This is the back-end that powers The front-end is in a different repository, at
julia ./api/mux_server.jl 7777
where 7777 is the port you want it to host on. You can then access it at http://localhost:7777.
docker build -t diffeqonline-server .
You can run the image with
docker run -i -t --rm -p 7777:7777 -e PORT=7777 diffeqonline-server
which will host it at rather than at localhost. The IP might vary.
You can run a interactive version of the container and not start the server with
docker run -dit -p 7777:7777 --entrypoint=/bin/bash diffeqonline-server
This does still open up the port in case you want to run some testing.
General instructions can be found here, but it's pretty much just
heroku container:deploy
heroku container:push web --app AppName
You need to make sure you are properly authenticated with the Heroku CLI for this to work.