Order rooms by name": "Ορίστε τη σειρά των δωματίων κατά το όνομά τους", "Media omitted": "Τα μέσα παραλείφθηκαν", "Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Ενεργοποίηση στιγμιότυπων οθόνης μικροεφαρμογών σε υποστηριζόμενες μικροεφαρμογές", @@ -1626,7 +1621,6 @@ "Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Κάτι πήγε στραβά. Δοκιμάστε ξανά ή δείτε την κονσόλα σας για συμβουλές.", "Error adding ignored user/server": "Σφάλμα κατά την προσθήκη χρήστη/διακομιστή που αγνοήθηκε", "Ignored/Blocked": "Αγνοήθηκε/Αποκλείστηκε", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Αισθάνεστε πειραματικοί; Τα εργαστήρια είναι ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να έχετε πρώιμη πρόσβαση, να δοκιμάσετε νέες δυνατότητες και να βοηθήσετε στη διαμόρφωση τους πριν παρουσιαστούν πραγματικά. Μάθετε περισσότερα.", "Keyboard": "Πληκτρολόγιο", "Clear cache and reload": "Εκκαθάριση προσωρινής μνήμης και επαναφόρτωση", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Το διακριτικό πρόσβασής σας παρέχει πλήρη πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό σας. Μην το μοιραστείτε με κανέναν.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json b/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json index 9922fa0413b..e82e8f18fe6 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json @@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ "%(value)sh": "%(value)sh", "%(value)sm": "%(value)sm", "%(value)ss": "%(value)ss", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", "Identity server has no terms of service": "Identity server has no terms of service", "This action requires accessing the default identity server to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "This action requires accessing the default identity server to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.", "Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.": "Only continue if you trust the owner of the server.", @@ -645,6 +648,8 @@ "You are already recording a voice broadcast. Please end your current voice broadcast to start a new one.": "You are already recording a voice broadcast. Please end your current voice broadcast to start a new one.", "You don't have the required permissions to start a voice broadcast in this room. Contact a room administrator to upgrade your permissions.": "You don't have the required permissions to start a voice broadcast in this room. Contact a room administrator to upgrade your permissions.", "Someone else is already recording a voice broadcast. Wait for their voice broadcast to end to start a new one.": "Someone else is already recording a voice broadcast. Wait for their voice broadcast to end to start a new one.", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "You ended a voice broadcast", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast", "Stop live broadcasting?": "Stop live broadcasting?", "Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast?This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast?This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.", "Yes, stop broadcast": "Yes, stop broadcast", @@ -806,7 +811,7 @@ "Yes": "Yes", "No": "No", "Help improve %(analyticsOwner)s": "Help improve %(analyticsOwner)s", - "You have unverified logins": "You have unverified logins", + "You have unverified sessions": "You have unverified sessions", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Review to ensure your account is safe", "Review": "Review", "Later": "Later", @@ -906,21 +911,18 @@ "Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.": "Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.", "Explore public spaces in the new search dialog": "Explore public spaces in the new search dialog", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators", + "Report to moderators": "Report to moderators", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Render LaTeX maths in messages", "Message Pinning": "Message Pinning", - "Threaded messaging": "Threaded messaging", + "Threaded messages": "Threaded messages", "Keep discussions organised with threads.": "Keep discussions organised with threads.", "Threads help keep conversations on-topic and easy to track. Learn more.": "Threads help keep conversations on-topic and easy to track. Learn more.", - "How can I start a thread?": "How can I start a thread?", - "Use “%(replyInThread)s” when hovering over a message.": "Use “%(replyInThread)s” when hovering over a message.", - "Reply in thread": "Reply in thread", - "How can I leave the beta?": "How can I leave the beta?", - "To leave, return to this page and use the “%(leaveTheBeta)s” button.": "To leave, return to this page and use the “%(leaveTheBeta)s” button.", - "Leave the beta": "Leave the beta", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)", + "Rich text editor": "Rich text editor", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.", "Render simple counters in room header": "Render simple counters in room header", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)", + "New ways to ignore people": "New ways to ignore people", + "Currently experimental.": "Currently experimental.", "Support adding custom themes": "Support adding custom themes", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Show message previews for reactions in DMs", "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms", @@ -930,15 +932,19 @@ "Show HTML representation of room topics": "Show HTML representation of room topics", "Show info about bridges in room settings": "Show info about bridges in room settings", "Use new room breadcrumbs": "Use new room breadcrumbs", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)", + "Right panel stays open": "Right panel stays open", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Defaults to room member list.", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)", "Send read receipts": "Send read receipts", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Sliding Sync mode", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "Under active development, cannot be disabled.", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call video rooms", "New group call experience": "New group call experience", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Favourite Messages (under active development)", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Voice broadcast (under active development)", + "Live Location Sharing": "Live Location Sharing", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.", + "Favourite Messages": "Favourite Messages", + "Under active development.": "Under active development.", + "Under active development": "Under active development", "Use new session manager": "Use new session manager", "New session manager": "New session manager", "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.", @@ -950,6 +956,7 @@ "Show stickers button": "Show stickers button", "Show polls button": "Show polls button", "Insert a trailing colon after user mentions at the start of a message": "Insert a trailing colon after user mentions at the start of a message", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)", "Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Use a more compact 'Modern' layout", "Show a placeholder for removed messages": "Show a placeholder for removed messages", "Show join/leave messages (invites/removes/bans unaffected)": "Show join/leave messages (invites/removes/bans unaffected)", @@ -999,7 +1006,8 @@ "Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list", "Show shortcut to welcome checklist above the room list": "Show shortcut to welcome checklist above the room list", "Show hidden events in timeline": "Show hidden events in timeline", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Low bandwidth mode", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Requires compatible homeserver.", "Allow fallback call assist server (turn.matrix.org)": "Allow fallback call assist server (turn.matrix.org)", "Only applies if your homeserver does not offer one. Your IP address would be shared during a call.": "Only applies if your homeserver does not offer one. Your IP address would be shared during a call.", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Show previews/thumbnails for images", @@ -1286,6 +1294,11 @@ "Jump to first unread room.": "Jump to first unread room.", "Jump to first invite.": "Jump to first invite.", "Space options": "Space options", + "Failed to change power level": "Failed to change power level", + "Add privileged users": "Add privileged users", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges", + "Search users in this room…": "Search users in this room…", + "Apply": "Apply", "Remove": "Remove", "This bridge was provisioned by .": "This bridge was provisioned by .", "This bridge is managed by .": "This bridge is managed by .", @@ -1537,8 +1550,10 @@ "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.", "Clear cache and reload": "Clear cache and reload", "Keyboard": "Keyboard", - "Labs": "Labs", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.", + "Upcoming features": "Upcoming features", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.", + "Early previews": "Early previews", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.", "Ignored/Blocked": "Ignored/Blocked", "Error adding ignored user/server": "Error adding ignored user/server", "Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.", @@ -1782,6 +1797,10 @@ "Unverified sessions": "Unverified sessions", "Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but have not been cross-verified.": "Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but have not been cross-verified.", "You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.": "You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.", + "Unverified session": "Unverified session", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.", "Inactive sessions": "Inactive sessions", "Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.": "Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.", "Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.": "Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.", @@ -1794,7 +1813,7 @@ "Unknown session type": "Unknown session type", "Verified session": "Verified session", "This session is ready for secure messaging.": "This session is ready for secure messaging.", - "Unverified session": "Unverified session", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.", "Verify or sign out from this session for best security and reliability.": "Verify or sign out from this session for best security and reliability.", "Verify session": "Verify session", "For best security, sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.": "For best security, sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.", @@ -1948,7 +1967,7 @@ "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "You do not have permission to start voice calls", "Freedom": "Freedom", "Spotlight": "Spotlight", - "Layout type": "Layout type", + "Change layout": "Change layout", "Forget room": "Forget room", "Hide Widgets": "Hide Widgets", "Show Widgets": "Show Widgets", @@ -2097,6 +2116,7 @@ "Stop recording": "Stop recording", "Italic": "Italic", "Underline": "Underline", + "Code": "Code", "Error updating main address": "Error updating main address", "There was an error updating the room's main address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "There was an error updating the room's main address. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.", "There was an error updating the room's alternative addresses. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.": "There was an error updating the room's alternative addresses. It may not be allowed by the server or a temporary failure occurred.", @@ -2149,6 +2169,8 @@ "The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to": "The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to", "Yours, or the other users' internet connection": "Yours, or the other users' internet connection", "Yours, or the other users' session": "Yours, or the other users' session", + "Error starting verification": "Error starting verification", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.", "Nothing pinned, yet": "Nothing pinned, yet", "If you have permissions, open the menu on any message and select Pin to stick them here.": "If you have permissions, open the menu on any message and select Pin to stick them here.", "Pinned messages": "Pinned messages", @@ -2211,7 +2233,6 @@ "Failed to mute user": "Failed to mute user", "Unmute": "Unmute", "Mute": "Mute", - "Failed to change power level": "Failed to change power level", "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.", "Are you sure?": "Are you sure?", "Deactivate user?": "Deactivate user?", @@ -2295,6 +2316,7 @@ "Error processing audio message": "Error processing audio message", "View live location": "View live location", "React": "React", + "Reply in thread": "Reply in thread", "Can't create a thread from an event with an existing relation": "Can't create a thread from an event with an existing relation", "Beta feature": "Beta feature", "Beta feature. Click to learn more.": "Beta feature. Click to learn more.", @@ -2558,6 +2580,7 @@ "Join millions for free on the largest public server": "Join millions for free on the largest public server", "Homeserver": "Homeserver", "Help": "Help", + "WARNING: ": "WARNING: ", "Choose a locale": "Choose a locale", "Continue with %(provider)s": "Continue with %(provider)s", "Sign in with single sign-on": "Sign in with single sign-on", @@ -2990,6 +3013,7 @@ "Upload %(count)s other files|one": "Upload %(count)s other file", "Cancel All": "Cancel All", "Upload Error": "Upload Error", + "Labs": "Labs", "Verify other device": "Verify other device", "Verification Request": "Verification Request", "Approve widget permissions": "Approve widget permissions", @@ -3169,6 +3193,7 @@ "Beta": "Beta", "Leaving the beta will reload %(brand)s.": "Leaving the beta will reload %(brand)s.", "Joining the beta will reload %(brand)s.": "Joining the beta will reload %(brand)s.", + "Leave the beta": "Leave the beta", "Join the beta": "Join the beta", "Updated %(humanizedUpdateTime)s": "Updated %(humanizedUpdateTime)s", "Live until %(expiryTime)s": "Live until %(expiryTime)s", @@ -3209,7 +3234,6 @@ "Token incorrect": "Token incorrect", "A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s": "A text message has been sent to %(msisdn)s", "Please enter the code it contains:": "Please enter the code it contains:", - "Code": "Code", "Submit": "Submit", "Something went wrong in confirming your identity. Cancel and try again.": "Something went wrong in confirming your identity. Cancel and try again.", "Start authentication": "Start authentication", @@ -3479,6 +3503,8 @@ "Clear personal data": "Clear personal data", "Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.": "Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.", "Follow the instructions sent to %(email)s": "Follow the instructions sent to %(email)s", + "Wrong email address?": "Wrong email address?", + "Re-enter email address": "Re-enter email address", "Did not receive it?": "Did not receive it?", "Verification link email resent!": "Verification link email resent!", "Send email": "Send email", @@ -3486,6 +3512,7 @@ "%(homeserver)s will send you a verification link to let you reset your password.": "%(homeserver)s will send you a verification link to let you reset your password.", "The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "The email address linked to your account must be entered.", "The email address doesn't appear to be valid.": "The email address doesn't appear to be valid.", + "Sign in instead": "Sign in instead", "Verify your email to continue": "Verify your email to continue", "We need to know it’s you before resetting your password.\n Click the link in the email we just sent to %(email)s": "We need to know it’s you before resetting your password.\n Click the link in the email we just sent to %(email)s", "Commands": "Commands", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/eo.json b/src/i18n/strings/eo.json index 84b23652a94..45bebc6781c 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/eo.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/eo.json @@ -1112,7 +1112,6 @@ "%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s ekigis voĉvokon. (mankas subteno en ĉi tiu foliumilo)", "%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s ekigis vidvokon.", "%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s ekigis vidvokon. (mankas subteno en ĉi tiu foliumilo)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Elprovi novajn manierojn malatenti personojn (eksperimente)", "Match system theme": "Similiĝi la sisteman haŭton", "My Ban List": "Mia listo de forbaroj", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Ĉi tio estas la listo de uzantoj/serviloj, kiujn vi blokis – ne eliru el la ĉambro!", @@ -2218,7 +2217,6 @@ "Delete": "Forigi", "Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Salti al subo de historio sendinte mesaĝon", "Check your devices": "Kontrolu viajn aparatojn", - "You have unverified logins": "Vi havas nekontrolitajn salutojn", "You're already in a call with this person.": "Vi jam vokas ĉi tiun personon.", "Already in call": "Jam vokanta", "This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Ĉi tiu kutime influas nur traktadon de la ĉambro servil-flanke. Se vi spertas problemojn pri via %(brand)s, bonvolu raporti eraron.", @@ -2341,7 +2339,6 @@ "Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Sendas la donitan mesaĝon kiel malkaŝon de intrigo", "Are you sure you wish to abort creation of the host? The process cannot be continued.": "Ĉu vi certe volas nuligi kreadon de la gastiganto? Ĉi tiu procedo ne estos daŭrigebla.", "Confirm abort of host creation": "Konfirmu nuligon de kreado de gastiganto", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Ĉu vi eksperimentemas? Laboratorioj estas la plej bona maniero frue akiri kaj testi novajn funkciojn, kaj helpi ilin formi antaŭ ilia plena ekuzo. Eksciu plion.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Via alirpeco donas plenan aliron al via konto. Donu ĝin al neniu.", "We couldn't create your DM.": "Ni ne povis krei vian individuan ĉambron.", "You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "Vi povas min kontakti okaze de pliaj demandoj", @@ -2476,7 +2473,6 @@ "%(sharerName)s is presenting": "%(sharerName)s prezentas", "You are presenting": "Vi prezentas", "Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Ĉirkaŭi elektitan tekston dum tajpado de specialaj signoj", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Pratipo de raportado al reguligistoj. En ĉambroj, kiuj subtenas reguligadon, la butono «raporti» povigos vin raporti misuzon al reguligistoj de ĉambro", "This space has no local addresses": "Ĉi tiu aro ne havas lokajn adresojn", "Stop recording": "Malŝalti registradon", "End-to-end encryption isn't enabled": "Tutvoja ĉifrado ne estas ŝaltita", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/es.json b/src/i18n/strings/es.json index 0f1792f20f3..d582fbb9117 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/es.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/es.json @@ -784,7 +784,6 @@ "%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s hizo una llamada de vídeo.", "%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s hizo una llamada de vídeo (no soportada por este navegador)", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Pruebe nuevas formas de ignorar a usuarios (experimental)", "Match system theme": "Usar el mismo tema que el sistema", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Mostrar vistas previas para las imágenes", "When rooms are upgraded": "Cuando las salas son actualizadas", @@ -2322,7 +2321,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Puedes cambiar todo esto en cualquier momento.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Añade algún detalle para ayudar a que la gente lo reconozca.", "Check your devices": "Comprueba tus dispositivos", - "You have unverified logins": "Tienes inicios de sesión sin verificar", "Verification requested": "Solicitud de verificación", "Avatar": "Imagen de perfil", "Consult first": "Consultar primero", @@ -2398,7 +2396,6 @@ "To leave the beta, visit your settings.": "Para salir de la beta, ve a tus ajustes.", "Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.": "Tu nombre de usuario y plataforma irán adjuntos para que podamos interpretar tus comentarios lo mejor posible.", "Add reaction": "Reaccionar", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "¿Te apetece probar cosas nuevas? Los experimentos son la mejor manera de conseguir acceso anticipado a nuevas funcionalidades, probarlas y ayudar a mejorarlas antes de su lanzamiento. Más información.", "Space Autocomplete": "Autocompletar espacios", "Go to my space": "Ir a mi espacio", "sends space invaders": "enviar space invaders", @@ -2475,7 +2472,6 @@ "Silence call": "Silenciar llamada", "Sound on": "Sonido activado", "Show all rooms in Home": "Incluir todas las salas en Inicio", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototipo de reportes a los moderadores. En las salas que lo permitan, verás el botón «reportar», que te permitirá avisar de mensajes abusivos a los moderadores de la sala", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s ha anulado la invitación a %(targetName)s", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s ha anulado la invitación a %(targetName)s: %(reason)s", "%(targetName)s left the room": "%(targetName)s ha salido de la sala", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "Are you sure you want to make this encrypted room public?": "¿Seguro que quieres activar el cifrado en esta sala pública?", "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Para evitar estos problemas, crea una nueva sala cifrada para la conversación que quieras tener.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "¿Seguro que quieres activar el cifrado en esta sala pública?", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Modo de bajo consumo de datos (el servidor base debe ser compatible)", "Threaded messaging": "Mensajes en hilos", "Thread": "Hilo", "The above, but in any room you are joined or invited to as well": "Lo de arriba, pero en cualquier sala en la que estés o te inviten", @@ -3091,7 +3086,6 @@ "Automatically send debug logs when key backup is not functioning": "Enviar automáticamente los registros de depuración cuando la clave de respaldo no funcione", "Insert a trailing colon after user mentions at the start of a message": "Inserta automáticamente dos puntos después de las menciones que hagas al principio de los mensajes", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Saltar a una fecha (añade el comando /jumptodate y enlaces para saltar en los encabezados de fecha)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "El panel derecho se queda abierto (por defecto tendrá la lista de miembros de la sala)", "Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.": "Gracias por probar la beta. Por favor, incluye todos los detalles que puedas para que podamos mejorar.", "Show current avatar and name for users in message history": "Mostrar el nombre y avatar actual de las personas junto a sus mensajes en el historial", "Switches to this room's virtual room, if it has one": "Cambia a la sala virtual de esta sala, si tiene una", @@ -3281,7 +3275,6 @@ "Audio devices": "Dispositivos de audio", "Start messages with /plain to send without markdown and /md to send with.": "Empieza los mensajes con /plain para enviarlos sin Markdown, y /md para enviarlos con Markdown.", "Enable Markdown": "Activar Markdown", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Compartir ubicación en tiempo real (funcionamiento provisional: la ubicación persiste en el historial de la sala)", "To leave, return to this page and use the “%(leaveTheBeta)s” button.": "Pasa salir, vuelve a esta página y dale al botón de «%(leaveTheBeta)s».", "Use “%(replyInThread)s” when hovering over a message.": "Usa «%(replyInThread)s» al pasar el ratón sobre un mensaje.", "Keep discussions organised with threads.": "Mantén tus conversaciones organizadas con los hilos.", @@ -3389,7 +3382,6 @@ "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Envía tu primer mensaje para invitar a a la conversación", "Saved Items": "Elementos guardados", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Los mensajes en esta conversación serán cifrados de extremo a extremo.", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Mensajes favoritos (en desarrollo)", "Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.": "Google Play y el logo de Google Play son marcas registradas de Google LLC.", "App Store® and the Apple logo® are trademarks of Apple Inc.": "App Store® y el logo de Apple® son marcas registradas de Apple Inc.", "Get it on F-Droid": "Disponible en F-Droid", @@ -3501,7 +3493,6 @@ "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Debes poder sacar usuarios para hacer eso.", "Video call started in %(roomName)s. (not supported by this browser)": "Videollamada empezada en %(roomName)s. (no compatible con este navegador)", "Video call started in %(roomName)s.": "Videollamada empezada en %(roomName)s.", - "Layout type": "Tipo de disposición", "%(downloadButton)s or %(copyButton)s": "%(downloadButton)s o %(copyButton)s", "%(securityKey)s or %(recoveryFile)s": "%(securityKey)s o %(recoveryFile)s", "Proxy URL": "URL de servidor proxy", @@ -3547,11 +3538,8 @@ "Sorry — this call is currently full": "Lo sentimos — la llamada está llena", "Use new session manager": "Usar el nuevo gestor de sesiones", "New session manager": "Nuevo gestor de sesiones", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Retransmisión de voz (en desarrollo)", "New group call experience": "Nueva experiencia de llamadas grupales", "Element Call video rooms": "Salas de vídeo Element Call", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Modo de sincronización progresiva (en pleno desarrollo, no puede desactivarse)", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Prueba el nuevo editor de texto con formato (un modo sin formato estará disponible próximamente)", "Notifications silenced": "Notificaciones silenciadas", "Video call started": "Videollamada iniciada", "Unknown room": "Sala desconocida", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/et.json b/src/i18n/strings/et.json index a6d268f02fb..1dbbb9f56e0 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/et.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/et.json @@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ "Create Account": "Loo konto", "Sign In": "Logi sisse", "Send a bug report with logs": "Saada veakirjeldus koos logikirjetega", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Proovi uusi kasutajate eiramise viise (katseline)", "To report a Matrix-related security issue, please read the Matrix.org Security Disclosure Policy.": "Kui soovid teatada Matrix'iga seotud turvaveast, siis palun tutvu enne Matrix.org Turvalisuse avalikustamise juhendiga.", "Server or user ID to ignore": "Serverid või kasutajate tunnused, mida soovid eirata", "Ignore": "Eira", @@ -1442,7 +1441,7 @@ "Security Key": "Turvavõti", "Use your Security Key to continue.": "Jätkamiseks kasuta turvavõtit.", "Restoring keys from backup": "Taastan võtmed varundusest", - "Fetching keys from server...": "Laen võtmed serverist...", + "Fetching keys from server...": "Laadin serverist võtmeid...", "%(completed)s of %(total)s keys restored": "%(completed)s / %(total)s võtit taastatud", "Unable to load backup status": "Varunduse oleku laadimine ei õnnestunud", "Warning: You should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "Hoiatus: Sa peaksid võtmete varundust seadistama vaid arvutist, mida sa usaldad.", @@ -2324,7 +2323,6 @@ "A private space to organise your rooms": "Privaatne kogukonnakeskus jututubade koondamiseks", "Make sure the right people have access. You can invite more later.": "Kontrolli, et vajalikel inimestel oleks siia ligipääs. Teistele võid kutse saata ka hiljem.", "Check your devices": "Kontrolli oma seadmeid", - "You have unverified logins": "Sul on verifitseerimata sisselogimissessioone", "Manage & explore rooms": "Halda ja uuri jututubasid", "Warn before quitting": "Hoiata enne rakenduse töö lõpetamist", "Invite to just this room": "Kutsi vaid siia jututuppa", @@ -2375,7 +2373,6 @@ "You have no ignored users.": "Sa ei ole veel kedagi eiranud.", "Play": "Esita", "Pause": "Peata", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Kas sa tahaksid katsetada? Sa tutvud meie rakenduse uuendustega teistest varem ja võib-olla isegi saad mõjutada arenduse lõpptulemust. Lisateavet leiad siit.", "This is an experimental feature. For now, new users receiving an invite will have to open the invite on to actually join.": "See on katseline funktsionaalsus. Seetõttu uued kutse saanud kasutajad peavad tegelikuks liitumiseks avama kutse siin .", "Select a room below first": "Esmalt vali alljärgnevast üks jututuba", "Join the beta": "Hakka kasutama beetaversiooni", @@ -2489,7 +2486,6 @@ "This user is spamming the room with ads, links to ads or to propaganda.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "See kasutaja spämmib jututuba reklaamidega, reklaamlinkidega või propagandaga.\nJututoa moderaatorid saavad selle kohta teate.", "This user is displaying toxic behaviour, for instance by insulting other users or sharing adult-only content in a family-friendly room or otherwise violating the rules of this room.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Selle kasutaja tegevus on äärmiselt ebasobilik, milleks võib olla teiste jututoas osalejate solvamine, peresõbralikku jututuppa täiskasvanutele mõeldud sisu lisamine või muul viisil jututoa reeglite rikkumine.\nJututoa moderaatorid saavad selle kohta teate.", "Please provide an address": "Palun sisesta aadress", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Meie esimene katsetus modereerimisega. Kui jututoas on modereerimine toetatud, siis „Teata moderaatorile“ nupust võid saada teate ebasobiliku sisu kohta", "Unnamed audio": "Nimetu helifail", "Code blocks": "Lähtekoodi lõigud", "Images, GIFs and videos": "Pildid, gif'id ja videod", @@ -2633,7 +2629,6 @@ "This upgrade will allow members of selected spaces access to this room without an invite.": "Antud uuendusega on valitud kogukonnakeskuste liikmetel võimalik selle jututoaga ilma kutseta liituda.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Kas sa oled kindel, et soovid selles avalikus jututoas kasutada krüptimist?", "Message bubbles": "Jutumullid", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Režiim kehva internetiühenduse jaoks (eeldab koduserveripoolset tuge)", "Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Erimärkide sisestamisel märgista valitud tekst", "Thread": "Jutulõng", "Threaded messaging": "Sõnumid jutulõngana", @@ -3013,7 +3008,6 @@ "Navigate to next message to edit": "Muutmiseks liigu järgmise sõnumi juurde", "Internal room ID": "Jututoa tehniline tunnus", "Group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "Koonda ühte kohta kõik oma jututoad, mis ei kuulu mõnda kogukonda.", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Parempoolne paan jääb avatuks (vaikimisi on seal jututoas osalejate loend)", "Previous autocomplete suggestion": "Eelmine sisestussoovitus", "Next autocomplete suggestion": "Järgmine sisestussoovitus", "Previous room or DM": "Eelmine otsevestlus või jututuba", @@ -3289,7 +3283,6 @@ "You can also ask your homeserver admin to upgrade the server to change this behaviour.": "Sa võid ka paluda, et sinu koduserveri haldaja uuendaks serveritarkvara ja väldiks kirjeldatud olukorra tekkimist.", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms you should first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards.": "Kui sa soovid, et krüptitud vestluste sõnumid oleks ka hiljem loetavad, siis esmalt ekspordi kõik krüptovõtmed ning hiljem impordi nad tagasi.", "Changing your password on this homeserver will cause all of your other devices to be signed out. This will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, and may make encrypted chat history unreadable.": "Selles koduserveris oma kasutajakonto salasõna muutmine põhjustab kõikide sinu muude seadmete automaatse väljalogimise. Samaga kustutatakse ka krüptitud sõnumite võtmed ning varasemad krüptitud sõnumid muutuvad loetamatuteks.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Asukoha jagamine reaalajas (esialgne ajutine lahendus: asukohad on jututoa ajaloos näha)", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Palun arvesta järgnevaga: see katseline funktsionaalsus kasutab ajutist lahendust. See tähendab, et sa ei saa oma asukoha jagamise ajalugu kustutada ning heade arvutioskustega kasutajad saavad näha sinu asukohta ka siis, kui sa oled oma asukoha jagamise selles jututoas lõpetanud.", "An error occurred while stopping your live location": "Sinu asukoha reaalajas jagamise lõpetamisel tekkis viga", "Enable live location sharing": "Luba asukohta jagada reaalajas", @@ -3383,7 +3376,6 @@ "Who will you chat to the most?": "Kellega sa kõige rohkem vestled?", "You don't have permission to share locations": "Sul pole vajalikke õigusi asukoha jagamiseks", "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Selles jututoas asukoha jagamiseks peavad sul olema vastavad õigused.", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Lemmiksõnumid (aktiivselt arendamisel)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Sõnumid siin vestluses on läbivalt krüptitud.", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Saada oma esimene sõnum kutsudes vestlusesse", "Choose a locale": "Vali lokaat", @@ -3503,8 +3495,6 @@ "Sliding Sync configuration": "Sliding Sync konfiguratsioon", "Voice broadcast": "Ringhäälingukõne", "Voice broadcasts": "Ringhäälingukõned", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Ringhäälingukõne (aktiivses arenduses)", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Sliding Sync režiim (aktiivses arenduses, ei saa välja lülitada)", "Enable notifications for this account": "Võta sellel kasutajakontol kasutusele teavitused", "New group call experience": "Uus rühmakõnede lahendus", "Video call ended": "Videokõne on lõppenud", @@ -3524,7 +3514,6 @@ "Room info": "Jututoa teave", "View chat timeline": "Vaata vestluse ajajoont", "Close call": "Lõpeta kõne", - "Layout type": "Kujunduse tüüp", "Spotlight": "Rambivalgus", "Freedom": "Vabadus", "Unknown session type": "Tundmatu sessioonitüüp", @@ -3560,7 +3549,6 @@ "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Sellega saad parema ülevaate oma sessioonidest ja võimaluse neid mugavasti hallata.", "New session manager": "Uus sessioonihaldur", "Use new session manager": "Kasuta uut sessioonihaldurit", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Proovi vormindatud teksti alusel töötavat tekstitoimetit (varsti lisandub ka vormindamata teksti režiim)", "Notifications silenced": "Teavitused on summutatud", "Completing set up of your new device": "Lõpetame uue seadme seadistamise", "Waiting for device to sign in": "Ootame, et teine seade logiks võrku", @@ -3647,5 +3635,49 @@ "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "Liiga palju päringuid napis ajavahemikus. Enne uuesti proovimist palun oota %(timeout)s sekundit.", "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Liiga palju päringuid napis ajavahemikus. Enne uuesti proovimist palun oota veidi.", "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "Jutulõnga esimese kirje tunnus: %(threadRootId)s", - "Change input device": "Vaheta sisendseadet" + "Change input device": "Vaheta sisendseadet", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)s m %(seconds)s s", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)s t %(minutes)s m %(seconds)s s", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)s pv %(hours)s t %(minutes)s m %(seconds)s s", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Meil ei õnnestunud alustada vestlust teise kasutajaga.", + "Error starting verification": "Viga verifitseerimise alustamisel", + "Buffering…": "Andmed on puhverdamisel…", + "WARNING: ": "HOIATUS: ", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Vaikimisi sisaldab jututoas osalejate loendit.", + "Right panel stays open": "Parem paan jääb avatuks", + "Currently experimental.": "Parasjagu katsejärgus.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Uued võimalused osalejate eiramiseks", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Sõnumi kirjutamisel võid tavalise Markdown-vormingu asemel kasutada kujundatud teksti. Lihtteksti kasutamise võimalus lisandub varsti.", + "Rich text editor": "Kujundatud teksti toimeti", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "Kui jututoas on modereerimine kasutusel, siis nupust „Teata sisust“ avaneva vormi abil saad jututoa reegleid rikkuvast sisust teatada moderaatoritele.", + "Report to moderators": "Teata moderaatoritele", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Järkjärgulise sünkroniseerimise režiim", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Soovid katsetada? Proovi meie uusimaid arendusmõtteid. Need funktsionaalsused pole üldsegi veel valmis, nad võivad toimida puudulikult, võivad muutuda või sootuks lõpetamata jääda. Lisateavet leiad siit.", + "Early previews": "Varased arendusjärgud", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Mida %(brand)s tulevikus teha oskab? Arendusjärgus funktsionaalsuste loendist leiad võimalusi, mis varsti on kõigile saadaval, kuid sa saad neid juba katsetada ning ka mõjutada missuguseks nad lõplikukt kujunevad.", + "Upcoming features": "Tulevikus lisanduvad funktsionaalsused", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Eeldab, et koduserver toetab sellist funktsionaalsust.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Vähese ribalaiusega režiim", + "Under active development": "Aktiivselt arendamisel", + "Under active development.": "Aktiivselt arendamisel.", + "Favourite Messages": "Lemmiksõnumid", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Tegemist on ajutise ja esialgse lahendusega: asukohad on jututoa ajaloos näha.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Asukoha jagamine reaalajas", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "Aktiivselt arendamisel ega ole võimalik välja lülitada.", + "You have unverified sessions": "Sul on verifitseerimata sessioone", + "Change layout": "Muuda paigutust", + "Sign in instead": "Pigem logi sisse", + "Re-enter email address": "Sisesta e-posti aadress uuesti", + "Wrong email address?": "Kas e-posti aadress pole õige?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Peida teavituse täpp (ja näita loendure)", + "Apply": "Rakenda", + "Search users in this room…": "Vali kasutajad sellest jututoast…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Lisa selles jututoas ühele või mitmele kasutajale täiendavaid õigusi", + "Add privileged users": "Lisa kasutajatele täiendavaid õigusi", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Parima turvalisuse ja privaatsuse nimel palun kasuta selliseid Matrix'i kliente, mis toetavad krüptimist.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Selle sessiooniga ei saa sa osaleda krüptitud jututubades.", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Seda sessiooni ei saa verifitseerida, sest seal puudub krüptimise tugi.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Seda sessiooni ei saa verifitseerida, sest seal puudub krüptimise tugi.", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s lõpetas ringhäälingukõne", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Sa lõpetasid ringhäälingukõne" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json index e4e6c4a2b1f..655031c04bb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json @@ -1111,7 +1111,6 @@ "%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak ahots-dei bat abiatu du. (Nabigatzaile honek ez du onartzen)", "%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak bideo-dei bat abiatu du.", "%(senderName)s placed a video call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s erabiltzaileak bideo-dei bat abiatu du. (Nabigatzaile honek ez du onartzen)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Probatu jendea ez entzuteko modu berriak (esperimentala)", "Match system theme": "Bat egin sistemako azalarekin", "My Ban List": "Nire debeku-zerrenda", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Hau blokeatu dituzun erabiltzaile edo zerbitzarien zerrenda da, ez atera gelatik!", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/fa.json b/src/i18n/strings/fa.json index 5be45f477dd..bec812e62cc 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/fa.