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Docker images for Bachelor/Master courses and training workshops

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Due to changes in Docker policy, a subscription is necessary to build Docker images on DockerHub infrastructure. An individual personal subscription was taken see prices and this repository moved to

This repository is now archived 💾 Go to for up-to-date Docker files and images. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

These Docker files are used to build computational environments to teach students or train employees. For instance, these are used in:

  • the Master Green Life Sciences. For the course entitled "Tools in Molecular Biology"
  • the Carpentry-style courses "RNA-seq" and "shotgun-microbiome".

Docker images are automatically tested and built on Docker Hub.

All Docker images ready to use are available at the Dockerhub master-gls repository.

Docker containers can be run. For domain-specific instructions, see the instructions below.

1. Local usage

To test it locally, you'll need to install Docker Desktop first: see instructions at docker desktop.

1.1 Open Data Science with R

Based on the DockerHub rocker/tidyverse image but with three added libraries (skimr, plotly and nycflights13).
docker run --detach --name rstudio_instance -e PASSWORD=mypwd -p 8787:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:openr-latest

Then navigate to http://localhost:8787 in your web browser. You should have an RStudio session running. Type rstudio as the user name and your password.

The --detach flag makes sure the container runs in the backgroupd and returns the interactive command-line prompt.
The --name gives a name to the running container for easy retrieval.
The -p 8787:8787 follow the format -p host_port:container_port. Therefore the port 8787 inside the container will be exposed to the outside port on the host machine. That way, the running instance of RStudio can be access through the :port format.

1.2 Phylogeny

The phylogeny/ folder contains the Docker file used to build the image.

The Docker image contains:

  • ncbi-blast version 2.9.0
  • muscle version 3.8.31
  • seqinr version 3.4_5
  • iqtree=1.6.12

To use it locally on your machine:

  1. Open a Shell window (command-line interface).
  2. Navigate to your working directory where you have the files you want to work on for instance.
  3. Type docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/home/ scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:phylogeny-latest

The --detach flag makes sure the container runs in the backgroupd and returns the interactive command-line prompt.
The --it starts an interactive session (so you enter the shell directly).
The -v mounts your current working directory onto the /home/ folder inside your container. That way, you can access the files in your working directory from within the container.

1.3 Microbiome (amplicon-based)

A Dockerfile to follow the Carpentry-style microbiota data analysis lesson.

This Docker image contains:

  • Three datasets called data_loue_16S_nonnorm_grp.txt, data_loue_16S_nonnorm_taxo.txt and data_loue_16S_nonnorm.txt.
  • vegan version 2.5-6
  • tidyverse version 1.3.0
  • pheatmap version 1.0.12
  • ade4 version 1.7-10
  • multcomp version 1.4-10
  • patchwork version 1.0.0
  • agricolae version 1.3-0
  • FSA version 0.8.27
  • rcompanion version 2.3.0
  • phyloseq Bioconductor version 3.10
  • dada2 Bioconductor version 3.10

To use it locally on your machine:
To use it locally on your machine:

  1. Open a Shell window (command-line interface).
  2. Navigate to your working directory where you have the files you want to work on for instance.
  3. Type docker run --detach --name rstudio -e PASSWORD=<choose a password> -p 8787:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:microbiome-latest.
  4. In a web browser, open this link: http://localhost:8787.
  5. Finally enter rstudio as the user name and your select password.

1.4 fastq

A Dockerfile to perform the command-line parts of the Carpentry-style RNA-seq lesson: the "fastq NGS quality check" and the "fastq to counts" section.
In addition, it can also be used to teach the Carpentry Shell lesson.

The Docker image contains:

To use it locally on your machine:

  1. Open a Shell window (command-line interface).
  2. Navigate to your working directory where you have the files you want to work on for instance.
  3. Type docker run -it scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:fastq-2021.
  4. You will enter inside the container where you can execute bash commands.

Virtual Machines

2 vCPUs and 2GB of RAM are sufficient per machine to run the lesson.

1.5 RNA-seq

A Dockerfile for the Carpentry-style RNA-seq lesson.
The image is based on a Docker Bioconductor image release 3.10.


