We defined a data model although we use a nosql database to frame the User Interface generation (forms, validation, access...). We use this set of files to descrie Isari data model :
schema.js: a mongoose data model js file which describe data objects.
schema_meta.json: a json file listing metadata for each data attributes. This file list :
- labels in fr and en
- requirements: mandatory or recommended
- accessType: specific access type
- suggestions: the method to use to suggest input values (see autocompletion.md)
- accessMonitoring: a tag indicating the monitoring group (see editLogs.md) this fields belongs to. It implies that corresponding fields should be monitored and should trigger sepcific action when modified (report for post-moderation).
schema.enums.json: a json file which list values for controlled data attributes
role_access.json: a json file which describes roles and access types see role_access.md
Check those documentation about key features:
Data are stored in a MongoDB through mongoose. We use mongo-connector to index those data in a elasticsearch engine. A nodejs server using mongoose deliver a REST API through express. A web client coded in angular2 proposes data edition and exploration feeatures.
see the schema of the ISARI software architecture
mongodb version >3.2 pour $lookup aggregate function
/!\ BeWARE OF LOOKUP limitation, maybe leave lookups to driver/ORM by query cascades ?
"accessType": "Restricted access field?, ex. 'confidential'",
"label": {
"langCode": "label for this language",
"…": "…"
"template": "name of template function in templates.js",
"requirement": "'mandatory' or 'recommended'",
"accessMonitoring": "this field has special focus for logs analysis",
"suggestions": "What type of autocomplete?",
"description": {
"langCode": "Description usable as a hint",
"…": "…"
"comment": "Technical comment",
"service": "Third-party service data is taken from",
"//": "name.$field === Take values from field's value as a key from object enum",
"type": {
"string": "optional, default type",
"text": "long string, supposedly rendered as textarea",
"markdown": "long string, supposedly rendered as a Markdown editor",
"boolean": "",
"date": "3-selects date (translated into YYYY-MM-DD string field)",
"email": "string with specific format",
"ref": "dbref (optional, default if 'ref' is defined)"
"ref": "target collection if type is 'dbref'",
"enum": "name of enums to take data from, see schema.enums.json, or direct list of values",
"default": "default value",
"min": "validation rule",
"max": "validation rule",
"regex": "validation rule",
"anyOtherField": "sub-field description (recursive)"
- Hard Enum :
- Config :
"enum": "enumName"
- Client :
non extensible - Suggestions : appel à l'API
- Serveur : validation
- Config :
- Soft Enum :
- Config :
"softenum": "enumName"
- Client :
extensible - Suggestions : appel à l'API
- Serveur : pas de validation
- Config :
- FK :
- Config :
"ref": "model"
- Client :
extensible (?)- TODO définir la méthode d'ajout d'un élément dans le flux de saisie (simple soumission du champ texte ne marche pas, dans
on a déjà deux champs mandatory)
- TODO définir la méthode d'ajout d'un élément dans le flux de saisie (simple soumission du champ texte ne marche pas, dans
- Suggestions : appel à l'API
- TODO définir les données retournées par le serveur en l'absence d'info suggestions
- Si
"suggestions": "top_X"
, retourner les X valeurs les plus utilisées pour ce champ
- Server : validation
- Config :