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/fa.json @@ -1492,7 +1492,6 @@ "You are currently subscribed to:": "شما هم‌اکنون مشترک شده‌اید در:", "You are currently ignoring:": "شما در حال حاضر این موارد را نادیده گرفته‌اید:", "Ban list rules - %(roomName)s": "قوانین لیست تحریم - %(roomName)s", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "تمایل به آزمایش‌کردن دارید؟ آزمایشگاه بهترین مکان برای دریافت چیزهای جدید، تست قابلیت‌های نو و کمک به رفع مشکلات آن‌ها قبل از انتشار نهایی است. بیشتر بدانید.", "%(brand)s version:": "نسخه‌ی %(brand)s:", "To report a Matrix-related security issue, please read the Matrix.org Security Disclosure Policy.": "برای گزارش مشکلات امنیتی مربوط به ماتریکس، لطفا سایت Matrix.org بخش Security Disclosure Policy را مطالعه فرمائید.", "Chat with %(brand)s Bot": "گفتگو با بات %(brand)s", @@ -1894,7 +1893,6 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "پیش‌نمایش احساسات و شکلک‌ها را برای همه اتاق‌ها نشان بده", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "پیش‌نمایش احساسات و شکلک‌ها را برای گفتگوهای خصوصی نشان بده", "Support adding custom themes": "پشتیبانی از افزودن پوسته‌های ظاهری دلخواه", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "روش‌های جدید برای نادیده‌گرفتن افراد را امتحان کنید (آزمایشی)", "Render simple counters in room header": "شمارنده‌های ساده‌ای در سرآیند اتاق نمایش بده", "Repeats like \"abcabcabc\" are only slightly harder to guess than \"abc\"": "تکرارهایی مانند \"abcabcabc\" تنها مقداری سخت‌تر از \"abc\" قابل حدس‌زدن هستند", "Add another word or two. Uncommon words are better.": "یک یا دو کلمه دیگر اضافه کنید. کلمات غیرمعمول بهتر هستند.", @@ -2260,7 +2258,6 @@ "Enable desktop notifications": "فعال‌کردن اعلان‌های دسکتاپ", "Don't miss a reply": "پاسخی را از دست ندهید", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "برای کسب اطمینان از امن‌بودن حساب کاربری خود، لطفا بررسی فرمائید", - "You have unverified logins": "شما ورودهای تأیید نشده دارید", "Yes": "بله", "Unknown App": "برنامه ناشناخته", "Share your public space": "محیط عمومی خود را به اشتراک بگذارید", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/fi.json b/src/i18n/strings/fi.json index 9005cf967d7..635f059d242 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/fi.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/fi.json @@ -1106,7 +1106,6 @@ "Trust": "Luota", "Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Voit käyttää identiteettipalvelinta lähettääksesi sähköpostikutsuja. Napsauta Jatka käyttääksesi oletuspalvelinta (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) tai syötä eri palvelin asetuksissa.", "Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Voit käyttää identiteettipalvelinta sähköpostikutsujen lähettämiseen.", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Kokeile uusia tapoja käyttäjien sivuuttamiseen (kokeellinen)", "Match system theme": "Käytä järjestelmän teemaa", "Decline (%(counter)s)": "Hylkää (%(counter)s)", "Connecting to integration manager...": "Yhdistetään integraatioiden lähteeseen...", @@ -2314,7 +2313,6 @@ "Threaded messaging": "Säikeistetty viestittely", "Set up Secure Backup": "Määritä turvallinen varmuuskopio", "Error fetching file": "Virhe tiedostoa noutaessa", - "You have unverified logins": "Vahvistamattomia kirjautumisia havaittu", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Katselmoi varmistaaksesi, että tilisi on turvassa", "%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s loi tämän huoneen.", "Plain Text": "Raakateksti", @@ -2652,7 +2650,6 @@ "sends rainfall": "lähettää vesisadetta", "Sends the given message with rainfall": "Lähettää viestin vesisateen kera", "Show join/leave messages (invites/removes/bans unaffected)": "Näytä liittymis- ja poistumisviestit (ei vaikutusta kutsuihin, poistamisiin ja porttikieltoihin)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Oikea paneeli pysyy auki (oletuksena luettelo huoneen jäsenistä)", "Use new room breadcrumbs": "Käytä uusia huoneen leivänmuruja", "Message Previews": "Viestien esikatselut", "Room members": "Huoneen jäsenet", @@ -2899,7 +2896,6 @@ "It's not recommended to make encrypted rooms public. It will mean anyone can find and join the room, so anyone can read messages. You'll get none of the benefits of encryption. Encrypting messages in a public room will make receiving and sending messages slower.": "Ei ole suositeltavaa tehdä salausta käyttävistä huoneista julkisia. Se tarkoittaa, että kuka vain voi löytää huoneen, joten kuka vain voi lukea viestejä. Salauksesta ei siis ole hyötyä. Viestien salaaminen julkisessa huoneessa hidastaa viestien vastaanottamista ja lähettämistä.", "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Vältä nämä ongelmat luomalla uusi salausta käyttävä huone keskustelua varten.", "Enable hardware acceleration (restart %(appName)s to take effect)": "Ota laitteistokiihdytys käyttöön (käynnistä %(appName)s uudelleen, jotta asetus tulee voimaan)", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Kokeileva olo? Laboratorio on paras tapa olla ensimmäisten joukossa, kokeilla uusia ominaisuuksia ja auttaa kehittämään niitä ennen kuin ne julkaistaan.Lue lisää.", "Your password was successfully changed.": "Salasanasi vaihtaminen onnistui.", "Turn on camera": "Laita kamera päälle", "Turn off camera": "Sammuta kamera", @@ -3082,7 +3078,6 @@ "Moderation": "Moderointi", "You were disconnected from the call. (Error: %(message)s)": "Yhteytesi puheluun katkaistiin. (Virhe: %(message)s)", "See when people join, leave, or are invited to this room": "Näe milloin ihmiset liittyvät, poistuvat tai tulevat kutsutuiksi tähän huoneeseen", - "Layout type": "Asettelun tyyppi", "Previous autocomplete suggestion": "Edellinen automaattitäydennyksen ehdotus", "Next autocomplete suggestion": "Seuraava automaattitäydennyksen ehdotus", "%(downloadButton)s or %(copyButton)s": "%(downloadButton)s tai %(copyButton)s", @@ -3265,11 +3260,9 @@ "Spaces are a new way to group rooms and people. What kind of Space do you want to create? You can change this later.": "Avaruudet ovat uusi tapa ryhmitellä huoneita ja ihmisiä. Minkälaisen avaruuden sinä haluat luoda? Voit muuttaa tätä asetusta myöhemmin.", "Automatically send debug logs on decryption errors": "Lähetä vianjäljityslokit automaattisesti salauksen purkuun liittyvien virheiden tapahtuessa", "Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Lähetä vianjäljityslokit automaattisesti minkä tahansa virheen tapahtuessa", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Alhaisen kaistanleveyden tila (vaatii yhteensopivan kotipalvelimen)", "Allow a QR code to be shown in session manager to sign in another device (requires compatible homeserver)": "Salli QR-koodi näytettäväksi istuntohallinnassa, jotta uusia laitteita on mahdollista kirjata sisään (vaatii yhteensopivan kotipalvelimen)", "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Aiempaa parempi näkyvyys ja hallittavuus kaikkiin istuntoihisi.", "Use new session manager": "Käytä uutta istuntohallintaa", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Suosikkiviestit (aktiivisen kehityksen alaisena)", "New group call experience": "Uusi ryhmäpuhelukokemus", "Yes, the chat timeline is displayed alongside the video.": "Kyllä, keskustelun aikajana esitetään videon yhteydessä.", "Use the “+” button in the room section of the left panel.": "Käytä “+”-painiketta vasemman paneelin huoneosiossa.", @@ -3310,7 +3303,6 @@ "Your platform and username will be noted to help us use your feedback as much as we can.": "Alustasi ja käyttäjänimesi huomataan, jotta palautteesi on meille mahdollisimman käyttökelpoista.", "For best security, sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.": "Parhaan turvallisuuden takaamiseksi kirjaudu ulos istunnoista, joita et tunnista tai et enää käytä.", "Voice broadcasts": "Äänen yleislähetykset", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Äänen yleislähetys (aktiivisen kehityksen alaisena)", "Voice broadcast": "Äänen yleislähetys", "pause voice broadcast": "keskeytä äänen yleislähetys", "resume voice broadcast": "palaa äänen yleislähetykseen", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json index de4c0dd16ed..7c23d4a4584 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json @@ -1108,7 +1108,6 @@ "%(name)s cancelled": "%(name)s a annulé", "%(name)s wants to verify": "%(name)s veut vérifier", "You sent a verification request": "Vous avez envoyé une demande de vérification", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Essayez de nouvelles façons d’ignorer les gens (expérimental)", "My Ban List": "Ma liste de bannissement", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "C’est la liste des utilisateurs/serveurs que vous avez bloqués − ne quittez pas le salon !", "Ignored/Blocked": "Ignoré/bloqué", @@ -2324,7 +2323,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Vous pouvez les changer à n’importe quel moment.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Ajoutez des informations pour aider les personnes à l’identifier.", "Check your devices": "Vérifiez vos appareils", - "You have unverified logins": "Vous avez des sessions non-vérifiées", "Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others.": "Vérifiez votre identité pour accéder aux messages chiffrés et prouver votre identité aux autres.", "You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Vous pourrez en ajouter plus tard, y compris certains déjà existant.", "Let's create a room for each of them.": "Créons un salon pour chacun d’entre eux.", @@ -2391,7 +2389,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Aucun microphone détecté", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "Nous n’avons pas pu accéder à votre microphone. Merci de vérifier les paramètres de votre navigateur et de réessayer.", "Unable to access your microphone": "Impossible d’accéder à votre microphone", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "L’esprit aventurier ? Les fonctionnalités expérimentales vous permettent de tester les nouveautés et aider à les polir avant leur lancement. En apprendre plus.", "Access Token": "Jeton d’accès", "Please enter a name for the space": "Veuillez renseigner un nom pour l’espace", "Connecting": "Connexion", @@ -2428,7 +2425,6 @@ "This user is displaying illegal behaviour, for instance by doxing people or threatening violence.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators who may escalate this to legal authorities.": "Cet utilisateur fait preuve d’un comportement illicite, par exemple en publiant des informations personnelles d’autres ou en proférant des menaces.\nCeci sera signalé aux modérateurs du salon qui pourront l’escalader aux autorités.", "This user is displaying toxic behaviour, for instance by insulting other users or sharing adult-only content in a family-friendly room or otherwise violating the rules of this room.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Cet utilisateur fait preuve d’un comportement toxique, par exemple en insultant les autres ou en partageant du contenu pour adultes dans un salon familial, ou en violant les règles de ce salon.\nCeci sera signalé aux modérateurs du salon.", "What this user is writing is wrong.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Ce que cet utilisateur écrit est déplacé.\nCeci sera signalé aux modérateurs du salon.", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototype de signalement aux modérateurs. Dans les salons qui prennent en charge la modération, le bouton `Signaler` vous permettra de dénoncer les abus aux modérateurs du salon", "[number]": "[numéro]", "Report": "Signaler", "Collapse reply thread": "Masquer le fil de discussion", @@ -2638,7 +2634,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Pour éviter ces problèmes, créez un nouveau salon chiffré pour la conversation que vous souhaitez avoir.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir ajouter le chiffrement dans ce salon public ?", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "La signature croisée est prête mais les clés ne sont pas sauvegardées.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Mode faible bande passante (nécessite un serveur d’accueil compatible)", "Autoplay videos": "Jouer automatiquement les vidéos", "Autoplay GIFs": "Jouer automatiquement les GIFs", "Threaded messaging": "Fils de discussion", @@ -3008,7 +3003,6 @@ "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Les espaces permettent de regrouper des salons et des personnes. En plus de ceux auxquels vous participez, vous pouvez également utiliser des espaces prédéfinis.", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Expérimental)", "Call": "Appel", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Le panneau de droite reste ouvert (avec par défaut la liste des membres du salon)", "Internal room ID": "Identifiant interne du salon", "Group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "Regroupe tous les salons n’appartenant pas à un espace au même endroit.", "Previous autocomplete suggestion": "Précédente suggestion d’autocomplétion", @@ -3289,7 +3283,6 @@ "Enable Markdown": "Activer Markdown", "To leave, return to this page and use the “%(leaveTheBeta)s” button.": "Pour quitter, revenez à cette page et utilisez le bouton « %(leaveTheBeta)s ».", "Use “%(replyInThread)s” when hovering over a message.": "Utilisez « %(replyInThread)s » en survolant un message.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Partage de position en continu (implémentation temporaire : les positions restent dans l’historique du salon)", "%(members)s and more": "%(members)s et plus", "Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has been blocked by its administrator. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "Votre message n’a pas été envoyé car ce serveur d’accueil a été bloqué par son administrateur. Veuillez contacter l’administrateur de votre service pour continuer à l’utiliser.", "An error occurred while stopping your live location": "Une erreur s’est produite lors de l’arrêt de votre position en continu", @@ -3386,7 +3379,6 @@ "You're in": "Vous y êtes", "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Vous avez besoin d’une autorisation pour partager des positions dans ce salon.", "You don't have permission to share locations": "Vous n’avez pas l’autorisation de partager des positions", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Messages favoris (en cours de développement)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Les messages de cette conversation seront chiffrés de bout en bout.", "Saved Items": "Éléments sauvegardés", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Envoyez votre premier message pour inviter à discuter", @@ -3497,12 +3489,10 @@ "Checking...": "Vérification…", "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s ou %(appLinks)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s ou %(emojiCompare)s", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Mode de synchronisation progressive (en développement, ne peut pas être désactivé)", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Vous devez avoir l’autorisation d’expulser des utilisateurs pour faire ceci.", "Sign out of this session": "Se déconnecter de cette session", "Voice broadcast": "Diffusion audio", "Rename session": "Renommer la session", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Diffusion audio (en développement)", "Element Call video rooms": "Salons vidéo Element Call", "Voice broadcasts": "Diffusions audio", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "Vous n’avez pas la permission de démarrer un appel audio", @@ -3535,7 +3525,6 @@ "Video call started in %(roomName)s. (not supported by this browser)": "Appel vidéo commencé dans %(roomName)s. (non pris en charge par ce navigateur)", "Video call started in %(roomName)s.": "Appel vidéo commencé dans %(roomName)s.", "Close call": "Terminer l’appel", - "Layout type": "Type de mise en page", "Spotlight": "Projecteur", "Freedom": "Liberté", "Fill screen": "Remplir l’écran", @@ -3560,7 +3549,6 @@ "pause voice broadcast": "mettre en pause la diffusion audio", "Underline": "Souligné", "Italic": "Italique", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Essayer l’éditeur de texte formaté (le mode texte brut arrive bientôt)", "Completing set up of your new device": "Fin de la configuration de votre nouvel appareil", "Waiting for device to sign in": "En attente de connexion de l’appareil", "Connecting...": "Connexion…", @@ -3645,5 +3633,51 @@ "Reset your password": "Réinitialise votre mot de passe", "Reset password": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "Trop de tentatives consécutives. Réessayez après %(timeout)s.", - "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Trop de tentatives consécutives. Attendez un peu avant de réessayer." + "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Trop de tentatives consécutives. Attendez un peu avant de réessayer.", + "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "ID du fil de discussion racine : %(threadRootId)s", + "Change input device": "Change de périphérique d’entrée", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Nous n’avons pas pu démarrer une conversation avec l’autre utilisateur.", + "Error starting verification": "Erreur en démarrant la vérification", + "Buffering…": "Mise en mémoire tampon…", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sj %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "WARNING: ": "ATTENTION : ", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Envie d’expériences ? Essayez nos dernières idées en développement. Ces fonctionnalités ne sont pas terminées ; elles peuvent changer, être instables, ou être complètement abandonnées. En savoir plus.", + "Early previews": "Avant-premières", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Que va-t-il se passer dans %(brand)s ? La section expérimentale est la meilleure manière d’avoir des choses en avance, tester les nouvelles fonctionnalités et d’aider à les affiner avant leur lancement officiel.", + "Upcoming features": "Fonctionnalités à venir", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Nécessite un serveur d’accueil compatible.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Mode faible bande passante", + "Under active development": "En cours de développement", + "Under active development.": "En cours de développement.", + "Favourite Messages": "Messages favoris", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Implémentation temporaire. Les positions sont persistantes dans l’historique du salon.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Partage de la position en direct", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "En cours de développement, ne peut être désactivé.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Mode synchronisation progressive", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Par défaut sur la liste des membres du salon.", + "Right panel stays open": "Le panneau de droite reste ouvert", + "Currently experimental.": "Actuellement expérimental.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Nouvelles manières d’ignorer des gens", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Utilise le texte formaté au lieu de Markdown dans le compositeur de message. Le mode texte brut arrive bientôt.", + "Rich text editor": "Éditeur de texte formaté", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "Dans les salons prenant en charge la modération, le bouton « Signaler » vous permet de signaler des abus aux modérateurs du salon.", + "Report to moderators": "Signaler aux modérateurs", + "Change layout": "Changer la disposition", + "You have unverified sessions": "Vous avez des sessions non vérifiées", + "Sign in instead": "Se connecter à la place", + "Re-enter email address": "Re-saisir l’adresse e-mail", + "Wrong email address?": "Mauvaise adresse e-mail ?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Masquer le point de notification (affiche seulement les badges des compteurs)", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Cette session ne prend pas en charge le chiffrement, elle ne peut donc pas être vérifiée.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Pour de meilleures sécurité et confidentialité, il est recommandé d’utiliser des clients Matrix qui prennent en charge le chiffrement.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Vous ne pourrez pas participer aux salons qui ont activé le chiffrement en utilisant cette session.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Cette session ne prend pas en charge le chiffrement, elle ne peut donc pas être vérifiée.", + "Apply": "Appliquer", + "Search users in this room…": "Chercher des utilisateurs dans ce salon…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Donne plus de privilèges à un ou plusieurs utilisateurs de ce salon", + "Add privileged users": "Ajouter des utilisateurs privilégiés", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s a terminé une diffusion audio", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Vous avez terminé une diffusion audio" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ga.json b/src/i18n/strings/ga.json index 6012257ae0b..cf9f3322cca 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ga.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ga.json @@ -705,7 +705,6 @@ "(~%(count)s results)|other": "(~%(count)s torthaí)", "No answer": "Gan freagair", "Unknown failure: %(reason)s": "Teip anaithnid: %(reason)s", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Modh bandaleithid íseal (teastaíonn freastalaí comhoiriúnach)", "Enable encryption in settings.": "Tosaigh criptiú sna socruithe.", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "Tá tras-sínigh réidh ach ní dhéantar cóip chúltaca d'eochracha.", "Bans user with given id": "Toirmisc úsáideoir leis an ID áirithe", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json index 327398acc0b..b16027abf3c 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json @@ -741,7 +741,6 @@ "Verify": "Verificar", "Other users may not trust it": "Outras usuarias poderían non confiar", "Render simple counters in room header": "Mostrar contadores simples na cabeceira da sala", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Novos xeitos de ignorar persoas (experimental)", "Subscribing to a ban list will cause you to join it!": "Subscribíndote a unha lista de bloqueo fará que te unas a ela!", "Warning: Upgrading a room will not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room. We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "Aviso: Actualizando a sala non farás que as participantes da sala migren automáticamente á nova versión da sala. Publicaremos unha ligazón á nova sala na versión antiga da sala - as participantes terán que premer na ligazón para unirse a nova sala.", "Join the conversation with an account": "Únete a conversa cunha conta", @@ -2324,7 +2323,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Poderás cambialo en calquera momento.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Engade algún detalle para que sexa recoñecible.", "Check your devices": "Comproba os teus dispositivos", - "You have unverified logins": "Tes sesións sen verificar", "Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Envía a mensaxe dada como un spoiler", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Revisa para asegurarte de que a túa conta está protexida", "Warn before quitting": "Aviso antes de saír", @@ -2390,7 +2388,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Non atopamos ningún micrófono", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "Non puidemos acceder ao teu micrófono. Comproba os axustes do navegador e proba outra vez.", "Unable to access your microphone": "Non se puido acceder ao micrófono", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Gañas de experimentar? Labs é o mellor xeito para un acceso temperá e probar novas funcións e axudar a melloralas antes de ser publicadas. Coñece máis.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "O teu token de acceso da acceso completo á túa conta. Non o compartas con ninguén.", "Access Token": "Token de acceso", "Please enter a name for the space": "Escribe un nome para o espazo", @@ -2530,7 +2527,6 @@ "Please pick a nature and describe what makes this message abusive.": "Escolle unha opción e describe a razón pola que esta é unha mensaxe abusiva.", "Any other reason. Please describe the problem.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Outra razón. Por favor, describe o problema.\nInformaremos disto á moderación da sala.", "This room is dedicated to illegal or toxic content or the moderators fail to moderate illegal or toxic content.\n This will be reported to the administrators of %(homeserver)s.": "Esta sala está dedicada a contido tóxico ou ilegal ou a moderación non é quen de moderar contido ilegal ou tóxico.\nImos informar disto á administración de %(homeserver)s.", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Modelo de denuncia ante a moderación. Nas salas que teñen moderación, o botón `denuncia`permíteche denunciar un abuso á moderación da sala", "The call is in an unknown state!": "Esta chamada ten un estado descoñecido!", "Call back": "Devolver a chamada", "No answer": "Sen resposta", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Para evitar estos problemas, crea unha nova sala cifrada para a conversa que pretendes manter.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Tes a certeza de querer engadir cifrado a esta sala pública?", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "A sinatura-cruzada está preparada pero non hai copia das chaves.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Modo de ancho de banda limitado (require servidor de inicio compatible)", "Thread": "Tema", "Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|one": "Actualmente, un espazo ten acceso", "& %(count)s more|one": "e %(count)s máis", @@ -2988,7 +2983,6 @@ "Automatically send debug logs on decryption errors": "Envía automáticamente rexistro de depuración se hai erros no cifrado", "Show join/leave messages (invites/removes/bans unaffected)": "Mostrar unirse/saír (convites/eliminacións/vetos non afectados)", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Ir á data (engade cabeceiras /vaiadata e vai á data)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "O panel dereito permanece aberto (por defecto para lista de membros)", "Use new room breadcrumbs": "Usar atallos para nova sala", "Show extensible event representation of events": "Mostrar representación tipo evento extensible dos eventos", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "Permitir que a moderación agoche mensaxes pendentes de moderar.", @@ -3293,7 +3287,6 @@ "Enable live location sharing": "Activar a compartición da localización", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Ten en conta que ésta é unha característica en probas cunha implementación temporal. Esto significa que non poderás borrar o teu historial de localización, e as usuarias más instruídas poderán ver o teu historial de localización incluso despois de que deixes de compartir a túa localización nesta sala.", "Live location sharing": "Compartición en directo da localización", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Compartición en directo da Localización (implementación temporal: as localizacións permanecen no historial da sala)", "%(members)s and %(last)s": "%(members)s e %(last)s", "%(members)s and more": "%(members)s e máis", "Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has been blocked by its administrator. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "A mensaxe non se enviou porque este servidor de inicio foi bloqueado pola súa administración. Contacta coa túa administración para continuar utilizando este servizo.", @@ -3386,7 +3379,6 @@ "You're in": "Estás dentro", "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Tes que ter os permisos axeitados para poder compartir a localización nesta sala.", "You don't have permission to share locations": "Non tes permiso para compartir localizacións", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Mensaxes Favoritas (en desenvolvemento activo)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "As mensaxes deste chat van estar cifrados de extremo-a-extremo.", "Saved Items": "Elementos gardados", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Envía a túa primeira mensaxe para convidar a ao chat", @@ -3497,12 +3489,10 @@ "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s ou %(appLinks)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s ou %(emojiCompare)s", "Show shortcut to welcome checklist above the room list": "Mostrar atallo á lista de comprobacións de benvida sobre a lista de salas", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Modo Sliding Sync (en desenvolvemento, non se pode desactivar)", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Tes que poder expulsar usuarias para facer eso.", "Voice broadcast": "Emisión de voz", "Sign out of this session": "Pechar esta sesión", "Rename session": "Renomear sesión", "Voice broadcasts": "Emisións de voz", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Emisión de voz (en desenvolvemento)", "Element Call video rooms": "Salas de chamadas de vídeo Element" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/he.json b/src/i18n/strings/he.json index 84f4164fa25..4de0125d2c8 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/he.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/he.json @@ -907,7 +907,6 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "הראה תצוגה מקדימה של הודעות עבור תגובות בכל החדרים", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "הראה תצוגת הודעות מוקדמת עבור תגובות במצב דינאמי", "Support adding custom themes": "מיכה להוספת תבניות מותאמות אישית", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "נסו דרכים חדשות להתעלם מאנשים (נסיוני)", "Render simple counters in room header": "הצג ספירה בראש החדר", "Message Pinning": "נעיצת הודעות", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "בצע מתמטיקה של LaTeX בהודעות", @@ -1317,7 +1316,7 @@ "%(duration)sm": "%(duration)s (דקות)", "%(duration)ss": "(שניות) %(duration)s", "Loading...": "טוען...", - "This is the start of .": "זוהי התחלת חדר .", + "This is the start of .": "זוהי התחלת השיחה בחדר .", "Add a photo, so people can easily spot your room.": "הוסף תמונה, כך שאנשים יוכלו לזהות את החדר שלך בקלות.", "%(displayName)s created this room.": "%(displayName)s יצר את החדר הזה.", "You created this room.": "אתם יצרתם את החדר הזה.", @@ -1340,7 +1339,7 @@ "Hangup": "ניתוק", "Video call": "שיחת וידאו", "Voice call": "שיחת אודיו", - "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (ניהול %(powerLevelNumber)s)", + "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (רמת הרשאה %(powerLevelNumber)s)", "Filter room members": "סינון חברי חדר", "Invited": "מוזמן", "and %(count)s others...|one": "ועוד אחד אחר...", @@ -1396,12 +1395,12 @@ "Unable to share email address": "לא ניתן לשתף את כתובת הדוא\"ל", "Unable to revoke sharing for email address": "לא ניתן לבטל את השיתוף לכתובת הדוא\"ל", "Encrypted": "מוצפן", - "Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "לאחר הפעלתו, לא ניתן לבטל את ההצפנה.", + "Once enabled, encryption cannot be disabled.": "לאחר הפעלת הצפנה - לא ניתן לבטל אותה.", "Security & Privacy": "אבטחה ופרטיות", "Who can read history?": "למי מותר לקרוא הסטוריה?", "Members only (since they joined)": "חברים בלבד (מאז שהצטרפו)", "Members only (since they were invited)": "חברים בלבד (מאז שהוזמנו)", - "Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)": "חברים בלבד (מאז נקודת הזמן לבחירת אפשרות זו)", + "Members only (since the point in time of selecting this option)": "חברים בלבד (מרגע בחירת אפשרות זו)", "Anyone": "כולם", "Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room. The visibility of existing history will be unchanged.": "שינויים במי שיכול לקרוא היסטוריה יחולו רק על הודעות עתידיות בחדר זה. נראות ההיסטוריה הקיימת לא תשתנה.", "To link to this room, please add an address.": "לקישור לחדר זה, אנא הוסף כתובת.", @@ -2130,7 +2129,7 @@ "You can't send any messages until you review and agree to our terms and conditions.": "אינך יכול לשלוח שום הודעה עד שתבדוק ותסכים ל התנאים וההגבלות שלנו .", "View": "צפה", "You have no visible notifications.": "אין לך התראות גלויות.", - "%(creator)s created and configured the room.": "%(creator)s יצא והגדיר את החדר.", + "%(creator)s created and configured the room.": "%(creator)s יצר/ה והגדיר/ה את החדר.", "%(creator)s created this DM.": "%(creator)s יצר את DM הזה.", "Logout": "יציאה", "Data from an older version of %(brand)s has been detected. This will have caused end-to-end cryptography to malfunction in the older version. End-to-end encrypted messages exchanged recently whilst using the older version may not be decryptable in this version. This may also cause messages exchanged with this version to fail. If you experience problems, log out and back in again. To retain message history, export and re-import your keys.": "נתגלו גרסאות ישנות יותר של %(brand)s. זה יגרום לתקלה בקריפטוגרפיה מקצה לקצה בגרסה הישנה יותר. הודעות מוצפנות מקצה לקצה שהוחלפו לאחרונה בעת השימוש בגרסה הישנה עשויות שלא להיות ניתנות לפענוח בגירסה זו. זה עלול גם לגרום להודעות שהוחלפו עם גרסה זו להיכשל. אם אתה נתקל בבעיות, צא וחזור שוב. כדי לשמור על היסטוריית ההודעות, ייצא וייבא מחדש את המפתחות שלך.", @@ -2254,7 +2253,6 @@ "Threads": "שרשורים", "Check your devices": "בדוק את המכשירים שלך", "Sound on": "צליל דולק", - "You have unverified logins": "יש לכם כניסות לא מאומתות", "Stop": "עצור", "That's fine": "זה בסדר", "Creating output...": "יוצר פלט...", @@ -2284,7 +2282,7 @@ "Loading new room": "טוען חדר חדש", "Sending invites... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "שולח הזמנה...", "Upgrade required": "נדרש שדרוג", - "Anyone can find and join.": "כל אחד יכול למצוא ולהנות.", + "Anyone can find and join.": "כל אחד יכול למצוא ולהצטרף.", "Large": "גדול", "Rename": "שנה שם", "Sign Out": "התנתק", @@ -2529,8 +2527,6 @@ "Unable to verify this device": "לא ניתן לאמת את מכשיר זה", "Jump to last message": "קיפצו להודעה האחרונה", "Jump to first message": "קיפצו להודעה הראשונה", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "הודעות מועדפות (בפיתוח פעיל)", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "שיתוף מיקום חי (יישום זמני: המיקומים נמשכים בהיסטוריית החדרים)", "Send read receipts": "שילחו אישורי קריאה", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "קיפצו לתאריך (מוסיף /jumptodate וקפוץ לכותרות תאריך)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "הודעות בצ'אט זה יוצפו מקצה לקצה.", @@ -2596,7 +2592,6 @@ "Show Labs settings": "הצג את אופציית מעבדת הפיתוח", "To join, please enable video rooms in Labs first": "כדי להצטרף, נא אפשר תחילה וידאו במעבדת הפיתוח", "To view, please enable video rooms in Labs first": "כדי לצפות, אנא הפעל תחילה חדרי וידאו במעבדת הפיתוח", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "מרגישים ניסיוניים? מעבדת הפיתוח היא הדרך הטובה ביותר לנסות פיתוחים חדשים לפני כולם, לבחון תכונות חדשות ולעזור לעצב אותן לפני שהן מושקות בפועל למידע נוסף.", "Manage your signed-in devices below. A device's name is visible to people you communicate with.": "נהל את המכשירים המחוברים שלך . שם מכשיר גלוי לאנשים שאיתם אתה מתקשר.", "Group all your rooms that aren't part of a space in one place.": "קבצו את כל החדרים שלכם שאינם משויכים למרחב עבודה במקום אחד.", "Rooms outside of a space": "חדרים שמחוץ למרחב העבודה", @@ -2731,5 +2726,42 @@ "Get notified only with mentions and keywords as set up in your settings": "קבלו התראה רק עם אזכורים ומילות מפתח כפי שהוגדרו בהגדרות שלכם", "New keyword": "מילת מפתח חדשה", "Keyword": "מילת מפתח", - "Empty room": "חדר ריק" + "Empty room": "חדר ריק", + "Location": "מיקום", + "Share location": "שתף מיקום", + "Edit devices": "הגדרת מכשירים", + "Role in ": "תפקיד בחדר ", + "You won't get any notifications": "לא תקבל שום התראה", + "Get notified for every message": "קבלת התראות על כל הודעה", + "Get notifications as set up in your settings": "קבלת התראות על פי ההעדפות שלך במסךהגדרות", + "Voice broadcasts": "שליחת הקלטות קוליות", + "People with supported clients will be able to join the room without having a registered account.": "אורחים בעלי תוכנת התחברות מתאימה יוכלו להצטרף לחדר גם אם אין להם חשבון משתמש.", + "Enable guest access": "אפשר גישה לאורחים", + "Decide who can join %(roomName)s.": "החליטו מי יוכל להצטרף ל - %(roomName)s.", + "Unable to copy room link": "לא ניתן להעתיק קישור לחדר", + "Copy room link": "העתק קישור לחדר", + "Match system": "בהתאם למערכת", + "Last activity": "פעילות אחרונה", + "Echo cancellation": "ביטול הד", + "Noise suppression": "ביטול רעשים", + "Voice processing": "עיבוד קול", + "Video settings": "הגדרות וידאו", + "Automatically adjust the microphone volume": "התאמה אוטומטית של עוצמת המיקרופון", + "Voice settings": "הגדרות קול", + "Close sidebar": "סגור סרגל צד", + "Sidebar": "סרגל צד", + "Previous autocomplete suggestion": "הצעת השלמה אוטומטית קודמת", + "Force complete": "אלץ השלמת טקסט", + "Open this settings tab": "פתיחת חלון אפשרויות זה", + "Accessibility": "נגישות", + "Navigate down in the room list": "נווט מטה ברשימת החדרים", + "Navigate up in the room list": "נווט מעלה ברשימת החדרים", + "Scroll down in the timeline": "גלילה מטה בציר הזמן", + "Scroll up in the timeline": "גלילה מעלה בציר הזמן", + "Turn off to disable notifications on all your devices and sessions": "כבה אפשרות זו כדי לבטל התראות בכל המכשירים והחיבורים שלך", + "Enable notifications for this device": "אפשר קבלת התראות במכשיר זה", + "Enable notifications for this account": "אפשר קבלת התראות לחשבון זה", + "Message bubbles": "בועות הודעות", + "Deactivating your account is a permanent action — be careful!": "סגירת החשבון הינה פעולה שלא ניתנת לביטול - שים לב!", + "%(senderName)s set a profile picture": "%(senderName)s הגדיר/ה תמונת פרופיל" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json index 05963efb189..e30d6091ada 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json @@ -1108,7 +1108,6 @@ "%(name)s cancelled": "%(name)s megszakította", "%(name)s wants to verify": "%(name)s ellenőrizni szeretné", "You sent a verification request": "Ellenőrzési kérést küldtél", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Próbálja ki az emberek figyelmen kívül hagyásának új módjait (kísérleti)", "My Ban List": "Tiltólistám", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Ez az általad tiltott felhasználók/szerverek listája - ne hagyd el ezt a szobát!", "Ignored/Blocked": "Figyelmen kívül hagyott/Tiltott", @@ -2324,7 +2323,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Bármikor megváltoztatható.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Információ hozzáadása, hogy könnyebben felismerhető legyen.", "Check your devices": "Ellenőrizze az eszközeit", - "You have unverified logins": "Ellenőrizetlen bejelentkezései vannak", "Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others.": "Ellenőrizze a személyazonosságát, hogy hozzáférjen a titkosított üzeneteihez és másoknak is bizonyítani tudja személyazonosságát.", "You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Később is hozzáadhat többet, beleértve meglévőket is.", "Let's create a room for each of them.": "Készítsünk szobát mindhez.", @@ -2390,7 +2388,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Nem található mikrofon", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "Nem lehet a mikrofont használni. Ellenőrizze a böngésző beállításait és próbálja újra.", "Unable to access your microphone": "A mikrofont nem lehet használni", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Kedve van kísérletezni? Labs az a hely ahol először hozzá lehet jutni az új dolgokhoz, kipróbálni új lehetőségeket és segíteni a fejlődésüket mielőtt mindenkihez eljut. Tudj meg többet.