The Docker image contains:

From CRAN:

  • devtools (from the MRAN microsoft CRAN mirror of 2020/01/01.
  • pheatmap version 1.0.12
  • tidyverse version 1.3.0
  • pwr version 1.2.0
  • RColorBrewer version 1.0.5
  • BiocManager version 1.30.1
  • biomartr version 0.9.0

From Bioconductor release 3.10:

  • EnhancedVolcano
  • DESeq2
  • clusterProfiler
  • biomaRt
  • org.At.tair.db
  • Biostrings
  • vsn


Two datasets are included.

  1. Tutorial dataset available here and described here:
  • counts.tsv
  • experimental_design_modified.tsv This dataset is included in the Docker image itself.
  1. NASA dataset: the raw and scaled counts from the NASA GeneLab GSL38 RNA-seq and proteomics experiment.

To use it locally on your machine:

  1. Open a Shell window (command-line interface).
  2. Navigate to your working directory where you have the files you want to work on for instance.
  3. Type docker run --detach --name machine01 -e PASSWORD=<choose a password> -p 8787:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:rnaseq-2021.
  4. In a web browser, open this link: http://localhost:8787.
  5. Finally enter rstudio as the user name and your select password.

Explanations: The --detach flag makes sure the container is still running in the background after the prompt returns. The base image is built on a RStudio server that will ask you for two things: a user name that is always rstudio and a password which is one you have to create. You will be asked for a user name and a password.

1.6 Shotgun microbiome RNA-seq

A Dockerfile for the Carpentries incubator lesson on shotgun metagenomics.

The image is based on a Docker Bioconductor image release 3.10.

2. Cloud usage

For now, I have relied on the Digital Ocean cloud computing platform to deploy Docker containers that in turn serve RStudio instances.

2.1 One RStudio machine

If you only want to run one RStudio virtual machine, then follow these steps:

  1. First, create a project to host a "Digital Ocean droplet" (virtual machine). This machine will serve to deploy N virtual machines (one VM per student).
  2. In the 'Marketplace' tab, choose the Docker apps which will starts a Virtual Machine with the Linux distribution Ubuntu 18.04 and Docker CE version VERSION 18.06.1 or higher. Find it here.
  3. Open a Shell terminal and connect through ssh to your machine e.g. ssh root@ip and enter the Digital Ocean provided password. The IP address will be indicated in your "Droplets" sidebar. For example, use ssh root@ if your IP address is
  4. Start screen to make sure that your VM stays up and running when you log out / turn off your computer. See this help forum.
  5. Run the appropriate Docker command e.g. docker run --rm --name rstudio -e PASSWORD=mypwd -p 8787:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:openr-latest. (choose the appropriate Docker image). You can define your own username and password.
  6. Your app should be running at its defined IP address.

2.2 Multiple RStudio machines (one per student)

If you want to run multiple containers (e.g. one per student), you need to perform the same steps as for a single machine (see above). The difference is that expose a different port on the host each time.

Here's an example for two students:

  • Student 1 ("machine-01"): docker run --detach --name machine-01 -v ~/machines/machine01/:/home/rstudio/ -e PASSWORD=student01 -p 8080:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:openr-latest
  • Student 2 ("machine-02"): docker run --detach --name machine-02 -v ~/machines/machine02/:/home/rstudio/ -e PASSWORD=student02 -p 8081:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:openr-latest

Notice that student 1 uses port 8080 while student 2 uses port 8081.

... etc ...

A small Python script called is available and can be used on a file called students.tsv with tabulated-separated values with the following format:

student machine password port
John Doe machine-01 john 8787
Jane Doe machine-02 jane 8788

In a Python virtual environment with pandas available, run the following command:

python students.tsv 

This will create the Docker commands that can be copy-pasted in the shell of the cloud instance:

docker run --detach --name machine-01 -e PASSWORD=john -p 8787:8787 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:openr-latest
docker run --detach --name machine-02 -e PASSWORD=jane -p 8787:8788 scienceparkstudygroup/master-gls:openr-latest

In this way, you can have one machine per student, each one on its own port with its own password.