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "A hozzáférési kulcs teljes elérést biztosít a fiókhoz. Soha ne ossza meg mással.", "Access Token": "Elérési kulcs", "Please enter a name for the space": "Kérem adjon meg egy nevet a térhez", @@ -2460,7 +2457,6 @@ "Published addresses can be used by anyone on any server to join your room.": "A nyilvánosságra hozott címet bárki bármelyik szerverről használhatja a szobához való belépéshez.", "Failed to update the history visibility of this space": "A tér régi üzeneteinek láthatóság állítása nem sikerült", "Failed to update the guest access of this space": "A tér vendég hozzáférésének állítása sikertelen", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Jelzés a moderátornak prototípus. A moderálást támogató szobákban a „jelentés” gombbal jelenthető a kifogásolt tartalom a szoba moderátorainak.", "We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to ": "Az alábbi embereket nem sikerül meghívni ide: , de a többi meghívó elküldve", "[number]": "[szám]", "Report": "Jelentés", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "It's not recommended to make encrypted rooms public. It will mean anyone can find and join the room, so anyone can read messages. You'll get none of the benefits of encryption. Encrypting messages in a public room will make receiving and sending messages slower.": "Titkosított szobát nem célszerű nyilvánossá tenni. Bárki megtalálhatja és csatlakozhat nyilvános szobákhoz, így bárki elolvashatja az üzeneteket bennük. A titkosítás előnyeit így nem jelentkeznek és később ezt nem lehet kikapcsolni. Nyilvános szobákban a titkosított üzenetek az üzenetküldést és fogadást csak lassítják.", "Are you sure you want to make this encrypted room public?": "Biztos, hogy nyilvánossá teszi ezt a titkosított szobát?", "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Az ehhez hasonló problémák elkerüléséhez készítsen új titkosított szobát a tervezett beszélgetésekhez.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Alacsony sávszélességű mód (kompatibilis Matrix-kiszolgálót igényel)", "Autoplay videos": "Videók automatikus lejátszása", "Autoplay GIFs": "GIF-ek automatikus lejátszása", "The above, but in as well": "A fentiek, de ebben a szobában is: ", @@ -3014,7 +3009,6 @@ "Group all your people in one place.": "Csoportosítsa az összes ismerősét egy helyre.", "Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place.": "Csoportosítsa az összes kedvenc szobáját és ismerősét egy helyre.", "Call": "Hívás", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Jobb oldali panel nyitva marad (szoba tagság az alapértelmezett)", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Kísérleti)", "Navigate to previous message in composer history": "Előző üzenetre navigálás a szerkesztőben", "Navigate to next message in composer history": "Következő üzenetre navigálás a szerkesztőben", @@ -3280,7 +3274,6 @@ "Seen by %(count)s people|other": "%(count)s ember látta", "You will not receive push notifications on other devices until you sign back in to them.": "A push üzenetek az eszközökön csak azután fog ismét működni miután újra bejelentkezett rajtuk.", "Your password was successfully changed.": "A jelszó sikeresen megváltoztatva.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Élő helyzet megosztás (átmeneti implementációban a helyadatok megmaradnak az idővonalon)", "You have been logged out of all devices and will no longer receive push notifications. To re-enable notifications, sign in again on each device.": "Minden eszközéről kijelentkezett és „push” értesítéseket sem kap. Az értesítések újbóli engedélyezéséhez újra be kell jelentkezni az eszközökön.", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms, set up Key Backup or export your message keys from one of your other devices before proceeding.": "Ha szeretné megtartani a hozzáférést a titkosított szobákban lévő csevegésekhez, állítson be Kulcs mentést vagy exportálja ki a kulcsokat valamelyik eszközéről mielőtt továbblép.", "Signing out your devices will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, making encrypted chat history unreadable.": "A kijelentkezéssel az üzeneteket titkosító kulcsokat az eszközök törlik magukról ami elérhetetlenné teheti a régi titkosított csevegéseket.", @@ -3373,7 +3366,6 @@ "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Az ebben a szobában történő helymegosztáshoz a megfelelő jogosultságokra van szüksége.", "You don't have permission to share locations": "Nincs jogosultsága a helymegosztáshoz", "Join the room to participate": "Csatlakozz a szobához, hogy részt vehess", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Kedvenc üzenetek (aktív fejlesztés alatt)", "Reset bearing to north": "Északi irányba állítás", "Mapbox logo": "Mapbox logó", "Location not available": "Földrajzi helyzet nem meghatározható", @@ -3497,11 +3489,9 @@ "Checking...": "Ellenőrzés…", "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s vagy %(appLinks)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s vagy %(emojiCompare)s", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Csúszó szinkronizációs mód (aktív fejlesztés alatt, nem lehet kikapcsolni)", "Voice broadcast": "Hang közvetítés", "Sign out of this session": "Kijelentkezés ebből a munkamenetből", "Rename session": "Munkamenet átnevezése", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Hang közvetítés (aktív fejlesztés alatt)", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call videó szoba", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Ahhoz, hogy ezt megtedd tudnod kell kirúgni felhasználókat.", "Voice broadcasts": "Videó közvetítés", @@ -3531,7 +3521,6 @@ "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Jobb áttekintés és felügyelet a munkamenetek felett.", "New session manager": "Új munkamenet kezelő", "Use new session manager": "Új munkamenet kezelő használata", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Próbálja ki az új szövegbevitelt (hamarosan érkezik a sima szöveges üzemmód)", "Video call started": "Videó hívás elindult", "Unknown room": "Ismeretlen szoba", "resume voice broadcast": "hang közvetítés folytatása", @@ -3543,7 +3532,6 @@ "Italic": "Dőlt", "View chat timeline": "Beszélgetés idővonal megjelenítése", "Close call": "Hívás befejezése", - "Layout type": "Kinézet típusa", "Spotlight": "Reflektor", "Freedom": "Szabadság", "Video call (%(brand)s)": "Videó hívás (%(brand)s)", @@ -3645,5 +3633,51 @@ "Show details": "Részletek megmutatása", "Hide details": "Részletek elrejtése", "30s forward": "előre 30 másodpercet", - "30s backward": "vissza 30 másodpercet" + "30s backward": "vissza 30 másodpercet", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "A biztonság és adatbiztonság érdekében javasolt olyan Matrix klienst használni ami támogatja a titkosítást.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Ezzel a munkamenettel olyan szobákban ahol a titkosítás be van kapcsolva nem tud részt venni.", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Kísérletező kedvében van? Próbálja ki a legújabb fejlesztési ötleteinket. Ezek nem befejezettek; lehetnek instabilak, változhatnak vagy el is tűnhetnek. Tudjon meg többet.", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Szövegszerkesztő használata a Markdown helyett az üzenetek írásakor. Nemsokára érkezik az egyszerű szöveges mód.", + "Rich text editor": "Szövegszerkesztő használata", + "Sign in instead": "Bejelentkezés inkább", + "Re-enter email address": "E-mail cím megadása újból", + "Wrong email address?": "Hibás e-mail cím?", + "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "Üzenetszál gyökér azon.: %(threadRootId)s", + "WARNING: ": "FIGYELEM: ", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "A beszélgetést a másik felhasználóval nem lehetett elindítani.", + "Error starting verification": "Ellenőrzés indításakor hiba lépett fel", + "Change layout": "Képernyőbeosztás megváltoztatása", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Ez a munkamenet nem támogatja a titkosítást, így nem lehet ellenőrizni sem.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Ez a munkamenet nem támogatja a titkosítást, így nem lehet ellenőrizni sem.", + "Early previews": "Lehetőségek korai megjelenítése", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Mi várható itt %(brand)s? A labor a legjobb hely az új dolgok kipróbálásához, visszajelzés adáshoz, segítséghez hogy a funkció még az éles indulás előtt megfelelő formába kerülhessen.", + "Upcoming features": "Készülő funkciók", + "Apply": "Alkalmaz", + "Search users in this room…": "Felhasználók keresése a szobában…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Egy vagy több felhasználónak több jog megadása a szobában", + "Add privileged users": "Privilegizált felhasználó hozzáadása", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Kompatibilis matrix szerverre van szükség.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Alacsony sávszélesség mód", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Értesítés pötty elrejtése (csak darabszám megjelenítés)", + "Under active development": "Aktív fejlesztés alatt", + "Under active development.": "Aktív fejlesztés alatt.", + "Favourite Messages": "Kedvenc üzenetek", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Átmeneti megvalósítás. A helyadatok megmaradnak a szoba naplójában.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Élő földrajzi hely megosztása", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "Aktív fejlesztés alatt, nem kapcsolható ki.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Csúszó szinkronizációs mód", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Alapértelmezetten a szoba résztvevők listáját mutatja.", + "Right panel stays open": "Jobb panel nyitva marad", + "Currently experimental.": "Jelenleg kísérleti állapotban van.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Új lehetőség emberek figyelmen kívül hagyására", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "A moderálást támogató szobákban a problémás tartalmat a „Jelent” gombbal lehet a moderátor felé jelezni.", + "Report to moderators": "Moderátoroknak jelentés", + "You have unverified sessions": "Ellenőrizetlen bejelentkezései vannak", + "Buffering…": "Pufferelés…", + "Change input device": "Bemeneti eszköz megváltoztatása", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sp %(seconds)smp", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)só %(minutes)sp %(seconds)smp", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sn %(hours)só %(minutes)sp %(seconds)smp", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s befejezte a hang közvetítést", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Befejezte a hang közvetítést" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/id.json b/src/i18n/strings/id.json index e5a0aee58e3..9afb79d4c53 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/id.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/id.json @@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ "Demote": "Turunkan", "Stickerpack": "Paket Stiker", "Replying": "Membalas", - "Timeline": "Linimasa", + "Timeline": "Lini Masa", "Composer": "Komposer", "Preferences": "Preferensi", "Versions": "Versi", @@ -1443,8 +1443,7 @@ "How fast should messages be downloaded.": "Seberapa cepat pesan akan diunduh.", "Enable message search in encrypted rooms": "Aktifkan pencarian pesan di ruangan terenkripsi", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Tampilkan gambar mini untuk gambar", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Mode bandwidth rendah (membutuhkan homeserver yang didukung)", - "Show hidden events in timeline": "Tampilkan peristiwa tersembunyi di linimasa", + "Show hidden events in timeline": "Tampilkan peristiwa tersembunyi di lini masa", "Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Tampilkan jalan pintas ke ruangan yang baru saja ditampilkan di atas daftar ruangan", "Show rooms with unread notifications first": "Tampilkan ruangan dengan notifikasi yang belum dibaca dulu", "Order rooms by name": "Urutkan ruangan oleh nama", @@ -1463,13 +1462,13 @@ "Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Kelilingi teks yang dipilih saat mengetik karakter khusus", "Use Ctrl + Enter to send a message": "Gunakan Ctrl + Enter untuk mengirim pesan", "Use Command + Enter to send a message": "Gunakan ⌘ + Enter untuk mengirim pesan", - "Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Gunakan Ctrl + F untuk cari di linimasa", - "Use Command + F to search timeline": "Gunakan ⌘ + F untuk cari di linimasa", + "Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Gunakan Ctrl + F untuk cari di lini masa", + "Use Command + F to search timeline": "Gunakan ⌘ + F untuk cari di lini masa", "Show typing notifications": "Tampilkan notifikasi pengetikan", "Send typing notifications": "Kirim notifikasi pengetikan", - "Enable big emoji in chat": "Aktifkan emoji besar di linimasa", + "Enable big emoji in chat": "Aktifkan emoji besar di lini masa", "Show avatars in user and room mentions": "Tampilkan avatar di sebutan pengguna dan ruangan", - "Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Pergi ke bawah linimasa ketika Anda mengirim pesan", + "Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Pergi ke bawah lini masa ketika Anda mengirim pesan", "Show line numbers in code blocks": "Tampilkan nomor barisan di blok kode", "Expand code blocks by default": "Buka blok kode secara bawaan", "Enable automatic language detection for syntax highlighting": "Aktifkan deteksi bahasa otomatis untuk penyorotan sintaks", @@ -1490,11 +1489,9 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Tampilkan tampilan pesan untuk reaksi di semua ruangan", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Tampilkan tampilan pesan untuk reaksi di pesan langsung", "Support adding custom themes": "Dukungan penambahan tema kustom", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Coba cara yang baru untuk mengabaikan pengguna (eksperimental)", "Render simple counters in room header": "Tampilkan penghitung sederhana di tajukan ruangan", "Threaded messaging": "Pesan utasan", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Tampilkan matematika LaTeX di pesan", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Purwarupa laporkan ke moderator. Di ruangan yang mendukung moderasi, tombol `laporkan` akan memungkinkan Anda untuk melaporkan penyalahgunaan ke moderator ruangan", "Change notification settings": "Ubah pengaturan notifikasi", "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s", "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s", @@ -1531,14 +1528,13 @@ "Enable desktop notifications": "Aktifkan notifikasi desktop", "Don't miss a reply": "Jangan lewatkan sebuah balasan", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Periksa untuk memastikan akun Anda aman", - "You have unverified logins": "Anda punya login yang belum diverifikasi", "File Attached": "File Dilampirkan", "Error fetching file": "Terjadi kesalahan saat mendapatkan file", "Topic: %(topic)s": "Topik: %(topic)s", "%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s membuat ruangan ini.", "Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "Media tidak disertakan — melebihi batas ukuran file", "Media omitted": "Media tidak disertakan", - "Current Timeline": "Linimasa Saat Ini", + "Current Timeline": "Lini Masa Saat Ini", "Specify a number of messages": "Tentukan berapa pesan", "From the beginning": "Dari awal", "Plain Text": "Teks Biasa", @@ -1629,7 +1625,6 @@ "Please verify the room ID or address and try again.": "Mohon verifikasi ID ruangan atau alamat dan coba lagi.", "Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Ada sesuatu yang salah. Mohon coba lagi atau lihat konsol Anda untuk petunjuk.", "Error adding ignored user/server": "Terjadi kesalahan menambahkan pengguna/server yang diabaikan", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Merasa eksperimental? Uji Coba adalah cara yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan hal-hal lebih awal, mencoba fitur-fitur yang baru dan bantu menyempurnakannya sebelum mereka benar-benar diluncurkan. Pelajari lebih lanjut.", "Clear cache and reload": "Hapus cache dan muat ulang", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Token akses Anda memberikan akses penuh ke akun Anda. Jangan bagikan dengan siapa pun.", "Access Token": "Token Akses", @@ -1916,7 +1911,7 @@ "@mentions & keywords": "@sebutan & kata kunci", "Get notified for every message": "Dapatkan notifikasi untuk setiap pesan", "Large": "Besar", - "Image size in the timeline": "Ukuran gambar di linimasa", + "Image size in the timeline": "Ukuran gambar di lini masa", "%(senderName)s has updated the room layout": "%(senderName)s telah memperbarui tata letak ruangan", "Quick Reactions": "Reaksi Cepat", "Travel & Places": "Aktivitas & Tempat", @@ -2028,7 +2023,7 @@ "For a large amount of messages, this might take some time. Please don't refresh your client in the meantime.": "Untuk pesan yang jumlahnya banyak, ini mungkin membutuhkan beberapa waktu. Jangan muat ulang klien Anda untuk sementara.", "Remove recent messages by %(user)s": "Hapus pesan terkini dari %(user)s", "No recent messages by %(user)s found": "Tidak ada pesan terkini dari %(user)s yang ditemukan", - "Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Coba gulir ke atas di linimasa untuk melihat apa ada pesan-pesan sebelumnya.", + "Try scrolling up in the timeline to see if there are any earlier ones.": "Coba gulir ke atas di lini masa untuk melihat apa ada pesan-pesan sebelumnya.", "They'll still be able to access whatever you're not an admin of.": "Mereka masih dapat mengakses apa saja yang Anda bukan admin di sana.", "Disinvite from %(roomName)s": "Batalkan pengundangan dari %(roomName)s", "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Anda tidak akan dapat mengubah kembali perubahan ini ketika Anda menurunkan diri Anda, jika Anda adalah pengguna hak istimewa terakhir di ruangan tersebut, mendapatkan kembali hak istimewa itu tidak memungkinkan.", @@ -2326,7 +2321,7 @@ "Feedback sent": "Masukan terkirim", "Include Attachments": "Tambahkan Lampiran", "Size Limit": "Batas Ukuran", - "Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Pilih dari opsi di bawah untuk mengekspor obrolan dari linimasa Anda", + "Select from the options below to export chats from your timeline": "Pilih dari opsi di bawah untuk mengekspor obrolan dari lini masa Anda", "Export Chat": "Ekspor Obrolan", "Exporting your data": "Mengekspor data Anda", "Are you sure you want to stop exporting your data? If you do, you'll need to start over.": "Apakah Anda yakin Anda ingin menghentikan mengekspor data Anda? Jika iya, Anda harus mulai lagi dari awal.", @@ -2381,9 +2376,9 @@ "Got an account? Sign in": "Punya sebuah akun? Masuk", "Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|one": "Mengunggah %(filename)s dan %(count)s lainnya", "Uploading %(filename)s and %(count)s others|other": "Mengunggah %(filename)s dan %(count)s lainnya", - "Failed to load timeline position": "Gagal untuk memuat posisi linimasa", - "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Mencoba memuat titik spesifik di linimasa ruangan ini, tetapi tidak dapat menemukannya.", - "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Mencoba memuat titik spesifik di linimasa ruangan ini, tetapi Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menampilkan pesannya.", + "Failed to load timeline position": "Gagal untuk memuat posisi lini masa", + "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but was unable to find it.": "Mencoba memuat titik spesifik di lini masa ruangan ini, tetapi tidak dapat menemukannya.", + "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Mencoba memuat titik spesifik di lini masa ruangan ini, tetapi Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menampilkan pesannya.", "Show all threads": "Tampilkan semua utasan", "Keep discussions organised with threads": "Buat diskusi tetap teratur dengan utasan", "Shows all threads from current room": "Menampilkan semua utasan di ruangan saat ini", @@ -2523,7 +2518,7 @@ "Thread options": "Opsi utasan", "Manage & explore rooms": "Kelola & jelajahi ruangan", "Add space": "Tambahkan space", - "See room timeline (devtools)": "Lihat linimasa ruangan (alat pengembang)", + "See room timeline (devtools)": "Lihat lini masa ruangan (alat pengembang)", "Copy link": "Salin tautan", "Mentions only": "Sebutan saja", "Forget": "Lupakan", @@ -3011,8 +3006,8 @@ "Previous unread room or DM": "Ruangan atau pesan langsung sebelumnya yang belum dibaca", "Navigate down in the room list": "Pergi ke bawah di daftar ruangan", "Navigate up in the room list": "Pergi ke atas di daftar ruangan", - "Scroll down in the timeline": "Gulir ke bawah di linimasa", - "Scroll up in the timeline": "Gulir ke atas di linimasa", + "Scroll down in the timeline": "Gulir ke bawah di lini masa", + "Scroll up in the timeline": "Gulir ke atas di lini masa", "Toggle webcam on/off": "Nyalakan/matikan webcam", "Navigate to previous message in composer history": "Pergi ke pesan sebelumnya di riwayat komposer", "Navigate to next message in composer history": "Pergi ke pesan berikutnya di riwayat komposer", @@ -3028,7 +3023,6 @@ "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Space adalah cara untuk mengelompokkan ruangan dan orang. Di sampingnya space yang Anda berada, Anda dapat menggunakan space yang sudah dibuat.", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Eksperimental)", "Call": "Panggil", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Panel kanan tetap terbuka (menampilkan daftar anggota ruangan secara bawaan)", "Toggle hidden event visibility": "Alih visibilitas peristiwa tersembunyi", "Redo edit": "Ulangi editan", "Force complete": "Selesaikan dengan paksa", @@ -3180,7 +3174,7 @@ "View servers in room": "Tampilkan server-server di ruangan", "Explore room account data": "Jelajahi data akun ruangan", "Explore room state": "Jelajahi status ruangan", - "Send custom timeline event": "Kirim peristiwa linimasa kustom", + "Send custom timeline event": "Kirim peristiwa lini masa khusus", "Help us identify issues and improve %(analyticsOwner)s by sharing anonymous usage data. To understand how people use multiple devices, we'll generate a random identifier, shared by your devices.": "Bantu kami mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah dan membuat %(analyticsOwner)s lebih baik dengan membagikan data penggunaan anonim. Untuk memahami bagaimana orang-orang menggunakan beberapa perangkat-perangkat, kami akan membuat pengenal acak, yang dibagikan oleh perangkat Anda.", "%(errcode)s was returned while trying to access the room or space. If you think you're seeing this message in error, please submit a bug report.": "%(errcode)s didapatkan saat mencoba mengakses ruangan atau space. Jika Anda pikir Anda melihat pesan ini secara tidak benar, silakan kirim sebuah laporan kutu.", "Try again later, or ask a room or space admin to check if you have access.": "Coba ulang nanti, atau tanya kepada admin ruangan atau space untuk memeriksa jika Anda memiliki akses.", @@ -3249,7 +3243,7 @@ "Do you want to enable threads anyway?": "Apakah Anda ingin mengaktifkan utasan?", "Your homeserver does not currently support threads, so this feature may be unreliable. Some threaded messages may not be reliably available. Learn more.": "Homeserver Anda saat ini tidak mendukung utasan, jadi fitur ini mungkin tidak andal. Beberapa pesan yang diutas mungkin tidak tersedia. Pelajari lebih lanjut.", "Partial Support for Threads": "Sebagian Dukungan untuk Utasan", - "Jump to the given date in the timeline": "Pergi ke tanggal yang diberikan di linimasa", + "Jump to the given date in the timeline": "Pergi ke tanggal yang diberikan di lini masa", "Disinvite from room": "Batalkan undangan dari ruangan", "Remove from space": "Keluarkan dari space", "Disinvite from space": "Batalkan undangan dari space", @@ -3289,7 +3283,6 @@ "You can also ask your homeserver admin to upgrade the server to change this behaviour.": "Anda juga dapat menanyakan kepada admin homeserver untuk meningkatkan servernya untuk mengubah perilaku ini.", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms you should first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards.": "Jika Anda ingin mengakses riwayat obrolan di ruangan terenkripsi Anda pertama seharusnya ekspor kunci-kunci ruangan lalu impor ulang setelahnya.", "Changing your password on this homeserver will cause all of your other devices to be signed out. This will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, and may make encrypted chat history unreadable.": "Mengubah kata sandi Anda pada homeserver ini akan mengeluarkan perangkat Anda yang lain. Ini akan menghapus kunci enkripsi pesan yang disimpan pada perangkat, dan mungkin membuat riwayat obrolan terenkripsi tidak dapat dibaca.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Pembagian Lokasi Langsung (implementasi sementara: lokasi tetap di riwayat ruangan)", "An error occurred while stopping your live location": "Sebuah kesalahan terjadi saat menghentikan lokasi langsung Anda", "Enable live location sharing": "Aktifkan pembagian lokasi langsung", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Mohon dicatat: ini adalah fitur uji coba menggunakan implementasi sementara. Ini berarti Anda tidak akan dapat menghapus riwayat lokasi Anda, dan pengguna tingkat lanjut akan dapat melihat riwayat lokasi Anda bahkan setelah Anda berhenti membagikan lokasi langsung Anda dengan ruangan ini.", @@ -3335,7 +3328,7 @@ "Joining the beta will reload %(brand)s.": "Bergabung ke beta akan memuat ulang %(brand)s.", "Leaving the beta will reload %(brand)s.": "Meninggalkan beta akan memuat ulang %(brand)s.", "Video rooms are a beta feature": "Ruangan video adalah fitur beta", - "Yes, the chat timeline is displayed alongside the video.": "Iya, linimasa obrolan akan ditampilkan di sebelah videonya.", + "Yes, the chat timeline is displayed alongside the video.": "Ya, lini masa obrolan akan ditampilkan di sebelah videonya.", "Can I use text chat alongside the video call?": "Bisakah saya mengobrol dengan teks saat ada panggilan video?", "Use the “+” button in the room section of the left panel.": "Gunakan tombol “+” di bagian ruangan di panel kiri.", "How can I create a video room?": "Bagaimana caranya saya membuat sebuah ruangan video?", @@ -3388,7 +3381,6 @@ "You don't have permission to share locations": "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk membagikan lokasi", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Pesan di obrolan ini akan dienkripsi secara ujung ke ujung.", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Kirim pesan pertama Anda untuk mengundang ke obrolan", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Pesan Favorit (dalam pengembangan aktif)", "Saved Items": "Item yang Tersimpan", "Choose a locale": "Pilih locale", "Spell check": "Pemeriksa ejaan", @@ -3497,12 +3489,10 @@ "Checking...": "Memeriksa…", "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s atau %(appLinks)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s atau %(emojiCompare)s", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Mode Penyinkronan Bergeser (dalam pengembangan aktif, tidak dapat dinonaktifkan)", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Anda harus dapat mengeluarkan pengguna untuk melakukan itu.", "Sign out of this session": "Keluarkan sesi ini", "Rename session": "Ubah nama sesi", "Voice broadcast": "Siaran suara", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Siaran suara (dalam pemgembangan aktif)", "Element Call video rooms": "Ruangan video Element Call", "Voice broadcasts": "Siaran suara", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk memulai panggilan suara", @@ -3528,9 +3518,8 @@ "Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager": "Rekam nama, versi, dan URL klien untuk dapat mengenal sesi dengan lebih muda dalam pengelola sesi", "%(brand)s is end-to-end encrypted, but is currently limited to smaller numbers of users.": "%(brand)s terenkripsi secara ujung ke ujung, tetapi saat ini terbatas jumlah penggunanya.", "Room info": "Informasi ruangan", - "View chat timeline": "Tampilkan linimasa obrolan", + "View chat timeline": "Tampilkan lini masa obrolan", "Close call": "Tutup panggilan", - "Layout type": "Jenis tata letak", "Spotlight": "Sorotan", "Freedom": "Bebas", "Video call (%(brand)s)": "Panggilan video (%(brand)s)", @@ -3560,7 +3549,6 @@ "pause voice broadcast": "jeda siaran suara", "Underline": "Garis Bawah", "Italic": "Miring", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Coba editor teks kaya (mode teks biasa akan datang)", "Notifications silenced": "Notifikasi dibisukan", "Completing set up of your new device": "Menyelesaikan penyiapan perangkat baru Anda", "Waiting for device to sign in": "Menunggu perangkat untuk masuk", @@ -3647,5 +3635,49 @@ "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "Terlalu banyak upaya dalam waktu yang singkat. Coba lagi setelah %(timeout)s.", "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Terlalu banyak upaya. Tunggu beberapa waktu sebelum mencoba lagi.", "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "ID akar utasan: %(threadRootId)s", - "Change input device": "Ubah perangkat masukan" + "Change input device": "Ubah perangkat masukan", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)sd", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)sj %(minutes)sm %(seconds)sd", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sh %(hours)sj %(minutes)sm %(seconds)sd", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Kami tidak dapat memulai sebuah obrolan dengan pengguna lain.", + "Error starting verification": "Terjadi kesalahan memulai verifikasi", + "Buffering…": "Memuat…", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Merasa eksperimental? Coba ide terkini kami dalam pengembangan. Fitur ini belum selesai; mereka mungkin tidak stabil, mungkin berubah, atau dihapus sama sekali. Pelajari lebih lanjut.", + "WARNING: ": "PERINGATAN: ", + "Early previews": "Pratinjau awal", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Apa berikutnya untuk %(brand)s? Fitur Uji Coba merupakan cara yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan hal-hal baru lebih awal, mencoba fitur baru dan membantu memperbaikinya sebelum diluncurkan.", + "Upcoming features": "Fitur yang akan datang", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Membutuhkan homeserver yang kompatibel.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Mode bandwidth rendah", + "Under active development": "Dalam pengembangan aktif", + "Under active development.": "Dalam pengembangan aktif.", + "Favourite Messages": "Pesan Favorit", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Penerapan sementara. Lokasi tetap berada di riwayat ruangan.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Pembagian Lokasi Langsung", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "Dalam pengembangan aktif, tidak dapat dinonaktifkan.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Mode Sinkronisasi Geser", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Bawaan ke daftar anggota ruangan.", + "Right panel stays open": "Panel kanan tetap buka", + "Currently experimental.": "Saat ini masih dalam uji coba.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Cara baru mengabaikan orang", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Gunakan teks kaya daripada Markdown dalam komposer pesan. Mode teks biasa akan datang.", + "Rich text editor": "Editor teks kaya", + "Report to moderators": "Laporkan ke moderator", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "Dalam ruangan yang mendukung moderasi, tombol “Laporkan” memungkinkan Anda untuk melaporkan penyalahgunaan ke moderator ruangan.", + "You have unverified sessions": "Anda memiliki sesi yang belum diverifikasi", + "Change layout": "Ubah tata letak", + "Sign in instead": "Masuk saja", + "Re-enter email address": "Masukkan ulang alamat email", + "Wrong email address?": "Alamat email salah?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Sembunyikan titik notifikasi (hanya tampilkan lencana penghitung)", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Sesi ini tidak mendukung enkripsi dan tidak dapat diverifikasi.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Untuk keamanan dan privasi yang terbaik, kami merekomendasikan menggunakan klien Matrix yang mendukung enkripsi.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Anda tidak akan dapat berpartisipasi dalam ruangan di mana enkripsi diaktifkan ketika menggunakan sesi ini.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Sesi ini tidak mendukung enkripsi, jadi ini tidak dapat diverifikasi.", + "Apply": "Terapkan", + "Search users in this room…": "Cari pengguna di ruangan ini…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Berikan satu atau beberapa pengguna dalam ruangan ini lebih banyak izin", + "Add privileged users": "Tambahkan pengguna yang diizinkan", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s mengakhiri sebuah siaran suara", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Anda mengakhiri sebuah siaran suara" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/is.json b/src/i18n/strings/is.json index da11d4d005f..239cc844f6b 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/is.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/is.json @@ -1387,7 +1387,6 @@ "Enable desktop notifications": "Virkja tilkynningar á skjáborði", "Don't miss a reply": "Ekki missa af svari", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Yfirfarðu þetta til að tryggja að aðgangurinn þinn sé öruggur", - "You have unverified logins": "Þú ert með óstaðfestar innskráningar", "Help improve %(analyticsOwner)s": "Hjálpaðu okkur að bæta %(analyticsOwner)s", "Creating output...": "Bý til frálag...", "Fetching events...": "Sæki atburði...", @@ -1907,7 +1906,6 @@ "Enable guest access": "Leyfa aðgang gesta", "Show chat effects (animations when receiving e.g. confetti)": "Sýna hreyfingar í spjalli (t.d. þegar tekið er við skrauti)", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Birta forskoðun/smámyndir fyrir myndir", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Hamur fyrir litla bandbreidd (krefst samhæfðs heimaþjóns)", "Prompt before sending invites to potentially invalid matrix IDs": "Spyrja áður en boð eru send á mögulega ógild matrix-auðkenni", "Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Virkja skjámyndir viðmótshluta í studdum viðmótshlutum", "Automatically replace plain text Emoji": "Skipta sjálfkrafa út Emoji-táknum á hreinum texta", @@ -1991,10 +1989,8 @@ "Developer mode": "Forritarahamur", "IRC display name width": "Breidd IRC-birtingarnafns", "Insert a trailing colon after user mentions at the start of a message": "Setja tvípunkt á eftir þar sem minnst er á notanda í upphafi skilaboða", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Hægra spjaldið helst opið (er sjálfgefið listi yfir meðlimi spjallrásar)", "How can I leave the beta?": "Hvernig get ég hætt í Beta-prófunum?", "Support adding custom themes": "Stuðningur við að bæta við sérsniðnum þemum", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Prófaðu nýjar leiðir til að hunsa fólk (á tilraunastigi)", "Render simple counters in room header": "Myndgera einfalda teljara í haus spjallrása", "Threaded messaging": "Skilaboð í spjallþráðum", "Message Pinning": "Festing skilaboða", @@ -2686,7 +2682,6 @@ "You can read all our terms here": "Þú getur lesið skilmálana okkar hér", "Adding spaces has moved.": "Aðgerðin til að bæta við svæðum hefur verið flutt.", "You are not allowed to view this server's rooms list": "Þú hefur ekki heimild til að skoða spjallrásalistann á þessum netþjóni", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Ertu til í eitthvað spennandi? Að taka þátt í tilraunum gefur færi á að sjá nýja hluti fyrr, prófa nýja eiginleika og vera með í að móta þá áður en þeir fara í almenna notkun. Kannaðu þetta nánar.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Aðgangsteiknið þitt gefur fullan aðgang að notandaaðgangnum þínum. Ekki deila því með neinum.", "Debug logs contain application usage data including your username, the IDs or aliases of the rooms you have visited, which UI elements you last interacted with, and the usernames of other users. They do not contain messages.": "Atvikaskrár innihalda gögn varðandi virkni hugbúnaðarins en líka notandanafn þitt, auðkenni eða samnefni spjallrása sem þú hefur skoðað, hvaða viðmótshluta þú hefur átt við, auk notendanafna annarra notenda. Atvikaskrár innihalda ekki skilaboð.", "If you've submitted a bug via GitHub, debug logs can help us track down the problem. ": "Ef þú hefur tilkynnt vandamál í gegnum GitHub, þá geta atvikaskrár hjálpað okkur við að finna ástæður vandamálanna. ", @@ -2908,7 +2903,6 @@ "This bridge is managed by .": "Þessari brú er stýrt af .", "This bridge was provisioned by .": "Brúin var veitt af .", "Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.": "Takk fyrir að prófa beta-forútgáfuna, settu inn eins mikið af smáatriðum og þú getur, þannig að við eigum auðveldara með að bæta þetta.", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Frumgerð á kærum til umsjónarmanna. Í spjallrásum sem styðja eftirlit umsjónarmanna, mun 'Kæra'-hnappurinn gefa þér færi á að tilkynna misnotkun til umsjónarmanna spjallrása", "Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "Athugaðu vandlega hvort netþjónninn styðji ekki valda útgáfu spjallrása og reyndu aftur.", "%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s uppfærði bannreglu sem samsvarar %(oldGlob)s yfir í að samsvara %(glob)s, vegna %(reason)s", "%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s breytti reglu sem bannar netþjóna sem samsvara %(oldGlob)s yfir í að samsvara %(glob)s, vegna %(reason)s", @@ -2924,7 +2918,6 @@ "Sends the given message with hearts": "Sendir skilaboðin með hjörtum", "Enable hardware acceleration": "Virkja vélbúnaðarhröðun", "Enable Markdown": "Virkja Markdown", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Deiling staðsetninga í rautíma (tímabundið haldast staðsetningar í ferli spjallrása)", "To leave, return to this page and use the “%(leaveTheBeta)s” button.": "Til að hætta kemurðu einfaldlega aftur á þessa síðu og notar “%(leaveTheBeta)s” hnappinn.", "Use “%(replyInThread)s” when hovering over a message.": "Notaðu “%(replyInThread)s” þegar bendillinn svífur yfir skilaboðum.", "How can I start a thread?": "Hvernig get ég byrjað spjallþráð?", @@ -3159,8 +3152,6 @@ "Find and invite your co-workers": "Finndu og bjóddu samstarfsaðilum þínum", "Do you want to enable threads anyway?": "Viltu samt virkja spjallþræði?", "Partial Support for Threads": "Hlutastuðningur við þræði", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Útvörpun tals (í virkri þróun)", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Eftirlætisskilaboð (í virkri þróun)", "Show HTML representation of room topics": "Birta HTML-framsetningu umfjöllunarefnis spjallrása", "You were disconnected from the call. (Error: %(message)s)": "Þú varst aftengd/ur frá samtalinu. (Villa: %(message)s)", "Reset bearing to north": "Frumstilla stefnu á norður", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/it.json b/src/i18n/strings/it.json index 197752a5f25..f34ef992c28 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/it.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/it.json @@ -1097,7 +1097,6 @@ "Unread messages.": "Messaggi non letti.", "This action requires accessing the default identity server to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "Questa azione richiede l'accesso al server di identità predefinito per verificare un indirizzo email o numero di telefono, ma il server non ha termini di servizio.", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Prova nuovi metodi per ignorare persone (sperimentale)", "My Ban List": "Mia lista ban", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Questa è la lista degli utenti/server che hai bloccato - non lasciare la stanza!", "Error adding ignored user/server": "Errore di aggiunta utente/server ignorato", @@ -2324,7 +2323,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Puoi cambiarli in qualsiasi momento.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Aggiungi qualche dettaglio per aiutare le persone a riconoscerlo.", "Check your devices": "Controlla i tuoi dispositivi", - "You have unverified logins": "Hai accessi non verificati", "unknown person": "persona sconosciuta", "Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Invia il messaggio come spoiler", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Controlla per assicurarti che l'account sia sicuro", @@ -2390,7 +2388,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Nessun microfono trovato", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "Non abbiamo potuto accedere al tuo microfono. Controlla le impostazioni del browser e riprova.", "Unable to access your microphone": "Impossibile accedere al microfono", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Ti va di sperimentare? I laboratori sono il miglior modo di ottenere anteprime, testare nuove funzioni ed aiutare a modellarle prima che vengano pubblicate. Maggiori informazioni.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Il tuo token di accesso ti dà l'accesso al tuo account. Non condividerlo con nessuno.", "Access Token": "Token di accesso", "Please enter a name for the space": "Inserisci un nome per lo spazio", @@ -2448,7 +2445,6 @@ "Silence call": "Silenzia la chiamata", "Sound on": "Audio attivo", "Show all rooms in Home": "Mostra tutte le stanze nella pagina principale", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototipo di segnalazione ai moderatori. Nelle stanze che supportano la moderazione, il pulsante `segnala` ti permetterà di notificare un abuso ai moderatori della stanza", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s ha cambiato i messaggi ancorati della stanza.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s ha revocato l'invito per %(targetName)s", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s ha revocato l'invito per %(targetName)s: %(reason)s", @@ -2636,7 +2632,6 @@ "Are you sure you want to make this encrypted room public?": "Vuoi veramente rendere pubblica questa stanza cifrata?", "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Per evitare questi problemi, crea una nuova stanza cifrata per la conversazione che vuoi avere.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Vuoi veramente aggiungere la crittografia a questa stanza pubblica?", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Modalità a connessione lenta (richiede un homeserver compatibile)", "Thread": "Conversazione", "Threaded messaging": "Messaggi in conversazioni", "The above, but in any room you are joined or invited to as well": "Quanto sopra, ma anche in qualsiasi stanza tu sia entrato o invitato", @@ -3026,7 +3021,6 @@ "Group all your people in one place.": "Raggruppa tutte le tue persone in un unico posto.", "Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place.": "Raggruppa tutte le tue stanze e persone preferite in un unico posto.", "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Gli spazi sono modi per raggruppare stanze e persone. Oltre agli spazi in cui sei, puoi usarne anche altri di preimpostati.", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Il pannello destro resta aperto (predefinito: lista membri)", "Unable to check if username has been taken. Try again later.": "Impossibile controllare se il nome utente è già in uso. Riprova più tardi.", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Sperimentale)", "Toggle hidden event visibility": "Cambia visibilità evento nascosto", @@ -3293,7 +3287,6 @@ "Enable live location sharing": "Attiva condivisione posizione in tempo reale", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Nota: si tratta di una funzionalità sperimentale che usa un'implementazione temporanea. Ciò significa che non potrai eliminare la cronologia delle posizioni e gli utenti avanzati potranno vederla anche dopo l'interruzione della tua condivisione con questa stanza.", "Live location sharing": "Condivisione posizione in tempo reale", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Condivisione posizione in tempo reale (implementazione temporanea: le posizioni restano nella cronologia della stanza)", "%(members)s and %(last)s": "%(members)s e %(last)s", "%(members)s and more": "%(members)s e altri", "Open room": "Apri stanza", @@ -3386,7 +3379,6 @@ "Who will you chat to the most?": "Con chi parlerai di più?", "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Devi avere le giuste autorizzazioni per potere condividere le posizioni in questa stanza.", "You don't have permission to share locations": "Non hai l'autorizzazione di condividere la posizione", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Messaggi preferiti (in sviluppo attivo)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "I messaggi in questa conversazione saranno cifrati end-to-end.", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Invia il primo messaggio per invitare a parlare", "Saved Items": "Elementi salvati", @@ -3497,12 +3489,10 @@ "Checking...": "Verifica...", "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s o %(appLinks)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s o %(emojiCompare)s", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Modalità sincronizzazione Sliding (in sviluppo attivo, non può essere disattivata)", "Sign out of this session": "Disconnetti da questa sessione", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Devi poter cacciare via utenti per completare l'azione.", "Voice broadcast": "Trasmissione vocale", "Rename session": "Rinomina sessione", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Trasmissione vocale (in sviluppo attivo)", "Voice broadcasts": "Trasmissioni vocali", "Element Call video rooms": "Stanze video di Element Call", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "Non hai il permesso di avviare chiamate", @@ -3535,7 +3525,6 @@ "Room info": "Info stanza", "View chat timeline": "Vedi linea temporale chat", "Close call": "Chiudi chiamata", - "Layout type": "Tipo di disposizione", "Spotlight": "Riflettore", "Freedom": "Libertà", "Operating system": "Sistema operativo", @@ -3558,7 +3547,6 @@ "Use new session manager": "Usa nuovo gestore di sessioni", "Underline": "Sottolineato", "Italic": "Corsivo", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Prova l'editor in rich text (il testo semplice è in arrivo)", "resume voice broadcast": "riprendi trasmissione vocale", "pause voice broadcast": "sospendi trasmissione vocale", "Notifications silenced": "Notifiche silenziose", @@ -3647,5 +3635,49 @@ "30s forward": "30s avanti", "30s backward": "30s indietro", "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "ID root del thread: %(threadRootId)s", - "Change input device": "Cambia dispositivo di input" + "Change input device": "Cambia dispositivo di input", + "WARNING: ": "ATTENZIONE: ", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Non siamo riusciti ad avviare la conversazione con l'altro utente.", + "Error starting verification": "Errore di avvio della verifica", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Ti senti di sperimentare? Prova le nostre ultime idee in sviluppo. Queste funzioni non sono complete; potrebbero essere instabili, cambiare o essere scartate. Maggiori informazioni.", + "Early previews": "Anteprime", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Cosa riserva il futuro di %(brand)s? I laboratori sono il miglior modo di provare cose in anticipo, testare nuove funzioni ed aiutare a plasmarle prima che vengano distribuite.", + "Upcoming features": "Funzionalità in arrivo", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Richiede un homeserver compatibile.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Modalità larghezza di banda bassa", + "Under active development": "In sviluppo attivo", + "Under active development.": "In sviluppo attivo.", + "Favourite Messages": "Messaggi preferiti", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Implementazione temporanea: le posizioni persistono nella cronologia della stanza.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Condivisione posizione in tempo reale", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "In sviluppo attivo, non può essere disattivato.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Modalità di sincr. con slide", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Lista membri della stanza in modo predefinito.", + "Right panel stays open": "Il pannello destro resta aperto", + "Currently experimental.": "Al momento è sperimentale.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Nuovi modi di ignorare le persone", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Usa il formato rich text invece del markdown nella scrittura dei messaggi. La modalità in testo semplice è in arrivo.", + "Rich text editor": "Editor in rich text", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "Nelle stanze che supportano la moderazione, il pulsante \"Segnala\" ti permetterà di segnalare abusi ai moderatori della stanza.", + "Report to moderators": "Segnala ai moderatori", + "Buffering…": "Buffer…", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)so %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sg %(hours)so %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "Change layout": "Cambia disposizione", + "You have unverified sessions": "Hai sessioni non verificate", + "Sign in instead": "Oppure accedi", + "Re-enter email address": "Re-inserisci l'indirizzo email", + "Wrong email address?": "Indirizzo email sbagliato?", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Questa sessione non supporta la crittografia, perciò non può essere verificata.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Per maggiore sicurezza e privacy, è consigliabile usare i client di Matrix che supportano la crittografia.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Non potrai partecipare in stanze dove la crittografia è attiva mentre usi questa sessione.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Questa sessione non supporta la crittografia, perciò non può essere verificata.", + "Apply": "Applica", + "Search users in this room…": "Cerca utenti in questa stanza…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Dai più privilegi a uno o più utenti in questa stanza", + "Add privileged users": "Aggiungi utenti privilegiati", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Nascondi il punto di notifica (mostra solo i contatori)", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s ha terminato una trasmissione vocale", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Hai terminato una trasmissione vocale" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ja.json b/src/i18n/strings/ja.json index b2524530471..48dc237e77f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ja.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ja.json @@ -1743,7 +1743,6 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "全てのルームでリアクションのメッセージプレビューを表示", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "DM中のリアクションにメッセージプレビューを表示", "Support adding custom themes": "カスタムテーマの追加に対応", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "ユーザーを無視する新しい方法を試す(実験的)", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "メッセージ中のLaTeX数式を描画", "Change notification settings": "通知設定を変更", "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s:%(stickerName)s", @@ -2276,7 +2275,6 @@ "Registration has been disabled on this homeserver.": "このサーバーはアカウントの新規登録を受け入れていません。", "Registration Successful": "登録に成功しました", "How can I leave the beta?": "ベータ版の使用を終了する方法", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "実験したい気分ですか?ラボは新しい機能をテストし、実際に公開される前に改善する手伝いをするための最適な方法です。詳しく知る。", "Help improve %(analyticsOwner)s": "%(analyticsOwner)sの改善を手伝う", "Now, let's help you get started": "何をしたいですか?", "This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot.": "このホームサーバーは、あなたがロボットではないことの確認を求めています。", @@ -2290,7 +2288,6 @@ "You aren't signed into any other devices.": "他にサインインしている端末はありません。", "Unverified devices": "未認証の端末", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "アカウントが安全かどうか確認してください", - "You have unverified logins": "未認証のログインがあります", "Own your conversations.": "自分の会話は、自分のもの。", "Confirm your identity by entering your account password below.": "アカウントのパスワードを入力して本人確認を行ってください。", "Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as it's used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "セキュリティーキーは、暗号化されたデータを保護するために使用されます。パスワードマネージャーもしくは金庫のような安全な場所で保管してください。", @@ -2705,7 +2702,6 @@ "Your private messages are normally encrypted, but this room isn't. Usually this is due to an unsupported device or method being used, like email invites.": "通常ダイレクトメッセージは暗号化されていますが、このルームは暗号化されていません。一般にこれは、非サポートの端末が使用されているか、電子メールなどによる招待が行われたことが理由です。", "%(count)s reply|other": "%(count)s件の返信", "Call declined": "拒否しました", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "右のパネルを開いたままにする(既定ではルームの参加者の一覧を表示します)", "Unable to check if username has been taken. Try again later.": "そのユーザー名が既に取得されているか確認できません。後でもう一度やり直してください。", "Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "トレイアイコンを表示し、ウインドウを閉じるとトレイに最小化", "Code blocks": "コードブロック", @@ -2747,7 +2743,6 @@ "Sends the given message with a space themed effect": "メッセージを宇宙のテーマのエフェクトと共に送信", "sends rainfall": "雨を送信", "Sends the given message with rainfall": "メッセージを雨と共に送信", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "低帯域幅モード(対応したホームサーバーが必要です)", "Unknown (user, session) pair: (%(userId)s, %(deviceId)s)": "不明な(ユーザー、セッション)ペア:(%(userId)s、%(deviceId)s)", "Missing session data": "セッションのデータがありません", "Waiting for partner to confirm...": "相手の承認を待機しています…", @@ -2945,7 +2940,6 @@ "Failed to update the join rules": "参加のルールの更新に失敗しました", "Surround selected text when typing special characters": "特殊な文字の入力中に、選択した文章を囲む", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "モデレーターに、保留中のモデレーションのメッセージを非表示にすることを許可。", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "モデレーターへの報告機能のプロトタイプ。モデレーションをサポートするルームで「報告」ボタンを押すと、ルームのモデレーターに報告", "%(severalUsers)schanged the pinned messages for the room %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)sがこのルームの固定メッセージを%(count)s回変更しました", "%(severalUsers)schanged the pinned messages for the room %(count)s times|one": "%(severalUsers)sがこのルームの固定メッセージを変更しました", "%(oneUser)schanged the pinned messages for the room %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)sがこのルームの固定メッセージを%(count)s回変更しました", @@ -3177,12 +3171,9 @@ "Capabilities": "能力", "Toggle Code Block": "コードブロックを切り替える", "Toggle Link": "リンクを切り替える", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "お気に入りのメッセージ(開発中)", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "位置情報(ライブ)の共有(一時的な実装です。位置情報がルームの履歴に残ります)", "New group call experience": "グループ通話の新しい経験", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Callのビデオ通話ルーム", "Send read receipts": "開封確認メッセージを送信", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "リッチテキストエディターを試してみる(プレーンテキストモードは近日公開)", "Explore public spaces in the new search dialog": "新しい検索ダイアログで公開スペースを探索", "Yes, the chat timeline is displayed alongside the video.": "はい、会話のタイムラインが動画と並んで表示されます。", "Can I use text chat alongside the video call?": "テキストによる会話も行えますか?", @@ -3303,7 +3294,6 @@ "Sorry — this call is currently full": "すみませんーこの通話は現在満員です", "Enable hardware acceleration": "ハードウェアアクセラレーションを有効にする", "Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "1対1通話でP2Pを使用する", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "音声ブロードキャスト(活発に開発中)", "Enter fullscreen": "フルスクリーンにする", "Error downloading image": "画像をダウンロードする際のエラー", "Unable to show image due to error": "エラーにより画像を表示できません", @@ -3350,7 +3340,6 @@ "Saved Items": "保存済み項目", "Video rooms are a beta feature": "ビデオ通話ルームはベータ版の機能です", "View chat timeline": "チャットのタイムラインを表示", - "Layout type": "レイアウトの種類", "Spotlight": "スポットライト", "There's no one here to call": "ここには通話できる人はいません", "Read receipts": "既読メッセージ", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/kab.json b/src/i18n/strings/kab.json index 5d5b5571a62..3284bed9c46 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/kab.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/kab.json @@ -1149,7 +1149,6 @@ "Your homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Aqeddac-inek·inem agejdan iɛedda yiwet seg tlisa-ines tiɣbula.", "Contact your server admin.": "Nermes anedbal-inek·inem n uqeddac.", "Render simple counters in room header": "Err amsiḍen afessa ɣef uqerru n texxamt", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Ɛreḍ iberdan-nniḍen i tigtin n yimdanen (armitan)", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Sken timeẓriwin n yiznan i tsedmirin deg DMs", "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Sken timeẓriwin n yiznan i tsedmirin deg meṛṛa tixxamin", "Enable big emoji in chat": "Rmed imujit ameqqran deg udiwenni", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ko.json b/src/i18n/strings/ko.json index f85f6184f3c..67a9b1d987e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ko.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ko.json @@ -1107,7 +1107,6 @@ "%(name)s cancelled": "%(name)s님이 취소했습니다", "%(name)s wants to verify": "%(name)s님이 확인을 요청합니다", "You sent a verification request": "확인 요청을 보냈습니다", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "새 방식으로 사람들을 무시하기 (실험)", "My Ban List": "차단 목록", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "차단한 사용자/서버 목록입니다 - 방을 떠나지 마세요!", "Ignored/Blocked": "무시됨/차단됨", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/lo.json b/src/i18n/strings/lo.json index 6886c699f88..0291acaee97 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/lo.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/lo.json @@ -2215,7 +2215,6 @@ "How fast should messages be downloaded.": "ຂໍ້ຄວາມຄວນຖືກດາວໂຫຼດໄວເທົ່າໃດ.", "Enable message search in encrypted rooms": "ເປີດໃຊ້ການຊອກຫາຂໍ້ຄວາມຢູ່ໃນຫ້ອງທີ່ຖືກເຂົ້າລະຫັດ", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "ສະແດງຕົວຢ່າງ/ຮູບຕົວຢ່າງສຳລັບຮູບພາບ", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "ໂໝດແບນວິດຕ່ຳ (ຕ້ອງການ homeserver ເຂົ້າກັນໄດ້)", "Show hidden events in timeline": "ສະແດງເຫດການທີ່ເຊື່ອງໄວ້ໃນທາມລາຍ", "Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "ສະແດງທາງລັດໄປຫາຫ້ອງທີ່ເບິ່ງເມື່ອບໍ່ດົນມານີ້ຂ້າງເທິງລາຍການຫ້ອງ", "Show rooms with unread notifications first": "ສະແດງຫ້ອງທີ່ມີການແຈ້ງເຕືອນທີ່ຍັງບໍ່ໄດ້ອ່ານກ່ອນ", @@ -2264,9 +2263,7 @@ "Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "ເປີດໃຊ້ການແນະນຳອີໂມຈິໃນຂະນະທີ່ພິມ", "Use custom size": "ໃຊ້ຂະຫນາດທີ່ກໍາຫນົດເອງ", "Font size": "ຂະໜາດຕົວອັກສອນ", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "ການແບ່ງປັນສະຖານທີ່ປັດຈຸບັນ(ການປະຕິບັດຊົ່ວຄາວ: ສະຖານທີ່ຍັງຄົງຢູ່ໃນປະຫວັດຫ້ອງ)", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "ໄປຫາວັນທີ (ເພີ່ມ /jumptodate ແລະໄປຫາຫົວຂໍ້ວັນທີ)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "ແຜງດ້ານຂວາເປີດຢູ່ (ຄ່າເລີ່ມຕົ້ນຂອງລາຍຊື່ສະມາຊິກຫ້ອງ)", "Use new room breadcrumbs": "ໃຊ້ breadcrumbs ຫ້ອງໃຫມ່", "Show info about bridges in room settings": "ສະແດງຂໍ້ມູນກ່ຽວກັບການແກ້ໄຂການຕັ້ງຄ່າຫ້ອງ", "Show current avatar and name for users in message history": "ສະແດງຮູບແທນຕົວປະຈຸບັນ ແລະ ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ໃນປະຫວັດຂໍ້ຄວາມ", @@ -2275,7 +2272,6 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "ສະແດງຕົວຢ່າງຂໍ້ຄວາມສໍາລັບການໂຕ້ຕອບໃນທຸກຫ້ອງ", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "ສະແດງຕົວຢ່າງຂໍ້ຄວາມສໍາລັບການໂຕ້ຕອບ DMs", "Support adding custom themes": "ສະຫນັບສະຫນູນການເພີ່ມຫົວຂໍ້ ທີ່ກຳນົດເອງ", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "ລອງໃຊ້ວິທີໃໝ່ທີ່ຈະບໍ່ເມີນເສີຍຜູ້ຄົນ (ການທົດລອງ)", "Render simple counters in room header": "ສະເເດງຕົວຢ່າງກົງກັນຂ້າມໃຫ້ຫົວຂໍ້ຂອງຫ້ອງ", "Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.": "ຂອບໃຈສຳລັບການທົດລອງໃຊ້ເບຕ້າ, ກະລຸນາໃສ່ລາຍລະອຽດໃຫ້ຫຼາຍເທົ່າທີ່ທ່ານເຮັດໄດ້ ເພື່ອໃຫ້ພວກເຮົາສາມາດປັບປຸງມັນໄດ້.", "Leave the beta": "ອອກຈາກເບຕ້າ", @@ -2289,7 +2285,6 @@ "Threaded messaging": "ການສົ່ງຂໍ້ຄວາມແບບກະທູ້", "Message Pinning": "ການປັກໝຸດຂໍ້ຄວາມ", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "ສະແດງຜົນຄະນິດສາດ LaTeX ໃນຂໍ້ຄວາມ", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "ລາຍງານໃຫ້ຜູ້ຄວບຄຸມ. ຢູ່ໃນຫ້ອງທີ່ຮອງຮັບທີ່ເໝາະສົມ, ປຸ່ມ 'ລາຍງານ' ຈະຊ່ວຍໃຫ້ທ່ານລາຍງານການລະເມີດຕໍ່ກັບຜູ້ຄວບຄຸມຫ້ອງ", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "ໃຫ້ຜູ້ຄວບຄຸມການເຊື່ອງຂໍ້ຄວາມທີ່ລໍຖ້າການກັ່ນຕອງ.", "Developer": "ນັກພັດທະນາ", "Experimental": "ທົດລອງ", @@ -2464,7 +2459,6 @@ "Later": "ຕໍ່ມາ", "Review": "ທົບທວນຄືນ", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "ກວດສອບໃຫ້ແນ່ໃຈວ່າບັນຊີຂອງທ່ານປອດໄພ", - "You have unverified logins": "ທ່ານມີການເຂົ້າສູ່ລະບົບທີ່ບໍ່ໄດ້ຮັບການຢືນຢັນ", "No": "ບໍ່", "Yes": "ແມ່ນແລ້ວ", "Share anonymous data to help us identify issues. Nothing personal. No third parties. Learn More": "ແບ່ງປັນຂໍ້ມູນທີ່ບໍ່ເປີດເຜີຍຊື່ເພື່ອຊ່ວຍພວກເຮົາລະບຸບັນຫາ. ບໍ່ມີຫຍັງສ່ວນຕົວ. ບໍ່ມີຄົນທີສາມ. ສຶກສາເພີ່ມເຕີມ", @@ -3159,7 +3153,6 @@ "Subscribing to a ban list will cause you to join it!": "ການສະໝັກບັນຊີລາຍການຫ້າມຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານເຂົ້າຮ່ວມ!", "Your personal ban list holds all the users/servers you personally don't want to see messages from. After ignoring your first user/server, a new room will show up in your room list named 'My Ban List' - stay in this room to keep the ban list in effect.": "ລາຍການຫ້າມສ່ວນບຸກຄົນຂອງທ່ານມີຜູ້ໃຊ້ / ເຊີບເວີສ່ວນບຸກຄົນທັງໝົດທີ່ທ່ານບໍ່ຕ້ອງການເບິ່ງຂໍ້ຄວາມ. ຫຼັງຈາກທີ່ບໍ່ສົນໃຈຜູ້ໃຊ້/ເຊີບເວີທໍາອິດຂອງທ່ານ, ຫ້ອງໃຫມ່ຈະສະແດງຢູ່ໃນລາຍຊື່ຫ້ອງຂອງທ່ານທີ່ມີຊື່ວ່າ 'My Ban List' - ຢູ່ໃນຫ້ອງນີ້ເພື່ອຮັກສາລາຍຊື່ການຫ້າມ.", "Add users and servers you want to ignore here. Use asterisks to have %(brand)s match any characters. For example, @bot:* would ignore all users that have the name 'bot' on any server.": "ເພີ່ມຜູ້ໃຊ້ ແລະເຊີບເວີທີ່ທ່ານບໍ່ສົນໃຈໃນທີ່ນີ້. ໃຊ້ເຄື່ອງໝາຍດາວເພື່ອໃຫ້ %(brand)s ກົງກັບຕົວອັກສອນໃດນຶ່ງ. ຕົວຢ່າງ, @bot:* ຈະບໍ່ສົນໃຈຜູ້ໃຊ້ທັງໝົດທີ່ມີຊື່ 'bot' ຢູ່ໃນເຊີບເວີໃດນຶ່ງ.", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "ຮູ້ສຶກເປັນການທົດລອງບໍ? ຫ້ອງທົດລອງແມ່ນວິທີທີ່ດີທີ່ສຸດໃນການຮັບເອົາສິ່ງຕ່າງໆມາແຕ່ຕົ້ນໆ, ທົດສອບຄຸນສົມບັດໃໝ່ ແລະຊ່ວຍກຳນົດຮູບແບບກ່ອນທີ່ຈະເປີດໃຊ້ງານຕົວຕົວຈິງ. Learn more.", "Enable audible notifications for this session": "ເປີດໃຊ້ການແຈ້ງເຕືອນທີ່ໄດ້ຍິນໄດ້ສໍາລັບລະບົບນີ້", "Homeserver feature support:": "ສະຫນັບສະຫນູນຄຸນນະສົມບັດ Homeserver:", "User signing private key:": "ຜູ້ໃຊ້ເຂົ້າສູ່ລະບົບລະຫັດສ່ວນຕົວ:", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/lt.json b/src/i18n/strings/lt.json index 7bdadc824f4..a96145254f4 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/lt.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/lt.json @@ -1229,7 +1229,6 @@ "Smileys & People": "Šypsenėlės ir Žmonės", "People": "Žmonės", "Ignoring people is done through ban lists which contain rules for who to ban. Subscribing to a ban list means the users/servers blocked by that list will be hidden from you.": "Žmonių ignoravimas atliekamas naudojant draudimų sąrašus, kuriuose yra taisyklės, nurodančios kas turi būti draudžiami. Užsiprenumeravus draudimų sąrašą, vartotojai/serveriai, užblokuoti šio sąrašo, bus nuo jūsų paslėpti.", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Išbandykite naujus žmonių ignoravimo būdus (eksperimentiniai)", "The call was answered on another device.": "Į skambutį buvo atsiliepta kitame įrenginyje.", "Answered Elsewhere": "Atsiliepta Kitur", "The call could not be established": "Nepavyko pradėti skambučio", @@ -2121,7 +2120,6 @@ "Displaying time": "Rodomas laikas", "To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Norint peržiūrėti visus sparčiuosius klavišus, paspauskite čia.", "Keyboard shortcuts": "Spartieji klavišai", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Norite eksperimentuoti? Laboratorijos yra geriausias būdas gauti naujus dalykus iš anksto, išbandyti naujas funkcijas ir padėti jas formuoti prieš jas išleidžiant. Sužinokite daugiau.", "Keyboard": "Klaviatūra", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Jūsų prieigos žetonas suteikia visišką prieigą prie paskyros. Niekam jo neduokite.", "Access Token": "Prieigos žetonas", @@ -2178,19 +2176,13 @@ "Insert a trailing colon after user mentions at the start of a message": "Įterpti dvitaškį po naudotojo paminėjimų žinutės pradžioje", "Show polls button": "Rodyti apklausų mygtuką", "Show stickers button": "Rodyti lipdukų mygtuką", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Balso transliacija (aktyviai kuriama)", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Parankinės žinutės (aktyviai kuriama)", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Buvimo vietos bendrinimas gyvai (laikinas pritaikymas: buvimo vieta išlieka kambario istorijoje)", "Element Call video rooms": "Element skambučio vaizdo kambariai", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Slankiojo sinchronizavimo režimas (aktyviai kuriamas, jo negalima išjungti)", "Send read receipts": "Siųsti skaitymo kvitus", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Pereiti prie datos (prideda /jumptodate ir perėjimo prie datos antraštes)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Dešinysis skydelis lieka atidarytas (numatytasis - kambario narių sąrašas)", "Show HTML representation of room topics": "Rodyti kambarių temų HTML atvaizdavimą", "Show current avatar and name for users in message history": "Žinučių istorijoje rodyti dabartinį naudotojų avatarą ir vardą", "Show extensible event representation of events": "Rodyti išplečiamą įvykių atvaizdavimą", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Atvaizduoti LaTeX matematikas žinutėse", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Pranešimo moderatoriams prototipas. Kambariuose, kuriuose palaikomas moderavimas, mygtukas `pranešti` leis pranešti apie piktnaudžiavimą kambario moderatoriams", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "Leisti moderatoriams slėpti žinutes, laukiančias moderavimo.", "Explore public spaces in the new search dialog": "Tyrinėkite viešas erdves naujajame paieškos lange", "Thank you for trying the beta, please go into as much detail as you can so we can improve it.": "Dėkojame, kad išbandėte beta versiją, ir prašome pateikti kuo daugiau informacijos, kad galėtume ją patobulinti.", @@ -2242,7 +2234,6 @@ "Enable desktop notifications": "Įjungti darbalaukio pranešimus", "Don't miss a reply": "Nepraleiskite atsakymų", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Peržiūrėkite, ar jūsų paskyra yra saugi", - "You have unverified logins": "Turite nepatvirtintų prisijungimų", "Help improve %(analyticsOwner)s": "Padėkite pagerinti %(analyticsOwner)s", "Share anonymous data to help us identify issues. Nothing personal. No third parties. Learn More": "Dalinkitės anoniminiais duomenimis, kurie padės mums nustatyti problemas. Nieko asmeniško. Jokių trečiųjų šalių. Sužinokite daugiau", "You previously consented to share anonymous usage data with us. We're updating how that works.": "Anksčiau sutikote su mumis dalytis anoniminiais naudojimo duomenimis. Atnaujiname, kaip tai veikia.", @@ -2380,7 +2371,6 @@ "Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Automatiškai siųsti derinimo žurnalus esant bet kokiai klaidai", "Developer mode": "Kūrėjo režimas", "Show chat effects (animations when receiving e.g. confetti)": "Rodyti pokalbių efektus (animaciją, kai gaunate, pvz., konfeti)", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Mažo duomenų naudojimo režimas (reikalingas suderinamas namų serveris)", "%(senderName)s removed %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s pašalino %(targetName)s", "%(senderName)s removed %(targetName)s: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s pašalino %(targetName)s: %(reason)s", "Vietnam": "Vietnamas", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/lv.json b/src/i18n/strings/lv.json index e11941115b2..c9483743f0e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/lv.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/lv.json @@ -636,7 +636,6 @@ "People": "Cilvēki", "Add a photo, so people can easily spot your room.": "Pievienojiet foto, lai padarītu istabu vieglāk pamanāmu citiem cilvēkiem.", "Add a topic to help people know what it is about.": "Pievienot tematu, lai dotu cilvēkiem priekšstatu.", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Izmēģiniet jauno veidus, kā ignorēt cilvēkus (eksperimentāls)", "You do not have permission to invite people to this room.": "Jums nav atļaujas uzaicināt cilvēkus šajā istabā.", "%(senderName)s revoked the invitation for %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s atsauca uzaicinājumu %(targetDisplayName)s pievienoties istabai.", "%(senderName)s changed the addresses for this room.": "%(senderName)s nomainīja istabas adreses.", @@ -1667,7 +1666,6 @@ "An error occurred whilst sharing your live location, please try again": "Notika kļūda, kopīgojot reāllaika atrašanās vietu, lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz", "An error occurred while stopping your live location, please try again": "Notika kļūda, pārtraucot reāllaika atrašanās vietas kopīgošanu, lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz", "Timed out trying to fetch your location. Please try again later.": "Neizdevās iegūt jūsu atrašanās vietu dēļ noilguma. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz vēlāk.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Reāllaika atrašanās vietas kopīgošana (pagaidu risinājums: atrašanās vietas saglabājas istabas vēsturē)", "%(brand)s could not send your location. Please try again later.": "%(brand)s nevarēja nosūtīt jūsu atrašanās vietu. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz vēlāk.", "Unknown error fetching location. Please try again later.": "Nezināma kļūda, iegūstot atrašanās vietu. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz vēlāk.", "Failed to fetch your location. Please try again later.": "Neizdevās iegūt jūsu atrašanās vietu. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz vēlāk.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/nb_NO.json b/src/i18n/strings/nb_NO.json index b68f12318ae..05b050642a1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/nb_NO.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/nb_NO.json @@ -1114,7 +1114,6 @@ "Show stickers button": "Vis klistremerkeknappen", "Recently visited rooms": "Nylig besøkte rom", "Abort": "Avbryt", - "You have unverified logins": "Du har uverifiserte pålogginger", "Check your devices": "Sjekk enhetene dine", "Edit devices": "Rediger enheter", "Homeserver": "Hjemmetjener", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/nl.json b/src/i18n/strings/nl.json index cde0f08ebf7..47ca3b14078 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/nl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/nl.json @@ -1118,7 +1118,6 @@ "about a day from now": "over een dag of zo", "%(num)s days from now": "over %(num)s dagen", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Nieuwe manieren om personen te negeren uitproberen (in ontwikkeling)", "Show info about bridges in room settings": "Bruginformatie tonen in kamerinstellingen", "Match system theme": "Aanpassen aan systeemthema", "Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions from this session": "Vanaf deze sessie nooit versleutelde berichten naar ongeverifieerde sessies versturen", @@ -2322,7 +2321,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Je kan dit elk moment nog aanpassen.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Voeg details toe zodat personen het herkennen.", "Check your devices": "Controleer je apparaten", - "You have unverified logins": "Je hebt ongeverifieerde logins", "Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others.": "Verifeer je identiteit om toegang te krijgen tot je versleutelde berichten en om je identiteit te bewijzen voor anderen.", "You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Je kan er later nog meer toevoegen, inclusief al bestaande kamers.", "Let's create a room for each of them.": "Laten we voor elk een los kamer maken.", @@ -2388,7 +2386,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Geen microfoon gevonden", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "We hebben geen toegang tot je microfoon. Controleer je browserinstellingen en probeer het opnieuw.", "Unable to access your microphone": "Geen toegang tot je microfoon", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Zin in een experiment? Labs is de beste manier om nieuwe functies vroeg te krijgen, testen en helpen vormen voordat ze daadwerkelijk worden gelanceerd. Lees meer.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Jouw toegangstoken geeft je toegang tot je account. Deel hem niet met anderen.", "Access Token": "Toegangstoken", "Please enter a name for the space": "Vul een naam in voor deze space", @@ -2472,7 +2469,6 @@ "Silence call": "Oproep dempen", "Sound on": "Geluid aan", "Show all rooms in Home": "Alle kamers in Home tonen", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Meld aan moderators prototype. In kamers die moderatie ondersteunen, kan je met de `melden` knop misbruik melden aan de kamermoderators", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s heeft de vastgeprikte berichten voor de kamer gewijzigd.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s heeft de uitnodiging van %(targetName)s ingetrokken", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s heeft de uitnodiging van %(targetName)s ingetrokken: %(reason)s", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Om deze problemen te voorkomen, maak een nieuwe versleutelde kamer voor de gesprekken die je wil voeren.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Weet je zeker dat je versleuteling wil inschakelen voor deze publieke kamer?", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "Kruiselings ondertekenen is klaar, maar de sleutels zijn nog niet geback-upt.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Lage bandbreedte modus (geschikte homeserver vereist)", "Thread": "Draad", "Threaded messaging": "Discussies tonen", "The above, but in as well": "Het bovenstaande, maar ook in ", @@ -3045,7 +3040,6 @@ "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Spaces zijn manieren om kamers en mensen te groeperen. Naast de spaces waarin jij je bevindt, kunt je ook enkele kant-en-klare spaces gebruiken.", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Experimenteel)", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Ga naar datum (voegt /jumptodate en spring naar datum headers toe)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Rechter paneel blijft open (standaard in lijst met gespreksleden)", "Location": "Locatie", "Poll": "Poll", "Voice Message": "Spraakbericht", @@ -3293,7 +3287,6 @@ "Enable live location sharing": "Live locatie delen inschakelen", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Let op: dit is een labfunctie met een tijdelijke implementatie. Dit betekent dat je jouw locatiegeschiedenis niet kunt verwijderen en dat geavanceerde gebruikers jouw locatiegeschiedenis kunnen zien, zelfs nadat je stopt met het delen van uw live locatie met deze ruimte.", "Live location sharing": "Live locatie delen", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Live Locatie delen (tijdelijke implementatie: locaties blijven bestaan in kamergeschiedenis)", "Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has been blocked by its administrator. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "Je bericht is niet verzonden omdat deze server is geblokkeerd door de beheerder. Neem contact op met je servicebeheerder om de service te blijven gebruiken.", "Cameras": "Camera's", "Output devices": "Uitvoerapparaten", @@ -3389,7 +3382,6 @@ "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Berichten in deze chat worden eind-tot-eind versleuteld.", "Saved Items": "Opgeslagen items", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Stuur je eerste bericht om uit te nodigen om te chatten", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Favoriete berichten (in actieve ontwikkeling)", "We're creating a room with %(names)s": "We maken een kamer aan met %(names)s", "Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.": "Google Play en het Google Play-logo zijn handelsmerken van Google LLC.", "App Store® and the Apple logo® are trademarks of Apple Inc.": "App Store® en het Apple logo® zijn handelsmerken van Apple Inc.", @@ -3484,7 +3476,6 @@ "%(user)s and %(count)s others|one": "%(user)s en 1 andere", "%(user)s and %(count)s others|other": "%(user)s en %(count)s anderen", "%(user1)s and %(user2)s": "%(user1)s en %(user2)s", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Scrollende Synchronisatie-modus (in actieve ontwikkeling, kan niet worden uitgeschakeld)", "%(downloadButton)s or %(copyButton)s": "%(downloadButton)s of %(copyButton)s", "%(securityKey)s or %(recoveryFile)s": "%(securityKey)s of %(recoveryFile)s", "Proxy URL": "Proxy URL", @@ -3525,7 +3516,6 @@ "Italic": "Cursief", "View chat timeline": "Gesprekstijdslijn bekijken", "Close call": "Sluit oproep", - "Layout type": "Type lay-out", "Spotlight": "Schijnwerper", "Freedom": "Vrijheid", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "U heeft geen toestemming om spraakoproepen te starten", @@ -3585,10 +3575,8 @@ "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Meer zichtbaarheid en controle over al uw sessies.", "New session manager": "Nieuwe sessiemanager", "Use new session manager": "Nieuwe sessiemanager gebruiken", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Spraak uitzending (in actieve ontwikkeling)", "New group call experience": "Nieuwe ervaring voor groepsgesprekken", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call videokamers", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Probeer de rich-text-editor (platte tekst-modus komt binnenkort)", "Notifications silenced": "Meldingen stilgezet", "Video call started": "Videogesprek gestart", "Unknown room": "Onbekende kamer", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/nn.json b/src/i18n/strings/nn.json index 5ee6781379f..3a2833e522b 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/nn.