2.3 Issues with user permissions and volume sharing with the host cloud machine

See this blog post:

2.4 Useful Docker commands

  • Stop all containers: docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
  • To restart them, use this: docker start <container_id or container_name>
  • Remove stopped containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  • Remove ALL containers: This will remove both stopped and running containers. Beware! docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
  • ⚠️ Remove all images: docker rmi $(docker images -q) --force

3.Digital Ocean command-line interface

Droplets are Linux-based Virtual Machines that can be created and deleted on demand.

3.1 The doctl CLI

Digital Ocean has a docl command-line interface that can be used to perform actions programmatically.
This is useful when multiple droplets need to be created or modified for instance.

Link to the doctl documantion

To use doctl you will need to create an access token (DO > API). Assign a bash environmental variable (that stays on your computer) to keep it secret when recording commands.

echo "export DO_TOKEN=you_secret_token" >> ~/.bash_profile   # to create an env variable called $DO_TOKEN  
source ~/.bash_profile   # to activate your profile

This creates the $DO_TOKEN environmental variable that you can use to authenticate with the doctl command-line.

3.2 Listing droplets

It is often useful to list the available droplets, their CPUs, etc. in order to create multiple ones with the same configuration for instance.

To list all available droplets, type:

doctl compute size list
Slug                  Memory    VCPUs    Disk    Price Monthly    Price Hourly
s-1vcpu-1gb           1024      1        25      5.00             0.007440
s-1vcpu-1gb-amd       1024      1        25      6.00             0.008930
s-1vcpu-1gb-intel     1024      1        25      6.00             0.008930
s-1vcpu-2gb           2048      1        50      10.00            0.014880
s-1vcpu-2gb-amd       2048      1        50      12.00            0.017860
s-1vcpu-2gb-intel     2048      1        50      12.00            0.017860
s-2vcpu-2gb           2048      2        60      15.00            0.022320
s-2vcpu-2gb-amd       2048      2        60      18.00            0.026790
s-2vcpu-2gb-intel     2048      2        60      18.00            0.026790

You can use a regular grep to filter this list. For instance, to get the memory-optimized droplets that start with an "m", grep them with:

doctl compute size list |grep "^m-"

The "slug" column contains the short description of the machine configuration. You will have to specify it when creating the machines.

To get a list of your running droplets, type:

doctl compute droplet list --format "ID,Name,PublicIPv4" 

3.3 Creating virtual machines

One machine

For instance, to create a Virtual Machine (droplet) with Docker 19.03.12 running on Ubuntu 20.04, do:

doctl compute droplet create --image docker-20-04 \  # Ubuntu 20.04 with Docker installed 
                             --enable-monitoring \   # Adds monitoring for CPU usage, RAM etc.
                             --region ams3 \         # region where the droplet is created (e.g. Amsterdam 3)
                             --tag-name rnaseq  \    # tag for droplet management
                             --ssh-keys 27380279 \   # A list of SSH key fingerprints to embed upon creation
                             --size s-2vcpu-2gb \    # slug format to indicate compute size and resources 

Important notes

  • The --tag-name is useful to perform actions on multiple droplets at once.
  • The --ssh-keys will point to a SSH key ID to be used with the Droplet root account. This avoids the need for passwords. Here I give my custom public key ID 27380279. If this flag is not provided, you will get an email with the login credentials.

Multiple machines

It is then rather easy to create a series of VMs called "machine-01", "machine-02" using a for loop.
Say you want to create 20 machines, then:

for i in {1..20} 
	echo "machine-${i}" 
	doctl compute droplet create --image docker-20-04 \  # Ubuntu 20.04 with Docker installed 
                             --enable-monitoring \     # Adds monitoring for CPU usage, RAM etc.
                             --region ams3 \           # region where the droplet is created (e.g. Amsterdam 3)
                             --tag-name rnaseq  \      # tag for droplet management
                             --ssh-keys 27380279 \     # 
                             --size s-2vcpu-2gb \      # slug format to indicate compute size and resources 
                             "machine-${i}"            # creates a name with the machine number

3.5 Deleting virtual machines

Using the tag that was specified with --tag-name it is possible to delete all machines at once:
doctl compute droplet delete --tag-name rnaseq

3. References

3.1 Linux-based containers

For the phylogeny course and the RNA-seq courses.

3.2 RStudio containers

For the microbiome and RNA-seq courses.

3.3 Useful links

3.4 Social media repository picture

Andrew Bain on Unsplash.