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/nn.json @@ -813,7 +813,6 @@ "Single Sign On": "Single-sign-on", "Capitalization doesn't help very much": "Store bokstavar hjelp dessverre lite", "Predictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much": "Forutsigbare teiknbytte som '@' istaden for 'a' hjelp dessverre lite", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Prøv ut nye måtar å ignorere folk på (eksperimentelt)", "Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "Kontoen din har ein kryss-signert identitet det hemmelege lageret, økta di stolar ikkje på denne enno.", "in secret storage": "i hemmeleg lager", "Secret storage public key:": "Public-nøkkel for hemmeleg lager:", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pl.json b/src/i18n/strings/pl.json index 1a2000c89c3..1feab9b7212 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pl.json @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ "Decline": "Odrzuć", "Decrypt %(text)s": "Odszyfruj %(text)s", "Delete widget": "Usuń widżet", - "Default": "Domyślny", + "Default": "Zwykły", "Define the power level of a user": "Określ poziom uprawnień użytkownika", "Displays action": "Wyświetla akcję", "Download %(text)s": "Pobierz %(text)s", @@ -798,7 +798,6 @@ "Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.": "Użyj serwera tożsamości, by zaprosić z użyciem adresu e-mail. Kliknij dalej, żeby użyć domyślnego serwera tożsamości (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s), lub zmień w Ustawieniach.", "Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.": "Użyj serwera tożsamości, by zaprosić za pomocą adresu e-mail. Zarządzaj w ustawieniach.", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Wypróbuj nowe sposoby na ignorowanie ludzi (eksperymentalne)", "My Ban List": "Moja lista zablokowanych", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "To jest Twoja lista zablokowanych użytkowników/serwerów – nie opuszczaj tego pokoju!", "Change identity server": "Zmień serwer tożsamości", @@ -1739,7 +1738,6 @@ "Failed to remove some rooms. Try again later": "Nie udało się usunąć niektórych pokojów. Spróbuj ponownie później", "Select a room below first": "Najpierw wybierz poniższy pokój", "Spaces": "Przestrzenie", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Chcesz eksperymentować? Laboratoria to najlepszy sposób na uzyskanie nowości wcześniej, przetestowanie nowych funkcji i pomoc w kształtowaniu ich zanim będą ogólnodostępne. Dowiedz się więcej.", "We'll store an encrypted copy of your keys on our server. Secure your backup with a Security Phrase.": "Będziemy przechowywać zaszyfrowaną kopię Twoich kluczy na naszym serwerze. Zabezpiecz swoją kopię zapasową frazą bezpieczeństwa.", "Secure Backup": "Bezpieczna kopia zapasowa", "Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Przejdź na dół osi czasu po wysłaniu wiadomości", @@ -1825,7 +1823,6 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Pokazuj podglądy wiadomości dla reakcji we wszystkich pokojach", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Pokazuj poglądy wiadomości dla reakcji w wiadomościach bezpośrednich", "Threaded messaging": "Wiadomości w wątkach", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototyp zgłaszania do moderatorów. W pokojach które obsługują moderację, przycisk `raportuj` umożliwi zgłoszenie nadużyć do moderatorów", "Developer": "Developer", "Experimental": "Eksperymentalne", "Themes": "Motywy", @@ -1846,7 +1843,6 @@ "Silence call": "Wycisz rozmowę", "Sound on": "Dźwięk włączony", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Sprawdź, by upewnić się że Twoje konto jest bezpieczne", - "You have unverified logins": "Masz niezweryfikowane zalogowania", "Share anonymous data to help us identify issues. Nothing personal. No third parties. Learn More": "Udostępnij zanimizowane dane by pomóc nam zidentyfikować problemy. Żadnych danych prywatnych. Żadnych firm zewnętrznych. Dowiedz się więcej", "You previously consented to share anonymous usage data with us. We're updating how that works.": "Wcześniej wyraziłeś zgodę na udostępnianie zanonimizowanych danych z nami. Teraz aktualizujemy jak to działa.", "Help improve %(analyticsOwner)s": "Pomóż poprawić %(analyticsOwner)s", @@ -2260,7 +2256,6 @@ "All rooms you're in will appear in Home.": "Wszystkie pokoje w których jesteś zostaną pokazane na ekranie głównym.", "Show all rooms in Home": "Pokaż wszystkie pokoje na ekranie głównym", "Show chat effects (animations when receiving e.g. confetti)": "Pokaż efekty czatu (animacje po odebraniu np. confetti)", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Tryb niskiego transferu (wymaga kompatybilnego serwera domowego)", "Show shortcut to welcome checklist above the room list": "Pokaż skrót do listy powitalnej nad listą pokojów", "Start messages with /plain to send without markdown and /md to send with.": "Użyj /plain na początku wiadomości aby wysłać ją bez Markdown lub /md, aby wysłać ją z jego użyciem.", "Enable Markdown": "Włącz Markdown", @@ -2270,10 +2265,8 @@ "Show join/leave messages (invites/removes/bans unaffected)": "Pokaż wiadomości dołączenia/opuszczenia pokoju (nie dotyczy wiadomości zaproszenia/wyrzucenia/banów)", "Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Użyj bardziej kompaktowego, \"nowoczesnego\" wyglądu", "Show polls button": "Pokaż przycisk ankiet", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Udostępnianie lokalizacji na żywo (tymczasowa implementacja: lokalizacje pozostają w historii pokoju)", "Send read receipts": "Wysyłaj potwierdzenia przeczytania", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Przeskocz do daty (dodaje /jumptodate oraz nagłówki przeskakiwania do dat)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Prawy panel pozostaje otwarty (domyślnie zawiera listę członków pokoju)", "Show HTML representation of room topics": "Pokaż reprezentację HTML tematów pokojów", "To leave, return to this page and use the “%(leaveTheBeta)s” button.": "Aby wyjść, wróć do tej strony i użyj przycisku \"%(leaveTheBeta)s\".", "How can I leave the beta?": "Jak mogę wyjść z bety?", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json index b9651ba0fbe..32f0f0bca2e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json @@ -912,7 +912,6 @@ "%(senderName)s: %(message)s": "%(senderName)s: %(message)s", "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s", "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Tente novas maneiras de bloquear pessoas (experimental)", "Support adding custom themes": "Permite adicionar temas personalizados", "Show info about bridges in room settings": "Exibir informações sobre integrações nas configurações das salas", "Font size": "Tamanho da fonte", @@ -2370,7 +2369,6 @@ "Silence call": "Silenciar chamado", "Sound on": "Som ligado", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Revise para assegurar que sua conta está segura", - "You have unverified logins": "Você tem logins não verificados", "See when people join, leave, or are invited to your active room": "Ver quando as pessoas entram, saem, ou são convidadas para sua sala ativa", "See when people join, leave, or are invited to this room": "Ver quando as pessoas entrarem, sairem ou são convidadas para esta sala", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s mudou a mensagem fixada da sala.", @@ -2415,11 +2413,9 @@ "Stop sharing your screen": "Parar de compartilhar sua tela", "Stop the camera": "Desligar a câmera", "Start the camera": "Ativar a câmera", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Modo de internet lenta (requer um servidor compatível)", "Autoplay videos": "Reproduzir vídeos automaticamente", "Autoplay GIFs": "Reproduzir GIFs automaticamente", "Threaded messaging": "Mensagens em fios", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Protótipo de reportar para os moderadores. Em salas que tem suporte a moderação, o botão `reportar` lhe permitirá reportar abuso para os moderadores da sala", "%(senderName)s pinned a message to this room. See all pinned messages.": "%(senderName)s fixou uma mensagem nesta sala. Veja todas as mensagens fixadas.", "%(senderName)s pinned a message to this room. See all pinned messages.": "%(senderName)s fixou uma mensagens nesta sala. Veja todas as mensagens fixadas.", "You may contact me if you have any follow up questions": "Vocês podem me contactar se tiverem quaisquer perguntas subsequentes", @@ -2671,7 +2667,6 @@ "Displaying time": "Exibindo tempo", "To view all keyboard shortcuts, click here.": "Para ver todos os atalhos do teclado, clique aqui.", "Show tray icon and minimise window to it on close": "Mostrar o ícone da bandeja e minimizar a janela ao fechar", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Sentindo-se experimental? Os laboratórios são a melhor maneira de fazer as coisas com antecedência, testar novos recursos e ajudar a moldá-los antes do lançamento. Saiba mais.", "Use high contrast": "Usar alto contraste", "Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|one": "Atualizando espaço...", "Updating spaces... (%(progress)s out of %(count)s)|other": "Atualizando espaços... (%(progress)s de %(count)s)", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json index 1fc11677dd6..801856bd46e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "Favourites": "Избранные", "Filter room members": "Поиск по участникам", "Forget room": "Забыть комнату", - "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Для обеспечения безопасности ваша сессия была завершена. Пожалуйста, войдите снова.", + "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "Для обеспечения безопасности ваш сеанс был завершён. Пожалуйста, войдите снова.", "Hangup": "Повесить трубку", "Historical": "Архив", "Homeserver is": "Домашний сервер", @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ "Reason": "Причина", "Reject invitation": "Отклонить приглашение", "%(brand)s does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "У %(brand)s нет разрешения на отправку уведомлений — проверьте настройки браузера", - "%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s не получил разрешение на отправку уведомлений, пожалуйста, попробуйте снова", + "%(brand)s was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "%(brand)s не получил разрешение на отправку уведомлений: пожалуйста, попробуйте снова", "%(brand)s version:": "Версия %(brand)s:", "Room %(roomId)s not visible": "Комната %(roomId)s невидима", "Rooms": "Комнаты", @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or search timed out :(": "Сервер может быть недоступен, перегружен или поиск прекращен по тайм-ауту :(", "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "Возможно, сервер недоступен, перегружен или случилась ошибка.", "Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.": "Возможно, сервер недоступен, перегружен или что-то еще пошло не так.", - "Session ID": "ID сессии", + "Session ID": "ID сеанса", "Signed Out": "Выполнен выход", "This room is not accessible by remote Matrix servers": "Это комната недоступна из других серверов Matrix", "Tried to load a specific point in this room's timeline, but you do not have permission to view the message in question.": "Попытка загрузить выбранный интервал истории чата этой комнаты не удалась, так как у вас нет разрешений на просмотр.", @@ -213,17 +213,17 @@ "You seem to be in a call, are you sure you want to quit?": "Звонок не завершён. Уверены, что хотите выйти?", "You will not be able to undo this change as you are promoting the user to have the same power level as yourself.": "Вы не сможете отменить это действие, так как этот пользователь получит уровень прав, равный вашему.", "Options": "Дополнительно", - "Passphrases must match": "Пароли должны совпадать", - "Passphrase must not be empty": "Пароль не должен быть пустым", + "Passphrases must match": "Мнемонические фразы должны совпадать", + "Passphrase must not be empty": "Кодовая фраза не может быть пустой", "Export room keys": "Экспорт ключей комнаты", - "Enter passphrase": "Введите пароль", - "Confirm passphrase": "Подтвердите пароль", + "Enter passphrase": "Введите мнемоническую фразу", + "Confirm passphrase": "Подтвердите мнемоническую фразу", "Import room keys": "Импорт ключей комнаты", "File to import": "Файл для импорта", "This process allows you to export the keys for messages you have received in encrypted rooms to a local file. You will then be able to import the file into another Matrix client in the future, so that client will also be able to decrypt these messages.": "Этот процесс позволяет вам экспортировать ключи для сообщений, которые вы получили в комнатах с шифрованием, в локальный файл. Вы сможете импортировать эти ключи в другой клиент Matrix чтобы расшифровать эти сообщения.", - "The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Экспортированный файл позволит любому пользователю расшифровать и зашифровать сообщения, которые вы видите, поэтому вы должны быть крайне осторожны и держать файл в надежном месте. Чтобы поспособствовать этому, ниже вы должны ввести пароль, который будет использоваться для шифрования ключей. Вы сможете импортировать ключи только зная этот пароль.", + "The exported file will allow anyone who can read it to decrypt any encrypted messages that you can see, so you should be careful to keep it secure. To help with this, you should enter a passphrase below, which will be used to encrypt the exported data. It will only be possible to import the data by using the same passphrase.": "Экспортированный файл позволит любому пользователю расшифровать и зашифровать сообщения, которые вы видите, поэтому вы должны быть крайне осторожны и держать файл в надежном месте. Чтобы поспособствовать этому, ниже вы должны ввести кодовую фразу, которая будет использоваться для шифрования ключей. Вы сможете импортировать ключи только зная эту кодовую фразу.", "This process allows you to import encryption keys that you had previously exported from another Matrix client. You will then be able to decrypt any messages that the other client could decrypt.": "Этот процесс позволит вам импортировать ключи шифрования, которые вы экспортировали ранее из клиента Matrix. Это позволит вам расшифровать историю чата.", - "The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Файл экспорта будет защищен паролем. Для расшифровки файла необходимо ввести пароль.", + "The export file will be protected with a passphrase. You should enter the passphrase here, to decrypt the file.": "Файл экспорта будет защищен кодовой фразой. Для расшифровки файла необходимо будет её ввести.", "You must join the room to see its files": "Вы должны войти в комнату, чтобы просмотреть файлы", "Reject all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Отклонить все %(invitedRooms)s приглашения", "Failed to invite": "Пригласить не удалось", @@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Вы действительно хотите удалить это событие? Обратите внимание, что если это смена названия комнаты или темы, то удаление отменит это изменение.", "Unknown error": "Неизвестная ошибка", "Incorrect password": "Неверный пароль", - "Unable to restore session": "Восстановление сессии не удалось", - "If you have previously used a more recent version of %(brand)s, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Если вы использовали более новую версию %(brand)s, то ваша сессия может быть несовместима с этой версией. Закройте это окно и вернитесь к более новой версии.", + "Unable to restore session": "Восстановление сеанса не удалось", + "If you have previously used a more recent version of %(brand)s, your session may be incompatible with this version. Close this window and return to the more recent version.": "Если вы использовали более новую версию %(brand)s, то ваш сеанс может быть несовместим с ней. Закройте это окно и вернитесь к более новой версии.", "Token incorrect": "Неверный код проверки", "Please enter the code it contains:": "Введите полученный код:", "Error decrypting image": "Ошибка расшифровки изображения", @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ "Unnamed Room": "Комната без названия", "%(userName)s (power %(powerLevelNumber)s)": "%(userName)s (уровень прав %(powerLevelNumber)s)", "(~%(count)s results)|one": "(~%(count)s результат)", - "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Не удается подключиться к домашнему серверу - проверьте подключение, убедитесь, что ваш SSL-сертификат домашнего сервера является доверенным и что расширение браузера не блокирует запросы.", + "Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your homeserver's SSL certificate is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Не удается подключиться к домашнему серверу — проверьте подключение, убедитесь, что ваш SSL-сертификат домашнего сервера является доверенным и что расширение браузера не блокирует запросы.", "Not a valid %(brand)s keyfile": "Недействительный файл ключей %(brand)s", "Your browser does not support the required cryptography extensions": "Ваш браузер не поддерживает необходимые криптографические расширения", "Authentication check failed: incorrect password?": "Ошибка аутентификации: возможно, неправильный пароль?", @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ "Send Logs": "Отправить логи", "Clear Storage and Sign Out": "Очистить хранилище и выйти", "Refresh": "Обновить", - "We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "Произошла ошибка при попытке восстановить предыдущую сессию.", + "We encountered an error trying to restore your previous session.": "Произошла ошибка при попытке восстановить предыдущий сеанс.", "Clearing your browser's storage may fix the problem, but will sign you out and cause any encrypted chat history to become unreadable.": "Очистка хранилища вашего браузера может устранить проблему, но при этом ваша сессия будет завершена, и зашифрованная история чата станет нечитаемой.", "Unable to load event that was replied to, it either does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.": "Не удается загрузить событие, на которое был дан ответ. Либо оно не существует, либо у вас нет разрешения на его просмотр.", "Enable widget screenshots on supported widgets": "Включить скриншоты виджетов для поддерживаемых виджетов", @@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ "Unable to load! Check your network connectivity and try again.": "Не удалось загрузить! Проверьте подключение к сети и попробуйте снова.", "Upgrades a room to a new version": "Обновляет комнату до новой версии", "Sets the room name": "Устанавливает название комнаты", - "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Принудительно отбрасывает текущую групповую сессию для отправки сообщений в зашифрованную комнату", + "Forces the current outbound group session in an encrypted room to be discarded": "Принудительно отбрасывает текущий групповой сеанс для отправки сообщений в зашифрованную комнату", "%(senderDisplayName)s upgraded this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s обновил(а) эту комнату.", "%(senderName)s set the main address for this room to %(address)s.": "%(senderName)s установил(а) %(address)s в качестве главного адреса комнаты.", "%(senderName)s removed the main address for this room.": "%(senderName)s удалил главный адрес комнаты.", @@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ "Set up Secure Messages": "Настроить безопасные сообщения", "Recovery Method Removed": "Метод восстановления удален", "New Recovery Method": "Новый метод восстановления", - "Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Настройка безопасного восстановления сообщений", + "Set up Secure Message Recovery": "Настройка восстановления защищённых сообщений", "Copy it to your personal cloud storage": "Скопируйте в персональное облачное хранилище", "Save it on a USB key or backup drive": "Сохраните на USB-диске или на резервном диске", "This room has no topic.": "У этой комнаты нет темы.", @@ -725,10 +725,10 @@ "Verify this user by confirming the following emoji appear on their screen.": "Проверьте собеседника, убедившись, что на его экране отображаются следующие символы (смайлы).", "Unable to find a supported verification method.": "Невозможно определить поддерживаемый метод верификации.", "Scissors": "Ножницы", - "Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.": "Защищённые сообщения с этим пользователем зашифрованы сквозным шифрованием и недоступны третьим лицам.", + "Secure messages with this user are end-to-end encrypted and not able to be read by third parties.": "Сообщения с этим пользователем защищены сквозным шифрованием и недоступны третьим лицам.", "We've sent you an email to verify your address. Please follow the instructions there and then click the button below.": "Мы отправили вам сообщение для подтверждения адреса электронной почты. Пожалуйста, следуйте указаниям в сообщении, после чего нажмите кнопку ниже.", "Are you sure? You will lose your encrypted messages if your keys are not backed up properly.": "Вы уверены? Зашифрованные сообщения будут безвозвратно утеряны при отсутствии соответствующего резервного копирования ваших ключей.", - "Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Зашифрованные сообщения защищены сквозным шифрованием. Только вы и ваш собеседник имеете ключи для их расшифровки и чтения.", + "Encrypted messages are secured with end-to-end encryption. Only you and the recipient(s) have the keys to read these messages.": "Эти сообщения защищены сквозным шифрованием. Только вы и ваш собеседник имеете ключи для их расшифровки и чтения.", "Unable to load key backup status": "Не удалось получить статус резервного копирования для ключей шифрования", "Restore from Backup": "Восстановить из резервной копии", "Back up your keys before signing out to avoid losing them.": "Перед выходом сохраните резервную копию ключей шифрования, чтобы не потерять их.", @@ -753,11 +753,11 @@ "Incompatible local cache": "Несовместимый локальный кэш", "You'll lose access to your encrypted messages": "Вы потеряете доступ к вашим шифрованным сообщениям", "Are you sure you want to sign out?": "Уверены, что хотите выйти?", - "Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Настройки комнаты - %(roomName)s", + "Room Settings - %(roomName)s": "Настройки комнаты — %(roomName)s", "Composer": "Редактор", "The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload.": "Файл '%(fileName)s' не был загружен.", "The server does not support the room version specified.": "Сервер не поддерживает указанную версию комнаты.", - "Warning: Upgrading a room will not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room. We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "Предупреждение: Модернизация комнаты не приведет к автоматическому переходу участников комнаты на новую версию комнаты. Мы разместим ссылку на новую комнату в старой версии комнаты - участники комнаты должны будут нажать эту ссылку для присоединения к новой комнате.", + "Warning: Upgrading a room will not automatically migrate room members to the new version of the room. We'll post a link to the new room in the old version of the room - room members will have to click this link to join the new room.": "Предупреждение: Модернизация комнаты не приведет к автоматическому переходу участников комнаты на новую версию комнаты. Мы разместим ссылку на новую комнату в старой версии комнаты — участники комнаты должны будут нажать эту ссылку для присоединения к новой комнате.", "Changes your avatar in this current room only": "Меняет ваш аватар только в этой комнате", "Unbans user with given ID": "Разблокирует пользователя с заданным ID", "Adds a custom widget by URL to the room": "Добавляет пользовательский виджет по URL-адресу в комнате", @@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ "Rotate Right": "Повернуть вправо", "Edit message": "Редактировать сообщение", "Power level": "Уровень прав", - "Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?": "Не возможно найти профили для MatrixID, приведенных ниже - все равно желаете их пригласить?", + "Unable to find profiles for the Matrix IDs listed below - would you like to invite them anyway?": "Не возможно найти профили для MatrixID, приведенных ниже — все равно желаете их пригласить?", "Invite anyway": "Всё равно пригласить", "GitHub issue": "GitHub вопрос", "Notes": "Заметка", @@ -838,8 +838,8 @@ "Manually export keys": "Выгрузить ключи вручную", "Sign out and remove encryption keys?": "Выйти и удалить ключи шифрования?", "To help us prevent this in future, please send us logs.": "Чтобы помочь нам предотвратить это в будущем, пожалуйста, отправьте нам логи.", - "Missing session data": "Отсутствуют данные сессии", - "Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Отсутствуют некоторые данные сессии, в том числе ключи шифрования сообщений. Выйдите и войдите, чтобы восстановить ключи из резервной копии.", + "Missing session data": "Отсутствуют данные сеанса", + "Some session data, including encrypted message keys, is missing. Sign out and sign in to fix this, restoring keys from backup.": "Отсутствуют некоторые данные сеанса, в том числе ключи шифрования сообщений. Выйдите и войдите снова, чтобы восстановить ключи из резервной копии.", "Your browser likely removed this data when running low on disk space.": "Вероятно, ваш браузер удалил эти данные, когда на дисковом пространстве оставалось мало места.", "Upload files (%(current)s of %(total)s)": "Загрузка файлов (%(current)s из %(total)s)", "Upload files": "Загрузка файлов", @@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ "Cancel All": "Отменить все", "Upload Error": "Ошибка загрузки", "Remember my selection for this widget": "Запомнить мой выбор для этого виджета", - "Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Не удалось расшифровать %(failedCount)s сессии!", + "Failed to decrypt %(failedCount)s sessions!": "Не удалось расшифровать сеансы (%(failedCount)s)!", "Warning: you should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "Предупреждение: вам следует настроить резервное копирование ключей только с доверенного компьютера.", "Next": "Далее", "This homeserver would like to make sure you are not a robot.": "Этот сервер хотел бы убедиться, что вы не робот.", @@ -1100,7 +1100,6 @@ "This action requires accessing the default identity server to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "Это действие требует по умолчанию доступа к серверу идентификации для подтверждения адреса электронной почты или номера телефона, но у сервера нет никакого пользовательского соглашения.", "Custom (%(level)s)": "Пользовательский (%(level)s)", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Попробуйте новые способы игнорировать людей (экспериментальные)", "My Ban List": "Мой список блокировки", "Ignored/Blocked": "Игнорируемые/Заблокированные", "Error adding ignored user/server": "Ошибка добавления игнорируемого пользователя/сервера", @@ -1108,29 +1107,29 @@ "Error upgrading room": "Ошибка обновления комнаты", "Match system theme": "Тема системы", "Show typing notifications": "Уведомлять о наборе текста", - "Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Уведомления рабочего стола для этой сессии", - "Enable audible notifications for this session": "Звуковые уведомления для этой сессии", + "Enable desktop notifications for this session": "Показывать уведомления на рабочем столе для этого сеанса", + "Enable audible notifications for this session": "Звуковые уведомления для этого сеанса", "Manage integrations": "Управление интеграциями", "Direct Messages": "Личные сообщения", - "%(count)s sessions|other": "Сессий: %(count)s", - "Hide sessions": "Свернуть сессии", + "%(count)s sessions|other": "Сеансов: %(count)s", + "Hide sessions": "Свернуть сеансы", "Enable 'Manage Integrations' in Settings to do this.": "Включите «Управление интеграциями» в настройках, чтобы сделать это.", - "Verify this session": "Заверьте эту сессию", - "Verifies a user, session, and pubkey tuple": "Проверяет пользователя, сессию и публичные ключи", - "Session already verified!": "Сессия уже подтверждена!", - "Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions from this session": "Никогда не отправлять зашифрованные сообщения непроверенным сессиям в этой сессии", - "Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions in this room from this session": "Никогда не отправлять зашифрованные сообщения непроверенным сессиям в этой комнате и в этой сессии", - "Your keys are not being backed up from this session.": "Ваши ключи не резервируются с этой сессии.", + "Verify this session": "Подтвердите сеанс", + "Verifies a user, session, and pubkey tuple": "Проверяет пользователя, сеанс и публичные ключи", + "Session already verified!": "Сеанс уже подтверждён!", + "Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions from this session": "Никогда не отправлять неподтверждённым сеансам зашифрованные сообщения через этот сеанс", + "Never send encrypted messages to unverified sessions in this room from this session": "Никогда не отправлять зашифрованные сообщения непроверенным сеансам в этой комнате и через этот сеанс", + "Your keys are not being backed up from this session.": "Ваши ключи не резервируются с этом сеансе.", "Server or user ID to ignore": "Сервер или ID пользователя для игнорирования", "Subscribed lists": "Подписанные списки", "Subscribe": "Подписаться", - "Cancel entering passphrase?": "Отмена ввода пароль?", + "Cancel entering passphrase?": "Отменить ввод кодовой фразы?", "Setting up keys": "Настройка ключей", "Encryption upgrade available": "Доступно обновление шифрования", "Double check that your server supports the room version chosen and try again.": "Убедитесь, что ваш сервер поддерживает выбранную версию комнаты и попробуйте снова.", - "WARNING: Session already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "ВНИМАНИЕ: сессия уже подтверждена, но ключи НЕ совпадают!", - "WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and session %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "ВНИМАНИЕ: ПРОВЕРКА КЛЮЧА НЕ ПРОШЛА! Ключом подписи для %(userId)s и сессии %(deviceId)s является \"%(fprint)s\", что не соответствует указанному ключу \"%(fingerprint)s\". Это может означать, что ваши сообщения перехватываются!", - "The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "Ключ подписи, который вы предоставили, соответствует ключу подписи, который вы получили от пользователя %(userId)s и сессии %(deviceId)s. Сессия отмечена как подтверждённая.", + "WARNING: Session already verified, but keys do NOT MATCH!": "ВНИМАНИЕ: сеанс уже подтверждён, но ключи НЕ совпадают!", + "WARNING: KEY VERIFICATION FAILED! The signing key for %(userId)s and session %(deviceId)s is \"%(fprint)s\" which does not match the provided key \"%(fingerprint)s\". This could mean your communications are being intercepted!": "ВНИМАНИЕ: ПРОВЕРКА КЛЮЧА НЕ ПРОШЛА! Ключом подписи для %(userId)s и сеанса %(deviceId)s является \"%(fprint)s\", что не соответствует указанному ключу \"%(fingerprint)s\". Это может означать, что ваши сообщения перехватываются!", + "The signing key you provided matches the signing key you received from %(userId)s's session %(deviceId)s. Session marked as verified.": "Ключ подписи, который вы предоставили, соответствует ключу подписи, который вы получили от пользователя %(userId)s через сеанс %(deviceId)s. Сеанс отмечен как подтверждённый.", "%(senderName)s placed a voice call.": "%(senderName)s сделал голосовой вызов.", "%(senderName)s placed a voice call. (not supported by this browser)": "%(senderName)s сделал голосовой вызов. (не поддерживается этим браузером)", "%(senderName)s placed a video call.": "%(senderName)s сделал видео вызов.", @@ -1154,7 +1153,7 @@ "Show info about bridges in room settings": "Показать информацию о мостах в настройках комнаты", "Enable message search in encrypted rooms": "Включить поиск сообщений в зашифрованных комнатах", "How fast should messages be downloaded.": "Как быстро сообщения должны быть загружены.", - "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Это список пользователей/серверов, которые вы заблокировали - не покидайте комнату!", + "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Это список пользователей/серверов, которые вы заблокировали — не покидайте комнату!", "Scan this unique code": "Отсканируйте этот уникальный код", "Compare unique emoji": "Сравнитe уникальныe смайлики", "Compare a unique set of emoji if you don't have a camera on either device": "Сравните уникальный набор смайликов, если у вас нет камеры ни на одном из устройств", @@ -1204,14 +1203,14 @@ "%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s изменил(а) правило блокировки серверов по шаблону %(oldGlob)s на шаблон %(newGlob)s за %(reason)s", "%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s обновил(а) правило блокировки по шаблону %(oldGlob)s на шаблон %(newGlob)s за %(reason)s", "Not Trusted": "Недоверенное", - "%(name)s (%(userId)s) signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "%(name)s (%(userId)s) начал(а) новую сессию без её подтверждения:", - "Ask this user to verify their session, or manually verify it below.": "Попросите этого пользователя подтвердить сессию или подтвердите её вручную ниже.", + "%(name)s (%(userId)s) signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "%(name)s (%(userId)s) произвел(а) вход через новый сеанс без подтверждения:", + "Ask this user to verify their session, or manually verify it below.": "Попросите этого пользователя подтвердить сеанс или подтвердите его вручную ниже.", "Done": "Готово", "Support adding custom themes": "Поддержка сторонних тем", "Order rooms by name": "Сортировать комнаты по названию", "Show rooms with unread notifications first": "Показывать в начале комнаты с непрочитанными уведомлениями", "Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Показывать ссылки на недавние комнаты над списком комнат", - "Manually verify all remote sessions": "Подтверждать вручную все сессии на других устройствах", + "Manually verify all remote sessions": "Подтверждать вручную все сеансы на других устройствах", "Your homeserver does not support cross-signing.": "Ваш домашний сервер не поддерживает кросс-подписи.", "Cross-signing public keys:": "Публичные ключи для кросс-подписи:", "in memory": "в памяти", @@ -1225,17 +1224,17 @@ "in account data": "в данных учётной записи", "Homeserver feature support:": "Поддержка со стороны домашнего сервера:", "exists": "существует", - "Unable to load session list": "Не удалось загрузить список сессий", + "Unable to load session list": "Не удалось загрузить перечень сеансов", "Enable": "Разрешить", "Connecting to integration manager...": "Подключение к менеджеру интеграций...", "Cannot connect to integration manager": "Не удалось подключиться к менеджеру интеграций", "The integration manager is offline or it cannot reach your homeserver.": "Менеджер интеграций не работает или не может подключиться к вашему домашнему серверу.", - "This session is backing up your keys. ": "Эта сессия сохраняет резервную копию ваших ключей. ", - "This session is not backing up your keys, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Эта сессия не сохраняет ваши ключи, но у вас есть резервная копия, из которой вы можете их восстановить.", - "Connect this session to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this session.": "Подключите эту сессию к резервированию ключей до выхода, чтобы избежать утраты ключей, которые могут быть доступны только в этой сессии.", - "Connect this session to Key Backup": "Подключить эту сессию к резервированию ключей", - "Backup is not signed by any of your sessions": "Резервная копия не подписана ни одной из ваших сессий", - "This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this session": "Эта резервная копия является доверенной, потому что она была восстановлена в этой сессии", + "This session is backing up your keys. ": "Этот сеанс сохраняет резервную копию ваших ключей. ", + "This session is not backing up your keys, but you do have an existing backup you can restore from and add to going forward.": "Это сеанс не сохраняет ваши ключи, но у вас есть резервная копия, из которой вы можете их восстановить.", + "Connect this session to key backup before signing out to avoid losing any keys that may only be on this session.": "Подключите этот сеанс к резервированию ключей до выхода, чтобы избежать утраты доступных только в этом сеансе ключей.", + "Connect this session to Key Backup": "Подключить этот сеанс к резервированию ключей", + "Backup is not signed by any of your sessions": "Резервная копия не подписана ни одним из ваших сеансов", + "This backup is trusted because it has been restored on this session": "Эта резервная копия является доверенной, потому что она была восстановлена в этом сеансе", "Clear notifications": "Убрать уведомления", "Invalid theme schema.": "Неверная схема темы.", "Error downloading theme information.": "Ошибка при загрузке информации темы.", @@ -1276,7 +1275,7 @@ "Confirm adding phone number": "Подтвердите добавление номера телефона", "Click the button below to confirm adding this phone number.": "Нажмите кнопку ниже для добавления этого номера телефона.", "%(name)s is requesting verification": "%(name)s запрашивает проверку", - "Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "У вашей учётной записи есть кросс-подпись в секретное хранилище, но она пока не является доверенной в этой сессии.", + "Your account has a cross-signing identity in secret storage, but it is not yet trusted by this session.": "У вашей учётной записи есть кросс-подпись в секретное хранилище, но она пока не является доверенной в этом сеансе.", "well formed": "корректный", "unexpected type": "непредвиденный тип", "Self signing private key:": "Самоподписанный приватный ключ:", @@ -1285,22 +1284,22 @@ "⚠ These settings are meant for advanced users.": "⚠ Эти настройки рассчитаны для опытных пользователей.", "Personal ban list": "Личный список блокировки", "eg: @bot:* or example.org": "например: @bot:* или example.org", - "Session ID:": "ID сессии:", - "Session key:": "Ключ сессии:", + "Session ID:": "ID сеанса:", + "Session key:": "Ключ сеанса:", "Message search": "Поиск по сообщениям", "Cross-signing": "Кросс-подпись", "Bridges": "Мосты", - "This user has not verified all of their sessions.": "Этот пользователь не подтвердил все свои сессии.", + "This user has not verified all of their sessions.": "Этот пользователь не подтвердил все свои сеансы.", "You have not verified this user.": "Вы не подтвердили этого пользователя.", - "You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their sessions.": "Вы подтвердили этого пользователя. Пользователь подтвердил все свои сессии.", - "Someone is using an unknown session": "Кто-то использует неизвестную сессию", + "You have verified this user. This user has verified all of their sessions.": "Вы подтвердили этого пользователя. Пользователь подтвердил все свои сеансы.", + "Someone is using an unknown session": "Кто-то использует неизвестный сеанс", "This room is end-to-end encrypted": "Эта комната зашифрована сквозным шифрованием", "Everyone in this room is verified": "Все в этой комнате подтверждены", "Mod": "Модератор", "This message cannot be decrypted": "Не удалось расшифровать это сообщение", - "Encrypted by an unverified session": "Зашифровано неподтверждённой сессией", + "Encrypted by an unverified session": "Зашифровано неподтверждённым сеансом", "Unencrypted": "Не зашифровано", - "Encrypted by a deleted session": "Зашифровано удалённой сессией", + "Encrypted by a deleted session": "Зашифровано удалённым сеансом", "Scroll to most recent messages": "Перейти к последним сообщениям", "Close preview": "Закрыть предпросмотр", "Send a reply…": "Отправить ответ…", @@ -1330,15 +1329,15 @@ "Not trusted": "Незаверенная", "%(count)s verified sessions|other": "Заверенных сессий: %(count)s", "%(count)s verified sessions|one": "1 заверенная сессия", - "Hide verified sessions": "Свернуть заверенные сессии", - "%(count)s sessions|one": "%(count)s сессия", + "Hide verified sessions": "Свернуть подтверждённые сеансы", + "%(count)s sessions|one": "%(count)s сеанс", "Verification timed out.": "Таймаут подтверждения.", "You cancelled verification.": "Вы отменили подтверждение.", "Verification cancelled": "Подтверждение отменено", "Encryption enabled": "Шифрование включено", "Error removing ignored user/server": "Ошибка при удалении игнорируемого пользователя/сервера", "Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Попробуйте снова или посмотрите сообщения в консоли.", - "Ban list rules - %(roomName)s": "Правила блокировки - %(roomName)s", + "Ban list rules - %(roomName)s": "Правила блокировки — %(roomName)s", "Ignoring people is done through ban lists which contain rules for who to ban. Subscribing to a ban list means the users/servers blocked by that list will be hidden from you.": "Игнорирование людей реализовано через списки правил блокировки. Подписка на список блокировки приведёт к сокрытию от вас пользователей и серверов, которые в нём перечислены.", "Your personal ban list holds all the users/servers you personally don't want to see messages from. After ignoring your first user/server, a new room will show up in your room list named 'My Ban List' - stay in this room to keep the ban list in effect.": "Ваш личный список блокировки содержит всех пользователей и серверы, сообщения которых вы не хотите видеть. После внесения туда первого пользователя/сервера в списке комнат появится новая комната 'Мой список блокировки' — не покидайте эту комнату, чтобы список блокировки работал.", "Subscribing to a ban list will cause you to join it!": "При подписке на список блокировки вы присоединитесь к нему!", @@ -1348,9 +1347,9 @@ "Backup has a valid signature from this user": "У резервной копии верная подпись этого пользователя", "Backup has a invalid signature from this user": "У резервной копии неверная подпись этого пользователя", "Backup has a signature from unknown user with ID %(deviceId)s": "У резервной копии подпись неизвестного пользователя с ID %(deviceId)s", - "Backup has a signature from unknown session with ID %(deviceId)s": "У резервной копии подпись неизвестной сессии с ID %(deviceId)s", + "Backup has a signature from unknown session with ID %(deviceId)s": "У резервной копии подпись неподтверждённого сеанса с ID %(deviceId)s", "If this isn't what you want, please use a different tool to ignore users.": "Если вас это не устраивает, попробуйте другой инструмент для игнорирования пользователей.", - "Re-request encryption keys from your other sessions.": "Перезапросить ключи шифрования у других ваших сессий.", + "Re-request encryption keys from your other sessions.": "Снова запросить ключи шифрования у других ваших сеансов.", "Hint: Begin your message with // to start it with a slash.": "Совет: поставьте // в начале сообщения, чтобы начать его с косой черты.", "Almost there! Is %(displayName)s showing the same shield?": "Почти готово! Отображает ли %(displayName)s такой же щит?", "You've successfully verified %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!": "Вы успешно подтвердили %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s)!", @@ -1393,29 +1392,29 @@ "Server name": "Имя сервера", "Destroy cross-signing keys?": "Уничтожить ключи кросс-подписи?", "Clear cross-signing keys": "Очистить ключи кросс-подписи", - "Clear all data in this session?": "Очистить все данные в этой сессии?", + "Clear all data in this session?": "Очистить все данные в этом сеансе?", "Enable end-to-end encryption": "Включить сквозное шифрование", "Verify session": "Заверить сессию", - "Session name": "Название сессии", - "Session key": "Ключ сессии", + "Session name": "Название сеанса", + "Session key": "Ключ сеанса", "To report a Matrix-related security issue, please read the Matrix.org Security Disclosure Policy.": "Чтобы сообщить о проблеме безопасности Matrix, пожалуйста, прочитайте Политику раскрытия информации Matrix.org.", "Set addresses for this room so users can find this room through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)": "Установить адрес этой комнаты, чтобы пользователи могли найти ее на вашем сервере (%(localDomain)s)", "Could not find user in room": "Не удалось найти пользователя в комнате", "Please supply a widget URL or embed code": "Укажите URL или код вставки виджета", "Send a bug report with logs": "Отправить отчёт об ошибке с логами", - "Individually verify each session used by a user to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devices.": "Отдельно подтверждать каждую сессию пользователя как доверенную, не доверяя кросс-подписанным устройствам.", + "Individually verify each session used by a user to mark it as trusted, not trusting cross-signed devices.": "Отдельно подтверждать каждый сеанс пользователя как доверенный, не доверяя кросс-подписанным устройствам.", "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results.": "Безопасно кэшировать шифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они появлялись в результатах поиска.", "%(brand)s is missing some components required for securely caching encrypted messages locally. If you'd like to experiment with this feature, build a custom %(brand)s Desktop with search components added.": "Отсутствуют некоторые необходимые компоненты для %(brand)s, чтобы безопасно кэшировать шифрованные сообщения локально. Если вы хотите попробовать эту возможность, соберите самостоятельно %(brand)s Desktop с добавлением поисковых компонентов.", "not stored": "не сохранено", - "Backup has a valid signature from this session": "У резервной копии верная подпись этой сессии", - "Backup has an invalid signature from this session": "У резервной копии неверная подпись этой сессии", - "Backup has a valid signature from verified session ": "У резервной копии вернаяподпись проверенной сессии ", - "Backup has a valid signature from unverified session ": "У резервной копии вернаяподпись непроверенной сессии ", - "Backup has an invalid signature from verified session ": "У резервной копии невернаяподпись проверенной сессии ", - "Backup has an invalid signature from unverified session ": "У резервной копии неверная подпись непроверенной сессии ", + "Backup has a valid signature from this session": "У резервной копии верная подпись этого сеанса", + "Backup has an invalid signature from this session": "У резервной копии неверная подпись этого сеанса", + "Backup has a valid signature from verified session ": "У резервной копии вернаяподпись подтверждённого сеанса ", + "Backup has a valid signature from unverified session ": "У резервной копии вернаяподпись неподтверждённого сеанса ", + "Backup has an invalid signature from verified session ": "У резервной копии невернаяподпись подтверждённого сеанса ", + "Backup has an invalid signature from unverified session ": "У резервной копии неверная подпись неподтверждённого сеанса ", "This room is bridging messages to the following platforms. Learn more.": "Эта комната пересылает сообщения с помощью моста на следующие платформы. Подробнее", - "Your key share request has been sent - please check your other sessions for key share requests.": "Запрос ключа был отправлен - проверьте другие ваши сессии на предмет таких запросов.", - "If your other sessions do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Вы не сможете расшифровать это сообщение в других сессиях, если у них нет ключа для него.", + "Your key share request has been sent - please check your other sessions for key share requests.": "Запрос на обмен ключами был отправлен — проверьте другие ваши сеансы на предмет таких запросов.", + "If your other sessions do not have the key for this message you will not be able to decrypt them.": "Вы не сможете расшифровать это сообщение в других сеансах, если у них не окажется ключа шифрования.", "For extra security, verify this user by checking a one-time code on both of your devices.": "Для дополнительной безопасности подтвердите этого пользователя, сравнив одноразовый код на ваших устройствах.", "Start verification again from their profile.": "Начните подтверждение заново в профиле пользователя.", "Send a Direct Message": "Отправить личное сообщение", @@ -1432,11 +1431,11 @@ "Joins room with given address": "Присоединиться к комнате с указанным адресом", "Opens chat with the given user": "Открыть чат с данным пользователем", "Sends a message to the given user": "Отправить сообщение данному пользователю", - "You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Вы вошли в новую сессию, не подтвердив её:", - "Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Подтвердите другую сессию, используя один из вариантов ниже.", + "You signed in to a new session without verifying it:": "Вы вошли в новый сеанс, не подтвердив его:", + "Verify your other session using one of the options below.": "Подтвердите ваш другой сеанс, используя один из вариантов ниже.", "Your homeserver has exceeded its user limit.": "Ваш домашний сервер превысил свой лимит пользователей.", "Your homeserver has exceeded one of its resource limits.": "Ваш домашний сервер превысил один из своих лимитов ресурсов.", - "Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить ввод пароля?", + "Are you sure you want to cancel entering passphrase?": "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить ввод кодовой фразы?", "Go Back": "Назад", "Contact your server admin.": "Обратитесь к администратору сервера.", "Ok": "Хорошо", @@ -1490,7 +1489,7 @@ "All settings": "Все настройки", "Feedback": "Отзыв", "* %(senderName)s %(emote)s": "* %(senderName)s %(emote)s", - "Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "Настройки внешнего вида работают только в этой сессии %(brand)s.", + "Appearance Settings only affect this %(brand)s session.": "Настройки внешнего вида работают только в этом сеансе %(brand)s.", "Show %(count)s more|one": "Показать ещё %(count)s", "Mentions & Keywords": "Упоминания и ключевые слова", "Forget Room": "Забыть комнату", @@ -1501,7 +1500,7 @@ "You don't have permission to delete the address.": "У вас нет прав для удаления этого адреса.", "Error removing address": "Ошибка при удалении адреса", "Your messages are secured and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.": "Ваши сообщения в безопасности, ключи для расшифровки есть только у вас и получателя.", - "In encrypted rooms, your messages are secured and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.": "В зашифрованных комнатах ваши сообщения в безопасности, только у вас и у получателя есть ключи для расшифровки.", + "In encrypted rooms, your messages are secured and only you and the recipient have the unique keys to unlock them.": "В зашифрованных комнатах ваши сообщения в безопасности: только у вас и у получателя есть ключи для расшифровки.", "You've successfully verified your device!": "Вы успешно подтвердили это устройство!", "Start verification again from the notification.": "Начните подтверждение заново с уведомления.", "You have ignored this user, so their message is hidden. Show anyways.": "Вы заигнорировали этого пользователя, сообщение скрыто. Показать", @@ -1528,7 +1527,7 @@ "Add users and servers you want to ignore here. Use asterisks to have %(brand)s match any characters. For example, @bot:* would ignore all users that have the name 'bot' on any server.": "%(brand)sДобавьте сюда пользователей и сервера, которые вы хотите игнорировать. Используйте звездочки, чтобы %(brand)s соответствовали любым символам. Например, @bot:* будет игнорировать всех пользователей, имеющих имя \" bot \" на любом сервере.", "Room ID or address of ban list": "ID комнаты или адрес списка блокировок", "To link to this room, please add an address.": "Для связи с этой комнатой, пожалуйста, добавьте адрес.", - "Key share requests are sent to your other sessions automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other sessions, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Запросы на общий доступ к ключам автоматически отправляются в другие сессии. Если вы отклонили или пропустили запрос на общий доступ к ключам в других сессиях, нажмите здесь, чтобы перезапросить ключи для этой сессии.", + "Key share requests are sent to your other sessions automatically. If you rejected or dismissed the key share request on your other sessions, click here to request the keys for this session again.": "Запросы на обмен ключами автоматически отправляются в другие ваши сеансы. Если вы отклонили или пропустили запрос, нажмите здесь для повторного запроса ключей для этого сеанса.", "The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "Подлинность этого зашифрованного сообщения не может быть гарантирована на этом устройстве.", "No recently visited rooms": "Нет недавно посещенных комнат", "Use default": "Использовать по умолчанию", @@ -1538,12 +1537,12 @@ "Using this widget may share data with %(widgetDomain)s.": "Используя этот виджет, вы можете делиться данными с %(widgetDomain)s.", "Can't find this server or its room list": "Не можем найти этот сервер или его список комнат", "Deleting cross-signing keys is permanent. Anyone you have verified with will see security alerts. You almost certainly don't want to do this, unless you've lost every device you can cross-sign from.": "Удаление ключей кросс-подписи является мгновенным и необратимым действием. Любой, с кем вы прошли проверку, увидит предупреждения безопасности. Вы почти наверняка не захотите этого делать, если только не потеряете все устройства, с которых можно совершать кросс-подпись.", - "Clearing all data from this session is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Очистка всех данных этой сессии является необратимым действием. Зашифрованные сообщения будут потеряны, если их ключи не были сохранены.", - "You've previously used a newer version of %(brand)s with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Ранее вы использовали более новую версию %(brand)s в этой сессии. Чтобы снова использовать эту версию со сквозным шифрованием, вам нужно будет выйти из учётной записи и снова войти.", + "Clearing all data from this session is permanent. Encrypted messages will be lost unless their keys have been backed up.": "Очистка всех данных в этом сеансе является необратимой. Зашифрованные сообщения будут потеряны, если их ключи не были зарезервированы.", + "You've previously used a newer version of %(brand)s with this session. To use this version again with end to end encryption, you will need to sign out and back in again.": "Ранее вы использовали более новую версию %(brand)s через этот сеанс. Чтобы снова использовать эту версию со сквозным шифрованием, вам нужно будет выйти из учётной записи и снова войти.", "There was a problem communicating with the server. Please try again.": "Возникла проблема со связью с сервером. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз.", "Server did not require any authentication": "Сервер не требует проверки подлинности", "Server did not return valid authentication information.": "Сервер не вернул существующую аутентификационную информацию.", - "Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Подтверждение этого пользователя сделает его сессию доверенной у вас, а также сделает вашу сессию доверенной у него.", + "Verifying this user will mark their session as trusted, and also mark your session as trusted to them.": "Подтверждение этого пользователя сделает его сеанс доверенным у вас, а также сделает ваш сеанс доверенным у него.", "Verify this device to mark it as trusted. Trusting this device gives you and other users extra peace of mind when using end-to-end encrypted messages.": "Подтвердите это устройство, чтобы сделать его доверенным. Доверие этому устройству дает вам и другим пользователям дополнительное спокойствие при использовании зашифрованных сообщений.", "Verifying this device will mark it as trusted, and users who have verified with you will trust this device.": "Проверка этого устройства пометит его как доверенное, и пользователи, которые проверили его вместе с вами, будут доверять этому устройству.", "Integrations are disabled": "Интеграции отключены", @@ -1561,12 +1560,12 @@ "a new cross-signing key signature": "новый ключ подписи для кросс-подписи", "a device cross-signing signature": "подпись устройства для кросс-подписи", "%(brand)s encountered an error during upload of:": "%(brand)s обнаружил ошибку при загрузке файла:", - "Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session:": "Подтвердите, сравнив следующие параметры с настройками пользователя в другой вашей сессии:", - "Confirm this user's session by comparing the following with their User Settings:": "Подтвердите сессию этого пользователя, сравнив следующие параметры с его пользовательскими настройками:", + "Confirm by comparing the following with the User Settings in your other session:": "Сравните следующие параметры с \"Пользовательскими настройками\" в другом вашем сеансе:", + "Confirm this user's session by comparing the following with their User Settings:": "Подтвердите сеанс этого пользователя, сравнив следующие параметры с его \"Пользовательскими настройками\":", "If they don't match, the security of your communication may be compromised.": "Если они не совпадают, безопасность вашего общения может быть поставлена под угрозу.", "Upgrade private room": "Обновить приватную комнату", "Upgrade public room": "Обновить публичную комнату", - "Upgrading a room is an advanced action and is usually recommended when a room is unstable due to bugs, missing features or security vulnerabilities.": "Модернизация комнаты - это расширенное действие, которое обычно рекомендуется, когда комната нестабильна из-за ошибок, отсутствующих функций или уязвимостей безопасности.", + "Upgrading a room is an advanced action and is usually recommended when a room is unstable due to bugs, missing features or security vulnerabilities.": "Модернизация комнаты — это расширенное действие, которое обычно рекомендуется, когда комната нестабильна из-за ошибок, отсутствующих функций или уязвимостей безопасности.", "This usually only affects how the room is processed on the server. If you're having problems with your %(brand)s, please report a bug.": "Обычно это влияет только на то, как комната обрабатывается на сервере. Если у вас возникли проблемы с вашим %(brand)s, пожалуйста, сообщите об ошибке.", "You'll upgrade this room from to .": "Вы модернизируете эту комнату с до .", "You're all caught up.": "Нет непрочитанных сообщений.", @@ -1591,7 +1590,7 @@ "Fetching keys from server...": "Получение ключей с сервера...", "%(completed)s of %(total)s keys restored": "%(completed)s из %(total)s ключей восстановлено", "Keys restored": "Ключи восстановлены", - "Successfully restored %(sessionCount)s keys": "Успешно восстановлено %(sessionCount)s ключей", + "Successfully restored %(sessionCount)s keys": "Успешно восстановлены ключи (%(sessionCount)s)", "Warning: You should only set up key backup from a trusted computer.": "Предупреждение: вы должны настроивать резервное копирование ключей только с доверенного компьютера.", "Confirm your identity by entering your account password below.": "Подтвердите свою личность, введя пароль учетной записи ниже.", "Sign in with SSO": "Вход с помощью SSO", @@ -1600,7 +1599,7 @@ "Syncing...": "Синхронизация…", "Signing In...": "Выполняется вход...", "If you've joined lots of rooms, this might take a while": "Если вы присоединились к большому количеству комнат, это может занять некоторое время", - "Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.": "Предупреждение: ваши личные данные (включая ключи шифрования) всё ещё хранятся в этой сессии. Удалите их, если вы хотите завершить эту сессию или войти в другую учетную запись.", + "Warning: Your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.": "Предупреждение: ваши личные данные (включая ключи шифрования) всё ещё хранятся в этом сеансе. Удалите их, если вы хотите завершить сеанс или войти в другую учетную запись.", "Confirm encryption setup": "Подтвердите настройку шифрования", "Click the button below to confirm setting up encryption.": "Нажмите кнопку ниже, чтобы подтвердить настройку шифрования.", "Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data by backing up encryption keys on your server.": "Защитите себя от потери доступа к зашифрованным сообщениям и данным, создав резервные копии ключей шифрования на вашем сервере.", @@ -1611,8 +1610,8 @@ "Restore your key backup to upgrade your encryption": "Восстановите резервную копию ключа для обновления шифрования", "Restore": "Восстановление", "You'll need to authenticate with the server to confirm the upgrade.": "Вам нужно будет пройти аутентификацию на сервере,чтобы подтвердить обновление.", - "Upgrade this session to allow it to verify other sessions, granting them access to encrypted messages and marking them as trusted for other users.": "Модернизируйте эту сессию, чтобы она могла проверять другие сессии, предоставляя им доступ к зашифрованным сообщениям и помечая их как доверенные для других пользователей.", - "Use a different passphrase?": "Используйте другой пароль?", + "Upgrade this session to allow it to verify other sessions, granting them access to encrypted messages and marking them as trusted for other users.": "Модернизируйте этот сеанс, чтобы через него можно было подтвердить другие сеансы, предоставляя им доступ к зашифрованным сообщениям и помечая их как доверенные для других пользователей.", + "Use a different passphrase?": "Использовать другую кодовую фразу?", "Copy": "Копировать", "Unable to query secret storage status": "Невозможно запросить состояние секретного хранилища", "If you cancel now, you may lose encrypted messages & data if you lose access to your logins.": "Если вы отмените сейчас, вы можете потерять зашифрованные сообщения и данные, если потеряете доступ к своим логинам.", @@ -1623,10 +1622,10 @@ "Save your Security Key": "Сохраните свой ключ безопасности", "Unable to set up secret storage": "Невозможно настроить секретное хранилище", "Keep a copy of it somewhere secure, like a password manager or even a safe.": "Храните его копию в надежном месте, например, в менеджере паролей или даже в сейфе.", - "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another session.": "Без настройки безопасного восстановления сообщений вы не сможете восстановить свою зашифрованную историю сообщений, если выйдете из системы или воспользуетесь другой сессией.", + "Without setting up Secure Message Recovery, you won't be able to restore your encrypted message history if you log out or use another session.": "Без настройки восстановления защищённых сообщений вы не сможете возобновить свою зашифрованную историю сообщений, если вдруг выйдете из системы или воспользуетесь другим сеансом.", "Create key backup": "Создать резервную копию ключа", - "This session is encrypting history using the new recovery method.": "Эта сессия шифрует историю с помощью нового метода восстановления.", - "If you did this accidentally, you can setup Secure Messages on this session which will re-encrypt this session's message history with a new recovery method.": "Если вы сделали это по ошибке, вы можете настроить безопасные сообщения в этой сессии, которая перешифрует историю сообщений в этой сессии с помощью нового метода восстановления.", + "This session is encrypting history using the new recovery method.": "Этот сеанс шифрует историю с помощью нового метода восстановления.", + "If you did this accidentally, you can setup Secure Messages on this session which will re-encrypt this session's message history with a new recovery method.": "Если вы сделали это по ошибке, вы можете настроить защищённые сообщения в этом сеансе, что снова зашифрует историю сообщений в этом сеансе с помощью нового метода восстановления.", "If disabled, messages from encrypted rooms won't appear in search results.": "Если этот параметр отключен, сообщения из зашифрованных комнат не будут отображаться в результатах поиска.", "Disable": "Отключить", "Not currently indexing messages for any room.": "В настоящее время не индексируются сообщения ни для одной комнаты.", @@ -1779,8 +1778,8 @@ "Got an account? Sign in": "Есть учётная запись? Войти", "New here? Create an account": "Впервые здесь? Создать учётную запись", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Отображать математику LaTeX в сообщениях", - "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Надежно кэшируйте зашифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они отображались в результатах поиска, используется %(size)s для хранения сообщений из %(rooms)s комнаты.", - "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Надежно кэшируйте зашифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они отображались в результатах поиска, используется %(size)s для хранения сообщений из %(rooms)s комнат.", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|one": "Надежно кэшируйте зашифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они отображались в результатах поиска, используя %(size)s для хранения сообщений из %(rooms)s комнаты.", + "Securely cache encrypted messages locally for them to appear in search results, using %(size)s to store messages from %(rooms)s rooms.|other": "Надежно кэшируйте зашифрованные сообщения локально, чтобы они отображались в результатах поиска, используя %(size)s для хранения сообщений из комнат (%(rooms)s).", "Messages here are end-to-end encrypted. Verify %(displayName)s in their profile - tap on their avatar.": "Сообщения в этом чате полностью зашифрованы. Вы можете проверить профиль %(displayName)s, нажав на аватар.", "Unable to validate homeserver": "Невозможно проверить домашний сервер", "Sign into your homeserver": "Войдите на свой домашний сервер", @@ -2152,7 +2151,7 @@ "Channel: ": "Канал: ", "Workspace: ": "Рабочая область: ", "Search (must be enabled)": "Поиск (должен быть включен)", - "This session has detected that your Security Phrase and key for Secure Messages have been removed.": "Этот сеанс обнаружил, что ваша секретная фраза и ключ безопасности для защищенных сообщений были удалены.", + "This session has detected that your Security Phrase and key for Secure Messages have been removed.": "Этот сеанс обнаружил, что ваши секретная фраза и ключ безопасности для защищенных сообщений были удалены.", "A new Security Phrase and key for Secure Messages have been detected.": "Обнаружены новая секретная фраза и ключ безопасности для защищенных сообщений.", "Make a copy of your Security Key": "Сделайте копию своего ключа безопасности", "Confirm your Security Phrase": "Подтвердите секретную фразу", @@ -2160,7 +2159,7 @@ "Your Security Key is in your Downloads folder.": "Ваш ключ безопасности находится в папке Загрузки.", "Your Security Key has been copied to your clipboard, paste it to:": "Ваш ключ безопасности был скопирован в буфер обмена, вставьте его в:", "Your Security Key": "Ваш ключ безопасности", - "Your Security Key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your Security Phrase.": "Ваш ключ безопасности является защитной сеткой - вы можете использовать его для восстановления доступа к своим зашифрованным сообщениям, если вы забыли секретную фразу.", + "Your Security Key is a safety net - you can use it to restore access to your encrypted messages if you forget your Security Phrase.": "Ваш ключ безопасности является защитной сеткой — вы можете использовать его для восстановления доступа к своим зашифрованным сообщениям, если вы забыли секретную фразу.", "Repeat your Security Phrase...": "Повторите секретную фразу…", "Set up with a Security Key": "Настройка с помощью ключа безопасности", "Great! This Security Phrase looks strong enough.": "Отлично! Эта контрольная фраза выглядит достаточно сильной.", @@ -2283,7 +2282,6 @@ "Delete": "Удалить", "Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Перейти к нижней части временной шкалы, когда вы отправляете сообщение", "Check your devices": "Проверить сессии", - "You have unverified logins": "У вас есть незаверенные сессии", "This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Доступ к этому домашнему серверу заблокирован вашим администратором.", "You're already in a call with this person.": "Вы уже разговариваете с этим человеком.", "Already in call": "Уже в вызове", @@ -2381,11 +2379,11 @@ "Show preview": "Предпросмотр", "View source": "Исходный код", "Forward": "Переслать", - "If you reset everything, you will restart with no trusted sessions, no trusted users, and might not be able to see past messages.": "Если вы сбросите все настройки, вы перезагрузитесь без доверенных сессий, без доверенных пользователей и, возможно, не сможете просматривать прошлые сообщения.", + "If you reset everything, you will restart with no trusted sessions, no trusted users, and might not be able to see past messages.": "Если вы сбросите все настройки, вы перезагрузитесь без доверенных сеансов, без доверенных пользователей, и скорее всего не сможете просматривать прошлые сообщения.", "Only do this if you have no other device to complete verification with.": "Делайте это только в том случае, если у вас нет другого устройства для завершения проверки.", "Reset everything": "Сбросить всё", "Forgotten or lost all recovery methods? Reset all": "Забыли или потеряли все варианты восстановления? Сбросить всё", - "Settings - %(spaceName)s": "Настройки - %(spaceName)s", + "Settings - %(spaceName)s": "Настройки — %(spaceName)s", "Reset event store": "Сброс хранилища событий", "If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few moments whilst the index is recreated": "Если вы это сделаете, обратите внимание, что ни одно из ваших сообщений не будет удалено, но работа поиска может быть ухудшена на несколько мгновений, пока индекс не будет воссоздан", "You most likely do not want to reset your event index store": "Скорее всего, вы не захотите сбрасывать индексное хранилище событий", @@ -2479,7 +2477,7 @@ "Application window": "Окно приложения", "Share entire screen": "Поделиться всем экраном", "Message search initialisation failed, check your settings for more information": "Инициализация поиска сообщений не удалась, проверьте ваши настройки для получения дополнительной информации", - "Error - Mixed content": "Ошибка - Смешанное содержание", + "Error - Mixed content": "Ошибка — Смешанное содержание", "Error loading Widget": "Ошибка загрузки виджета", "Add reaction": "Отреагировать", "Error processing voice message": "Ошибка при обработке голосового сообщения", @@ -2537,7 +2535,6 @@ "Displaying time": "Отображение времени", "Keyboard shortcuts": "Горячие клавиши", "Warn before quitting": "Предупредить перед выходом", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Чувствуете себя экспериментатором? Лаборатории - это лучший способ получить информацию раньше, протестировать новые функции и помочь сформировать их до того, как они будут запущены. Узнайте больше.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Ваш токен доступа даёт полный доступ к вашей учётной записи. Не передавайте его никому.", "Access Token": "Токен доступа", "Message bubbles": "Пузыри сообщений", @@ -2594,7 +2591,6 @@ "Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Обводить выделенный текст при вводе специальных символов", "Use Ctrl + F to search timeline": "Используйте Ctrl + F для поиска в ленте сообщений", "Use Command + F to search timeline": "Используйте Command + F для поиска в ленте сообщений", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Прототип \"Сообщить модераторам\". В комнатах, поддерживающих модерацию, кнопка `сообщить` позволит вам сообщать о злоупотреблениях модераторам комнаты", "Silence call": "Тихий вызов", "Sound on": "Звук включен", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Проверьте, чтобы убедиться, что ваша учётная запись в безопасности", @@ -2650,7 +2646,6 @@ "Currently, %(count)s spaces have access|one": "В настоящее время пространство имеет доступ", "& %(count)s more|one": "и %(count)s еще", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "Кросс-подпись готова, но ключи не резервируются.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Режим низкой пропускной способности (требуется совместимый домашний сервер)", "Autoplay videos": "Автовоспроизведение видео", "Autoplay GIFs": "Автовоспроизведение GIF", "The above, but in as well": "Вышеописанное, но также в ", @@ -2691,7 +2686,7 @@ "Topic: %(topic)s": "Тема: %(topic)s", "This is the start of export of . Exported by at %(exportDate)s.": "Это начало экспорта . Экспортировано в %(exportDate)s.", "%(creatorName)s created this room.": "%(creatorName)s создал(а) эту комнату.", - "Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "Медиа пропущены - превышен лимит размера файла", + "Media omitted - file size limit exceeded": "Медиа пропущены — превышен лимит размера файла", "Media omitted": "Медиа пропущены", "Specify a number of messages": "Укажите количество сообщений", "From the beginning": "С начала", @@ -2779,7 +2774,7 @@ "Store your Security Key somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe, as it's used to safeguard your encrypted data.": "Храните ключ безопасности в надежном месте, например в менеджере паролей или сейфе, так как он используется для защиты ваших зашифрованных данных.", "Enter a security phrase only you know, as it's used to safeguard your data. To be secure, you shouldn't re-use your account password.": "Введите секретную фразу, известную только вам, поскольку она используется для защиты ваших данных. Для безопасности фраза должна отличаться от пароля вашей учетной записи.", "We'll generate a Security Key for you to store somewhere safe, like a password manager or a safe.": "Мы создадим ключ безопасности для вас, чтобы вы могли хранить его в надежном месте, например, в менеджере паролей или сейфе.", - "Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you won't be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.": "Восстановите доступ к своей учетной записи и восстановите ключи шифрования, сохраненные в этом сеансе. Без них вы не сможете прочитать все свои защищенные сообщения в любой сессии.", + "Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you won't be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.": "Восстановите доступ к своей учетной записи и восстановите ключи шифрования, сохранённые в этом сеансе. Без них в любом сеансе вы не сможете прочитать все свои защищённые сообщения.", "Without verifying, you won't have access to all your messages and may appear as untrusted to others.": "Без проверки вы не сможете получить доступ ко всем своим сообщениям и можете показаться другим людям недоверенным.", "Your new device is now verified. Other users will see it as trusted.": "Ваша новая сессия подтверждена. Другие пользователи будут воспринимать её как заверенную.", "Your new device is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted.": "Ваша новая сессия подтверждена. Она имеет доступ к вашим зашифрованным сообщениям, и другие пользователи будут воспринимать её как заверенную.", @@ -2819,7 +2814,7 @@ "Sections to show": "Разделы для показа", "Link to room": "Ссылка на комнату", "We call the places where you can host your account 'homeservers'.": "Мы называем места, где вы можете разместить свою учётную запись, 'домашними серверами'.", - "Matrix.org is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": "Matrix.org - крупнейший в мире домашний публичный сервер, который подходит многим.", + "Matrix.org is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": "Matrix.org — крупнейший в мире домашний публичный сервер, который подходит многим.", "Spaces you know that contain this space": "Пространства, которые вы знаете, уже содержат эту комнату", "If you can't see who you're looking for, send them your invite link below.": "Если вы не видите того, кого ищете, отправьте ему свое приглашение по ссылке ниже.", "Minimise dialog": "Свернуть диалог", @@ -2900,7 +2895,7 @@ "Close this widget to view it in this panel": "Закройте виджет, чтобы просмотреть его на этой панели", "Unpin this widget to view it in this panel": "Открепите виджет, чтобы просмотреть его на этой панели", "Chat": "Чат", - "Yours, or the other users' session": "Ваши сессии или сессии других пользователей", + "Yours, or the other users' session": "Ваши сеансы или сеансы других пользователей", "Yours, or the other users' internet connection": "Ваше интернет-соединение или соединение других пользователей", "The homeserver the user you're verifying is connected to": "Домашний сервер пользователя, которого вы подтверждаете", "To proceed, please accept the verification request on your other device.": "Чтобы продолжить, пожалуйста, примите запрос на проверку на другом устройстве.", @@ -2941,7 +2936,7 @@ "Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place.": "Сгруппируйте все свои любимые комнаты и людей в одном месте.", "Show all your rooms in Home, even if they're in a space.": "Покажите все свои комнаты в главной, даже если они находятся в пространстве.", "Home is useful for getting an overview of everything.": "Главная полезна для получения общего представления обо всем.", - "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Пространства - это способ группировки комнат и людей. Наряду с пространствами, в которых вы находитесь, вы также можете использовать некоторые предварительно созданные пространства.", + "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Пространства — это способ группировки комнат и людей. Наряду с пространствами, в которых вы находитесь, вы также можете использовать некоторые предварительно созданные пространства.", "Spaces to show": "Пространства для показа", "Sidebar": "Боковая панель", "Manage your signed-in devices below. A device's name is visible to people you communicate with.": "Управляйте сессиями, в которые вы вошли. Название сессии видят люди, с которыми вы общаетесь.", @@ -2990,7 +2985,6 @@ "Show join/leave messages (invites/removes/bans unaffected)": "Сообщения о присоединении/покидании (приглашения/удаления/блокировки не затрагиваются)", "Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Использовать более компактный \"Современный\" макет", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Перейти к дате (добавляет /jumptodate и переход к заголовкам дат)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Правая панель остается открытой (по умолчанию отображается список участников комнаты)", "Use new room breadcrumbs": "Использовать новые навигационные тропы комнат", "Show extensible event representation of events": "Показать развернутое представление событий", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "Позволяет модераторам скрывать сообщения, ожидающие модерации.", @@ -3026,7 +3020,7 @@ "Remove, ban, or invite people to your active room, and make you leave": "Удалять, блокировать или приглашать людей в вашей активной комнате, в частности, вас", "Remove, ban, or invite people to this room, and make you leave": "Удалять, блокировать или приглашать людей в этой комнате, в частности, вас", "Light high contrast": "Контрастная светлая", - "%(senderName)s has started a poll - %(pollQuestion)s": "%(senderName)s начал(а) опрос - %(pollQuestion)s", + "%(senderName)s has started a poll - %(pollQuestion)s": "%(senderName)s начал(а) опрос — %(pollQuestion)s", "%(senderName)s has shared their location": "%(senderName)s поделился(-ась) своим местоположением", "%(senderName)s has updated the room layout": "%(senderName)s обновил(а) макет комнаты", "%(senderName)s removed %(targetName)s": "%(senderName)s удалил(а) %(targetName)s", @@ -3034,7 +3028,7 @@ "%(senderName)s has ended a poll": "%(senderName)s завершил(а) опрос", "No active call in this room": "Нет активного вызова в этой комнате", "Unable to find Matrix ID for phone number": "Не удалось найти Matrix ID для номера телефона", - "Unknown (user, session) pair: (%(userId)s, %(deviceId)s)": "Неизвестная пара (пользователь, сессия): (%(userId)s, %(deviceId)s)", + "Unknown (user, session) pair: (%(userId)s, %(deviceId)s)": "Неизвестная пара (пользователь, сеанс): (%(userId)s, %(deviceId)s)", "Command failed: Unable to find room (%(roomId)s": "Ошибка команды: не удалось найти комнату (%(roomId)s", "Removes user with given id from this room": "Удаляет пользователя с заданным id из этой комнаты", "Unrecognised room address: %(roomAlias)s": "Нераспознанный адрес комнаты: %(roomAlias)s", @@ -3358,7 +3352,6 @@ "Live location enabled": "Трансляция местоположения включена", "Give feedback": "Оставить отзыв", "If you can't find the room you're looking for, ask for an invite or create a new room.": "Если не можете найти нужную комнату, просто попросите пригласить вас или создайте новую комнату.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Поделиться трансляцией местоположения (временная реализация: местоположения сохраняются в истории комнат)", "Send custom timeline event": "Отправить пользовательское событие ленты сообщений", "No verification requests found": "Запросов проверки не найдено", "Verification explorer": "Посмотреть проверки", @@ -3376,7 +3369,6 @@ "Find my location": "Найти моё местоположение", "Map feedback": "Карта отзывов", "In %(spaceName)s and %(count)s other spaces.|zero": "В пространстве %(spaceName)s.", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Избранные сообщения (в активной разработке)", "Stop and close": "Остановить и закрыть", "Who will you chat to the most?": "С кем вы будете общаться чаще всего?", "Saved Items": "Сохранённые объекты", @@ -3391,16 +3383,16 @@ "IP address": "IP-адрес", "Device": "Устройство", "Last activity": "Последняя активность", - "Other sessions": "Другие сессии", - "Current session": "Текущая сессия", - "Sessions": "Сессии", + "Other sessions": "Другие сеансы", + "Current session": "Текущий сеанс", + "Sessions": "Сеансы", "Unverified session": "Незаверенная сессия", "Verified session": "Заверенная сессия", "Android": "Android", "iOS": "iOS", "We'll help you get connected.": "Мы поможем вам подключиться.", "Join the room to participate": "Присоединяйтесь к комнате для участия", - "This session is ready for secure messaging.": "Эта сессия готова к безопасному обмену сообщениями.", + "This session is ready for secure messaging.": "Этот сеанс готов к безопасному обмену сообщениями.", "Start your first chat": "Начните свою первую беседу", "We're creating a room with %(names)s": "Мы создаем комнату с %(names)s", "You can't disable this later. The room will be encrypted but the embedded call will not.": "Вы не сможете отключить это позже. Комната будет зашифрована, а встроенный вызов — нет.", @@ -3419,8 +3411,8 @@ "You don't have permission to share locations": "У вас недостаточно прав для публикации местоположений", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Отправьте свое первое сообщение, чтобы пригласить в чат", "Inactive for %(inactiveAgeDays)s+ days": "Неактивен в течение %(inactiveAgeDays)s+ дней", - "Session details": "Сведения о сессии", - "For best security, verify your sessions and sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.": "Для лучшей безопасности заверьте свои сессии и выйдите из тех, которые более не признаёте или не используете.", + "Session details": "Сведения о сеансе", + "For best security, verify your sessions and sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.": "Для лучшей безопасности подтвердите свои сеансы и выйдите из тех, которые более не признаёте или не используете.", "Verify or sign out from this session for best security and reliability.": "Заверьте или выйдите из этой сессии для лучшей безопасности и надёжности.", "Your server doesn't support disabling sending read receipts.": "Ваш сервер не поддерживает отключение отправки уведомлений о прочтении.", "Share your activity and status with others.": "Поделитесь своей активностью и статусом с другими.", @@ -3454,7 +3446,7 @@ "Welcome": "Добро пожаловать", "Improve your account security by following these recommendations": "Повысьте безопасность учётной записи, следуя этим рекомендациям", "Security recommendations": "Рекомендации по безопасности", - "Inactive sessions": "Неактивные сессии", + "Inactive sessions": "Неактивные сеансы", "Unverified sessions": "Незаверенные сессии", "All": "Все", "Verified sessions": "Заверенные сессии", @@ -3466,53 +3458,51 @@ "No verified sessions found.": "Заверенные сессии не обнаружены.", "%(user)s and %(count)s others|other": "%(user)s и ещё %(count)s", "%(user)s and %(count)s others|one": "%(user)s и ещё 1", - "Verify your sessions for enhanced secure messaging or sign out from those you don't recognize or use anymore.": "Подтвердите свои сессии для более безопасного обмена сообщениями или выйдите из тех, которые более не признаёте или не используете.", - "For best security, sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.": "Для лучшей безопасности выйдите из всех сессий, которые более не признаёте или не используете.", + "Verify your sessions for enhanced secure messaging or sign out from those you don't recognize or use anymore.": "Подтвердите свои сеансы для более безопасного обмена сообщениями или выйдите из тех, которые более не признаёте или не используете.", + "For best security, sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.": "Для лучшей безопасности выйдите из всех сеансов, которые вы более не признаёте или не используете.", "Inactive for %(inactiveAgeDays)s days or longer": "Неактивны %(inactiveAgeDays)s дней или дольше", - "No inactive sessions found.": "Неактивные сессии не обнаружены.", - "No sessions found.": "Сессии не обнаружены.", + "No inactive sessions found.": "Неактивных сеансов не обнаружено.", + "No sessions found.": "Сеансов не найдено.", "Show": "Показать", "Ready for secure messaging": "Готовы к безопасному обмену сообщениями", "Not ready for secure messaging": "Не готовы к безопасному обмену сообщениями", - "Consider signing out from old sessions (%(inactiveAgeDays)s days or older) you don't use anymore": "Рассмотрите возможность выхода из устаревших сессий (неактивных в течение %(inactiveAgeDays)s дней или дольше), которые вы более не используете", + "Consider signing out from old sessions (%(inactiveAgeDays)s days or older) you don't use anymore": "Сочтите выйти из старых сеансов (%(inactiveAgeDays)s дней и более), которые вы более не используете", "Manually verify by text": "Ручная сверка по тексту", "Interactively verify by emoji": "Интерактивная сверка по смайлам", - "Rename session": "Переименовать сессию", + "Rename session": "Переименовать сеанс", "%(qrCode)s or %(emojiCompare)s": "%(qrCode)s или %(emojiCompare)s", "%(qrCode)s or %(appLinks)s": "%(qrCode)s или %(appLinks)s", "%(securityKey)s or %(recoveryFile)s": "%(securityKey)s или %(recoveryFile)s", "%(downloadButton)s or %(copyButton)s": "%(downloadButton)s или %(copyButton)s", - "Sign out of this session": "Выйти из этой сессии", + "Sign out of this session": "Выйти из этого сеанса", "Push notifications": "Уведомления", - "Receive push notifications on this session.": "Получать push-уведомления в этой сессии.", - "Toggle push notifications on this session.": "Push-уведомления для этой сессии.", + "Receive push notifications on this session.": "Получать push-уведомления в этом сеансе.", + "Toggle push notifications on this session.": "Push-уведомления для этого сеанса.", "Enable notifications for this device": "Уведомления для этой сессии", "Enable notifications for this account": "Уведомления для этой учётной записи", - "Turn off to disable notifications on all your devices and sessions": "Выключите, чтобы отключить уведомления во всех своих сессиях", + "Turn off to disable notifications on all your devices and sessions": "Выключите, чтобы убрать уведомления во всех своих сеансах", "Failed to set pusher state": "Не удалось установить состояние push-службы", - "%(selectedDeviceCount)s sessions selected": "Выбрано сессий: %(selectedDeviceCount)s", + "%(selectedDeviceCount)s sessions selected": "Выбрано сеансов: %(selectedDeviceCount)s", "Application": "Приложение", "Version": "Версия", "URL": "URL-адрес", "Room info": "О комнате", - "New session manager": "Новый менеджер сессий", + "New session manager": "Новый менеджер сеансов", "Operating system": "Операционная система", "Element Call video rooms": "Видеокомнаты Element Call", "Video call (Jitsi)": "Видеозвонок (Jitsi)", - "Unknown session type": "Неизвестный тип сессии", + "Unknown session type": "Неизвестный тип сеанса", "Unknown room": "Неизвестная комната", "View chat timeline": "Посмотреть ленту сообщений", "Model": "Модель", "Live": "В эфире", "Video call (%(brand)s)": "Видеозвонок (%(brand)s)", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Голосовые трансляции (в активной разработке)", - "Use new session manager": "Использовать новый менеджер сессий", - "Sign out all other sessions": "Выйти из всех других сессий", + "Use new session manager": "Использовать новый менеджер сеансов", + "Sign out all other sessions": "Выйти из всех других сеансов", "Voice broadcasts": "Аудиопередачи", - "Voice broadcast": "Голосовое вещание", + "Voice broadcast": "Голосовая трансляция", "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Получите наилучшую видимость и контроль над всеми вашими сеансами.", "New group call experience": "Новый опыт группового вызова", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Скользящий режим синхронизации (в активной разработке, не может быть отключен)", "Video call started": "Начался видеозвонок", "Video call started in %(roomName)s. (not supported by this browser)": "Видеовызов начался в %(roomName)s. (не поддерживается этим браузером)", "Video call started in %(roomName)s.": "Видеовызов начался в %(roomName)s.", @@ -3522,9 +3512,8 @@ "Inviting %(user1)s and %(user2)s": "Приглашение %(user1)s и %(user2)s", "Fill screen": "Заполнить экран", "Sorry — this call is currently full": "Извините — этот вызов в настоящее время заполнен", - "Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager": "Записывать название клиента, версию и URL-адрес для более лёгкого распознавания сессий в менеджере сессий", + "Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager": "Записывать название клиента, версию и URL-адрес для более лёгкого распознавания сеансов в менеджере сеансов", "Our new sessions manager provides better visibility of all your sessions, and greater control over them including the ability to remotely toggle push notifications.": "Наш новый менеджер сеансов обеспечивает лучшую видимость всех ваших сеансов и больший контроль над ними, включая возможность удаленного переключения push-уведомлений.", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Попробуйте визуальный редактор текста (скоро появится обычный текстовый режим)", "Italic": "Курсив", "Underline": "Подчёркнутый", "Notifications silenced": "Оповещения приглушены", @@ -3540,5 +3529,26 @@ "You are already recording a voice broadcast. Please end your current voice broadcast to start a new one.": "Вы уже записываете голосовую трансляцию. Пожалуйста, завершите текущую голосовую трансляцию, чтобы начать новую.", "Can't start a new voice broadcast": "Не получилось начать новую голосовую трансляцию", "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "Осталось %(minutes)sм %(seconds)sс", - "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "Осталось %(hours)sч %(minutes)sм %(seconds)sс" + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "Осталось %(hours)sч %(minutes)sм %(seconds)sс", + "Verified sessions are anywhere you are using this account after entering your passphrase or confirming your identity with another verified session.": "Подтверждённые сеансы — это везде, где вы используете учётную запись после ввода кодовой фразы или идентификации через другой сеанс.", + "Consider signing out from old sessions (%(inactiveAgeDays)s days or older) you don't use anymore.": "Сочтите выйти из старых сеансов (%(inactiveAgeDays)s дней и более), которые вы более не используете.", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Этот сеанс не поддерживает шифрование, потому и не может быть подтверждён.", + "Web session": "Веб-сеанс", + "Mobile session": "Сеанс мобильного устройства", + "Desktop session": "Сеанс рабочего стола", + "Removing inactive sessions improves security and performance, and makes it easier for you to identify if a new session is suspicious.": "Удаление неактивных сеансов улучшает безопасность и производительность, делая своевременным обнаружение любого сомнительного сеанса.", + "Inactive sessions are sessions you have not used in some time, but they continue to receive encryption keys.": "Неактивные сеансы — это сеансы, которые вы не использовали какое-то время, но продолжающие получать ключи шифрования.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Через этот сеанс вы не можете участвовать в комнатах с шифрованием.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Этот сеанс не поддерживает шифрование, поэтому он не может быть подтверждён.", + "You should make especially certain that you recognise these sessions as they could represent an unauthorised use of your account.": "Вам следует особенно отметить их наличие, поскольку они могут представлять неавторизованное применение вашей учётной записи.", + "Unverified sessions are sessions that have logged in with your credentials but have not been cross-verified.": "Неподтверждённые сеансы — это сеансы, вошедшие с вашими учётными данными, но до сих пор не подтверждённые.", + "This means that you have all the keys needed to unlock your encrypted messages and confirm to other users that you trust this session.": "Это означает наличие у вас всех ключей, необходимых для расшифровки сообщений, и способ другим пользователям понять, что вы доверяете этому сеансу.", + "This provides them with confidence that they are really speaking to you, but it also means they can see the session name you enter here.": "Это даёт им уверенности в том, с кем они общаются, но также означает, что они могут видеть вводимое здесь название сеанса.", + "Other users in direct messages and rooms that you join are able to view a full list of your sessions.": "Другие пользователи, будучи в личных сообщениях и посещаемых вами комнатах, могут видеть полный перечень ваших сеансов.", + "Renaming sessions": "Переименование сеансов", + "Please be aware that session names are also visible to people you communicate with.": "Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что имена сеансов также видны остальным людям.", + "Are you sure you want to sign out of %(count)s sessions?|one": "Вы уверены, что хотите выйти из %(count)s сеанса?", + "Are you sure you want to sign out of %(count)s sessions?|other": "Вы уверены, что хотите выйти из %(count)s сеансов?", + "Allow a QR code to be shown in session manager to sign in another device (requires compatible homeserver)": "Разрешить отображение QR-кода в менеджере сеансов для входа с другого устройства (требует совместимый домашний сервер)", + "You have unverified sessions": "У вас есть неподтверждённые сеансы" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sk.json b/src/i18n/strings/sk.json index 058fdaf4a74..45314702846 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sk.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sk.json @@ -887,7 +887,6 @@ "%(senderName)s changed a rule that was banning servers matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s zmenil pravidlo, ktoré zakazovalo servery zodpovedajúce %(oldGlob)s na zodpovedajúce %(newGlob)s z %(reason)s", "%(senderName)s updated a ban rule that was matching %(oldGlob)s to matching %(newGlob)s for %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s aktualizoval pravidlo zakázať vstúpiť pôvodne sa zhodujúce s %(oldGlob)s na %(newGlob)s, dôvod: %(reason)s", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Vyskúšajte si nový spôsob ignorovania používateľov (experiment)", "Match system theme": "Prispôsobiť sa vzhľadu systému", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Zobrazovať ukážky/náhľady obrázkov", "My Ban List": "Môj zoznam zákazov", @@ -2457,13 +2456,11 @@ "Pin to sidebar": "Pripnúť na bočný panel", "Quick settings": "Rýchle nastavenia", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Renderovanie LaTeX matematiky v správach", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Režim nízkej šírky pásma (vyžaduje kompatibilný domovský server)", "Themes": "Vzhľad", "Moderation": "Moderovanie", "Automatically send debug logs on any error": "Automatické odosielanie záznamov ladenia pri akejkoľvek chybe", "Developer mode": "Režim pre vývojárov", "This is an experimental feature. For now, new users receiving an invite will have to open the invite on to actually join.": "Toto je experimentálna funkcia. Noví používatelia, ktorí dostanú pozvánku, ju zatiaľ musia otvoriť na , aby sa mohli skutočne pripojiť.", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototyp nahlasovania moderátorom. V miestnostiach, ktoré podporujú moderovanie, vám tlačidlo \"nahlásiť\" umožní nahlásiť zneužitie moderátorom miestnosti", "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your Security Key.": "Získajte prístup k histórii zabezpečených správ a nastavte bezpečné zasielanie správ zadaním bezpečnostného kľúča.", "Access your secure message history and set up secure messaging by entering your Security Phrase.": "Získajte prístup k histórii zabezpečených správ a nastavte bezpečné zasielanie správ zadaním bezpečnostnej frázy.", "Offline encrypted messaging using dehydrated devices": "Šifrované posielanie správ offline pomocou dehydrovaných zariadení", @@ -2482,7 +2479,6 @@ "Continue with %(provider)s": "Pokračovať s %(provider)s", "New? Create account": "Ste tu nový? Vytvorte si účet", "Sign into your homeserver": "Prihláste sa do svojho domovského servera", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Máte chuť experimentovať? Laboratóriá sú najlepším spôsobom, ako získať veci v ranom štádiu, otestovať nové funkcie a pomôcť ich formovať pred ich skutočným spustením. Zistiť viac.", "Use your preferred Matrix homeserver if you have one, or host your own.": "Použite preferovaný domovský server Matrixu, ak ho máte, alebo si vytvorte vlastný.", "Other homeserver": "Iný domovský server", "Matrix.org is the biggest public homeserver in the world, so it's a good place for many.": "Matrix.org je najväčší verejný domovský server na svete, takže je vhodným miestom pre mnohých.", @@ -2578,7 +2574,6 @@ "User Busy": "Používateľ je obsadený", "The operation could not be completed": "Operáciu nebolo možné dokončiť", "Force complete": "Nútené dokončenie", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Pravý panel zostane otvorený (predvolené nastavenie na zoznam členov miestnosti)", "You might disable this if the room will be used for collaborating with external teams who have their own homeserver. This cannot be changed later.": "Túto funkciu môžete vypnúť, ak sa miestnosť bude používať na spoluprácu s externými tímami, ktoré majú vlastný domovský server. Neskôr sa to nedá zmeniť.", "%(senderDisplayName)s changed the server ACLs for this room.": "%(senderDisplayName)s zmenil ACL servera pre túto miestnosť.", "%(severalUsers)schanged the server ACLs %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)szmenilo ACL servera %(count)s krát", @@ -2774,7 +2769,6 @@ "Safeguard against losing access to encrypted messages & data": "Zabezpečte sa proti strate šifrovaných správ a údajov", "Use app for a better experience": "Použite aplikáciu pre lepší zážitok", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Skontrolujte, či je vaše konto bezpečné", - "You have unverified logins": "Máte neoverené prihlásenia", "You previously consented to share anonymous usage data with us. We're updating how that works.": "Predtým ste nám udelili súhlas so zdieľaním anonymných údajov o používaní. Aktualizujeme spôsob, akým to funguje.", "That's fine": "To je v poriadku", "Creating output...": "Vytváranie výstupu...", @@ -3289,7 +3283,6 @@ "You can also ask your homeserver admin to upgrade the server to change this behaviour.": "Môžete tiež požiadať správcu domovského servera o aktualizáciu servera, aby sa toto správanie zmenilo.", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms you should first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards.": "Ak si chcete zachovať prístup k histórii konverzácie v zašifrovaných miestnostiach, mali by ste najprv exportovať kľúče od miestností a potom ich znova importovať.", "Changing your password on this homeserver will cause all of your other devices to be signed out. This will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, and may make encrypted chat history unreadable.": "Zmena hesla na tomto domovskom serveri spôsobí odhlásenie všetkých ostatných zariadení. Tým sa odstránia kľúče na šifrovanie správ, ktoré sú na nich uložené, a môže sa stať, že história zašifrovaných rozhovorov nebude čitateľná.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Zdieľanie polohy v reálnom čase (dočasná implementácia: polohy zostávajú v histórii miestnosti)", "An error occurred while stopping your live location": "Pri zastavovaní zdieľania polohy v reálnom čase došlo k chybe", "Enable live location sharing": "Povoliť zdieľanie polohy v reálnom čase", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "Upozornenie: ide o funkciu laboratórií, ktorá sa používa dočasne. To znamená, že nebudete môcť vymazať históriu svojej polohy a pokročilí používatelia budú môcť vidieť históriu vašej polohy aj po tom, ako prestanete zdieľať svoju živú polohu s touto miestnosťou.", @@ -3386,7 +3379,6 @@ "You're in": "Ste v", "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Na zdieľanie polôh v tejto miestnosti musíte mať príslušné oprávnenia.", "You don't have permission to share locations": "Nemáte oprávnenie na zdieľanie polôh", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Obľúbené správy (v procese aktívneho vývoja)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Správy v tejto konverzácii sú šifrované od vás až k príjemcovi.", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Odošlite svoju prvú správu a pozvite do konverzácie", "Saved Items": "Uložené položky", @@ -3497,13 +3489,11 @@ "Your server lacks native support": "Váš server nemá natívnu podporu", "Your server has native support": "Váš server má natívnu podporu", "Checking...": "Kontroluje sa...", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Režim kĺzavej synchronizácie (v štádiu aktívneho vývoja, nie je možné ho vypnúť)", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Musíte mať oprávnenie vyhodiť používateľov, aby ste to mohli urobiť.", "Sign out of this session": "Odhlásiť sa z tejto relácie", "Rename session": "Premenovať reláciu", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call video miestnosti", "Voice broadcast": "Hlasové vysielanie", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Hlasové vysielanie (v štádiu aktívneho vývoja)", "Voice broadcasts": "Hlasové vysielania", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "Nemáte povolenie na spustenie hlasových hovorov", "There's no one here to call": "Nie je tu nikto, komu by ste mohli zavolať", @@ -3537,7 +3527,6 @@ "Close call": "Zavrieť hovor", "Room info": "Informácie o miestnosti", "View chat timeline": "Zobraziť časovú os konverzácie", - "Layout type": "Typ rozmiestnenia", "Spotlight": "Stredobod", "Freedom": "Sloboda", "Video call (%(brand)s)": "Videohovor (%(brand)s)", @@ -3558,7 +3547,6 @@ "Sign out all other sessions": "Odhlásenie zo všetkých ostatných relácií", "Underline": "Podčiarknuté", "Italic": "Kurzíva", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Vyskúšajte rozšírený textový editor (čistý textový režim sa objaví čoskoro)", "resume voice broadcast": "obnoviť hlasové vysielanie", "pause voice broadcast": "pozastaviť hlasové vysielanie", "Notifications silenced": "Oznámenia stlmené", @@ -3647,5 +3635,48 @@ "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "Príliš veľa pokusov v krátkom čase. Opakujte pokus po %(timeout)s.", "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Príliš veľa pokusov v krátkom čase. Pred ďalším pokusom počkajte nejakú dobu.", "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "ID koreňového vlákna: %(threadRootId)s", - "Change input device": "Zmeniť vstupné zariadenie" + "Change input device": "Zmeniť vstupné zariadenie", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Nepodarilo sa nám spustiť konverzáciu s druhým používateľom.", + "Error starting verification": "Chyba pri spustení overovania", + "Buffering…": "Načítavanie do vyrovnávacej pamäte…", + "WARNING: ": "UPOZORNENIE: ", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Chcete experimentovať? Vyskúšajte naše najnovšie nápady vo vývojovom štádiu. Tieto funkcie nie sú dokončené; môžu byť nestabilné, môžu sa zmeniť alebo môžu byť úplne zrušené. Zistiť viac.", + "Early previews": "Predbežné ukážky", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Čo vás čaká v aplikácii %(brand)s? Laboratóriá sú najlepším spôsobom, ako získať funkcie v predstihu, otestovať nové funkcie a pomôcť ich vytvoriť ešte pred ich skutočným spustením.", + "Upcoming features": "Pripravované funkcie", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Vyžaduje kompatibilný domovský server.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Režim nízkej šírky pásma", + "Under active development": "V štádiu aktívneho vývoja", + "Under active development.": "V štádiu aktívneho vývoja.", + "Favourite Messages": "Obľúbené správy", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Dočasná implementácia. Polohy ostávajú v histórii miestnosti.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Zdieľanie polohy v reálnom čase", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "V štádiu aktívneho vývoja, nie je možné to vypnúť.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Režim kĺzavej synchronizácie", + "Right panel stays open": "Pravý panel zostáva otvorený", + "Currently experimental.": "V súčasnosti experimentálne.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Nové spôsoby ignorovania ľudí", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Používajte rozšírený režim textu v správach. Obyčajný text už čoskoro.", + "Rich text editor": "Rozšírený textový editor", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "V miestnostiach, ktoré podporujú moderovanie, môžete pomocou tlačidla \"Nahlásiť\" nahlásiť porušovanie pravidiel moderátorom miestnosti.", + "Report to moderators": "Nahlásiť moderátorom", + "You have unverified sessions": "Máte neoverené relácie", + "Change layout": "Zmeniť rozloženie", + "Sign in instead": "Radšej sa prihlásiť", + "Re-enter email address": "Znovu zadajte e-mailovú adresu", + "Wrong email address?": "Nesprávna e-mailová adresa?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Skryť oznamovaciu bodku (zobrazovať iba odznaky počítadiel)", + "Apply": "Použiť", + "Search users in this room…": "Vyhľadať používateľov v tejto miestnosti…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Prideliť jednému alebo viacerým používateľom v tejto miestnosti viac oprávnení", + "Add privileged users": "Pridať oprávnených používateľov", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Táto relácia nepodporuje šifrovanie, a preto ju nemožno overiť.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Pre čo najlepšie zabezpečenie a ochranu súkromia sa odporúča používať klientov Matrix, ktorí podporujú šifrovanie.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Pri používaní tejto relácie sa nebudete môcť zúčastňovať v miestnostiach, v ktorých je zapnuté šifrovanie.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Táto relácia nepodporuje šifrovanie, a preto ju nemožno overiť.", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s ukončil/a hlasové vysielanie", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Ukončili ste hlasové vysielanie" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sq.json b/src/i18n/strings/sq.json index a7a16f4d610..ac2898563c3 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sq.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sq.json @@ -1104,7 +1104,6 @@ "Cancel search": "Anulo kërkimin", "Jump to first unread room.": "Hidhu te dhoma e parë e palexuar.", "Jump to first invite.": "Hidhu te ftesa e parë.", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Provoni rrugë të reja për shpërfillje personash (eksperimentale)", "My Ban List": "Lista Ime e Dëbimeve", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "Kjo është lista juaj e përdoruesve/shërbyesve që keni bllokuar - mos dilni nga dhoma!", "Ignored/Blocked": "Të shpërfillur/Të bllokuar", @@ -2320,7 +2319,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Këto mund t’i ndryshoni në çfarëdo kohe.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Shtoni ca hollësi që të ndihmoni njerëzit ta dallojnë.", "Check your devices": "Kontrolloni pajisjet tuaja", - "You have unverified logins": "Keni kredenciale të erifikuar", "Verify your identity to access encrypted messages and prove your identity to others.": "Verifikoni identitetin tuaj që të hyhet në mesazhe të fshehtëzuar dhe t’u provoni të tjerëve identitetin tuaj.", "You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Mund të shtoni edhe të tjera më vonë, përfshi ato ekzistueset tashmë.", "Let's create a room for each of them.": "Le të krijojmë një dhomë për secilën prej tyre.", @@ -2388,7 +2386,6 @@ "No microphone found": "S’u gjet mikrofon", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "S’qemë në gjendje të përdorim mikrofonin tuaj. Ju lutemi, kontrolloni rregullimet e shfletuesit tuaj dhe riprovoni.", "Unable to access your microphone": "S’arrihet të përdoret mikrofoni juaj", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Ndiheni eksperimentues? Laboratorët janë rruga më e mirë për t’u marrë herët me gjërat, për të provuar veçori të reja dhe për të ndihmuar t’u jepet formë atyre, përpara se të hidhen faktikisht në qarkullim. Mësoni më tepër.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Tokeni-i juaj i hyrjeve jep hyrje të plotë në llogarinë tuaj. Mos ia jepni kujt.", "Access Token": "Token Hyrjesh", "Please enter a name for the space": "Ju lutemi, jepni një emër për hapësirën", @@ -2464,7 +2461,6 @@ "e.g. my-space": "p.sh., hapësira-ime", "Silence call": "Heshtoje thirrjen", "Show all rooms in Home": "Shfaq krejt dhomat te Home", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototip “Njoftojuani moderatorëve”. Në dhoma që mbulojnë moderim, butoni `raportojeni` do t’ju lejojë t’u njoftoni abuzim moderatorëve të dhomës", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s ndryshoi mesazhin e fiksuar për këtë dhomë.", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s tërhoqi mbrapsht ftesën për %(targetName)s", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s tërhoqi mbrapsht ftesën për %(targetName)s: %(reason)s", @@ -2633,7 +2629,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Për të shmangur këto probleme, krijoni një dhomë të re të fshehtëzuar për bisedën që keni në plan të bëni.", "Thread": "Rrjedhë", "To avoid these issues, create a new public room for the conversation you plan to have.": "Për të shmangur këto probleme, krijoni për bisedën që keni në plan një dhomë të re publike.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Mënyra trafik me shpejtësi të ulët (lyp shërbyes Home të përputhshëm)", "Threaded messaging": "Mesazhe me rrjedha", "The above, but in as well": "Atë më sipër, por edhe te ", "The above, but in any room you are joined or invited to as well": "Atë më sipër, por edhe në çfarëdo dhome ku keni hyrë ose jeni ftuar", @@ -3021,7 +3016,6 @@ "Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place.": "Gruponi në një vend krejt dhomat tuaja të parapëlqyera dhe personat e parapëlqyer.", "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Hapësirat janë mënyra për të grupuar dhoma dhe njerëz. Tok me hapësirat ku gjendeni, mundeni të përdorni edhe disa të krijuara paraprakisht.", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Eksperimentale)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Paneli djathtas mbetet hapur (si parazgjedhje, shfaq listën e anëtarëve të dhomës)", "Unable to check if username has been taken. Try again later.": "S’arrihet të kontrollohet nëse emri i përdoruesit është zënë. Riprovoni më vonë.", "Toggle hidden event visibility": "Ndryshoni dukshmëri akti të fshehur", "Redo edit": "Ribëje përpunimin", @@ -3364,8 +3358,6 @@ "You can also ask your homeserver admin to upgrade the server to change this behaviour.": "Mund edhe t’i kërkoni përgjegjësit të shërbyesit tuaj Home të përmirësojë shërbyesin, për ndryshimin e kësaj sjelljeje.", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms you should first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards.": "Nëse doni ta mbani mundësinë e përdorimit të historikut të fjalosjeve tuaja në dhoma të fshehtëzuara, së pari duhet të eksportoni kyçet tuaj të dhomave dhe më pas t’i riimportoni.", "Start messages with /plain to send without markdown and /md to send with.": "Fillojini mesazhet me /plain, për dërgim pa markdown dhe me /md për të dërguar me të.", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Mesazhe të Parapëlqyer (nën zhvillim aktiv)", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Tregim “Live” Vendndodhjeje (sendërtim i përkohshëm: vendndodhjet mbeten në historikun e dhomës)", "Show HTML representation of room topics": "Shfaq paraqitje HTML të temave të dhomave", "Yes, the chat timeline is displayed alongside the video.": "Po, rrjedha kohore e fjalosjes shfaqet tok me videon.", "Video rooms are always-on VoIP channels embedded within a room in %(brand)s.": "Në %(brand)s, dhomat video janë kanale VoIP përherë-hapur, trupëzuar brenda një dhome.", @@ -3443,7 +3435,6 @@ "Italic": "Të pjerrëta", "View chat timeline": "Shihni rrjedhë kohore fjalosjeje", "Close call": "Mbylli krejt", - "Layout type": "Lloj skeme", "Spotlight": "Projektor", "Freedom": "Liri", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "S’keni leje të nisni thirrje me zë", @@ -3535,9 +3526,7 @@ "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Shihini më qartë dhe kontrolloni më mirë krejt sesionet tuaj.", "New session manager": "Përgjegjës i ri sesionesh", "Use new session manager": "Përdorni përgjegjës të ri sesionesh", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Transmetim zanor (nën zhvillim aktiv)", "Send read receipts": "Dërgo dëftesa leximi", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Provoni përpunuesin e teksteve të pasur (për tekst të thjeshtë vjen së shpejti)", "Notifications silenced": "Njoftime të heshtuara", "Video call started": "Nisi thirrje me video", "Unknown room": "Dhomë e panjohur", @@ -3637,5 +3626,47 @@ "30s backward": "30s mbrapsht", "Developer command: Discards the current outbound group session and sets up new Olm sessions": "Urdhër zhvilluesish: Hedh tej sesionin e tanishëm të grupit me dikë dhe ujdis sesione të rinj Olm", "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "Edhe %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", - "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "Edhe %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss" + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "Edhe %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "S’qemë në gjendje të nisim një bisedë me përdoruesin tjetër.", + "Error starting verification": "Gabim në nisje verifikimi", + "Change input device": "Ndryshoni pajisje dhëniesh", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "WARNING: ": "KUJDES: ", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Ndiheni eksperimentues? Provoni idetë tona më të reja në zhvillim. Këto veçori s’janë të përfunduara; mund të jenë të paqëndrueshme, mund të ndryshojnë, ose mund të braktisen faqe. Mësoni më tepër.", + "Early previews": "Paraparje të hershme", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Ç’vjen më pas për %(brand)s? Labs janë mënyra më e mirë për t’i pasur gjërat që herët, për të testuar veçori të reja dhe për të ndihmuar t’u jepet formë para se të hidhen faktikisht në qarkullim.", + "Upcoming features": "Veçori të ardhshme", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Lyp shërbyes Home të përputhshëm.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Mënyra gjerësi e ulët bande", + "Under active development": "Nën zhvillim aktiv", + "Under active development.": "Nën zhvillim aktiv.", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Sendërtim i përkohshëm. Vendndodhjet mbeten te historiku i dhomës.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Dhënie Drejtpërsëdrejti e Vendndodhjes", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "Nën zhvillim aktiv, s’mund të çaktivizohet.", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Si parazgjedhje, lista e anëtarëve të dhomës.", + "Right panel stays open": "Paneli i djathtë mbetet i hapur", + "Currently experimental.": "Aktualisht eksperimental.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Rrugë të reja për të shpërfillur njerëz", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Përdorni te hartuesi i mesazheve tekst të pasur, në vend se Markdown. Së shpejti vjen mënyra tekst i thjeshtë.", + "Rich text editor": "Përpunues teksti të pasur", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "Në dhoma që mbulojnë moderimin, butoni “Raportojeni” do t’ju lejojë t’u raportoni abuzim moderatorëve të dhomës.", + "Report to moderators": "Raportojeni te moderatorët", + "You have unverified sessions": "Keni sesioni të paverifikuar", + "Change layout": "Ndryshoni skemë", + "Sign in instead": "Në vend të kësaj, hyni", + "Re-enter email address": "Rijepeni adresën email", + "Wrong email address?": "Adresë email e gabuar?", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Ky sesion s’mbulon fshehtëzim, ndaj s’mund të verifikohet.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Për sigurinë dhe privatësinë më të mirë, rekomandohet të përdoren klientë Matrix që mbulojnë fshehtëzim.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "S’do të jeni në gjendje të merrni pjesë në dhoma ku fshehtëzimi është aktivizuar, kur përdoret ky sesion.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Ky sesion nuk mbulon fshehtëzim, ndaj s’mund të verifikohet.", + "Apply": "Aplikoje", + "Search users in this room…": "Kërkoni për përdorues në këtë dhomë…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Jepini një ose disa përdoruesve më tepër privilegje në këtë dhomë", + "Add privileged users": "Shtoni përdorues të privilegjuar", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Fshihe pikën e njoftimeve (shfaq vetëm stema numëratorësh)", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s përfundoi një transmetim zanor", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Përfunduat një transmetim zanor" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sr.json b/src/i18n/strings/sr.json index b0c5cbc3d05..de932440a74 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sr.json @@ -533,7 +533,6 @@ "You do not have permission to invite people to this room.": "Немате дозволу за позивање људи у ову собу.", "Encryption upgrade available": "Надоградња шифровања је доступна", "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Испробајте нове начине за игнорисање људи (у пробној фази)", "Show info about bridges in room settings": "Прикажи податке о мостовима у подешавањима собе", "Enable Emoji suggestions while typing": "Омогући предлоге емоџија приликом куцања", "Upload": "Отпреми", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json index 77148a921d8..d4b7ca5bb54 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json @@ -904,7 +904,6 @@ "This action requires accessing the default identity server to validate an email address or phone number, but the server does not have any terms of service.": "Den här åtgärden kräver åtkomst till standardidentitetsservern för att validera en e-postadress eller ett telefonnummer, men servern har inga användarvillkor.", "Trust": "Förtroende", "%(name)s (%(userId)s)": "%(name)s (%(userId)s)", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Testa nya sätt att ignorera personer (experimentellt)", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Visa förhandsgranskning/miniatyr för bilder", "Custom (%(level)s)": "Anpassad (%(level)s)", "Error upgrading room": "Fel vid uppgradering av rum", @@ -2322,7 +2321,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "Du kan ändra dessa när som helst.", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Lägg till några detaljer för att hjälpa folk att känn igen det.", "Check your devices": "Kolla dina enheter", - "You have unverified logins": "Du har overifierade inloggningar", "%(count)s people you know have already joined|other": "%(count)s personer du känner har redan gått med", "What are some things you want to discuss in %(spaceName)s?": "Vad är några saker du vill diskutera i %(spaceName)s?", "You can add more later too, including already existing ones.": "Du kan lägga till flera senare också, inklusive redan existerande.", @@ -2393,7 +2391,6 @@ "No microphone found": "Ingen mikrofon hittad", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "Vi kunde inte komma åt din mikrofon. Vänligen kolla dina webbläsarinställningar och försök igen.", "Unable to access your microphone": "Kan inte komma åt din mikrofon", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Känner du dig äventyrlig? Experiment är det bästa sättet att få saker tidigt, testa nya funktioner och hjälpa till att forma dem innan de egentligen släpps Läs mer.", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Din åtkomsttoken ger full åtkomst till ditt konto. Dela den inte med någon.", "Access Token": "Åtkomsttoken", "Please enter a name for the space": "Vänligen ange ett namn för utrymmet", @@ -2445,7 +2442,6 @@ "Some invites couldn't be sent": "Vissa inbjudningar kunde inte skickas", "We sent the others, but the below people couldn't be invited to ": "Vi skickade de andra, men personerna nedan kunde inte bjudas in till ", "What this user is writing is wrong.\nThis will be reported to the room moderators.": "Vad användaren skriver är fel.\nDetta kommer att anmälas till rumsmoderatorerna.", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Prototyp av anmälan till moderatorer. I rum som söder moderering så kommer `anmäl`-knappen att låta dig anmäla olämpligt beteende till rummets moderatorer", "Report": "Rapportera", "Integration manager": "Integrationshanterare", "Your %(brand)s doesn't allow you to use an integration manager to do this. Please contact an admin.": "Din %(brand)s tillåter dig inte att använda en integrationshanterare för att göra detta. Vänligen kontakta en administratör.", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "För att undvika dessa problem, skapa ett nytt krypterat rum för konversationen du planerar att ha.", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "Är du säker på att du vill lägga till kryptering till det här offentliga rummet?", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "Korssignering är klart, men nycklarna är inte säkerhetskopierade än.", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Lågbandbreddsläge (kräver kompatibel hemserver)", "Thread": "Tråd", "Autoplay videos": "Autospela videor", "Autoplay GIFs": "Autospela GIF:ar", @@ -2883,7 +2878,6 @@ "Automatically send debug logs on decryption errors": "Skicka automatiskt avbuggningsloggar vid avkrypteringsfel", "Show join/leave messages (invites/removes/bans unaffected)": "Visa gå med/lämna-meddelanden (inbjudningar/borttagningar/banningar påverkas inte)", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "Hoppa till datum (lägger till /jumptodate och hopp till datumrubriker)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Högerpanelen hålls öppen (visar rumsmedlemslista som förval)", "Show extensible event representation of events": "Visa expanderbar händelserepresentation av händelser", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "Låt moderatorer dölja meddelanden i väntan på moderering.", "Back to thread": "Tillbaka till tråd", @@ -3295,7 +3289,6 @@ "Live location sharing": "Positionsdelning i realtid", "%(members)s and %(last)s": "%(members)s och %(last)s", "%(members)s and more": "%(members)s och fler", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Positionsdelning i realtid (temporär implementation: platser ligger kvar i rumshistoriken)", "Your message wasn't sent because this homeserver has been blocked by its administrator. Please contact your service administrator to continue using the service.": "Ditt meddelande skickades inte eftersom att den här hemservern har blockerats av sin administratör. Vänligen kontakta din tjänsteadministratör för att fortsätta använda tjänsten.", "Cameras": "Kameror", "Output devices": "Utgångsenheter", @@ -3381,7 +3374,6 @@ "Join the room to participate": "Gå med i rummet för att delta", "Saved Items": "Sparade föremål", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Skicka ditt första meddelande för att bjuda in att chatta", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Favoritmeddelanden (under aktiv utveckling)", "Reset bearing to north": "Återställ bäring till norr", "Mapbox logo": "Mapbox-logga", "Location not available": "Plats inte tillgänglig", @@ -3406,9 +3398,7 @@ "You don't have the required permissions to start a voice broadcast in this room. Contact a room administrator to upgrade your permissions.": "Du är inte behörig att starta en röstsändning i det här rummet. Kontakta en rumsadministratör för att uppgradera dina behörigheter.", "You are already recording a voice broadcast. Please end your current voice broadcast to start a new one.": "Du spelar redan in en röstsändning. Avsluta din nuvarande röstsändning för att påbörja en ny.", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call videorum", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Glidande synk-läge (under aktiv utveckling, kan inte avaktiveras)", "Send read receipts": "Skicka läskvitton", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Pröva den nya riktextredigeraren (vanligt textläge kommer snart)", "Notifications silenced": "Aviseringar tystade", "Video call started": "Videosamtal startat", "Unknown room": "Okänt rum", @@ -3424,7 +3414,6 @@ "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "Ha bättre insyn och kontroll över alla dina sessioner.", "New session manager": "Ny sessionshanterare", "Use new session manager": "Använd ny sessionshanterare", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Röstsändning (under aktiv utveckling)", "New group call experience": "Ny gruppsamtalsupplevelse", "Record the client name, version, and url to recognise sessions more easily in session manager": "Spara klientens namn, version och URL för att lättare känna igen sessioner i sessionshanteraren", "Find and invite your friends": "Hitta och bjud in dina vänner", @@ -3463,5 +3452,67 @@ "Secure messaging for friends and family": "Säkra meddelanden för vänner och familj", "Change input device": "Byt ingångsenhet", "30s forward": "30s framåt", - "30s backward": "30s bakåt" + "30s backward": "30s bakåt", + "Connection": "Anslutning", + "Voice processing": "Röstbearbetning", + "Video settings": "Videoinställningar", + "Automatically adjust the microphone volume": "Justera automatiskt mikrofonvolymen", + "Voice settings": "Röstinställningar", + "For best security, verify your sessions and sign out from any session that you don't recognize or use anymore.": "För bäst säkerhet, verifiera dina sessioner och logga ut alla sessioner du inte känner igen eller använder längre.", + "Other sessions": "Andra sessioner", + "Are you sure you want to sign out of %(count)s sessions?|one": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut %(count)s session?", + "Are you sure you want to sign out of %(count)s sessions?|other": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut %(count)s sessioner?", + "Sessions": "Sessioner", + "Your server doesn't support disabling sending read receipts.": "Din server stöder inte inaktivering av läskvitton.", + "Share your activity and status with others.": "Dela din aktivitet och status med andra.", + "Presence": "Närvaro", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Känner du dig äventyrlig? Pröva våra senaste idéer under utveckling. Dessa funktioner är inte slutförda; de kan vara instabila, kan ändras, eller kan tas bort helt. Läs mer.", + "Early previews": "Tidiga förhandstittar", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Vad händer härnäst med %(brand)s? Experiment är det bästa sättet att få saker tidigt, pröva nya funktioner, och hjälpa till att forma dem innan de egentligen släpps.", + "Upcoming features": "Kommande funktioner", + "Spell check": "Rättstavning", + "Enable notifications for this device": "Aktivera aviseringar för den här enheten", + "Turn off to disable notifications on all your devices and sessions": "Stäng av för att inaktivera aviseringar för alla dina enheter och sessioner", + "Enable notifications for this account": "Aktivera aviseringar för det här kontot", + "Apply": "Tillämpa", + "Search users in this room…": "Sök efter användare i det här rummet…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Ge en eller flera användare i det här rummet fler privilegier", + "Add privileged users": "Lägg till privilegierade användare", + "Complete these to get the most out of %(brand)s": "Gör dessa för att få ut så mycket som möjligt av %(brand)s", + "You did it!": "Du klarade det!", + "Only %(count)s steps to go|one": "Bara %(count)s steg kvar", + "Only %(count)s steps to go|other": "Bara %(count)s steg kvar", + "Welcome to %(brand)s": "Välkommen till %(brand)s", + "Find your people": "Hitta ditt folk", + "Keep ownership and control of community discussion.\nScale to support millions, with powerful moderation and interoperability.": "Håll ägandeskap och kontroll över gemenskapsdiskussioner.\nSkala för att stöda miljoner, med kraftfull moderering och interoperabilitet.", + "Community ownership": "Ägandeskap i gemenskap", + "Find your co-workers": "Hitta dina medarbetare", + "Secure messaging for work": "Säkra meddelanden för jobbet", + "Start your first chat": "Starta din första chatt", + "With free end-to-end encrypted messaging, and unlimited voice and video calls, %(brand)s is a great way to stay in touch.": "Med gratis totalsträckskrypterade meddelanden och obegränsade röst och videosamtal så är %(brand)s ett jättebra sätt att hålla kontakten.", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Kräver kompatibel hemserver.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Lågt bandbreddsläge", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Dölj aviseringspunkt (visa bara räknarmärken)", + "Under active development": "Under aktiv utveckling", + "Under active development.": "Under aktiv utveckling.", + "Favourite Messages": "Favoritmeddelanden", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Temporär implementation. Platser stannar kvar i rumshistoriken.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Platsdelning i realtid", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "Under aktiv utveckling, kan inte inaktiveras.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Glidande synkroniseringsläge", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Rumsmedlemslista som förval.", + "Right panel stays open": "Högerpanelen hålls öppen", + "Currently experimental.": "För närvarande experimentellt.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Nya sätt att ignorera personer", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Använd rik text istället för Markdown i meddelanderedigeraren. Vanligt textläge kommer snart.", + "Rich text editor": "Riktextredigerare", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "I rum som stöder moderering så låter \"Rapportera\"-knappen dig rapportera trakasseri till rumsmoderatorer.", + "Report to moderators": "Rapportera till moderatorer", + "You have unverified sessions": "Du har overifierade sessioner", + "Buffering…": "Buffrar…", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s avslutade en röstsändning", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Du avslutade en röstsändning", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)st %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sd %(hours)st %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/tr.json b/src/i18n/strings/tr.json index b3558ef3cff..8912e07ba0c 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/tr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/tr.json @@ -901,7 +901,6 @@ "This is similar to a commonly used password": "Bu yaygınca kullanılan bir parolaya benziyor", "Names and surnames by themselves are easy to guess": "Adlar ve soyadlar kendi kendilerine tahmin için kolaydır", "Render simple counters in room header": "Oda başlığında basit sayaçları görüntüle", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Kişileri yoksaymak için yeni yöntemleri dene (deneysel)", "Mirror local video feed": "Yerel video beslemesi yansısı", "Match system theme": "Sistem temasıyla eşle", "Missing media permissions, click the button below to request.": "Medya izinleri eksik, alttaki butona tıkayarak talep edin.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/uk.json b/src/i18n/strings/uk.json index 73261b19047..b6dee4b539c 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/uk.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/uk.json @@ -550,7 +550,6 @@ "%(senderName)s: %(message)s": "%(senderName)s: %(message)s", "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s", "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Спробуйте нові способи ігнорувати людей (експериментальні)", "Support adding custom themes": "Підтримка користувацьких тем", "Show info about bridges in room settings": "Показувати відомості про мости в налаштуваннях кімнати", "Font size": "Розмір шрифту", @@ -1500,7 +1499,6 @@ "Enable desktop notifications": "Увімкнути сповіщення стільниці", "Don't miss a reply": "Не пропустіть відповідей", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Перевірте, щоб переконатися, що ваш обліковий запис у безпеці", - "You have unverified logins": "У вас є незвірені сеанси", "Error leaving room": "Помилка під час виходу з кімнати", "This homeserver has been blocked by its administrator.": "Цей домашній сервер заблокований адміністратором.", "See when the name changes in your active room": "Бачити, коли зміниться назва активної кімнати", @@ -2124,15 +2122,12 @@ "Missing media permissions, click the button below to request.": "Бракує медіадозволів, натисніть кнопку нижче, щоб їх надати.", "Use a more compact 'Modern' layout": "Використовувати компактний вигляд «Модерн»", "Use new room breadcrumbs": "Використовувати нові навігаційні стежки кімнат", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Почуваєтесь допитливо? Лабораторія дає змогу отримувати нову функціональність раніше всіх, випробовувати й допомагати допрацьовувати її перед запуском. Докладніше.", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Форматувати LaTeX-формули в повідомленнях", "Share anonymous data to help us identify issues. Nothing personal. No third parties. Learn More": "Збір анонімних даних дає нам змогу дізнаватися про збої. Жодних особистих даних. Жодних третіх сторін. Докладніше", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Режим низької пропускної здатності (потрібен сумісний домашній сервер)", "Developer": "Розробка", "Moderation": "Модерування", "Experimental": "Експериментально", "Themes": "Теми", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Прототип скарг модераторам. У кімнатах із підтримкою модерації, кнопка «Поскаржитись» даватиме змогу сповіщати модераторів кімнати про порушення правил", "Surround selected text when typing special characters": "Обгортати виділений текст при введенні спеціальних символів", "Use Command + F to search timeline": "Command + F для пошуку в стрічці", "Jump to the bottom of the timeline when you send a message": "Переходити вниз стрічки під час надсилання повідомлення", @@ -3026,7 +3021,6 @@ "Group all your people in one place.": "Групуйте всіх своїх людей в одному місці.", "Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place.": "Групуйте всі свої улюблені кімнати та людей в одному місці.", "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "Простори — це спосіб групування кімнат і людей. Окрім просторів, до яких ви приєдналися, ви також можете використовувати деякі вбудовані.", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "Права панель залишається відкритою (типово для списку учасників кімнат)", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC (Експериментально)", "Unable to check if username has been taken. Try again later.": "Неможливо перевірити, чи зайняте ім'я користувача. Спробуйте ще раз пізніше.", "Toggle hidden event visibility": "Показати/сховати подію", @@ -3289,7 +3283,6 @@ "You can also ask your homeserver admin to upgrade the server to change this behaviour.": "Ви також можете попросити адміністратора домашнього сервера оновити сервер, щоб змінити цю поведінку.", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms you should first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards.": "Якщо ви хочете зберегти доступ до історії бесіди в кімнатах з шифруванням, ви повинні спочатку експортувати ключі кімнати й повторно імпортувати їх після цього.", "Changing your password on this homeserver will cause all of your other devices to be signed out. This will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, and may make encrypted chat history unreadable.": "Зміна пароля на цьому домашньому сервері призведе до виходу з усіх інших пристроїв. Це видалить ключі шифрування повідомлень, що зберігаються на них, і може зробити зашифровану історію бесіди нечитабельною.", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "Поширення місцеперебування наживо (тимчасове втілення: координати зберігаються в історії кімнати)", "Live location sharing": "Надсилання місцеперебування наживо", "An error occurred while stopping your live location": "Під час припинення поширення поточного місцеперебування сталася помилка", "Enable live location sharing": "Увімкнути поширення місцеперебування наживо", @@ -3386,7 +3379,6 @@ "Who will you chat to the most?": "З ким ви спілкуватиметеся найбільше?", "You're in": "Ви увійшли", "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "Вам потрібно мати відповідні дозволи, щоб ділитися геоданими в цій кімнаті.", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "Вибрані повідомлення (в активній розробці)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "Повідомлення в цій бесіді будуть захищені наскрізним шифруванням.", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "Надішліть своє перше повідомлення, щоб запросити до бесіди", "Saved Items": "Збережені елементи", @@ -3497,12 +3489,10 @@ "Your server lacks native support": "На вашому сервері немає вбудованої підтримки", "Your server has native support": "Ваш сервер має вбудовану підтримку", "Checking...": "Перевірка...", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "Режим ковзної синхронізації (в активній розробці, не можна вимкнути)", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "Для цього вам потрібен дозвіл вилучати користувачів.", "Sign out of this session": "Вийти з цього сеансу", "Rename session": "Перейменувати сеанс", "Voice broadcast": "Голосові трансляції", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "Голосові трансляції (в активній розробці)", "Element Call video rooms": "Відео кімнати Element Call", "Voice broadcasts": "Голосові трансляції", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "У вас немає дозволу розпочинати голосові виклики", @@ -3537,7 +3527,6 @@ "Room info": "Відомості про кімнату", "View chat timeline": "Переглянути стрічку бесіди", "Close call": "Закрити виклик", - "Layout type": "Тип макета", "Spotlight": "У фокусі", "Freedom": "Свобода", "Operating system": "Операційна система", @@ -3558,7 +3547,6 @@ "Sign out all other sessions": "Вийти з усіх інших сеансів", "Underline": "Підкреслений", "Italic": "Курсив", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "Спробуйте розширений текстовий редактор (незабаром з'явиться режим звичайного тексту)", "resume voice broadcast": "поновити голосову трансляцію", "pause voice broadcast": "призупинити голосову трансляцію", "Notifications silenced": "Сповіщення стишено", @@ -3647,5 +3635,49 @@ "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "Забагато спроб за короткий час. Повторіть спробу за %(timeout)s.", "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "Забагато спроб за короткий час. Зачекайте трохи, перш ніж повторити спробу.", "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "ID кореневої гілки: %(threadRootId)s", - "Change input device": "Змінити пристрій вводу" + "Change input device": "Змінити пристрій вводу", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)sхв %(seconds)sс", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)sгод %(minutes)sхв %(seconds)sс", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)sд %(hours)sгод %(minutes)sхв %(seconds)sс", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "Ми не змогли розпочати бесіду з іншим користувачем.", + "Error starting verification": "Помилка запуску перевірки", + "Buffering…": "Буферизація…", + "WARNING: ": "ПОПЕРЕДЖЕННЯ: ", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "Відчуваєте себе експериментатором? Спробуйте наші новітні задуми в розробці. Ці функції не остаточні; вони можуть бути нестабільними, можуть змінюватися або взагалі можуть бути відкинуті. Докладніше.", + "Early previews": "Ранній огляд", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "Що далі для %(brand)s? Експериментальні — це найкращий спосіб спробувати функції на ранній стадії розробки, протестувати їх і допомогти сформувати їх до фактичного запуску.", + "Upcoming features": "Майбутні функції", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "Потрібен сумісний домашній сервер.", + "Low bandwidth mode": "Режим низької пропускної спроможності", + "Under active development": "У стадії активної розробки", + "Under active development.": "У стадії активної розробки.", + "Favourite Messages": "Обрані повідомлення", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "Тимчасова реалізація. Місце перебування зберігається в історії кімнати.", + "Live Location Sharing": "Надсилання місця перебування наживо", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "На стадії активної розробки, вимкнути не можна.", + "Sliding Sync mode": "Режим ковзної синхронізації", + "Defaults to room member list.": "Усталено — список учасників кімнати.", + "Right panel stays open": "Права панель залишається відкритою", + "Currently experimental.": "Наразі експериментально.", + "New ways to ignore people": "Нові способи нехтувати людей", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "Використовуйте розширений текст замість Markdown у редакторі повідомлень. Режим звичайного тексту з'явиться незабаром.", + "Rich text editor": "Розширений текстовий редактор", + "Report to moderators": "Поскаржитись модераторам", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "У кімнатах, які підтримують модерацію, кнопка «Поскаржитися» дає змогу повідомити про зловживання модераторам кімнати.", + "You have unverified sessions": "У вас є неперевірені сеанси", + "Change layout": "Змінити макет", + "Sign in instead": "Натомість увійти", + "Re-enter email address": "Введіть адресу е-пошти ще раз", + "Wrong email address?": "Неправильна адреса електронної пошти?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "Сховати крапку сповіщення ( показувати тільки значки лічильників)", + "Apply": "Застосувати", + "Search users in this room…": "Пошук користувачів у цій кімнаті…", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "Надайте одному або кільком користувачам у цій кімнаті більше повноважень", + "Add privileged users": "Додати привілейованих користувачів", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "Цей сеанс не підтримує шифрування, і його не можна звірити.", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "Для найкращої безпеки та приватності радимо користуватися клієнтами Matrix, які підтримують шифрування.", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "Під час користування цим сеансом ви не зможете брати участь у кімнатах, де ввімкнено шифрування.", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "Цей сеанс не підтримує шифрування, тож його не можна звірити.", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s завершує голосову трансляцію", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "Ви завершили голосову трансляцію" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/vi.json b/src/i18n/strings/vi.json index 554635828d4..c030ec258e4 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/vi.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/vi.json @@ -1555,7 +1555,6 @@ "Something went wrong. Please try again or view your console for hints.": "Đã xảy ra lỗi. Vui lòng thử lại hoặc xem bảng điều khiển của bạn để biết gợi ý.", "Error adding ignored user/server": "Lỗi khi thêm người dùng / máy chủ bị bỏ qua", "Ignored/Blocked": "Bị bỏ qua / bị chặn", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "Cảm thấy thử nghiệm? Phòng thí nghiệm là cách tốt nhất để hoàn thành sớm mọi thứ, thử nghiệm các tính năng mới và giúp định hình chúng trước khi chúng thực sự ra mắt. Tìm hiểu thêm Learn more.", "Labs": "Chức năng thí nghiệm", "Clear cache and reload": "Xóa bộ nhớ cache và tải lại", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "Mã thông báo truy cập của bạn cấp quyền truy cập đầy đủ vào tài khoản của bạn. Không chia sẻ nó với bất kỳ ai.", @@ -2057,7 +2056,6 @@ "Later": "Để sau", "Review": "Xem xét", "Review to ensure your account is safe": "Xem lại để đảm bảo tài khoản của bạn an toàn", - "You have unverified logins": "Bạn có đăng nhập chưa được xác minh", "No": "Không", "Yes": "Có", "File Attached": "Tệp được đính kèm", @@ -2541,7 +2539,6 @@ "Guyana": "Guyana", "Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau", "Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Hiển thị bản xem trước / hình thu nhỏ cho hình ảnh", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "Chế độ băng thông thấp (yêu cầu homeserver tương thích)", "Show hidden events in timeline": "Hiện các sự kiện ẩn trong dòng thời gian", "Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Hiển thị shortcuts cho các phòng đã xem gần đây phía trên danh sách phòng", "Show rooms with unread notifications first": "Hiển thị các phòng có thông báo chưa đọc trước", @@ -2571,10 +2568,8 @@ "Show message previews for reactions in all rooms": "Hiển thị bản xem trước tin nhắn cho phản ứng trong tất cả các phòng", "Show message previews for reactions in DMs": "Hiển thị bản xem trước tin nhắn cho các phản ứng trong tin nhắn chat trực tiếp DM", "Support adding custom themes": "Hỗ trợ thêm các chủ đề tùy chỉnh", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "Thử các cách mới để phớt lờ mọi người (thử nghiệm)", "Threaded messaging": "Nhắn tin theo luồng", "Render LaTeX maths in messages": "Kết xuất đồ họa toán học LaTeX trong tin nhắn", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "Báo cáo cho người kiểm duyệt nguyên mẫu. Trong các phòng hỗ trợ kiểm duyệt, nút `báo cáo` sẽ cho phép bạn báo cáo lạm dụng với người kiểm duyệt phòng", "Change notification settings": "Thay đổi cài đặt thông báo", "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s", "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json index 366ec6c718e..53f46d15389 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json @@ -1148,7 +1148,6 @@ "%(senderName)s: %(message)s": "%(senderName)s: %(message)s", "%(senderName)s: %(reaction)s": "%(senderName)s:%(reaction)s", "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s": "%(senderName)s: %(stickerName)s", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "尝试忽略别人的新方法(实验性)", "Show info about bridges in room settings": "在房间设置中显示桥接信息", "Show typing notifications": "显示正在输入通知", "Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "在房间列表上方显示最近浏览过的房间的快捷方式", @@ -1261,10 +1260,10 @@ "There was an error removing that address. It may no longer exist or a temporary error occurred.": "删除那个地址时出现错误。可能它已不存在,也可能出现了一个暂时的错误。", "Error removing address": "删除地址时出现错误", "Local address": "本地地址", - "Published Addresses": "发布的地址", - "Other published addresses:": "其它发布的地址:", - "No other published addresses yet, add one below": "还没有别的发布的地址,可在下方添加", - "New published address (e.g. #alias:server)": "新的发布的地址(例如 #alias:server)", + "Published Addresses": "公布的地址", + "Other published addresses:": "其他公布的地址:", + "No other published addresses yet, add one below": "还没有其他公布的地址,在下方添加一个", + "New published address (e.g. #alias:server)": "新的公布的地址(例如 #alias:server)", "Local Addresses": "本地地址", "Set addresses for this room so users can find this room through your homeserver (%(localDomain)s)": "为此房间设置地址以便用户通过你的主服务器(%(localDomain)s)找到此房间", "Waiting for %(displayName)s to accept…": "正在等待%(displayName)s接受……", @@ -2022,7 +2021,6 @@ "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "添加一些细节,以便人们辨识你的社群。", "Open space for anyone, best for communities": "适合每一个人的开放空间,社群的理想选择", "New version of %(brand)s is available": "%(brand)s 有新版本可用", - "You have unverified logins": "你有未验证的登录", "You should know": "你应当知道", "Learn more in our , and .": "请通过我们的了解更多信息。", "Failed to connect to your homeserver. Please close this dialog and try again.": "无法连接至你的主服务器。请关闭此对话框并再试一次。", @@ -2328,7 +2326,6 @@ "Change server ACLs": "更改服务器访问控制列表", "You have no ignored users.": "你没有设置忽略用户。", "Warn before quitting": "退出前警告", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "想要来点实验?实验室是提前体验、测试新功能并在它们正式发布前帮助它们定型的最佳方式。了解更多。", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "你的访问令牌可以完全访问你的账户。不要将其与任何人分享。", "Access Token": "访问令牌", "Message search initialisation failed": "消息搜索初始化失败", @@ -2471,7 +2468,6 @@ "Silence call": "通话静音", "Sound on": "开启声音", "Show all rooms in Home": "在主页显示所有房间", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "向协管员报告的范例。在支持管理的房间中,你可以通过“报告”按钮向房间协管员报告滥用行为", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s 已更改此房间的固定消息。", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s 已撤回向 %(targetName)s 的邀请", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s 已撤回向 %(targetName)s 的邀请:%(reason)s", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "为避免这些问题,请为计划中的对话创建一个新的加密房间。", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "你确定要为此公开房间开启加密吗?", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "交叉签名已就绪,但尚未备份密钥。", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "低带宽模式(需要主服务器兼容)", "Thread": "消息列", "Threaded messaging": "按主题排列的消息", "The above, but in as well": "以上,但也包括 ", @@ -3107,9 +3102,6 @@ "Enable Markdown": "启用Markdown", "Insert a trailing colon after user mentions at the start of a message": "在消息开头的提及用户的地方后面插入尾随冒号", "Show polls button": "显示投票按钮", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "收藏消息(正在积极开发中)", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "实时位置分享(暂时的实现:位置保留在房间历史记录中)", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "右面板保持打开(默认为房间成员列表)", "Show extensible event representation of events": "显示事件的可扩展事件表示", "Let moderators hide messages pending moderation.": "让协管员隐藏等待审核的消息。", "Jump to date (adds /jumptodate and jump to date headers)": "跳至日期(新增 /jumptodate 并跳至日期标头)", @@ -3462,7 +3454,6 @@ "Inviting %(user1)s and %(user2)s": "正在邀请 %(user1)s 与 %(user2)s", "%(user)s and %(count)s others|one": "%(user)s 与 1 个人", "%(user)s and %(count)s others|other": "%(user)s 与 %(count)s 个人", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "语音广播(正在积极开发)", "Voice broadcast": "语音广播", "Element Call video rooms": "Element通话视频房间", "Voice broadcasts": "语音广播", @@ -3492,5 +3483,82 @@ "Yes, stop broadcast": "是的,停止广播", "Are you sure you want to stop your live broadcast?This will end the broadcast and the full recording will be available in the room.": "你确定要停止你的直播吗?这将结束直播,房间里将有完整的录音。", "Stop live broadcasting?": "停止直播吗?", - "Someone else is already recording a voice broadcast. Wait for their voice broadcast to end to start a new one.": "别人已经在录制语音广播了。等到他们的语音广播结束后再开始新的广播。" + "Someone else is already recording a voice broadcast. Wait for their voice broadcast to end to start a new one.": "别人已经在录制语音广播了。等到他们的语音广播结束后再开始新的广播。", + "Upcoming features": "即将到来的功能", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "%(brand)s的下一步是什么?实验室是早期获得东西、测试新功能和在它们发布前帮助塑造的最好方式。", + "Early previews": "早期预览", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "想要做点实验?试试我们开发中的最新点子。这些功能尚未确定;它们可能不稳定,可能会变动,也可能被完全丢弃。了解更多。", + "WARNING: ": "警告:", + "You have unverified sessions": "你有未验证的会话", + "Change layout": "更改布局", + "Only applies if your homeserver does not offer one. Your IP address would be shared during a call.": "仅当你的主服务器不提供时才适用。你的IP地址在通话期间会被分享。", + "Allow fallback call assist server (turn.matrix.org)": "允许回退到通话辅助服务器(turn.matrix.org)", + "When enabled, the other party might be able to see your IP address": "启用后,对方可能能看到你的IP地址", + "Allow Peer-to-Peer for 1:1 calls": "允许1:1通话的点对点", + "Connection": "连接", + "Echo cancellation": "回声消除", + "Noise suppression": "噪音抑制", + "Voice processing": "语音处理", + "Video settings": "视频设置", + "Voice settings": "语音设置", + "Have greater visibility and control over all your sessions.": "对你的全部会话有更大的可见性和控制。", + "Our new sessions manager provides better visibility of all your sessions, and greater control over them including the ability to remotely toggle push notifications.": "我们的新会话管理器提供更好的对你的全部会话的可见性,和更多对它们的控制,包括远程开关推送通知的能力。", + "New session manager": "新会话管理器", + "Rich text editor": "富文本编辑器", + "Report to moderators": "报告给协管员", + "Video call started": "视频通话已开始", + "Unknown room": "未知房间", + "Buffering…": "正在缓冲……", + "Live": "实时", + "Change input device": "变更输入设备", + "Go live": "开始直播", + "30s forward": "前进30秒", + "30s backward": "后退30秒", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)s分钟%(seconds)s秒", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)s小时%(minutes)s分钟%(seconds)s秒", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)s天%(hours)s小时%(minutes)s分钟%(seconds)s秒", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "剩余%(minutes)s分钟%(seconds)s秒", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss left": "剩余%(hours)s小时%(minutes)s分钟%(seconds)s秒", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "在支持审核的房间中,“报告”按钮将让你向房间协管员举报滥用行为。", + "Notifications silenced": "通知已静音", + "Favourite Messages": "收藏的消息", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "临时的实现。位置在房间历史中持续保留。", + "Live Location Sharing": "实时位置共享", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "正在积极开发中,不能禁用。", + "Sliding Sync mode": "滑动同步模式", + "Defaults to room member list.": "默认为房间成员名单。", + "Right panel stays open": "右侧面板保持打开状态", + "Currently experimental.": "目前是实验性的。", + "New ways to ignore people": "忽略他人的新方式", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "在消息撰写器中使用富文本而不是Markdown。纯文本模式即将到来。", + "Join %(brand)s calls": "加入%(brand)s呼叫", + "Start %(brand)s calls": "开始%(brand)s呼叫", + "Automatically adjust the microphone volume": "自动调整话筒音量", + "Are you sure you want to sign out of %(count)s sessions?|one": "你确定要登出%(count)s个会话吗?", + "Are you sure you want to sign out of %(count)s sessions?|other": "你确定要退出这 %(count)s 个会话吗?", + "Presence": "在线", + "Apply": "申请", + "Search users in this room…": "搜索该房间内的用户……", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "授权给该房间内的某人或某些人", + "Add privileged users": "添加特权用户", + "You did it!": "你做到了!", + "Keep ownership and control of community discussion.\nScale to support millions, with powerful moderation and interoperability.": "保持对社区讨论的所有权和控制权。\n可扩展至支持数百万人,具有强大的管理审核功能和互操作性。", + "Fill screen": "填满屏幕", + "Get stuff done by finding your teammates": "找到队友,完成任务", + "Sorry — this call is currently full": "抱歉——目前线路拥挤", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "需要兼容的主服务器。", + "Low bandwidth mode": "低带宽模式", + "Automatic gain control": "自动获得控制权", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "隐藏通知的点标记(仅显示计数标记)", + "Allow a QR code to be shown in session manager to sign in another device (requires compatible homeserver)": "允许在会话管理器中显示二维码以登录另一台设备(需要兼容的主服务器)", + "Use new session manager": "使用新的会话管理器", + "Under active development": "积极开发中", + "Under active development.": "积极开发中。", + "Rename session": "重命名会话", + "Sign out all other sessions": "登出全部其他会话", + "Call type": "通话类型", + "You do not have sufficient permissions to change this.": "你没有足够的权限更改这个。", + "%(brand)s is end-to-end encrypted, but is currently limited to smaller numbers of users.": "%(brand)s是端到端加密的,但是目前仅限于少数用户。", + "Enable %(brand)s as an additional calling option in this room": "启用%(brand)s作为此房间的额外通话选项", + "It's not recommended to add encryption to public rooms. Anyone can find and join public rooms, so anyone can read messages in them. You'll get none of the benefits of encryption, and you won't be able to turn it off later. Encrypting messages in a public room will make receiving and sending messages slower.": "不建议为公共房间添加加密。任何人都能找到并加入公共房间,所以任何人都能阅读其中的消息。你不会获得加密的任何好处,并且之后你无法将其关闭。在公共房间中加密消息会使接收和发送消息变慢。" } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json index 5ebf1591dcc..d2ee8b74e46 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json @@ -1106,7 +1106,6 @@ "%(name)s cancelled": "%(name)s 已取消", "%(name)s wants to verify": "%(name)s 想要驗證", "You sent a verification request": "您已傳送了驗證請求", - "Try out new ways to ignore people (experimental)": "試用新的方式來忽略人們(實驗性)", "My Ban List": "我的封鎖清單", "This is your list of users/servers you have blocked - don't leave the room!": "這是您已封鎖的的使用者/伺服器清單,不要離開聊天室!", "Ignored/Blocked": "已忽略/已封鎖", @@ -2324,7 +2323,6 @@ "You can change these anytime.": "您隨時可以變更這些。", "Add some details to help people recognise it.": "新增一些詳細資訊來協助人們識別它。", "Check your devices": "檢查您的裝置", - "You have unverified logins": "您有未驗證的登入", "unknown person": "不明身份的人", "Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. Transfer to %(transferee)s": "與 %(transferTarget)s 進行協商。轉讓至 %(transferee)s", "Invite to just this room": "邀請到此聊天室", @@ -2390,7 +2388,6 @@ "No microphone found": "找不到麥克風", "We were unable to access your microphone. Please check your browser settings and try again.": "我們無法存取您的麥克風。請檢查您的瀏覽器設定並再試一次。", "Unable to access your microphone": "無法存取您的麥克風", - "Feeling experimental? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch. Learn more.": "想要來點實驗嗎?實驗室是儘早取得成果,測試新功能並在實際發佈前協助塑造它們的最佳方式。取得更多資訊。", "Your access token gives full access to your account. Do not share it with anyone.": "您的存取權杖可給您帳號完整的存取權限。不要將其與任何人分享。", "Access Token": "存取權杖", "Please enter a name for the space": "請輸入空間名稱", @@ -2473,7 +2470,6 @@ "Silence call": "通話靜音", "Sound on": "開啟聲音", "Show all rooms in Home": "在首頁顯示所有聊天室", - "Report to moderators prototype. In rooms that support moderation, the `report` button will let you report abuse to room moderators": "向管理員回報的範本。在支援管理的聊天室中,「回報」按鈕讓您可以回報濫用行為給聊天室管理員", "%(senderName)s changed the pinned messages for the room.": "%(senderName)s 變更了聊天室的釘選訊息。", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation": "%(senderName)s 撤回了 %(targetName)s 的邀請", "%(senderName)s withdrew %(targetName)s's invitation: %(reason)s": "%(senderName)s 撤回了 %(targetName)s 的邀請:%(reason)s", @@ -2637,7 +2633,6 @@ "To avoid these issues, create a new encrypted room for the conversation you plan to have.": "為了避免這些問題,請為您計畫中的對話建立新的加密聊天室。", "Are you sure you want to add encryption to this public room?": "您確定您要在此公開聊天室新增加密?", "Cross-signing is ready but keys are not backed up.": "已準備好交叉簽署但金鑰未備份。", - "Low bandwidth mode (requires compatible homeserver)": "低頻寬模式(需要相容的家伺服器)", "Thread": "討論串", "Threaded messaging": "討論串訊息", "The above, but in as well": "以上,但也在 中", @@ -3026,7 +3021,6 @@ "Group all your favourite rooms and people in one place.": "將所有您最喜愛的聊天室與夥伴集中在同一個地方。", "Spaces are ways to group rooms and people. Alongside the spaces you're in, you can use some pre-built ones too.": "空間是將聊天室與夥伴們分組的方式。除了您所在的空間之外,您也可以使用一些預先建立好的。", "Call": "通話", - "Right panel stays open (defaults to room member list)": "右側面板維持開啟狀態(預設為聊天室成員清單)", "Unable to check if username has been taken. Try again later.": "無法檢查使用者名稱是否已被使用。請稍後再試。", "IRC (Experimental)": "IRC(實驗性)", "Toggle hidden event visibility": "切換隱藏事件的能見度", @@ -3289,7 +3283,6 @@ "You can also ask your homeserver admin to upgrade the server to change this behaviour.": "您也可以要求您的家伺服器管理員以升級伺服器來變更此行為。", "If you want to retain access to your chat history in encrypted rooms you should first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards.": "若您想保留對加密聊天室中聊天紀錄的存取權限,您應該先匯出您的聊天室金鑰,然後再重新匯入它們。", "Changing your password on this homeserver will cause all of your other devices to be signed out. This will delete the message encryption keys stored on them, and may make encrypted chat history unreadable.": "變更此家伺服器上的密碼將導致您的所有其他裝置登出。這將會刪除儲存在其中的訊息加密金鑰,並可能使加密的聊天紀錄無法讀取。", - "Live Location Sharing (temporary implementation: locations persist in room history)": "即時位置分享(臨時實作:位置會保留在聊天室的歷史紀錄中)", "An error occurred while stopping your live location": "停止您的即時位置時發生錯誤", "Enable live location sharing": "啟用即時位置分享", "Please note: this is a labs feature using a temporary implementation. This means you will not be able to delete your location history, and advanced users will be able to see your location history even after you stop sharing your live location with this room.": "請注意:這是臨時實作的實驗室功能。這代表您將無法刪除您的位置歷史紀錄,即時您停止與此聊天室分享您的即時位置,進階使用者仍能看見您的位置歷史紀錄。", @@ -3386,7 +3379,6 @@ "You're in": "您加入了", "You need to have the right permissions in order to share locations in this room.": "您必須有正確的權限才能在此聊天室中分享位置。", "You don't have permission to share locations": "您無權分享位置", - "Favourite Messages (under active development)": "最愛的訊息(正在積極開發中)", "Messages in this chat will be end-to-end encrypted.": "此聊天中的訊息將會端到端加密。", "Send your first message to invite to chat": "傳送您的第一則訊息以邀請 來聊天", "Saved Items": "已儲存的項目", @@ -3497,12 +3489,10 @@ "Your server lacks native support": "您的伺服器缺乏原生支援", "Your server has native support": "您的伺服器有原生支援", "Checking...": "正在檢查……", - "Sliding Sync mode (under active development, cannot be disabled)": "滑動同步模式(積極開發中,無法停用)", "You need to be able to kick users to do that.": "您必須可以踢除使用者才能作到這件事。", "Sign out of this session": "登出此工作階段", "Rename session": "重新命名工作階段", "Voice broadcast": "音訊廣播", - "Voice broadcast (under active development)": "語音廣播(正在活躍開發中)", "Element Call video rooms": "Element Call 視訊聊天室", "Voice broadcasts": "音訊廣播", "You do not have permission to start voice calls": "您無權開始音訊通話", @@ -3537,7 +3527,6 @@ "Room info": "聊天室資訊", "View chat timeline": "檢視聊天時間軸", "Close call": "關閉通話", - "Layout type": "佈局類型", "Spotlight": "聚焦", "Freedom": "自由", "Video call (%(brand)s)": "視訊通話 (%(brand)s)", @@ -3558,7 +3547,6 @@ "Sign out all other sessions": "登出其他所有工作階段", "Underline": "底線", "Italic": "義式斜體", - "Try out the rich text editor (plain text mode coming soon)": "試用格式化文字編輯器(純文字模式即將推出)", "resume voice broadcast": "恢復語音廣播", "pause voice broadcast": "暫停語音廣播", "Notifications silenced": "通知已靜音", @@ -3647,5 +3635,49 @@ "Too many attempts in a short time. Retry after %(timeout)s.": "短時間內太多次嘗試訪問,請稍等 %(timeout)s 秒後再嘗試。", "Too many attempts in a short time. Wait some time before trying again.": "短時間內太多次嘗試訪問,請稍待一段時間後再嘗試。", "Thread root ID: %(threadRootId)s": "討論串根 ID:%(threadRootId)s", - "Change input device": "變更輸入裝置" + "Change input device": "變更輸入裝置", + "%(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(minutes)s分鐘%(seconds)s秒", + "%(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(hours)s小時%(minutes)s分鐘%(seconds)s秒", + "%(days)sd %(hours)sh %(minutes)sm %(seconds)ss": "%(days)s天%(hours)s小時%(minutes)s分鐘%(seconds)s秒", + "WARNING: ": "警告: ", + "We were unable to start a chat with the other user.": "我們無法與其他使用者開始聊天。", + "Error starting verification": "開始驗證時發生錯誤", + "Feeling experimental? Try out our latest ideas in development. These features are not finalised; they may be unstable, may change, or may be dropped altogether. Learn more.": "想要做點實驗?試試看我們開發中的最新點子。這些功能尚未確定;它們可能不穩定,可能會變動,也可能會被完全丟棄。取得更多資訊。", + "Early previews": "早期預覽", + "What's next for %(brand)s? Labs are the best way to get things early, test out new features and help shape them before they actually launch.": "%(brand)s 的下一步是什麼?實驗室是盡早取得資訊、測試新功能並在實際釋出前協助塑造它們的最佳方式。", + "Upcoming features": "即將推出的功能", + "Requires compatible homeserver.": "需要相容的家伺服器。", + "Low bandwidth mode": "低頻寬模式", + "Under active development": "正在積極開發中", + "Under active development.": "正在積極開發中。", + "Favourite Messages": "最愛訊息", + "Temporary implementation. Locations persist in room history.": "暫時的實作。位置將會保留在聊天室歷史紀錄中。", + "Live Location Sharing": "即時位置分享", + "Under active development, cannot be disabled.": "正在積極開發中,無法停用。", + "Sliding Sync mode": "滑動同步模式", + "Defaults to room member list.": "預設為聊天室成員清單。", + "Right panel stays open": "右側面板維持開啟狀態", + "Currently experimental.": "目前為實驗性。", + "New ways to ignore people": "忽略人們的新方式", + "Use rich text instead of Markdown in the message composer. Plain text mode coming soon.": "在訊息編輯器中使用格式化文字而非 Markdown。純文字模式即將到來。", + "Rich text editor": "格式化文字編輯器", + "In rooms that support moderation, the “Report” button will let you report abuse to room moderators.": "在支援審核的聊天室中,「回報」按鈕讓您可以回報濫用行為給聊天室管理員。", + "Report to moderators": "回報給管理員", + "Buffering…": "正在緩衝……", + "Change layout": "變更佈局", + "You have unverified sessions": "您有未驗證的工作階段", + "Sign in instead": "改為登入", + "Re-enter email address": "重新輸入電子郵件地址", + "Wrong email address?": "錯誤的電子郵件地址?", + "Hide notification dot (only display counters badges)": "隱藏通知點(僅顯示計數器徽章)", + "This session doesn't support encryption and thus can't be verified.": "此工作階段不支援加密,因此無法驗證。", + "For best security and privacy, it is recommended to use Matrix clients that support encryption.": "為獲得最佳安全性與隱私,建議使用支援加密的 Matrix 客戶端。", + "You won't be able to participate in rooms where encryption is enabled when using this session.": "使用此工作階段時,您將無法參與啟用加密的聊天室。", + "This session doesn't support encryption, so it can't be verified.": "此工作階段不支援加密,因此無法驗證。", + "Apply": "套用", + "Search users in this room…": "搜尋此聊天室中的使用者……", + "Give one or multiple users in this room more privileges": "給這個聊天室中的一個使用者或多個使用者更多的權限", + "Add privileged users": "新增特權使用者", + "%(senderName)s ended a voice broadcast": "%(senderName)s 結束了語音廣播", + "You ended a voice broadcast": "您結束了語音廣播" }